Pedro Pascal Cries From His Head While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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I kind of love that this guy is one of those working actors who put in literal decades of toiling in bullshit roles and finally hit it big.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1412 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Pepperoni_Dogfart πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is the age of Pedro. So hot right now.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6521 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/noobvin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wait, is that Pedro Pascal's voice?

Between Oberyn Martell's accent, Din Djarin's monotone helmet digitalization tones, and Joel's gruffness...I don't think I've heard enough of Pedro Pascal sounding like Pedro Pascal.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2810 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/obi-jawn-kenobi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œI fucking hate milk.”


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 346 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CalRipkenForCommish πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œI feel like I’m finally cool to the people I care most about” made me tear up geeze!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1946 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/travtheguy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hot ones be getting bookings like a late night show. I love it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 858 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/boot2skull πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

"I was raised by HBO, Spielberg and Prince"

Damn what a line. This dude gets it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 645 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jenetyk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 646 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/qawsedrf12 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I would love, love him to play Zorro. He has that swagger and presence about him to blow that role out of the park.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 184 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/it_was_my_raccoon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
you're right you say you start to say I'm okay and then it's yeah and then they hear you dude they hear you I'll kill you [Music] hey what's going on everybody for first week Feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by Pedro Pascal he's an actor you know from a string of massive Global hits up in the last decade including Game of Thrones narcos the Mandalorian HBO's brand new record-breaking show The Last of Us and more good news for Pedro Pascal fans is the much anticipated third season of the Mandalorian begins streaming on Disney plus March 1st Pedro Pascal welcome to the show thank you for having me I'm so glad for the opportunity to finally be taken seriously how are you around spicy food before we get started I mean I was really good around spicy food as a Young Man and young internal organs um I don't know if it goes so great anymore we'll find out there's only one way to find out are you ready to get started in front of millions of people foreign [Music] okay [Music] let me [Music] I wonder how much of this is going to get caught on my astonishing mustache [Music] good [Music] wow I did Skip breakfast it's on your latest project The Last of Us who played the role of Joel Miller a character who much like the show has this austere outer shell but Underneath It All is a Warmness as an actor how do you think about balancing the noble traits that make a character like Joel heroic versus the weaker ones that make him human you're smart I never thought about it that way um I think that there's a funny thing about a very sort of restricted exterior that is typical for um these kinds of male archetypes I think don't show your feelings people will see that you're weak survival is key don't let anybody in you know developing human connection is is not at least in his mind key to survival but then only to discover that he cannot live without it at any cost [Music] this one's kind of like colorful [Music] split the is look at those mechanics yeah baby oh not new to the chicken wing game [Music] my brothers are so jealous I brought him because he he was like you gotta do hot wings been telling me for like six years oh thank you by the way for the referral I think he just wants chicken wings lovely I will save the I want to dive I wanna clean the bone on the other one but I'm gonna Pace myself smart smart play smart play and I can revisit what blew your mind the most about the mechanics of grogu's performance you know where you have one technician who's doing eyes and mouth and then another technician simultaneously doing the facial expressions there's two of them and one there's like remote and you can carry him around um he'll like just move ahead his his head will move around ears you know what I mean like turn towards you as you're holding him and stuff like that and kind of be alive and then for a good close-up he is connected to you know the Pentagon like it's like