Dave Grohl Makes a New Friend While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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Imagine learning you made Dave Grohls bucket list.

👍︎︎ 265 👤︎︎ u/notaplumber 📅︎︎ Feb 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

lol Sean was getting drunk by the end

👍︎︎ 438 👤︎︎ u/Honda_TypeR 📅︎︎ Feb 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

We just witnessed the birth of "Drunk Ones" with Dave Grohl

👍︎︎ 533 👤︎︎ u/asianflea91 📅︎︎ Feb 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

This is in contention with the Paul Rudd episode. Damn.

👍︎︎ 343 👤︎︎ u/PastafarianProposals 📅︎︎ Feb 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

Is there a Scovill rating for Grohl’s charm?

👍︎︎ 271 👤︎︎ u/otters4everyone 📅︎︎ Feb 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

I've long though that Dave Grohl was about as real-life and down-to-earth as one could get while achieving what he's achieved, and this interview just reinforced the shit out of that. He's just a low-key garage-band drummer at heart, only he's a guy that helped form one of the most influential bands in rock history and then create another of the most influential bands in rock history, with millions of diehard fans all over the globe, massive record sales, and fat stacks of awards to his credit.

Also, they were both getting pretty obviously shitfaced by the end of the gauntlet of wingy death, and Sean was fighting to not just fanboy hard the whole time. Not sure who was really interviewing whom by the end.

👍︎︎ 153 👤︎︎ u/WebMaka 📅︎︎ Feb 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

First thing I thought: FRESH SHOT!

👍︎︎ 140 👤︎︎ u/JavaShipped 📅︎︎ Feb 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

Might be my new favorite episode. I don't remember another one where the guest took control of the interview from Sean. What a legend.

👍︎︎ 199 👤︎︎ u/WeeklyWiper 📅︎︎ Feb 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

Dave Grohl is a legendary singer songwriter and musician. Over 30 years of music that has been the sound track of most of our lives. Inducted twice into the rock hall of fame.

