Sydney Sweeney Endures a Nightmare While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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the bomb is really bomb I know it really is they're not lying when they have that oh my God hey what's going on everybody for first we Feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by Sydney Sweeney she's an mem awward nominated actress you know from breakout hit shows like White Lotus the handmade stale and Euphoria as well as a year in film that includes anyone but you reality and more now though she's taking on the role of Julia Carpenter and Madam Webb the latest from the spiderverse set to release in theaters on February 14th Sydney Sweeney welcome to the show thank you what's going through your head as you prepare to take on the hot ones lineup are you at all nervous going into this I am so nervous I am shaking right now this is going to I am I am this is terrifying for me [Music] all [Music] right that was PR [Music] good I think I psyched myself too high and I'm good okay I got this I can see so there's been so much building anticipation for your performance in Madam web especially so since the first images of you and the Spiderwoman suit leaked to the internet November do you remember where you were and what was going through your head when you tried on the costume and ey mask for the first time yes I was in Boston already we we filmed in Boston and we had like this really cool scan done of our body so they could get like a full 3d measurement of us and they showed us sketches and I was like oh my God that's so cool cuzz it had like full 3d sketches of our faces and when I put it on I truly I felt like a superhero it was the coolest thing ever oh dear M it doesn't feel as spicy as the other one we're like lulling you into a false sense of security over here yeah that's not as spicy shifting gears on you Sydney playing all kinds of Mind Games yeah I wasn't that wasn't spicy at all there we go shrugging it off okay you got this all along okay this is not bad so I know that you've been an avid Bookworm since childhood which now as someone who owns a production company serves this Dual Purpose as being a powerful pipeline to the big screen what are the elements that make a novel a prime candidate for adaptation and are there any telltale signs that let you know it'll be an uphill climb yeah you know there's a lot of different variables that go into if I like a book or not whether I connect to the the character if it's moving how it's developed if there's a amazing Arc to that character or the story itself um or if I'm just interested in it sometimes I just find a whole story interesting and I'm like there's something there I can take a concept of that and twist it into something else and I'll find it that way what's the uh best book you read this year ooh the best book I've read you know I read Clara in the sun it was really good there we go possible adaptation there I think so all right so this one's got a little sweet a little Savory [Music] okay not spicy at all I thought this was hot ones oh I remember you said that okay doing research about you you know I saw this story over and over again about your prep process and how you'll do these character biographies mhm of the characters you've played which 100-page Journal do you think would be like the best seller as a personal Memoir ooh probably Cassie Cassie's book is really really cool it's the most developed cuz I've had so much time with her yeah you had like the whole summer to do it right well the whole summer and then also there's been I have two seasons of her so she's grown so much and I was able to have season 1 and then season two and just kind of De this book so it's really cool to just see how it changes where do you keep all the character Bibles like are they in a box somewhere are they on a shelf they're in a shelf in a box and there's there's a there's a sign that says Sydney do not touch it's not spicy do you even have taste buds in I don't know it might all be just scorched Earth actually back here right but I have to say you must be impressing yourself a little bit at this point I'm really impressing myself right now I'm very proud I am too very impressed from this side of the table thank you thank you what are the mechanics of throwing up on camera like that scene in season 2 of euphoria in the hot tub that's one of the most realistic puking scenes I've ever seen on TV so there was a lot of work that went behind that they had to create because Sam wanted of course it just to be projectile vomit everywhere where a lot of films they'll just have a cup of mushed up anything that they have from crafty mixed with milk and water and the most disgusting thing and you just put it in your mouth and you hold it and then you puke it up but Sam of course did not want that he just wanted vomit everywhere so they had to get a pump and and they had this pipe that they just taped and hid all my body and then they CGI it out up my neck and then there was a horse bit that I had to put in my mouth and so during that scene they're filling my mouth with throw up and then I and then I open my mouth and it just starts shooting out of my mouth and it was the most disgusting thing I've ever experienced this is the movie Magic behind the scenes topics these are the things that we like to dive in here but I think that was important because what you're saying is Right everyone has the cup but then you don't really get the realistic volume you need volume you need the pump it's a very insane pump too but the horse bit it was so I was like why do I need the horse bit it was [Music] huge interesting okay we'll [Music] see interesting [Music] choice yeah who's