Once We Were Wolves

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[Music] there was a gun involved in my bow hunt and uh had this film made for a while but I didn't want to release it because I didn't really you know I have my own personal approach to bow hunting and to me bow hunting is uh that's it there is no other hunting it's just bow hunting and if I'm going out on a hunt and I'm gonna either kill the animal with my bow or it's not gonna die that's just the way it goes and if I'm hunting Dangerous Game the same thing applies I'm going to kill that animal or it's going to kill me there is no other option I don't care about another option I'm not looking for a safety net I'm not looking for backup or anything like that but on a Grizzly hunt like we did year before last there's other people involved we had good blood and got down in the brush and it got crazy it's only time this ever happened in 35 years of bow hunting but it's happened to be on this incredible hunt and then you got to kind of reflect and think well it's not just your reality you now have other people's realities involved in your hunt so yeah Kobe you had Johnny radin you had branlin Shockey you had me and you had you so you got a crew and everybody you know we're here to support each other but at the end of the day when the [ __ ] hits the fan people got to make decisions right yeah you know [ __ ] got a little Western [Music] [Music] we give ourselves way too much credit by saying humans are the ultimate predator go against a mountain lion where it lives one on one and see who wins that should dispel any of those rumors [Music] I just want to live in the mountains it's my church I'm not religious but I'm very spiritual and this is it man this is the church 30 pound Boulder you can also shoot an arrow 117 yards Cameron Haynes is a professional bow hunter from Eugene and I want to know whether or not Cameron Haynes approves of taking federal land out of the hands of the feds and putting it under the control of the states he's the first person that has put the high-end Human Performance model with the sports of the outdoors my story is nothing special I know we have more than what we think we do and I've seen that I've seen that firsthand if my best buddy Roy I've seen him push and do amazing things or anybody else would quit he's in all the experience he had enough confidence at 40 yards to say this is going right in there your honey Dangerous Game you can't think about what could go wrong I feel like I've sacrificed so much and can overcome all these physical challenges that it just gives me confidence to know that in very stressful out of the ordinary circumstances I'm not worried about anything [Music] I think about that all the time you're gone what do you want to be known for dude I want to be known for a [ __ ] Savage killer mountain man that's that's it this reality that we live in traffic and people phones and you know just all the things that society and culture and all these things that are just blobbed on and just [ __ ] get rid of it man it doesn't [ __ ] mean anything there's not very many things out in the cities in the towns that we live that are as real as hunting the mountains and I think that's where you can really find out who you are [Music] all I think about is can I outwit that animal get in the red zone and get an arrow into it and take its life [Music] it's hard to sit here and describe to somebody what bow hunting means about life I was a corporate ding dong I was lucky enough to spend 21 years at a great company like under armor from scratch and that led me to this intersection of meeting this freaking marathon runner endurance Runner cam Haynes we sponsored him as an athlete and I became a little bit interested in what he was doing and we spent some time together and at first he was just kind of a guy and and then over time I realized there was something different he kept grinding and and I kept changing and and then I realized that I found a hero that was living [Music] so I attached myself to a lot of his thinking a lot of his training his mindset and then obviously bow hunting [Music] bow hunting changes changes the way you look at yourself and the world you live in over the years I've watched Cam and I always wondered when he was going to go back to Alaska and he never did and so I called him up told him we're going to go Brazil said yes [Music] where are we going Kim uh going over to Royse and who's Roy what's up you got me started to high school together so did a lot of hunts mid-september and we're uh it's like winter wonderland Wonderland up here pretty crazy awesome crazy awesome get a hold of me if you want to learn about hunting opportunities with Roy or you can get a hold of Roy at where you can get a hold of get me at eaglequest um well let me think I don't really want to give my number do I um check me out on Facebook oh nice one check them out on Facebook I'm here with uh Roy my buddy Roy Roth we went to high school together from the same small town there in Marco Oregon tiny high school and now he's taught him everything he knows he taught me everything I know hi there stranger how are you oh I'm good I'm good thanks for getting me into your little schedule here say hi Noah you're saying who are these people [Laughter] yeah we got a Crowd Oh My Goodness yeah go ahead and feel free so this is Roy's room here this is Roy we were hunting Colorado five years ago and we got a call late night that boy fell off a mountain at Pioneer Peak cam hasn't been back hunting so we're here to kind of visit and check out some things and let let Kim figure out what he's doing what this hunt means to him this is uh a hunting brown bear literally 2012. quite an adventure look at that there I was giant Roy killed on Kodiak that's that that Bear right here you got he won the Fred Bear war with the most exceptional Alaska big game animal taken by a member in the past year thank you it was a legend [Music] when you have a friend