How To Squash A Beef God's Way

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Hey so so we have a packed house tonight today I mean stays packed with angels they men but I do want somebody to come up on stage and help me just some just in its no criteria anybody that wants to come up here there's willing to come up here I'm gonna bring some chairs up and I just want you to first of all I need you to help me read these verses and then secondly this why it's gonna be transparent to you know about whatever I'm gonna talk about you don't know what I'm gonna talk about yet but somebody that dad that many people freeze up right quick I appreciate you Leah thank you so much and so I got one person anybody else won't come up I got there we got one for the father one for the son one for the Holy Ghost that might be enough unless you want to put three over here so they look balanced I don't know I don't know it don't matter though good good good I hope you're enjoying yourself I think today's I think today's message is gonna be helpful because one thing's for sure if you snow it in with people you're gonna need some tools on how to problem-solve amen I'm assuming there's a lot of husband's looking at their wives because they snow whatever like hey so you busy I mean am i busy we think we think every crisis is time for sex amen just think maybe maybe no cuz we can't go in the way just just snow make you anyway here's my question here's my question for y'all it's really simple how do you handle how do y'all handle honestly how do you handle when you have a beef with somebody what is your what is your beef they still call it a beef like you got a squash your beef does I don't know to new terms is it a new term for beef this is still got somebody beefing that's my beef it so so I want you to think about it to view online if you're watching I want you to think about your beef squashing strategy in fact in fact for all of us here let's do our tribal moment we do tribal moments here I want you to I want you to get with three people groups of three three or four and just tell people real quickly in thirty Seconds to sew just your beefsquatch how do you handle beef if you got any questions I mean you may be different depending upon what happened and who the person is but y'all gonna give a public answer y'all just talk about how you hand and talk about what you're gonna say amongst each other - without the mics up but how do you handle what is your beef squashing strategy somebody and buy beef I mean somebody offended you when somebody offends you what's your strategy and does it differ based on the person based on the nation relationship and I want to talk about that today yeah be honest now be honest yeah so you can type into the chat room it's like a confession you sadist I handle this is how I handle beefs I know I do XYZ and and that's pretty much my beef handling system my beef handling strategy my beef squashing strategy all right all right ten seconds nine eight seven six five four that's how you doing I'm Barry farms when the team getting blown out and an outdoor basketball court here and decent team getting blown out miles wrong to say five four three two one boom that's it game over all right who wants go first you don't have a mic no share how do y'all how do you handle what's your beef squashing or beef handling system handle what happens I guess I'll go first since I'm the lady yes so I had to ponder if I wanted to share my saved or unsaved and keep it real do both okay so my unsaved answer is before the Lord saved me like two weeks ago well I fight he's just going like I just woke up to them and I just like is there a problem and if they don't say anything then I just make it a problem because I know whoever told me they not gonna lie to me right but since God saved me oh-ho-ho-ho so what you're saying is what she saying is somebody will get them hands Oh real quick okay I'm with that I'm with I'm definitely we're going at it then gonna be lingering and wondering hey reinstatement is their problems that was just is there a problem is there a problem that's the strategy that's the BC strategy before Jesus yeah before the Lord and now the guy has saved and delivered me to research actually yet two weeks ago I actually still come to the person but I love one of them so I give hugs to everybody and I hug them and I start talking to them so if there is a problem it ultimately will make them uncomfortable so they can start sharing it oh okay what I like with you you you what you're saying is regardless before the Lord after the Lord I still go to them oh yeah I don't I don't wait because that makes it longer I got which means it can fester and longer and linger longer and linger linger hey longer linger family yeah okay what you got jaw game honestly honestly if I hear somebody has a problem me and they don't come to me I don't do nothing if you don't have the guts to come to me and talk to me about it imma let you go for your own term anyway you know you can deal with that on your own now okay go ahead now somebody comes to me then that we have a conversation you know now I normally don't have these with other people because I honestly got too much on my plate to care that's a hashtag I'm chief you know what t-shirt let's do that to be I'm saying so but I'll be a straight businessman no I don't what it was two words I'm looking for I said it's too too busy for beefs yeah yeah I'm not easily offended I'm not easily a fitness oh I don't usually our beats what other a this is usually a problem someone has a problem me so but again if they don't if they don't come to me and say