Key & Peele Lose Their Minds Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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you know what's on so just yeah you go to hell hey what's going on everybody first we feast I'm Sean Evans you're watching hot ones the show with hot questions and even hotter wings today I'm joined by keegan-michael key Jordan Peele together they're key and Peele and they star in Keanu in theaters April 29th a film that explores the age-old question how far is a man willing to go to save his adorable kitty cat it's a question that's been asked for millennia very funny I saw it last night the first spit-take of my adult life actually I had a you have a DNA film the first one wearest spit-take of my adult life well knowing what mom don't want to misquote but I was taking a very the usual suspect was taking a very deep sip of sprites when whiteners word 'no stew the turdus and believable right back into right into the cup is a text I sent Keegan a couple years ago and then we had the but I can't remember what the context of it was or this to the sternness all right you guys ready ready so we have double the talent half as many wings this time over that first ones fiery chipotle it's actually our sauce this is your sauce made by homeboys distributed by heat mist you can find it online already a mouth is watering Junko thank you one of the things that kind of stands out to me in the movie is Method Man's performance yeah that guy has a ton of roles over the years and many of them are comedic roles which kind of flies in the face of what I think a lot of people think of when they think of Method Man he's very uh very much a real guy he has the same problems that any of us have hey he just sounds a lot cooler when he talks about them he literally was pacing him set one day completely frustrated yeah because the principle in just two kids are the same age yeah which we commonly on his twins um they had the graduation he was getting very upset cause he was wrong as we're digging it man superintendent I'm gonna tell me I'm on the three tickets I think it's it's [ __ ] genius this is ridiculous man two children called my auntie T suppose resume out no babies me never helped raise my kids really good on the mathematics and everything but some stupid [ __ ] I gotta make a phone call I mean it's like it's mundane school stuff he never rapped about this never rapped about this jazz then it's kind of funny to see a guy like Method Man have just everyday normal beautiful oh my god right yeah he has to wake up one shoe at a time the rest of us is that wakes up yeah he wakes up one shoe at a time that's the same people say that every day someone said that this mortar this guy back here said it I can't hurt it all right you ready for number two hot one that's a nice sauce yes is where we're going on a little bit we're going 100 percent yep [ __ ] Keegan my guess is that you've been asked about Luther Obama's paint that Obama's anger translator Dhalsim Obama's pain translator emotional pain yes yes emotional pain anger translator and you've probably been asked about it in every interview since that White House Correspondents Dinner hold on to your lily-white butts what's your most treasured memory from that night the mope the most treasured memory for me this is not a joke a joke I'm about to also not tell a joke earlier hundred percent hide of his hands how's the pain I don't have with him no no you know you know 99% yeah okay you sorry you go this is the second one only two well we still got three to go we were talking we were talking we were talking a big game oh no that's crazy he he was I was present that was the most that was the most precious thing I wasn't freaking out I wasn't having out-of-body experience but having the ability to touch him and he was perfectly cool about when we rehearsed it which was that was awesome being able to touch him and also I guess the best one would have been with Michelle Michelle yeah my brother okay were you a little nervous about touching him for the first time you think like security like Secret Service would oh my god where he runs into the room and runs up to me and he bro hugs me and I'm like let me I'm not doing it no no what'd it take please look good feel like a red dot on your forehead like he grabbed me so that's a problem I think anybody gets good cuz he's just up there hugging just just grabbing some people he loves to be hugging jokes yeah Jay oh I I chaos joint joint is doing you know you'll never heard of speaking in ease as long as you may be he be he be hugging joints tell him a joint cos hey any person that comes in our to a room that it just looks huggable you know so he really give me hugging joints no don't be drinking water how'd it do it you saw me say I was gonna do it that I didn't do it but you started and do it well I'm I'm not a [ __ ] [ __ ] okay I reason one in our movie there's actually one in our movie there is normal kitty alright ready first this is my swearing so much it's just wings it's a YouTube show and you can swear if you want I like the [ __ ] truth of that this is the bomb beyond insanity okay things are getting longer and more complicated yeah and there's no that's the radiation symbol that's that's what they put on it when you're not supposed to be near it in the same room with it should I walk out of here with a thirty year or something stripes are noble you know that Chernobyl happened on my actual birth date April 26 1986 we're real yeah it was why I was born that's why you give us uh huh that's why you don't have any properties at all a little unsettling how these aren't bothering you at all yeah what's up with that I've done it a bunch of times this is not a new joint my joints 20 points what's wrong let's just be honest for a moment you put battery acid in here that's no joke that one's not a fun one does this is not fun you know one of them oh you went for the milk I'm not too proud I know like what this is none that I know what I'm not you don't get all you don't get or out of the milk why fine I'm not no part I know what this is Oh give me a mulligan on the one milk I'm giving your mother olya Vietnam you stick about your mother go oh my god I'll get a mulligan god dammit you know one of the sad things about Key & Peele coming to an end you know there's this great recipe that we're dying that we had to do not like we're gonna make it out through this one we're these recurring characters that were so amazing but we kind of don't know what happened to some of them in the past year-plus so I'm hoping I I can just bounce them off of you and their ass young so I'm gonna tell you right now I gave you the first one Andre snaps you can come back to the bar meet Andre snap hey that's Meegan in the [ __ ] 75 little pieces of six or no suitcase number in the river this is gonna happen reverence relationship your choice yeah uh what about uh Wendell Sanders Oh guys we don't want