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[Music] are you excited [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i do [Music] [Music] i was fully dressed [Music] [Music] when the [Music] but i would never never be the same [Music] jesus is my righteousness is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i will [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] i would never never [Music] no [Music] it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor eva god you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tale you are not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost is your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor get the [Applause] [Music] would lord i would know never be the same [Music] holy ghost [Music] the gospel is the power of god but the power of god is not just careless the power of god is not just anyhow the power of god is regulated regulated to an intent the power of god to save the gospel is the power of god to save not the power of god to destroy so even the very message of the scriptures defines god's character it is the power of god to save not the power of god to kill not the power of god to damage not the power of god to destroy so anywhere you see destruction and killing it is not the gospel the gospel is the power of god to save so all of god's power is regulated within the conduit of salvation you will never find god's power outside salvation god's mission is salvation the mission statement of jesus in matthew 1 21 she shall bring forth a son and thou shall call his name jesus why he shall save his people he shall save his people all scripture all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness 15 and that from a child you have known the holy scriptures which are able to make the wise unto the scriptures are able to make you wise unto salvation the scriptures are not to make you wise on to kill him the scriptures are not to make you wise on to damaging people the scriptures are not for praying judgmental prayers the scriptures are not for brain damaging prayers the scriptures all of it are to make you wise unto salvation through faith which is in christ jesus so god's character is well defined defined in the message in the message the message of the gospel is the message of salvation hebrews chapter 2 from verse 1 to 4. therefore we ought to give the more honesty to the things which we have heard lest at any time we should let them sleep for if the word spoken by angels was steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward if everybody under the law under the ministration of angels received a just recompense of reward eye for eye truth for leg for leg how shall we escape the law of moses how shall we escape the judgment of the law if we neglect how shall we escape the punishment of legalism if we neglect so great salvation so our escape from the law is to embrace god's salvation you can receive salvation with jesus offers and be under the law salvation is your escape from the law and its attendant punishment how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him it was confirmed unto us by the apostles who were the first hand recipients of the message in luke chapter 24 after jesus rose from the dead and spent 40 days teaching them they first had it and confirmed it to us that's why we say christianity is apostolic and historic it is what the apostles of the lamb handed down to us which is salvation through faith which is in christ jesus now pay attention first timothy chapter 2 verse 4 who will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth god will have all men to be saved because that's where his power is found that's where his character all of god's power is concentrated to an end salvation who will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth that is the essence for church the essence for church is to bring men to the knowledge of the truth men are saved but men must understand what it means to be saved the most dangerous man on earth is a man that is born again and knows what it means to be born again he is the most dangerous man that ed ever saw who will have all men to be saved don't stop there and to come to the knowledge of the truth have we been doing it well here bringing men to the knowledge of the truth can i hear powerful amen now it's important for you to know until someone takes a position against the gospel he cannot be called a child of satan john chapter 8 verse 44 ye are of your father the devil and the loss of your father ye will do he was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaketh a lie he speak out of his own for he is a liar and the father of it you are of your father the devil jesus will send this to a group of people why did he call the devil their father next verse and because i tell you the truth you believe me not so anyone that does not believe the gospel is a child of the devil because i tell you the truth you believe not that is why you are of your father the devil so when you believe the gospel god becomes your father when you believe the gospel god becomes your father that's what the bible says as many as receive him he gave them the power to become the sons of god whatsoever is born of god overcoming the world of his own will begotten us by the word of truth okay being born again being born except a man be born so faith in christ faith in christ gives birth to you as a son when faith is expressed in the message you are burdened into the family of god you receive adoption to be a son of god hallelujah faith in the gospel faith in the gospel that gospel is critical because that is the power of god unto salvation not just power not just power it is power to an end which is salvation now so we said both sin and righteousness are a function of the will of man they are a function of the will of man none is imposed on anyone sin and death are destructive systems sin and death both of them are destructive systems exposed by god's judgment so his judgment is in his life and his judgment is in his light and his judgment is in his love god's judgment is not outside of his character it is within his character of love so that is why god's judgment is prejudged prejudged is not after the action the judgment is before the action and because he judged ahead of the action he took responsibility to make sure the gospel is preached to you to warn you of what is contained in whatever choice you are about to make so in the character of god which is love life light in that character god prejudges and informs you of the outcome of choices you make ultimately you