anything let them do that but if they come to median then let's let's talk I have a car I found most times there is a misunderstanding or they there maybe something they think about me that's not true or something they were told okay most times in a conversation can can kidding around keep that good good what you got what you got bro Dondre I'm kind of on the same pages John like if somebody brings something to me like you know such as such feel like well we're just gonna have to wait until they come in maybe you okay but yeah so I'm more of a talker so I want to talk through the beef but I'm not going to hey is everything okay between you and I like if it comes to me sure we're gonna talk about it but I like to understand yeah like so the whole thing of understanding before being understood though I want to make sure so so let me let me do it like this let me ask the question this way I know you're not easily offended what I'm talking about is how do you handle when somebody offends you maybe that's a different question saying somebody literally offended you and now you're not easily offended but doesn't mean you're impossibly offended I'm saying what do you do when somebody offends you that's what I'm looking for and I think some of us are gonna go to her person have a conversation but you know what some people do and a lot of people do this a lot of people say you know what you know what they showed me who they are I ain't messing with them no more how many relate to that oh I'm done I'm done right there that's it that's it cool I'm glad you showed me that now I know who you are there will be major distance between us right that's kind of like a move that's your move right yeah that's what I do like yeah okay I only that energy you know and they may never know that I feel that I know where to where I hate to say it like that but I know where to put you now I love you from a distance or category exempt in category yeah so I'm saying every single person has a beef squashing strategy even if you know it intellectually or not you have a system that you use this your it's your conflict resolution system and it may be like Leah's and you confront it may be like Dawn's race and you want to have a conversation it could be like JA oh I place you in a category you don't even know you in the category because I'm I'm still gonna treat you to saying well you're just saying you ain't gonna there's gonna be distance you don't even know right so so everybody has one but I want to know what I think will be helpful tonight is what is God's beef beef squashing strategy like like like if God had a beef squashing strategy what would it be and it's really it's deep because we all need it and it's in Romans chapter 12 it's real simple in fact if you use this strategy I think I would I would use this as a template because we know God's ways are not our ways his thoughts are not our thoughts so obviously his strategy has to be at least slightly better than ours and I'm telling you when you hit a strategy it's going to mess yours up so listen to this because it messed me up all week because I had a beef this week and I've had beef I had abuse I get beefs just driving like I get offended people offend me when I'm driving you've been driving an outer fender if you drive you've been offended there people are they're doing too much then that people are they're not doing enough like you moving to daggone slow and then somebody moving real crazy and it's snowing and slippery and I'm the kind of person I roll up on you and Lucas stay in your car to make you feel bad about I know I know and then God will check me like you passed it like you just left Church are you doing that it and all of us should have that if you're a Christian all of us should have that check like when we're about to pull up on somebody on the car because they offended us and we roll up and but you just posted God's plan hashtag God's plan you've just boasted that and now you're up there pulling up on people because they offended you so I'm saying God's strategy for beef squashing is this Romans chapter listen to this verse 14 says bless those who persecute you don't curse them pray to God will bless him he says three things in there verse three things let's start right there first of all in fact here's what I want you to Hitler would you please do this please do this I want you to write down the name somewhere don't put it put it in a code so nobody can figure out who it is the initials nickname colleague something like that of somebody that you know you got a beef with and it may not even be a new beef I'm telling somebody got Oh somebody's already in that file right because you put them in the file and I'm gonna tell you what God wants you to do with the file the person in file sososo watch this watch this now get the person in - you gotta be where they can live with you they can work with you they could be go to your church they could be watching this thing with you maybe if you use beastly day on another laptop or device I want you because what I want to do is I want you to use their name as an application through the text so whenever I say whenever I say bless those it ain't knows it's hurt right and it ain't when he says pray for for those for them it's not them as him right so put the person's name in there too this whole passage we go through so first he says its bless those who persecute you they offended you bless them what is blessing a person means it actually means the word blessed there's to where we get to where eulogize from it means to speak well so that ain't that ain't that is so counterintuitive because the last