going to drink first ooh it's a standoff well you know what now that the Line in the Sand has been drawn I'm going to hold my ground oh really we'll see who drinks first Sydney okay see not only star and executive have produced the 2023 romcom anyone but you but I know also spent a year working on a spec script and it's clear that you have an affinity for that early 2000s feel good love story that Hollywood used to make a lot more often what to you are the Hallmarks of a good romantic comedy like when they work what makes them work I think when you have two characters who you fall in love with and you want them to fall in love also um I love aamcom that you leave the theater and you have laughed you've cried you want to go and fall absolutely head over heels in love uh that's what makes a really good romcom off the top of your head and without thinking about it too much what is Sydney Sweeney's goat romcom I'm not even lying when I say It's My Best Friend's Wedding which was so cool because we got to see it with dermit and he hadn't seen that movie since the premiere and it was the most special beautiful experience all right we are halfway done believe it or not wow not a sweat broke I know I can't believe it this next one is the bourbon Maple Reaper in the six spot Reaper which is important also this one's way darker than the other ones that's when you know it's getting serious over here are are you trying to cool it down there's nothing you can do I reflexively do that but it doesn't help all right yeah I'm good I'm good I knew it is someone whose hobbies include MMA training dirt bikes wakeboarding and operating on heavy machinery what's the worst injury you've ever suffered at the hands of your hobbies oh so I when I was I think I was 11 or 12 I look back cuz my mom's here yeah yeah um I got yeah I think I was 11 or 12 uh I got on a wakeboarding accident and the board came up and sliced my face and I have a scar right here next to my eye and I had to get a bunch of stitches that was the worst accident ever but when I got my stitches out my mom took me back out to the lake and put me back in the water and I'm screaming and crying cuz I did not want to get back up on the board I was terrified and she would not let me leave until I stood back up well shout out to Mom yeah when you fall off that horse get back up you got to get back up yeah how about this uh which extracurricular of your youth do you remember more fondly robotic team or the academic Club math is cool how do you know this um oh my God I don't know which one I would say is my favorite I think math is cool I fell in love with math you know why cuz it's cool exactly CU it's [ __ ] cool because it's [ __ ] cool how did you find that out yeah wait you're Sydney Sweeny we have to know shout out nard War oh my God all right are you ready to move on here to is sauce number seven yes so here we have a forbidden fruit okay mhm I see kind of a contemplative look on your face well I'm trying to figure out where I'm supposed to taste the [Laughter] spice damn I'm really confused right now well we'll check on the next one the next one will be a good stress test for this whole thing but maybe you got to get into Carolina Reaper eating competitions or something you know if the acting thing doesn't work out I'll just like travel around different fairs this is the talent inside you all along I had no idea so the fashion of euphoria is so influential that it spawned its own coffee table book what would you say distinguishes the approach of costume designer Heidi Biven oo I think that she has approached each character with such a unique Vision that she allows all of us to also bring our own ideas to the table which is really cool is there a backstory to the jam out with your clam out tea that you wore on White Lotus um no how about this what to you is fundamental or key when picking out the perfect bucket hat oh you know I actually really like bucket hats if it fits my head yeah just shape do you have an all-time favorite stylist pull that you've been able to walk off set with and work into rotation ooh I always take uh all of my stylus things usually jackets purses shoes if you're going to take the time to tailor them you might as well right I don't get it I do not understand we tailor these outfits we do this whole thing I don't know how it fits everybody else and then I have to give it back makes me sad it's not fair it's just going to go into storage I'll wear it again all right Sydney mhm you have walked right along this chicken wing line okay unaffected yes unfaced okay this next one is the bomb Beyond Insanity ooh we go out with the old in with the new every year okay except for this sauce which has held its ground since basically the beginning why you're about to find out [Music] okay that pretty good what wow I mean I feel tingly on my lips yeah I that one might have an after effect yeah and builds a little bit but that one's building in my mouth yeah yeah it's all right we got this yeah that one's building M what it why it doesn't stop either I I think it's just um something about it you know wow and there aren't a lot of great redeeming culinary qualities about it either so it's kind of just like straight taking gasoline or something you know yeah yeah all right finally I was worried wow I know is your tongue num my my throat is uh I can't even feel it you know what I mean that's number what eight which is good why is this happening because it just it's what happens and this is where I'll say be careful on the eyes you know you'll have like a natural kind of um urge a natural impulse to wipe your eyes try not to WIP my eyes all right so earlier this year what is in this I it's just I don't know maybe