make the choice but when you make the choice you do not control the outcome yours is the choice but the outcome is not in your power so god now tells you ahead of time that if you make this choice this will be the outcome if you make the other choice that will be the outcome in that message is the exposure of sin and death so you won't say i didn't know because you've been pre-informed so that is why when you believe you are saved when you do not believe you are damned judgment is in the choice the point i'm making is it's not like god is going to sit on a throne somewhere and everybody will line up then god will start judging people no the day you make the choice was the day you accepted the judgment because the judgment is free god does not react god does not react god proacts god does not wait till something has spoiled then you say let's fix it ahead of time he has already made his plan to fix ahead of time whatever goes wrong that's why jesus is the lamb of god slain before the foundation of the world before now stay with those thoughts and come to acts 17 30. and the times of this ignorance god winked us but now commanders all men every words he repents because he has appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he has ordained whereas he has given assurance unto all men in that he has raised him from the dead because i love this scripture oh i love this scripture oh i love this scripture because he has appointed a day in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he had ordained whereof he had given assurance unto all men in that he had raised him from the dead now pay attention pay attention this was brother paul simon he goes to a place and found people worshiping idols he found people that were looking for god and god honors their search they were searching for god even though in the wrong places but you cannot deny that they were searching for god and god honors their search he honors the assad now look at that acts 17 verse 16 for pretext now while paul waited for them at athens the spirit was stirred in him when he sought the city holy given to idolatry therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the jews and with the devout persons and in the market daily with them that met with him with the devout that is a place to underline these people were devoured in their search they were devout in their search then certain philosophers of the epicureans and of the strikes encountered him and some said what will this blabber say other some he seemed to be a setter forth of strange gods because he preached unto them jesus and the resurrection next verse and they took him and brought him onto erapagus as saying may we know what this new doctrine whereof thou speakest is for thou bringing certain strange things to our ears we would know therefore what these things mean next verse for all the athenians and strangers which were there spent their time in nothing else but either to tell or to hear some new things either to tell or here they are looking for something new the greek word a kindness it means something fresh something new like an intellectual hob of idol worship 22. then paul stood in the midst of mars hill and said ye mans of athens i perceive that in all things they are two superstars you are two the word two superstitions should be underlined it is an interesting word in the greek d-e-i-s d-a-i-m-o-n-e s-t-e-r-o-s it means to be in dread of fear by a confused concept of god to be in dread of fear that's the meaning of the word superstitious from the original greek to be in dread or fear by a confused concept of god it's not atheism atheism is saying there is no god no this one there is god but this is how he relates with us in relating with us we are nobodies we are useless and we cannot stand him so we are afraid of a god whom we do not know superstitious and there are many people in that classroom to the unknown god so they are worshipping a god they do not know and you know when you do not know the god you worship everything must be god death must be god disaster must be god misfortune must be god once you can't respect his coming it is god oh jakaya we know that every good and perfect gift cometh from above from the father of light father of light with whom there is no variableness nor a shadow of turning our god has a single nature he has no hidden agenda there is no other side of god he has only one side when you see him you have seen him single identity he's not bipolar he's good all the time his hand has never been involved in evil the only interaction he has had with evil is to receive evil on behalf of man and punish it on himself that's the only interaction outside that he has no interaction whatsoever so but these people are superstitious because they are interacting with a god who they don't know notice the difference there is a reverence here he said i can see that you people are too superstitious you are in awe of someone you do not know you are in awe of a being you cannot explain so in their mind they were worshiping god look at verse 22 and i love that acts 17 verse 22 and 23 then paul stood in the midst of mars hill and said ye man of athens i perceive that in all things you are too superstitious 23 for as i passed by and beheld your devotion i beheld your morning devotions i found an altar with this inscription ultraverses altar to the unknown girl and anywhere you see those altars what is on top of them exactly is only when you don't know god that you look for altar altar means a place of animal sacrifice and god has no delight in animal sacrifice so god cannot be having a business with altar look at it because they didn't know god what were they doing they had altars and what was on top of their altars to the unknown god whom therefore ye ignorantly worship him declare i unto you whom therefore you ignorantly worship these are the kind of people brother paul will now pray for in romans brethren my heart's desire for israel is that they may be saved for i bear them record that they have the zeal of god but not according to knowledge who will have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth you cannot serve or related god when you don't know him you cannot you cannot otherwise you will end up in the room of the unlearned you will end up in the room of these athenians please pay attention ignorantly worship and when people worship god ignorantly they are called the agnostics verse 24 and 25 god that's made the world and all things therein seeing that he is lord of heaven and earth dwelleth not in temples made with hands glory to god he does not dwell