thing I want to do to somebody who a fitted me is to speak well of them by the way when it says blessed him that's actually talking to others about him that's the opposite of what we do right let me tell you how fake she is let me tell you how let me tell you that dude right there he is some garbage man that's what we do we start getting which by the way is a sin it's called gossip so our first move oftentimes is not to bless him it ain't even is to talk negatively about it God says the first thing your first move is speak well of them I'm about to leave the church that's my unlike Church the second thing he says do is don't cuss now what how many y'all need that one that's mine right there don't cuss see that's me I know y'all don't cuss cuz you've been saving a long time actually that's not about profanity that means don't speak negatively about this is the opposite that is somebody offending you don't you want to talk about it nice and James and I work together we've probably worked close together James Jason and I worked over pastor James and I we had a count relationship we talked about people to each other that we don't like but we don't get along with like you see what they just did like I'm saying that's not biblical it's not biblical I bet you've got a friend like that I bet you got a friend that you can call right now and say let me get on my nerves don't curse it says two things to do bless them don't curse them penis is perfect don't you just bless it pray to God to a blessing hello love not not her well we pray especially or especially when somebody lays they say I'm gonna roll raise dude right somebody cut me awesome I like I'm speeding up like I'm going we're gonna have we're gonna deal with this so what I usually do now when I'm at my when I'm kind of you know to handling it right I'm like Lord you see what they did see so I'm envisioning them about a mile down the road and the car flipped over and I just go like that's what having me right here at see y'all Oh I know y'all more spiritual than that but I see them getting a ticket I see them losing their license I see I see all that see because I want justice for other people I just want mercy for me it's how I roll I'm gonna tell you right now young man y'all might leave this church but that's how I roll least you know why you left pray that God will bless him I did that on the way I was looking at this passage people was messing me on the way here I said Lord bless him bless him Lord it must be in a rush bless him keep him safe I was like praying that like this is when God's work and change your whole life like I want to do this right god this somebody offended me I was at a church service recently and somebody you know kind of like you know in church Church them there's ranks right based on where you sit it's like you go to church to church some I get to sit in the big boy see some I sit in the middle big boy see yeah and then like like you know people don't speak to you if they don't know you it's like I'm sewing so you know you ain't got Bishop from your name like you know who he something walking over introducing myself to the person the person on the phone like but then other people come around there was big time and they was like oh how you doing like and I say oh I know you ain't I know you and I had an incident with the same person in the parking lot I ain't even know what I was like that person is very arrogant Thanks so I'm so I'm a I formed all these opinions about the person but now I put the person in this text and I'm praying for the person then bless this person Lord bless him bless him lo I speak well of him they must be gifted they must be talented he must be anointed it must be hard being who they are being so powerful as they are Lord bless till I understand that's how God says do it let us keep going go down to verse 17 hitting this counter into it by the way by the way this ain't got nothing to do with feelings God says do this heat it means they feel like it because you're not gonna feel like doing this I don't feel like doing this obedience is greater than feelings in fact when you do it usually when you do what you're supposed to do and you don't wait till your feelings but your feelings will follow it after a while you start feeling it but if I'm waiting Jeff I don't feel like doing it and a lot of us don't do that kind of stuff because we don't want to seem like we're fake well I ain't gonna bless you I don't feel that way about you no this ain't about feelings we keep being controlled by our feelings alright we bring control by feelings all of our lives we don't feel like we'll feel like talking to my world talked remove your like smile smile smile who feel like speaking of I must be from God says bless them bless your enemy not wait till you feel like it I'm gonna tell you what to do because my ways are not your ways and you and your little beef squashing strategy ain't working and I'm gonna show you out let me show you what there is something that we don't pay a lot I don't know I don't know how much time I have but the suit ain't that knows to do we ain't got none else to do thank you very much so so so so there was a word everybody say energy energy is a very important word it's more important than we're aware of because you don't have unlimited energy and when you get bad energy around you you understand Rosanna it is is it it takes some energy from you a bad beef squashing strategy actually feeds negative energy by this let me show you and show you you can have a situation happen to you interaction between you and another person and the interaction was less than five