these wires that um enclose like you know then that's where you get the really detailed eyebrow movements and eyeballs kind of moving around and he's a very cooperative and fulfilling scene partner acting partner you know it's pretty crazy like having to say goodbye to him in season two and getting praise for oh my gosh like you know you you you have such subtle emotion and you're dealing with a puppet and I'm like this puppet is making me cry right you know it's like no you know you know I fully and I'm like damn chill you're stealing it it's like the one time I have my helmet off like let me let me have the scene bro I can see it looks like some kind of angry mole rat rabbit [Music] this is kind of the first little jump I feel like we take it doesn't jump it creeps yeah yeah lingers a little bit grows a little bit yeah smaller bites but it is really good that's how it goes it's tasty you just keep talking I'm hungry sure what role did the South Coast Repertory in Costa Mesa play in uh shaping your affection for acting at a young age how the hell did you find out about the South Coast Repertory you're the first person to ask me that was in Orange County my mom this is the best we moved from Texas to California and I was going still with this sort of like diluted fantasy of wanting to be an actor and knowing that if we were moving to Southern California that was like just one big giant leap towards Hollywood and my mom was like I'll find you something like at the local community theater I was on the younger side and then there was like on the old you know there was like maybe some 14 year olds some teenagers they were a little badass and stuck me a cigarette and we got caught that kind of stuff yeah it's starting to get with the theater kids you know the rebels [Music] good it's like it's a little sweet when's it gonna hurt you know what this one I think might be a little bit of a shift down yeah you know that's what it feels like yeah enjoy those enjoy those valleys you know good job there we go here we go when you're watching other movies or other TV shows do you ever think about like an actor's wardrobe and how heavy or uncomfortable it might be because I feel like you do have a unique Insight you know working with heavy armor heavy suits weapons and the like it's a terrible thing in terms of my experience being such a consumer of movies and television and such a little Fanboy and now because of the context I really my family wants to kill me so much of the time because I'm just like I've been eating that mud all over his body he's freezing oh my gosh that's so cool that's a lot of blood that's a lot of blood that's very sticky you know I'm so hyper aware about what the crew and the cast is going through and everyone wants to kill me I'm like those shoes get blisters no shoes [Music] it's a little intimidating okay oh yeah yeah time release it's a it's the emergence of yeah that's good because you're like oh that's spicy I should have another bite it's tasty but when it's good that's what you have to do you know yeah what's good all right we're okay we're doing all right we've got our feet yeah still got our feet [Music] what are the mechanics of shooting a scene where your character has his eyes gouged out of his skull you know that's happened to you on two separate occasions and of course the unforgettable death in Game of Thrones but then that final scene of equalizer too um maybe in this interview as well time only time I could beg you to gouge my eyes out and uh collapse my skull in case it gets really bad um I got my head crushed in it was the best part of the day it was so hot when we were shooting that scene you know he's over me and he puts his thumbs into my eyes and they've got piping uh tubing piping through his uh body into his forearms forearms to his thumbs and just like pumping this like cool blood and um so gentle like the gentlest guy ever felt no pressure at all you know and he was so hyper aware of it he couldn't even feel his weight on me as he like you know basically straddled me there were all of these fleshy bits that they were kind of placing all over my face and pumping blood so that it would pool you know and spread through the amphitheater for this like good wide and that sort of shot of the two of us from above I was dead asleep because it was like it was so hot and this stuff was so cooling to the touch and you had to be really really still and that was the most relaxing and knowing also that we had gotten to the end of this sort of four day fight that we were shooting out there um it was a very uh cathartic and I went into the deepest sleep I've I've been in I I I realize now that because I'm not a very good sleeper I need I need to be laid out with pieces of Flesh um gelatinous cool to the touch uh face meat and uh pulling blood and maybe I'll finally get a good [Β __Β ] night's sleep [Music] mushroom Mayhem okay together forever forever forever bonded funk [Music] is it true that all the cast on the set of the unbearable weight of massive Talent was gifted a Nicholas Cage pillow each one signed by Nicolas Cage I think I remember kind of hiding these pillows from him I was like you're not ready you get him to sign this pillow for me I'm like no no no no he's not ready he's not ready he doesn't want to see it and then I think we all got them at the end I can