Passing The Torch

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes indeed yes indeed i am so excited about this time we're able to spend together in god's word today and i want to get right into it this weekend if you have a bible turn to deuteronomy chapter 31 deuteronomy chapter 31 genesis exodus leviticus numbers deuteronomy the fifth book of the torah the fifth book of the pentateuch i want you to turn there get it on your app whatever kind of device you use for the bible let's get into this word today and see what god would say to us out of his law out of his truth i'm going to begin reading in verse 1 from the new living translation and here's how the word of god reads for our assignment today when moses had finished giving these instructions to all the people of israel he said i am now 120 years old and i am no longer able to lead you the lord has told me you will not cross the jordan river but the lord your god himself will cross over ahead of you he will destroy the nations living there and you will take possession of their land joshua will lead you across the river just as the lord promised joshua was going to do it it won't be me i'm not going to go across the jordan river joshua is going to lead you across the jordan river verse 4 the lord will destroy the nations living in the land just as he destroyed sihan and og the kings of the amorites the lord will hand over to you the people who live there and you must deal with them as i have commanded you so be strong and courageous do not be afraid and do not panic before them for the lord your god will personally go ahead of you he will neither fail you nor abandon you watch this verse 7 then moses called for joshua and all israel watched and he said to him be strong and courageous it's your time for you will lead these people into the land of the lord the lord swore to their ancestors he would give them you are the one who will divide it among them as their grants of lamb do not be afraid or discouraged for the lord will personally go ahead of you he will be with you he will neither fail you nor abandon you i want to go back to verse 2 again moses says i am now 120 years old and i am no longer able to lead you the end of verse 3 says joshua will lead you across the river just as the lord promised in verse 7 again then the lord called then moses called for joshua and as all israel watched he said to him be strong and courageous for you will lead these people into the land the lord swore to their ancestors he would give them as it's already been shown i want to use the subject today passing the torch passing the torch the phrase ology passing the torch actually comes from the world of olympics actually it is a terminology that was started in 1936 when the first olympic torch passing relay took place beginning in greece and that that uh that historical habit that that pattern has continued all the way up to this day and the way it works is this torch is lit in olympia greece and it goes through 121 days of being passed from one designated person to the next until it arrives at the base where the olympics take place on that year it is a phenomenal thing and then when they get and arrive at the place they light the caldron the olympic caldron and it stays lit for the entire games until the closing ceremony that phraseology passing the torch has moved since that time into the corporate sector into the professional sector where there are people who are moving on from their responsibilities they're retiring and they're giving their responsibilities to their successor and and so it is that they say i'm passing the torch on to my successor it happens in the world of sports typically when a leader in a particular field of sport is considered at the top of that sport and and usually once they kind of move right past their prime and everybody knows there's a new sheriff in town so to speak there's a new rising star on the horizon there's a moment when out of respect for this new leader that the old leader passes the torch to the next player the next generation of leaders it happens in so many different sectors and it's exactly what i see happening in this passage right here in this story that we're looking at today moses is passing the torch of leadership to joshua and what a moment it is it is an amazing moment because who's involved it's moses there's never been a man on earth like moses the bible says he was the meekest man ever on earth moses led two million people out of slavery in the freedom moses was just different moses was so powerful that when the israelites whom he led would be in combat in war without lifting a weapon moses just lifted his hands and while his hands were raised whenever his hands were raised his his his followers the israelites would win the battle he he was so influential those same hands when they would drop out of fatigue the israelites would start losing the battle it became such a serious matter because the the the pendulum would swing based on where his hands were were that because his hands were fatigued and his hands were dropped they set him down on a rock and they had aaron come on one side of him and her on the other and they began to stand next to him and held his hands up and as long as moses's hands were raised israel would prevail moses was just different we owe the having we all having the pentateuch in our hands today and that acts just today because of the writing of moses in fact god said about moses god says he says in the book of numbers he says when