Visioneering Bringing our Dreams into Reality

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I want to talk to you today from the subject vision earring vision earring vision nearing it's a combination of wearer's vision and engineering I want to talk about how to bring your dreams into reality there are many people who have dreams a vision a vision is something you see something that you can imagine it's an idea Engineering is the structure and the system and the plan a strategy that goes into bringing the idea out of the clouds into a concrete experience bringing it into reality so VIN vision earring as a concept is making your dreams reality and basically a vision goes through what I would consider a life cycle it starts with is it kind of starts with wet but it really doesn't start with wet but also what your what is your vision but really the vision starts with a why there is always a problem that we're trying to solve with a vision there is some issue there's some there's some frustration there is some pain burden that we have and then when we get this pain and burden in this situation that we're frustrated by or concerned about God gives us a vision and how many you experience this gotta give you the answer you gave a vision to say this is how we can fix this this is how we can do it it's how we can grow it and the ideas coming the faceting your pink and right you ever had God just download an ideal and you're like man I can't even get this this is like it keeps you up it wakes you up that's when you're getting vision from God and so so what happens after that is once you get the vision and the what you experience what I call the how which at some point begins to blur the vision and by blurred vision I mean sometimes when you're excited about the answer that you have to a problem the product or services you have the system you have to make this world different to change this issue in our society or whatever you're trying to help and you got the idea then you hit like this technical wall it's like they tell you where you got to get a permit for this you got go through the county and you got to go through the Board of Examiners or something like that you're like well who are they and where do I go so you go down down go downtown you say you go downtown and go downtown flex paper you go downtown they say well you have to be certified where do I get certification oh you have to go to Department of such as such and then you go down there on the fourth floor and they'll have you and and then then you say well you got there's a six-month wait on certification and then you know as you say like like most dreams die and how it's not that you don't have a great eye you feel me already right it's not that you don't have a great idea and a great concept it's the process like oh I just get frustrated even trying to do this and and and and and and and and when we run into all of that tension and that pressure the how is when your interests meet your ignorance and it doesn't mean you're ignorant you should be you just means you don't know how that works because every vision will take you from what you know to where you're trying to go but it always takes you through a place you've never been you understand I'm saying so you move from the familiar to the unknown but you must you mean from the familiar to the desire but you must walk through the unknown and when you wants to the unknown you start running and in the complications you like and most people most people I'm talking to the data and I'm assigned the talks for today your vision is sitting somewhere in a file called I don't know how I just don't know how if I ever passed if I ever can figure out how to do it if I give it it's a wonderful idea and everybody you talk to you talk about it and you really are clear or what you clear on the what you even clear on the problem is what's up was it president or know how and so it's in a file it's on a laptop it's on a hard drive it's in a closet it's in a binder it's in a journal it's in your head stuck in a place called how and sometimes the how is not just technical sometimes the how is is financial its financial like how am I gonna pay for this because there's no vision it doesn't have costs associated with it we're like well I just don't have the money and the you know church folk come along and they always shot a simplify everything with little cliches maybe they say well God's will is God's bill God's choice is God's invoice like if it's God's vision he'll give the provision and I'm all for the little cliches but I'm gonna tell you something I'm telling them keep it real with you whenever God's gonna bless you he goes you he gonna use people let me tell you how people operate people gonna want to know what money you put up see you want to raise money but people who are anybody is going to invest in you wants to know how much skin you have in the game since this is a sure bet this is a sure to succeed how much skin do you have in the game now you don't have to have an equal investment but you have to make at least an equal sacrifice like you may not be able to give on the same level to the to the mission and somebody else but you got to have something the game is saying I'm willing to put my resources at risk first so sometimes the how is financial sometimes its technical but about how many