um the the [Music] torture mushroom sauce is starting to um torture would like to be a part of this conversation he doesn't want to talk he doesn't want me to talk about Nicholas Cage's pillows my character had this collector's room of everything from his movies and a life-size model of him from face often he put this pillow in the scene you wanted to get rid of it and I said no um I think it should stay and then he was like fine so he'll play and he points to it he's like uh that that that's weird and I was any any like painted it changed his face and I was like no it's nice and I put it back and they kept it in the movie that was definitely an improvised moment the one the one time I was uh uh disagreeing with him [Music] it's so great to finally lose your mind angry angry goat pepper that's what's there [Music] I don't feel anything maybe that's nice yeah you know let's not step on it let's go if we got a freebie okay we take it yeah you haven't lost a step I haven't lost a step thank you bro I see I see I see I see I see it's all about time release with these guys yeah yeah yeah right or you talk about them in a complimentary way and then they bite it's almost like they can hear you right talking about them you know just let me love you and then I know that you're a fan of Nicholas Cage long before you start alongside him yeah do you have a Mount Rushmore of Nicolas Cage movies and I can throw some at you no no you don't have to throw any okay okay um the earlier ones for me because of how impressionable they are but Raising Arizona Peggy Sue got married um Face-Off classic I got a soft spot for Moonstruck man and it isn't even about having a big swing in terms of performance it is actually highly highly intelligent Choice making in his acting where I'm gonna do like a Fritz laying hand thing in the moment where I scream about my brother Danny Aiello um accidentally chopping his hand off he looked away and dropped it he's like I lost my hand and we and it is just to this perfect effect where it's grounded in the scene has all of this theatrical context to it and concept he's still believable it was really amazing to do homework for that movie and re-watch all these movies that I'd already seen so many times um adaptation is maybe one of the best screen performances in the history of American Cinema but the four that I mentioned have you know a personal place in my development as uh an aspiring actor and to this day in My DNA a little bit where I realize that I I'm doing something and I'm saying something in a way that I have to stop and take a second and realize oh I got that from Vampire's Kiss or something you know all right yes this next one is the bomb Beyond Insanity because I ate this one already yep that was the dreams of calypso the bomb Beyond Insanity yeah I kind of clear my throat before this one too yeah this will clear our throats for us yeah and everything else okay all right this one's dangerous we're not driving noon that well oh no no no no no no no no no that's a jump significant exponential this is a story structure to your interview yeah yeah we have a whole article you do you you tell me I'm you tell me I'm I'm doing well yeah and then you try to kill me yeah yeah well I see I mean it's got to be successful for a reason yeah and and you know this is part I really actually got to the point where I thought that this might not happen stop talking it comes for all of us this one I might do that too that's a good move actually can somebody step in here and let me bite into their flesh cup of blood [Music] yeah did you ever see the fly am I talking really loud yeah do you feel like you're going through a metamorphosis the fly with Jeff Goldblum yeah classic and he vomits onto the guy's hand and it just dissolves and disintegrates and then there's just like this little piece of Flesh that's being like that's my mouth yeah do I have a tongue it's still there it's still there you might not be able to feel it but it's still there [Β __Β ] hate milk but any port in a storm you know what makes Captain Crunch the top dog of breakfast cereals for you [Music] Mark resourceful yeah um Captain Crunch is just so tasty it tastes like what is that taste it's like caramel yeah yeah it's kind of its own thing you know it's its own thing it's like um you know makes you think about your childhood and I would do anything to go back there right now well speaking of your childhood as somebody who grew up in San Antonio can you break down the difference between good Tex-Mex and bad Tex-Mex um very good question now it's time to make people angry I'm doing okay yeah right yeah it's like a wave yeah exactly the worst is fine the worst is over really it's behind us don't spit back up none of it is allowed to come back into my mouth you're right you said you start to say I'm okay and then yeah and then they hear you dude they hear you I'll kill you so um there's a second wave my God [Music] I was in Southern California and I I at that point you know Mexican food Tex-Mex and I come to New York for 20 years people are like no this place is good Mexican and I'm just like no it's not it's not there's no good Mexican food in New York come for me um do I have a lot of uh liquefied mucus coming out of my nose you know what you you have like sort of a Wingate shine that I've come to recognize I'm sure I