in temples made with a hand see god is not in this building [Music] god is not in this building god is not in this building the only reason why god is in this building is because you are in this building oh you didn't hear what i just said the only reason why god is in this building is because you are in this building cabana you are the carrier of god so when you came you brought god with you when we close you will carry god with you melekina [Applause] i receive i receive now sit down sit down god that made the world and all things therein seeing that he is lord of heaven and earth dwelleth not in temples made with hands oh i love brother paul you see see when you see the way paul writes there is a pseudonysis around you know sonesis yeah there is an intelligence that accompanies the writings of brother paul that makes you love god because because of the refined way with which he presents god this is this is a greek word for intelligence expertise the way he presents god i love him oh i love brother paul you know look at verse 25 carefully neither is worshipped with men's hands yes so he needed anything seeing he give us to all life and breath and all things when praises go up blessings come neither is worship with men's hands as though he needed anything sin he give it he doesn't take he giveth to all life and breath and he never takes he only gives that is our gospel our gospel is not bribe god no 91 dollars for 91 blessing no kabatakayana no give to god so that god can bless you he does not need anything he made heaven and head and everything that is in it so man's hands cannot worship him you don't have to clap and shout for god to bless you shouting and clapping only helps you he doesn't need anything he owns everything what do you want to give somebody who owns everything god who created the heavens and the earth out of nothing what will you give him to impress him how much of him we are talking about god what kind of song will you sing that will make god shift when we sing some songs it's like we're not thinking we are the ones that will sing where thing i gotta give to you i know get money i know then after that they now say sow a seed for god to bless you you have already said there's nothing you can give to him and then now you want to bribe him with how much he needs nothing from you he created everything for you what do you have that has not been given to you god himself is the first giver he does not take he does not request or demand he gives unto all he didn't say he gives unto christians he didn't say he gives unto christians he gives unto that is why unbelievers can be richer than christians because this is not about being a christian or a non-christian it is about god's generosity that is lavish to all look come with are you with me here look look again look look look neither is worshipped with men's hands as though he needed anything sin he giveth to all life breath and all things he gave to who to all and hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth and has determined the times before appointed and the bounds of their inhabitation let's do some work here i love this verse now when he says an admit of one blood all nations one blood means scholars call it one man that's why in christ christ makes all of us one one body one faith one baptism one spirit the word to determine means to limit not to limit man but to specify limits he gave man limits not that man lives within the limits but at least he gave limits in lucky lagos they have disobeyed the limit because they have moved into the sea and gone beyond the limits to reclaim the sea for land but at least there are limits yeah there are limits is god that has given limits to specified things river land sky mountains he created the wall and he has put limits and boundaries now paul is taking you somewhere but on his way to get there he's carrying you along with a wider scope of reasoning so you are not myopic pentonic microscopic in your view he wants you to have a broad view so you are robust in understanding that's why i told you there is about brother paul so now in his reasoning in his reasoning look at how he is coming with you through the capacity of this god now when he said he determined the times before appointed like i said he specified limits he specifies the word specifies is the greek word h o r o t h s e-s-i-s horosis used only once in the bible it means to specify limits not to impose limits but to specify and the bounds of their habitation the word habitation is a greek word k-a-t-o-l-k-i-a it means conditions to stay or remain that is he gave man a way to live a condition to remain god specified it for man what is that specification that specification is in verse 27 that they should seek the lord the specification is that they should seek the lord that is god by specifying limits created conditions that makes man naturally to desire to seek god people get into the occult seeking god all the people that are in different religions are seeking god people in prayer houses are seeking god people in occult diabolism witchcraft are seeking god every human being created by god part of the specification that god determined he didn't impose but specified is that within man he created as part of man a desire to seek him so when the true god is not revealed men keep seeking and in their search they move from religion to religion from practice to practice from activity to activity from praying with candle to baptizing themselves with olive oil to swimming inside the river all seeking for god because there is a longing in every human being to relate with god those are the specifications and the habitations that god put in place that men will seek him now please follow this if happily they might spill after him so in making man god had created a man a hunger to seek him so those who were seeking for him before the gospel was preached there are those that were seeking for him it's not the gospel preached that makes people sick for god it is that it is in man to seek for god when you see a man carrying candle always i'm praying don't laugh at him he's seeking i'm not joking when you see somebody put his leg inside cold water at night he's seeking when you see somebody carry red fowl is it foul or chicken the one they use for sacrifice is foul the one we eat is chicken because fowl is foul spirits i don't eat foul i eat chicken what about you okay okay okay very good very good you're the son of your father where you see them carry foul at night white fowl and red fowl to the riverside at night alone with stove to the riverside they are seeking