I Wanna Be Healed

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you got Angry Birds on your phone you got you got everything on the phone put that Bible on your phone so you can pull it up and you need it I need it never know when you had to go to it Luke chapter 18 Luke chapter 18 how y'all doing today hmm I got something to tell you mmm Luke chapter 18 see I don't know that's that old music get me right man I'm telling I'm wait yeah Luke chapter 18 and then also I'm gonna read from John first John chapter 1 first John chapter 1 yeah if you want to mark that and look at that first John chapter 1 and then also I'm gonna read a verse out of James chapter 5 just be like Bible study since y'all keep asking for it here you go right now I'm gonna do a Bible study right here for you do all this four times on Sunday and then after I'm tired Luke 18 verse 9 New Living Translation says then Jesus told this story to some who had great confidence in their own righteousness they scorned everyone else two men went to the temple to pray one was a Pharisee and the other was a despised tax collector the Pharisee stood by himself and prayed this prayer I thank you God that I am NOT a sinner like everyone else I don't cheat I don't sin and I don't commit adultery I'm certainly not like that tax collector I fast twice a week and I give you a tenth of my income but the tax collector stood at a distance and did not even lift his eyes to heaven as he prayed instead he beat his chest in sorrow saying O God be merciful to me for I am a sinner I tell you this sinner not the Pharisee returned home justified before God for those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted first John chapter 1 verse 8 says if we claim we have no sin we are fooling ourselves and not living in the truth but if we confess our sins to him he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and the cleanse us from all wickedness isn't that good news how many you need forgiveness for sin I know I do James 5:16 we'll connect this confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed everybody say healed my subject today is I want to be healed I want to be healed sin is a sickness it is a part of what is called human depravity it is a part of our fallen nature that we all sinned and come short of the glory of God it is a part of being human to sin is a part of the human condition nobody had to teach you how to sin if you watch a two-year-old without any sin training you will see the trickeration you ask that - yo did you take those cookies and the crumbs all over the kids mouth and the kid will hide the cookie behind his pull up and go like dude that's sin it runs through the bloodline it's part of our a Democrat 'dom the nature of Adam we got from our parents when sin entered into the world death came by sin because one man sinned we all sin we're that's part of what we receive it is a nature we have the nature to sin and we will wrestle with this sin issue all of our lives I don't care how big your Bible is how loud your shout is how long you've been in church you wrestle with sin everybody may not know it because we become adept at camouflaging our sins we dress up ourselves and look spiritual and say all of the spiritual stuff to make people think that we're living holy that our holiness is in direct commensurate proportion to our but if we'd be truthful all of us are wrestling with something that it disturbs us that we're still doing the same thing over and over again and we've been praying about it but I'm came to preach to somebody today that wants to be healed not physically of medically necessarily but healed of this sin sickness but it's really a question as much as it is a statement because I remember in the Gospel of Luke I believe it is chapter 5 that Jesus came to a man pastor Jeff who had been in the same medical condition for 38 years the man was paralyzed and he was sitting by a pool that he believed that that legend had it that if you when the water stirred in that pool if he could get in the pool first that his condition would change and for 38 years he sat on that porch trying to get in that pool first but somebody would always beat him into the pool my thinking is is that he would have just kept scrunching down and scrunching down and scrunching down to the pool so they wouldn't add water for he just fell in it and been ready just be on the way in it when somebody falls seemed like he wouldn't have always got me you might beat me once or twice but you ain't gonna beat me every day for 38 years they said I'm gonna figure out a way to trick you look over there and when Jesus saw this man's condition he asked him a powerful question blew me away you know it hasn't do you want to be healed who are you seriously as a man is paralyzed he can't walk who wouldn't want to be here no do you want to be healed not everybody wants to pay the cost of what it takes to be healed some people like being sick because it allows them to continue to be a victim if I'm not healed I don't have to be responsible you take care of me you fixed this for me and when I talk about this kind of healing today the questions gonna be asked are you willing to do what is necessary to be healed this since sickness is something that we all deal with and and and one of the indications that you have it if you're wondering if you do is we go through something called a sin cycle a sin cycle works like this there is something that we know we shouldn't do maybe we didn't always know we shouldn't do it but after we came into a relationship with God and begin to go to church and learn more about it we now know that this is wrong we used to do it it didn't bother us now we do it it bothers us because we've entered into light and when you enter into light you are enlightened and now I noted the things that I used to think was okay I'm not right for me to do but I still do it that causes me to sin when I sin I feel bad about it it's called conviction whenever you feel bad about sinning that's a good sign that is an indication that you're saved because