got the same thing going on but it's just kind of a glow if anything you know you look great you look great thank you this next one is Taco Vibes only Taco Vibes only butterfly Bakery of Vermont how bad could Vermont be right okay has anybody ever projectile vomited during your turn no you could break new ground really I just feel like there's tingles that I didn't even know there were I I'm learning about where all my nerve endings are around my lips it's full um MRI scan over here look at you going in though okay Vermont they know it doesn't really matter because my mouth is dead exactly okay thinking back early on in your career when you do guest spots on shows like NYPD Blue Law and Order CSI was there a role that stands out in your memory because it was like maybe an unusually complicated character or like unusually fun to play um there was a really really unusually fun character that I played on NYPD Blue this goth guy named Dio and he had a you know he got all these like fake piercings and just teenager and he's hitting on the on the female cop at one point he has a a pentagram on the inside of his palm that they made with like a black Sharpie and I lick it and I make up some satanic language and I thought you know that it's supposed to be like Latin or something and I remember thinking well what do you do you have like do you have Latin words that I'm supposed to learn and they're like oh dude just make it up I was like oh okay it was the kind of thing was like you know I like that I licked the hand and then I turned slowly towards the camera going to talk about you know some crazy [Β __Β ] like that on an episode of your ABC Network television hit NYPD Blue I made up the language and they can't take that away from you they can't they can't take that one away from you what are you doing with that [Music] foreign how much did you put on is this as bad as the bomb nothing's as bad as the bomb all right get it good there you go that's perfect I need people to like me you know what I mean very if not what's it all for you know exactly what the hell is this all for eign [Music] to a point I understand I get it [Music] feeling it out looks like we're in a good place though yeah I know [Music] look at you oh good all right Pedro Pascal to close things out you know we talked about how the scene how the cinema was a place that you and your family could soak in pop culture but I know that another formative experience for you was seeing live concerts you know the first show that you went to with Iggy Pop and the police all the way go ahead let that go let that go all the way to curling your lip and Performing Billy Idol in the mirror so to close things out my question to you is this with your brain on fire and mouth Ablaze why is Prince's Purple Rain the song you'd most want to hear at your funeral it's my favorite song it's the most moving song I don't know why it always emerges even before I actively just started implementing it into my spiritual routine essentially I didn't go to church I was raised by HBO Spielberg and Prince and um for me Purple Rain is like the most emotionally cathartic the most musically sophisticated song that I can think of if it's casually or spontaneously playing somewhere um I I I'm like I'm not I don't have emotional space to go there because it just moves me so deeply and what a way to go out and look at you taking on the wings of death and still living to tell the tale we could hold off on that funeral Pedro Pascal now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you live another day this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life what do I have going okay um I would say that there's a there's a gap in between my back molar and my front tooth that's where the chicken gets stuck and it continues to sort of burn but I've gotten to the point you should know this too that I'm I'm used to the sensation of um my jaw having been melted away by uh battery acid Maybe and um and and then I think I'm gonna go to the Whitney Museum this afternoon unless I uh [Β __Β ] myself goodbye [Applause] it's so good [Music] do you wanna do you want to feel like real wet yeah like that's wet oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like full-on tears that come from the side of your head well it won't be in vain because you crushed it a button back up such a great show thanks for having me oh man I feel like I'm finally cool to people that I care about the most about [Music] hot ones fans exciting news the season 20 hot ones 10 pack is now available if you've ever watched from home and wondered to yourself how hot are the wings really or been one of those people that's like oh they're only taking one bite well you know what if you think you could do better now is the time to put your money where your mouth is literally with the hot ones season 20 10 pack available exclusively at that's to get your hands on the season 20 hot ones 10 pack get them while they're high foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 12,545,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, hot ones, pedro pascal, the last of us, hbo, hbo max, bella ramsey, The Mandalorian, narcos, last of us, grogu, spicy, wings, pedro, pascal, game of thrones
Id: zVRwUHbHgt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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