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god all right are you ready for the word of god this morning okay we'll be looking at a number of things and this morning i'll recap for another two minutes before i shoot into the things i will have to share with you this morning we began to see that the gospel is a kerugman a kerugma means a specific information and we saw from the scriptures that brother paul says that the gospel is that how christ died according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again according to the scriptures and we also saw that if christ be not risen then is our preaching vain and you are still in your sins and so we establish that the facts of the gospel are very specific the facts of the gospel are very specific the good news is not good news if he doesn't have the facts of the gospel what are the facts of the gospel that christ died and that he was buried and that on the third day he rose again those are the facts of the gospel any good news that doesn't have those facts cannot save so good news is not good news without the facts of the gospel which means that the gospel is specific sensitive it is specific sensitive let me give you this look at first corinthians chapter 15 verse 17 first corinthians chapter 15 verse 17 and if christ be not raised your faith is worthless you are yet in your sins you cannot talk about justification from sin without the resurrection of christ the guarantee for freedom from sin the guarantee for eternal life the guarantee for life after this life with jesus is the resurrection of christ when jesus rose from the dead a brand new spiritual atmosphere was enforced on the earth a brand new spiritual atmosphere was enforced on the earth and there are resources and levels of relationship with god available to man after the resurrection there are levels of relationship available to man after the resurrection of jesus when the death certificate of the testator was presented when the death certificate of the testator was presented and the triumph of his reign over death in the resurrection christ reaches christ's legacies and all the redemptive treasures we are transferred to us everything that is his legacy everything that is treasure they were all transferred to us there is the legal work of salvation and the vital work of salvation the legality of salvation is the dead burial and resurrection the vitality of his resurrection or his salvation is how we have been grafted in to the legacies the riches and the realities of what he did for us for us isaiah says he was wounded for hour hour transgression bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him by his stripe we are we are we will not be we are so he took my place in debt and in debt he identified with my humanity in death he identified with my sin in death he identified with all of the consequences of my sins then he took that to the cross and buried it in the grave then when he rose from the dead he rose with my justification so i now identify with him in his resurrection i identify with him in his life because whatever jesus did was not for himself whatever he did was for me please pay attention hebrews chapter 10 verse 12 hebrews chapter 10 verse number 12 glory to god but this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever sat down why did he sit down no more work to do he sat down because all the work was finished and it was forever he sat down on the right hand the regency on high look at verse 14 of the same hebrews chapter 10 for by one offering one offering he has perfected forever them that are sanctified so the cross of jesus changed everything as it relates to the manner of life it changed everything that existed before the death so life before the death and life after the resurrection is not the same the way they lived before jesus died is different from the way we live today the way they prayed before jesus died is different from the way we pray today the kind of songs they sang before jesus died is different from the kind of songs we sing today there's a song i like it says lord prepare me a sanctuary pure and holy tried and true and i was thinking in one of those days and the holy ghost said to me are you saying that god has lied so i said why he said you are asking god to prepare you a sanctuary when the resurrection made you a sanctuary so i sat down and i changed the lyrics of the song you have made me a sanctuary pure and holy and true with thanksgiving i am a living not i will be i am if you will be get born again if you're born again you are so the songs they sang before the cross is different from the songs we sing after the cross before this cross they sung from mount sinai after the cross we sing from mount zion oh i feel like i'm preaching this morning the cross of jesus changed everything from prayer to worship it changed everything from the way we live from the way we relate with god the cross changed everything and listen carefully the cross of jesus is the crux of christianity that is the crux look at matthew chapter 26 verse 28 matthew chapter 26 verse 28 i love that scripture jesus said matthew 26 28 for this is my blood of the new covenant which is shed for many for the remission of sins so the cross of jesus is satan's greatest nightmare this is my blood of the new testament so without the shedding of the blood there is no new testament the blood of jesus is the guarantee is the life is the reality of the new testament so because today we have a testament of his blood we cannot live like those who were under the testament of the blood of animals there is a difference the cross change everything even the bible must be read differently the bible must be read differently for example the old testament is not genesis to malachi i know in your bible that's what they said but in the details and the technicalities genesis is not old testament the old testament started from exodus the old testament started from exodus i can show it to you hebrews chapter 8 verse 7. hebrews chapter 8 verse 7 please pay attention stay with me the brother on the computer for if that first covenant had been faultless then should no place have been sought for the second next verse for finding fault with them he said yes