Tom Segura Tears Up While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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This episode was amazing. Tom Segura seems like such a nice dude.

👍︎︎ 296 👤︎︎ u/lawblo 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

Try it out.

👍︎︎ 326 👤︎︎ u/nizochan 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

Love this dude, his podcast with his wife his funny af try it out

👍︎︎ 147 👤︎︎ u/TheoThatcherTheIII 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

Tom Segura is 100% a psychopathic murderer, don't let the appearance fool you.

👍︎︎ 197 👤︎︎ u/DRHST 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

Tom laughing at people getting hurt is one of my favourite things

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/Zeeolite 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

By far my favorite comedian!

👍︎︎ 84 👤︎︎ u/Skurnicki 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

His latest special on Netflix is honestly incredible. Tom Segura is fucking hilarious.

👍︎︎ 93 👤︎︎ u/readycent 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

I'm realizing now that the reason why Tom looks like a psycho is because he doesn't blink or break eye contact enough. I see what Christina and Burr were talking about.

👍︎︎ 55 👤︎︎ u/mutterfunker 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

Bert is fat.

👍︎︎ 122 👤︎︎ u/hocaz 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2018 🗫︎ replies
how do you hmm that wasn't it hey what's going on everybody four first we feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hacked questions and even hotter wings and pull up your jeans mommies because Tommy buns is in the building he's one of the biggest stand-up comics in the game his latest special disgraceful is on Netflix now and of course the long-running podcast your mom's house hosted by Tom and his wife / fellow comedian Christina P pause the video subscribe it's on YouTube Tom Segura welcome to the show thanks for having me man how are you a spicy food feel like in recent years and time I haven't been you know actively going after it and a lot of fear but you know what we have the chocolate milk lifeline I think we're gonna make it through Tom you're like three-year-olds let's do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] children's play right here man it's a crime to call that spicy right so know that you have a deep love for hip hop's golden age and standing for camp blow and often telling your audience if you don't know who Big Daddy Kane is you can go [ __ ] yourself that's right these days there's an intense generational gap debate between hip hop heads so I'm curious where do you stand on this new breed of rappers birth from the internet I do have this thing where you you're conscious of the fact that you don't want to be like the old guy because you can feel it being like none of this new kids don't know how to rhyme or whatever dumb take you have on it here's actually the real thing about I think hip hop is that it became so big that there is a lot of garbage a lot of [ __ ] because it's so big I remember as a kid going into music stores you knew everybody because it was like 18 people Queen Latifah Run DMC EPMD Gang Starr Rakim LL Cool J MC Lyte and you're like that's everybody who raps in the world that's it so and they had to be pretty good to get albums and get deals and you know now it's just it's a huge you know the whole entertainment is just huge so there's gonna be [ __ ] and there's gonna be good stuff and there's there's good stuff now for short do you have a take on Takashi 6-9 [ __ ] that guy have you had him on this show no but I really want a mother really yeah for what you want an education I quote Shakespeare or something listen I'm in the eyeballs game he drags in I just dragging some eyeballs yeah no I'm actually and say [ __ ] that guy but [ __ ] that guy this is your neighbors version of spicy I might even touching that chocolate milk ma'am there it is inspiring to witness so want to take it back to Mecca on Wisconsin right now you played linebacker for the Homestead Highlanders is it true that used to piss on yourself Channing Crowder style okay no and yes it wasn't a regular thing I'm just saying it's quite an ordeal to get a football uniform fully together you know you got this tray and then the toilet is a hundred yards away so I said there was a couple times where I had to go and I was just like maybe already sweating and you're covered in dirt you're like [ __ ] right so that probably a few times I did puke before every game you know that's kind of a common thing I think everybody has the guy on the team that pukes yeah yeah I would see it one time we were playing Lake Highland I remember the Raman three-point stands might lean on the hands in the dirt and the guy in front of me is like 340 pounds and his so he's playing offense and there's court you know the quarter bags like down set and he just goes ah and just pukes all through it all over my arm and I'm like you [ __ ] and like neither one of us flinched he was like that's what happens you know easy real easy no problem there it is Tom none yo is it still [ __ ] Nike [ __ ] Nike man hundred percent oh [ __ ] with that company you still ride or die on three stripes yeah I mean I was in Portland which I didn't know I always knew Nike was up there I didn't know actually they both are they're both up there I have I heard the best thing about how much they hate each other I did a show up there and this dude who was opening the shows emceeing the show was doing up there he goes yeah I used to be a messenger here in town but drive you know packages around town and Nike and Adidas are so competitive in Portland that they would know that let's say a prototype for a shoe was being put in a box and driven across because they have so many properties around town they would pay you to stop and take pictures of the other ones prototype so eventually they started to put timers and they would know exactly how long the drive should take and then they would know exactly