I tried Andrew Huberman's Morning Routine FOR 100 DAYS and became LIMITLESS...

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all right Dr huberman how do I become Limitless I'm stressed I'm overworked everyone wants to say what's the pill that's gonna make me Limitless what's the technology we actually have the chemicals take 300 milligrams that will reduce brain fog blast your system and if you don't do this enough you are messing yourself up in a number of ways [Music] at first these were just habits but then things started changing I was blind but now I see the pursuit of productivity and well-being is a common goal but hitting the right balance between the two can be a challenge often I find myself completely sacrificing one for the other on one hand my productivity is through the roof but my health and well-being suffer or I'm completely zenned out checking all the holistic boxes in my life and productivity dies I tried many different morning routines and really struggled to find one to strike that perfect balance until I found Andrew huberman's morning routine Andrew huberman is brilliant and has documented hundreds of hours on this topic but finding one clear and concise regimen with all the videos and conflicting information was very difficult to do the routine can easily be understood by breaking it down into three sections morning linear and non-linear additionally there are four major pillars throughout this morning routine that I'll share throughout the video that have truly changed and impacted my life for the better when it comes to productivity and how I feel throughout the day if you clicked on this video you probably already know who Andrew huberman is but for the five of you that don't know who he is yet Andrew huberman is a neuroscientist and a tenured professor at Stanford University in neurobiology and he's well known for his widely popular podcast the huberman lab I think there's a lot of brilliant academic leaders out there on podcasts and writing books and research papers but what really makes Andrew stand out to me personally is he not only talks the talk but he walks the talk Andrew looks like he takes his own advice he's smart he's productive and it shows so let's cover phase one the morning the morning phase is all about setting the tone and it generally goes from 6am to 10 a.m in the morning the first step is almost immediately getting light into your eyes and drinking salt water I take some mineral drops in my water in the morning trust me it doesn't taste great but this really helped helps get the neurons firing in your brain right away in the morning and the light actually helps set the tone for your circadian rhythm so this is going to allow you to not crash in the afternoon and actually be able to go to sleep and be tired when the Sun goes down and you're trying to go to bed early plus it just feels good to be in the Sun so it definitely helps to do this next he recommends the dreaded cold shower or a cold plunge if you have one now this is going to give you sustained dopamine levels all day long and they've done a lot of research on this chocolate sex and cocaine raise your dopamine levels temporarily in the short term about two times over Baseline cold plunges or cold showers actually increase your dopamine level 2.5 x over Baseline so even more than hardcore drugs cold plunges motivate you and keep you sharp and focus and the beautiful thing is it's a slow rise over time so when you do the cold Plunge in the morning you're going to be more focused and more are sharp when doing tasks throughout the day so he also recommends that you delay your caffeine intake to at least an hour after you wake up and this is really going to help you offset your cortisol levels in the beginning of the day and I believe the term is called adenosine this builds up when you sleep and if you immediately drink caffeine it temporarily suppresses it but it all comes roaring back in the afternoon many people find that if they delay their caffeine intake to 90 to 120 minutes after waking up that they feel more alert in the morning and they completely avoid that afternoon crash just this tip alone has been huge for me like I noticeably experience the difference when I just wake up immediately go to the coffee pot drink it down versus waiting maybe having some tea that's not really caffeinated getting some light in my eyes it makes all the difference in the world next he recommends to do some light exercise in the morning this could be walking this could be running weight lifting I Jiu Jitsu in the evening which is pretty intense and taxing on my nervous system and my muscles and my body so I don't want to overdo it in the morning so I go a little bit lighter at this part of the routine if you're doing some kind of exercise in the morning that's also going to support dopamine levels throughout the day which is going to help you stay motivated and focused and sharp next up is the linear phase the linear phase really lasts from about 10 a.m until 2 pm in the afternoon this phase is where you can focus on your deep work you're going to tackle most of the day-to-day tasks that you need to get done here he recommends doing a 90-minute work session followed by a 20 minute rest period you can also do the Pomodoro Technique which is 25 minutes on five minutes off on a simple timer to keep you focused and knocking out tasks so this is where I'm getting the majority of my work done I'm meeting with clients team members strategizing and knocking out projects for my agency one thing I'll do is I'll take short breaks to maybe step outside side get some sunlight in my face reset and then jump back on to zoom land and while you're working this phase I find it really beneficial to put my phone on do not disturb maybe Set It Off to the desk because it's very very easy to go down the rabbit hole of scrolling on social media if you have it immediately at your fingertips now lastly is the non-linear phase the non-linear phase starts seven to eight hours after waking up it usually lasts about 2 p.m till 10 pm at night this is my favorite time of the day to be honest this phase is all about focusing on the creative work so you're doing all the analytical tasks in the linear phase and in the non-linear phase this is where you can be flexible and creative with your work so I've actually blocked out my calendar from 3 P.M to 5 PM so I can focus on my creative work and not have to take meetings if it's been an especially draining day I'll engage in some non-sleep rest this is very much recommended by huberman as well yes so non-sleep deep rest nsdr is an acronym that I coined because it encompasses a lot of practices that are not meditation per se but that bring the brain and body into a state of relaxation and focus this is where you simply lay down for 10 to 15 minutes and you don't actually go to sleep so you can do some kind of mindful meditation there's apps like headspace I personally like to listen to the Dr Joe dispenza meditation just to reset your mind recharge yourself and give your body some rest to go and tackle the project you're working on he also recommends getting outside at the end of the day this is where you can have some social interactions go to dinner meet with some friends and family I typically get my social interaction from Jiu Jitsu which I do in the evening time about four times a week and it's a big part of my life so while training Jiu Jitsu isn't part of the Andrew huberman routine or protocol it's important to adopt some of these science-backed routines and really incorporate them and integrate them into your lifestyle whatever that looks like for you so just because you see your favorite influence start waking up at 4am every day doesn't mean you need to beat yourself up because you're not doing the same it's about sustainability it's about feeling good and Longevity so I've been incorporating his teachings into my morning routine for about four months now and I can tell you it really makes a difference just small things even if you pick up one of these habits delaying caffeine getting some sunlight in your eyes maybe doing an ice bath just one of these things you're gonna feel a major impact and when you start stacking them that's when you start to get really crazy results and if you're on the path for personal development I just did a video on one of my favorite books that actually helped me acquire fifty thousand dollars by simply reading this book check it out here
Channel: Derek DeMike
Views: 2,142,716
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Keywords: I tried Andrew Huberman's Morning Routine and became LIMITLESS, I tried Andrew Huberman's Morning routine, Andrew Huberman, andrew huberman morning routines, Andrew Huberman NSDR, andrew huberman mouth breathing, andrew huberman happiness, andrew huberman testosterone, Andrew Huberman Sleep, andrew huberman dopamine, Andrew Huberman Joe Rogan, Andrew Huberman Cold Exposure, Andrew Huberman Cold Shower, Andrew Huberman LIght, andrew huberman delay caffeine, Limitless routine
Id: oQEo4aTQpfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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