i talk to my prophets i talk to them through dreams and visions but not so with moses when i talked to moses i talked to moses face to face moses was was was on another level in fact in in in psalm 103 verse 7 it says about moses god says the people of israel are familiar with my my deeds but moses is familiar with my ways yeah they know what i do he knows what i'm up to he knows how i move he knows how i think he knows how i operate he knows how to act moses was just different moses under the direction of god uh went to a pharaoh in egypt who didn't even know god and under god's guidance and direction told pharaoh to let god's people go and he's talking to a pharaoh who doesn't even know the god he's talking about and that pharaoh because of the miraculous exploits of moses and the power of god let an entire workforce of slaves go to go follow moses to serve a god that the pharaoh didn't even know moses was just different moses was so awesome that when moses died israel mourned for 30 whole days the whole nation shut down commerce was closed the economy was frozen the marketplace was closed the ships were not sailing and doing doing trade nobody was interacting there was no there were no songs being sung no instruments being played the whole land was hushed as tears flowed in the land because moses was dead he was mythological in nature he was a living legend even while he was alive and yet in spite of all that even moses grew too old to lead i don't care who you are and what you've done and how long you've done it every single one of us will come to a place at some point in our life when we're too old to lead when it's time to pass the torch and by the way with moses it wasn't so much that he was physically unable to leave because we learned in the book of deuteronomy chapter 34 verse 7 that moses at the time of his death was still and still had good eyesight and he was still strong and full of strength so it wasn't his physical strength that was missing what was missing is as you look at verse 2 moses says i'm not no longer able to lead you so if it's not physical in nature when a leader is physically healthy but they're no longer able to lead it's no longer their dexterity it's about their drive it's about the drive one of the ways if the question begs to be asked how do you know when it's time for you to transition out of leadership and i'm here to tell you it's when the drive is gone it's when you no longer have to drive when when when you don't have the drive that's an indication this time it's time to move out of that assignment that's one of the ways that god tells you when it's no longer time for you to do that assignment even if the site the assignment is not done your work on the assignment is gone done if you no longer have drive because if you don't have drive that's what gives you the fuel to overcome all the obstacles of leadership that's what gives you the fuel and the umph and and the fervor to deal with all that comes with leadership when you don't have drive it's over because because you can't manufacture drive you can't perpetrate drive you can't fake drive you can't manufacture drive if you listen as soon as drive walks out the door you need to walk out right behind it because because when i when god god's way of letting me know when i'm finished an assignment is taking away my drive and if he takes away the drive i need to follow the drive because the drive is an indication of what's next whatever i have a new drive for has to do with my new assignment now if you're just if you're just burnt out if you're just fatigued you may not feel like you have drive you just usually might need a break you might need a an extended break or a vacation and if you're just tired your your break will renew your drive but but if the drive is gone all the break will do is confirm that the assignment is over and so here is moses about to retire how about that he says i can't do this anymore some translation says moses could no longer go out and come back in he could no longer do what he was always doing and so it was time to shift by the way by the way see great leaders don't just know how to lead they know when to leave and you ought to leave something better than you found it that's why setting up your successor for success is very important so that they can build on what you built and don't have to resurrect which you killed because you stayed too long and whenever a leader stays too long they hinder progress that's why that's why by the way that's why god didn't just make moses retire in verse two he also removed them this is this is tough right here because god moses says not only not only am am i not going to be your leader anymore i'm not even going to get to go to the promised land god told him you're not even going in you're not going in as a leader you're not even going in as a participant i'm removing you that's tough right there i'd rather retire than to get just to be removed i'd rather get out the way than to be moved out the way but god just moved him like and and what it what it lets me know is is that there is no leader that's more important than the one that's leading him and there's no leader that's more important than the people they are privileged to lead and if you're in the way god will move you god says i'm gonna move moses and one of the reasons why moses had to be removed is because typically when you're an influential leader like moses see they've never they had never had a leader like moses you know most of people really