I Did Andrew Huberman's Insane Fitness Routine Everyday for 6 Months | Results

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if you've clicked on this video you probably already know who he is but Andrew huberman is a professor of neurobiology and Ophthalmology at Stanford school of medicine after appearing on a multitude of podcasts before 2021 he decided to start a new role as science Communicator through his own podcast the now famous huberman Lab podcast is the home of where he discusses topics related to Neuroscience biology and health in one of his most famous episodes speaking of the protocols and tools to help optimize physical health he mentions the foundational Fitness protocol today I'm going to describe a specific protocol that serves as a general template that anyone in fact everyone can use in order to maximize all aspects of Fitness almost everyone wants to live a long time but in our current Western Society of finding it more and more difficult to age with Vitality as we become more sedentary in our everyday lives Andrew's protocol provides us with an easy to follow structured week that just about anyone can Implement into their lives and that's exactly what I did I implemented these protocols into my life and these are the results so the protocol it starts on a Sunday which is a little bit unorthodox but something I actually got quite accustomed to and it starts with about a long endurance training so anything from over 35 minutes ideally trying to reach 60 to 75 minute Mark methods of cardio can include anything from rowing cycling slow jogging swimming hiking plus you can use a weighted vest or a heavy backpack to help increase the difficulty over normal walking because Normal walking doesn't really hit the threshold it has to be a little bit more high intensity to reach zone two zone two should mean you're able to speak normally with a person like I'm just kind of speaking to you while also being able to continually nasal breathe the entire time all right so day number two brings us to a leg resistance training day it consists of a 10 minute warm-up and 50 to 60 Minutes of resistance training legs are the largest muscle group in the body so training them early on in the week sets off a multitude of metabolic processes that elevate metabolism as well as helping amplify hormonal events throughout the body and then also being like the most difficult training session of the week and just getting it done early is great anyone who's done leg day before knows how difficult the walk home is the foundational Fitness protocol consists of having like a month a month B and just alternate between strength and hypertrophy strength relates to the mechanics the force capability of muscle and firing the right muscle group in the right sequence intensity is the primary driver in training for strength as well as speed and power and you also want to use mostly compound movements when training for strength hypertrophy on the other hand optimizes just for muscle size without consideration for functional strength it doesn't matter as long as the muscles getting bigger volume is the primary driver and hypertrophy the target is 10 working sets per muscle group per week or up to 25 if you're highly trained here's a little graph here showing the differences between strength and hypertrophy for strength weight will be 70 of one rep max reps three to five sets three to five rest three to five minutes and exercise three to five in the session hypertrophy on the other hand 60 to 80 percent of one rep max where you're going from 8 to 15 repetitions but you can also go up to 30 but that's the most generally accepted range 10 sets per week per muscle group up to 25 less rest at about two minutes and then you want to be doing five plus exercises in the session now what exercise you actually use on the leg day I guess depends on what you guys have access to maybe you have access to a commercial gym me I'm lucky enough to have access to an apartment gym and some of you guys like I have previously in my life have access to no gym the most important thing is that no matter what circumstance you're in there's always a workout to be had so now here is a list of some example exercises is for each lower body muscle group all exercises can be regressed depending on your level of experience in the gym and feel free to take a screenshot if you want following that I've got two workout examples one strength based and one hypertrophy based for you guys to also have a look at if you're interested in copying and seeing what I did so Tuesday brings us deliberate heat and deliberate cold exposure so the cubes provides us with three different deliberate heat exposure protocols to use the sauna for cardiovascular benefits you're going to heat the sauna to 80 to 100 degrees Celsius and get in there from anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes two to three times per week for a multitude of General Health benefits you can use it for a total of one hour per week split into two to three sessions across the week again at the 80 to 100 degrees Celsius Mark then the final protocol which is actually used in the foundational Fitness protocol that I'm following is to promote growth hormone release in the body for that you'll have to do four sessions of 30 minutes with little cooldown periods in between as always remember to hide well before you get in the sauna the recommendation is like 470 mils or 16 ounces of water every 10 minutes you're in the soil and for the men I would definitely recommend using an ice pack in between the legs if you want to keep your reproductive health so on to the deliberate cold exposure it can produce many benefits including enhancing Focus increasing energy converting white fat cells to Brown fat cells which helps with metabolism it's very cold and apparently building resilience so the ideal temperature for the ideal temperature of the cold exposure is one that feels super cold and you want to get out but you've got enough resilience to push through it and stay in there it can be anywhere from one minute to 10 minutes depending on the temperature the actual protocol for ongoing use is two to four sessions lasting one to five minutes each totaling 11 minutes per week in the foundational Fitness protocol it combines these two methods of 20-minute sauna with five minutes ice bath so we're back in the gym on Wednesday and we're going to be doing some resistance training for the Torso and the neck for the Torso you're mainly just doing the push and pull movements it kind of indirectly trains arms so it gets a few extra sets for them as well as mainly going for the chest shoulders and back I'm