behold the days come say of the lord when i will make a new covenant with the house of israel and with the house of judah next verse not according to the covenant that i met with their fathers when in the day when i took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of egypt so what is the old covenant exodus to malachi that day when i took them by the hand exodus to lead them out of egypt so what is genesis genesis is not old testament what is genesis jesus told us what genesis is in matthew chapter 19 verse number three matthew chapter 19 verse number three matthew 19 3 the pharisees also came unto him tempting him and saying unto him is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause next verse jesus said and the answer and said unto them have you not read the greek word anaginosuku have you not read that he which met them at the beginning made them male and female so jesus called genesis the beginning exodus to malachi old testament i can prove further galatians chapter 3 verse 17 galatians chapter 3 verse 17 and this i say that the covenant that was confirmed before of god in christ the law which was 430 years after cannot descend all that it shall make the promise of non-effect next verse watch the next verse for if the inheritance be of the law it is no more of promise but god gave it to abraham genesis by promise watch the next verse oh glory to god we are for them served the law exodus to malachi served the law it was added the law was not god's plan the law was an addition it was added because of transgressions till the seed shall come to whom the promise was made and the law was ordained by angels 430 years after so genesis is not the law the law is not genesis genesis is the promise of an exodus that will bring about the new covenant so genesis is the new covenant before the old covenants interruption that jesus brought into reality after his resurrection so what is genesis new testament what is exodus to malachi old testament what is matthew mark luke and john extension of the old testament where is the new testament acts so the new testament begins from after his resurrection after his resurrection so the old covenant was a reflection of men's hearts but within that covenant was the promise of a new testament so the new testament is the fulfillment of the old testament so that means we have one testament one testament old testament promises and prophecies new testament fulfillment of the prophecies and promises i don't know if i'm teaching here yeah it's one testament god doesn't have two testaments god never changes his mind he won't give you one testament say okay i repent god never repents god is not a man he does not he is not taken by surprise so he cannot say one thing and change it tomorrow what he said yesterday is what he maintains so the old covenant was man's response to god god's plan was genesis god's program was genesis god's intent was genesis but the fall of man brought about the law of moses the coming of jesus fulfilled the law and took it out of the way and gave us a new and living way i thought somebody would shout hallelujah now stay with me because i'm going somewhere with this pay attention hebrews chapter 2 verse 14. hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 for as much then as the children of particulars of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same the true deaths he might destroy him that hard that hard it means he doesn't have any more that had the power of death is no more in the hands of satan that had the power of death that is the devil look at the next verse and deliver them who through fear of death where all their lifetimes subject to bondage he had he doesn't have any more satan used to have the power of death but when jesus died he stripped the devil of everything and when he rose he gave the believer everything today the believer is in authority the believer is in dominion and the devil is under your feet i thought somebody would shout hallelujah [Music] he destroyed him that had the power of death so the cross of jesus is satan's greatest nightmare and the believer's advantage oh yes we have something to brag about we have something to shout about we have something to celebrate we have something to dance about and somebody said to me but jesus did not die on easter jesus did not die on friday because if it is friday friday saturday sunday cannot be three days and three nights and i told him yeah yeah yeah but it doesn't matter it doesn't matter what matters is that he died another thing that matters is that he rose again that's what matters and he said to me then why are you celebrating i said we celebrate because it is worth celebrating whether we celebrate in april or we celebrate in july are we celebrating august the important thing is that he died one day and he rose one day if you're hearing me shout i hear you [Applause] [Music] don't let anybody get into unnecessary debates jesus said the sign of jonas what was the sign of jonas three days in the belly of the fish three nights in the belly of the fish and then jonah was vomited the vomiting of jonah was a typology of the resurrection of christ so jonah preached a message of the dead burial and resurrection in typology he preached that message because that message is the essence of all of god's plan from the beginning of time god's plan from the beginning of time was the resurrection the resurrection was god's plan from the beginning of time why except a corn of wheat fall to the ground and die it abides alone but when it dies it brings us for fruit the death of jesus has brought many sons unto glory because god has always wanted a family and for god to have a family there will have to be a reproduction but there can be no reproduction without a death so today jesus is our prototypus the word prototocus in the greek is the english word prototype jesus is the model of sons uh he's the model of sons that means whatever we see in him we see in us before he died he was the only begotten son when he died he gave up the status when he rose he's no more the only he's the first begotten because he is not going to be the only one in the resurrection all of us are sons of god now watch this when mercedes-benz wants to produce a new