The Origin, Rise and Fall Of Satan Prt.1 | Dr. Abel Damina

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[Music] feel the power welcome to righteous invasion of truth with dr ebel damina welcome to the ever increasing word feast right here on facebook or youtube whichever social media platform you're watching from today ibelle damina is my name there is a mandate of god on my life to reintroduce jesus to this generation equipping the believer to know who you are in christ what you have in christ and what christ can do through you that's what this broadcast is all about today so get ready to all learn so you can relearn the truths concerning the gospel of jesus christ let me also advise in the course of teaching certain questions may arise just be patient pay attention and listen carefully because scriptures will interpret scriptures as you patiently follow the teaching of god's word you know the bible tells us that the time shall come when people shall not endure sound doctrine so sound doctrine is to be endured so endure you know the word of god also tells us that with meekness you receive the engrafted word which is able to save your soul with meekness so there's a meekness required and there's endurance required where sound doctrine is concerned so as the teaching of god's word begins to come get your notebook get your pen follow the teachings most of my teachings are in this series because we take time to holistically look at subject matters in the light of jesus christ let me encourage those of you that are connecting for the first time today get ready to keep following we are right here on facebook and youtube every day we're here at 12 noon gmt plus one we're here at 6 p.m we're here 10 p.m also we're here every day at 10 a.m gmt plus one every day you don't want to miss any of them because all of these times that i've mentioned they are designed to equip you with sound knowledge of jesus christ in the midst of a world of uncertainties with all kinds of messages of fear going all over you need to stock up you need to feed yourself with the truth of the gospel so you're rooted and grounded and not moved to and fro with every wind of doctrine two more things to introduce to you today if you are in a city where there is no church christ centered church where they teach the message of christ it is not good for you to be in isolation the bible says god has set the solitary in families god wants you to be a part of a local assembly a gathering of believers where you can pray together learn the word of god together and effectively serve one another and go out to the world and bring the gospel of christ if you want to join any of our campuses around the world today or you want to start one in your own locality and be the lighthouse in that community all you need to do is shoot me a meal today telling me about your desire to either be a part of a campus or to start one with your location and your phone number will get in touch with you and help you either begin one or identify with an existing one the last thing is i have a lot of books like you can see them displayed on the screen all of these are resources written painstakingly to equip you answer your questions and bring your clarity of explanation of the word of god and if you want to order for any or all of the books today all you need to do again is shoot email to dr abeldamina and we'll respond to you properly and give you all the information you require to acquire these books i'm excited very excited invite a friend tag somebody create a watch party but today is going to be a powerful time of teaching you the word of his grace fasting your seatbelts as i take you on a gospel adventure into the service where the spirit of our god is already moving happy viewing hebrews chapter 2 from verse 1 to 4. therefore we ought to give the more earnest heat to the things which we have heard bless us anytime we should let them sleep for if the word spoken by angels was steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward three how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him how shall we escape if we neglect the greatest undoing of anyone will be the neglect to neglect means to overlook to ignore or to treat lightly or you know not to take serious and if we neglect then our escape is not in view and he called it so great salvation the salvation plan of god for man is so great god so loves the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life the plan of god romans chapter 5 verse 12 wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned for until the law sin was in the world but sin is not imputed when there is no law nevertheless death reigned from adam to moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of adam's transgression who is the figure of him that was to come but not as the offense so also is the free gift for if through the offence of one many be dead much more the grace of god and the gift by grace which is by one man jesus christ hath abandoned unto many first of all all of humanity was made in adam and therefore humanity was found in sin in adam and we saw adam as a function or as a race or the progenitor of a race and then we saw jesus as a race and as a function male and female in adam male and female in jesus it was not the devil that brought sin it was man man is a free moral agent and has the power to choose because god did not create a robot so man can make the choice for whatever he wants and like we said you see the man has the ability to make the choice but cannot determine the outcome of the choice he has the freedom to make the choice but cannot determine the outcome of his choice well she established that man is sovereign over the earth he has absolute control over the earth and god said let us make man in our image and after our likeness and let them let them have dominion not let us let them so god excluded himself from the domain called the earth man is this absolute authority over the earth in the book of psalms we saw that the heaven even the heavens belong to god and the earth he has given to the sons of men so man is a god over the earth that was a plan and that was god's original blueprint as to how the earth ought to function look at genesis chapter 1 verse 26 to 28 and god said let us make money in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the catalan over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth so god created man in his own image in the image of god created he him male and female created he