semi-experienced with doing push and pull workouts I used to do those on Alternate days but today we're doing it all together but the thing I'm not used to which I've only done since following the big man Andy is start incorporating neck training into the training days training your neck can help improve posture reduce the risk of everyday injury and potentially alleviate neck pain and headaches additionally a stronger neck can enhance your performance in sports that involve head collisions or heading of the ball for me and football head collisions aren't super common but there is a lot of heading of the ball which I can definitely see strengthening the neck serving it to protect the head when heading a football as well as maybe giving you a bit of extra bonus power to score a goal now here's a list of potential exercises and an example of my training week for both strength and hypertrophy of the Torso on neck so Thursday is cardiovascular training day and it is super straightforward it's just around 35 minutes of moderate to high intensity cardiovascular training so you want to be hitting 75 to 80 percent of your maximal effort as well as hitting the 75 to 80 percent of your max heart rate for a majority of the 35 minutes the different methods of cardio can be anything from running cycling rowing jumping jacks stair climb anything you can really think of that you can get your heart rate high enough for that long period of time that's pretty much all the protocol for Thursday training now Friday's protocol is pretty much for high intensity interval training the protocol consists of 20 to 30 seconds of all-out Sprint followed by 10 seconds of rest and we do that for about eight to ten rounds heart rate should be hitting at least your max for a certain amount of time the other options include the assault bike Sprint intervals rowing interval skiing machine and Sand Springs and that brings us to Saturday which is our final day of the week and our final bout of resistance training which consists of training arms as well as neck and calves I feel like Saturday is the most easily customizable day in the entire program it provides you with a day to kind of focus on muscles that you think need more attention for your own personal strength and hypertrophy requirements so for me that might be my tiny little biceps that I wish looked like cannons and for other people that might be carves nevertheless I've added the exercises here for you guys to have a look at and to make your own kind of program as well as the strength and hypertrophy examples here for day 7's protocol all right now straight into results first we're going to do resistance training results because I think that's what everyone wants to say the most on screen now is my weight improvements on most of the exercises I completed over the six months each time I would do my program reps and sets without getting too close to failure I would complete an extra set than usual then move up the weight the next session that's what I did to kind of make sure I was continually progressively overloading and getting stronger I didn't keep to the three day a week resistance training the entire six months about halfway through I felt like my body was ready to kind of offer a lot more volume or more training sessions for me for example my biceps they tend to get tired pretty quickly during training so I struggle to get a large amount of sets if I was trying to do 12 sets in a single session it's quite difficult but then I recover super quickly from it so I could be ready to go again in two days so instead of waiting five to seven days of rest and then hitting them again I'd much rather hit them three times a week and do six sets each session and then I'm doing a total of 18 sets for the entire week that's something you guys will have to kind of figure out with your own bodies how you feel and depending on what goals you're trying to achieve when I started increasing this volume I really had to start focusing on recovery more this is where Andy galpin's recovery advice of using a massage gun really came into things this is the Bob and Brad D6 Pro massage gun I used it before every workout to warm up and then also to relax them and keep increasing blood flow after the workout also before going to bed this is the only gun that actually gets into my hamstrings and massages them properly as usually they're not that powerful I've got a link down below that you guys can check out and if you use that link down below and tell them you came from me you get a two year warranty included with your purchase now this is what I looked like at the beginning of the six months and this is what I look like after you guys can make your own mind up on the results I wasn't eating for a massive size increase I was more just kind of seeing how much stronger I could get it exercises while maintaining a similar type of weight also I do have to let you know that I was taking Andrew huberman's kind of pre-workout concoction which consists of 300 milligrams of alpha GPC which is known to help with muscular contraction and power output put 500 milligrams of l-tyrosine which is an amino acid to improve energy motivation and mood also I was taking five grams of creatine every single day which is Andrews and our Indie albums number one recommended supplement for just about everyone and you're going to see thousands of studies of the potential benefits of creatine so that is is always number one on my list I'm relieved to hear that creatine sits at the top of your supplementation list I started taking it when I was in college links can be found down below to nootropic stepo which third party tests all their supplements and that's what I used over the six months I have to give a special shout out to the creatine because it's the first ever creatine that I've seen that actually dissolve properly in water usually it just kind of sits there and sinks to the bottom and then you're crunching on Creatine as I'm sure a few of you guys know next I have my heating cold exposure result so I'm lucky enough I managed to purchase myself a chest freezer saved up for a while bought it made it into a nice bar so I could take them semi-regularly my first ice bath was for five minutes and at eight degrees Celsius then my ice baths now six months later I find that I can go to the two degree Mark and stay in for 10 minutes after 10 minutes I get quite a lot of pain in kind of like the tendons in my feet which is really weird I think I still need to slowly build up the kind of cold resistance into my feet I don't really know how much body adaptation I've had from the cold exposure but I feel like it's much more mental Improvement