if you weren't saved sin wouldn't bother you but the fact that you're convicted about it and you're trouble about the worst thing to be is a Christian still trying to get your freak on and your party on and your drink on because you used to could get drunk and freak and do all that stuff and wake up the next day and be cool about and going about your day now you do it evening like God why do I keep doing this and I can't believe I'm in this situation again and I said I wasn't gonna do it no more and Here I am right back again and then we get convicted and we feel guilty but we come to God and we say God please forgive me for what I have done and because he's faithful and he's just he forgives us of that sin and then we enter into a space of feeling grace from God again and we start feeling good again okay Lilith thank you for your forgiveness you're so faithful but before you know it over time we find ourselves right back in the cycle right back doing the same thing that we said we wouldn't do again and that we promised him when we wouldn't do again and that we've been praying that God would keep us from doing again and then we struggle so much we're doing but if the opportunity is there and the stress is high enough and we start to feel entitled and nobody cares about me anyway and people mistreat me anyway so I deserve to do this you know entitlement is one of the biggest motivations to sin anywhere and so we sin again and then after we sin we feel this conviction and we feel ashamed and we feel embarrassed and then we come back to God and say I'm but you said if I confess my sins you'd be faithful and just to forgive me of my sins and and once again he forgives us again and and we feel his grace and we feel his love and we feel his restoration but and then maybe this time you should do something we do every weekend now we will we go about four weekends in fact we don't want two months now but here we go again it got warm outside and we're right back again right back into the same spot doing the same thing again we like how did I get here again and you know after a while you start feeling bad about it you start feeling depressed about it does anybody feel me you start feeling because everybody understands forgiveness but what somebody if somebody's in the cycle you also understand the depression that comes with it and the shame that comes with it and the sense of failure that comes with it and every time I take two steps forward I'll take three steps backwards and I can't get ahead I can't shake this thing and I'm coming to tell you today that you can't be healed of their sin just by confessing it to God confessing it to God gives you forgiveness for the sin which means he pardons you which means he's not coming after you about it but there may be some consequences to that sin it may be some things you have to go through and lighted I said but it will not heal you of it or deliver you from it so how do I get healed from this cycle there are people who have studied the Bible from cover to cover who study the Greek word for their sin and still a stuck in it people who prayed and fasted about their sin and still a stuck in it people who went to a conference and tried to speak positive words over their life and say I'm greater than this sin and I'm not bigger than this and I'm the head and not the tail I'm above and not beneath I'm the lender not the borrower I'm blessed in the city I'm blessed in the field I'm blessed when I come and when I go and I'd be said all of that to Fridays later you were doing the same thing again does anybody understand what I'm talking about I'm not saying you're a bad person I've been there myself done it many times in my own life it doesn't make you a bad person it makes you a disempowered person because your pardon because he forgives you every time you do it but how do you break free of it how do you end the cycle of sin in your life I started looking at Luke chapter 18 for answers and I saw two prayers in Luke chapter 18 that I just read one prayer was prayed about sin and the other prayer was prayed about ha don't sin so one of the things that I learned about this prayer look chapter 18 is that you can't get free from sin unless you acknowledge that you have it the Pharisee comes before God proud and arrogant I do not sin I don't do any of those bad that I don't I don't smoke and I don't chew and I don't walk with those who do I don't do any of this bad stuff and I'm so good I give you 10% and I fast twice a week and I'm such good look at how great I am and then this tax collector on the other hand is so feeling so unworthy and is so aware of his sinfulness this other person is only aware of his perfection and and totally blind to his sinfulness and two prayers one of them was effective and the other one is ineffective now before we go judging the Pharisees prayer I want to unpack it a little bit because I think if you help me remember this I think we pray something like this sometimes - and listen to it it may not sound like that at the top of verse 10 says these two men Pharisee he's a respected community religious community leader and then this tax collector verse 10 says he's despised in the community people despised tax collectors back then nothing changed people still don't like nobody likes people coming after them for them taxes though and and one of the things the tax collectors had my way of reputation not all of them but some of them were guilty of taking advantage of people and so they were despised in the community so there's a great chasm between how these two men are viewed in the community and and there's a great chasm between how these two men approached God and prayer look at this first prayer of the Pharisee beginning in verse 11 it says that he stood by himself when he prayed and he prayed this prayer he's standing by himself because he's too good to be around anybody else and he prays this prayer watch this I thank you God let me stop right there I think got now if you were to stop right there you would think he's about to pray of what is called