them and god blessed them and god said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fall of the air and over every living thing that moved upon the earth over every living thing that moved upon the earth so we said that creation is a function of time we also established that you know in the plan of god man was supposed to be totally in charge and then we saw yesterday that the angels were created to serve man are these not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who shall be heirs of salvation and we took time to see that the fall of man was as a result of transgression and when man transgressed lucifer fell and that was the rise of satan the fall of man was the fall of lucifer and the rise of satan it is called transgression so satan began to reign as adam because adam's authority was given to satan by transgression look at matthew chapter 4 verse 8 because this is such a a subject that i'd like you to understand so it's easy for you to have a picture of how to operate in your authority matthew chapter 4 verse 8 to 10. again the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain and she with him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them and saith unto him all these things will i give thee if thou fall down and worship me then saith jesus unto him get the hand satan for it is written thou shall worship the lord thy god and him only shalt thou serve satan said to jesus all of these was committed to me so like you said they said if satan was lying then it wouldn't have been a temptation it would have been a deception so because he was not lying that is why it's a temptation it was giving unto me all right luke chapter 4 verse 6 to 7 and the devil said unto him all this power will i give thee and the glory of them for that is delivered unto me and to whomsoever i will i give it unto whomsoever i will i give it now so the transgression of adam was to hand over the world to satan by obedience to hand over the world to satan by obedience or by listening to his subject adam listen to his subject that was the transgression because god said to adam have dominion over every living thing including angels now don't forget again we're dealing with adam as a function adam as the head of a race or a progenitor so adam's transgression was in submitting himself to his subject now don't forget that god had put all things on the man he had put all things under his feet in hebrews chapter 2 we see that the bible says that we do not yet see all things under his feet why because he gave it to the devil we do not yet see all things under his feet why because he handed over to the devil so that's why ii corinthians chapter 4 verse 4 calls satan the god of this world where did he become the god of this world from when he took over from adam adam was the god of this world but when there was a swap adam became the servant satan became the god of this world in whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of those who do not believe so satan qualifies to be called the god of this world based on the transgression of adam so now why was hell created we've already seen that hell was created when time began everything created is a function of time nothing functions out of time that was created the only thing that predated creation is god the only thing that predated time will be deity so that means hell was created at the time when time was introduced now please don't forget this it was created for satan and his angels amen so satan is a fallen angel satan is a fallen angel i want to say two more times so to register satan is a fallen angel satan is a fallen angel he is not more than that and a lot of things that have been attributed to satan are just false accusation he is a fallen angel however satan's falling state happened simultaneously with the fall of man the fall of man was the fall of lucifer and the rise of satan it happened at the same time it happened at the same time so the fall of man was the rise of the devil and the rise of the devil was the fall of lucifer no hidden mysteries it's as easy as that so there in the garden he deceived eve but not other eve was deceived not other why because adam handed over the authority intentionally knowingly deliberately that is why it is called transgression don't forget adam is a corporate name for humanity now don't forget this that genesis chapter 2 and chapter 3 was not like 24 hours yesterday chapter two today chapter three no there was a time there was a time period between those even though we don't have the accurate details of the time but there was a time period between those events in genesis chapter two and genesis chapter three and when the fall of man happened humanity was found in sin under the authority of satan so when you hear jesus say i beheld satan fall as lightening i beheld satan fall as lightening from heaven he was actually using a figure of speech it was not a literal falling it was a figure of speech i beheld satan fall so god never existed in time god operated out of time god never begun the beginning began in god god has no beginning but satan never existed until time began so god created everything for man everything angels cherubims surrey films everything was created for man the earth and every creeping thing that creeped upon their everything was created including angels so god did not pre-plan for satan to overthrow man it was man's choice for satan to be in charge it was man's choice it was in god's choice amen the bible tells us in psalm 103 verse 20 bless the lord ye his angels that excel in strength that do his commandments hearkening unto the voice of his word so all angels were created to respond to the voice of his world the excellent strength hacking into the voice of his words they do his commandments and they are here to serve man based on god's commandment angels are here to serve man based on god's commandment they serve man within the confine of god's world have dominion so adam the god of this world hand it over to satan so satan therefore who never existed before time existed in time so time began in genesis god before time god began time time began in genesis god before time god began time so adam's transgression therefore led to the dominion of satan and that dominion is adams that's why after resurrection jesus said all authority in heaven on earth is given unto me so please pay attention to this there was a real bestowal of authority genesis 1 26 let them have dominion there was a real bestowal of authority in genesis 