The Corridor Of Decision

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Matthew chapter 7 now let me expedite this so we can you yeah yeah yeah yeah that's it I see yes sir let me explain something to you some of y'all get scared of that that's it that's a breakthrough phrase that's a breakthrough phrase that's a breakthrough brain that's a breakthrough phrase that's when God arrest you and said I got you I got this I'm bigger than that you ain't gonna have headaches no more you ain't gonna worry yourself to sleep at night you're gonna sleep good tonight cuz I neither sleep nor slumbers and since I'm gonna be up all night you might as well go to sleep I got your child I got your situation I got your money I got your help whatever they said God has the final say God has the final say and when I call on Jesus everything got to change there's power in the name of Jesus we just don't use what is there did I tell y'all where to turn Matthew 7 Matthew 7 I forget what else I'm supposed to do it don't matter mmm praise is a weapon it ain't passive it's a weapon see pray see for some people praise is rational there townsmen praise is rational because God's been so good it don't make sense not to praise Him but then there's a get called worship and sometimes you're going to worship and it's irrational because you can worship God why you got to make funeral arrangements you can worship God when you ain't got no paycheck coming in you can worship God and you found something somebody's phone that broke your heart you can worship God and when you start lifting up your hands and worshiping God God is not confused but the devil gets confused because the devil thought this one will take you out he thought this one will make you lose your faith he thought this would make you backslide but it only made you stronger it just took you deeper in the Lord and I'm telling you some of you are confusing the devil with you how in the world can you have up get what are you doing praising God with all the hell you've been through all the disappointment you've been through your back is against the wall but you still got your hands up and say I still bless him [Applause] whoo okay Matthew seven if you have a device or a Bible Matthew chapter seven and the reason why I want you to look at it yourself not just on the screen I want you to see something and I hope you you never look at it the same again you know it's something about looking into the word even if it's on your phone and you're highlighting it or something that you get insight for your own life you know we make the scriptures available on the screen so that it can be convenient for you but don't always be a spiritual spectator will you come and observe the whole experience as an as a disconnected spectator the Word of God is your lifeline it is your map and so I think since you got Jordans and you got red bottoms you need a Bible you can go ahead and get you a Bible yeah you can get you a Bible you can get you a Bible and get you a Bible with all that with all them outfits you got go ahead and get a matching Bible if you want to be fly we'll get you an app or something with the Bible on all right so y'all know somebody's mother it's okay let's try to figure out I'm explaining this suit today [Music] I've been shaking hands like this is handshaking suit I've been shaking hands with me behind god bless you this is you know I figured you know I had this thought what if I die and somebody put me in something my own like in the casket so I wore this a day sir but I know if I doubted they just put me in this just put me right there right there don't change nothing I got everything I wanted to be now because I got this suit on y'all gonna have to treat me like win them church pastors you're saying you know what I'm going junk with that yeah today I won't ask for this all the time I want y'all to act like when you go to Big Momma Church and they be in there shouting and when the preacher say something every time you pause I said well come on say that you in there doc say all that I gave you this you gotta give me that hey let's practice turning your Bibles that's what I'm telling mostly and look and you can tell the people don't know what they're doing they're all off-key all late yeah yeah yep you'll catch on verse 24 Matthew 7 New International Version therefore yes what I'm say just mmm anything just oh oh therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a while see some of y'all been waiting on me to give you permission to do that anyway you've been waiting to be you've been waiting to just cut up can we start over therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock verse 25 the rain came down streams rose and the winds blew and beat against that house yet it did not fall because it had his foundation on the rock but everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand the rain came down streams rose the winds blew and beat against that house and it fell with a great crash I'm gonna give you my subject right now it's not gonna make sense to you but I'm gonna give it to you right now my subject today is the corridor of decision now if you churchy you just say well you only no no come on come on all right you don't even know rid is gone there are things about this passage that are obvious it is obviously a passage about comparison and contrast at the end of the day is really comparing two men two people one man is described as wise and the other man is described as foolish both men build houses they both built the house and for all we know from the aesthetics of the house there may not be much difference in the way the house is structured and designed and what model of house it is it may they may look similar the difference in the house is what it was built on one man built his house on rock and the other man built his house on saying there's another comparison in the text that is obvious and that is both men whether wise or foolish went through storms let me go ahead and tell you that no matter who you are and what neighborhood you live in you can guarantee that you will go through storms in fact the storms are so