Barry Keoghan Plays Hard to Get While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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Christine God this is hot is that the publicist yeah [Music] help hey what's going on everybody for first we Feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by Barry kogen how are we he's an Academy Award nominated actor you know from a string of acclaimed performances in films like salurn the Banshees of in sharan the killing of a sacred deer and many more his latest project though is the long anticipated World War II drama miniseries masters of the air set to stream on Apple TV plus January 26th Barry kogan welcome to the show thank you for having me what's going through your head your mindset as you prepare to take on the wi like you know what I mean it's like oo and there's this one the this Smokey J yeah Smokey J is speaking to me and uh as I said I've tryed the bomb I was at a friend's house and I went straight to it and that wasn't pleasant the next day but um yeah it was him yeah I mean I'll get there I think are you ready to get started let's do it let's get [Music] in okay I'm in for it [Music] wow do we start at the top that's the for [Music] one it's not that hot not that hot so during the filming of Saving Private Ryan I understand that Steven Spielberg purposely withheld Matt Damon from military training so as to create a natural resentment between the rest of the cast and him I'm curious was there anything unique that went into creating an atmosph feere of trust or camaraderie amongst the actors playing fighter pilots and Masters Of The Air I remember um showing up and uh you know all the lads seen me and I came in late and I was actually eating the Snickers it was like so cool looking and I was like uh looking at all them doing the their marches and that and they were all giving me the side eye they're like who's that I was like Hey lad see you Monday but um you know you're in all this gear and getting out the cockpit is frustrating so you end up just staying there and just spending a lot of time there and was in tense and and compact as it looks how we feeling after Wing one oh yeah that's easy speak too soon my top no not yet I don't give the people you know I won't give them that yet right right keep them keep them keep them wanting like watch exactly I'll show you what's in here you know [Music] anyways it's on there already it's try it in yeah yeah there's nowhere to hide I I wanted to kind of like do that little well I'm not going to stop stop you I'm not going to do it do you know what I mean just the idea of doing it and the bite has to be like you know you look at everyone it's so like easy for them I'm like sloppy what would you say most distinguishes an Irish film crew from an American one when you're making a film we don't finish our sentences sorry about that that's all right let it fly Tex me you're a busy man and high demand no it's just the service saying welcome to the states let down what a [ __ ] let down welcome to the states thanks the Irish crew are quite they're brilliant everyone knows each other everyone's a cousin of one another weirdly related but uh it's quite intimate and you know and filming in Ireland where Mark mton was uh was quite a moment it was his Forest movie in Ireland as well yeah piece of History mhm piece of history I mean Ireland doesn't look like that everywhere you know what I mean that's a special part of Ireland you know that looked fake I was even looking around going where the fck is the leprechauns I'm going to me one now all right bar you ready to move on here to Wing number three you're doing great by the way bman have a Skip One you won't know about it yeah I'll know I'm on you you listen I I I pick up everything over here let's do [Music] it yeah little bit of a kick this one I going to say something cocky there and then I was like the wings will humble you the wings will humble you you know yeah definitely what were we saying oh well you know what what you saying there's a lot of lore surrounding the size and scale we have lots of lifelines I got tell nobody touches milk someone said that to me so there's a lot of lore surrounding the size and scale of the Dunkirk set you know from over 50 boats in the water to land a Spitfire on the beach to the use of over a thousand extras mhm is there a piece of Christopher Nolan's cinematic Wizardry that blew your mind the most seeing the way that he makes a movie up close in action I mean yeah that was like an a show that movie as a young actor I was just brilliant to step on to and he were just constantly looking up and I remember there was one scene where you know it takes an hour or a half an hour to reset the planes I we're filming on on IMAX and everything is like all right let's go and and the plane is coming to towards us and I didn't hear action so when the plane came towards I went oh [ __ ] and then turned around and Chris is there filming he's like we're filming I was like oh [ __ ] sorry and that's going to take an hour to reset but anyways um you know I'm working with Killian as well and I died of an elbow in a a war movie it's quite let down went out on your Shield there in the bottom of the boat I know blind dead can't see Yos Lanos he has such a distinct Ive film making style and aesthetic what stands out when you think about the unique tactics he uses to elevate a scene you got really good questions you