in the Psalms a psalm of praise I thank you God I thank you God is the way you supposed start a prayer I thank you God before I ask you for anything I thank you for everything and if I didn't know better I was just way he's about to get get his praise or he's not saying he's surely he's about to say I thank you God for your loving-kindness and the multitude of your tender mercies I thank you God for as I look back over my life I can I can't point to anything else other than the fact that it was you who brought me this far I thank you God that as I laid down last night this how the old deacons used to play my church as I laid down last night and went to sleep you washed over me all night long and then early this morning you touched me with a finger of love and I thank you that my sleeping bed didn't become my cooling board yeah I ain't never been to church before so I thank you for that God I thank you for waking me up this morning and started me on my way and for protecting me from danger seen and unseen I thank you God that when I woke up this morning I knew who I was and I knew what house I was in and I knew my name and I didn't I wasn't I'd I recognized the people around me I thank you that I brush my own teeth this morning I dressed my own self this morning and when I went to get dressed I had options as to what I would wear I thank you Lord that all of these things have come from you I thank you that when I wake up woke up this morning god I looked around my family circle and my family circle had not been broken I realized that was a gift from you that you allow my family to live another day I thank you God that you've been merciful to me and kind to me I thank you did when I woke up I had the activity of my limbs and the blood was running warm through my veins and I was clothed in my right mind I thank you Lord for your grace and your mercy over my life I thank you God the first four words of this prayer are powerful but by the time you get to word six you figure out who he's really praising I thank you God that I ah am NOT a sinner like everybody else I thank you God for me I don't cheat I don't sin I don't commit adultery I'm not a sinner like everybody else and I'm certainly not like this tax collector who by the way wasn't even up there by him in the temple - on business but he found somebody in the room to compare himself that was doing worse than him I got a problem with this prayer first of all he Rob's God of the praise that God deserves and gives it to himself secondly he thinks more highly of himself as it relates to sin than he should think because he says I'm not a sinner like everybody else well that's a lot right there because the Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God the Bible says in 1st John 1:8 if you say you don't sin you have no sin you're a liar you're living in foolishness and you're not living according to the truth and so everybody has sinned now I'm not saying you have to call yourself a sinner some Christians believe you shouldn't call yourself a sinner you should call yourself a saint and you should call yourself a chosen generation a royal priesthood and a procuring your people I'm all for that I am a son of God we are sons and daughters of God we are peculiar people we are joint heirs with Christ I'm all for that but that has to do in my position in Christ but when I peel back the covers and get down under the layers of the core of Who I am my condition is still I'm still sinful I'm full of sin and so are you and if you're unaware of how sinful you are and you're only aware of how righteous you are and self-righteous you are you are leaning into yourself whenever I am more aware of how righteous I am as opposed to how wretched I am I am operating himself but when I operate under the understanding that I'm wretched and then I'm falling and then I'm depraved and that any good thing that I do is because God helps me to do it and any bad thing that I don't do is because God keeps me from doing it as a matter of fact I believe that most of us are so sinful that we would have just exploded by now and our sin if God hadn't kept us from doing what we were thinking about thinking about doing jingo sabzi because if we had an opportunity we did all that and we had had everything by now so I'm having problem with his taking the praise from God thinking more highly of himself and then he compares himself to somebody else in the room you can't really be praying to God and talk about other people and how much better you are than other people you're talking to God how you gonna go to God and stop bragging on yourself and putting down somebody else that's what pride does pride makes comparisons to people who we know are not doing as well as we are that makes me feel better about myself because I know you're struggling and I'm not struggling in an area so I'll raise the issue about what you're struggling so I can feel better about myself but when you compare yourself to another person that will paralyze your faith because either you'll become complacent thinking you've got it all together or you'll be discouraged when you compare yourself to somebody who's a faith level you don't think you can reach two but we shouldn't be comparing ourselves to people it's a personal relationship with God and he is the standard he is the only one that I compare myself to and I must live up to the standard he asks for me and when I look at that standard I always come short and I always need His grace in my life to become what he wants me to become so he's comparing himself to somebody he's praying like this he's bragging on himself and somebody might say well I would never prayer prayer like that well I'll tell you what this week let's eavesdrop in on your prayers and listen when you pray and see if you hear anything like this I'm Lord do you pray when you pray do you pray about other people as if you're better than them no you know she ain't right and what they did is dirty and that's just the kind of person she is Lord and you know how I've been doing handling my business and