similar to these men that they're described with the very same words the rain came down on the wise man's house the rain came down on the foolish man's house the wind beat against the wise man's house to win beat against foolish man's house the streams rose up on the wise man's house string rose up on the foolish man's house the difference between the two of them is that one of their houses stood and the other had a great fall that's obvious in the passage what is less obvious in this passage is the hermeneutical bridge that gives us a discovery as to why a person house is on rock and another person's house is on saying was that intentional do you just intentionally go and build house on sand or do you intentionally go and build houses on rock where in the passage can we discover that link that reveals what causes a house to be on rock and what causes the house to be on saying that may not be as easily distinguished but it is in the text as well and it starts off at the beginning of verse 24 and it says everyone who he here's the words of Jesus then in verse 26 again it says every word one who hears these words of mine the words of Jesus so here's the deal both of these men heard what Jesus said the difference is one of them put them into practice and the other one didn't therefore Jesus says the one who hears my words and put them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on a rock and anyone who hears my heard the same word and didn't I put it into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on the sand all the houses look the same you don't know what's in you don't know what the house is on until the storm comes are y'all with me so far let me make one more observation that may even be less even be less noticeable both of these men hear the word of God hear the word of Jesus everybody in here hears the word of Jesus even if you are have a hearing impairment there is somebody who has gifted enough to make sure you are hearing so we are all hearing the same thing the difference in this passage that I want you to understand is that there must be a space between hearing the words of Jesus and the storm that is coming ooh please don't miss this please don't miss this somewhere between hearing Jesus's word and a storm that was sure to come there had to be something that I call a corridor of decision where a decision was made either to take heed to what Jesus said and put it to practice in my life or to ignore it and not put it to practice in my life and whatever I did with what Jesus said either prepared me or made me vulnerable for the storm that was coming oh I don't know if you missed that that was that's the whole message right there the message is in that the the corridor of decision is the space where God gives us volition and even though we've heard what he wants us to do we have a choice as to whether or not we're gonna do it now you don't have to do it you can even clap you can even say that was good I love how that teaching went that was a good message we talked about the Sermon is wonderful and leave me go tell other people about it but if you do nothing about it you are vulnerable to the very storm that the word came to prepare you for what does text teaches is that God gives pre-storm words why wouldn't he he knows when they're coming if a meteorologist can say there's a hurricane coming and give a name to the hurricane and tell everybody went to evacuate because this is how it's coming they can tell you how much snow is coming how much more can God tell you when something's coming in your life and here's what you need to do to be prepared but how many people refuse to evacuate we have volition you have a choice you can say you can roll the dice and say it may it may not happen let me explain this what I call this corridor of decision this court of decision works like this it starts with information you get information you are informed you are informed by God through teaching through his word and then it even you in the court decision if you submit to it you then you choose to conform to what you were informed about and that conforming can be difficult because it doesn't matter if you like if you like what you were taught or if it's uncomfortable you conform to it though you slay me yet will I trust you even if it's not a good word even it's a word that says love your enemies and pray for them that despitefully use you even if it says if somebody hits you on one cheek turn the other way if somebody ask you got a mile go two miles with all of these things that Jesus may be teaching if I if I conformed to it to what I've been informed about it transforms my life that's how people's lives are changed they are informed they conform then they're transform which allows them to handle the scorn let me say that again if I am informed and I come from it's not enough to be informed it's not enough to even agree with what God is teaching it's not even enough to a minute and say well come on and all that I must come because watch this I am informed in a public setting but I conform in private and then he transformed me and I become what he taught me so that I can handle the storm they come now everybody gets the same opportunity everybody's getting the same information right now but even if you're informed if you ignore what you've been informed about and blow it off it's just some nice homily that was a nice message but you ain't gonna apply to your life because they hit a part of your life that you refused to conform in what that means is the storm is still coming because let me tell you what I can guarantee Jesus has spoken is written and the storm is coming you can bet on it the only thing that's pending is will you be ready and the only way you get ready is when you conform to what you've been informed about which transforms you and prepares you for the storm if you ignore what you've been for info about you're now vulnerable to the storm and the storm can make you a victim and everything that matters happens in this corridor the most important parts are I know everything we do in churches report we do praise and worship is important because it