minutes but the thing stay with you for days who knows what I'm talking about I'm saying but the thing happened it happened at rehearsal y'all angle help me it happened at rehearsal we just pass each other words were exchanged it was a it was a 30-second interaction but that thing has been the thing is stuck for years and months and death and it's because of our system the system feeds it because the system shuts down and says oh I know where to place you but see even if you shut them out you don't get the shut off that energy because every time you see them the energy comes back and every time do you only have to see him in person you can see them post something online as I can't spam hey I'm back on my page somebody reposted him y'all understand what I'm saying I'm tweeting good in here tonight today I mean somebody say energy this is deep the problem is even if you push them you push them away into a file which you cannot eliminate is the energy the only way to eliminate the energy is to bless them because even if I push you away and say I'm done with you I don't get to stop hi I feel whenever I see you until I reverse my be reverse the system okay let me do it like this let me do it like this have you ever seen somebody just go slam off just slam off but but they're going off didn't seem to match the situation and everybody in the room was like whoa I'm sure somebody just snapped like let's say let's say let's say since we're here it's basically based let me tell you here ain't nothing but the band and the pastors so so so I got to use one of them so let's say so let's say Charles right it's trying to teach a part Charles Brown worship director vocal director he's in my role but I let him do it that's right he's trying to teach a part and a person he remembered that Oh remember y'all remember online recently there was a man there pointed to a lady singing and told her to go down or something like that and she will I did it looked like this look like this sanctuary a little bit what was that what leash that one over here so anyway it look like in here so so so so she walked off right so let's just say let's just say it happened to Charles but she don't walk off she just goes off or maybe it's a guy just go off on top and then are you gonna tell me what to do and everybody and everybody later and you know everybody real good everybody later okay okay well anybody going out V down to this like what he said what he said should have bought a two or three level response but the person responded on the ten let me tell you what happened y'all ready the system crashed the system crash see when you have a beef squashing system that doesn't eliminate negative energy it piles up on you it piles up on you you don't even know you backed up you like a bad colon you don't know you backed up but if something moves to you you can't control what all comes out I'm serious I'm sure you don't even know you're backed up you don't even know you ain't got no job ain't no check coming in your mother Denver's wrecking your fob nervous wreck you your big sister look better than you your younger sister got more money than you did now all that stuff back that blame somebody finish it were your child in dude you say by the time you get to rehearsal you ain't got I know that a straw cannot break a camel's back but when there's a lot on the camel all it takes is a straw we think it's the straw it was all that was already on me my system crash and if you don't learn God's system you'll snap on people that don't even deserve it verse 17 verse 17 never pay back evil we're more evil see okay never maybe I even for my leave remember remember we were young we were young remember those that statement that wouldn't they wouldn't get by without a fight you know the statement right right right right people can talk about anything you tell my my house anytime on my clothes you can tell my house you can tell by our raggedy car but say my mother say said my my mother all you got to do and say your ma I'll track you you want to get mother out the whole world he does it because you throw them hands anyway y'all remember that you jump on my father you jump up my sister my crippled brother you trouble everybody say my bubble say my mother say my mother right by the way if you throw hands on somebody for saying your mother that's returning more evil for evil but watch what the Bible says when somebody offends you it says do things in such a way that everyone can see your honorable alright here we go remember the person first you got in the foul Percy great step to the person you trying to make feel uncomfortably is remember the person I got perfect I got people cuz you're gonna learn you can learn how to do is I've been doing it all week so I know I got different people flow through it with we remember this what can you do about the person who's offended you that will make them see you as honorable and not vindictive or she's petty or he's he's a get back dude don't play with him he will get you back if it's the label cut your throat some of us like being like that yeah I don't think we like that kind of thing in it don't worry all right didn't know Dane tell you about me we kind of like that gangster stuff something happened to me at the Capital One Arena the other night I was in you know this happens time to time I'm there I had a football coach with me and I'm trying to hold Tim and and I get not end up in a situation with somebody from security confronts me and says I don't like the way you tried to go around me to get him into an area and I hadn't done that somebody had brought me a pass to get him in area I didn't