Life's Greatest Battles: Disability & Depression

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[Music] so grateful we're going in the Word of God now you have a Bible turn to the book of Job chapter 6 job chapter 6 somebody said Oh yep Joe chapter 6 I don't know what that was job chapter 6 I want to read three verse a couple of verses in John chapter six and a couple in Chapter seven so job chapter six I want to begin reading at verse eight from the loo living translation job chapter six and verse eight and I'm gonna read through verse eleven and then I'm gonna read Joe chapter seven verses 15 in the first part of verse 16 job says in verse chapter 6 verse say oh that I might have my requests that God would grant my desire I wonder what he wants verse 9 I wish he would crush me I wish he would reach out his hand and kill me at least I can take comfort in this despite the pain I have not denied the words of the Holy One I love the Lord but verse 11 but I don't have the strength to endure I have nothing to live for chapter 7 verse 15 I would rather be strangled rather than the die and suffer like this I hate my life and I don't want to go on living I'm gonna stop right there life's greatest battles today I want to talk about disability and depression life's greatest battles job said here Lord with all due respect I want you to heal me or kill me but do not let me stay like this disability and depression are deeply connected disability by definition I would say is the inability to do that which is normal what may come normal or natural to others either is something that I was never able to do or something that over time I experienced something and now I am unable to do it or I gradually lost the ability to do it it is that is by definition a disability it is important to understand that people who live with disability although they may be unable disabled unable to perform a task or to do something whether that thing is to give birth to a child or whether they are unable to walk or to talk or to hear or to see or to perform academically although they are unable to do it they are far from unwilling to do it their will to do what they are unable to do may be greater than anybody's but for whatever reason whether it is historical it is something that they've had to live with all in their life which I think may be easier to deal with is kind of soso disability by definition is a picture of both lack and lost so in the one hand I lack the capacity to do something but on the other hand if it's something that I used to be able to do not only do I lack it I also lost it and whenever there is loss in our life there is pain you're following now now I'm gonna look at several passages in the Bible that talk about grief and disability and depression and their connection and all of them have like similarities how they unfold for example the Apostle Paul has some kind of disability that he talks about in 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 and I didn't give them this scripture but in seconds secretly in chapter 12 you should write these scriptures down or take note of them verses 7 through 9 the Apostle Paul basically gives reference oh there it is he says even though I've received such wonderful revelations from God so to keep me from becoming proud I was given a thorn in my flesh a messenger from Satan to torment me and keep me from becoming proud now he doesn't say what that thorn in his flesh was there's a lot of people who have speculation about what it was many people believe he lost his vision and that he had problems seeing in fact and there were times when he would write things he had somebody writing for him because his because he couldn't see there's also some kind of pain that he had or some kind of disability had infected his body and look at what he does in verse 8 in response to this thorn that was given to him he says three different times I begged the Lord to take it away because there's not a person that has any kind of disability physical disability they hadn't asked God can you please take this from me well can you please restore what I had right is what is what is you know nobody doesn't have something break down on them to say lord please rebut and that might be one of the most conflicting things about being disabled and saved when you're disabled and save the conflict comes with the fact that we know God is able to reverse whatever happen and when we when we understand that God has the capacity to reverse what has happened or to heal what has happened or to restore what we had then it is possible to live life kind of on hold until he does that can make you you must be better all being a heathen when you get disabled because there's no expectation that anything will change if the doctors give up then we kind of give up but when you're safe and the doctors give up we got another space we go into it say yeah but there is you know saying but we have a great physician yeah Sam Sam that that kind of they're almost complicates it to be honest with you because what happens in the meantime between the disability and the miracle like there's time in there there's there can be days weeks months years decades where nothing changes so so so so so Paul says I asked three times he's just he's not given a specific number he's basically saying I asked over and over and over again for God to change my situation and here's what God said God says in verse nine he says each time he said to me my grace is all you need oh my god that ain't what I'm trying to I ain't want to hear that my power works best in weakness okay I'm gonna get lost if I don't do this thing in the order in which I wrote it so let me just say it as I'm feeling it let me say this appealing one of the