god because god has put in every man are you understanding what i'm teaching here that's why every man has a form of worship they are all seeking and you know what they are seeking calabash calabash this thing is doing me somehow is he doing you ah he's doing you they are seeking that is why all religions will tell you they are the way to god they are seeking to get people to god and jesus will tell you god has come to you don't look for him he has looked for you that's christianity other religions are trying to go to god in christianity god has come to us we are not trying to look for god god is looking for us and he has made himself available to us that is why no matter how hard indeed a man is if he can quietly come down for you to explain god to him he breaks down he just breaks down if you find a man still adamant he has not understood your communication so you pray more and communicate more you pray more once his eyes are open to see what you are saying that's the end of it i've had people say to me dr damir when i first started hearing you i abused you i said you were a stupid man i said you are a useless man how can you be preaching this kind of gospel what kind of stupid gospel is this but after some time something said i should come and check again i checked you again you're still preaching it something says you listen something something something that thing that is in man he said but this time as i'm listening everything you are saying started making that the eyes of their understanding be enlightened that they should seek the lord if that word if if your bible was mine i would circulate that word if is a conjunction in the greek is e i e i is not a conditional word it's not a condition at all so how should it is that is they should seek him and happily they might feel after him happily what he's saying is if a man follows that seeking he will find him if a man follows that seeking he will find him we will see an example very shortly that is when they seek after him they will find him then look at what he said now that they might feel after him and find him though he be not far from one of us including your child that is on drugs god is not far from him including your husband who you've been fasting and praying for god is not far from him including your wife that does not have any desire for anything god in fact the more the more she is like that the closer that they should seek the lord if happily they might i want you to underline that they might feel because i'm going to do exegesis there they might feel after him and find him why though he be not far from some of us every one of us is not far from every one of us that's why you shouldn't be surprised that some people got born again nobody is too difficult to be born again nobody except you have not accepted responsibility to present christ to them paul used the word they may feel after him and i told you to underline that word feel is the word p-s-e-l-e-o-p-h-o refers to something reachable but more than that it is used four times first place luke 24 39 behold my hands and my feet that it is i myself handle me and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bone as you see me have reachable handle me touch me like this to feel after him means that they can handle him they can touch him another place you see that word used is hebrews 12 8 you can study that at home a mountain that cannot be touched first john 1 1 that which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have handled our hands that is is so close that our hands can handle him they may feel after him to handle him to actually handle so that means in all of the times god has set limits for man to find him paul is even talking about before jesus came before jesus came god has set limits from adam down for man to find him that's the justice of god he says he made everybody in a way they will seek him so how can you say he made men sinners he couldn't have made any sinner and yet he is not far to feel after him to find him that word to find is another word we have talked about field let's do exigencies on find to find him is the word h-e-u-i-r-s-k-o it means to discern to find him means to discern to discern yet he is not far he is not far matthew 8 30 mark 12 34 so when we say god is omnipresent the omnipresence of god is within salvation now you can read further luke 7 6 luke 15 20 john 21 8 acts 22 21 ephesians 2 13 ephesians 2 17. so he is saying that god makes himself the findable so what we just read from brother paul now makes caricature of what they call the doctrine of election you know the doctrine of election some confused guys they say god has already elected people that will go to heaven no no you cannot preach election as a standalone never if you do that you're preaching error there is no election as a standalone election is a product of full knowledge and predestination it is for knowledge and predestination that establishes election there will be no election if there is no full knowledge and predestination and god's foreknowledge and predestination is in a person what is his name jesus so election is where jesus so in christ all of mankind has been elected is waiting for them to receive magistrate you are magistrate i know you are full stop i didn't influence you being a magistrate i only know simple the four knowledge of god is that god knows he didn't influence the choice but he knows that you will make that choice do you understand so for knowledge doesn't mean god is the initiator for knowledge means god as god sat out of time projected into time and went beyond time and saw everything and crossed his leg and took a cup of coffee if he takes coffee if he does if he doesn't take it i take it for him because we and him are one spirit he just took his cup of coffee and smiled and then he is waiting to see how events will unfold he's not the initiator he's just knowledge it's just knowledge he just saw somebody say well if god loves man why can't he prevent somebody why will he prevent it just like he's not the initiator he can be the presenter if he prevents it it means he has a hand in initiating so since he has no hand in initiating he has no hand in preventing but ahead of time he forewarns you of the consequences of certain choices you will make so that when you are making them you are making them knowingly and deliberately so live with the outcome of your choice hey it's simple let me explain a wife that will beat you a wife why are you saying errol it's not you i say you not you not you you a wife that will beat you when you are choosing god is watching but