understand it's somewhere between you getting a vision solving a problem and executing it you got stuck in hell you understand that let me give you a quick commercial how to get out of how this might be the most important thing I say the way you get out of how is you have to pay your way out of how and and and you know how you know you know what you pay to get out of how you pay a who who is your provision so you move from a vision to a blurred vision to a provision because the provision is not just money is human capital there is somebody who can who is a subject matter expert in the space you're stuck in let me give a quick example so so I knew that I was supposed to make an audio version of my new book science ecology I knew I was gonna have to make audio version because a lot of people just will not read a book they just they listen to him why they working out and listen to anakata by the auto verse and I said I gotta make an audio version and so I said but then when it came time to do it I was like well well how do I do that nothing was I'm just gonna read a book recorded in my phone and send it over to say send it to Amazon so here my book in y'all cell as well and it's our research an audio book and the complication and the specificity which much you must do an audio book will mess your whole life up I mean you have to have a certain spec Mike yet to have a certain you have to meet certain requirements in the studio that you're recording from it can't be background noise or sounds so so then you have to have you deliver an audio book in files and therefore different kind of files I only remember mp3 or mp4 but there two other files that's the only way you can deliver them and these are these these are the standard files that you deliver them and then as I'm reading through all this I'm reading through this material then you click a button and it opens up another link and then opens up a leveling and this what you do on this part and by time I just like I can't do this it would take me three years to figure this all out how to set the studio up this is how god beats your house sometimes you're praying and say I don't know how to do something I'm praying y'all pray for me on this you come converse with people they know how to answer your how we'll come through a who when you're not even expecting it I was at a wizard's game and I ran into somebody that I knew from the past and we were catching up I said hey man how you been doing he says you know I'm doing an audio book he didn't even know he says I'm doing an audiobook and he says yeah I'm at Josh Davi studio he's the producer of it he's producing audio with nothing John Davies he works for me he's our MD you mean John's Davies gonna do it audiobook he got a studio and anything for it that's my whoo see because when you don't have a whoo when you're stuck in how you're having you're doing actions you might be it's like being stuck in a ditch on a road your tires are spinning you're revving up the engine but you're not going anywhere because you have action but you're not on the track once you get on the track and you add actions on the track now you have traction and what my who gave me was traction now I don't have to worry about C would take me three or four years to figure out audiobook now I pay him I give the content he figures out the mp3 the mic quality the editing the files because in an audiobook if you submit an audiobook and one minute of the file is off it can be it's a six hour book it can be minute for our four minutes for our thirteen minutes something wrong with that file you have to resubmit the whole file you don't get the kick you don't get the fix for our minute 13 you got to submit the whole file so I'll let him I pay him to do that the way you have to pay for traction you're stuck because you won't invest in traction and you're spending too much time trying to figure out something that you will never be a master at find somebody else you need to be found well slice of mind say how much I need to pay you to 501c3 me but for $2,000 I can get you to 501c3 this is what I need this is division y'all understand what I'm saying that gets you traction again and sometimes what will happen is you'll be talking to somebody and they don't even know that the conversation is giving you exactly what you need it for your next step you realize they talking to you like you have no idea how what you said to me is exactly what I needed to hear you just got me back on track and the reason why you know the vision is from God because he'll let somebody answer a question that you didn't even ask oh that's a good moment to thank God right there that's how you get out of the house how you get unstuck you gotta invest in it so you're not wasting time trying to figure it out because you're who gets you moving again and it doesn't have to be a big thing it could be something your vision could be you know what here's the problem all you need is a problem to get a vision the problem could be you know what I'm not real close to one of my kids I'm not there's a family member that I want to be closer to we're here's the problem our relationship is estranged here's the vision I want to see us close now you try little things and they work and they you don't know how but then you're talking to somebody else and they talk about how they got close to their