things I want to give about five or six disability points and then I want to talk about depression because cuz cuz jobs jobs not only depressed because of what he lost he lost all his children he lost all his property he lost all his valuables but he also lost his health he has a physical disability now where he is now somebody who's covered in boils and he's sitting in ashes and he's immobilized and he is so upset about it he don't want to live anymore he's a God everything I lost meant so much to me but you might if you ain't gonna give me that back just just don't leave me like this what so let me let me go through these and I want to I want to give you six things I want to say to people who are who deal or live with disability the first thing is is you should grieve whatever your loss or whatever you lack whatever your lost deserves grief that is very important grief grieving grieving should always be connected to loss it could be a game you lost that you were trying to win it could be an opportunity that you lost a relation trust in a relationship could be lost a loved one could have been lost all loss demands grief and so one of the things is you look at if whether you're lacking something you're lost if you if you were born disabled you're lacking if you if you became disabled you lost something whatever the case it's okay to grieve it but don't just stop with grieving here's the second thing this important if you're disabled and I want to say I want to back up and say as a preface that I don't live with disability I don't I don't know what it's like to have had something and not have it I don't I don't know what that's like so I don't want to speak condescendingly about it I want to speak with compassionate about it but these are things that I think I would do or I would hope that I would do if I was in that situation and maybe some these are things you can share with somebody who is disabled who hasn't recovered from because some people lost something and they haven't recovered from it like it could have been a loved one it could be some people have experienced loss in their family and that disabled them like they're not functioning like they were so in addition to grieving whatever you lack or loss in your life the second thing is is learn to live at your highest level with what's left live at your highest level with us left don't just survive live at your highest level with what's left like maximize what's left I'm told the people who can't see hear better than people who can like when people lose their vision they hear things and other people don't hear because they maximize what's left just like us when I say maximize was left you got you got to make the most out of what's left like like you know and by the way is hard to do that when you're in denial like some people won't accept and embrace the fact that they don't have what they had and so because they don't embrace the fact that they don't have what they had they can't they can't maximize what they got left but the but here's what you have to understand about God God is a quintessential he is a quintessential Stuart like if if he's gonna put you in a position where you gotta go on without something he's going to give you the grace you need to go on without it so maximize which you have left that's a very important principle to take away the second the third thing is use tools and resources the supplement was missing use tools and resources the supplement was missing now before I go into that I want to tell you I'm back on point number two I wanted I want to share a list of people that I think did maximize what they had left I did some research on some people who were disabled and successful like Stephen Hawking was a very successful physic scientist and he died recently and many people didn't know about him no he lived most of his life with ALS but but yet his work in the arena of physics and science is epic his story because he maximized was left have you heard of Helen Keller anybody ever heard of Helen Keller Helen Keller was a political activist she she graduated with a bachelor's degree wrote books and was a lecturer and did all of that being blind and deaf she got a bachelor's blind and deaf some of us can see a here and dropping out of class like that's maximizing was left she graduated college blind and death like maximizing what is left there's a guy named John Nash there was a movie done about him called a beautiful mind and then and John Nash lived both of his adult life suffering from schizophrenia and yet he won a Nobel Peace Prize for his work around the subject of mathematics maximize was left maximized was left if you talk about the greatest composers in the history of music and you got to talk about you're gonna talk about Beethoven he's got to come up there you're gonna talk about Mozart you can't leave Beethoven out of the conversation it's just like you can't talk about the best basketball player ever and leave Michael Jordan out of the conversation you got to put them in the conversation even if somebody's doing good right now it's like certain names always come up in the conversation and baked over is one of those names but what you may not know is that the man couldn't hear like Beethoven felt music and how can you be the one of the greatest composers ever and can't hear that's what you call maximizing which you got left Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles if we take their credentials in the world of music just their accomplishments and put them on a people we run out of paper and neither of them can see they maximize what they have left I was looking at a video of a man named Nick britches Nick britches and he's a like a motivational speaker he's a Christian and the