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/Etobocoke 📅︎︎ Feb 24 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Laughter] i just had a little spit up a little spit up yeah it's getting hot now hey what's going on everybody for first week feast i'm shawn evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by dave grohl he's a 16-time grammy award-winning artist whose story career and music has been immortalized in the rock and roll hall of fame on two separate occasions he has a recently released new york times bestselling book as well the storyteller tales of life and music and get this a comedy horror movie starring the foo fighters is on the way studio 666 which is set to release on february 25th dave grohl welcome to the show hi i'm stoked man i've been waiting to do this for years you know i would say in the years since gordon ramsay you're probably the most requested guest that we've ever had on the show five years in the making finally it's for the fans dave are you ready to rock i am ready to rock i feel like gordon had a hard time well the british palette is that what it is yeah maybe i should have a drinking game with him sometime oh drinking game you say yeah i mean i like i thought you know to return the favor since you're hosting me and having me on your show that i would bring a couple cocktails and maybe every few wings we could have a little drink let's go let's do this thing yeah [Music] let's just do one little shot let's do it okay let's do it now i don't know if you know about pantera but they're the most wicked heavy metal band of all time and they would do these shots they call them black tooth grins and you can make it a few different ways but it's basically like a little bit of crown a little bit of coke this is getting messy in a sweet little [ __ ] cocktail like this they go back smooth cheers cheers to pantera it's a pantera so we're gonna hit one of these real quick hell yeah they work too there we go you gotta [ __ ] be careful with that [ __ ] [Music] i've had this sauce before no it's good no it goes that's something i think i would have in my house oh well you know what that you can take along with you you're not the only one i can bring this at home everything you're not the only one bringing gifts today dave constellation prize exactly so your new film studio 666 draws inspiration from the foo fighters tenth studio album which likewise was recorded in a possibly haunted encino mansion steeped in rock history what were your original expectations for the project i read a quote of yours recently where you enthusiastically and maybe even surprisingly declared it's a movie movie well about three years ago i was writing music for medicine at midnight and when i do that i like to demo stuff by myself where i'll set up a little studio write instrumentals and i'll play the you know write these things and send them to the guys and say hey what do you think does this sound like a good song but i like to do it in private and so i was looking for a house where i could just like shut everything off and just record and then i'm in this creepy old house demoing stuff i'm like why don't we just make the record here take a little bit of time off and then make a super quick low budge slasher run and gun horror film and so i came up with this idea like oh i know the foo fighters move into a house it's [ __ ] haunted i become possessed i [ __ ] kill everybody and then i go solo and that was it that was the pitch and everyone's like okay and then also there's millions of dollars thrown around like way like and [ __ ] special effects and [ __ ] like that when we started seeing the dailies or the cuts coming back we're like oh my god this is a [ __ ] movie something we never expected we would do but i feel like we're the band to do something that [ __ ] stupid because that's all we've done for 26 years you know you watch our videos and [ __ ] [Music] caesar smoke garlic i like everything smoked i got almonds that would go i would i would hit some brisket with that you know what that's such an amazing segue here to the next question because your deep and abiding love of barbecue you have a quote that i think would make any food writer jealous where you say you create a recipe as you would a song you prepare a meal as you would a record when people come back for seconds well that's your encore what's the key to a good rub in your opinion simplicity so i just like a real good mixture of just salt and pepper because that'll really always bring out whether it's pork or beef you can get fancy with sugars you can get fancy with cumin and things like that but i'm really simple when it comes to that stuff because it really comes down to the time and the temperature in the smoke and if you let all of those things like sit and rest at the right place for the right amount of time you want the taste of the meat you know more so than the taste of a rub that's just me i mean i love sweet barbecue too um but man i love it when it's just like a real good piece of meat that's smoked perfectly right they're the two types of barbecue chefs there's like the ones that are like really get into the molecular breakdown and the [ __ ] science of barbecue and then there's the other guys that just take a pig and throw it on fire and [ __ ] wait around and like they're both amazing but i love like someone like sam jones barbecue goes back in his family like [ __ ] hundred years or something like that and i really respect that because then it becomes tradition it's like heritage maybe there's a connection to between the the barbecue pit masters and the drummers you know the the people who are technical and who are on the on the pace and on the timing and then the people who just bang the [ __ ] off yeah well that's every drummer's best excuse like i'm a field drummer like i don't know how to and that's just because they don't [ __ ] know how to do the fancy [ __ ] like that's me like nah man i'm like a disco drummer because i'm not [ __ ] good enough to play rush that's basically what it is [Music] italy vibe oh really the calabrian