rather than physical body adaptation I guess of being able to not feel as cold I feel like eight degrees still feels as cold to me now but I feel like up here it's I know I can do it so therefore I will get in and do it my girlfriend she also was getting into the ice baths she started like nearly hyperventilating the first time she got in had little control over her breathing but now she stays in at like five degrees for 20 minutes and she just enjoys the moment having control of her body and mind then for heat exposure all the places to have a sauna around me are super expensive so I purchased this Sauna online on Amazon which is like a hundred bucks I honestly find this sauna to be almost hotter than a real sauna but without a bonus that I can stay in a little longer as my head is out of the top and I find the breathing is much easier whether that means I don't get as many of the heat adaptations it's probably right but as you know you've got to make do with what you have sometimes there's no complaints for me because my heart rate was still hitting over 160 just sitting in the sauna getting hot and sweating like crazy it's almost like it was an extra cardio session as well as recovery I started at the beginning hitting 20 minutes in the sauna by the end of the six months I was doing 30 minutes in there not a crazy Improvement again I still think it was more mental than my physical body getting used to it but it's one of those things I just can't be for sure about the high intensity interval training result I was playing indoor soccer once a week and that was kind of my make do high intensity training for most of the six months my heart rate would stay above 180 beats per minute in that zone 5 threshold for at least 10 minutes throughout the entire match so then goes definitely hitting the right kind of anaerobic maximum capacity which is what we're going for with high intensity interval training it even managed to hit like 204 on a few occasions which I guess is my fear radical Max I must have really been gasping on other weeks I didn't have soccer I do Sprints in the street or do rowing assault bike or just normal bike at the beginning I was kind of doing 45 seconds recovery kind of rest and then 15 seconds really hard and that was for only eight rounds and then by the end of the six months much more hitting that 12 round mark as well as doing 30 seconds on 30 seconds off now onto cardiovascular training in the protocol it's recommended to do 35 minutes of moderate to high intensity cardio I tend to get a lot of calf trouble at the 25 minute Mark so I kind of changed a little bit so for me my results of the cardiovascular training is pretty much as how many kilometers I can run in 25 minutes at the beginning I was running four kilometers in 25 minutes 52 seconds with an average price of 6 minutes 25 per kilometer and then if we fast forward here six months later I'm running five kilometers in 24 minutes and 42 seconds which is an average pace of 4 minutes and 54 seconds per kilometer which is an improvement that I'm really impressed with and I didn't actually expect like this isn't a how much quicker can I run and how much further can I run training programs so to get those results when only just training once a week for it I think is pretty amazing so now we reach the final overview and review of the entire protocol the protocol can pretty much be summed up with one word and that is foundational it's in its title that's what it is it's a foundational Fitness protocol that's what it aims to be and that's exactly what it is it's like the foundation for building your own protocol that involves implementing all five training modalities that are all backed by peer-reviewed research illustrating their benefits for mental health longevity Fitness overall and that's made up by long endurance workout training cardiovascular training high intensity interval training resistance training and heating cold exposure my goals of hypertrophy and strength will definitely be different to my mother's longevity goals but either way both of us should still try and Implement all five of those training modalities throughout the week I know for a fact that if every single human in the world did two out out of five of these we'd probably see a lot of improvements in average person's health but not just their health as all aspects of their life so if you're not getting enough exercise as of now start with the 200 minutes of Zone 2 cardio throughout the week then maybe have a sauna a few times a week then maybe add in the resistance training into the schedule then one resistance training session a week then to two then to three you start hitting three resistance training sessions a week then you're ready to implement some more long endurance cardio and other cardiovascular training like high intensity interval training and then maybe you're looking for that next thing and then you can go into the cold exposure try get those benefits all don't need to be done optimal is what you can handle slowly build up to it and make sure if any of you guys have been going to bring these training modalities into your life and you're going to follow this you need to find your reason why the reason why you're going to go out do these things and why you want to extend life and live longer healthily for me in this video so many times I haven't had a why and I fall off and I stop following the program or something like that but this time I had my why was to make this video for you guys to give you the honest truth and a review of the protocol as a whole there were times I was out running in the rain on a Sunday all I want to do is lay in bed but instead I'm doing my long endurance workout pouring of rain and by the end of it I was so proud that I'd done it because I know for a fact if I didn't have that why I wouldn't have been out there doing it thank you all so much for watching check out my other videos on the channel and I'll see you guys very soon in another video thanks for watching
Channel: Connor Curtis
Views: 378,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew huberman, andrew huberman morning routines, andrew huberman cold shower, andrew huberman fitness, foundational fitness protocol, Foundational fitness protocol pdf, Train like andrew huberman, andrew huberman best workout, andrew huberman best workout split, andrew huberman best exercises, andrew huberman testosterone, huberman lab podcast, huberman podcast muscle, best exercise andrew huberman, deliberate heat exposure, deliberate cold exposure, transformation
Id: JDRTZus9Mz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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