man has never had arms or legs some of you may have seen videos of him literally with all due respect he's basically just has a trunk he's like a stump he's got a head and a trunk he just he didn't have any legs he didn't have any arms and he goes around speaking and motivating people and he says some one time I almost made a tick come out the right eye but it turned back up and went around cuz he said he says said because I don't have arms I could never hold my wife's hands he says but the day when God gives me a wife I'm gonna hold her heart cuz you don't need hands to hold somebody's heart look at all the ladies [Music] [Applause] that's what I'm trying just want you to hold my heart you don't need your hands to hold my heart he maximized what's left when I say use number three you go back to number three when I say use and use it so so you maximize was left because whatever you lost and whatever you lack it ain't ever you don't like everything if you have a disability or a loss whether even whether the disability is from birth or the disability came from a car accident a drunk driver hit you somebody shot you somebody drop you there's a young man in the Bible write the scripture down second samuel 44 second samuel 44 as a young man in the bible his name is mephibosheth his father's name is jonathan his grandfather's name is saw ii samuel 44 where did i say it is it is a very powerful story because the second samuel chapter 4 verse form if it was just father gets killed as father johnson gets killed the community is in an uproar and his nurse picks him up he's five years old starts running with him because they're running for safety because now the heir to the throne has been killed so they assuming he's next and while running with him she's dropped him accidentally dropped him and the Bible says he remained crippled in his feet for the rest of his life he's not crippled the rest of his life because of his fault he's crippled because somebody that was supposed to be caring for him dropped them there people are looking at me right now listening to this message right now and you're crippled whether it's physical or not you're crippled because somebody dropped you somebody that was supposed to cover you and protect you dropped you and now you're living in lack and I'm saying even though he's crippled in his feet his mind when crippled and his hands weren't crippled God always leaves you with something left maximize what's left but then here's what you do for your legs use tools and resources a supplement which supplement your lap so if you can't walk they have prosthesis and they have Walker's and they have wheelchairs and if you can't talk and you can't hear they have something called sign language if you lost your hearing you can communicate with your hands but see the problem is some of us are too shameful or too prideful to accept it's like it's like let me say you don't have to claim a disability you got it like if you have a learning disability you know I don't want to claim it you got it you ain't gotta claim it I'm saying if you here's the definition of a disability when you don't when when you can't do what other people do naturally right and here's how you know your truth every time you see somebody doing what you cannot do whether it's having a baby you can't have a baby or whether it's walking you can't walk or whether it's talking you can't talk whatever it is it really reminds you of it so so what you do is you it further hurts us to have a disability that we don't get into environments that help support us like in the modern day in which we live there are all kinds of supports in place services in place for people who don't have certain abilities they have disabilities and so they have services as well so make sure you're using those don't just wait on God to heal you do what you can in the meantime number four the scripture that I read earlier in second Corinthians chapter 12 where Paul says you know I had this this thorn given to me a messenger from Satan to keep me humble and I prayed three times that God remove it from me and God says my grace is sufficient here's what I get from that here's the point wherever there is natural abalone natural abnormality there is supernatural grace wherever there is a natural abnormality there's supernatural grace see what I believe is whenever there is human ability to perform something there is no need for grace in that space I can brush my own teeth but what happens when you lose your your motor skills now I need intervention or nobody's gonna want to sit beside me you'll get that later like like some of you have no excuse for your breath to smell like that because you have physical ability to brush your bag on tea and I'm saying it somebody said knee you're saying stay right there stay right there cuz I'm trying to exhale and inhale trying to just dodge it I'm playing dodge ball in I worship an abductor now whenever there is natural abnormality there's there's supernatural grace God steps in with it like for example let's say you can't walk you let's say you can't drive you can't drive but you get everywhere you need to go somebody picking you up carrying you that's great you can't walk somebody pushes you you can't see somebody guide you like like it's amazing it's something that's why we oh god praise whatever you're lacking I'll guarantee you he made it up some kind of way and you're like don't you try to act like you did that's great and the fact that you have that kind of grip the fact that you have that need what he says is I become what you're missing it's like this chair this chair has four legs for a reason because a man made it man had enough sense to know scientifically if ask for wheel four legs on it it has