god will not say don't if you even say father i need a financial miracle fear is his love then you now marry her but god has seen the first beating before the marriage but he will influence it why won't he influence it because he does not influence human choice why because we are not robots he gave us freedom to choose and he will not interfere with the choice so what he does is ahead of time he told you that when you want to marry anybody that is giving to anger don't make him your friend anybody that drinks alcohol and forgets his house address don't make him your friend anybody that fornicates around don't make him your friend he gives you certain things that you should take note of before you marry because what will make a woman bitter husband is anger when the anger is too much their hand will be moving without control when the anger has come down their hand will cool down the mouth to start apologizing i'm sorry mommy or daddy i didn't know i didn't know i beat you like this please sorry i beg don't leave me they say okay you are forgiven but who is carrying the pain he warned you ahead of time thank you jesus can you see the love of god now stay with me so what condition did he make man first of all he placed a limit on man what limit to look for him there's a limit he placed a limit on man to look for him but when man goes off that limit he looks for something else once you go off that limit you look for something else so at the end of the day there's a limit in creation to look for god there's a limit all of humanity looks for god all of it then he says he is not far so a man just by looking will find god even without the message just by looking that's why you will hear a man that does not know john 3 16. you hear him saying god is good you know you will see a man that doesn't go to church he's not he doesn't care about god something happens in his life you say i'm coming for thanksgiving praise the god the man knows that there must be god somewhere to have done what was done satan cannot do it only god so praise the god haven't you seen such people praise the god the god who did whatever has been done praise the god i don't know him but i know there must be god somewhere around he makes himself available he makes himself real what is god's habitation how did he make man he put a limit so within that limit man can find god on his own most people will tell you nobody preached to me i just woke up one morning and asked god to come into my heart i went and bought a bible and started coming to church have you had people like that god has made provisions for people to find him on their own in case a preacher is too lazy to get to them that is the extent of god's generosity and love you will hear some people say i had a dream and in the dream god appeared to me and said my son carry your bible on sunday be in that church and he came had the message answered the altar call he's on fire that man will find him that man will find him that man will find him that is god's habitation that is the way god designed it to function now look at that verse 27 of acts 17 that they should seek the lord if happily they might feel after him and find him though he be not far from every one of us 28. for in him we live and move and have our being a certain also if your own poets have said for we are also his offspring that scripture is not for preaching christ why did he use that scripture in context look at verse 25 neither is worshipped with men's hands as though he needed anything seeing he give it to all life and breath and all things he give that to all so that's what he's in that context since he give it to all so we live in him means we live within his prohibitions all of humanity everybody not just believers he is giving us life bread and all things why does he give us life breaths and all things why setting us up to find him is his goodness that leads us exactly so all of his goodness is to what intent to find him have you seen somebody who said god the next time i smoke cigar let me die then he will smoke three packets and say god i'm sorry i know the last time i see the next time please don't kill me you here then you will take another packet and even with that medical doctors will find out that he doesn't have any disease god god is creating goodness in romancing this man to find him have you had some people say father this is number fourth fornication the next time i do one give me hiv then he will now do one and say father please please father i spoke like a stupid person i'm sorry i thought i would not but i have done and nothing will happen god's goodness working on walking everywhere just god just i love man so much i will let go i won't give up on you my goodness my goodness my all over sometimes a man becomes overwhelmed with god's goodness he breaks down by himself and begins to cry why are you crying now i'm too bad to have this kind of life have you had people like that yeah because that's the way god functions that's the way he functions that's why our gospel must represent his goodness our gospel must what it must represent the goodness of god we can be found preaching a contrary message even nature will help you find god evil science will help you find god science chemistry physics biology technology all of them will help you find god they will help you in seeking verse 29 for as much then as we are the offspring of god we ought not to think that the godhead is like onto gold or silver or stone graven by art and man's divine once you start thinking like that i either worship comes in somebody carries a bottle and says this anointing oil is god in a bottle that's i don't worship how can god live in objects how oil how can olive oil be good in a bottle olive oil is oil for frying chicken the good one the other ones can be poison what kind of god are you serving that a bottle can contain he said even buildings cannot contain him so is he portugal of oil that will continue that's where idol worship comes from after a while you can't travel until you carry oil it has become talisman or you carry a handkerchief you say mantle man mangua man and tool is actually a man and too or you go to israel and bring water from your vagina you call it holy he's holy indeed because it took you travelling to bring it he must be holy holy for you god's holiness is not water god's holiness is a person his name is jesus and he lives inside here hallelujah yeah and because jesus the most holy lives inside you his presence in you makes you holy holy brethren partakers of the heavenly calling where are my holy brothers in this building glory