kid you'd be like man I needed to hear their thanks for that idea I got traction you understand Roseanne that's how you do it in any situation then I'm gonna be looking at a man named Nehemiah so if you have a Bible turner near Maya because Nehemiah is a man who actually walks through this what I would call this life cycle of a vision how a vision of impacts there's a there's a why he had a problem he was facing there's a what he had a vision he had challenges that he had to face he had to put together a prayer we had to put together playing I'll talk about any money minute and one of the things that Nehemiah had to face that some of us will have to face based on the size of our vision is haters which is phase four I call that division so you move from a vision to a blurred vision you get traction you have provision then you have haters which causes division and distraction and here's one more thing I want to put one of the reasons why you get stuck in hell is because of this question when sometimes the wind represents the timing of God sometimes God will get us stuck in hell because it's not time for the vision yet and so until he synchronizes the hearts and minds of the people with us who need to be on board for the vision he keeps us stuck in how so we can't move you're you're like I feel like I give me let me do this let me do this but it's not time yet and let me just say this to somebody I said it there for washing and maybe somebody here sometimes we move too fast so you hate your job you love your vision you hate your job you love your vision how many people can relate to that hate the job you're grateful for the job but you don't like it but I love the vision if you loo in you leave the job to beat it's one thing to leave a job to develop the vision but the vision must be able to sustain you before you leave the job because if you leave the job and now you're dependent upon the vision you're establishing to take care of you whenever you whenever you eat from a tree that's not developed you'll kill it now you're expecting something that just came out the ground to take care of you like this job that you don't like I'm saying don't leave too fast whew that was worth you coming here today you want to jump out there cuz you're excited but don't be stupid ooh yeah yeah didn't like it okay this FiOS thing so now now that's how this whole process flows we start with a problem if you if you wanna know if you got a vision I would ask you this what problem are you trying to solve I don't believe there's a human being living who should not have a vision well but God race molecular space on you why would he waste oxygen on you and there's not some problem you're supposed to solve you know I just here to take up space you're supposed to be solving a problem how do you know what problems bonesaw what hurts you where's your pain what have you experienced what have you been through what have you survived but you survived one just for you that's why you shouldn't keep trying to hide it your trauma and your survival of your trauma is a part of your assignment you have to be real deep about it where do I love what did you survive what have you made it through that's what somebody else has benefit as well and I don't think anybody should be living without a vision and a vision can again be something as small as trying to resolve a gap in relationship so let's look at Nehemiah let's look at Nehemiah and Nehemiah chapter 1 this is how vision starts Nehemiah chapter 1 verse 2 says there was a man named her nanny who came who he had one of his brothers came to visit him and he starts asking questions about how is going back when her nanny was he says housing power people doing back over in Jerusalem how's it going and anon he says man it's not good at Oliver story he says he says things are not going well for those who returns at a province of Judah they are in great trouble in disgrace the wall of Jerusalem has been torn down the gates has been destroyed by fire it's a mess it is a mess it's sad it's depressing our neighborhood is gone it's a hopeless situation and Nehemiah said when I heard this I sat down and wept in fact for days I mourned fasted and prayed to the God of heaven it always starts with a problem one of the first things he did was he prayed everybody say pray you have to pray you have to pray and if you read his prayer in chapters chapter 1 verses 4 through 11 he never prayed for a miracle he prayed for opportunities he prayed that God would give him what he needed to rebuild that wall why do I say that a lot of church people want to pray for miracles so that it exonerates you from personal responsibility and helping do which you saw as a problem so you say you see them walls God thin your power and build them then you go back to the cookout because you pray about everything but you do nothing some of you don't even pray you just put praying hands up matter of fact church people need to stop saying I'm gonna keep you lifted but somebody tell me keep them in prayer what does that mean keep you in prayer you know how long I'll be praying to keep you I'm gonna keep I'm gonna pray for you right now that's all I can promise thanks for remember to pray for you keep me lifted there's a whole lot you're not havin you I'll keep your lipstick and keep me in prayer and we'd be saying I've been praying