Ripple Effect || Archery Desert Sheep Hunt in Nevada

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[Music] growing up in Nevada you desert sheep or the king of big game it's one of the things like you think about this landscape and the type of habitat it is and and desert sheep just fit in [Music] perfectly if I could pick any hunt in the world this would probably be [Music] it here we are day one desert sheep hunt I've got the new Matthews lift with me it's the first hunt I'm taking it on so excited to get out there put it to the test hopefully find a big one we've got a little bit of luck on our side today because the temperatures really dropped so that's going to allow me to cover a lot more country on foot get into those Pockets that are hard to reach without having to worry about carrying so much water so I'm going to cover as much ground as I can today and hopefully turn up a [Music] ram it's the first morning and I'm getting up to my glassing point I crested over and from 35 yards Out Below this ledge a small Ram runs out you know like a four-year-old RAM and I'm sitting watching it he's 70 yards away and unbeknownst to me there was a pile of 's and a bigger Ram that came out and it's a nice Ram like I'd probably be happy with that Ram but it's also an hour into the first morning I've waited my whole life for this hunt essentially it's like I I got to see what else is out there my last two sheep hunts combined I think I've hunted almost a month and seen no legal Rams so to let a ram walk just take some kind of [Music] restraint we have more sheep here than any other state outside of Alaska we've got three species sheep desert sheep Rocky Mountain Big Horns California Big Horns you know it's a huge success story in sheep conservation building guzzlers doing transplants you know with a goal of putting sheep back in pretty much every mountain range they've been in it's still not easy to draw a tag but when you get a tag you know you get a hunt an animal and this extremely iconic to Nevada got into some Rams the first day just nothing I wanted to take and then ended up walking down to the lake to get picked up my dad was going to come around and pick us up but his boat broke down so we had them grab a different boat but they didn't know that there was no gas in the boat going to be close get service or something call you I don't think we're making it so they took the boat and got to us but we weren't able to make it back just walk that road back just can you drive that truck all the way can you drive the truck all the way down probably the best bet then ended up parking the boat hiking 8 Miles back to [Music] [Music] Camp you know normally when you're desert sheep hunting water is a big issue which it concentrates the sheep in certain areas here giant water source Colorado [Music] River so essentially we have to kind of hunt the whole area because they can be really anywhere water's not an issue for these sheep which is good for the Sheep this stuff looks good I think this is where the big Grand are going to be hiding we just got dropped off really good looking stuff a lot of stuff to look over so just get set up and really pick it apart with the [Music] glass okay [Music] 60 yards I just had no shot there's twoo many us around him every time I would have a shot he'd then move I just needed like a few more more seconds and then he bumped over he's bumping over the top of this mountain now I'm going to back out hopefully be able to watch where he goes cuz it's definitely a good Ram definitely a shooter dang so close dude it's just like now I get to obsess now we just got now we really got to hunt so close to killing that Ram it's like not even funny that's a big Ram we know there's a good Ram in there have no clue where he's going to be he could be anywhere so that's the kind of the hard part you know what the potential is but you still got to find them I think we just need to get eyes where they were but also kind of every direction it's just really cool to have my Dad and brothers with me on this hunt and it's my favorite hunts of the year they're really my only Hunting Buddies is my family you know like if they went over one Ridge so we can look into every Canyon you know things get busy but we still make time to hunt with each other they were helping in the hunt they were you know in other places glassing looking for sheep uh my brother Jason had popped actually spotted the Rams that we were chasing this morning he's just right up here but he dipped over the mountain so got to make a play to get around and see if I can get eyes on him again been chasing sheep putting on the miles first day 18 miles second day 13 miles some pretty rough country [Music] every time we see him get into position just disappears droing my back about 30 y from when they last went over I just Graw up to the top and PE over hoping that they had stopped in the Basin never saw them out they could have slipped around sobody to keep an eye I just praying that they're still [Music] there it was just right there and now it's like we're going to earn it if we have get last minute push it's good so close spotted a good Ram yesterday now the plan is just go back in there refind him get a stock we've got the big Ram spotted So the plan is to get around and try to get eyes on him hopefully I just hope that he beds in a good spot for a stock going to play it smart and just try to keep eyes on him keep tabs on him make a play this is just exciting to to found this Ram again one you at 25 I'm working going to go right here so things happen right it's just it's just funny part of the story but it's funny how one thing leads to another we've been on eeve for about 20 minutes a boat that we had to park in a Cove we brought gas back the next day that led us into this spot made made a decision to hunt this other spot I think this is where the big Rams are going to be hiding in that other spot come around the corner and see a really good Ram start chasing that Ram lose him almost get a shot evening last night spot him again just can't get on him come back this morning and then turn up that Ram again so we're moving in on that RAM and as we're I'm sneaking in around the corner where I last saw him some Rams come out and this guy pops up within a [Music] range oh my God I'm shaking I cannot believe that I was sneaking around the mountain for the ram that we've been chasing for 2 days and he's just up I figured once I got to this he'd be 60 yards away and as I'm coming around I hear rocks below me and a herd of sheep comes out and at the top is another really good Ram I actually thought it might have been the same Ram I I didn't look at him very long I looked at him just long enough to range him and get drawn said a prayer and let it fly and it is a great shot to be in my home state hunting my favorite species of sheep with a bow in my hand there's nothing like it really jono for me and my family like hunting is the way that we get to bond the time that we get to spend together you know this is one of those hunts where you want other people to join you because it's such a rare opportunity they were helping in the hunt they were you know in other places glassing looking for sheep I think desert with a bow most people aren't even brave enough to try you know walking around in sheep country just really gives you appreciation for the the territory that they live in and also when you're successful it's it's just a different feeling because it is such rough inhospitable stuff it doesn't matter what species it is and so to be able to like get in amongst them and and get within bow range it's just it's awesome down the mountain we go sheep tenderloin for dinner doesn't get any better than this thank you guys for I'm supposed to give you this hug from Mom nice yeah oh [Music] yeah
Channel: Remi Warren
Views: 118,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Sp2MBBa75zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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