know that I don't know it's a spice or like whatever but your questions are really good um he doesn't want people to act you know I remember his notes to me were like stop acting I was like I'm an actor you know so it's like all of a kind of a rhythm you know he watches behavior and he watches it's all mechanical and stuff like that um but I had a great time working with yoga I've seen him recently gave me a big hug um but yeah he's brilliant man he's he's like the modern Stanley kubic I think so can I just ask how do you know which part I'm nibbling they're tossed in a bowl so they have full coverage so Barry it doesn't matter where you nibble all right there's no cheating on this then you're catching SAU milk there's a hack and okay number four mhm about to say something cocky that's like number one we going backwards saw that coming don't rub my eyes I always rub my eyes and no I know but I'm going to be kind of on that do not do that because maybe I will maybe I like want to get into it method [ __ ] you know what I've noticed that from actors sometime you know like you'll see a different mindset right across the genres like an athlete you'll almost see have like one more rep one more rep kind of mindset really like an actor I'm like I don't come across as an actor I'm going to take my top off model right SL Legend but you are because I've heard you I've heard you say what legend that you feel like acting can be dangerous you know when you're pushing the limits of a character Honestly though right there you go you disted I love it who's distracted still rolling flustered I don't know how I'm going to get this question out um but I what were we saying is there a role or film where you felt particularly close to the edge of something that felt unsafe well I mean I shag the grave and saltor right I can that's just can't get closer to the edge can't get closer to Deaths or icking more diseases in your I should get that checked but uh and saltor really pushed it but every role pushes it and I like to be pushed I don't want to something to be comfy I want to really artistically go there um and there's moments on on sets and movies where you lose sight of camera and you kind of get this it's only for 2 seconds or so but it's like this kind of a nauseous uh feeling you're like you just kind of you're so present and and it's what we Chase I feel we as actors Chase um you know every time we go on [Music] set this one is a different color all right let's do it little cheesy what' you say cheesy little cheesy yeah I took a big bit now you did wow this is a little bit of a step up here mhm oh yeah it's creeping down the throat mhm this one kind of goes back a little bring me back to my past that's nice Austin told me about one of these he said yeah did he give you any tips coming in here yeah he said that like you're with him like the whole way I don't feel that I feel you're over there you're not with me don't know where you should be right here having an old chat but uh no he said there's one there that kind of you feel it yeah but I think you were saying when you walked in here that you've already tried this one I went straight to the bomb and I think that's the one that's the one I couldn't talk for an hour or so so I know how that goes is it true that you once tried to reenact the 50 egg scene in cooland Luke and if so how did that go not good and I don't think the eggs were cooked so I'm a blame on that and I was also very drunk I think I got the eight eggs and and I think Paul nman did eat 50 eggs by the way I was still trying to while I was getting sick that's the thing you know what I mean didn't work out here at the first we Feast we love to unpack iconic food and film scenes okay is there any sort of backstory yeah yeah yeah I knew was going to that spaghetti and the killing of a sacred deer any sort of you know I can't eat spaghetti when I'm people are like look at that freak he's going to torment your family I mean you're sitting there in front of Nicole Kidman as well you know when your boxers it's quite intimidating and it's like you're eating cold past it and I was like all right what will I do to freak freak her out so I put the spaghetti in my M and take it back out um I remember doing that and she looked at me like you know what I mean but um it worked I [Music] think this is great [Music] bman I feel like I'm going to make it to the end I know you are mhm I know you are it's not that bad right do you know what I mean I'm with you Barry I'm with you Barry I'm I'm I'm a bit sick by way so you know what I mean I would be able to get through this so easy but B sick today like jetl doesn't help this place either no not easy to hop off the plane and then roll right into Hally I get I get it have you ever had a moment in your career where you thought you gave everything to a scene right just speaking truth to film and then had that scene cut from the final edit man is that painful for you as an actor or just the cost of doing business do you know what I'm going to S un cocky but they don't really C my SS like they keep them in there and they wish that they had more but uh there was a scene of BU shes that didn't need to be there and it's quite Bleak the scene you know I'm coming out the bedroom and me my father has just molested me and it's quite out there and they cut that scene um but I don't think we needed to see it anyways and again you don't question that when you're