I've been keeping you lifted stop lying to people how you gonna tell 75 people I've been praying I'm been keepin you lifted you lied I just say somebody told me the other day man thank you for keeping me in prayer well I'm gonna say it well let me just say I am and praying for you but I'll tell you I am in Prairie I didn't know you wanted me to pray for you but where am i where am I pray first thing you did was pray he didn't pray for a miracle some of the stuff we praying for one God to do God wants us to do it with his help faith without works is dead and works without faith is vain don't just pray and don't just work pray a work so that God says God says like this I'm gonna do what I can I want you to do what you can do and I'm gonna do what you can't do like you said to Mary when it comes to Mary it says Mary I need to send the Savior through the world the world is sent sick I'm gonna send the Savior through the world and I just need you to be his mother how this what mary says just how how can this be I know not a man I'm a teenager I'm a virgin and I'm not married how can I be and God says you do what you can do I'm gonna do what you can't do I'm gonna get you pregnant without you having sex about that have you ever done that you do what you can do I'm gonna do what you can't do like Moses God called Moses he says it's time for the Egyptians it's time for the Israelites to come out of Egyptian bondage I'm ready to bring them out but I want you to I need you to lead them out when Moses finally agreed he's leading it Israelites out of Egyptian bondage you know a whole lot of stuff happened and they're going to the promised land then Pharaoh changes his mind he says I want him to come back he says his armies they go back and get them the Pharaoh's army is chasing the Israelites as they're going to freedom and they come up on a boundary called the Red Sea with no boats all these people and now Moses freiheit really God you know when you lean people and you look like y'all know what you're doing and you feelin Somoza like how how are we supposed to get through this and God said stretch your staff if you own a company all your miracles gonna come through your staff but you had to stretch your staff you have to expose him to things yet to train him yet the development he stretches his staff that was free he stretched his staff and we stretched the staff he says I'm going to use that as the divider and I'm gonna open up the wall order up the water and make two water walls then I want you to walk through and I'm a tick I'm gonna take the sea floor and make it dry I'm a yeah that's good right I'm gonna drop the sea floor you know they walk through a ground on the sea floor I make that dry they're walking through he said don't run just walk cuz I'm gonna make the enemy get confute gonna be able to catch you it's almost like a dream you ever been in a dream you ever had one of them dreams you're trying to get some way you never get there in your dream you're like driving through the trap cutting through cars running through red lights and you still in the same spot like that's what he did to them and he says and when all y'all get out and you get out safely I make the seafloor back to what it was it's gonna get muddy and slimy and and as Pharaoh's army comes through there world's gonna get stuck in the mud and then I'm gonna let the water walls crash them down cuz circuits you already remember you do what you can and I'll do what you can't it's not that I won't do miracles but just don't try to make me do the miracle without using you it's like when Jesus was total 5,000 people out here alone five thousand men hungry all we got is a bag lunch every guys to fish and five loaves one boys lunch bag 5,000 men not including women and children how I know you want to feed him low but how he's gonna give me the lunch bring me the bag he takes the bag and he blesses the fish breast is de lo he blesses it and he breaks it and he pass it up Washington's he says y'all set the people down in groups of 50 and what I love about Jesus he didn't take the fish and lows and give it to the people he took the fish and loaves and gave to the disciples he says now y'all give it to the people cuz y'all gonna participate in this miracle they passed out the food to all these people and people ate so much they was burping unbuckling their pants getting falling asleep and he says they collected the leftovers it was 12 baskets or leftovers so that every one of his disciples will be able to walk away saying I do what I can you do it I can't he can do miracles he never pray for miracles but God did miracles and his life he is what he did pray he prayed in verse 11 of chapter 1 says Lord I work for the king give me favor with the king I'm the king's cup Bearer give me a favor with the king here's what you have to do whenever you are whenever you're trying to execute a vision always pray for favor with people with affluence and influence who can help you push your dream ahead because when you have a big vision it's gonna take more than your resources to get it done so you have to be willing to go to kings and presidents and people of effluence and go to people that don't even know you and ask for their help now you know why we don't do it the reason why we don't do it is because we see it they're gonna reject us but you gotta