chilies yeah we do have one hot sauce guru in our crew a dude named sean whoa yeah it's true imagine that i told him to yesterday i was coming on the show he's trying to give me tips and [ __ ] he's like make sure you have some milk before you go it's not about the mouth it's about your [ __ ] or whatever it's good advice no we've had countless number of top five mc lists on the show and don't worry i won't ask you to do one for drummers but i am curious what you think people get wrong when they debate the greatest drummers of all time my sign of a good drummer would be if you hear about 15 seconds of their playing and you know who it is no matter how technical you just know who it is the distinct sound the feel and feel is indefinable it's like a fingerprint you know i wrote a whole [ __ ] essay about feel because some people i think believe that it can be created but it's not i mean it's just as signature as your soul or your voice or your heart or whatever so if you were to have a sheet of music and have two different drummers play that same sheet of music it would sound different because of their lives and their heart and soul and whatever so if you hear 15 seconds of ringo starr you [ __ ] know it's ringo starr if you hear 15 seconds of john bonham you know it's john bonham are they two entirely different players absolutely is one more technical than the other absolutely but does that amount to what is that like what does that amount to you know if your name is attached to a very specific thing then you [ __ ] got it let's do a shot let's do a shot let's do a shot [Laughter] i mean that's to me that's the thing like and i think it makes sense like unless you go i'm trying to keep the ice out of it so you don't [ __ ] choke on that [ __ ] here put a little coke in there very considerate yeah and i mean you know and drummers dude when you get [ __ ] drummers talking about drums [ __ ] you [ __ ] get stuck cheers cheers dave all right [Music] that was a big ass shot angry phoenix sounds like a [ __ ] tenacious d song oh it's got scotch bonnets in it you know i spent a lot of time on youtube you do because i have the attention span of a nat and uh i do enjoy watching people [ __ ] themselves up with hot sauce you've seen the hot one show before maybe a couple times i mean i could [ __ ] rail off all of my favorite episodes i got i got some faves i gotta be honest i love watching it i thought billy eilish did great amazing she did a good job doing laps running laps around this gordon ramsay just pissed the whole [ __ ] time over 170 f-bombs i think that first episode [Laughter] the d classic classic you know actually i'm a huge fan of thundercat i love thundercat i mean his music's [ __ ] amazing he's a genius like i really think he's a genius and uh i met him for the first time about a month ago at a party oh awesome he was on a dance floor dancing like this and so i went up behind him and just started coming up around him like this and his girlfriend's looking at me she's like she's laughing but he has no idea who it is and then finally i spun him around i'm writing his face he's like and i didn't say anything about his music i was like dude you're the best [ __ ] hot ones episode i've ever seen oh you know what next time i see him i can't wait to get that story out of him he's the [ __ ] king oh that's awesome amazing i love that this is everything i dreamed it to be you having a good time yeah i can taste blood this is great [Music] so i'm gonna burp a lot i just burp i'm zapping i do i burp on stage too and sometimes my [ __ ] burps get more applause than our songs fyi this is a good sounding burp i like this yeah you know why i like this please tell me it kind of tastes like b.o [Laughter] is that that earthy summer [ __ ] bus yeah i'm trying to get home you're like it's good earthy let's say earthy earthy yeah it's like someone that does use deodorant they use [ __ ] crystals and [ __ ] yeah yeah or maybe this now we'll we'll make a spray all right dave we have a recurring segment on our show called explain that gram where we do a deep dive on our guest instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context so we'll pull the picture up over here on the monitor you just tell us the bigger story okay all right first things first in 2015 you famously finished a show in sweden after falling off the stage two songs in and severely breaking your leg what's the second most severe injury that you've ever suffered while performing while performing we were getting hit in the face with a half dollar in atlanta in like 1996 and i'm like god [ __ ] damn it and went to the hospital they're like okay we'll get with you in a couple minutes i sat there for five [ __ ] hours and then they finally got to me they're like yeah it's too late just put a band-aid on it god damn it um oh i got electrocuted once on stage like we played some [ __ ] corporate gig for like doc martens in las vegas and it was like some hotel and there was a pool and the stage was right by this pool and i thought it would be funny if i invite the whole audience into the pool with me at during this like jam i'm like come on everybody and i [ __ ] jump in the pool and the whole audience follows me to the pool and we're all kind of partying and then i go back on stage someone hands me the guitar and i step on my my distortion pedal i was like it was like actual electrocution that sucked how would you distill your connection to the late show with david letterman between being his final music act and then paying homage to him when he guest hosted kimmel does seem like a unique bond there one of the reasons i love letterman is because his show is so musical you know he always had really cutting-edge music acts on the show and i mean to be honest like he just seemed like a wicked smart ass and those are the people i [ __ ] hang out with you know i want i want my best friend to be smarter and funnier and more [ __ ] ride than anyone and so i honestly felt i spent my whole life watching him so i really felt like you know he was my [ __ ] friend in a way he had this