like amounts of poison cuz I won't drink it first no I'm stand I'm standing up I'm 10 toes I'm on 10 toes right here so earlier this year are you talking it's just a lot of practice I've had a lot of practice but you did a GQ 10 Things I can't live without video and opened it perhaps joking perhaps not about eating Kit Kats for breakfast and then sprinkling Sour Patch Kids in your popcorn so that you have about that surprise when you eat no I get it I get it I wish I had an ice cream show I really do but this is the cross that I bear over here do you have a Mount Rushmore of movie theater candies a top four sugary snacks to pair with film yes I do I like um AirHeads um I like peanut M&M's I like sour PCH kids and wow uh Kit Kats with Madam Webb dropping on Valentine's Day do you have a take or a position on Candy Hearts I love them the bomb is really bomb I know it really is they're not lying when they have that oh my God but you know what I think this is a healthy reaction you know what you had going on before this was maybe more concerning than this you know I think that they all just waited to kick it all at the same time yeah the cumulative effect unlocked it all and you know what I think they heard you popping [ __ ] about them I think so you know I think that that's really what happened and then all of a sudden you needed this uh Revenge Arc God damn people are going to just come at me in the comments now they're not they're not they're going to be so inspired by your Bravery here [Music] yeah how do you feel about moving on here I feel great let's do it I love that attitude you know I'm catching secondhand enthusiasm over and I think it's given me the strength that I [Music] need is this another deadly killer anything that you eat after the bomb yeah is just a little bit easier yeah exactly it kind of clears everybody out the paint and allows for smooth sailing not fun by any stretch of imagination but no you got it oh that's good is it true that you briefly worked as a tour guide at Universal Studios and if so did you have a favorite tour fun fact or point of Interest I used to do the architecture tour of the Chicago River in Lake Michigan so share a natural kinship in the profession that's so cool yeah no um I you know was a struggling actor in high school and I had to pay all my own bills cuz my mom I mean I love you Mom I love you so much um but yeah I'd pay my phone bill car insurance uh everything gas uh and I'm so glad she did cuz I've learned how to budget and save my money and and know what's important in life um I always I love tour guides at Universal I memorize the entire thing and so I was there for a little bit and then I actually booked um sharp objects that's a great exit strategy I was I was out there on that River and Lake for like six years like six Summers I used to have dreams where i' do the entire shift that I just did in my dream and then go back to doing tours that's the one thing about running Dre about this but the good thing is Sydney Sweeney yeah the night nightmare is almost over well if you're doing I have to do it there we go oh shoot just be careful stey hands I'm already joking I pour too much do you want to switch do you want to trade nope respect you know what then I'll add a little extra too I I just you know I I want the same wavelength over here I'm going to even it out there you go SL spread okay ready [Music] yep incredible mhm and like I said nothing fun about that nope but we're here at the end and to close things out what I want to do is just a quick rapid fire travel guide okay for someone who grew up near the border of Washington and Idaho it's the first time we've ever had a guest with that situation okay first things first summer at the lake do I need to go to cordal lane or S Point ooh summertime quarter line huckleberry picking overrated or underrated love it there you go properly rated and then finally a favorite local mountain to ski is it schwitzer schwitzer but I was I was actually I was on the ski team at M Spokan yeah well you know what it would be nice to be on the snow tipped mountain peak right now yes it would but you know what it's all over the worst is over Sydney Sweeney taking on the wings of death living to tell the tale and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life um I'm I'm just hoping I don't die by tomorrow um I got a movie that's coming out called Madam web it's really cool you should go see it my lips are going numb all right now yeah Cheers Cheers let's drink it's time [Music] cheers oh why didn't we do that sooner we should have done that way earlier wow it's good right thanks for bringing this in first time on that that works yeah frapuccino I'm really [ __ ] proud of myself you should be proud of yourself I thought I was going to die made it through well only time will'll tell but I it's looking good yeah it's looking good okay that was insane hey what's going on hot ones fans this is Sean Evans thank you so much for watching today's episode and if you would like to get the taste of hot ones delivered right to your door well I have good news for you the season 23 hot ones 10 pack is available now that's to get your hands on the season 23 hot ones lineup milk that included ice cream highly recommended and remember be careful around the eyes
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 5,584,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, sydney sweeney, sydney sweeney interview, sydney sweeney euphoria, euphoria, the white lotus, madame web, glen powell, zendaya, jacob elordi, hbo, hot ones, sean evans, hot ones season premiere
Id: a9ZhleGV4Qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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