1 26 and there was a real transference of authority in genesis chapter 3. there was a real transparency of authority in genesis chapter 3 there was a bestowal in genesis 1 there was a transference of authority in genesis chapter 3 but glory to god there was a stripping of that authority in colossians chapter 2 verse 14 and 15. blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his cross glory and having spoiled principalities and powers he made a shoe of them openly triumphing over them in it having spoiled principalities and powers listen carefully his principalities and powers and in their spoiling he took the spoil when you go to war you'll come back with the spoil of war having disarmed principalities and powers he took the spoil and made a show of despoil he didn't make a show of the devil the show was of the spoil of war and the spoil of war is standing before you right now and the spoil of war is sitting in this building right now his poor principalities he stripped the devil the word spoiled means he made that he annulled he rendered ineffective and inoperative he annulled the devil he stripped him and made a show openly and the trophy of that triumph is this man standing here today we are the trophy of his resurrection we are the proof that he's no more in the grave we are the proof that he rules triumphantly we are the proof that the price was paid in full and we are the proof that the victory that jesus obtained is eternally ours can somebody shout hallelujah in this building he made a show of us openly triumphant over them he made a procession holding us as a show of the triumph over the kingdom of darkness now satan ruled humanity in sin what is sin disobedience sin reigned means things didn't go according to plan until jesus came so by the obedience of one jesus who is jesus jesus is god who became a man jesus is god who became a man so jesus is god expressed in time how do we know that jesus is god who became a man jesus had a father god doesn't have a father god doesn't stay in time jesus operated in time so because he was in time he respected distance and he functioned in matter god does not have respect for time for distance and for matter so those go ahead to prove that jesus was hundred percent a man as though not god and hundred percent god as do not man he had a father he functioned in time he traveled from jerusalem to nazareth from nazareth to capano he traveled he was subjected to time distance and mata which was a proof that he was a complete man great is the mystery of godliness that god is manifest in human flesh and we saw a proof of it god does not sleep jesus slept god does not get tired jesus was tired god does not eat jesus hate he was a man glory to god and i'm going somewhere with that he was a man function fully as a man full capacity that means he could have disobeyed god he could not disobey if adam disobeyed jesus could disobey because adam adam adam he could have disobeyed amen but he didn't disobey he became the perfect sacrifice for humanity so redemption was by man man sold out man brought back man man god didn't get it back for man man got it back for man in christ ezekiel 28 12 to 19. son of man take up a lamentation upon the king of tyrus and say unto him thus saith the lord god thou see lest up the sun full of wisdom and perfect in beauty all right that has been in eden the garden of god so lucifer was in eden the garden of god on thou has been in eden the garden of god every precious stone was thy covering the sardius topaz and the diamond the beryl the onyx and the jasper the sapphire the emerald and the carbuncle and gold the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou was created all right he was created so there was a day he was created lucifer there was a day and the creation took place where in eden not in heaven is it clear read on for me read them thou art the anointed cherub that covert and i have said so that was upon the holy mountain of god thou has walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire now don't forget the prophet is prophesying and in the midst of his prophecy there will be metaphors so everything he's saying is not literal what you're hearing of in the midst of fire although some metaphors based on the way the prophecy came to him and based on the way it came so that is why when we read the prophecy we automate the prophecy that was perfect in thy ways from the day that that was created iniquity was found when was iniquity found when he desired to be like adam that desire was the desire that was iniquitous because the plan of god was for him to serve man and for the first time he wanted man to obey him that thought was iniquity iniquity was found in him read on for me till iniquity was found in thee by the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with the violence and thou hast sinned therefore i will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of god and i will destroy thee o covering cherub from the midst of the stones of fire next verse thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty thou has corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness i will cast thee to the ground i will lay thee before kings that they may behold thee next verse thou has defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities by the iniquity of thy traffic therefore will i bring forth the fire from the midst of thee it shall devour thee and i will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sights of all them that behold thee so we've established a few things from the prophecy of ezekiel number one it was created in eden number two he was created perfect number three he was the anointed cherub that means there was no iniquity in him and he was in eden until the day iniquity was found in him is that clear move with me to the book of isaiah chapter 14 verse 12 to 16. how are thou fallen from heaven oh lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground which this weakened the nations thirteen for thou hast said in thine heart i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i will sit also upon the mount of the congregation and the sides of the north i will ascend i will sit also upon the mouth of the congregation in the sights of the lord he wants to take over adam's position and be in charge of the entire world next verse i will ascend above the heights of the clouds i will be like the most high he didn't say i will be higher than the most high i will be like adam was made in the likeness i will