have a dream that's bigger than your ego you got to have a problem he's trying to solve this more important than the reputation you're trying to protect is it more important that you try to serve the people you're trying to help with this vision you have then your reputation some of us are lying fear I'm telling you if you're gonna do something real big you gotta have somebody real big help you and all they can do is say no get out of here ignore you or help you that's the worst thing says no ignore you or they gonna help you you got three options just ask he says Lord and pray that God give me favor with people who can help me accelerate this now he's got the vision name moves in the house everybody say how in Burton chapter one when you read the chapter one several times the word plan comes up Sanballat and Tobiah a two men in this story who are the Nemesis of Nehemiah they are always combative with him and the Bible says they got upset because of his plan everybody same plan you got a pray and plan you got to pray and plan you got to pray and plan your plan is your dream on paper the back of chapter 2 verse 2 says write the vision down and put it upon tables so tablets so the reader can run with it you got a plan plan what is your plan that's the engineering part of the vision what is your strategy somebody in this church sent me a message one time says you can't just think it you got to ink it I don't know who you are but that's the last time I'll ever get you I'm gonna say it like I came up with it from now on this was your day I love that statement you can't just think of you gotta ink it very important that you document and in the how did you discover who are the subject matter experts in matters where I'm stuck every time you get stuck you got to pay for traction y'all hear me you don't get out of traction for free and don't try to become an expert on something that distracts you ooh that's good your your attraction is not supposed to keep you distracted it's a cost to get unstuck who are the people supposed to be around you so nehemiah is in this is now he's got his vision and the first thing that happens in chapter 4 that I want to point out as the haters come in chapter 4 he's got people who tried to mock what he was doing you need to be prepared for that in chapter 4 Sanballat and Tobiah and guess him I'm having a conversation and basically here's what they saying in verse 2 what these weak feeble people trying to do thinking they could build a wall in one day just making sacrifices but they how they gonna rebuild all this rubbish and these charred rocks what do they think they're doing and then Tobiah comes up in verse 3 says man that stuff so weak a little fox could run across their wall and crush it let me teach you something the cost of admission to the next level his petty criticism mark debt the cost of admission to the next level is always petty criticism and here's why you had to understand that see the reason why a lot of people aren't used to getting criticized and hated on is because your circle is so small that you only have your friends and family in your circle and they applaud everything you do but as soon as your brand gets bigger and your platform gets bigger and you're more exposed which is what you want I want more clients I want more exposure I want my brand out there I want people to know what I'm doing well what comes with that is more clients and more attention but it also comes with the people that don't know you and okay none much a little feelings your family don't say Nancy oh that brilliant that beautiful that Bea people that come on in say that's too it ain't gonna work that's wack people have come on your post on your page with no identification you don't know who they are and start talking about how you write they'll say something like you know what you need to write you need to write your the right way it's y ou you apostrophe re not y ou you are when you telling somebody you're gonna have a great future and you're just trying to encourage kids and it's five people you're gonna have a great future you put y ou you are you should have put y ou you apostrophe re you need to get your grammar right and then you find your mother and then I'm saying don't you if you go ass in you can't do petty for petty because Washington's there's always a kernel of truth even in hyperbolic criticism even when people are slicing it even if a person is is mostly crazy don't miss the don't miss the small thing that they said that was helpful because they're right because if you don't get your contractions right now you're writing now you're just not right and post to your followers now you're writing proposals to presidents and governors and people that got money and they're gonna reject you because they think you're stupid and so you just shut somebody down because they miss the bigger picture and I'm saying you're missing the important point because even a hater can help you how many who understand what I'm saying here for years for years for years I used to I used to think conversation was a word I used to preach that was just conversation and a lady English tea and some of y'all say it was wrong there was a lady in our church years ago she was an English teacher and she just wrote me one real nice about she said why do you keep saying conversation and I was just what