connection to our music i guess he liked our song ever long after his heart surgery we came back and we played a show and he's a dave dude dave's gotta [ __ ] stick together hold on let's do a [ __ ] shot let's do a [ __ ] shot oh dude we have a song called sean you do we do we recorded a song called sean i didn't know that in austin texas at the saint cecilia hotel it's called shawn the saint cecilia hotel is pretty cool it's [ __ ] and we recorded it in the bar at saint cecilia hotel we made a whole record there what it's called the saint cecilia lp ep and it's we got a song called shawn oh [ __ ] you know what the chorus says what shot [Laughter] sounds like a hit to sean cheers dave it was not a hit by the way [Music] so it's interesting sure let's go on real quick [ __ ] double up what were you talking about [Laughter] cheers dave sean i'm gonna send you that [ __ ] song i can't wait so it's interesting to me that when you began your career starter meant teenagers putting your poster on the wall and being the definition of untouchable but now we live in an era of such widespread accessibility and so many different ways to reach an audience what excites you most when you see young artists building a wave in the internet age and then what if anything worries you about the new ways that music is discovered and consumed i still believe that the most important way to promote yourself as an artist is to [ __ ] play live that's it because when someone sees when a human being sees another human being on stage ripping it there's there is this sort of connection and it's inspiring because you're like oh my god human beings can do that you know i think we've been so conditioned to everything becoming kind of mechanical in a way that you see it and you're like oh yeah that's cool like yeah look at the lights and look at the [ __ ] [ __ ] but if you see someone sitting in front of you with just wooden wires shredding a guitar or someone with an amazing voice and no microphone or like the preservation hall jazz band in new orleans you go sit in that tiny room and there's no microphones there's no nothing it's just church pews and a jazz band and it moves your heart that's the way to do it i'm convinced so i remember years ago looking at like a festival's schedule and seeing this being alabama shakes and they're like halfway up the bill on the side stage coming back to the festival like a year or two later and seeing alabama shakes headlining the side stage i'm like oh damn and then a couple years later coming back and they're [ __ ] halfway up the main stage and i'm like oh [ __ ] coming back a couple years later and now they're headlining the main stage then going to the [ __ ] grammys and we're in the same category as them and they [ __ ] take the grammy that's how you're supposed to do it that's what i think you gotta get out there beat the [ __ ] street and play live and be a badass if you're a [ __ ] badass that [ __ ] will happen but you gotta work it i'm gonna [ __ ] throw up how about that it's a little sweet and sticky mm-hmm and then [Music] that profound pepper hits but look at you dave crawl i mean it's hot it's good no that's a good hot sauce and you're right that is a good barbecue it's got a little sweet in it yep it's got a little sticky on it you could put it on some [ __ ] so i read that foo fighters recorded an album to tape so that nobody could mess with it afterwards in your opinion does over producing or over manipulating a song undermine what it means to make music in any way for the foo fighters yes for other people i don't know i like imperfection um i like to hear albums where you can hear a hand going up and down the strings and there's like finger slidings and then like little the tempo goes like this and that's the you know it's the human element of music i dig that um [Music] oh i don't have hair but i felt like i got like it was like that mask while tapes commercial back in the day what was i saying probably will i pontificate about the human element of music uh no i mean you know what there are some things about music like really rigid mechanical music that i [ __ ] love i really do i think we're kind of best when it sounds like us and it's raw i've heard about the bomb cups are empty get some [ __ ] come on sean let's go baby let's go do this all right dave cheers cheers to the bible what's the most painful thing that's ever happened to you oh other than being dumped at the prom what's the most painful that was you at homecoming on the [ __ ] i read the book dave i read the [ __ ] book i read the book cheers cheers here's the heartbreak [Music] it was crazy that this is your [ __ ] job well your job's [ __ ] crazy too yeah i got something i'm just trying to be as badass as lord and [ __ ] thunder well you're lord esque yeah but she had all these like culinary notes like yeah man i'm like hiccuping over here that is where you turn the corner though yeah it gets hot right different yeah it does a different vibe altogether yeah and you don't want one of my beers get some beer i got some oh you do buddy you can do this brother oh i got you yeah dave i'm on the ride with you right now i just had a little spit up a little spit up yeah it's getting hot now yeah it is yeah it is so between the sound city tour and then being a part-time member of the taylor hawkins chevy metal cover band you have a lot of experience exploring the work of other legendary musicians yeah what do you learn by playing other people's music live so taylor's band chevy metal has this awesome list of cover songs one of them being um turning japanese turning japanese yeah i think i'm turning into japanese i really think so and you listen to it on the radio and you're like 10. and then you play it on guitar like oh my god this is so [ __ ] hard i remember once trying to play message in a bottle and i [ __ ] pulled a muscle in my hand playing a police song i was like how do the police do this without hurting themselves like some people some musicians you sit there and you talk and you're like yeah yeah what's up but then you put on instruments