connects our hearts to God and we get to sing to him and tell him how we feel about when we give we get to put God in our money and so I'm gonna be honor him in our finances when we hear teaching we get instruction for our life but the most important part of the message is when I go into the corridor of decision and decide will I do what I heard or will I make my own decision and that ain't gonna work for my life cuz you don't know my sister well you know people I live with see see see this corridor of decision right here it's really it's really let me see what happens is we go in here and counter while we in church and sometimes why we're sitting in church mow time when we leave church we just kind of think it through it and and we may even ever hear a word that was exactly for us have you ever have you ever come to church and the message was exactly for you like you you you you you're not knocking that man or that woman no what I need like that and let's just say it's a word let's say it's a word about forgiveness and love and you beefing with somebody you rode the church with and y'all having a beef and a conflict let me show you how deep this is you may have enjoyed the sermon and then you get in your car and you're in your car with the person your beef with and you just heard a message on love and forgiveness and apologizing and being compassionate and moving on to the next thing and so the person you're beefing with says so what'd you think about the message you say what you think about the message you asking me for don't worry about what I thought about it what's you the Holy Spirit I'm saying we're just in the parking lot and what I'm saying let me tell you what happens because when you got the message you were in a sterile environment but when you have to apply it you're in an uncomfortable environment who understands what I'm talking about in here give me give me the chance and I'm gonna break it down for you I'm breaking it down for you see this what happened we get we get in we're in this thing and we're in the corridor of decision and we sit there and we heard - were and we heard what God said we should do and now we're debating yeah I should do that I prize should do that we even take notes yeah i'ma do that money I'm doing then that's what I was first said then I flesh says you're gonna look stupid if you do it cuz you know they don't even respect you so why would you do that yeah that's a good point cuz you know that didn't really you know I like the message but it didn't really apply to my situation it wasn't really like on point with my specific situation he I think he would have changed it if he knew what he would eyes dealing with so I don't think I'm gonna do that plus you know what if I get rejected and I go reach out to them and say I'm sorry and can we you know start over and you know I'm a Christian I shouldn't cuss you out and I'm really apologize because y'all because I shouldn't have did that God competing about what if I go to them and they push me inside I can't deal with that kind of response and I'm had to go southeast on ground trying to do that please and God saying no you need to be loving and trust me in it and he said nah cuz you're I don't know they might take my meekness for weakness and didn't think I'm a punk I don't work too hard to be a thug I don't work too hard to have people scared of me I got a reputation to maintain I can't be acting like that what I'm gonna do is what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna leave them alone I'm just going to leave it alone I think what God said I'm just gonna leave it alone then you sit in there saying well should I go polish on to the night and you having a full-blown argument and ain't nobody in the in the quarter but you and that's your flesh warring with your spirit who understands what I'm talking about so so you sending it and your flesh saying one thing then you start having these voices talk to you and do your head over your head like mother you'll know that's God or the devil and you just didn't then Big Momma start talking because everybody got a grandmother they used to teach them something and so you know grandma always said you know help daughter to help themselves that ain't even in the Bible and so they gotta help themselves and Lord God Big Momma saved room take one step God take two and that ain't that ain't even in the Bible and Big Momma say you got people get off the pot snap that ain't in the Bob Big Momma say God don't like ugly that ain't in the Bible so now you quoting Oprah and dr. feeling and Jet magazine you'll need no wit say when Lord what would this person do and sometimes you look to a person that you admire say what would they do and that's good if they're an honorable person but you're sitting there you conflicted then you go through what I call her thinking and her thinking HG Rd her thinking is what is the crowd doing where does everybody else do them why should I do it I'm why should I be the all ball out why should I be the only one trying to be nice around here no let them come in my room this time I went his room last time ain't going his room he come to my room you know my room is I went what if I go knock on the door and you don't go and say get get start cussing tell me get away from the door then I got then I look stupid ain't doing dude I'm coming over oh whatever everybody else why should I be celibate I don't be sure I know I should we celebrate because God said wait I could I don't be celibate um what what ain't no other people in my robe everybody my roast mansion they have people not real having kids dangers having sex and kids I don't want even had kids I just one had some sex I'm tired of playing with myself I want somebody else to play with don't you act like y'all know what I'm talking money tell much recorder I don't know what to do I'm just tired of being lonely I'm tired just one ain't trying just use you creatures we talk about wait till you get married but they married they getting some tonight I'm tired of this well impulses don't then you start getting amnesia and you forget you see see you know what you should do