glory glory glory but he does sanctified and them that are sanctified are all of one for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren lift your right hand shall jesus my brother i worship you thank you for making me your dwelling place thank you for finding me fit to house you now talk to your neighbor and say hey i house god tell us somebody say hey the next time you are looking for god's residence don't look too far i am his residence i am his presidential address he lives in me glory [Applause] if you seek him you'll find him but i have news for you we have found him hallelujah we have found him of whom moses in the law and the prophets did right who is him jesus of nazareth the son of joseph we have found him he that has the son has life we have found him here we have found the revelation of god what did i say we have found we have found the revelation of god where is the revelation of god in a person what is his name jesus reveals god to man you cannot know god outside jesus christ jesus is the revelation the unveiling is the express image he's the image of the invisible when you look for god is invisible when you look at jesus jesus gives visibility to the invisible kabaya jesus is the face of god like about shut up when you look at jesus you are seeing god i am my father he said i came from my father he said i live by my father and my father lives in me listen you can never know god outside christ no man commit to the father jesus is the exclusive custodian of god and he alone can unveil he alone let me ask you a question did jesus heal the sick did they raise the dead did they cast out demons didn't turn water to wine of all of that none of that means anything what meant anything to jesus was that he revealed god all those miracles don't mean anything to him do you know that kabataka when you drop this body you will need a car you will need a house and you will not need money that's why if our hope is only in this world we are of all men pastor praise all this pursuit that people are chasing after money house things people are selling their legs selling their wives using their children for sacrifice to buy homage buy pajero buy prado buy lincoln navigator buy toyota toyota messi mercedes bentley bentley bentley lamborghini he carries his leg and gave them to keep it on the sacrifice altar so that he cannot move his leg again but he has a bentley when this body drops you don't need any of those things it is after this body drops you will find out that the only thing we have as christians are things of the spirit the only thing we have are things pneumaticus things of the spirit that's why our blessings are spiritual they are spiritual he has blessed us with spiritual that is all we can brag about that's all we have the life of god the life of god that's all we have that's all we can brag about real life is not 70 years real life is 920 real life is eternal life eternal life eternal life hey eternal life no life can compare to eternal life let me tell you friends that's all we have now you won't understand the import of this statement till this your body stops functioning and if jesus studies whether you like it or not one of these days your body will drop because this mortality is not designed to live forever it must drop and when it drops the only thing you are left with is what you have in christ adopted accepted righteous holy justified glorified in christ in christ in christ as your amen will come like tonight i command the revelation of jesus to increase in your heart increasing your heart increase in your heart you are strengthened with might by the spirit in the name of jesus grow in grace grow in knowledge in the name of jesus [Music] and i declare the word of god the influence of god's word increases being on your inside until nothing else matters in the name of jesus every yoke of sickness and disease is broken right now your bodies are healed totally set free in the name of jesus and i command every fear every reasoning every imagination that contradicts the purpose of god in your life broken in the name of jesus we cast them down and i command the spirit of sonship on your inside to rise big and cause you to work in your authority your full authority your full authority your full authority in the name of jesus we trust that you have been blessed by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel domino please call plus two three four eight zero six eight zero zero nine nine three nine or email power city office at [Music] i'd like to welcome you formally by the way my name is michael bush i'm your anchor i've been very excited doing this global show and excites me even more to welcome papa dr edel damina mr bush good to have you here today my goodness so nice to have you thank you we need to get down okay so welcome to the show i especially liked the entire setup now i do too and um so i'm papa i wish to remain anonymous i'm writing from the uk thank you sir for allowing god to use you in opening our eyes to god's word i really appreciate you papa here are my questions number one you've always explained that the word scripture in the bible refers to the old testament books what's the scripture of truth that daniel refers to in daniel 10 21 since daniel is part of the old testament well again it's the same thing he's just talking about the canon you know scripture scripture is not just a particular word for new testament it's also been the word used in old testament time so he was making reference to the same thing okay so a second question uh that's still from the anonymous guy in the uk number two in 2004-2005 i used to attend power city while i was studying at the university of ui remember you always invite and introduce papaya as your spiritual father now that your message is kind of different from his is he still your spiritual father how's your relationship now with him well we relate we relate as believers we relate as people that are saved by christ okay so and finally so i asked the both questions because i'm close to some men of god who call me their spiritual son i don't know how to tell them that i'm not since i do not agree with 60 of their teachings and doctrines thank you sir well if somebody keeps calling you a son one day you have to put the record straight one you have to look at him in the face and tell him excuse me sir with all due respect you're not my spiritual father but i acknowledge you as an elder in the body of christ but you're not my father i have a father and i know my father you know i had that experience one man of god was always calling me son one day