Stephen Curry Is On Fire While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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oh shoot [Music] hey what's going on everybody from first week Feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by Steph Curry he's the greatest shooter in NBA history of four-time NBA champion with a pair of MVPs and nine All-Star Game appearances to his name but it all had to start somewhere and you can see his journey from Overlook Prospect to NBA legend in the new documentary underrated which is now available on Apple TV plus Steph Curry welcome to the show thank you for having me Sean I appreciate it man how are you around spicy food before we get started uh so growing up I didn't want anything to do with spicy food and then uh when me and Aisha got married and she's got the Jamaican Heritage and a lot of that Cuisine has to do with some spice so I learned pretty quickly so now I'm pretty comfortable with it but I don't want to talk myself up knowing what's wrong what's going on here [Music] foreign [Music] I'm ready to get started what we got okay all right [Music] there we go I saw [Music] that's pretty good man finger looking oh wow so underrated which is phenomenal by the way details your Genesis is a three-star recruit dismissed by the Juggernaut colleges called too small and according to 109 NBA draft Scouting Report will never be a star in the league because of a lack of explosiveness how do you think things would have been different if you would have ended up at Virginia Tech or Duke like do you think you'd be where you are right now it's a great question because I I don't think so because it's you know the brand of basketball that I play now was predicated on a system that Dave was in college Bob McKayla mastered and the only reason I I think I'm as successful at is because I got to learn with reps so having gone to Tech or Duke or whatever maybe I like ride the bench my freshman year and I'll get that experience I don't know if I'd be the same player so it's kind of a message to go go where the best you know fit is for you as much as you might want to have the the pedigree or the resume to say I played in the ACC I played in a power conference that's all cool but um you know myself you know Damian Lillard John Morant guys who went to Mid major colleges they'll find you wherever you're at and so that's kind of the I didn't I had Faith at the time I didn't know how I would plan out but um yeah I wouldn't change that experience for anything so I'd rather play than just sit on the bench and say I gotta I got a you know power conference school on my chest I already like it it's probably gonna be my favorite one you know what time is going good mm-hmm hmm a little Thai green curry hot sauce does the name proud oh absolutely I like the flavor though there we go it's really solid I'm really I'm not I'm getting too ahead of myself it's all right you can be proud of yourself all right the flavor too yeah the spice is one thing but the flavor is pretty solid so I want to congratulate you on an amazing weekend of golf one of the American Century Championship an eagle on 18 a hole in one earlier in the weekend what is hitting a hole in one leg for you like is it like hitting a shot from 75 feet on the quarter is it a uniquely singular sport experience uniquely singular experience just because when I shoot a 75-footer or whatever a heave I probably made that shot before if it's in practice or maybe in a game before and honestly I expect to make it versus a hole in one even if you hit a shot and it's right online like the odds of it going in or slim to none so when it goes in that's when I lost my mind I started sprinting 150 yards down the whole I celebrate I basically blacked out and if I act like that when I make a 75 footer unless it's to win the NBA Finals then you'll celebrate but it's kind of like ah I was I've meant to do that versus a hole in one it's different different [Music] zesty lemon pepper I like lemon pepper I'm trying to shoot you freaking too fast as hell when you're the when you're the host of myself then you have to think about trying to keep up with your race no no no because I tried to get it down first because I got a question you know what I mean I try to I try to walk you know I try to load I feel you I feel you it's a timing game over here too you know you master this crap for sure for sure so NBA Jam popularized the concept of being on fire all right but there was an influential study in a 1985 edition of cognitive psychology that said that hot hand Theory or Street shooting is a myth as the NBA's all-time leading three-point shooter what's your take on that whole thing like does being on fire feel real to you oh absolutely there are times and catch the ball and you've maybe made one or two in a row and this is in practice or a game whatever the case is but mostly in the game like everything else does not exist the only thing that exists is as long as I can get this shot off and it's not going to get blocked the rim feels like the ocean and it's one of the most rewarding feelings for us and you know myself and other great Shooters like that's all you work for is the muscle memory and the mechanics that develops that confidence so that when you're in a game like you're not surprised you're in those moments but when it happens it's like yeah this is what I've been waiting for it's like a psychological or physical phenomenon that you can feel like this study they don't know what they're talking they don't know what they're talking about at all unless you've been in that 94 feet and you know like you've seen Klay Thompson scored whatever 37 and a quarter or you know 60 and three quarters you know when I had 60 in one game that's literally a the tangible physical sensation of all I need to do is just get this ball off my fingertips and it's going to go in um because you also know the opposite of that when you can hit the broadside of a barn and everything feels good but the results aren't there so you that balance of like where you are on that spectrum is like the ultimate game within the game [Music] I don't like anything that has Jay Fuego in the title oops his hot sauces get hotter the labels turn into like warmth there were no liabilities on it right there all right now we're talking in your opinion what is the NBA team staff role that's