working with Martin McDonald or anything you just kind of you go and you you you let him take Take the Lead um but yeah it it justifies and it I I understand people have to C scenes and move like if it kind of takes you away from the story and that you know you can't really take a personal but we do take a personal you take it well like am I not that good you know what I [Music] me hidden fruit is it fruity I should just taste it only one way to find out how are you wearing a jacket and that like that's maybe I'll lose it too you know yeah we should both like take D Jersey Swap this joint oh yeah yep that's real you know and that's the thing about the forbidden fruit when you first try it it has like a freshness to it right almost like Tak a bite out of bre out I'm like breeding fire and that's what happens yeah as we go here as we go co special effects and like fire fire be amazing wait till you see what wait till you see what Colin does with that one all right bar Colin's getting busy that's actually creeping in now keep going for the milk and I'm like nope do it all right in a standoff then I won't either you never do you just do it like to help the other people oh look at you I see you've seen some episodes yeah definitely and observing that's the actor's eye too so one of the great pieces of Kobe Bryant lore is that he used to study cheetah and great white sharks in order to become a better basketball player how if at all would you say studying the physicality and body language of anim watching how do you think that made you a better actor well I feel like animals can convey so much without actually vocalize them because they can't um you know they can't um I mean the parate I had a parro once God that par um but animals do so much with their body language I mean I know my dog says so much to me where I saying anything shout out Dakota I feel you know you look at certain actors and it's animalistic and how they moving you know there certain performances that the director on the back and I think the shoulders say a lot as well um you know I always fine when my shoulders are less tense and dropped that's when I'm more on the on the case of being vulnerable and open and without kind of w that's kicking in yeah uh forbidden fruit hate you is there an animal because of its uh freedom of movement or maybe it's shared body language that you think is like Nature's greatest acting code Co a wolf I brought a little wolf wolf somebody gave that to me it's like a little Crystal little Stone I should have put him in at the start maybe we can edit that put a real wolf here just pet just challenge our Editor to various things I know breed and fire with devil horns B there done that not that bud we can skip it if you want a bomb [Music] what kind of milk is it oh oh wow wow I remember this yeah all coming back to [Music] you it's bringing you back yeah yeah we can just really rush through them I get it I get it I'll you know what it's making me like ah like a little up right yeah I could stand for the rest of this same with me goad it do look like I'm standing I'm so small stress test the editor stress test the camera guys I said go for it Barry Oh man anyways what were you going to say oh I was going to say you know I know that boxing goes far beyond a hobby for you right question training for a decade with plans to compete in the Celtic cup before a hand injury derail really like you you know your stuff honestly I'm amazed what's one self-defense tip that you'd give to someone with zero fight experience uh silence shut your mouth yeah don't don't get any problems honestly it's uh silence and walk away is the bigger bigger man and uh yeah I know I know boxing films they're Hallowed Ground for actors I'm curious from Rocky to raging B I think such a big point to the fighter what would you say is the greatest boxing movie of all time R and bull because it shows his kind of a chew outside the ring and again you know boxing is the background we we we know all of that and it looks amazing by the way but it's how one carries themselves box has a certain way of carrying themselves okay I need to drink yeah go ahead goad I'm going to join you at the party over here what would you say distinguishes an Irish fighter and then do you have a theory is to why you know Ireland with a population of around 5 million how it's produced so many world champion boxes I mean it's it's the culture isn't it and it's um it's the fighting Spirit and the troubles that we went through and what's kind of um Christine God this is hot is that the publicist yeah help Heard lots of publicists get cursed out CH me in my years doing this show um it's the culture you know and it's how you look at the wrestler you look at how he carries himself got or and Claw you look how the lads carry themselves it's how it's the swag it's all of that isn't it I answered a different question there because I just got lost and you were alling about Ireland that's where I'm from no it is and and you know you did answer the question it was the culture of Ireland you know that's how you create so many Champion Fighters and I see a champion fighter in front of me right now taking on these Wings mys don't rub the eyes careful around the eyes careful around the eyes Austin's nose run I seen that and he was like so anyways am I ready for the next one yes I am Sean I was so excited coming in here sometimes people are excited to meet me and then never