who's a hero and you can like see what you should be but you're not and so you have something to shoot for and I think that's what Roy offered cam and you know like who's gonna debate I mean Cam's a Savage but Roy was Legend status this one here I remember this story says he walked 30 miles just to get to the base of the mountain because the yeah the pilot couldn't get him back into where he wanted to hunt so Roy said how close can you give me and he said 30 miles away Roy roasted drumming here so I walked 30 miles just to get to the mountain yeah for me I'm here trying to focus on what I'm doing but I gotta appreciate the fact that cam was going through something totally different I mean we're here to support him but you know what it's like people got an internal fight so he wasn't sure if he was ever going to come back to Alaska and hunt you know because it wasn't with Roy what were you doing before he got you into bow hunting being a loser uh yeah quit I'm kind of still going to college but drinking beer not really amounting too much so got me started with bow hunting and felt like that was what I was supposed to do so I was pretty dedicated to it this is what we do this is what we do this is it right here some people some people are Insurance salesmen some people you know make bread some people are butchers this is what we do Boeing changed my life but Roy introduced me to bow hunting so his part his place in my life is the foundation of everything I stand for and he was always always believed in me so foreign I think cam coming back for the first time since Roy's death I think he wants to I mean he wants to live up to Roy's Legend and that's what we're here to do and that's what Roy would have done and and I think that's kind of he's got to prove that he can come back and do that for Roy and for him Royce at the town he was a legend so we're gonna try to try to have a trip that would live up to and honor him and live up to what he would expect and hopefully he can watch down and be entertained looking forward to it the time lapse feature of like pilgrims Landing in Native Americans being here from the beginning to us flying into Alaska there's a lot of people that have conquered a lot of Frontier that's all just roads and buildings and hospitals and Chick-fil-A's now so you got to go further to explore today [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] think there's something that's washed in the back of us this backdrop of modern society technology that if [ __ ] happens I got help but there's nothing in Alaska that's like that in fact probably that direction yeah [Music] when that last piece of modern machinery relieves your Aid in assistance Jordan [Music] footage that was crazy [Music] hunting used to be the way we scouted new land you would move your family or tribe or Clan or Community to another place that had good game so you could exist and live off it so there's this interesting tie between hunting and exploring and I love that we got to get Camp ready get set up I think we got a bunch of tents to put up so it shouldn't take too long we got plenty of light we can do it all night long because it ain't gonna get dark [Music] whatever reputation you thought you had for being tough you're [ __ ] I didn't have one that's the problem you can't go back I never had it pillow oh so what's that a pillow for my legs no way was like a snuggle pillow yeah he's been doing this all night we got a little puddle up there I gotta say it's before it's a problem I thought it was midnight all night because of my eye covers it's awesome I pulled my hat over my eyes she's wearing good or bad for grizzly bear hunting it makes it more of a challenge we love challenge it's good for stalking it's good for stocking [Music] [Music] I like this is that as close as you can get it yeah closer yeah oh you breathed in My Lens good classify Alaskan weather as unpredictable or predictable Unbreakable even if you think you know what's gonna happen it'll change every 20 minutes so if you don't like the weather just wait 20 minutes it doesn't look like it's going to change much between now and tomorrow except for maybe four this afternoon change to snow [Music] good blood trailing a lot of country in the outside world you can kind of mask who you are and hide behind different things and live some a little bit of a fantasy I'll hear all that Stripped Away you find out who you really are and what you're really about it's a weird transition but you get out here and all that matters is really finding Bears making good shot getting food and water and getting sleep when you can and that's it that is it anything else is a waste of time and mental energy the grizzly visit has been glorified has been this vicious unpredictable bear a bit different than a black bear different than a brown bear you know different than cougars or wools and they they've been uh like part of the American West yeah I mean you you for the white man to conquer the West I mean obviously the Native Americans have been doing it for years so they lived with them but they ran into Grizzlies everywhere they went and so they killed them everywhere they went because they couldn't deal with them because they didn't know what they were going to do I mean you got some of the old history books on was crazy you go across the Plains and then you know there's Plains animals you know Antelope elk deer mule deer that's where it used to be yeah that's where the Grizzlies used to be there'd be hundreds of thousands of elk in mildeer on the plains and the so the grizzly was the lion of the planes he lived on the planes hunting like a planes animal yeah only now are they pushed into these remote Mountain areas anyway I just think in American history the grizzly holds a little bit of special oh definitely it seems like do you it seems like Grizzlies are more aggressive than brown bear it's like yeah they got a fight for you know to survive a lot a little bit more it's not like you miss out