adored moses and even when they had beasts with moses and disagree with moses when moses when moses was getting older the older you get and the closer you get to death and especially when you die people really appreciate you they begin you're a hero the older you get in and when you when you die you're a hero and so and so because people were so used to moses god had to get moses out the way because god is trying to take israel somewhere but moses doesn't have the drive to lead him anymore and there's a requirement for a new type of leader now because moses was needed to bring israel out of bondage and he was needed to bring israel to the promised land but that's because they didn't have to because because they didn't need a warrior to lead him he was a statesman he was a negotiator he was a counselor he was a wise man but joshua is a fighter he's a warrior he's a combat man he he works in the trenches and so they came out of egypt when they came out of egypt they didn't really have to fight they didn't have to fight to get out of egypt but in order to go and dominate the promised land they're gonna have to do some fighting and so that the call on the leader that needs to take over the promised land and the call on the leader of these to take them to the promised land is two different cause so moses wasn't built to take them into the promised land and plus by the way he had done something in numbers chapter 20 that's still controversial something about his behavior that god says because you did this you're not going to promise land the way he hit a rock that water came out of he was disobedient his behavior caused him some consequences and he wasn't able to go in but in addition to that he's 120 years old his successor has already been identified his name is joshua the people tend to follow the old leader more than they follow the new leader and so god's going to get him out the way because some leaders who are done should move out of the way so that joshua can lead without the people still trying to follow the person they used to follow i don't even know who i'm talking to but i know i'm talking to somebody if you're a moses the best thing you can do is let your successor lead and you need to leave so that you can get out of the way because people tend to follow who they used to follow because people are tending to be loyal to stuff that's even over so god removed he removed moses and whenever you remove somebody people gonna need some hope and so the next thing they're told is but i got a replacement i got a replacement for moses in verse three he says know this you're not going to be without help in fact first of all god's going to lead you god's going to lead you out but also know this that joshua is going to lead you across this river he's next joshua is next yeah i like that joshua is next i wonder who's next around you are you paying attention to who's next believers bishop jakester says that you you can't welcome your successor until you've maximized your own opportunities when you squander your opportunities as a leader you don't ever want to see your successor because you they're a reminder that i've wasted my time and because we've wasted our time we tend to take it out on our successors but but it's really it's really not joshua's fault if moses has wasted his time that's not joshua's fault it is moses's responsibility to maximize the opportunities that god gives him but what i love about this passage is what i love about this passage is the fact that that even though even though joshua is replacing moses moses doesn't seem to be envious of him he celebrates it he he actually inaugurates him he anoints him he he places his hands on him the bible says in in numbers chapter seven he is told to lay hands on him and he actually endorses his replacement let me say a word to somebody because i'm talking to leaders here today especially and i'm talking to you you need to understand something the way this thing flows when torches are passed you have to first be sensitive to when you lose your drive i no longer have the passion to do this that is an indication that you might be in the way so the best thing you can do is is follow your drive to your next assignment but then you need to set up the person who's coming behind you to succeed now if you're that person here's what you have to understand when you're next that's a blessing but you have to always know when you're next somebody is usually in your position and in your place that god has called you to so so joshua is next but moses is in the seat so god's got to remove them and israel is next in the promised land but the hittites the jebusites the gertrude sites all these people are in their place so what god says is i'm going ahead of you in this situation too in verse 3 and i'm going to i'm going to destroy all of your enemies so that you can receive this promised land look at verse 3. he says i'm going in before you and i'm going to destroy the nations living it and you will take possession of the land watch this watch this watch this now it sounds beautiful when god says i'm going in to destroy these the nations and you're going to take possession of land that sounds very beautiful i'm going to take possession of the land but what i need everybody to understand who's on their way somewhere you're on your way somewhere and god's elevating you but elevation is preceded by eviction your elevation can't happen until somebody else is evicted and because eviction perceives elevation you need to