they get amnesia and you start forgetting about how bad it was the last time you disobey God you think or you think well maybe maybe I'll get away with it I know that's gonna happen to some people and I'm saying this conversation what I'm saying is you can't stop the conversation it's going to happen to you how many people understand what I'm saying right here what I'm saying is you could have that conversation all night all I'm saying is make sure God wins when it's all said and done and you went down your little list about why I'm not going to apply and why I'm not gonna stay and why I'm not going honor God I'm not gonna keep my commitment and while I'm not going to keep my word and you did all that stuff I'm saying I do you ran your mouth and did everything you want to do at the end of the day say God all right what you want me to do otherwise your life will always be sandy see they're basically two people in this pageant sandy and rocky there's a sandy life and there's a rocky life both people hear what God says but the difference is his once you watch this watch this you don't know who's who till the storm breaks out you only know what people have built their life on when the storm hits because everybody looks the same until the storm comes so now we get a revelation in my rock or am I saying and by the way let me tell you this this message I'm taking something else in this text that you might not know but this text I can prove to you that this passage of Scripture this message I'm preaching is for everybody listen to me there is nobody that this message is now for and imma prove it to you in a second see cuz you can come to church sometimes and the message is about marriage and you sing or we'd be like we're they're named for me today are you a man and the message about being a good mom and you like what is saying for me today but I'm gonna tell you right in this passage why this message is for everybody in here and it's right there in the text the first verse says verse 24 them therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice this was gonna happen and verse 26 says and everyone who hears these words of mine and doesn't put them right this was gonna happen to them let me say something that's all of us there's nobody excluded from this message and guess what your preparation what's this if you stumble in the corridor you will be smashed in the storm will you say it can't be that's you mean to tell me keep I can be storm ready just cuz I do what Jesus said yes that's exactly what I'm telling you see we try to make God stuff God's Word and his words and Directioners are not complicated there's just not easy gotta tell you something simple but it's still hard and who better knows what's coming God knew listening God knew the shutdown was coming before the shutdown okay and he knows what's gonna happen over everything you know all that ain't gotta wait God knew the infidelity was coming before the infidelity came God knew your child and aren't your child would go wayward before when it was obeying you God knew to health crisis was coming when you were healthy God doesn't have to wait so you know he'll give you a word this is how I know we're parts of my life I'm rocky and solid and which was in my life I'm sandy it's when stuff blows me let me let me let me let me demonstrate it for you I got here this is a rock right that's what that is you can see it's a rock this here is saying so I'm gonna try to make this saying I'm a field put this sand down here and try to make as much sand as rock because it takes more sin to get to that rock level so that's the saying right now when you put when you put when you build a house and your foundation on the rock that got this from my granddaughter I hope she don't look for it it helps this too how is the same color same structure and and by the way you never can see where the house is built on because you go in a house you go in the house you say oh this is nice look at the way I get the kid oh you got the kitchen look at the cabinets and you talk about the furniture and the older teeth look at the flatscreen oh I love what you've done to the place but we have no idea what is standing on see see see see the difference is the difference is if I said they said the rain came down right if I were to pour water on this rock it would have little impact on the rock but if I pour water on this sand it would break it down and if I pour so much water on the rock that the water would start stream would start building up around the rock it would have some impact but not nearly the impact is if I started flooding the sand it would actually demolish it then there's a see this this would the storm that Jesus is talking about here is a three-fold storm it's coming from every direction it's coming down it's coming up it's coming at it sometimes there's something coming on you coming at you and coming from it's coming from everywhere it's coming from your children it's coming from your balls it's coming from your friends y'all don't know what'll come up it's coming from everywhere and what determines how you survive it is what you've built your life for so watch this so watch this so the wind blows right so the wind the Bible says the wind beat against the rock I'm gonna blow against Israel I blew it the rock the rock didn't move in the same move and I wouldn't even blowing at it I'm saying you know you're weak spiritually when you blown by something to happen to somebody Amen even your house but if I blow on this if I blow on this Sam it's a rap it's unstable you say that's an elementary illustration you're right but it's a picture of our lives see you can ask somebody on the same row as you who's going through the same thing as you and they're stable you don't even know it it's because they're what they built their life on and the whole time you blown you know I know your life is sandy cuz you stay blown you stay blowing some I ask you how you doing blown Joe I'm blown you've blown mow all mothers I'm blown man everything blows you every week we got to pray for you about something a man lift me up man I'm blown man they blow me man hey