you'll like it I didn't do it wrong what I said in that show for conversation just because we hear something Balltown don't even mean it's a word the word is converse so here I'm up here in front of thousand people's teller yeah we just called the Satan always take the kernel because watch this sometimes even a hater can help you perfect something you may not even respond in public but make sure you fix it in private it can help your approach you understand I'm saying you got to be one of the hammer criticism and let me give you one thing let me give you one more thing shots are always fired up you'll get that on the way home if somebody gonna shoot you down there under you you know why shots are fired up is because people who over you are not intimidated by you so whenever you get shots fired at you always respond from where they're from from where the shot hit and not from where the shooter is because when somebody fires shots at you no matter how successful you are and no matter I save you are it taps into a ghetto part of you how many you saved but still got a who applauding you that if you push it or you ask for Keith now this thing back oh yeah come on are you want me so now we're taking our earrings out putting on sleeves up ready to fight now I'm having a petty conversation back and forth with somebody who really is just a distraction now I'm out on the street fighting with Christian tag saying I love Jesus on attack we all did Spratly well maybe I'm a 33 year old genius who's transforming my community in LA but because I gave access to somebody crazy too you can't just say stuff to crazy people anybody crazy enough to shoot you up and kick you in the head you should need me out in a conversation with that person how we have even if it's the truth you got to be careful what you say to sick people he doesn't let people just go just gone man just go and enjoy your life let me tell you how I handle this whenever I get criticized his did it happen today so that just today between services I got an email it didn't even come to me but somebody blind copied me so I was seeing it right the email says this person's listener already broadcast and I'm and I mean I have no problem cuz I because I because I was teaching this I knew how to respond person listen our radio broadcast says yeah I just want y'all to know what kind of church is this we all make people pay to get the Word of God and I was listed a radio broadcast and went on your website trying to hear the rest of the message because I want her part of it I want to hear the whole message and y'all say I gotta pay four dollars for the download I think it's either dollar fifty or four dollars for the download so they see what kind of church is this y'all make people pay forward he said I'm to be praying for y'all right so when I saw that oh he hit a whole lot of stuff right and hit a whole lot of stuff so they're nice I responded like this I say oh thank you so I put the person's name said thank you for that feedback and I am sorry for that for the way we handle that being offensive to you I said if you as you've been told if you go to our tsiyon a p-- or a Vimeo page you can see any of our messages from ten years back for free and said people who listen to our radio broadcasts are directed to another site that's just a small way that we try to pay for that airtime on the radio because we pay over $200,000 a year to be on the radio so people can hear the word of God for free those four dollars that people pay to get the rest of the message only in scratch that they don't even scratch the surface I said but if you have another way that you suggest that we handle that please let me know I really appreciate what you say it thanks so much that's what I say whenever I do that the problem goes away that person is probably an ally now a man that's what I'm told real dude the only people that keep fighting means do people argue with if you ignore something usually it'll go away or they keep messin with you but anytime you're nice to somebody even somebody just being petty just say God bless you I appreciate good looking out thank you for that information Calvin it goes I don't even know why it just goes away you have to be able to handle that because that's the price of admission to the next level one of my staff members say just put this face and really like we got there that's the cost of being where we are that's the cost of this level that's cost of being on the radio you want a bigger platform you got to handle this part of the young people gonna hate you people gonna mock you people gonna make fun of you what you gonna do you keep going you keep going you appreciate them thank you for that observation I really appreciate that was good insight because if you crumble under criticism how far can he take you nobody has a 100% approval rate it gets worse though it gets worse in Chapter six the intensity picks up the intensity picks up in Chapter six because now they go to another level now they're starting to threaten a man in Chapter six they're so mad verse one says when when to buy a same battle and guess who when they realized that we had built the entire wall but we hadn't put the gates up on the doors they decided in verse two they said then we need to meet with you they sent a message asking me to meet them and one of the villages in the plain