well you can there's a gazelle I mean well berries up here are pretty plentify yes I mean there's food around it's not like they're gonna starve but they're working fine it's just uh yeah I think it's their attitude they do have a place it makes it more dangerous [Music] you look at some of these early Pioneers frontiersmen explorers I don't know what people think of it what I look at I go God damn those people were tough [Music] you see these lines of guys like tied to each other going up a snowy mountain in the middle of the winter you ask yourself like why the [ __ ] are these people doing this think they wanted something better and they were willing to do anything for it that's what bow hunting teaches you that there's another way to live a forgotten way to live oops there's some wind blowing in here see our bows that was bad they're frozen be careful what's up great hunting weather supposed to be 50 mile an hour winds tonight or today or whatever we're uh what what you'd call socked in so surviving foreign coffee hot chocolate coffee hot chocolate baby it's a way to start every day I don't see those marshmallows it's so cute I don't want it getting too heavy the wind should blow it off water some places it's life some places it's deaf [ __ ] water someplace water is water some places water is hot chocolate [Laughter] oh weather says tomorrow which I think is Sunday is supposed to clear up hurry up and wait [Music] [Music] thank you so I can you excited I want to get we get to hunting looks like we made it through the weather and now we gotta deal with a little bit of fog I sucked in pretty good You Can See For Miles let's I'll sit down here in this low kind of cool though foreign all these Jagged rocks with the wind blown with these little knobs of ice we got hammered good compared to humans these things are built for this you know I mean this is a relatively small system that came through and for us we had to take shelter and talked about how bad it was and high winds and how cold and for them it's just another day another probably fairly easy day actually and they're out there here just laying it's nine-day different thank God we have most of us have the advantage of intelligence and reason because if we didn't have that that we had realized to sheer toughness yeah short battle thank you so 15 hours [ __ ] 15 hours just here getting just scorched in the Sun Sun never not it wasn't a cloud all day no but the sun because it never goes down it just circles around it's like this so it's like a rotisserie and we're like a hot dog in 7-Eleven with the infrared heat I think it's a I mean it's dark chocolate I have a scope but uh [Music] it's gonna go up this Ridge and see if we can get an eyeball on him you're sleeping and then bam you gotta go [Music] [Music] oh [Music] they're trying to locate them they don't know where he's at with the bear bailed off and we sent some tracks in the snow up here and then we got Johnny cam Covey and we're the highest sell somewhere in here I think he's going to the valley but I think they just wanted to check to make sure he wasn't over this ledge so we'll see he's pointing up here let's go into our [ __ ] camp yep he must have hit our scent God damn it nice bear he was sitting in the snow when I first saw him so he's just cruising along here hit our camp sent from our campus coming right over here we would have found him if he didn't win our champion we would have kept going this way and yeah Jesus he is flying where that's what we're looking for right there boy God I know she would have stopped oh you were given everything you got yeah it's still running he's [ __ ] gas though no way you can do that for 80 [ __ ] months if can can run for 240 that guy can go a thousand I don't think I weigh 700 . [Music] out here I feel unlike anywhere else you can fulfill destiny when your arrow flies true the animal dies that's Destiny if because I was that was meant to happen you you put that if it doesn't happen if something goes awry and the bear survives or maybe you die that was meant to be too I mean we're out here fulfilling our destiny and I think with in town um with everything else that's going on I think your destiny can be interrupted it can be altered but out here I think what's meant to happen is meant to happen and it's pure and it's uh I guess Destiny defined is the what is how I see the wild everything makes sense out here yeah nothing makes sense in the world who makes out here it makes it makes sense nature makes sense you can cut all that stuff out of the way clear your head out here [Music] it's funny because cam cam doesn't even really know what he's done for me so you know I'm I look at what he does how he tries to commit himself and then I look in the mirror and I'm like all right Kip are you pushing yourself can you do more can you do more can you do more and if you don't have someone you know I didn't have like that growing up I was always searching for someone so he doesn't really know that but he kind of plays that role for 14 miles I'm not supposed to be listening hilarious the confessions of the mountains oh that's right [Music] Grizzly hunting we got a locate a bear ah back on the glassy knob pretty good pair nice mile and a half away once we get our stuff packed up we'll take a walk down there I don't know wants to have to get down there and see where they are and what we can do but we gotta get those shoots good the camera shoots good try to get across them get on it as close as you can thank you they smell you they run so we gotta play the win we got one option we're gonna hang on the edge of those Spruce there and try to come in below foreign we can either hopefully find him before he sees us and maybe we'll see him up there but I think he's gonna go slow no so you go first you go right behind him he's gonna work out the keyword easing over [Music] hey yeah [Music] go back around those tall trees yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] right there right