brand of car they produce a model they use the model to sample the market and if the model is accepted then they're going into mass production what they do by the model is they are telling you this model is exactly what you want to reproduce and when it is accepted and they must produce everything in the model is exactly what would be in the other cars when god wanted to produce sons he first of all brought out a model when jesus walked the face of the earth he was the model of sons and then after jesus came all of us today what is in jesus is in us as he is so are we what he has is what we have what he can do is what we can do can somebody shout it powerfully man that's why we celebrate that's why we celebrate on a day like today so everything changed as a result of the cross satan practically lost everything by reason of the cross satan's only hope today is the believer's ignorance satan's only hope today is the believer's ignorance so he will do everything to keep you from bible study he will do everything to keep you from the study of the world he will try to block you from any teaching that will help you because the more you're ignorant the more satan has the right the upper hand over you satan has no more power jesus destroyed him the only power he has is your ignorance he comes to take advantage of ignorance that's what he did to adam and eve in the garden the first time satan appeared to man the first time man and satan met the frosting satan said to man it's not good morning it's not how are you it's what did god say what did god say because the only thing that will keep you is what god said what did god say unfortunately if did not know what god said does the fall of man if they didn't know what god said she started quoting things out of context and one of the greatest fraudulent preachings is when the scriptures are quoted out of context because you cannot find a lie i mean you cannot find the truth in a lie when a scripture is is recited out of context it is a lie what makes it the truth is when it is communicated within context the bible is a contextual material therefore everything is said in context for example let me give you something you will appreciate this love not the world none of the things that are in the world if any man love the world the love of the father is not in him friendship with the world is enmity with god for god so loved the world did you hear what i just did love not the world none of the things that are in the world if any man love the world the love of the father is not in him friendship with the world is enmity with god for god so loved the world go into all the world world war world but context defines the difference world is not world even the world is world see that world is world even the world is not world so world has two greek words there is world called aeons and there is world called cosmos the aeons is a way of thinking the cosmos is the cosmopolitan for god so loves the cosmos go into the cosmos and preach love not the aeons neither the things that are in the aeons friendship with the eons so what is aeons a way of thinking love not the world's way of thinking friendship with the world's way of thinking for god so loves the cosmos where human beings are go into the cosmos where human beings are those words are you know it is context that explains the difference so in bible study when you look at the scriptures you must look at them within their context and in their context you must look at them using the binoculars of christ because our understanding is via christ christ reveals the truth to us am i teaching if they're catching my flow shall i hear you now if the message of the cross and the power of the cross is hidden man becomes satan's captive all over again if the message is hidden and the power is hidden man becomes a captive of the devil all over again look at second corinthians chapter four verse three second corinthians chapter four verse number three brother paul says but if our gospel be heed it is he to them that are lost next verse in whom the god of this world has blinded their minds lest lust the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god shall shine unto them when a man's mind is blinded he cannot enjoy the liberty he has in christ satan's greatest desire is to keep the believer in darkness how many of you have observed that when you are watching worship songs you are awake when you are listening to good music you are awake when you are watching movies you are awake when you're watching football you're awake when you open the bible you sleep it's like the bible is a sleeping pill for some people the moment you just open satan knows that if you read that book he will never have you so he will create an environment for you to dance and sing and be fine and be happy and be feeling like you're a christian but when the real ships are down where the real christianity is in the study of the word he will put ac around you air condition he doesn't want you to know what is in the book because once you know what is in the book you're free am i teaching here yeah that's why your pastor loves you brings people like me very radical i'm a very radical preacher churches are afraid of me [Laughter] only strong pastors can invite me i'm serious and it's because he loves you he wants you to get the truth he wants you to get the truth of the gospel so it's not bothered it's not insecure he's not worried he wants me to come and push the gospel to you so that you can be what god wants you to be you should celebrate your pastor right there [Music] yeah yeah yeah because many people don't want the truth many don't want the truth they just want you know anything that will keep the people i went to london sir to preach for a pastor in london he passes a big church in london and i got to his church the first day in the conference i preached on the realities of redemption people were jumping and celebrating after the service he came to my hotel room the next morning don't you preach deliverance in your church i said i preached deliverance but deliverance is salvation he said no what you preached last night don't preach it again if you preach it they won't come and they won't give us the money we need the money tell them