know that where you're going is going to include some ruckus yeah you you know that where you're going it ain't going to happen peacefully and it ain't gonna happen peacefully because it's not your fault it's that the people who are in your seat won't let go peacefully and if they won't let go peacefully it's gonna be some ruckus see i'm trying to help somebody here understand the chaos that's in your life and the noise that's in your life and the drama that's in your life because as the israelites are walking towards the promised land they see what god is going to give them but what they also see is that there's a fight going on and it ain't really even their fight there's somebody fighting because they ain't ready for them to take their seat they ain't ready for it to give it up now i don't know when when god told moses that joshua was going to take over i don't know what happened behind the scenes if moses is like come on lord he ain't even ready i don't know if they had that kind of fight but that ain't joshua's business joshua's business is not to fight moses his business is to follow god and whoever i'm preaching to now you don't have to tear down your your predecessor in order to succeed them you let god evict him you just follow the elevation of god and i'm telling you some of y'all are being elevated and you're wondering but why is there so much drama why is there so much chaos because ruckus will come with your promise you need to understand that it's a part of it it's part of it because people don't let go easily but here's what god says i'm going before you i'm preaching that i'm going before you in verse three and watch this i'm going i'm gonna fight for you before you even get there so watch this you're gonna you're gonna have a victory when you arrive oh god like i'm going before you and i'm fighting for you good god say some put that in the chat right there put those four words in the chat god is fighting for you that's five words god is fighting for you there you go that's five words god is fighting for you that's a blessing right there god you can make it four words put god apostrophe yes god's fighting for you or god is fighting for you i don't care what you put but you need to put a praise on that because it's a blessing because he's going ahead of you and i walk into situations differently when i know the person ahead of me can beat everybody in the place i walk into it differently because god is fighting for me he is fighting for me before you showed up for the meeting he was fighting your enemies before you on your back before you even showed up for the interview people that didn't even want you to work there god was fighting for you before you showed up for the hearing god was fighting some of you in a trial right now and god is fighting for you and you owe him a praise because he loved you enough to fight on your behalf to work things out on your behalf that's a blessing right there god is fighting for me he goes ahead so even though there's chaos and ruckus there's still a promise and he says don't be scared but there's also also i'm gonna go back to this i'll go back to this there's a change but there's a replacement i got somebody there's there's a leader shift uh uh it's not gonna be moses anymore it's gonna be joshua now moses is punching out joshua's clocking in i know you're not used to this but i know i know i know change is uncomfortable for you because it ain't the way it used to be but what i want you to understand is the reason why he says before he even said joshua's coming he says god's going to lead you because god wants everybody to understand that no matter what's changing one thing that won't change is that i'm still here that that whether it's moses or abraham or joshua or king david or whoever the leader is one thing that has remained the same is that god is still there and the bible says promotion doesn't come from the east or the west nor from the south but god is judged he sets up one and puts down another god is the one in charge so be careful that you don't just follow humans because we are so human oriented when it comes to leadership we forget the fact that it is god who is the one who is leading she said i got a replacement for moses and his name is joshua and then god says i notice i know this is is is it's kind of disruptive but i want to give you a reminder whenever there's whenever there's change whenever there's a replacement it's a good place for a reminder and verse 4 he says don't forget what i did before whenever you face something that you don't feel you can handle god has a way of not even he don't have to promise you what he's going to do now he can tell you what he did before remember what i did to ogg and scion remember what i did before don't forget what i did he said he says he says he says joshua's going to lead you in verse 3. the anniversary says just as the lord promised don't forget what i promised you verse 5 moses says and when and when god turns the enemies over to you do what i told you to do to them don't forget what i said god is god is trying to remind them that everything you're facing i've already told you what we're going to do and because this is a new battle you're still walking with the same god i'm the same yesterday today and forever i've got you now what moses wants the people of israel to know is that god's got you but what i couldn't shake i knew god got he's he's got israel and he's he's he's got this moment and he understands this passing of the torch and