even ask for them to give me a pass they walked the pass / - I see to take him in there and the person tried to carry me like and in in that one interaction with this one person had me messed up for days I was like I ain't good they'll never had to worry about seeing me in that space again cuz I don't need the drama I don't need to go back there I was just all that then I told somebody else can you believe this person did they do the whole thing that's my system you know there's my system part of my system is I gotta get I gotta get I gotta get allies and I got you you understand what I'm saying you see you can see that they did me wrong I'm good man right and get it ain't talked to the lady yet right talking about her I ran through this passage and God says what will make her see that you're honorable why wouldn't you do something that will put your testimony before your feelings so I go to the lady I walked up to and Sam's I want to apologize for what happened I mean I tell you I wasn't wrong I'm telling you because I was doing for our church to tell you a lot of stuff I do wrong I'm telling I ain't doin wrong this is great so I said I apologize but we're having the other other night at the game all of our interactions prior to that would have been positive and I'm I'm sorry for the way that turned out I know that it appeared that I was doing something wrong but I can assure you that I wouldn't do that and she says oh I know someone so told me what really happened I just wanted to make sure I said you know I know you were just doing your job she said I really was I said I'm just trying to do around proposed to do I will never do anything to try to interfere with your job I respect what she do I appreciate you said that means so much to me I shook her hand you know try not to hug her or not a sugar hang even when to go to do you go to the wrong way okay and I mean and let me tell you something all the anger I had to her was gone it was like it was like it was like when I obey God it's gone now ticktick i saw her later on that night and we smiled at each other the the game before that because there's been there's been a game in between your chapel for the Wizards so this was two games ago last game I saw her and went the other way I didn't want to interact with her and I know we made eye contact we just didn't want to see you now I can see her anytime I can see she could walk in here I'm so glad to see you it wouldn't be negative and I'm saying what we do is we try to suppress that thing but everybody and you already know what I'm saying is what would make the person say that's an honorable person right there the first lady of this country years the former first lady's car you say when they go low we go high look at the next verse look at the next verse am i boring y'all you don't care do all you can to live in peace with everyone this is God's beef squashing strategy do all you can somebody say peace that word peace it just feels right there's a man named Ray Savoy he's one of the security people at the Capital One arena and there's a light-skinned older man and and every time he sees you he'll go up to you he'll go like this he say peace and blessings let me say this he's as hustlers and peace and blessings peace of blessing and it's so genuine I feel I don't know nothing about that man I don't know his story I don't know his past I don't know his history but I can feel it when I get up some peace and blessings I'm saying I'm saying peace matters let me ask you a quick have you ever been so mad you ever been so mad for so long that it took your peace I'm talking about I can't tell myself Udyr on some someone made you so mad things were going smooth things were going cool relatively easy you're like somebody offended you could have bit a kid it could have been neighbor could someone somebody offended you and it had you mash so long its toes your piece how many you would agree that that's happened in your life don't act like it happens and here's what I say here's what Islanders here's what I believe I believe that not only does being angry have a psychological and mental impact on it I believe it has a physical impact on us there is no way you can have that level of toxicity running through your body and in that impact your organs your limbs your joints I was so mad when we did my body started hurting I have inflammation in different part of my body but I knew that ain't inflammation ain't arthritis that's anger because when you're angry best and meanwhile the person we're angry at is at the club and they're the movies they having a good time they eating popcorn they having a great time and we are tormenting ourselves the greatest gift of forgiving people and releasing people is not just for the person who offended us is to set us free yeah what I'm saying is your system may have you sick its system everybody has a beef squashing system I'm saying maybe we should try god verse 19 I'm almost done we only got three more verses dear friends never take revenge leave that to the righteous anger of God for the scripture say I will take revenge I will pay them back says a little I'll pay them back basically basically speaking when we get offended we got three options we've got three options his first option we can we can want to make the person pay us back an offense is like a debt you offended me you mess with my cop you got pay me back and when the way we get people to pay us back we had a good are you sorry and your penance of some sort like that or option two is we're gonna pay them back yes sir so so now you you you crossed the line you're gonna get these hands yeah you go