Lift Run Shoot- Cameron Hanes X David Goggins

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yo this is banana it'll do contestar be sus kiss-ass well a bunch of [ __ ] ass no y-you don't have the guts to be what you want to be you need people like me you need people like me say you can point your [ __ ] fingers let's say that's the bad guy every [ __ ] all like this three o'clock in the morning I'll be honest [ __ ] window of his [ __ ] room hey what the [ __ ] am we do it cam come on Barry best friends now camp miles three two one here we go frozen trail runs this whip TK underway [Music] yeah yeah so these were your first three and then the last two were here so something was yeah these these aren't bad here so now we'll we'll try that last pan at the 60 it's just a constant it's like a it's like a force when you got two people like him and me it was even their each other it's this evil demon back you're saying you got a breakdown [ __ ] so at 35 you want to split that 30 and 40 right for the middle yeah so let's try that yeah that is the first one so then yeah you that's all looking good yeah that's all looking good [Music] [Music] and so this is his where I come shoot he lived right over here yeah and it's just archery as David said is its life who's that that Genghis Khan in the Mongolian shooting 160-pound bows studs so it's like archery has always been like that's what the badasses do not saying I'm badass but it's cool it's cool to pretend this bowl here is the best bull in here yep we definitely take this serious we honor the animal we eat all the meat it's it's our life basically there's it's not anything we take lightly bad like a bad rap for people for hunting yeah oh yeah uh-huh that's hard cause you guys go at it yeah yeah they you know I mean they just want to thank the hunters you're driving around drinking beer right and shooting out of trucks and it's just not Hollywood kind of does that a little bit you know it makes it's easy to make the hunger be the bad guy or the redneck or whatever right that's what people see because most people in in cities don't really get it so we've done I've really tried hard talk about the dedication and the work that goes in and and the respect for the animals we have so no because it's you're killing something right so it's not to be taken lightly all right you know people go out and they get hamburgers and steaks all that they don't they're do cash from the kill well when you're killing it's you know it's a big deal you're face to face yeah yeah so we you know hunters of at least excepted animals die for us to survive most people don't Bush yeah again push yeah again ah there you go take ten seconds to get it again beast get it David come on yeah there you go there you go energy let it out seven hey not pana machine here there you go nobody works like David in this house 13 come on 14 come on 15 shut that muscle down 16 come on get it 17 they don't know me son get it ain't movin son get it 19 big son yeah honey you got 21 yeah get again how long we want to see it good we do who's gonna carry the boats in the logs that's you buddy come on 23 come on 24 one more Dan who's one more to carry the boats you're gonna do it you're gonna do it you're gonna do it you did it yeah [Music]
Channel: Elevation 0m
Views: 2,145,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cam Hanes, David Goggins, Hoyt, Eugene, Trail running, Under Armour, Bow hunting, Keep hammering
Id: vv-yqq2pwOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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