most important to keeping the machine moving but doesn't get enough of the credit we have a guy named Rick celibrini and shout out to Rick who is in this crazy I know Rick and we've formed a great relationship and I don't even know what his title actually is he's like the go-to on injury management injury prevention like all of those things that you know allow our bodies and our minds to be sharp for Peak Performance we've had a couple run-ins at times because I want to be a lot more aggressive on like when I get a tour of Labor in my shoulder or ankle and sprains and all that like I'm thinking about the shortest timeline impossible for me to get back on the court he's more realistic he's more realistic and more player friendly in terms of being on the conservative side of like let's take all the variables into play Let's make sure we're talking about longevity and not just the Here and Now that's why you see guys playing you know a lot longer I know there's a slowed management conversation and a lot of that falls from the narrative perspective on the players like they don't want to play 82 games that's not it it's you know you know there's smart professional well-studied individuals that understand how to you know prepare athletes to play not just now but for you know years and years and years and years and performing a very high level and that's why I'm you know going into my 15th year I feel as fresh as I've ever been um so shout out to Rick shout out to Rick Los Calientes Rojo my lips are burning I'll let you know that that's what's going to happen you know keep me updated keep me updated here we go yeah I don't know if like acknowledging the heat is a good or bad thing right you want to block it out or you want to just I'm here I think you basking it you know that's what I think you do okay yeah my lips are on fire yeah speaking of a uniquely singular experiences you know like hot ones just like that you know while you're here you might as well soak it in absolutely so you're a self-described popcorn addict and in 2019 the New York Times published your power rankings of NBA popcorn throughout the NBA throughout the entire league and you rate it all on a proprietary one to five scoring system of freshness saltiness crunchiness butter and presentation how would you articulate the difference between your top rated popcorn the kind that they serve at Dallas Mavericks games yes and then the lowest rated popcorn that they serve at Clippers and Lakers games basically you got presentation like I wanted to you know it should lock on your eyes the uh the butter the salt ratio it's very important very important like I'm a traditional the bells and whistles just make it you know good nice and buttery salty uh the the crispiness right it can't be like too mushy you know you know it has to have like a nice little crispiness to a little definitely texture in the mouth so I that was my ranking system I went through every Arena gave them like a one through five on each of those added them up and it was kind of exactly what I expected in terms of you know the Arenas that I know where I look forward to playing in those Arenas not just because of the environment because of the popcorn's on point absolutely but I I I'm not lying when that came out the next year everybody dialed the game up there was uh it was impressive so I went every NBA player to thank me for you know the popcorn that's going around the league right now you deserve it absolutely absolutely all right are you ready to move on second half here all right picking things off this is I'm a third quarter player so this is the you gotta get through this just gotta get through this all right where are we at the spicy Sharky spicy shark kind of sweet up front and then it's coming in I was confused I thought I grabbed the wrong Wing at first but no no no I did not yeah I'm right there with you I'm right there with you keep going yeah I just got I'm starting to sweat now nothing's gonna happen it's gonna be like you're at the free throw line in the third quarter here as we go on you know who all right your unique insight as a child of a 90s Pro I am curious when you and your dad talk about like his MBA versus your MBA what are the things that you guys end up talking about I mean the physicality is always the one thing that everybody talks about like all the hard fellas they had back and they was just real on the leagues you know adapted uh appropriately but just the overall spacing right like when you watch games back in the day in the 90s at all times it looked like there was at least nine people inside the three-point line usually just five to six people in the paint and just the different you know X's and O's and and floor splicing and play calls that they did um he told the story today about a game-winning shot that he had in Madison Square Garden the way he just described the play is like somebody double teamed the post and kicked it out to him on the strong side corner I'm like that hasn't happened in like 12 years in the NBA I don't remember the last time we had a double team to a strong side kick out for a butt naked open you know game-winning three in Madison Square Garden so it wasn't just the game-winning shot it's just like how it happened and he said it's so casually like oh yeah that was a good defensive for you it's like that's not everybody's Fanning out to the 3.9 they rather you to try to shoot a shot in the paint and you know for a game winner instead so game has changed drastically obviously I feel like I've had a lot to do with that but you know those are probably the main call outs he he likes to talk about and the contracts [Music] jalapeno Chico here I swear when you said the name all right I'm trying to do what you just said trying to acknowledge yeah right now I'm basking it it's okay it's gonna be all right I'm not the only one come on mm-hmm I'm competitive so I really I really want and you know not to lead the witness but we've never had an NBA player tap out no no I'm not it won't be it won't be today however you got to wheel me out of here come on so I've heard you credit Klay Thompson shooting form is being more pure from a textbook standpoint than yours can you explain what you mean by that because from sitting on the couch like they both look pretty good to me how would I explain it I'd say his is more repeatable for the average