want to see me again you know what I mean no we should meet again just not go near this yeah no I agree you going have a prop chat I'm down I'm down put this out it's brought me bad look back in there W all right so here we have the uh mat SOS here in the nin spot and here's the thing nothing is as bad as the last one oh really then why is he sitting there and he's not sitting here cuz like a filmy like a story arc you know what I mean you got to land that thing bring me down I like that thank you okay not every film's like that by the way I know some end really bad and it's no happy ending they're my favorite now nothing fun about the sauage said but not like the bomb my nose is coming into play now it's like spices are going up there mhm why did you get banned from C World Theater on Pernell Street as a youth why did you get banned for being a brat basically and running in and trying to watch movies honestly you know what I mean trying to stop a kid from watching movies like you don't know could be a future ask on I'm an there oh yeah just saying and you took him away from from films but then I had a premere there in 2021 for the eternals that must have been such a full circle moment to return to the theater that booted you but yeah I was young and trying to get in and you know the cinema was such a romantic place to me and I was only 14 don't know why I'm saying a smile this the last one this is the last one I got to open it you didn't even open it for his Lads they really need to have a war and then just be careful cuz it can kind of avalanche yeah whoa I'mma bite the other side okay cheers you know what you've been [ __ ] great oh I know what Austin's saying now honestly all good things by the way sorry yeah I was curious I left a little I know what he's saying it was a little cryptic yeah that's how we roll anyways I have to just feel like you know man no one no one has ever done it good on here I'm along for the ride right with you and here's the good news Barry the hard work's over a thank you the pain is behind us and just one more question to close things out and I want to take it to a quote from an interview that you recently did with backstage commenting on how you learned to become an actor more through experimentation look at I'm just spitting all over the place soy more through experimentation than any sort of formal acting training saying you look at non-actors and you see their first movie or their second movies and they're incredible then you go to that third or fourth movie and they've lost it they realize oh I'm an actor I should be an actor I'm curious what do you see as the power of naive for an actor and then what are the consequences of losing it it's like you know for me it was um getting that title of I'm an actor and you know it's uh there's a sudden pressure and I got to know how to you know uh you know speak and um project and sit up straight and I'm not not not saying I'm against it but I'm like keep that authenticity and if you slouch you slouch you know what I mean keep that mumbling keep all of that don't kind of train yourself into what everyone else is doing because you don't stand out there and you know what I mean they want to see what they what they what they can't put a finger on and always kind of you know play with the camera and you know play hard to get that's another kind of thing I've always been told and treat like a love interest and play art to get really and let the camera follow you so that's why I being over here for the whole lot you know I mean trying to well Barry taking on the wings of death living to tell the tale not that hot and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera carpet this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life so um hi I'm Barry kyogen and this is hot ones um no this has being great and uh oh am I going to list my whole filmography yeah or if you have something coming out or what do I have coming up uh nothing right now honestly I'm taking time to chill and uh you know um kind of focus on on my well-being and get back boxing like that yeah haven't lost a step haven't lost a step which camera am I looking at because I look so wrong of here this is the hyper there thank you thanks what' you that was amazing that was amazing I really want to rub my eyes but anyway no don't do that don't do that don't do that Sean thank you so much man did you have a good time I was [ __ ] brilliant man I was nervous at the start but honestly thank you everyone hey what's going on hot ones fans this is a very special announcement for the heat heads out there if you're someone who needs a little Spice in your life then the hot ones monthly subscription box from heatness is for you this monthly delivery from heatness features a trio of Saucy surprise each month you can always count on a fresh assortment and be the first to try new hot one sauces by now you know the drill that's to get your hands on the hot ones monthly subscription box get it for yourself or get it for a friend trust us you don't want to go another month without it
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 2,359,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, barry keoghan, barry keoghan interview, barry keoghan hot ones, saltburn, the banshees of inisherin, jacob elordi, Masters of the Air, apple tv
Id: NRC8kVJdtM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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