this is doing what I'm supposed to do and they won't even help me they don't even support me right now you're fair circle this thing I need to do with anybody else at this moment do when you pray do you talk to God about how perfect and righteous you are and all the eyes you've dotted in at0 that's fair say achill do you put down somebody else in your prayer you it's easy to become a Pharisee when he prayed matter if I were to summarize this prayer this man is basically saying God I'm really a great person you should be happy to have me on your team look at verse 11 I don't cheat I don't sin I don't commit adultery he listed things that he didn't do when he's unaware of his things that he does do see we all have some stuff that we don't do and if we just look at other people who do what we don't do we make we may think that that justifies us before God but you may not do that but if you do this you still need his mercy so don't use what somebody else does and say well I don't do that but you do this and if you do this you need his mercy in your life and so he says I don't do these things I don't do these things and then he says and I'm not like this tax collector and then he starts something not just what he avoids doing but in verse 11 he also starts talking about what he does do he says and I fast twice a week God like you only require me to fast once a year Leviticus 16 29 you only require one time of year I'm doing it twice a week that's 104 I'm 103 in the black on you on that that's another level I'm fasting twice a week and and I give you a tenth of my income that means he says I tied that's an error right there because you don't give a tithe you pay a tithe a tithe is something you owe I told you is gonna get quiet it's gonna get deafening quiet right here you don't you don't give God tithe the tithe belongs to God it's amazing how how that's so missed in the Bible 10% of everything you earn belongs to God the first tip goes to him it is God's type it is holy so you don't give a tithe that you pay him and if you don't pay you owe him ties and when you don't give it when you don't pay the tithe that means you've robbed God that's what the Bible says and robbery is gangster it's one thing to steal something from somebody that means why you standing up praising God I reached into your purse some of y'all wondering and there's somebody do that a minister stealing is one thing robbery is aggressive that's felonious when you robbed somebody that means you gangster enough to come up one imma take some of us are so gangster we walk up in church and just take God's Todd don't even talk about the offering comes Rises we act like we act like it ain't even nothing to talk about ain't tithing that's God's money the tithe belongs him you don't give until you get past 10% that's an offering you give an offering you pay a time either you're quiet because you've never heard this before or you don't want you don't want to hear nothing or this let me get back to the first he leave you all alone so he's thinking more highly of himself than the other thing this man basically is saying the guy I do you know what God in fact in fact forget some people can argue this is even a prayer because he's the focus of it and not right he should just say God let me stop here for a minute and let you have a minute to praise me to give me the glory this is like this is almost him to him pray like this is like a husband who gives his wife a birthday card for her birthday and he hand writes a note in it of celebration and then a note he says on her birthday honey on the day of your birth okay that's cool and nice I celebrate uh-huh how blessed you are to have a husband like me I work hard for our family I take care of our kids I buy you nice things I keep myself in good shape I treat your parents good I treat your other siblings good so enjoy your day I'm so glad you got me and you don't have a husband like our neighbors husband signed love self-centered Sam do you know how crazy it is to brag on yourself to God do you not understand that the only good that you've done is because he helped you do it and the only bad you did didn't do it because he kept me from doing it so how you go stand in front of the holy perfect God who knows all sees all in his off and Brad yourself mmm that's the ineffective prayer here's the effective prayer verse 13 the tax collector approaches God differently he doesn't even comes at all he stands at a distance he let me look up keeps his head down and beats his chest smites his chest in in in grief and sorrow over his sin and says Oh God be merciful to me for I am a sinner much shorter prayer not once that he boast about his good deeds not once did he talk about all the work he did in the community not once did he talk about how many times he fasts and how much money he's given not once that he says I'm a good father and I'm not like other people he just says lord have mercy on me a sinner I am so aware of my fallenness I am studying anybody else in here I'm not comparing myself to anybody this is between me and you got and I know I need your mercy I need your mercy I need your mercy that word mercy connotes that he understands that the gap and the chasm between him and God has been created by his sin and he doesn't have the resources to close the gap I can't fix this problem God my sin and separated me from you and so I asked you to have mercy on me I need mercy right now I understand that you're good and I'm bad you're holy I'm sinful you're all-powerful I'm very weak you know all things I know very little I'm messed up you're perfect and excellent in all your ways and so I come to you humbly I don't even reserve it I haven't earned it but I'm pleading for it give me mercy Lord give me mercy God that's what I want have mercy on me a sinner not a citizen not a government official not a college graduate not a good father not a tither not a community leader have mercy on me a sinner why is that so important Keith because what I do can't fix this problem my title can't fix this situation what I need my