be like and to be like will be like adam is it clear all right i will be like the most high next verse yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the sides of the pits next verse they that see thee shall gnarly look upon thee and consider thee saying is this the man that made the earth to tremble that did shake kingdoms he is so myopic and pinchumic that when you see him you will narrowly look at him he is so insignificant he is only big in the mind of an ignorant person his real size is so narrow that you have to carefully sometimes you may need binoculars to see him but when ignorance has occupied the chieftains his seat on your mind he becomes a monster and apart from that he's been stripped of all authority the believer is in charge i thought somebody would shout hallelujah now jude verse 6 and the angels which kept not their first estates again and the angels which kept not their first let me ask you a question what was god's intent for angels so what was their first estate to serve their first state was what to serve man so that was their first estate but they left their first estate so when they left their first estate as angels who are supposed to serve they now became commanders giving instructions the angels who kept not their first estate freedom for me but left their own habitation he has reserved an everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great so that was the iniquity the iniquity was that they didn't stay in their state as servants they left their state and became you know commanders giving instruction and adam's rebellion was that he humbled himself under a servant and took instructions that swap turned lucifer to satan and adam became a victim is it clear okay now i needed to give you all of that come with me i'm still joining so we have two adams there is first adam there is second adam there is last adam so we said adam was in the image of god and he was a god on the earth he had dominion but the dominion did not happen till jesus came we do not yet see all things put under him so the guy is in dominion but the dominion did not take place until jesus came remember god gave him power dominion over all psalm 8 verse 4 what is man that what mind full of you have given him everything all right now look at hebrews chapter 2 verse 6. but one in a certain place testified saying what is man that thou art mindful of him or the son of man that thou visited him the writer of hebrews is quoting from psalms read verse seven for me thou madest him a little lower than the angels thou crowned him with glory and honor and did set him over the works of thy heart over the works of their hands is genesis chapter 1 verse 26 to 28 thou they set him over the works of thy hands is genesis chapter 1. now go back to hebrews chapter 2 verse 8 thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet yes for in that he put all in subjection under him he left nothing that is not put under him but now we see not yet all things put under him but now when we look at adam we can't see him in that place of dominion we can't see all things put on the man so something went wrong because when god made adam god's plan was for adam to be a god over the earth god's will for man was to rule and reign on the earth but it doesn't include angels angels are not part of the plan to rule all right so we can't see that because of adam's transgression he handed over the authority to satan but while we're looking to see where that will come to pass and we cannot see it then verse 9 of hebrews chapter 2 the first sentence but we see jesus so i'm looking for adam and we can see adam in authority when we looked well we now see jesus occupying the place where adam ought to have occupied we see jesus we see jesus so genesis 1 26 was for jesus we see jesus in dominion read for me we see jesus who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor that he by the grace of god should taste death for every man he by the grace of god tested dead for all of us who is jesus the second adam he tested debt for everybody the sufferings of christ and the glory that shall follow in other words jesus christ is a man we see jesus verse 10 and 11. for it became him for whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons unto glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through suffering eleven for both he that sanctified and they who are sanctified are all of one for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren he calls us brethren because he's a man he identifies with us in humanity he calls us brethren verse 13 and 14. and again i will put my trust in him and again behold i am the children which god hath given me 14 for as much then i pay attention pay attention here for smudging as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil through death he destroyed him that had the power of death that is the devil he had had if your bible was mine h.a.d is a word to underline he had the power of death angels have no authority jesus stripped the devil of the authority he got through adam so look at verse 15 now and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetimes subject to bondage so everybody is delivered in christ jesus his sacrificial work has guaranteed the deliverance of everybody everybody so once you come into christ you're coming to deliverance once you receive christ receiving christ is deliverance and deliver them who all through their lifetime were subject to bondage through fear of death praise god so satan and demons are a function of the fall of man and until adam there was no sin on the earth so how did sin enter the earth by adam that will mean therefore that salvation is for humanity not for demons salvation is for humanity now let's have a very quick look at this the bible says that the seed of the woman shall bruise the head of the serpent i mean just imagine if everybody on earth today gets born again everybody that will be satan's final bondage you didn't hear that can you imagine if everybody on ed gets born again today satan will have no authority that will be his final bondage even before this world is over because a little authority that satan has is in the minds of men who are not born again so if everybody gets born again first of all he has nowhere to stay secondly he has nowhere to carry out his evil works when you hear satan is moving it is the movement of men you didn't hear that when you hear satan is moving it is the movement of man and when you hear god is moving it is the movement of