another pizza he's who's hungry show a hands his pee started burning his pee started yeah that's hot damn it are we I'm that's in here loosen a ting right now there's an MMA UFC match right heating right here in this sinus you got a little bit of some angle mccringleberry how's that NFL career going you know what well you made the last two well he was like get this out of here this is done I finished that mid last two uh 53-man roster uh he's up playing that's it that's the issue here that one banner game then he went dancing the night after that antoria come on man come on don't come on Shawn don't touch it 357 man go go man that's it that's nice going mats this sauce will blow you away it's 357,000 Scoville oh come on man stop and that's our second hottest one you want to explain to the crowd without any harm 57,000 Skull villains I'm amazed that you know what a 357,000 Scoville is here's what I know I know that it's unit I'll tell you I know what has something to do with how [ __ ] up my mouth feels I'll tell you my unit is not gonna be working any more after this better we'll be working better it'll be working better anything yes yes you ready for mad doctor of course no no no let's go this is why we're here all right well we're here we're hungry sweetness and everything's gonna it's gonna rape us yes isn't it oh yeah yeah no time and that's in Trojan families at Detroit a Trojan horse with that sweet little home that's that's a ah Genghis Khan just rode through my consoles what's going on if whoo console oh my gosh that's right that's a permanent eyes cross hi I'm Graham so I'm fascinated by the idea of camp awesome camp awesome and all these sketches that don't see the light of day grow balls what a proper table scraps isn't that the purgatory that you guys put the sketches that don't make the eligible are you I asking the deepest most referential [ __ ] wait I remember there blind that is the rats are so so I'm having a stroke and you're going for more bites that's admirable you gotta keep up the are you mount mum up Oh what are you most upset about not seeing the light of bone there's not something in that can that larvae a lot of you see water scourge the water sketch we sketch what we're just gonna battle water oh just bring that sketch we are swimming then drowning happily what was the question what sketch in camp awesome are you so upset that it just hasn't seen the light of day that nobody will ever see it there's got to be something in that can that you're like damned if I can I don't know what it won't spit he said the water sketch the otter schedule orestes this is a milk sketch in that uh-oh milk sad music was my house catches on much grief look this is the one for me all right you guys ready to do this last one last one well you know what Sean so just yeah you go to hell I want you to look at the consistency of this now so this don't touch it with your bare hands that's kind of tradition or give me just a second take a walk take a lap - damn it our last one dab it we dab dab your own nail ass off man dab your own ass and then you guys you know what if you don't whose [ __ ] idea was this show you don't want it you don't have to that's a big dab are you have like a unrealistic Chernobyl he's got one of those things your whole inside is made out of like some kind of synthetic cuz yeah like I'm uh like it's not fair like inside when Donny no the inside of your body is made out of asbestos it's like remember in The Princess Bride when the guy is like built up the immunity to the [ __ ] poison that's around man that's you you're the dreaded Pirate Roberts okay what what happens this whole thing of income people are you at all impressed with this or is it just it just seems like a sigh I mean I have madness maybe I should go get something checked out it seems like you figured out something you can do and you built a whole show around it that's what it seems less than what we did oh yeah more power to you oh you go to hell Sean alright so for this last wing if you don't want to dab you don't have to dab some people mad why are you gonna bring up dabbing man I'm gonna I'm gonna dab God you got it down we go you know toward Oh dab I'm not gonna dab so and then this last question I want to bring it full circle I'm going from the second city booms day God from P&P you guys got the dip cuts all the way to Keanu okay good so there's a little damn my favorite characters ever were the valets but did you see that Liam Neeson's movie with the wolves go the one with them big-ass wolves and Liam Neeson losses is my [ __ ] oh and they probably would have been so hyped to see Keanu so for this last one let's all take a bite here I'm all die gun down and then I want to sort of don't imagine no dilemma how the how the valets will talk about Keanu now you're seeing it does that sound like a good plan Oh will you dad out all right Cheers I'm just trying to spread this dab off grab it out that's a sick dab damn stuff so I don't like the way you did I like the way it all fast he was scared you know gusto don't know yet yo you see that sweating you psyche appeals movies going Rula not don't wanna pee on it that movie was humming with my that movie was fire oh you wanna bet it on that movie yo I'll give that moving five volcanoes yo that movie was a fireball in my high not move and they had Neil along Z's in there mmm-hmm and the Emma th old emails yep they help you help you up they got Willie forts in there I'm speechless ain't got no vocal cord left you remember that part of getting this guess where we blow up yeah let's do that right now yeah you made it all the way through hot ones it's so high stakes I know we put you guys through a lot but at the end 30-second plug how amazing is that three seconds we have to stay alive for three second floor is yours tell the people what they should see well if you're watching this show don't ever come on the show don't come on it don't make don't get into the film industry don't might end up on a chair do go see key on him on April 29th don't order the wings just keep your feet planted on I keep reaching for the stops yeah whatever rise with ass kicked Chris compact Rick Dees and I need these yeah I got a salad from Burger King my mom [ __ ] with you now man like yo these dudes are doing something different ain't know what that dad would totally have sex with you if you wore those all right I need these in 11 now
Channel: Complex
Views: 703,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: complex, complex originals, sneakers, magazine, news, entertainment, current affairs, men, man, young man, culture, cool, edgy, funny, complex tv, complex media, key and peele, jordan peele, comedians, key & peele, keegan-michael key, keanu, Sean Evans, hot ones, chicken wings, spicy, hot sauce, spicy wings, 10 wings, 10 questions
Id: ZNchucjgAc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2016
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