blow me man you stay blown people that work blow you people at your house blow you people that your barbershop blow you people at the hair salon blow you people at the post office blow you people at the grocery store blow you people at the cleaners blow you at some point you got to stop blaming everybody and say something wrong with me that I'm that soft and fragile then everything and everybody blows me that's because your life is fragile because it's me and it doesn't watch this it doesn't even mean you don't even like coming to church and hearing the word you just don't plan on doing it God showed me something this week has just blessed me so good but it hurt my feelings too I saw God there was a man in the Old Testament a Mazique you he was a prophet he was hot right he was going to come up he had a lot of followers his father was growing he was running revivals you know revivals are order revival is he late leaving me like am I talking I'm talking you know the revival and you'll know it arrive early that's all it's gonna be good this one's just stay awake the old times a revival he's getting popular he's and so and so he was kind of feeling good about his ministry and then God came and broke it down to him he said to him in verse 30 and ZQ chapter 33 he says eek let me tell you something your people talk about you in their houses and whisper about you at the doors they talk about you man they love hearing you preach even like they think they think they really own it they say each other come on let's go hear the Prophet tell us what the word blower his saying let's go here Zeke they coming they come from out of town to hear you they said you know Zeke in town let's go we're going down to the 3rd Baptist cos Zeke and revival and they and it was like if they finally he says but let me get a real deal about him in the next verse he says but you know some so my people come pretending to be sincere when they sit before you they listen to your words but they have no intention of doing what you say that got me right there all that teacher go to the next verse all that teacher he says he says in verse 33 he says you are very entertaining to them like someone who sings love songs with a beautiful voice or plays fine music on an instrument they hear what you say but they don't act on it messes you up and then I said that's just how this group is for a lot of y'all they say number entertainment it's spiritual entertainment but it's just entertainment for you you could I go design go design you come cuz you get to wear what you want is fast music good you get a nice message but you don't plan on doing none of this as soon as you hear a word that contradicts your comfort that comfort traditional life's philosophy that any child especially brothers all time as soon as I say some if I say two things about brothers and one thing about the sisters they will go to their boys say all he did was being bashed at home sir any time something makes you uncomfortable you don't plan on do it this is entertainment for you in a discernment good you're leaving abroad bravo Bravo it's like a Luther Vandross concert for you you don't imprint intent on doing anything that you've heard that's deep but I'm saying and it may work for you until the storm comes see this wrong saying I don't even mean to be nearby you up cause let me tell you the truth about us we are writing checks for people without even any question with you if you heard we write you checks we need even saying we tell you here's a gadget we write you checks you can't say I ain't generous but what my problem is how could you go to this church as much as I teach on how to save and how to tithe and then you miss the month of payments and you ain't had the money in reserve that means you was clapping when I was preaching and you may have been talking about it but you were vulnerable when the storm came somebody else been practicing it and guess what they were learners they were a little shaky but you know where they had to call the church they had to come see their body they had to bear the understand the suit line Wow because they didn't just get informed they conform and they were transformed and ready for the storm I mean why come to church and you ain't gonna do nothing you hear listen the people Jesus talking to you should see some of y'all facing right now like what you're telling me here right you come out the people Jesus is talking to in verses 24 to 27 real talk people he's talking to he Bay's he said I get y'all 50/50 shot half of y'all gonna have a house built on the rock happy y'all gonna have a house built on saying cuz you're gonna hear what I say and not doing some of y'all hear what I say and do it and didn't they get what reduced by tap he said this look at verse 28 he says this to them and watch how they responded when he finish saying these things after that tough message they were amazed at his teaching they say oh Jesus that was to put you to good old Jesus when you preach it again you're gonna be your son dude you what son did you hear you could be here on person are you gonna be your line would you go are you gonna be here or you'll be here then look at what they say in verse 29 because he taught us one who had Authority and not as their teachers in luck he said you don't teach like everybody else Jesus you tough I Jesus you're up there with rabbi Ralph Sadducees Sam Pharisee feeling you up there you may be top three Jesus and all that applause and ain't gonna do nothing he said most people leave church talking about the sermon or the music not about what they gonna do I don't how many y'all know people who do Church good but live bad I mean they can own a church Hey they go in here he said I'm talking about they can't you can't even get your depreciate cuz everybody running and fainting and shouting hi we went in a videotape to go we went in where you go and how did you come out when you're getting information it doesn't matter who the loudest is who's standing and shouting and saying Amen and preach that that's public you can form in private the loudest person in here maybe the most wild it doesn't matter it