if you stopped so they would put decoy shoes and boxes they would start to put locks and boxes I'm like didn't buy probably would've [ __ ] in a box if they thought this was gonna gain them an edge and he was like yeah basically and he goes one time this makes me laugh so hard he goes I was on the Nike campus and I was delivering a package and an executive stopped me and he was like what the [ __ ] are you wearing and and he goes I look down and I'm wearing like just some BS sneakers you know he was just a disrespectful it is to walk around our campus and not wear Nikes and the messenger goes well I can't afford him so I'm just wearing what I can afford and the guy goes alright stop in the lobby on your way out of here okay and don't wear that [ __ ] around here again the guy's like alright but at the same time he's rejoicing he's like oh man this is awesome so he drops off the package he goes to the lobby he's like hey I'm so-and-so I think I think you guys have something for me and they go yeah and they give it to him any walks out to his car he opens it and the guy had left him like the the Walgreens janitor Elevens like the the all black with no logo and he goes two days later the seals came apart and i just love that that executive could have given them anything and it would have costed him nothing it was been like leave him a pair of Jordans leave him some dumb clothes he was like give that guy the biggest piece of [ __ ] shoe we have because he's not worth it that's how savage those guys are it means like he was really actually super pissed you know like that's like a lesson thing that's right that's right he was sub max I'm gonna give you the shittiest shoes we have I'm filling a little bit I didn't see your attorney chocolate milk we're still good just look good what city would you say has the most savage hecklers well man that is a tough one there's a lot of animals out there I mean one of the craziest shows I've ever had is in Miami Miami runs on savagery dude they would just talk to you in the crowd like as you're onstage like I don't know about that and you're like I'm not this isn't a press conference I'm just doing my thing and it's in two languages people yelling [ __ ] in Spanish to you Miami's pretty crazy Philly doesn't [ __ ] around you got it you got to come with like a little more aggression I feel like in those cities and [ __ ] it I mean Houston they're psychos too and then my favorite thing that you do on the road is when you troll these local morning shows like when you went and did River City live in Jacksonville it announced that you're a gender non-binary they can ask I want to make is the last year you know I came out as Polly and bi and now I'm proud to say that I'm non-binary what is that is there any is there more to this what's the reaction to situations like that do you find that these hosts just sort of blindly go with it do they know that you're joking do you ever get chewed out and the cameras cut I've had the full spectrum of reactions that one that lady was really upset I could kind of tell she was yeah there's one part to where I was like I said something about my gender being from like outer space and if you see her she goes like like she really it's kind of like a look of disgust and when we cut she was like I don't know what's happening here I don't know she started talking to like the club person next to me who brought me that she was like what is up with this guy he's the weirdest guy I've ever met in my life I don't know how this helps him on his shows but I also told her I was like I don't care about shows in with DJ I just care about after-party and she was just like I don't get it and then we got in the car and she called she like what is up with that guy I'm like I'm right here we didn't split up she was just really off-put by the whole thing which ended up actually being kind of my most joyful experience all right so this next one is the Lowe's calientes oh yeah yeah this is your sauce mm-hmm it really is delicious Sean Thank You Thomas you know if I were in the market to buy one of these I would get this one first said you good there that was great okay we got you a bottle oh right I'll throw a hundo in there to perform thank you hi Tom well we have a recurring segment on our show called explaining that Graham where you do a deep dive and I guess Instagram put interesting pictures that need more context so I'll bust out the laptop I'll show you the picture then you sell me the bigger story does that sound good oh yeah all right laptop please how you doing so far I'm doing well you're doing so good all right first things first hey Tam yeah Mike Tyson that was a wild day dude Mike Tyson to me you know it's just it's larger than life it's one of those so I saw him board my flight and I just it was so real and I heard these dad boners behind me like boring him to tears and then I was like I gotta try something and I went up to him he was really nice and I gave him a DVD because at the time those were a thing man and then I sat back down and he comes back over as I'm seated puts his hand on my shoulder and he goes uh he leans into my ear and he goes I've been watching a lot of Netflix he just looked at me like like now you talk I was like ah yeah necklace is awesome and then he showed me the D he's like that's on Netflix I was like yeah that's that's on Netflix and he goes I'm a big fan I'm like okay and then he goes uh give me your phone number I'm telling everybody by the way just that part you know brown friends I call my dad that's a W oh yeah I'm like my taxes got my phone number like it's crazy and the next day like an hour before the show phone rings and hits him he's like I'm coming to your show tonight man I want to see do you work like he's talking like in fight tournament let's see workout and [ __ ] I was like all right man he's like you know I can't believe you come and he's like it's all love baby so I go to the club and the guy goes Mike Tyson's coming right and I go yeah Mike Tyson is coming tonight he's like sure we could we'll have a whole section for him