man so both god and satan need men so if every man now receives christ satan has nowhere to function so that is why evangelism renders the devil ineffective the more people getting saved the more satan has no accommodation to set a community free is to get people born again it's not to climb trees and be praying trying to do deliverance of the land it is the height of illiteracy i've seen in the body of christ people carrying bottles of oil are moving to market square and climbing trees and bridges and sitting on top of of leaves and flowers in the name of breaking the cross of the land the cause is in the land because there are men without christ if the man without christ received christ there will be no cause on the land christ has redeemed us so when you receive the redemption plan of god your freedom frees your city there's nothing like delivering the land jesus didn't die for land he died for people if anybody should have delivered a city it would be brother paul he came to a place in athens where there were shrines everywhere shrines everywhere altar all the altars were all over town he came there he didn't pour oil on the altars he didn't even talk about the altars he preached christ and when the people received christ they by themselves brought down the altars so to free a city you free the people i didn't hear a good man when you free the people you free the city that's why evangelism becomes paramount getting people safe becomes paramount the more people are safe the more the power of satan is broken in a society so since jesus stripped satan his only weapon is deception lest the devil should get advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his word strategies devices schemes that's all he has he has skins he has devices he has strategy he has no authority because jesus stripped him so what the devil does is in his schemes he deceives believers and when believers are not knowledgeable when he brings his schemes they submit their authority to power his king you didn't hear what i said so you hear a believer saying satan is very powerful satan so when they say satan is very powerful they have accorded him their authority to use on their behalf because that statement is a statement of surrender he has no authority he's been stripped having spoiled principalities and powers the word spoiled means strips jesus stripped him whipped him two thousand years ago so since after jesus the devil's greatest weapon is deception look at this put on the whole armor of god wherewith you may be able to stand in the evil day put on the helmet of salvation breastplate of righteousness loins get about to truth shoes of peace shield of faith solder the spirit okay that you may quench the fiery darts the only thing satan has is fiery darts you have shield you have sword you have helmet you have breastplate you have belt you have shoes the only thing satan has is fiery darts which are skins and which are strategies and which is deception so that is why from a child you have known the holy scriptures which are able to make you it is wisdom that dislodges the scheme of the devil and that wisdom is a wisdom of salvation when you know you are saved the devil cannot corner or hoodwink you he cannot relay you he cannot use condemnation on you there is therefore now so he can't get you from condemnation he can't attack your body your body is brought with a price he can't attack your mind your mind is filled with the word of god am i talking to somebody here you know the devil doesn't fear you because you are born again don't play that card on the devil if there's anybody the devil will have feared it was jesus but he walked to jesus and said to jesus if you are the devil's first line of temptation is attack on identity if you are that is the first line of the devil's attack your identity do you know who you are if you are truly a child of god why is your prayer not answered attack on identity if you are truly a child of god why has your child been in and out of hospital in and he questions the integrity of god's word as to rob you of your reality in christ he's a strategist the devil is a strategist he has no power he has no influence he has no authority but he still has strategy lest the devil should get advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices all the devil has is devices if you are truly a child of god why can you not pay house rent come on house friend he's preaching to you satan is preaching to you and then you forget to tell him no man can lay charge against god's elect it is christ that died and yea he's risen again and is seated at the right hand of the father house rent is paid he comes here and says if you are truly a child of god look at you 35 no husband is god really alive and then you say it's true he got you satan cannot attack you by using spiritual things his attack is always in the physical things that appeal to your senses things that appear that's why believers should not be carnally you can't afford to be carnally minded you have to sow to the spirit so you can reap life you have to be spiritually minded because if you are carnally minded the devil is it against you you say you are a child of god you graduated long ago you've been fasting you don't have a job what is that what are some believers that didn't fast and they had jobs is it because i'm a child of god i don't have a job no it's not because i'm a child of god no temptation has taken you but such as is common to the church come on to the church come on to who man means unbeliever and believer so if you don't have a job it's a common thing for human beings it's not only you i don't know if i'm talking to somebody that's why when people start saying as a believer you have an advantage in business they are trying to destroy your faith because once they say that and you can't see that advantage you think god has rejected you meanwhile there is no advantage no advantage business is business all of us went to the same school read the same books by the same authors we are taught by the same teachers to engage in the same world you don't need god to succeed in business you just need a good business sense and in order for you to have the good businesses sometimes you have to remove your church sense and keep at home and we are businesses to go for business you always carry church sense to go for business and you end up feeling bad feeling guilty even when you are trying to negotiate you are trying to to to to be to be broadly the unbeliever does not care he