balance it has stability it can counterweight see what God does he takes one of the legs all sorted it wobbles so it'll fall and you say how's that chair standing there with three legs cuz God becomes what I'm missing you understand the same see every one of us is just walking on all every one of us is three legs and I don't mean three legs that are symmetric they hold each other up all of us have something missing in our life and you walking up in here like you got it all together but if the truth be told the reason why you're standing the reason why you ain't in the hospital the reason why you ain't in the psych ward the reason why you ain't slit your wrist the reason why you haven't jumped off a bridge the reason why you haven't blown your brains out it's cuz he became what was missing and he's the one holding you up so the net see I don't mind people being quiet just gonna be arrogant don't you ever act like you are what you are by anything but the grace of God because if it had not been for the Lord on your side you would have been swallowed up that situation would have took you out that person would have took you out when your heart was crushed and your man was distr but thanks be to God who was what you will miss it who hell's you up when it didn't even make some of y'all it don't even make sense that's you in your right mind [Applause] [Music] and sometimes you'll need know how to answer it so I said how you do that you really don't even know how to answer you want to be smart enough to be able to break it down to people and answer it but really when you finish answering relate that was the Lord well how you get to that that was the Lord well how do you make it through that how you get through all those nights how you make it through all those nights how'd you make it through all those nights how'd you make it without enough money how'd you I can look at your financial ledger and see that you have more going out then more coming in how do you spell who am I talking to it how do you steal how are you stealing the black you can't do it you can't figure it out if you have no muscle meat here if it have not been put a lord who is that missing piece somebody say grace that's what that was it was grace if you believe that just tell some I trained you tell three people Selma grace case I'm a grace case tell three people I'm a grace case I'm a grace case don't get it twisted I'm a grace case don't get it confused I'm a grace case I know I got my hair done I know my nails in check I know my outfit is matching but I want you to know don't get it twisted I'm a grace case it's by the grace of God that I am what I am I'm a grace case [Music] excuse me sometimes God will allow this function to reveal his love and grace in that space that doesn't even make sense number five I believe that whatever painful Circle C any lack you have any loss that I have introduces me into a circle that I would not have signed up for I would never signed up for all my stepfather my biological father my mother all had colon cancer like I would never sign up for the oncology ward to watch somebody go through chemotherapy and radiation and all that stuff like but now I'm in that community like what when you have a lack it can be mental health disability it could be it could be a learning disability and you I know what it's like they have to take they have to go from school to school let's try to identify the right school for a child I know what that world is like you're the same saying maybe that's not your thing but everybody's got something that introduce you to a fraternity or sorority a fellow sufferers maybe you've been molested maybe you've been raped maybe you've been taking advantage or maybe you've been divorced I don't know what it is but it's all all baby your single parent it's introduced you to a circle a sorority fraternity of fellow sufferers that you can add value to and you can receive value from that's number five it's a long point like thank like like stop hiding your dysfunction stop hiding your disability stop hiding what you lack and what you lost and embrace the community that what you lost puts you in your pain put you in a circle that you wouldn't be in without that pain every painful thing you have been doing somebody else is a part of that community and your silence and your here is not only your silence your denial your pride and arrogance is keeping you out because you too sacred and royal and do priestly to be a part of it and I'm saying that circle needs you that circle needs you to be fully engaged as yes I am me too Oh whatever you're me to is everybody's a me to it may not be that me too but we all got to be too don't we how many how many agree we all gotta me too well there's something that somebody can say if they talk long enough and we keep it real we gotta say you know what and you know what it does now we can have conversation how did you get through it what do you use like like how did you make it through this is what I do you understand I'm saying we're never so I had a pulmonary embolism in 2010 I didn't know what it was they kept sending me home I just couldn't breathe and I was hurting but they kept sending me home for another reason when I found out a blood clot in your lung to kill you now whenever somebody has a PE we family now you know what it's like to inject your stomach with needles to try to thin your blood you know it's like to take wafer in and and and wherever they call that lobe Knox like I understand that stuff so when we when I get together with other people had a blood clot and they're young and their lung like that's a part of my community like I'm a part of a muscular sclerosis community my mother and my wife have MS that's a part of my community