Lift, Run, Shoot | Andrew Huberman | Episode 030

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big day today we got the one and only Rihanna here I'm feeling up and Dr Andrew huberman I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a professor of neurobiology and Opthalmology at Stanford school of medicine I do think it's very important to the extent that you can in science and in everything to surround yourself with the kinds of people that you just really enjoy being around and he his producer here Rob how are you man good how you doing good to see you good morning how you doing good how are you good good you that's my son so we're all going to go and hit the mountain does somebody really carry this up the thing one of us is really carrying it up the thing Rob's not going to shoot a bow but huberman [Music] will and we'll be back here and then we'll podcast it's going to be fun that's where we're headed sweet how old are you K I'm 55 yeah inspiration I'm 48 I just turned 48 we do these Live Events and you get like 3 4,000 people together on a Thursday night with no alcohol yeah to hear you talk about science isn't that awesome it's awesome and totally weird and I'm delighted that people are hopefully gleaning some useful information it really is about uh all of you that's the reason I do it and I'm ever so grateful and I'd certainly be remiss if I didn't say thank you for your interest in science thank you went out to that Clovis Invitational is my first rc race that was it and I'm like at the Clovis Invitational and we head out I just remember Stampede you know your elbows they just Sprint out so I I Sprint it with everybody cracked cracked a 5minute mile I like you know and someone called it out for that was was a no way and then probably made it no joke more than no more than 50 paces and all of a sudden my legs just locked up and I was like this is crazy I've never had this happen so I started walking started walking and then I realized that like I'm not going to finish this thing and so that was the that wasn't the end of my cross country career but then I learned to try and Pace oh and then I realized that I'm not fast you know um I'm determined but I'm not fast got my podcast producer he's got multiple Iron Man under his belt and oh yeah he's a beast well here we are this is oh amazing I [Music] know we're not it's not that not really maybe I'll just grab a water yeah it's like a mile and a half up oh that's that's a yeah he cake I say that now I don't know if you need follow along on this this is a science experiment of sorts these always the same even though just kidding they're different sizes and shapes can you believe that is this this is like the Sword and the stone so they're all 72 lb holy moly one and a half miles with 7 so what what I do what I like is like people try to overthink this exercise stuff it's just like it doesn't have to be that hard a rock in a mountain just get that to the top that's it I hike with those on a weekend but I usually hike with a third to a half of that weight well we're not we're not going fast it's just grind it out you want to start with the rock I'll start with the rock yeah yeah this might be the least amount of talking you ever hear me [Music] do yeah I want to take this was your it off I don't want to set it down that's impressive I'm not going to set this thing no no I'm not going to set it down I got it I got you need help I refuse to set this thing down if I drop it I drop it but I'm not going to fall this this is what Kip did Kip folk my buddy he never set it down you put yeah I think it'd be worse if I did honestly there you go now I feel like there you [Music] go pretty soon he's going to have that t-shirt off cuz that's extra [Music] weight freaking Rob's killing it hberman he's right behind us he's doing great that rock is a pain in the ass to carry up this hill it's a totally unique challenge I dig it I'm into it I love it and we're outside and the sun's out isn't this awesome yeah what allows us to endure what allows us to keep going well we think of things like willpower but what's willpower willpower is neurons it's neurons in our brain we have this thing called the central Governor which decides whether or not we should or could continue or whether or not we should stop whether or not we should quit quitting is a mental thing not a physical thing tops ins sight our ability to persist is neural so when people say it's 90% mental 10% physical everything is physical everything is neurons your thinking is the responsibility of chemicals and electrical signals in your head so it's not 90% mental 10% physical it's not 50/50 it's 100% nervous system almost dropped it right there that was my one commitment not setting this thing down if I drop it I drop it h think I've trained with my shirt off since was 19 but it's survival now the reason we quit is rarely because our body quits our mind quits [Applause] [Music] wrapping up our Rock what do you think it's good work good job L brother now was some real work that was awesome thanks thank you man nice work yeah nice work brother well done dude than everyone you said this was a monument to Ken Key's son yep Jed key yeah key was at the you know for the um One Flew Over the cuckoo nest yeah was about the Meno Park VA oh was it which is you know 2 miles from my in my laboratory at Stanford know that yeah okay yeah you know back in the day the things that now are considered real science and federal grants and the stuff of Instagram and public health like meditation breath work psychedelics that stuff would have gotten you fired really so this says 10 million years what does that say oh man 30 100 and then 200 so is this where how it everything changed yeah so look at the evolution of UK carotic organisms UK carots or you know like you know like what we call mitochondria and cells probably were their own cells at some point and then some cells gobbled up other things like and then now you have mitochondria you have gold gppa all the stuff in the cell right so cells are like little ecosystems but they probably started off as yeah like the Nautilus yeah I got a lot to say about this keep this is a a mustelid skill