i said excuse me when i got born again you have not been born again why are you calling me son i started ministry before you please stop that don't if he's a joke don't try it again that was the end he never wasn't because of his natural age maybe maybe because he you know he was older than me but when i got saved and i started preaching he was still drinking alcohol and out of the faith i was there when he got born again so some people just feel good calling people son but it's your responsibility to put the record straight okay i don't know i think that um this paper this piece of paper papa is the anonymous paper because the two questions that come in from there are both anonymous this one says good morning papa good afternoon papa i would like to remain anonymous thank you for being a great teacher and a father to my family please i write this message with this message with pain and regrets in my heart as a single mother of five my first son has been giving me trouble since he was little and now he's 28 i've always been praying for him but every time he gets worse with his activities of stealing from people outside and even his younger ones i've tried as a mother to get in good jobs but after one or two months on the job he will run away with people's money and come back home like a prodigal son but i was forgiving as a mother today before we woke up in the house of anywhere with my car he ran away in my car you can see with my car will see him i see the car behind myself with his pocket it only went in my car and even locked up us up in the house and ran away with the house key but thank god my neighbor was able to help him opening the door papa please i need you and my fellow sons to pray for him to walk in that consciousness of what christ has done for him and also pray that he returns my car what's the name no name i don't know why he should have given us the name oh we can speak to him directly but whatever the case is in the name of jesus we stand in faith with you and we ask that the glorious light of christ will reach your son that circumstances be arranged to arrest him and bring him back home and in the name of jesus we demand that he will not be able to take that car beyond where he is now he returns the keys to you and we decree that by the power of the holy spirit every hold of darkness over him is broken and the light of christ reaches him in jesus name papa let's go to south africa next i have this one from business who's writing from south africa and says i agree to you in the name of jesus thank you for what you're doing in the body of christ and this is kabuka what does that mean well i don't know what it means but maybe you have the interpreter so he says question who created satan why was jesus tempted after the 40 days and nights of fasting who did moses want to see in exodus 33 18 show me thy glory and what there was that bad part that moses saw what you know i think it's asking the the back yeah about what yeah and then my last question is who was moses talking to face to face in exodus 33 11. okay now the questions are running let me start one by one well satan is not created by god satan was a creation of transgression rebellion of adam so the fall of adam was the rise of satan you could say in some sense it was man that literally yes in some sense we can say it's man okay so why was jesus tempted after the 40 days the night so fast well again that temptation like i've always said both matthew and luke account was a summary of all the temptations it was not one temptation it was a summary theologians call it the pride of life the loss of the flesh and the loss of the eyes which represents all the areas in which jesus was tempted but the narrator wrote it like one event but it's actually a summary okay papa let's move around he says why did moses want to see or who did moses want to see in exodus 33 18. moses was like glory he wanted to see the incarnation he wanted to see the visible appearance of christ and god told him no it is not time it's not the time for you to see that so you will not see that because when you see that you will live forever you will leave there's a way it's written it looks like when you see you will not leave but actually is that when you see you will leave but the time is not now but you will see the back part which is types and shadows okay so that's done another question so my last question is who was moses talking to face to face in exodus 33 11. in exodus 3 11 moses was actually talking with god in a medium not face to face nobody saw the face of god until the incarnation okay papa let's move around i'm still going to go to some other country some other parts of south africa but let's go to leicester let's say to karabul in kanye writes from the city since my family and i are grateful for the work you're doing in the body of christ indeed satan shall never molest the sense anymore due to the work you're doing sins are becoming more enlightened by your teachings once again thank you my question is on first peter chapter 3 verse 19. please proper clarify for us this verse the verse gives an impression that christ within three days went to preach to the spirits which were in prison however you have several times mentioned that preaching was done in times of noah please papa give more clarity thank you yeah because christ didn't preach to anybody if christ will preach to anybody it will not be it will not be in death because if christ did that when he died then it means there will still be preaching going on for people that die because god does not do select selective partiality or is not passion so christ didn't preach he didn't go to hell to preach he went to hell to pay for sin and rules from the dead so it was a mode of writing that made it look like that actually it was a spirit of christ in noah the spirit of christ in noah that preached to the people of his day and when they didn't receive the gospel when christ died and went to hell those people were in hell because they rejected the gospel okay papa from le certo to zambia and um sir my name is nancy from lusaka zambia i have the question which i want to know is it okay to ask anything in prayer to god as matthew 7 7 says i really want to understand this part of scripture and thank you so much my life has changed from this time i started following your same on some teachings thank you sir well you can ask god anything as it is within the confines of his character not just anything but the things that are within the confines of god's character in christ god's character you can't ask for what is not in his