I know what an exacerbation is I noticed you gotta check to see if their new lesions developing on the brain I know where we're with lobe Knox and cope I'm sorry Copaxone and injection I understand that every painful thing everything you lack everything you've lost whatever it is has introduced you to a community you're supposed to be him that's one of the blessings of what you've suffered here's number six this may be the most important thing I'm gonna say today as relates to disability your purpose is greater than what you lost it's greater than what you lack and is greater than what your loss so if Helen Keller's purpose was to be an activist her purpose was greater than what she was lacking and let me tell you this now is your purpose greater than what you lack or loss your purpose doesn't require what you lost that's so good I'm gonna have to find a way so so if God knows everything and I lost something or I'm now disabled because of what I lost while I lack something and I want it back most of us want back what we lost whoever we lost whatever we lost one they're back so I'm saying if my purpose wasn't greater than when I lost he wouldn't let me go with it so you had to bury it and you feel like you can't leave you can't live I'm saying not only supposed to live you supposed to fill your purpose because if your purpose wasn't grated in it he would have took you to the fact that you're still here in spite of what you're lacking and it's matter what you've lost I'm not minimizing what you're lost or what you like I'm just saying your purpose is greater than what you're lost and you don't need what you lost to fulfill your purpose okay let me do it like this let me because if you needed what she lost to do your purpose it would still be here in the early 1980s my mother started I said last I said she started tripping my mother's tripping all her life when she saw her she's the science tumbling is what I really want to say and and what happened was she was she was she was stumble when she would walk and it started happening so much she went to the doctor and they diagnosed there was something called drop foot I never heard of drop foot but that's what we assumed it was and so this in the early 80s so we didn't know how to research that but anyway it kept happening and and nobody checked her brain until she started seeing things on top of each other so she had an incident when she was driving when her vision was so blurred she started seeing things not just double but things were on top of each other so did an MRI on their brain and connected to and they realized she had MS my mother lived the last 25 years of her life or so were ms the last 15 plus years she lived it in a wheelchair my mother lived and basically spent most of her time and life in a wheelchair the end towards the end of her life and yet so how would I say how can I say that her purpose was greater than when she lost because my mother used to walk but she lost use of her legs the reason why I can say it is most of you who know my mother never met her outside of the wheelchair but you met her love and you met the van she didn't need her legs to give candy to children or to open her home to people and the loved people my mother will use the phone to call you if you weren't in church saying where you at and it came across like love because she didn't need her legs to love because her purpose was greater than what she lacked oh you missed that right so I'm saying it would have been nice to have her legs but it wasn't greater than her purpose so I'm saying whatever you lost does not impact which oppose whatever so where God's gonna do is I'm gonna make up with grace so you can still get done when I put you here so so stop paying attention to what you don't have anymore and know that I'm gonna still get accomplished with what you got left what I'm trying to get done now I'm gonna talk about depression then I'm done over 350 million people in the world are impacted by depression it is a volatile thing it is a very tough situation and when you struggle with depression it could be symptomatic like you know somebody might have just a fatigue just great fatigue no energy don't want to do things don't want to participate in things don't want to enjoy anything then it's complicated because you can have hyper insomnia when you're depressed so think about that combination I'm fatigued can't get our baby can't get no sleep that's tough right there then some people their appetite is messed up they either eating too much or not eating healthy there there are there are feelings of unworthiness and an unfair guilt self-guilt self-loathing there there is like this almost almost ideation about suicide and and death like death becomes almost you know like joe said this just just healed me or kill me and what I'm saying is some people live with that those feelings chronically and daily but nope there's nobody who will ever live they won't feel it at some point there's no way you can go to this life and not get depressed at some point just watch the news some some depression is circumstantial like something happens somebody did you wrong somebody let you down somebody disappointed you and it just left you depressed but it's circumstantial sometimes some some depression is is climactic there's something called seasonal affective disorder si D and it happens during : dark times so particularly in this in this region during townsman is not daylight savings time you know why in the wintertime when it gets got when you wake up it's dark at 6:00 then you go to work and you get off and it's dark at 5:00 and it's cold some people who don't get enough sunlight they have a serotonin deficiency in their brain and they have to get light therapy