Cam's Bull of a Lifetime

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first day in Utah this is always the number one check make sure your bow made it okay Airlines Kip drove Shane flew in and equipment check what are we 63 here 58 everything's hidden good it's a good sign [Music] he's been better but I'll be alright I'm in out country you got to toughen up add a little 32 mile run on Friday took a little spill but we're gonna kill a bull I like your setup buddy she seen some mouths yeah are you in the penthouse to eat up there I don't know man I like down below I got the memory foam oh nice I think the warrior might need the soft foam this isn't exactly roughing it but it's roughing it for me yeah you are getting old when you got your wife and kids I hope you do it is you better have air conditioning yeah but I have in the morning at some place to do number one - and according to a rider there's a three ice tub oh all right well we'll get back to you on the three I won this is what you dream of you know you lay in bed and I staring at the ceiling thinking about the Bulls in this country in September it's uh it's what I live for and finally it's here you have a hard time wiping the smile off my face [Music] it's a first evening of the hood got a great game plan this is just perfect oak habitat base who were heading down this Ridge about a couple miles down the rich or I get the wind right the winds been at her back the whole way but we're gonna stand on top the elk are probably down with the water down in this drainage right here so we're going on the ridge top around and we're gonna buttonhook and come up the bottom with the wind when their vehicle when they're more active this evening so probably see some animals and it's pretty exciting all right here sneak up there he's like 100 all sounds pretty good we haven't we haven't really seen him so the weights a little funky but it's it's more prevailing this way than anything so just gonna try to sneak up there and be quiet Cal call [Music] still right there he doesn't know what happened to us that really nice ball up on the ridge there is a little 400 yards away I can get to the bottom of this Greg gonna kill him wind's coming down good he's a beautiful big old that's him right there I don't work done that Bulls a tank but I thought if I went right to the cows last cows I saw he would be coming back so I got a 20 yards from do cows bull never came back thinking now maybe I should taking his path to travel and try to head them off because obviously I don't work they blew up but well the biggest Bulls I've ever seen you know we are covered up with elk right now listen to this and when it's like this and we're in the trees I mean it's just a matter of time I mean a big bull could just walk right we've been this close to killing one tonight but I'm Dean is so fun and it's hard and it's got to be perfect and it's frustrating but we're doing it we're in the middle of it and I feel really lucky fear got a little bit of light left [Music] now he's not picking up he's a nice Bowl but darling he's old man I just got done saying what being cover up by balls like this um we might get run over that cow called here comes this ball down the hill that ball right there nice ball but you know I didn't think he's he doesn't look that old he's a beautiful ball it's a little dark right now I'm just having too much fun to end it really if the truth was known it's amazing what a day this is like a lifetime worth of elk hunting experience tonight today was amazing and frustrating in on bulls saw the biggest bowl I think I've ever seen in the wild and got 30 yards from them and couldn't get him killed it's a little frustrating because you don't get opportunities of bulls like that every day you can't really afford to screw him up but on the other hand it was day one evening one so there's hope I mean he's out there running around know where he's at and I got a lot of days left to hunt we'll get after him looks like everything's in order now all we need is a bowl to stand out in front of me it's gonna be a great day we hadn't going down the ridge come pulls me going right here like a few of them we're gonna circle down get the wind ride come in on those bowls and see what happens I mean look at this Sun coming up we're in health country goodness [Music] this wind is killing us this morning today's been a little slower than yesterday yesterday we saw basically the bowl of my dreams thought we were going to get him killed and didn't work out I spent all night thinking about a what I should have done how I could have got him killed how I could have done been a better bow hunter basically and be how we could track him down today find him and close the deal and hasn't happened yet this morning was a bust you know eat a little bit and get out there this afternoon and see what can make happen we've got high hopes for tonight this morning was slow which it happens you know it's been warm this evening all the good to great because it's windy which they don't like and it's still warm so we came down to water early hoping a bowl will come in and check it cool down wallow do something see if any cows are hanging out and maybe we'll get a break