is brutal in negotiation and he will take a bound of flesh but so when you remove church mind and your business mind that thing they taught you in school you wear it you engage him comparing spiritual with spiritual business with business canada with canal politica with politica may god give you [Music] [Applause] [Music] understanding am i teaching here the devil only has schemes and the schemes are in the natural the weapons of our warfare i yell obey the game the weapons of our warfare but they are mighty cabo dagger the weapon how can i carry mighty weapons and satan with skins defeat me the weapons are mighty through god to the pulling down of what what are the strongholds thoughts imagination and who puts the imaginations satan he will throw it here then he will stand to watch reaction he will look for another situation around you in the physical he will carry it he will project it then he will hit you with it here then he will wait for reaction then he will look for another one that is his work 24 7 and all his demons are trained to operate like that but you are fully armed you have the breastplate of righteousness so when the devil throws condemnation you put on your breastplate there is therefore now when the devil throws guilt in your head are you sure you are safe forever you tell the devil he is able to save that is warfare warfare is not done on your knees is done on your foot while going through the course of the day what faith is going on because thoughts are flying in and you cannot keep quiet and make sure when you talk and satan talks you talk again if you talk talk again be the last person to talk don't allow the devil speak as the last if he keeps talking keep talking in fact if he says one say five if he says to say ten make noise until the devil will shut up [Applause] i give you a mouth and a wisdom that your enemies cannot resist not against him i prophesy as your amen will come like thunder enjoy victory the remaining days of your life [Applause] did you see the way jesus function satan would say do this jesus you say it is written satan will say it is also written jesus will say it is written satan will say it was jesus that said the final one get it behind me satan for it is written and when you resist the devil get it behind me satan for it is written thou shalt serve the lord your god and him only shall dance who dasheth the devil to speak one more time when they have told him to get behind he kept quiet and the angels came and ministered zagger always have the final say say i have the final say i win all the time the fiery darts of the wicked they are just that satan cannot do anything beyond suggestion he cannot do anything beyond suggestion all it has is mouth and noise you are fully armed and you still have mouth and your honest not mouth and noise the words i speak they are spirits so that's why you resist the devil and he will stay he will argue he will negotiate he will flee you have everything that makes you a winner the devil has been stripped and as i'm speaking right now you don't have any problem with the devil he's under your feet glory to god say very loud i am in authority i am in dominion and the devil is under my feet i didn't hear a powerful amen said let me round up this so since jesus satan's only weapon is deception that's all deception bible calls him the deceiver who deceived the whole world his work is deception he's a liar he's a liar and a father of liars when he speaketh a lie he speaketh his native language lying is the devil's native language that's his mother tongue jesus the second and the last adam so that's why it says how shall we escape if we neglect god gave man a free will but not a sovereign wheel a free will but not a sovereign will that is man will be responsible for his actions man was not to decide the result of his actions only god can decide the result of his actions but for man you can take the action but the outcome is not determined by you why god is infinite mind is finite god is sovereign man is under god god is omnipotent god is omnipresent god is so many science you know the problem is sometimes when you hear the way the people talk about the devil it's as if the devil is some infinite personality no the devil is feminine the devil is not infinite he's not only present he's not omnipresent satan is not everywhere when he's in australia he's not in nigeria when he's in nigeria he's not in ghana when he's in ghana he's not in new zealand he's not infinite he's not omnipresent he can only be in one location at one time so why is it that satan that is not everywhere is the biggest prayer point in churches and god that is everywhere is silent in churches when they gather for 30 minutes is satan satan satan satan yet the man is only in one location but god is everywhere that people should be talking about all the time they are not talking about him my people are destroyed satan is not only present no he's a finished being only god is infinite even though it's a spirit but it's not too many present it can only be in one location it can only be in one place at one time his only god has the capacity to be everywhere at the same time cover because as long as you're subject to time you cannot be mini present as long as you're subject to time you cannot be mini potent and satan was created in time that means satan is subject to time only god exists outside time he lives outside time and regulates time because he made time yeah god is satan is not hallelujah i say hallelujah so man is a free moral agent however he is subject to god's will he's a free moral agent but is subject to god's will and every time man exercises that will outside god it becomes a scene every time man exercises that will outside god it becomes a sin and that's exactly what adam did he exercises we love said god that's why god has given money responsibility for his action and like i said man can decide the action but man has no control over the outcome of the action so that's why you must calculate the action well before you engage in it jesus lived in the perfect will of the father perfect he came as the christ to save man to deliver man to restore man to his position of dignity and honor and glory that was jesus's mission he came to restore man into god's life eternal life to put all things under man which was the original plan so in christ man is back in dominion over all things you didn't hear that in christ man now is in dominion over all things first corinthians 15 22 whereas in adam all die