pedigree can't fix it what I need my credentials won't work it out what I need my money can't pay for I don't know who I'm preaching to but it doesn't matter what school you went - no matter what neighborhood you live in no matter who you know who showed as you rub up against when you need mercy none of that matters God have mercy somebody say mercy honey mercy honey mercy honey mercy honey mercy have mercy on me and this short prayer because it was praying with the right spirit jesus said in verse 14 got the right results he says this man not the Pharisee this man went home justified by God justified by God justified that's better than forgiveness first John 1:9 says if I confess my sins he'll forgive me that means I have pardoned may have consequences but he's not coming after me I got pardoned but to be justified by God when I plead for mercy has to do with my position it is better than forgiveness because I have forgiveness when I confess but what he's saying is is that God doesn't view me any differently in light of my sin that it hasn't changed my spiritual position I am still justified justified means it is just as if I had never sinned my relationship with God is still intact he's not putting me out of the family he's not discarding me he's not consigning me to hell he knew I was gonna mess up before men see this what gives me there are a lot of people to think they can lose their salvation and I'm not gonna argue with you you think you can do that whatever gonna take to keep you straight great and you work that but the reason why I don't believe you can go from being justified to unjustified it's because that would mean that God doesn't have omniscience God is omniscient which means he knows all things and a part of his knowledge means he has foreknowledge which means he knows things before they happen so in order for you to lose your salvation and lose your justification because of sin that means you have to do something that God didn't know you were gonna do and if God didn't know you were gonna do it that means he's not God but when God saves you he knew what she was gonna do in 2013 in 2014 in 2011 in 1999 there is nothing too surprising a god don't look at your senator ain't no use gonna go like that I'm gonna have to pour i'ma have to take my blood off you know he knew we were gonna do it even before we did it everything we've ever done everything we're gonna do he already knows it anyway but the good thing is I'm pleased with his mercy and he says you're justified I got you i pardon you your position is intact that's the good news is the bad news he's pardoned his position is intact but guess what he'll be back tomorrow praying the same prayer and the reason why he'll be back tomorrow saying have mercy on me oh he'll be back sooner or later have mercy on me I'm a sinner it's because just like us he's in the cycle and when you're in the cycle you get pardoned by God you're forgiven by God you're still saying you're still in the family of God but you can't break it you have pardoned and you have position but you don't have power and purpose and productivity because your sin has weighs you down how do I break free James 5:16 says we must confess our sins to one another and pray for each other then we'll be healed not just medical healing or physical healing but healing from this sin that causes me to lose healed heal how do you get here okey you get healed or sinned when you enter into an environment of accountability when you enter into an environment of open honest communication with somebody about your sin that will pray for you community is key to healing that is critical a lot of people haven't been healed or delivered from a particular sin because they're confessing it to God and they're getting pardoned and they keep doing the confessing to God and they give pardon and the confessing God to give pardon and then even the extra God's mercy and he says I got you you're still justified it's all good you sin justified but they can't break free of it because they keep the sin in private and because the sin is still covered you can't get healed because stuff doesn't heal will when it's covered when you scrape your arm when we were little we scraped got almond and grandmama put peroxide on it and they put some love stuff wanted to make a shine and the key was not putting a big bandage over it even though we wanted a bandage over because it made us look like we survived something great but the key is is keeping it open so that light can get to it because when you cover some it doesn't heal well and a lot of us have a sin that's been covered it's covered in our basement on the internet it's covered in our phones in our cell phones it's covered in our email it's covered in our text message it is covered and the reason why we keep it covered is because we want to protect it because we like going back to it when things get rough but if you go and God forgives you every time you do it and you know it and you still ain't unsafe you still say you still save and you're still pardoned and you stay on your position but you lose power until you open you don't get power to you open it up and you say here's Who I am this is who I am but it takes humility to do that to be accountable to somebody and say here is my junk and most of us don't want to come out like that because one thing I've learned in church I trust God but I don't trust Christians but everybody's got to trust somebody because you can't get healed outside of the body see the reason why Jesus makes us go to the body to give you see Jesus could have healed us himself when we confess our sins he can heal us himself but if you watch the Ministry of Jesus throughout his earthly ministry as the head of the church Jesus Christ the head of the church he did healing over and over again in his earthly ministry but after he rose from the dead he was on earth for forty days have been seen by hundreds of people several interactions you'll never see a recording of him healing anybody once the head rose from the dead he never healed anymore all the