you go you were going we're going I'm going to show you this gonna be the last person you do this for sometimes we didn't say I ain't even this ain't even bother me this is just teach you something so you won't try that with nobody else then there's a third option God says let me do it watch this watch this if you let me pay them back I'll reward you for how you handle it and watch this and I'll release you of that negative energy you've been carrying around towards them give it to me in fact watch Buster's but it doesn't mean when God says I'll get him back for you it doesn't mean that he wants us to want people to get hurt he's still saying pray for him in fact in the next verse he's saying and I want you if you see him hungry give him something to eat and if you see him thirsty give him something to drink and if you and it was I can't even see the first day and doing this your heap burning coals so watch this don't you miss I want you to stay in a place of kindness and love let me handle how I discipline them so you got three options you could say yeah you gonna pay me back cuz what we want is we want people to say they sorry we want people to say they're sorry at the level they hurt us but most people's apologies are so weak you have been hurt real bad by somebody said oh you know you know I'm sorry about that if that if I'm sorry if that if they hurt you I'm sorry that I hurt you I'm sorry they hurt you you know have you ever got an apology at the level of your pain most of that you wait the rest of your life somebody that abuse you and neglected you and betrays you in the bandage say yeah my bad some people never don't even say I'm sorry they don't even acknowledge you so I'm saying so what we supposed to do I'm gonna operate my feelings I'm gonna use my system where your system has you sick and your system has negative dark energy around you maybe you never you ever noticed I'm never happy even though somebody's hard to stay happy I'm saying it could be that your offense system is spiraling up emotional negativity that keeps you upset about something somebody did and I'm saying I can't control what they do but I have to control what a how I feel and life is too short for me to be miserable every day some of you listen to me you have been upset too long you've been sad and depressed and angry too long it's your system I'm telling you this system doesn't feel right but it'll make you feel better see the more I'm good to people who hurt me the more what happens is okay how can I do this what happens is it it slowly replaces the negative energy with positive energy that's the best way I can describe it he says he says when you do that it's like heaping coals of fire on their head now that's a very complicated verse and manufactures often misinterpreted and just come it's controversial because it sounds like you trying to make him feel bad I'm gonna get Leah say I like her she said everything she said was wrong by the way let me just say I'm going to get me go get some hands and I'm gonna make you feel good and make you feel bad why I'm hugging so lover loving that sounds like heaping coals of fire on somebody's head right but let me tell you what that means that's see you got to study this in context why would why would there be an outlier statement like that that you want to harm somebody in a passage the total the whole passage is about unconditional love being kind being generous of somebody going out of your way just loves my why would you want to in that same passage than Alice I'm going to hurt them when it says heaping coals of fire on a person's head it's like let me illustrate this goes like this it's like let's say we're family and one of y'all is just we're family of a professional athlete and we're going to see the game we're gonna see our loved one play professional sporting event and uncle let's make a job ayudame drunk uncle you magic well I didn't get no ticket you somehow ran out of tickets hey are you cussing them are you mad at me I'm not even a ticket man I'm just I'm just you man Oh change you know I've been there for everybody here and by there for you and you just fussing my ticket Hank I know checking out watch the boy play when he couldn't play and I'd encourage them when you know I'm some World Tour to Daddy how to play him you know I just say no it's a cool walk here here's the ticket you take my ticket that's a floor see that's the floor see you know what I'm watching on TV I'm gonna stay home he was like okay then you know were you in from way about China here honk you take the ticket um it's a floor seat I'm almost 800 what it does is when somebody's kind to you when you're out of control it melts you that's what it means the love melts them it's not it doesn't it doesn't hurt them it makes you it just makes them feel bad about acting why are you acting like this like love will do that what it doesn't mean is he's going like to say why you complaining you don't deserve that neither what we know how to do is is go back at people we know how to go up in tit-for-tat wouldn't this all say I ain't going back and forth with you I'm living about what let me close this we're gonna went to many places look at the last verse the last verse verse 21 says this is God's beef squashing system strategy don't let evil conquer you don't let evil conquer you don't let evil conquer you don't let evil cocky you don't let people conquer you don't let evil conquer you we're focused on people but not the evil that's behind was driving the people to try to conquer us we wrestle not don't let evil conquer you don't let evil ho-ho how do I conquer evil there's only