even so in christ shall all be made alive right next verse but every man in his own order christ the first fruits afterward they that are christ at his coming next verse then come at the end when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to god even the father when he shall have put down all rule on all authority and power did he observe that verse then come at the end what will happen at the end of all things he will deliver the kingdom to god even the father and he shall put down our rule and authority and power 25. forgive us reign till he had put all enemies under his feet where is the feet the church he's the head where the body and the feet is part of the body so he will put all under the church and how will that happen through this kind of teaching through this kind of teaching the devil and his cohorts are being put under the feet of the church his knowledge he gave gifts to men what were the gifts to do to unveil his finished walk to man you didn't hear that he that descended he see that ascendant when he ascended that is resurrection and exaltation and glorification when he ascended up on high resurrection exaltation you know glorification the priesthood of jesus out of that office he gave gifts to men what were the men to do to explain to the body of christ what he obtained in the three days of his resurrection so the mission of the church is to unveil the finnish work because that's why he gave the gift he didn't talk about it because he was going to use men to talk about it man said man man will teach man what man god for man this thing is a man of fear now read for me verse 26 the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death say it again the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death then 27 look at man's authority for he has put all things under his feet but when he saith all things are put under him it is manifest that he is accepted which did put all things under him he did put all things under man he did put all this so man's authority was given by god's sovereignty it wasn't to be an affront to god's authority so god saved man through man hey god saved man through man so satan is not as unique he's not he sure doesn't know everything because he was created in time have you had people say satan knows what i will be that is why he's attacking shut your mouth short it use knowledge and brush your mouth so ignorance does not disgrace you in public who dash at him how can he be talking like that satan knows what i will be who where did he find it everything about you to satan is a mystery and the only way mysteries are revealed is by revelation and satan cannot have revelation so how can he know what you will be the totality of you is in christ how can satan fathom what is in christ satan is an angel he's not that powerful it's not you know first peter 112. unto whom it was revealed that not unto themselves but unto us they did minister the things which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the holy ghost sent down from heaven which things the angels desire to look the angels are desiring to see what god has planned for you and they cannot even see it they don't know anything they are boys they can only have an idea when they hang around us like we're teaching our angels are standing with pen and paper and they're writing notes and there are some depths we enter where they don't know what we're talking so the only way they can learn is by eavesdropping into our fellowship did you understand that ephesians chapter 3 verse 6 to 10 that the gentiles should be fellow heirs and of the same body and partakers of his promise in christ by the gospel verse 7 whereof i was made a minister according to the gift of the grace of god given unto me by the effectual working of his power it unto me who am less than the least of all saints is his grace given that i should preach among the gentiles the unsearchable riches of christ amen and to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world has been hidden god and being hid where so how can satan know that what is it inside god who created all things by jesus christ then give me the last verse there now to the intent that now onto the prayer to the intent this is the intent the original intention this is the motive behind this has always been the ground plan to the internet now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of god so the church is a university of angels that might be known to the angels by the church give me the amplified the purpose is that through the church the complicated many cited wisdom of god in all its infinite variety and innumerable aspects might not be made known to the angelic rulers and authorities principalities and powers in the heavenly sphere we are the ones to reveal to angelic rulers the complicated many cited wisdom of god in all its infinite variety because it is in god because this knowledge is inside god that's why it's infinite infinite variety and innumerable aspects angels can fart on this on their own it's when we gather like this and we're opening things up the angels will have ideas oh is that what it means oh we can see glory to god hallelujah by god's grace he makes us taste his infiniteness we know by the holy ghost gospel they are revealed to us by the spirit even the hidden things of god the deep things of god glory to god yeah he has revealed to us we know what the devil doesn't know yeah so we can cast down imaginations we can bring down thoughts and reasonings we can bring down every heightened that exalt itself above the knowledge of god we can bring it under subjection cancer is an exaltation above the knowledge of god what is the knowledge of god by his tribes you were healed also high blood pressure depression mental attacks they are all exalting themselves thoughts and reasonings that demean you and take from you your true value in christ and you rise strong you fortify yourself with revealed knowledge and you say no more i'm not taking a no for an answer amen the remaining days of your life you win all the time that amen is looking for help showed me i am in charge said very loud i am in charge yeah stand on your feet let's say now that i am in charge i am in authority here i am an authority here the devil is under my feet i have authority over sickness over disease and over the wiles of the devil and in the name of jesus i have authority over strongholds imaginations that are contrary to my realities in christ jesus now talk to your neighbor and say hey take a good