they are bound tell them demons are after them tell them satan will kill them tell them that is close to them let them be afraid so we can collect the money i said mr man i started preaching before you got born again i started preaching before you got born again in one two years from now be 40 years preaching the gospel i told him i'm not a young boy don't be deceived by my face i've been around if you don't want me to preach i have my return ticket i get back home i have a church i have my pulpit i don't need your pulpit i have mine and he said to me you can go i left that morning back home in london in london that's how i left i don't want the truth he wants me to deceive the people he wants me to tell the people satan is by the door of your house but god has not given to us the spirit of fear but of love of power and of the sound man whom the son sets free is freeing you shall know the truth and the truth who the son sets free is free forever stand fast in the liberty wherewith christ has set you free and peanut and tangled again with the yoke of bondage that is why he died that is why he was buried that is why he rose again to liberate man into the riches of redemption if you understand what i'm saying with your hand shout glory [Music] oh yes you are blessed that same to have a man who loves the word of god who loves god you are blessed to have a pastor who loves you and wants you to get the best oh yes on a day like this we celebrate the gift of christ and on a day like this we celebrate the gift of a good pastor because listen all that christ did if you don't have a good pastor you will not enjoy it you enjoy it because when he rose from the dead he gave gifts to men opposed to prophets evangelists pastoring teachers for the perfecting of the saints the gift of his resurrection amen can you imagine when jesus rose from the dead he didn't talk about what happened what i saw on the first day as soon as i entered hell this is what happened he didn't tell those stories when he rose from the dead the first thing he did was to give gifts to men you know why because the benefits of his resurrection will only be made available to men by men otherwise the resurrection is useless if there are no men to teach men what the resurrection has provided am i talking to somebody here somebody shout i love my pastor i didn't hear powerfully man first corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 first corinthians chapter 1 verse number 18 for the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness brought unto us which are saved it is the power of god the preaching of the cross that's the same preaching brother paul said i'm not ashamed of the gospel of christ because the cross is the gospel if there is no cross there is no gospel the cross is not a stick the cross is a symbol of death burial and resurrection that is where the power is listen carefully the gospel does not have power the gospel does not have power the gospel does not have power the gospel is the power the gospel is the power so when i give you the gospel i give you power the gospel is the power of god unto suteria unto salvation and hearing the gospel is the righteousness of god revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith satan entered the world through sin death entered the world through somebody said to me dr damina you talk about the fact that god is love god is good god is good god is good why don't you preach the justice of god i say my brother then you are not listening to me i preach the justice of god all the time he said then if you preach the justice of god because god is just because god has justice if you sin you die if you preach the justice of god then it means god is responsible for killing some people that do bad i ask him why hasn't he killed you yet haven't you done bad why are you still alive or is his justice questionable he kept quiet and was looking at me i said i preached the justice of god god is a george he's the judge of all the earth and in judgment there is justice but listen to this god does not overlook sin god does not pamper sin god does not handle sin with kids clothes god does not play with sin god hates sin and god judges sin god does not want to see sin but god judges sin not on you he judges sin on himself he judges himself for you behold the lamb of god that taketh away the sins of the world jesus came on your behalf to take the judgment of sin sin has been judged and forgiveness has been offered listen carefully if god will have to punish you for sin then he will have to apologize to jesus why because jesus is the sacrifice for sin when you believe in jesus you are free from the judgment of sin [Applause] when you believe in jesus you don't want to miss what i'm going to preach in the next service because i'm going to talk about some radical radical things you know older new and older it's going to be brutal satan will pay dearly for the second service what i'm doing in this fog is just laying the foundation for it jesus was the payment jesus was the prize for sin and listen not temporarily sin because some preachers will tell you all your sins were forgiven before you got born again but after you are born again if you sin you have to pay no then that is not jesus because jesus died once and for all i told somebody your sins past present and future are forgiven he said no you're giving people license to sin i say no people don't need a license they've been sinning without a license they don't need a license they've been sinning without a license he was looking at me i said i don't need a license then i asked him a question were you born when jesus died he said no so when jesus died you were still in the future he said yes i said and that debt paid for your future sin your children's children who will die to pay for their sin jesus already died so he's dead paid for past present future sins listen that is why the death of jesus offered you eternal life it's not temporal life is eternal life you know what eternal is eternal is eternal eternal is not temporal what you have inside you right now is eternal life which means you have eternal forgiveness you are forgiven forever totally forgiving forever why because christ is the guarantee for eternal