he's in control of all this but what got me was the moment i'm i'm i'm taken by the moment because i'm i'm seeing this man at 120 years old and he's totally can't he said no you're not going and everything he had everything he had seen spiritually he's not gonna get to see physically what could that have been like to what is it like when you're a leader and you spent moses was 80 years old when he went to pharaoh and said let my people go for 40 years he has served these people and and and waited on a promise from god 40 years he had given his life and his energy and his best to these people and now he can't go in what is it like to build something and then to watch somebody else take it to where you saw it going i want to ask every moses listening to me every male or female senior leader who's got a joshua coming up behind you whether you're a man or a woman here's my question can you be happy for who's next or do you despise those who come up around you and can you be happy for the person that's next who gets to stand on your shoulders and see what you never got to see what a powerful moment this is so god says to them i got you and in verse six he tells them don't be afraid don't be discouraged the lord is going with you he's going before you he will neither fail you nor abandon you and then the moment comes in verse 7 where the torches passed and moses calls joshua over to him and he calls joshua and all the people are watching and i can just imagine there's this this scene that this this majestic scene where this this amazing leader larger than life leader calls his young replacement to him and the first thing he says to him is don't be scared verse seven he says don't be scared fear not look at verse seven be strong and courageous i'ma say these things that i'm done be strong and courageous the assignment that god gives you is going to take strength and courage be strong and courageous somebody say i'm confident yeah put that in the chat say i'm confident be strong and courageous be strong and courageous i'm confident a confidence confidence confidence that's how you walk in the room it's how you walk in the room it's how you walk in the room not be because of who sent me i'm not here on my own accord i've been sent i've been chosen see see when it comes to passing the torch this is very important it comes to passengers you need to understand joshua didn't show up on his own when joshua goes into the promised land he didn't go on his own on his own volition he was chosen by god and endorsed by moses this is very important because a lot of young leaders don't understand how important this is today see i want to know when you come talk about the lord called you and the lord did this i know you hear from the lord all the time god talked to you all day i mean he talked to you face to face just like moses he'd be telling you would brush your teeth with your left hand right hand lord be talking to you all day i get it he talked to you face to face not in dreams of visions and all that you you you you're moses love you had a burning fire fiery bush and fire burning bush you had all that happen in your life but here's what i want to ask you what moses has endorsed you you got a word from god but you don't have a man of god or a woman of god or somebody over your life who's an authority that can vouch for you that can speak for you they can say this person has integrity i bless them and i'm telling if you don't have that you better not move you better be careful moving uncovered you walking up and stuff saying the lord has sent me here you got to have somebody who knows you and it can still endorse you see i want to know who sent you who are you submitted to and who sent you i'm talking about whether you're leading a church you're leading the organization you're leading the department you could be leading the family reunion this year your aunt down south carolina will know who sent you to lead this you see and watch this the sender is always greater than the cent somebody superior to you has got to say he's in charge now i sent him who sent you see when mo he said y'all don't read about when moses when moses did moses so bad because moses didn't have he didn't have a mentor he had a he had god he was direct lying to god so mo even but even moses said all right lord i'm gonna go in there but if when i go in there um if he asked me who sent me i just want to know what i'm supposed to say god said tell him i sent you tell him i am sent you you always got to have a sender you got so so if moses is taking joshua's taking over the assignment now he is picking up where moses left off moses was the statesman joshua is the soldier moses was a negotiator joshua is the warrior joshua picks up where moses leaves off and if he walks into a place and somebody say who sent me he can say not only that god called me but moses laid his hands on me and moses sent me and i just want to ask every young leader in here who thinks you've been called who sent you who's sending you who are you submitted to and who sent you because you might walk up into something without being covered and be like those sons of skiva and they say well we know paul and we know jesus but who are you so the first thing he could do was be confident be strong and courageous and then he says in verse 8 when he dropped down to verse 8 in the first part of verse 8 he says he says to him and do not be afraid or discouraged don't be afraid or discouraged somebody say i'm composed i'm composed put that in the