and you start playing and you actually get to know the person better without words with instruments because everyone does it differently it's pretty red you're by the way lord ask come on now i'm not just saying that come on dom is coming in because she sees like tears coming out of my eyes no i'm good and yeah dave you are good you are good really yeah this is um come on dude in the shop all right let's do the damn thing what's that [ __ ] whiskey [ __ ] [Laughter] i mean yes it's hot okay it's hot i'm gonna chill it for you yeah since you're burning up so hot thank you dave [Music] bernard okay that's gonna help yeah you're right or not well you know what we're just on this ride you're gonna make it dude promise well that that gave me all the confidence i need cheers [ __ ] kidding [Music] mommy will you pass the pucker this is [ __ ] what it's hot yeah but nothing dave grohl can't handle choking out the whole damn lineup choking out the whole damn lineup so you've been a self-described ufo nerd for decades and i'm curious how that interest peaked i've heard you reference the 1987 best-selling book above top secret by timothy good when i was a kid i had a lot of ufo dreams and like really i'm as crazy vivid dreamers still to this day like i remember the music in my dream from last night like every [ __ ] day i wake up i remember my dreams and um when i was a kid i would have these awesome ufo dreams where like i'd be lying in my front yard in springfield virginia and i'd be staring up at the stars and i'm like wow and then i realized like oh my god it's not the stars it's the underside of this mirror [ __ ] glass-shaped ship thing and that was taking me to space so i always thought that ufos were kind of real and um i convinced all my friends in my neighborhood that i was ufo expert and they'd be like come over to my yard i think i saw a ufo last night and i'd walk over their yard and be like yeah see that like discolored grass right there that might be a crop circle or whatever so from an early age i was super into ufos i read this book above top secret and in that i saw the term foo fighters and here we are you want to hit the [ __ ] right now yeah of course let's go we're rocking sure yeah did you see his face in the back i got real yeah i demand another shot i insist on another shot if you say so [Laughter] all right last shot last shot [ __ ] that [ __ ] last ring last wing drink that all right cheers dave god damn it sean [Music] i mean i gotta be honest i'm not kidding dude when i was a kid i learned to love music watching saturday night live and i walked on to that set for the first time in 1992. like holy [ __ ] i'm here as a teenager i [ __ ] watched the david letterman show every [ __ ] night as i did bong hit after bong hit after bonk some parallels walked onto that [ __ ] stage i'm like oh my god i'm here for years i've watched this [ __ ] show and i finally walked onto this set and saw those sauces and saw your face i was like yes bucket list bam the only thing i have left to do in my life is jammed with ac dc dave i can't handle that i don't know how to process that i'm just saying that are we hitting the last dab what are we doing let's [ __ ] hit this last dab let's hit a [ __ ] last shot let's put the dab on let's put the dab on i got the dab on hold on a second let's talk about love all right i was kidding one more shot one more shot yeah one more shot and one more wing let's do a shot we'll chase it with the wing ooh wing chaser wing chaser or shot chaser depending on how you want to line it up oh you know what i gotta do [ __ ] it tomorrow i gotta go to narnia what i gotta go to narnia what's in nadia nadia business come on now well you know what i almost think it would be like silly to ask a wing 10 question let's eat this wing let's eat this wing dave okay and what a ride it's been yeah man did you put a dab on it oh yeah you hit it right i heard that [ __ ] i hit that [ __ ] [Music] i've got a confession in my i got a confession like that just you know i have this [ __ ] at home sometimes i come home from rehearsal [Music] did that sound like elvis sometimes i come home from rehearsal i drink a couple beers and eat a teaspoon of this [ __ ] so you know what hot ones i got your ass taking on the wings of death choking out the gauntlet living to tell the tale and still making his rehearsal tonight at 6 p.m and now dave gold there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera this camera or this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life got a horror movie coming out how about that [ __ ] and then i'm in the band called the foo fighters we're gonna play a bunch of shows and then [ __ ] you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can't tell you what this means don't get emotional get the box no i i might don't that guy at the bar no i do i care i care i care let's hug no i care that [ __ ] much and you're the [ __ ] man that's so [ __ ] good dude you're drunk hey what's going on hot ones fans this is sean evans checking in with a very exciting announcement we've read the comments we've seen the emails and after six years more than 250 episodes we can now bring you the full hot ones experience in one convenient package i'm proud to introduce you to hot ones boneless chicken bites available exclusively at walmart and walmart.com each bag of hot ones boneless chicken bites is packed with approximately 35 breaded seasoned white meat chicken bites as well as individual packets of the classic los calientes and the last ab apollo for all your saucing and dabbing needs the full hot ones experience ready to heat and eat whenever you get the craving to spice things up at home hot ones boneless chicken bites it's a party in a bag and everyone's invited [Music]
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 5,655,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, hot ones, hot ones interview, hot ones spicy wings, hot ones dave grohl, dave grohl interview
Id: nutcZOBGhjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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