forgiveness that is why we celebrate resurrection because that is what the resurrection of us that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have what everlasting life life forever and within that life there's eternal forgiveness somebody said to me what if after i'm born again i sin you sin because you're suffering from identity crisis you don't know who you are that's why you're sinning so what we do with you is we bring you to the mirror to look at the mirror so you see exactly who you are the moment you know who you are sin will lose taste oh yes oh yes look at the parable jesus gave the prodigal son went away he left his father he went to a far country and was eating with pigs you know what he ate with pigs he forgot who he was he became a pig like pigs eating with them then one day he said ah i'm not a pig i shouldn't be here i will go back to my father and i will say to my father the moment you realize who you are your location changes oh yes oh yes i'll go back to my father watch this i will say to my father father i've sinned against seven i've sinned against you i'm no more worried to be called your son make me a servant this is a father with two sons one son is lost with many servants and the only other son that is lost one to join the servants so the father is waiting for the return of the son and one day the father saw the son the father ran to the run to the sun meet the sun outside the city embrace the sun bible says he smoothed the boy with kisses that means he kissed all the death he kissed all the smells he kissed everything off the boy then the boy opened the letter to read father father i've seen against you before you could say i'm no more worthy to be called your son the father said to the servants go home bring my ring bring my rope bring my shoes my son that is lost is back so even when he was lost he was still a son a son is always a son if he falls down he says son if he stands up he says son listen listen sonship is not a title sonship is not a title sonship is dna your father can disown you but he cannot remove the dna which means even if he disowns you he is just joking because dna is stronger than his world when you got born again god gave you his dna the bible tells us the father met the boy outside you know why god does not look for how to disgrace you god looks for how to cover you even in your worst mistake god stands there to protect you you are his property he met him outside town before the people in the city will see him in a shameful state the father met him stopped him there brought clothes there dressed him up held his hand two of them walked back together walked back together like the boy has never done anything wrong on arrival he said through the party kill the fatted calf let's eat and rejoice my son that was lost his back watch this the elder brother the elder brother i have been a christian since 1972 the elder brother i have been a christian since 1976 the elder brother was coming home and he had music he had celebration you know there are christians who don't like celebration they believe that holiness is sadness but they forget that holiness is beautiful it's called the beauty of holiness i feel like i'm preaching now if you're catching my flow shout i hear you [Music] these years have i served you i've never done wrong and you have never killed me a kid a little good mentality so for all the things you have done as a good boy is a good a little goat you desire myopic mentality pintumic mentality microscopic mentality and the father stood up and said my son all these things were yours but you didn't know how to enjoy it the good guy who knows how to chop life is bad let the party go on let the party go on let the party go out let the party go on somebody shout yes as many as receive him to them gave the power to become the sons of god now are we the sons of god everyone in the building if you're born of god you are a son of god that's what the resurrection has made available to us and having spoiled principalities and powers jesus spoiled all of them and he made a show of us we are the show we are god's show openly we are the trophy of his resurrection we are the proof that jesus rose from the dead don't go to israel to look for a grave if you want to know whether jesus is alive look at me and be product of that resurrection it is because he rose again that i'm born again somebody catching the flow shout glory stand on your feet that's all i've got for you in this service glory i said glory stand on your feet this morning when you understand these realities you walk with your shoulders high when the devil says hey you tell him when the devil said hey hey hey you have the final say man the devil never has the final say you have the final say when the devil say you can't you tell him you don't know who you're talking to i have already the devil tells you you're sick tell him no the spirit that raised christ from the dead dwelleth in this body my body is well say with me all things are possible to me right now on the basis of his resurrection i didn't hear powerful amen ladies and gentlemen this morning i present to you this truth that life before the cross is different from life after the cross and i will get into the details in the next service i know they're covet protocols but if you can hang around hang around hang around get double dose get double blessing this morning god punish the devil and let me prophesy to you postcode will be the best time of your life your aiming is still looking for help i said it will be the best it will be the best part of your life you will reign you will try off you will enjoy victory you will excel you will break fought on every side if you believe in god yes [Music] listen to me i want to pray sir when jesus rose from the dead the moment he rose from the dead the jewish soldiers were called and given bags of money to go and convince people that he never rose from the dead the money was too much that the whole jewish nation were convinced that jesus never rules that's why till today they're waiting for jesus it took money to close the mouth of the gospel they use money to shut down the mouth of the gospel today we need more money to open the mouth of the gospel listen carefully