of oh no but I realized they were plotting to harm me he should have known that he should have known that by the name of the place they come meet me and oh no you just got your answer anybody want to have lunch with you in a place called Oh No okay Alan even sounds safe the Lord spoke when you wrote it so they sent him this message says so I'll reply by sending them this message he says I told him I can't come cuz I'm doing a great work y'all gonna make me do it without this I'm doing great so I can't come why should I stop working to come and meet with you I'm doing the great work why should I stop I'm not gonna let you distract me but watch what they didn't give up four times he says they said the same thing man come to me with us a no-no each time I get her saying reply so verse 5 they stepped it up they said Sanballat servant came again with the open letter in his hand and this is what he said he says this is what it said there's a rumor among the surrounding nations and guess whom tells me it is true that you and the Jews are planning to rebuild and that is why you building the wall according to his reports you plan to be their king that's what you're really doing he also reports that you have appointed prophets in Jerusalem proclaim about you look there's the king in Judah you can be very sure that this reap report will give back to the king so I suggest you come and talk it over with me he's trying to intimidate them they're lying so what's what he does he says I replies to them there's no truth in any part of your story are you making the whole thing up verse 9 they were just trying to intimidate us imagining and imagining that they could discourage us and stop the work so I continue to work with even greater determination what do you do when somebody stepping up their hatred of you so much that they're intimidating you threatening you some of us will never face that in verses 10 to 14 if I were to read further they got clergy involved there was a priest in verse 10 he goes over a priest house miss a man invite him over his house he gets older man's house and the man says in verse 10 he says hey look we need to go in the temple unlock the doors they coming to kill you didn't I now to be like the in myself what do I look like running from danger what do I look like running into the temple to save my life that's it that's actually a violation you can't just run in a temple you're not the priest while I'm running in and then lock the doors and then the work stops but he says I knew that they weren't speaking of God he said I know God wasn't speaking through him he says I realized that saying ballade and Tobiah had high him they're hiring preachers that say something about him let me give you a quick lesson never meet with somebody in private you don't trust if it looks suspicious and feel suspicious I'm suggesting and suspicious let them come on your territory don't meet with anybody they saved and get your attorneys if you got a meeting coming up and you're not sure about the legalities of make sure you got your legal stuff together if you own the rights to this stuff you'd be surprised and how tricky some people are be careful protect you to have security if you have to security is a deterrent of foolishness ain't got time I got children I got a grandchild I'm trying to go on travel time to be fooling with you cuz see even if you try to act who it again you try to snap back into your hood the hood doesn't change then you think you about to fight your buddy get shot no so what it is you only know what the latest word is so will you what it is what it is you can't just be going snapping back in and out of that so so so so so this so so but sometimes it's not evil that's distracting us everybody's a distraction I'm gonna close with this sometimes the distraction is good things some of us are not distract see some Christians are too committed to God to be distracted from their vision from some evil we get distracted by doing good things so many good things we don't have time for the right thing so you're busy serving your team mom on the football team use a team coach on the basketball team and you assure in and your greeting and you're on the praise team and you're volunteering and you're reading and you're doing all this stuff but but and his thing when it comes to the vision your assignment you're too busy getting busy doing wrong he's just busy and your busyness the devil's distraction has caused you to lose traction distractive our busyness here's another thing here's another distraction is when we put second things first I want you to write that down because it's gonna matter when I tell you this putting second things first when you have a vision is a distraction what do I mean anytime I make making money more important in helping people I'm distracted that's second things first put making people put bringing value to people first put helping people for if you bring value to people the money will come but if you say I just want to see I can make money out of this you'll reduce your value to hustle that's second things first okay let me do it like this you know I'm a bringing relationships I will bring every message to a relationship when a man and a woman get engaged it's like front page news it's all on something he asked and I said yes it is hashtag that's all kind it's all that