healing was done then by members of the body so the first century church all the way up to the day healing happens in the body and so what God says is I used to heal when I was on earth I don't heal anymore I healed through members of the body and so if you're gonna get healed you cannot just be alone with Jesus confessing it and asking for mercy you've got to come out of the closet and go to the body and say this is my sin I want to bring it into the light because when I keep it in the dark gross but when I bringing it to the lightest shrinks you must bring your sin to the light or will continue to cry to imprison you so I asked the question today do you want to be healed do you want to be healed yeah do you want to be healed because if you want to be healed you got to come out you can't hide now ain't saying you got to tell everybody your sin but you need to tell somebody these just a mite is spiritual enough to handle it there won't be blown away by it you got just somebody who's mature enough to pray about it and not gossip about it and ideally you need to pray pray you didn't share with somebody who's got their own victories and their own struggles that they've overcome that they're working through in their life and that they've accomplished because the text says confess to one another and pray for one another and in the Greek language you got to do it over and over and over again whatever your stronghold or addiction is you will have that stronghold for the rest of your life you England just come to the altar survive lay hands on you and you'll never struggle with that again there is something in you that will always respond to that for the rest of your life there are people in recovery treatment for the rest of their lives I read something in a a book one time people a a has helped millions of people for years get better and one of the things that they say is is that not all people get well particularly those who don't tell the truth you're only as sick as your secrets proverbs 28:13 says the people who cover their sins do not prosper but if you confess it and turn from it you'll receive mercy so that's it service is over here's your opportunity I'm not gonna play on how lot I'll have no special song no emotional moment if God's been speaking to you and you want to get healed you're tired of just being pardoned for your sin you're tired of the cycle you're tired of just you're grateful for being pardoned you're grateful for your position but you want power and you want productivity I want to invite you to this altar today everybody saying I want to pray for you and pray with you I want to join my faith with you you're saying Keith pass the battle today I want to get healed I don't wanna play with this thing anymore now you can sit there and act like this is Tripp loosen it everybody any regulating I know sending me be healed up the first step to being healed of a sin is to bring it into the light god I hear you I never knew how to fix this I've been praying about this a long time I've been crying over this I've been praying over this but I keep doing it I keep doing it I keep brushing out an anger on people to tell me y'all I keep lying I keep being deceptive I keep hiding money from my spouse I keep making poor financial decisions i keep flicking off on people i keep doing the same thing over and over I keep masturbating to pornography I continue to do it I've got my own passwords I got everything hidden I got it all locked down I got a little pattern I got a little pathway I got a little plan I don't care if you're an overflow wherever you are if you're watching online you need to be confessor to God just say I'm standing up right now I'm responding to this prayer I want to be healed this is how you get healed you find somebody you say this is who I am this is what I've been doing I've been doing this for years I've been doing this for months this is my struggle I want you to hold me accountable I want you to pray for me and every time I'm tempted or every time I fall I'm gonna call you and tell you I did it again and I'm so sorry I did it again let's pray let's pray every time you do that you get strength you don't hide it you keep it in the light and you keep fighting you don't hide it you keep it in the light and you keep fighting you know what you can get so tired of telling that person I keep doing it you're gonna stop fighting harder that's how you get healed by the body lift your hands father thank you for the opportunity of speaking to us a day and giving us a word of healing we we're grateful for forgiveness thing we're grateful for justification we're grateful for the pardon that you've given us and the power that you in the end and the pardon that you've given us but we want power today our sin is holding us back some of us are so bound by sin that we don't want to serve you we don't even we can't even move forward into the next thing set us free and father many have confessed to data coming out into the open there expose their sin but I thank you Lord that sometimes you love us enough to expose it for us somebody's gonna quit but somebody's gonna be exposed and because you don't want to see our secrets destroy us you'll bring it to light for us and bring healing in our lives connect us with the right light the right people the right circle who can handle the weight of our problem and help us to get well we pray in Jesus name in all guys we would agree that amen amen hey if you're down for help somebody up off your knees that ain't an easy place to get up front amen return to your seats
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 5,302
Rating: 4.8145695 out of 5
Keywords: healing, God, Jesus, Pastor Battle, Pastor Keith Battle, Zion Church, Zion iCampus, Zion Anywhere, faith, sermon, church, Christian Church, Sarah Jakes Roberts, FBCG, Bishop Jakes, pain and suffering, faith in God, Bible
Id: PmPFXI_akd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 10sec (2350 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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