look at me i am what the world says i am i have what the world says i have i can do what the world says i can do i thought somebody would shout a powerful amen [Applause] from this day when the devil speaks you open your mouth don't do mm-hmm know some of you you talk to the devil he doesn't understand you open your mouth it cannot happen get me a bottle of coke it cannot happen thank you you're in the plane the plane is misbehaving see it cannot happen hey hostess get my bottle of falter there it cannot not while i am here jacqueline not while your presence in every situation will be the security for that situation the way you're shouting at him and i'm suspecting your aim not while i am here not while i am here i am in authority here anywhere i walk into i am in charge i take charge no devil makes noise where i am glory to god the devil tells you no you will not make it you will not make it tell me shut up how dare you speak when i am speaking amen amen he paints a picture of fear and tells you ah you may end up in a wheelchair tell him sit on that wheelchair idiot sit there mangaladaba demons carry him out jacqueline jacqueline jacqueline [Music] [Applause] we win all the time where are the modern conquerors in the building go ahead and celebrate your victory in christ jesus [Applause] glory somebody say it cannot happen satan i reign in this life amen i said amen you have the final c who has the final say don't keep quiet until the devil keeps quiet and if your talking is answering you fast fast then don't give space keep talking if you discover english is slow switch to tongues amen victory is sweet if you just know what to do you win all the time amen i said amen and if you lie down or sit down and thoughts are flooding your mind all kinds of wicked thoughts because sometimes the devil can come like a digital system all the thoughts you see images flying so if you see that and those kind of things are coming maybe before you lie down or when situations happen open your mouth now let let me show you i've thought i've done this all over the world let me show you what i mean look at me everybody in your mind not with your mouth count one to ten when i say go you start in your mind one to go shall praise the lord shout amen shout hallelujah shout thank you jesus shout glory what happened to the counting so when thoughts are flooding your mind open your mouth and start talking it stops the thoughts the way to stop thoughts is to talk if you talk thoughts will stop but if you keep quiet thoughts will keep flowing so you open your mouth somebody say i say i am blessed i am sanctified i am justified i am accepted i'm more than a conqueror shout glory i'm telling you friends as i'm speaking right now every area of struggle in your life is totally terminated rain and victory rain in triumph rain in victory rain in triumph harvest of answers are flowing in your direction in the name of jesus and we decree and declare right now whatever is not planted by god around your life is rooted out we command imaginations cast down reasoning is brought down in the name of jesus [Applause] and by the finished work of christ i command sick bodies be healed be healed be healed be healed and where you need a miracle receive one right now in the name of jesus your blessing your limits great grace is upon you reign in life in the name of jesus and every believer says that amen on an auto finality who is in victory in this building can we go ahead for 30 seconds celebrate [Applause] glory glory is that how you celebrate wow glory amen we win all the time glory to god welcome back ladies and gentlemen welcome back oh my goodness what a service what a time of learning a time of unlearning and a time of relearning the word of his grace brother paul says i commend you to god and to the word of his grace which is able to build you up and give you your inheritance among the sanctified the world has come with clarity please don't go away if there's anything that was wrong in your life the word of god has gone fought to fix it i rebuke sickness i rebuke pain i rebuke confusion i rebuke discomfort now receive healing receive a miracle where you need one today in the name of jesus receive a miracle i clear every confusion out of your life will rebuke fear and the hold of darkness is broken in the name of jesus thank you father hallelujah i'm excited now listen very carefully i want to encourage you i have a lot of books like you can see them displayed on the screen all of these are resources written painstakingly to equip you answer your questions and bring your clarity of explanation of the word of god shoot email to dr ebeldamina and we'll respond to you properly and give you all the information you require to acquire these books you can order them from our office either the books the cds or the dvds dr ebeldamina shoot us a meal today with your orders and we will ensure that we reach out to you today if you're in a city where there's no church where the message of christ like this is preach or thought that is already an opportunity for you to serve jesus by getting involved with ministry this is the way it works all you need is shoot us a meal we will take time and equip you and prepare you to begin an extension of our church ministry called a campus where other believers in your locality can assemble with you in your own venue and learn together with you the message pray with you and together all of you can reach out to more people with the truth of the gospel or you're in a place where you desire to just belong to the campus shoot us a meal with your location today we'll connect you to the nearest campus to where you are of our ministry always a joy to serve you the grace of god always a joy to bring you clarity to equip you to build you up in the knowledge of christ i'm excited today looking forward to hearing from every one of you today and don't forget to stay tuned for the next broadcast that comes up in a few hours from now share with people about what god is doing on this platform and until we connect with you again enjoy the grace of christ and be blessed amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] get ready victory station you
Channel: Evt. Fabrice Iram
Views: 6,303
Rating: 4.9459457 out of 5
Keywords: Evt. Fabrice Iram, Dr Abel Damina Ministries International
Id: cshlVD79lWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 49sec (4669 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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