right such a big moment not long after that but immediately they're both people are thinking we're gonna spend the rest of our life together it's a big moment in most cultures right after that the focus is offer the marriage to the wedding it's especially for y'all ladies it's all about the wedding I know it's in my house now I'm about to marry my wife again after 30 years that's all she's thinking about all the time she's working a hon come here we think about this did you see the email no it just came from New York looking for dresses and all this oh no you asked me what I'm wearing when I'm laying a warm up that's all I might have money to wear after all this when people get engaged and the closer you get to the wedding the more the focus is on the wedding the less is on the marriage and the wedding is meticulous as Andy Stanley says I've never said it says some one time I agree what he says I've never seen an ugly wedding never seen an ugly wedding it's meticulous beautiful is harps playing its is that quisha I mean the bride don't even look like herself could y'all kissing them transformed everything is in place we know where people supposed to sit and who's supposed to speaking who's supposed to talk and who's who to pick the color coordination and the flowers and everything is Center and dirt stand right here right here right here's where you stand don't stand right here cuz you're not gonna be symmetric you gotta stand right here everything is flawless it is major never seen an ugly wedding but seeing a whole lot of ugly marriages it had bomb weddings all of that focus into a 20 minute ceremony very little focused on to a 40-year relationship and four years later they broke up and divorced and had a bomb weapon and I'm saying you need to bring everybody back from the wedding and bring them over your house since y'all was in the wedding you should be into this marriage I want the best man there the bride of Honor maid of honor the bridesmaids the groomsmen the minister especially Big Momma everybody sitting there how you going in the marriage when you sit in front of us who were the witnesses that she was gonna stay married now you get to break up when we ain't there the devil is alive I don't even care if y'all like me how you get the end emerge by yourself when you sit in front all us and we butch our pots and pans and toasters I want my toaster back you know why you had a meticulous wedding plan we had no plan I know I'm telling the truth that's because you put second things first only pictures you have weddings just do away with them so you won't get distracted this focus on us let's take their money for the wedding and put it into a house let's just have Sam and Steve and Betty come over and eat some crabs and say I do if I'm speaking the truth somebody say man it's Palm Sunday you gotta say hey man hey man hey or my name let me give you two more things and I'm done I got one more here's another distraction it's fear sometimes we're just scared I got I know the problem I want to solve I know what I want to do but what if it don't work what if I look stupid what if I fall flat on my face and I said i'ma say it again if your vision what you what you what you are trying to get done has got to be more important in how you're viewed the only thing that can overcome fear is love perfect love cast out fear somebody asked me recently do you ever get scared when you preach I said I only get scared when I don't love the people I'm talking to you know when you said this is people's rabbit dad in the speaker front that said some of y'all are gonna come up here and talk to friends because they may you do my funeral first you know why because you're more concerned about you than what you have to share to help people I don't know how I look on how I'm feeling but they don't say about me it's if it's about you you're gonna be scared but if I love y'all I don't have to be afraid you understand I'm saying I don't have to I don't have to Freight fear you but if I'm in love with how you view me and what you think of me and when you say I did a good job if that's important that's scary you understand I'm saying same is true with your vision you got to love the people you're trying to help you got to love the problem you're trying to solve more than you're afraid of how you're going to look but you'll never do it let's pray lord I pray that you'll give somebody traction who's stuck in a space called how do I do this there's stuck in technicalities and paperwork and obstacles and pain and disappointment and limited resources but I pray that you will give them a strategy to pull it off show them who tell them the people that will help them to gain traction and move the agenda forward and every obstacle at every wall show them who it may you get the glory through it all in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 4,658
Rating: 4.8742137 out of 5
Keywords: visioneering, Pastor Battle, Keith Battle, Pastor Keith Battle, Zion Church, Zion Church Live, dreams to reality, live your dreams, your assignment, purpose, Bishop TD Jakes, Steven Furtick, FBCG, passion, decisions, church, sermon, Christian Church, God, Jesus
Id: cTA7Nnj_MrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 9sec (2769 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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