person but I mean by that it's it's more kind of uniform from the ground up so for all the hoop heads you know like you get you're uh you get your uh you get your balance uh from your feet and then your power from you know the base and you work your way up from there like you can't really get your consistency and repeatability by trying to throw it and sling with your hands and your arms and your wrist so he has like the most stacked kind of form like everything's in line all of his his angles are right [Music] and um like if I was gonna take somebody who's never shot a ball before and put a ball in your hand I would put you in Klay Thompson's positions because like everybody shoots differently like all the greatest shoes in the league we all have different releases of different forms but Clays is the one that if you just took a snapshot it's just right here it's just extreme it's pretty I call it the prettiest jump shot I've ever seen and then if you are giving advice on how to shoot what movements in idiosyncrasies in someone's mechanics which ones are adaptable with enough practice and then which ones are fatal if done wrong the getting really technical the angle of your elbow because it's really hard to if you're able if you have like that you call it the chicken wing or the the I don't know what you rarely see this one but there have been some that kind of come up through here and then bring it back out but this is the one you see the most the chicken wing is deadly just because it's hard to create the same Arc with it and the same power you can get everything from here but as soon as you get here you lose it as long as you're in your elbows kind of as close to 90 degrees as possible I'm much more confident in somebody being able to repeat that because that's the one I hate to see it's like the deadliest sin in basketball shooting uh the chicken wing the chicken chicken wings on topic yes this next chicken wing speaking of lethal chicken wings so this is the one that like like the popcorn thing like presentation he came and look at your eye goes right here first [Music] talk to me all right here we go the bomb Beyond insanity yeah immediately all right I didn't even get that thing in my like on my teeth and it hit me man I'm just real sweating now yeah like for real sweating all right and then just be careful around the eyes I went backhand on you that's smart all right do you remember the first time good show this is the show that is oh shoot wait why is it just sitting on my tongue like right on the front it keeps growing it keeps growing at you like the worst is never over all right you do you remember the first time that you ever pulled up from 40 feet in a game like how old were you and do you remember what your coach's reaction was oh my God that is insane I know I I almost said you willingly do this every day you get paid for it I know yeah yeah you know and you're passionate about your job yeah um oh my God I did it in high school uh I know I missed and thankfully my dad was on the sideline so my head he was an assistant coach my head coach couldn't really like overstep and like chastise me in another game but I definitely got an earful when I got in the car on the way home you trying to get through this freaking sauce it doesn't get any better no it only gets worse it only gets worse I know I know I know you know during my middle school era all right kids in games would try that like Allen Iverson spin crossover a lot usually it's a disastrous results do you remember like the player that you would emulate when you were that age like so many kids now it's like you for them like who was your model the motto is Steve Nash and Reggie Miller you see this tier yeah it's very dramatic yeah I get real emotional about talking about when these two legends that were such great influences on my game Reggie because he was a master of creating space without the ball find a way to get separation to go out and get a court uh get a pass and quick release I never could emulate his form because he'd do like this when you shoot it was you never you never teach that but the movement of the ball so I try to blend those two guys together um but then the funniest me and my brother there's a guy Alonzo Mourning he had like this really methodical free throw routine that me and my brother would really emulate and we did it you know when we were playing Au he'd have his wristband he'd do like a methodical like and wipe it off the sweat like he'd get locked in then he do another little bounce another little balance he'd do it again and they shoot the freedom Suite we always I don't know why we just love that iconic free throw routine because it was very big man of him like we were little guards and it was like kind of out of pocket for us but yeah I was just a roundabout way of saying Steve Nash and Reggie Miller were my my guys with a little splash of Alonso warning a little splash of the big feeling how are we doing fantastic freaking fantastic let's do it I need a sweater yeah you need the morning routine deep breaths oh my goodness man fourth quarter fourth quarter I just want to know I'm winning a real real significant bet in my family right now oh you are they didn't think you'd make it through they had no faith in me underrated almost there underrated come on I told you I'm competitive come on bring it how much did it mean to you that Kobe picked up on your baby face assassin nickname you know it seems like he saw the Killer Instinct in you before a lot of others that is one of my favorite memories and like compliments I've ever gotten in my life because it was like two or three different um kind of interactions there one I didn't even know about till way after the fact it's my rookie year and we were playing the Lakers at home and he's on the bench I think we're getting beat at the time but I come down to court and I do like this little pump fake situation hit a uh a leaner off the glass and as I run on the court the camera knocks in on him for some reason and he like points to or links to the guy sitting next to him on his teammates and uh kind of Mal's like yo he's nice but like that's the that's the dopest thing in the world Kobe is validating your game and he's just saying you play like for real for the first time that's just freaking amazing then the second time we were playing in a preseason game he's