might be the most quiet person in here who's cringing on every word was saying God if that's what you need me to do I'm gonna obey you because watch this watch this when God wins in here mmm when he wins in here what he wins is your trust there are no that's what he wins he wins your trust in there you don't win out here you are not winning right now you are not winning because you go to a church where you're taught the word look at James 1 nikka change 1 James 1:22 says but make sure don't just listen to God's Word you must do what it says otherwise you're only fooling yourself so if you listen to the word and don't obey it's like glancing at your face in the mirror you see yourself walk away and forget what you look like but if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free and if you do what it says and don't forget what you heard then God will bless you for doing it but if you just listen and don't obey you're vulnerable what if we treated God's Word like we treat the mirror in the car you know that mirror you just left the mirror in the bathroom you get downstairs and you pull the visor down in the car then while you're driving you're checking your lipstick in your edges or your shape up or your go tea thing is there bug in my nose what if we win if win if God was trying to show us something and we kept going back to a description saying God where do you can I see me in this what is it about me that needs to come form this see always no areas where I'm flaky is things that blow me I'm not saying everything don't blow me this will start to blows me but when it blows me is because I'm either ignorant of what God says I'm supposed to do about it or I've been ignoring it let me tell you one other thing about this saying and rock and I'm done this rock is it stands alone it's solid it's independent this saying it takes a lot of it it's like a lot it's just a lot of stars just a lot and when you have a sandy life you you just do you're just doing a lot one minute you're Christian next mean you're Muslim you just we don't know what you are this week you Frank today you fahrrad tomorrow you know what one minute you down with God and you following Jesus with all your heart next day you're a spiritualist you just sitting in front of a bowl chanting drinking milk in front of a tree you you flow whatever whatever whatever is flowing whatever school whatever's hip you're not right you're not you're not grounded in anything one year you say I'm gonna be a hundred or so sim sober the next year you drink whatever you want ain't around drinking these guys smoking - then you're doing sexual explorations it's like what it's whatever for you you're sandy you're all over the place and this is why I let me explain it to you see you know we're saying comes from a rock this used to be this ooh that's good right there you weren't always this flimsy sand is rock that has eroded and you know how rocky roads when you pick and choose we're part of the rock you gonna agree with so when you hear where were you here where you get important about a word to tell you what you got to do to prosper you all on that like you post it on your page you got it all on your sick screensaver you got it on your dashboard I'm walking in that I'm walking in my prosperity but when that word says love your enemies pray for them that despitefully use you going ask that person to forgive you be like oh I don't like anchovies on my Peas you treated like a pizza so what ends up happening it is it's just sandy and all that's fine - the storm comes so here's what we're gonna do in the interest of time I didn't do the tribal moment at the beginning a mess we're gonna do a tribal moment right now I want you to get together in groups of three three people only here's the assignment I'm doing it to tell the people you talk to your name your name and the one thing where you feel your life is most sandy it's not it's not solid the one thing that has you the one thing that concerns you and worries you the most it's got you blown and was retail person your name tell them that because here's what the Bible says cast all your cares upon him because he cares for you but then the Bible says we should bear one another's burdens that's how we fulfill the law of Christ I ain't ask you to do nothing but tell the person your name and what you struggle with with what you're concerned about the most all right go ahead let me get two people over here 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 1 you know what it's good to be able to sue we just gave ourselves permission to be human and you know what hopefully the person who heard our struggle will pray for us it's no pressure they mean that but maybe we will pray for them and what we heard we all got something that we need help with what I love you you may have just talked to the president of a university you may just talk to the governor or you may have talked to somebody who's who's unemployed but let me tell you something we all got storms and we all trying to struggle in that corridor to do what God says that's a fact God helped me right here may you win every wrestling match and I'm telling you we whooping God's tail when it come to this lay oh no I ain't doing that we don't even really won't even say no it's all right yeah that was good man good service good service did you hear oh yeah there's this you know but my situation you see them saying anyway I can talk about this all day but we out of time pastor you got us you got us okay the Prince of Peace all right all right bless you man [Applause]
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 4,545
Rating: 4.9235668 out of 5
Keywords: obedience, Pastor Battle, Pastor Keith Battle, Keith Battle, The Corridor of Decision, Zion Church, DMV, Christian Church, sermon, teaching, obeying God, making it through storms, hard times in life, Bishop Jakes, Sarah Jakes Roberts, Steven Furtick, Jesus, Bible, hearing God, listening to God
Id: b3PWleL01BM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 55sec (2575 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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