chat i'm not i'm not only confident i'm composed you got to have composure you can't leave without composure you gotta be confused see see see fear is one of the enemy's greatest tactics of paralyzing people people can't get the job done because they're scared and the enemy will use fear to panic to paralyze you with panic and make you not want to move but god one of the gifts of the holy spirit one of the fruit of the holy spirit is peace the greek word erene it is it is inexplicable peace it is unshakable peace it is an unrattling where god can make you stable in the midst of a storm it is that kobe bryant with matthew barnes throwing a ball in your face kind of unflinching unrattled peace that god gives you somebody say i'm composed you got to be composed if you lead you you can't be all over the place you gotta you gotta be composed he says he says not only do you need to have confidence when you walk in be strong i said be strong and courageous but in verse in in verse eight he says don't be afraid i'm sorry don't be afraid or discouraged that's what i want to say don't be afraid or discouraged you got to be composed then he says for the lord will personally go ahead of you the lord will personally go ahead of you that that's that's this word say i'm covered i'm covered yeah put that in the chat i'm covered i'm confident uh i'm courageous i'm confident i'm um um i'm composed i'm not afraid but i'm also covered what do you mean pastor the lord god says i'm going in front of you i'm going ahead of you i'm going ahead of you what do you mean i'm covered best way i can describe it is when i whenever i take my granddaughter for a walk and we're holding hands if we're outside in the sun and i can tell that the sun is bothering her if it's too if it's too much on her and it's it's bothering her ability to see and it's too hot what i'll do is i'll get out in front of her just enough that we stay attached but she's in my shadow ooh that's good right there i said i get out in front of her just enough so we're still attached but she's in my shadow yeah yeah yeah he is my shade upon my right hand the sun shall not smite me by day no the moon by night y'all don't really it is it's my job to cover her and god says i'm going out ahead of you i got you covered i got you covered i got you covered i got you i'm already fighting for you out there i got you coming anytime my wife and i leave and go on a trip and we're gone from our house for days or or weeks whenever we get back home i like going in the house first i like going to the house first to make sure it's safe i go in the house and i go around the house in case there's some kind of disturbance or disruption that i know i'll see it first that before she goes in i'll i'll see it first that's that's because i got her covered that way when she walks in the house she knows she's safe because i got her covered and god is saying to joshua he's going ahead of you you're covered and not only that not only that after that he says he says he will be with you he's not only ahead of me but he's with me yeah somebody say i'm connected i'm connected i'm connected that's the next word i'm connected i'm not just confident and i'm i'm not just composed and i'm not just covered i'm connected i'm i'm connected because because because i'm with him the israelites are going into the promised land because of who they're with you know there's some places you can't get into if you ain't with the right people y'all slow today you got to be with him the only reason he was back there in the vip back there behind the road when when that area was roped off for you until you got connected and you you went you ain't you ain't even say nothing because they looked at you and said uh but then the person that they knew looked at you and said oh is she with me he with me that's how the man the thief on the cross got into paradise on his dying day he still ended up in paradise and because jesus said today you'll be with me in paradise you're going in because because of me and the israelites and and and joshua are going into the promised land because they're with god whoo somebody say i'm connected it is your connection to god don't you get it twisted i know you got you know i know you got a lot of papers on your walls talking about what you've accomplished and what school you went to and what degrees you have and what accomplishments you have and what certification you have and i ain't mad at you because that's real cool but don't get it twisted you can lose all that but if i'm connected you can't stop me you don't say i'm saying the connection is greater than than the paperwork your connection is what makes you have access to the blessings of god then then then the last thing he says to him he says and he will never fail you nor abandoned you somebody say i'm cherished i'm cherished i'm cherished yeah i'm confident i'm composed i'm covered i'm connected and i'm cherished why do you say i'm cherished that's why he'll never abandon me you don't abandon stuff that you cherish i've seen people run into houses that were on fire to go get stuff that they cherished hey what you going back in there for it's it's what's in there i the whole house can burn down but i got to go get what i cherish and the reason why the reason why god will never fail you or abandon you is because you're cherished and another reason why god will never fail you or abandon you is because he is unable to fail you there is no failure in god he is unable see i can fail people i