doing that Mama mentality thing where he's picking me up full court in a preseason game in the first quarter I'm like you turn around and he's like this like standing there and like doing defensive slides like staying in front of me like yo what is happening right now this is freaking Kobe Bryant so he stays with me for like four or five slides and then he bumps me and I kind of like fall off balance so I'm actually gassed at this point I'm tired just trying to get in the shape in the preaching the game and he's just going you know all out on the defensive pressure and he's like he's way bigger way stronger than me he's bumping me and doing all that so after I fall I got no option I'm like I'm just gonna shoot it and live with it and I shot it from probably 30 feet and I made it and then I act like nothing happened so it's like the biggest uh keep your cool kind of moment in your life because you know it's freaking Kobe you're trying to be super chill about it but I just you know drain one from 30 on it after he picked me up and he gave me like the little ass tap on the way back and I couldn't even acknowledge that either I kind of just like knocked him off and like act like I was playing on defense I went right back in at halftime I was like I need that clip like bring me that back I gotta say that on my phone and the third time is what you're referring to in terms of him kind of breaking down the uh the Killer Instinct and I just put it behind the smile like there's a guys that like he was that had like the scowl and the game face and like the killer mentality he didn't have to say anything you could see it like he's like the joy that I play with and the smile that I have you get deceived by just the killer instinct that I had underneath and the competitive spirit that I had for somebody to validate you like that um especially he's not giving out compliments like that no no that was uh that was truly special for sure [Music] all right whatever [Music] I'm showing out today yeah for Real come on it's a little bit better safe what a run absolutely look at us right hey oh man I know I know but it's all over wings of death are behind us and you know when I was watching the documentary when I was watching the documentary and reliving all these moments you know they're so indelible to us sports fans but I couldn't help but to think what it must have been like for you to experience them so with your brain on fire your mouth Ablaze what I want to do is Bounce a few moments from the dock off of you some career highlights and you just tell me the first couple of things that come to mind when you think about that night I'm good turning the ball over 13 times in your college debut against Eastern Michigan I can't wait for everybody to see this because when I saw the clip like you have a memory of how bad it was in your head then you imagine a hundred times worse when you see it so I literally like a like a baby giraffe out there like I couldn't even stay on my feet I could not and from me to you right here I could not throw a pass this way and the way that it's edited it's all 13 turnovers literally in a row and just you see everybody's expression my teammates like you know what the hell is happening right now coach McCaleb you can see his wheels are turned like we just gave a scholarship to this kid like what are we gonna step for four years coming back down 17 to beat Georgetown in the NCAA tournament unbelievable the highlight of of the Run we won the next game but that like getting out of that first round and going to the second round and beating the team like that knowing we're already overmatched in terms of the seating but we're already down 17 second half unbelievable comeback for sure breaking the all-time three record with Ray Allen and Reggie Miller in attendance to do it in the garden to do it with those two guys I watched when when Ray broke Reggie's record and Reggie was on the call so I remember that it's kicking in right yeah um I remember that moment it was you know in Boston and they waited for a timeout and he came over and hugged his mom he went over and hugged Reggie so I was kind of just imagining what that would be like with me and it was it over delivered so after a special moment I got to give the uh the game ball into my dad uh who was sitting course out too a proud moment and you know what I think you're only going to add to the resume today taking on the wings of death living to tell the tales talk to me and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the carpet for you Steph Curry this camera this camera this camera people know what you have going on in your life hey make sure check out the underrated documentary Stephen Curry underrated coming out Apple TV plus July 21st or whenever you can get to your TVs and get these sauces with it ah my eyes are freaking watering these went away before you get to the next Wing here it stayed and then this one is just that's a different level but you know true to form you didn't stop you didn't slow down your bites big dab at the end you know as much as you're a challenge you never took your foot off kids stuff can't do it true to form can't do it true to form oh my God haha thank you so much for watching today's video I have a very exciting new product alert last year hot ones brought the heat to the freezer aisle with our first ever hot ones boneless chicken bites well now we are bringing even more heat to the freezer aisle with our brand new hot ones chicken strips made with our first ever season blend two boldly seasoned varieties you have the spicy garlic featuring The Classic garlic Fresno with mild heat and garlic blasted goodness and Smoky habanero with the tropical medium spice of our Los Calientes Rojo we took the sauces that you know and love and with a little kitchen magic turned it into the perfect season blend that go great on our new hot ones chicken strips to find hot ones chicken strips near you visit that's snack em dip them make them the perfect party platter [Music]
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 8,032,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, steph curry, stephen curry, steph curry highlights, steph curry hot ones, steph curry golf, nba, golden state warriors, warriors
Id: nbxVfd1bw3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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