you know we're hopeful we're in great country and we know there's big bulls running around so it is dead sometimes you have a bad morning a good night well today we had a slow morning and a slow night I don't know if it's the wind or weather change who knows we're gonna hit hard in the morning we're gonna try find that big bull that teased us that the first day just the most insane day about cutting and I think I've ever had and one of the biggest Bulls I've ever seen so we're gonna be hot on his trail tomorrow hopefully and I told who get a turn and luck spell honey the witness got switching right now we wanted to start coming up with these thermals once the Sun hits but in the meantime it's going down got a bowl right up above us I don't know how big is just Kaukonen just got a look at him well I think there's a big ball like right over this Ridge but with this wind I don't want to blow there's our poll because I sold on this matter would had him off [Music] [Music] [Applause] now good look like top of the heart bottom along I can't tell you what this feels like I mean I see what I live for right here being in the mountains elk hunting with a bow and arrow amazing it's a powerful experience I mean it is bleeding good right here this is saturated hair with blood it's looking good blood all down here what here tore off down here it looks like oh my God look at this bowl oh my god he is giant look at this thing look at this bowl what a beautiful Bowl oh my gosh unreal animal look at the tops on this the fifths are incredible this is a dream Bowl you know looking at this thing right now holding him this might be one of the biggest bulls I've ever killed what every bail hunter dreams of right here unreal unreal oh man what a beautiful Bowl look at this this is gonna be some good eating meat for sure it's gonna be fun sharing this kill with Kip I hope he's had a good hunt this morning this is a everything I want as a bow hunter Bullock came in 51 yards hit him perfect he hesitated at almost 70 and I hit him again right through the chest and he was down in seconds what I'd call it as a merciful kill he didn't go 80 yards probably there's no easy way for these animals to die in the wild you know if it's not by a hunter it's by another animal or a predator and you know so if I'm gonna kill him I want it to be merciful and I want to do my job as a hunter and that's what happened here beautiful country we're down in a hole here which I kind of like that that's I like hunting deep and I like packing out steep and I said we got here so it's gonna be fun Strait Bay got a little oak state going in here [Music] good times huh Oh corner over the shoulder this is living right here meat is taken care of now the head antlers and boat come out and it's been an amazing morning here and Utah just taking it all in how good is this man wait never felt so good on my back been an amazing day so far killed my best bull ever now we're getting ready to eat some elk steak and reminisce about this amazing hunt here in Utah I think I've said I don't know how it could get any better about five times on this hunt but this and the where we've been and what we've done I really don't know how it can get better how's that Alex dig by any better I don't think so I can't believe man when you come back to camp you're always dying to tell your story yeah but when I got back to camp then you tell me look at that thing freaking beast who's your Bethel best ball ever best ball ever and I know how much it means me to be here when you yeah cuz you kill a lot of I know well I wouldn't be here without you because you invited me here six years ago or something you know six or seven years ago man and now it's been an every year tradition and us hunting together and be sharing camp when I kill my best Evers can't put it into words really you work hard for it dude I'll give you a lot of credit cam you work hard it's inspiring oh thank you and it's good because people need to know like this is hard hard to do this mm-hmm when everything works like you practice and envision powerful did you smoked this is kind of hunting that we like it's running gun style it's not the peak of the rut these bulls he was by himself basically you got to be active you got to be running the mountains sometimes they're not just drunk stupid yeah no but it puts pressure on us to move yeah and that's I mean that's how I like to hunt when you hear an enormous animal coming through the bushes screaming and bugle and yeah you know a lot of people understand but there's a lot of people who don't understand yeah and I wish everybody could get a piece of it I know you know a film is a film and hunting films have come a long way over the years but you hope you can capture at least a little bit of what it feels like to be in that moment it's amazing what a day being in the mountains Okun with a bow and arrow amazing when you can share that and people can feel the power and the emotion of the hunt then it makes it all worth it [Applause]
Channel: Cameron Hanes
Views: 4,296,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: v7EBZ4PfjoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 14 2018
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