here yeah I don't want to go on the brush um our you know there's a there's a hillside brush then it goes out there's an open spot then it goes down the back side I wonder if we go if we kind of Veer around so we can see back and we'll just stay in the open right through that opening I think here I kind of made a good shot the left got good blood but it went in this brush right here and there's a bunch of Grizzlies around so we're just trying to make a decision [Music] I have a wounded bear in the brush done it a handful of times and it doesn't get any easier and it doesn't get any less scary and doesn't get any less dangerous a couple different Bears around so we're gonna just give it a minute get all the blood trail here and no need to go rush it in with a wounded bear all right let's get on it we got a lot right here okay well it's intro way down there if we all stick together you got a gun you got a gun because they can come you know who knows where and it comes fast so stick together [Music] last thing you want to be doing going in the brush eyes up everybody just look all the way around us God damn it cover that side I'll cover this side Dead bear right there oh my God hey don't just don't run up to it yep right there hey bear pay attention hold on oh he's still alive okay if you gotta take it otherwise I'm gonna shoot [Music] everybody good yeah good all I saw was eyes foreign drawn jocking for a shot and then he just started coming yeah and I shot and then all hell bro well I didn't know you shot I just saw a charging bear coming at you he was ready with an arrow but a charging bear at 10 yards goes quick and uh I shot I didn't even know he let his bow loose sorry guys I'm glad nobody got hurt wish I would have made a better shop I don't try to shoot but I wasn't going to not shoot there I was like that I was initially I was pissed because I was like trying like I pulled her no no no no I was trying and like I didn't know you shot I knew you were trying I was letting you just gonna shoot him yeah no I charged I can't blame anybody for reacting that way with the charging bear though I mean what are you supposed to do I owe Kip for allowing me to come dude that's all I want to do be in the woods with you you build relationships in the trenches and these hunts they're big roller coasters mentally physically and the bigger the roller coaster sometimes the bigger the relationship comes out of them now we're all linked to this yeah like in a different way I mean it's like can't ask for anything better dude I've never had a bow kill that had to be finished with a rifle and uh this is the first one ever but uh you know because I work really hard to make it to where yeah I make a perfect shot animal never had to do this but also never had a Grizzly charge at less than [ __ ] 10 yards yeah I've never been to war but it's about as close as I can think of coming in this stuff after a longer beer this is crazy it was dicey it was dicey I mean we had a wounded grizzly you don't mess around with the wounded Grizzly and camels just focused to go get the bear I think there's part of it that he doesn't want the bear to suffer but I think the other part is just not scary it's liberating cameras afraid of death and I'm living my best life but I won't ever admit that I have conquered the fear of death in my head yet and I think he has and so you just go you're not worried you're good you know I can hesitate and think about it a little bit so I can respect the fact that he doesn't wrestle with something I still wrestle with at peace with that I also think he wants to see Roy again [Music] I believe Destiny best defines hunting in the Wilds of Alaska because it's only here that your fate lies in your hands your ability your decisions in the outside world all sorts of other factors weigh in outside of your control but here my arrow either kills a grizzly or wounds grizzly and if all the circumstances are removed he Grizzly either dies or attacks me that's the way I like it that's um that's what that's I see that as a fitting end other people are part of the equation which is just the way it goes my destiny was interrupted I did get her Arrow off continue to bear in the chest as it charged would that have killed it before it could have killed me don't know my destiny was removed [Music] from um 100 my actions that's where I go sometimes that's all we can ask for and that's what the mountains give us truth and the test we see it's not to kill an animal is to test ourselves rise up in the face of great challenge and either fail or succeed and live to hunt another day you couldn't be more grateful for sharing this hunt that these men in this special special magical country in the very first hunt for me back in Alaska since my best friend Roy fell and died while she's hunting in 2015. hadn't been back couldn't come back finally opted to on an invite from Kip he was there with me when I found out Roy had died and then he's here with me sharing this incredible haunted tribute to Roy and I wanted his hunt to be something he could watch down on and enjoy I know he would we live for these moments charging Grizzlies big boards incredible country and hard work [Music] so Roy foreign [Music] this is for you [Music] I miss you but we're still getting it done if we meet again [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Cameron Hanes
Views: 1,624,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cameron hanes, keep hammering, cam hanes podcast, keep hammering collective, khc podcast, cam hanes bow hunting, cameron hanes motivation, cam hanes hunt, cameron hanes bear hunt, cam hanes bear hunt, cameron hanes hunting gear, cameron hanes documentary, cam hanes hunting documentary, bow hunting, cam hanes bow hunter, once we were wolves, once we were wolves movie, cam hanes movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 49sec (3529 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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