him and Sinatra can sit together and tell you no he's like totally my I mean I go up on stage I don't know that he's there I kind of feel like a dumbass because I had told people about it right right and as I walk offstage I just feel like like then I was like god damn like that is an aggressive fan you know and then he was like to him funny show brother I was like oh my god and then he's like let's go to the green room so he took me to my green room right and then it's just sitting there like ripping through cigarettes which is also bananas I think to see like such a high level athlete just chain-smoking chain-smoking by the way he had a guy like his cigarettes whoa it's one of the most boss moves I've ever seen in my life this dude would run out of he's like put one out grab a pack put another was God come on you go Mike and then you just stand there like anything else you gonna breathe Wow yeah pretty wild [Music] uh-huh how do you I watch it [Music] so being the comedian in the age of social media it seems like it adds a degree of difficulty to stand up uh-huh and as someone who's a veteran in the game I'm interested in your perspective on the anatomy of a comedy controversy when you're in hot water what's it like in the fraternity of comedians like do you guys all rally around each other at the store or what is that situation definitely comics usually like if a comic is in any type of trouble for any type of joke comics almost always have each other's back because they know what you're doing they know that it's an art form they know it's a performance you never hear comedians go I was really offended by that so to them it's almost always a joke and the more offend people are most comics usually are like yeah that's really great what isn't sufferable to you when you read think pieces by people who aren't in the comedy world what makes you roll your eyes oh my god I the rolling back to the other side of my head right now just thinking about it you don't get to decide as a viewer or a writer or a reviewer what the person's intent was who wrote and performed that joke you don't get to decide that deciding that for them because you're like this is how it affected me therefore I get to decide is complete nonsense and also the idea that a lot of times you'll see these think pieces written you know outraged about blah blah and they'll give you a line or two lines and you're like dude that is not the context in which that was performed first of all written things hit you way differently when you read something right you could you could type up most comedy specials and just be like here read this people be like oh my god this is horrific well yeah of course because you don't hear the tone you don't know the intent you don't see it within the performance in that space with an audience I actually am one of the people who are like just if it's funny go for it I don't care who you're talking about I'm a fan of jokes and I like when comics go for it [Music] you know my favorite thing was watching hot ones but I was watching trick daddy dollars with you classic [ __ ] amazing shout-out 305 Overtown pork and beans Liberty City Keynes of trash go nose and rock watching him like was he gonna do it dashana do it interviews going along and you're like I got asking them ya ask you about to eat a booty you weren't sure if I was gonna go I didn't know I was like if they're gonna come up and it didn't I was like this is the greatest interview of all time um my favorite thing about the eat a booty game is he was fully committed which is what makes an absurd comedy bit hilarious is the level of commitment but it's not a comedy to him it's he's a hundred percent sincere about eating ass and how you have to do it and those posts by the way he's he spoke with the type of conviction like if you were just a catch part of it you'd be like I just what's this guy talking about he's gonna open like a shelter for something like no he's he's gonna eat your girl's ass if you don't that's what this is about and he would have like a 50 hair yeah even the way he explained it he's like it's like manners it's like being raised right like even his'n yeah that which is so [ __ ] amazing it's pretty hot yeah I still have a rich for the Nook but my eyes are watering yeah me too maybe I should there's no shame in it okay oh [Music] nice is it a reprieve of some sort it took a little bit of the edge off although it does feel quite temporary alright goddamn my nose is running [Music] yeah Oh God yeah chuckling Oh time mm-hmm you have a [ __ ] question or what so recently you and I sat down in an office kitchen to settle one of the age-old fast-food debates yeah now versus Shake Shack yeah and since you are so eloquent and bald reasoned and you're defensive in and out I think now is a great time to settle some of the other time-worn age-old food debates okay should deep dish pizza be considered pizza [ __ ] deep dish pizza this thick I'm [ __ ] cried right yeah I don't like it I don't like it I don't like deep dish one's got to go steak fries curly fries waffle fries obviously steak fries sake my spoken suck its cheesecake a cake or a pie oh no it's for kids I'm scared to touch my eyes and wipe them don't don't just let it go just let it go just let it go don't make it worse I'll get you audition like this next time I have my drama roll over they like I told you I'd come back what's the greatest regional fast food chain in your opinion anything to get away from this [ __ ] that was just a real powerful tear that just went down ya mouth off fires two more how you feeling Tom like I regret coming here I feel like I go world splitting bones viewers respected man they do Tom Segura a man of the people that [ __ ] what I do oh my god so last January you did a weight loss competition where you lost over 50 pounds and I know that it's over but from where I sit Tom you're still looking like a snack what have you been doing to keep the weight off I mean this week I boxed twice one-on-one sessions I had a powerlifting session so I try to work out and I try to avoid sugar what