one thing evil can't stand up to and that's good the way you overcome evil is with good just being good just being good so the way I spiral I was so bad I was so mad recently I was just saying I just don't know funk the way I oughta stop being good and it started being good to everybody including the people that offended me just stop being good do they deserve it no he didn't say that he didn't say wait two people deserve it did he wait til we deserved it you think God is good to us you think God I know we think we think God is up in heaven singing right now I'm blessing you because you deserve know he's good just because he's good his nature is good right he says you overcome evil by doing good by doing good by doing good have you ever happen how many of you ever done good you've ever done good and your life for somebody you know the feeling you get when you do good like you buy somebody some groceries or you help somebody out with some money or you do a kind deed for somebody in that a good feeling it's kind of a it's a different energy like and I was good that was cool right you want to do it efforts of money do you know the energy you're not an energy you feel when you feel hurt by somebody offended when somebody offends you it takes you to a dark space and I'm saying it the offense could have happened briefly the dark space lingers and the reason why it lingers because we don't have a system to address it like we don't pray if you started praying for him right away the faster you can pray for somebody and listening you only have to meet it you have to mean it just pray that's a wait I really I don't really want them blessed but you say they play for something blessings or bless their person and as you keep saying it be like yeah Laura blossom you understand I'm saying my feelings start catching up with my faith but but that dark space of being offended how that feels and how negative that is and then you don't want to be around the person all that compared to this feeling of doing something good I'm saying the bridge between here and there it's doing good I can climb back over here doing good just doing good we're doing good y'all Hey yeah it's all right you got to do good and to do good do good stop sitting in a corner moping trying to make people feel see what we do is we want to be depressed and sad and bitter long enough hoping that people will see how bad they hurt us and somebody will feel sorry for us God says you don't get out that way you get out doing good you get out blessing the person that hurt you I'm saying if I'm in prison and I'm trying to get out cuz I don't like feeling like that and then maybe somebody here in actually enjoys misery and feeling negative and dark like that I don't know maybe it's a place that people get used to but I'm saying if you're gonna use your system it's no it's like no you just don't know where that's gonna end up and I'm saying more than likely it's gonna end up in a place that's negative health wise mental health wise physical health wise spiritual health wise and it won't fix the problem getting somebody back ain't gonna fix it trying to make sure we watch this putting them in their place don't fix it God says lift them up to me bless them speak well of them so here's what we do by way of takeaway here's their application whoever offends you whenever they offend you cuz let me tell you something as you live in you're gonna get offended all the time and you do you know some people you live with they're gonna think I'm doing your list regularly right so people you live with maybe you work with people you interact with it can be a stranger I'm just saying use this template use this template to help keep the negative energy out and to keep me in a place of joy and peace because there's nothing more precious than that in our lives amen Amen let's pray father thank you for allowing us to be able to have an Internet signal and a internet connection or the church app or whatever device we're looking at this message through thank you for giving us what we needed in this moment thank you for showing us ourselves we've been so busy looking at the other person and what they did wrong and while I'm justified and feeling this way and while I feel like giving them these hands and I feel like I'm justified and keeping my distance and maybe maybe maybe true maybe it may be true that there needs to be distance because of the volatility of the relationship but God I don't mean we can't pray for them now I don't mean we can't bless them don't mean we can't turn it over to you don't mean we can't do everything we can to have peace to be at peace with all people help us to use your system when we're resolving conflict and we're squashing beefs let us do it your way even if we have to unlearn what we've been doing and may we do it your way and thank you Lord for this word and his teaching and may is shape our lives maybe not just hear it and a minute or clap to it or whatever may it literally may it literally govern our behavior in Jesus name Amen amen
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 5,098
Rating: 4.9254661 out of 5
Keywords: Keith Battle, Zion Church, Pastor Battle, Pastor Keith Battle, dealing with conflict, squash beef, relationships, kindness, fruits of the spirit, love, joy, peace, DMV, Jesus Christ, Christian Church, sermon, Christian teaching, Bible, Non denominational church, tedx talks, saddleback church, squash a beef god's way
Id: 9p3sMQrWplA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 9sec (2469 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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