look at this this I've never been to this rout look see that you know it's a mustelid this is a ferret or an otter skull that's a ferret because it's got the flat top okay cuz they have those two inid or they're for tearing oh I got you you know what else they got here the octopus the whale the octopus diabolical Beast be careful of them they're seductive this is beautiful here's where we are and it's 1518 is elevation uhhuh that's Spencer that's that mountain right there uh and then this is the valley here amazing that rock looks like it belongs up here but someone tells me it's got to come back I'll carry it down you guys if you guys want to take one of these other ones Wayne and Lis Wayne is like he lives for teaching people archery be super he's going to be super TR is he's a good backup he's like a passable backup no TR will take care of you is this it AJ AJ do people ever shoot well I grew up skateboarding switch stance so I guess do the like opposite no it's your dominant eye dominant eye so yep oh I know it there I'm highly asymmetric in my vision so right right I dominant okay yeah we got right that's good that's good right okay some people are they're right-handed but left eye dominant oh yeah I spend the first part of my career working on eye dominance ocular dominance oh wow normally perceptions can be best with stereopsis so your brain does the math right but if you are looking through one eye then you use motion parallax think about sitting on a train rungs on a fence going by the ones close look like they're going fast the ones in the distance they're moving the same speed so motion parallaxes when you move your head a little bit you're you're getting additional depth information and with baseball I was boom it just hit me now that's when I realized like okay my hand eye coordination isn't bad my depth perception is better with one eye and then is a real quick thing like animals with eyes on the side of their head only use motion parallax CU they can't see the same location with both eyes and that's why like when a I'm guessing when an elk sees you if you're completely stationary it can only detect motion right so you disappear when you're standing still that's the key so right so I know more about the prey than the hunter side we're sh you know but I'm not going to stand down at that end of the Ring yeah it's been so so this is going to go on your right hand and you'll just snug it up around your wrist like a ski boot perfect exactly like SK so you just press that forward okay that's what's going to lock that trigger and then grab some of these arrows going go through a few steps with two there's like no pressure cuz the first time you learn something there's always two cameras pointed yeah this is this is typical first thing you want to do is just get your feet set shoulder width perfect put like either two or three fingers just kind of right on the BR it'll put it in the flat spot in your hand you want to click it in between the loop always have your finger behind here when you're draw back and when you do that it's just kind of like a push and pull so you kind of want to bring the bow up level or just above the Target and then push and pull at the same time and then once you do that right in the corner of your jaw then we're going to you want to touch it tip of your nose to straight also one other thing never pull bow back without an arrow because if you if you accidentally hit the release with no arrow that bow would blow up that's all I need to hear so just pull back yeah push and pull see you I want to grab like this sure all right I don't know if I can pull that back this is going to straighten out this is going to come back so you're going to go like this yep okay hard then let off there you go you're almost there a little more right there yeah there you go yep and then touch your nose to the string kind of bring your head forward oh boy and then once you touch your nose to string you should be able to get this a little closer and whenever you're ready you can rest that finger on the trigger and then just a smooth squeeze his finger on the Trigg yeah there you go oh baby look at that look at that good there we go keeping that hand yep right in the corner of your jaw yeah when every ready you can smooth squeeze that looks good yeah that's looking a lot better I'm going to go I'm going to adjust a little high and hope that baby good little better good feels good looks like it's getting smoother it's very satisfying good mainly finding where it's consistent there you go I could totally get addicted to this shooting [Music] great short in the line tail left that should do it there we go a [Music] little here is your brand new bow you shot so well today thank you with so a ton of guidance thank you for this I'm so immensely grateful it's beautiful this is you you know you explain your purpose this is my purpose I love it this is my per purpose sh sharing the world of archery so it's uh you know this is everything to me I'll tell you I'm going to put it to good use good well I we're gonna come I'm gonna go down stay with you please do yeah we're gonna get that shoot the bows in your backyard it's going to be awesome thank you for coming to Eugene to Springfield to my home to the mountain with me and to the bow rack I appreciate you oh well thank you ever so much for hosting me and again today's been phenomenal I'm not going to be the same and for the better going forward it's I said it before I'll say it again today was one of the best days of my life and I so appreciate you so glad we met so glad we became friends I consider you a colleague in the podcasting space and I listen I I just really appreciate you brother all right thank you brother
Channel: Cameron Hanes
Views: 1,320,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cameron hanes, keep hammering, cam hanes podcast, keep hammering collective, khc podcast, cam hanes bow hunting, andrew huberman, cameron hanes workout, lift run shoot, andrew huberman sleep, huberman lab, keep hammering podcast andrew huberman, cam hanes running
Id: IoSvxbnjG8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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