sorts of things do you think about when you hit a wall how disgusted I am with myself and no one will love me try to put those thoughts in my head of motivators what motivates you more seeing results or getting fat shamed by the internet oh good question feeling seeing the results is motivation in that it makes you happy right you see the Hat like do you feel joy the shame the fat shaming from the internet gets you to the gym so it's like you kind of need both you need people that make you feel [ __ ] this is hot or huh you need that fear to chase you yeah and then you need that happiness yeah that's right you need both but I mean I you know I know that some people who don't like fat shaming they think it's really bad they are really a guess and I understand that but they're really fat how bad is this it was pretty bad huh let me ask you this you know the bomb that knocked you on your ass and knocked me on my ass uh but I feel like it makes the Hellfire a little bit easier it was preparation for it right yeah and so I think that that's how it goes sorry the hot ones experience really more of a bell curve than an incline you know really this is the last tab we call it the last tab because it's tradition around here to put a little extra on the last wing you don't have to if you don't want to Tom I feel like it's you know once saying something like that is it's a challenge it's kind of like a backhanded way of saying or use a little hand yeah it's really like you won't play ball or not you want to sit here you want to play ball or not yeah it's one of the worst experiences in my life no all right easy there you go whoa whoa I want its last down try it out all right cheers Tom cheers bro make for having me I guess it's not by right into tofo Tom Segura cleaning wings what a gaeaf flattened crime butts actually a handsome glow looks like you're wearing Fenty I am [ __ ] mm-hmm you got it you got it all right Tom here we are in wing 10 riding a hot sauce hi weakened by the wings and I just have one more question for you and it comes from your friend and mine Bert Kreischer who wanted me to tell you that he's your best friend he wanted me to make that clear to you so this is from Burton okay why does Tom think people like him he's befriended some of the biggest comics in the industry and has more famous friends than Trump but he's not that interesting a guy he doesn't say much it just stands there like a bump on a [ __ ] log yet everyone loves him I know why I like him but I can't figure out why anyone else does what's his secret to making friends I don't know yeah [Music] um I don't know you know me while you answer it because you know what you're just a good dude Tom thank you know like Comedy Store it sold out it sold out hey Tom can you get me into can get me in tonight you don't have to but you do I want you to come eat spicy chicken wings out of my youtube channel you're here you want to debate in and out for Shake Shack you're ready to go Tom that's why I like you that's why you're my friend there's so much better answer than mine thank you well you deserve it my man and look at you you king crown on the head from where I stand now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you Tom this camera this camera or this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life how much throw I come on tour go Tom Segar calm I got a great podcast called your mom's house check it out my friend bird is fat but he's still my friend don't be mean to him because he's gross all right real quick before you get up I want to read you without saw fire thanks get him a napkin I want to read you the text that Burt sent me after that okay okay cuz I asked him I was like why do you like Tom here's a bird said the times I've laughed the hardest have always been with Tom and what is fascinating is that in those times he doesn't steal the moment or make it about him he shares it with you and makes you feel like you created it he's the accelerant to that moment where some of us forced that fire Tommy just has an an eight and an eight ability to sense that heat find his way to it and fan it and make it grow like a fat Johnny Carson what I find fascinating is that in this narcissistic world where everyone wants to wants to output their moment of greatness hoping for fame and insisting on credit for stuff they may or may not have accomplished he asked for none of it making the time he spends with you about you selfless you walk away thinking god that was [ __ ] fun I was [ __ ] hilarious who the [ __ ] told him that would work he wrote that mm-hmm Jesus I still don't like him anymore but that's really nice that's really thoughtful I didn't think he was capable of half those words I've never heard his dream together a sentence like that I told him I was like I want to call my best friend now and tell him I love him I mean that's really sweet I'm curious if his wife wrote it but that's very sweet that's really sweet I love you Bert oh wow that was really fun thank you for having me Aloha spice Lords if you're wondering why I'm sitting on this beautiful beach it's because I'm celebrating Lowe's calientes the sauce of summer in the newest addition to the hot ones hot sauce family this is Beach vibes in a bottle sweet smoky spicy and I might be biased but I think it's the best hot sauce we've ever made and here's the exciting news if you want to pick up a bottle it's available now you know the drill heat nice calm heat nice calm for your bottle of lows calientes los calientes muy delicioso [Music]
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 5,588,144
Rating: 4.9400544 out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, hot ones, hot ones tom segura, tom segura, tom segura interviews, tom segura stand up, tom segura disgraceful full, tom segura netflix, sean evans, hot sauce, spicy wings, hot wing challenge, the last dab, hot ones hot sauces, hot ones season 6, sean evans tom segura, tommy bunz, tom segura hot ones
Id: bIfUsQRyymU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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