because the the serotonin levels in their brain is not high enough to keep them up so they feel down so that's one one some sometimes with women the depression can be reproductive oriented some women right after they have a baby when that baby leaves their body they can go into depression some women have a depression it's accompanied with their menstrual cycle like right before they come on their cycle is called PMS pretty mean system bada-boom but it's cyclical right like it's going pass so so so so so but but some people have a genetic disposition towards depression you know there's mental health challenges in some people's family its genetic and you need to understand that when you look up generations in your family late and I can look around this room and tell just like me y'all got crazy people in your family isn't Crick it's just we our family just Ahlul just we just one just kind of just don't mess with us you know that yeah how many y'all know that every family has something today do something right in the face like some families generational poverty like they've been broke like every since you knew that family is broke like the great-grandparents is old everybody was on welfare generations and then one Uncle pop out and he sell Amway and he'd be like had some money and he but he'd be out in Texas somewhere you ever know that family got the one uncle he broke loose but he don't stay in the neighborhood he here in Texas and he got money and everybody go to his house some we're going along house some families have a alcohol disposition like it's just an alcoholic issue in the family the men and women everybody in the family's drink like you see crabs at the cookout and liquor the grandparents drinking the parents ringing the children's ringing even a little baby they put being the baby come to work on their tolerance I'm just trying to see what he can handle some families are freaky you know you know what a family freaky when the grandmother come out and she got on a two-top with no bra and she walk around the cookout and everybody the uncles mass thereby nasty it be stuff going on in the family just buck Wow then there's a family where everybody's crazy how many how many y'all hit your family so fire hit your family if I ain't your family let me keep going to hit yours what I'm trying to tell you is is that when there's a genetic disposition towards mental health challenges is up to you to protect yourself from that I'm gonna give you three things to deal with and I'm done here's how job handled his mental health illness or not mental health illness his Depression when Joe says I feel like dying now when he lost ten children all his livestock all of his valuables in chapter 1 verse 20 here's what he said the Bible says when job heard this news he stood up tore his robe and grief then he shaved his head that means that that means he wept so one of the first tools a processing depression is it's okay to weep like I still believe this y'all there is something therapeutic about crying I know it seems like a waste of time but I'm telling you I'm so convinced to tears help that I'm asking God helped me to cry like I want to be able to cry I mean I mean I can't imagine what it's like for a woman to feel a warm tear go down her face like that's got to be just beautiful like you don't even fix the situation but boy with nothing over you who and you just want to go like go watch the show go to go to the park like we don't have that and I'm saying Jesus had it Jesus cry when you ask a person PO subscription and the everybody said Jesus that's actually a scripture too but if you know the context where he wept he cried at a Funeral did it make sense the crowd a funeral but he's crying at a Funeral and he's about to change the situation he came to the funeral to raise the dead man up from the dead now if I came up in the funeral and I had the power to raise him I did last thing we'd be doing is crying I'm my going there Lance they were show me where is he cried cuz they was crying I was so I want to be able to look at somebody crying just start crying with him just had that kind of anointing like he can be touched with the feelings my firm like and and I said before like if you can laugh and cry and that's a double blessing that's why you should always like go somewhere that's gonna make you laugh like I believe key comedians are gifts from God like they make they make you laugh about stuff so yo to make you make you stop crying now I know some of it you know is inappropriate but it's still funny no I'm just saying still funny some of that stuff is still funny amen not only did he weep but watch the rest of the verse happy toys clothes and shaved his head then he fell down and worshiped worshiping is very therapeutic I started so when I heard that our church was doing like all cross campuses we were doing another worship night last week and I heard about how I went to Josh Davies I'm like man you think I'm doing this too much you don't think it's getting like people getting tired of this he says nah we're gonna do it quarterly I think man you just okay who see his reign into I got to hear what know where to sit like people serious about their worship like they like cuz because you're needed right because worshipping worship is like a temporary escape from my reality for a moment I get to go before God and say you're bigger than everything I'm facing you're awesome you're mighty you're wonderful you're powerful like that's that's what's up like he worship God see my spirit needs me to worship but my soul needs me to weep so don't cry so don't weep so much you can't worship and don't get so spirited you only worship but you can tweet like your whole-- like you should be able to do