can fail people that i cherish because i'm fallible i'm human i'm i'm flawed but god is infallible he's all-powerful he's ubiquitous he's omnipotent he's all-knowing he cannot fail you so here is this moment where this man who had a great run knew when it was time to transition out and prepared who was next with the information and the empowerment to lead i'm going to land this plane right here but this is what i want to give you an opportunity to do by way of application some of you are leading and i want you to understand because it's time for you to transition you've lost your drive there's a new thing god wants you to do and unless the lord's about to take you home you got to find out what is my new assignment but it's important that you don't just lead well it's important that you leave well so when you hand that torch don't burn who's next help your successor succeed then there's some of you who are coming up and somebody's in your seat somebody's in your place name because you're so great is just because you're next you're next and god's going to remove you don't have to fight who you're succeeding joshua served moses honored moses but he still replaced them sometimes you got to learn how to repl how to honor and serve somebody that you will one day replace how about that so many you're saying i can't wait till i get to and you hold him back you won't support the person that ain't how you do it if you can't serve how the way you follow will be the way you're one day followed now i'm going to do something today because i think this message is prophetic for somebody i believe for some of you this is a good place and i don't ever do this but this is a good opportunity for you to sow i know we've already taken an offering but i want you to have an opportunity to sow into this word what am i saying i'm saying if god is speaking to you about succession and he's speaking to you about next i want to give you an opportunity to sow into this word see for me one of the things i'm doing with this word is i'm going to sow two ways i'm going to sow specifically a hundred dollars for clarity when it's time for me to know what's next i don't ever want to be ambiguous about my next so i'm sewing for my next but for what's next but i'ma sow another hundred dollars for who's next because i don't want the wrong person replacing me i don't want to build something that somebody else going to destroy and you say well what you mean pastor this that sounds tricky you mean i got to give money for god to give me direction of course not god doesn't need your money first of all and they suddenly don't need your money to guide you but we see throughout scripture that he's an agricultural god and he responds to seed and i'm sowing for clarity i'm sowing for clarity because i don't want to be confused about next i don't want to be confused about what's next in my life if you had this place in you and this fog in your life you don't even know what's next i'm you can you don't have to do a thing right now i'm giving you an opportunity to sow into so for clarity for what's next but let me tell you something else i want to sow for clarity for who's next let me tell you something the wrong next will cost you a whole lot more than a hundred dollars you could take that to the you know how much time you lose when you make the wrong next whether it's the person who replaces you or the person you replace i want to know which torch i'm supposed to grab and from who and i want to know which torch i'm supposed to give and to who i'm sewing for clarity i want to give you an opportunity to do that all the giving options should have come across a screen by now where you can se and again this is your opportunity to participate in this it's whatever you want to do you don't have to feel pressure to do it or not but i'm sewing for clarity now i'm going to say there's one more thing whoever's next that's the last thing to tell you whenever you're next when you go into your next don't try to be who you replaced if god wanted you to be who you replacing he would have kept them in the position be you and kill it and kill it be you and kill it you can't kill it being somebody else remember david he couldn't kill goliath trying to be saul he had saw his whole outfit on had his jacket on had his brief had his briefcase had his so had his jaw as well he could you can only kill it being you let's pray father i thank you for this word i thank you for your truth i thank you for all the leaderships that are happening right now and are pending i thank you for people getting clarity of what they're handing off what they're delegating and what they're grasping what they're going after i thank you that you lead us by giving us a drive and a passion to do things that are connected to our next and i pray for crystal clarity i pray that there won't be mistakes that people won't move into the wrong space and people won't be moving people into the wrong space but they will will all of our steps will be synchronized with you order our steps by your word we pray in jesus name amen all right i trust you got something from that word i pray god's richest blessing on you this week and we'll see you next time right here zion church
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 1,005
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 6iFJ1VlDeTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 47sec (2627 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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