he says cry yet saying my cities through prosperity shall yet spread abroad he said let them that favor his righteous cause shout for joy let them continually say the lord be magnified who has pleasure in the prosperity of his servants why because the servants will build the dust of zion they will build the house they will enforce the building of god's sanctuary what do i mean by god sanctuary i'm not talking about physical buildings they're good but i'm talking about human sanctuaries when you give money to this ministry and god's man brings people like us to teach and men's eyes are open to the truth sanctuaries are being churned out sanctuaries are being churned out that's the reason why god created this world for you to have capacity to make wealth for the establishing of the kingdom for the pushing of the gospel you are blessed to be a blessing until all the families on the earth are blessed and how do we reach all the families of the earth through prosperity missionaries have to be sent it takes money television broadcast takes money radio broadcast takes money maintaining this ministry takes money i mean i've been in ministry for decades now i know what i'm talking about it takes money to get ministry going and god saves you not to just enjoy he saves you to save others and so your mouth will preach your resources will preach you and all that you are will preach the gospel and listen to me i want to take up a resurrection offering today because easter was when god gave us his best for god so loved the world he gave him up to die and on a day like this is the day to come with gratitude and give god your best father you gave me your best where would i have been if i was to pay for salvation but you did it all for me but there are people in darkness that have not had what i have heard father i want to give so that those people can be reached it's only there like this out of gratitude not out of compulsion you're not doing it because you want god to multiply money for you you're doing it because you have understood what it takes to reach other people with the gospel if you took money to short them out of the gospel we need more money to open them out of the gospel to get the gospel to the ends of the earth and if you are truly saved by god what i'm saying is making sense to your spirit there's a witness of the spirit on your inside and i want to take up that offering some of you can do a thousand cities some of you can do 500 cities some of you can do 200 100 some of you can even do 5 000 cities there are people here that can even do 10 000 cities you're here you're in the building you know i was telling people already in our church if if if you can go and take loan to bury a dead person how much more getting the gospel to the living i mean think about it today is the day to give god your best and i want to pray for people right now who want to say look i believe in the work of god i believe in what god is doing through this ministry and i want to give to this ministry i want to support this vision i want to give my best on a day like this when god gave me his best i want to respond in honor of what god has done by giving god my best you want to give a thousand cities to 200 cities 500 1 000 i want everybody i'm going to take up this offering i want everybody to participate according to your capacity and strength if you need an envelope they are putting envelopes and then i'm going to pray you need an envelope i like you lift up your hands let them put an envelope help me with the envelopes if you lift up your hands they'll bring an envelope to where you are but i want to pray for you right now we're giving our best to god and then i'm going to pray thank you lord jesus just go around make sure people have envelopes we want to give god our best i'm blessed to be a blessing i'm blessed to be a blessing until all the families of the ed be blessed i support this vision i believe in this ministry i believe in the word of god i honor christ i don't know what he has done for me all that i have and all that i am he gave to me there's nothing i have that god didn't give to me and in honor i'm giving this morning god bless you thank you thank you all over the building up and down all the all the galleries take the envelopes there we are giving in honor of what christ has done we're giving in response to god's best if you were to pay for forgiveness of sin nobody can afford it but what we're giving so that the gospel can reach people who sit in darkness all over the building i want to pray for everybody as we give that our resources will push the gospel that our resources will advance the gospel that our resources will get the gospel to the ends of the earth glory to god i say glory to god don't let this offering stop you from answering me i say glory to god that's right don't worry you have much more money you'll have so much money that you'll be looking for what to use the money for your amen is looking for help if you need an envelope they are bringing an envelope to you we want to give our offering is a worship to god whenever we give his worship your offering is worship and today we came to worship the rising lord and you can worship with an empty hand you worship with something your love should not be in words it should be in action i love you lord for what you've done and i bring an offering to you thank you all over the place if there are people in the overflow give them envelopes all over the building and then we're going to stand once once you package there's more account and there are other banking details if you're making a check make it out in the name of this ministry you know let's just honor christ let's celebrate what is love and his death and his burial has done for us are you excited this morning if excited can i have a powerful amen all right if you have your offerings package stand on your feet i want to pray over the offerings thank you father glory to god glory to god
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Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: UaNSE_tPXsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 51sec (3111 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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