both then the last thing I want to say is is wellness to wear wellness C I think if I have an inclination towards depression I have to put myself in environments everybody say environments that's the keyword for this series environments I got a I got evaluate the environment that I put myself in so that my environment is a healing and a healthy environment like you cannot put yourself around people if you have a if you have a disposition genetically towards depression you do not want to be around people who depress you do you understand that there's some people when you around them they bring you down you ever go down we wrap it's something about the way they talk their energy their negativity you could have had a great time in church soon as y'all got with that birds they were like it's something they say yeah but you know saying you know like you know what it's about to happen and you only want to eat you know you know what that's all I'm saying you have to guard yourself from people who remind you of all of your mistakes who tell you what you did wrong it's already beat you up you have the self gar from people who are toxic like that and sometimes they're in your family like you got to put up boundaries say look you can't talk to me like this or I'm glad to move myself or separate from you and sometimes you got to go in the house when it's time to go to sleep so you'll have to talk to him like you are responsible for your emotional climate your environment you have to decide who I'm gonna be around and I gotta be around people who bring who live who help me be up someone ask nutrition to some of his exercises there certain see a person who's depressed doesn't have a lot of endorphins and in kepler's moving through their brain so sometimes you can release endorphins and in kept listener your brain through doing some kind of cardiovascular activity see I know you want to just lay in the bed when you're depressed but one of the days depression is is you you don't you don't self-care people who are really depressed don't self-care so they don't care how they look they don't care honey this is like you yeah business under pressure just want eat some potato chips ice cream and just sit there you're in your pajamas just look a mess just watch TV all day like that but sometimes at some point you got to snap out of that and put the right stuff in your body so that everything is aligned because we're interconnected like that so it's all a part of the environment I've got to have a mental health stability environment that's important you understand because this is what I want you to understand when it comes to a message in a conversation like this it's what and let me also say you man to go to counseling like there people who are professionally trained to help you deal with your soul issues whenever we have a series like this because in part one we talk about sexual purity in and I don't know we talked about last time we talked about something else and we reached up on part to focus and something else and substance abuse amen see she's overcoming so so so which what you what you have to understand is when you're dealing with stuff like this incremental progress is huge don't don't try to go with your your with the things you lack your the way you feel about what you're lacking and what you're lost or the way you feel emotionally your depression don't try to think that I want to go from here all the way to here their progress no first of all you're not going from here to here without introducing something into your environment to help you go there what I'm saying when you start if you keep the same ingredients in your life you're gonna get the same results but if you take something out that's unhealthy and you put something in that's healthy you might see an incremental growth though don't worry about total change know that I'm moving in the right direction and it may be years before I get before I get out of before I get through this and beyond this but be cool with progress and not perfection but it all starts with application Johnny Parker calls that the vitamin A of preaching it's it's really not I came to church man the service was good I was good where I was good where she was good knows good it's really no good if they've done get in your life and it only gets in your life through intentional application like something you wrote down something you saw and heard has got to be important enough for you to implement otherwise you just spent an hour 15 minutes of your life just in an environment where change could happen but it won't happen because you won't change the environment that matters and that is the environment that you live in the other hundred and sixty-seven hours of this week right that's the environment that matters let's pray so Lord I'm praying the day that more than anything we're not just listening to this message but we're learning from it and we're not just learning from it but you're going to show us how to live it out in our lives we need your help with that we can do nothing without you but we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us so strengthen us to apply this truth to our lives in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 5,926
Rating: 4.9205298 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Battle, Pastor Keith Battle, Keith Battle, Zion Church, series, sermon, Christian Church, God, Jesus, Church, DMV, Washington DC, Maryland, Bishop Jakes, Sarah Jakes, Steven Furtick, Living with Depression, Living with disability and depression, disability & depression
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 46sec (2806 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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