character it has to be within his character and to know his character you must know christ when you know christ you know exactly the things to receive and to ask by faith papastath from zambia writes um tristan vape he says if only everyone on earth could teach the word of god to that level of truth christianity would be everywhere on earth soon my desire is to come to nigeria next year to be equipped and by all the types of books you have you said adam rejected the truth which is the gospel then what was sin which adam accepted please explain that to me well the rejection of the gospel is the sin because when you reject the gospel you reject christ when you reject christ you reject life the absence of life is death is sin is darkness still from zambia this time from chizamba district writes uh john wanza says papa and mr bush may god richly bless you ever more for your labor in the word of god i thank god for you papa and your labor and interpreting the word of god with terrorist and consistency which has brought to me so much light that i now feel being a christian is something i should be proud of i used to feel christianity was a liability because of ever-changing meanings of god's character preached by religious hypocrites that is word and greedy and wicked pastors all right your messages are so uplifting and now i know who i am in christ but i have five questions that i need understanding in the case of king saul and america like the amalekites i think so in first samuel 15 14 to 27 who sent saul to kill the amalekites and they are they are malachites that's what it should be and their king if it wasn't god according to prophet samuel's message to saul well again you must remember that the only thing in the old testament that was authentically god was a message of his sufferings and the glory that will follow every other thing was within the confines of human activity so when someone told them to go and destroy the amalekites again remember those prophets those prophets even though they prophesied they were not born again they didn't understand god's character so it's like a country going to war or a country going to war with another country and sometimes you know even today sometimes you hear men of god advising a president to go with his country to war and then the president can a reporter can say it was god that asked that country to go to war because it came from a man of god and it is not god at all god does not take delight in the death of man that is why in the new testament you find out that god delivered his people without killing anybody god could have delivered them without having to kill all the americans remember the will of god is not that any social perish but at all should come to repentance that should explain to you you know that it was within the activities of men even though it was you know it was attributed to god there are many things like that that were attributed to god in the old testament that was not god again if you remember the teaching of today the only thing that is of god in the old testament is the word the message of christ the sufferings and the glory that will follow still from john wamza in chizamba district of zambia question number two what would you say about the person who sent who sent prophet god with the message of fled to david in second samuel 2412-15 after david had counted israel's army well again remember it was satan it wasn't god it was satan because if you read very well and read chronicles you'll find that it was satan in um philippians 2 9 to 11 at the name of jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that jesus is lord whose knee and tongue to bow and confess believe us only or everybody's and when will this be it's a figure of speech it just simply means that by virtue of what jesus has done anyone who believes the gospel and anyone who hears the gospel will bow to the to the redemptive sacrifice of christ and demons and devils will also bow so it's a figure of speech it's not tongue literally and it's not nearly trial his question number four can speaking in tongues be taught no it cannot be taught but believers can be taught believers can be taught how to receive what the holy ghost what god has given to them in the spirit they can be taught their rights and then they can receive by themselves okay the last question from john wanza in samba district of zambia is what would you say was the purpose of samson's power if not to kill israel's enemies in defending them god bless you papa and mr bush well again remember physical countries develop their army they develop their defense so that when there is war they can protect their country that doesn't mean it is god it just simply means that every country and every nation has a responsibility to protect its territorial integrity so it's within the activities of men two more takes from zambia and then we move on to other parts of the continent greetings mr bush and dr damina this is kennedy law from zambia my question is if the law was given to man moses as immediate of our angels as ordained then who gave the angels the permit to proceed with action they took wasn't it god no it was moses remember angels were created to serve man and since moses was in charge then he engaged the angels to walk with him in carrying out the laws papa and mr bush you're doing good job for the body of christ globally yes papa i'm looking forward to getting more material but just comment on 666. this comes from leonard besser from p2x zambia 666 was a figurative communication on a doctrine that denies the humanity or the deity of christ okay um and something anonymous i don't know why people say anonymous entrance but papa thank you so much for all that you are laboring may god continue to open the eyes of your understanding of this word for the perfection of the sense papa i want you to help us on the challenge to see today's christians a believer in politics but i think you talked about this yesterday it's just been repeated can you just talk about what you the expectations as a believer when you're in politics as a believer in politics you play politics according to the rules of politics a believer in business you do business according to the rules of business okay and another anonymous entry says um to a lovely father you're a great blessing to a generation please papa explain matthew 8 21-22 and luke 9 59-60 bless you it simply means that the family that have the dead body are responsible for the burial of their dead person that's all it needs okay and the second one is luke 9 59 to 16. and he said unto him follow me but he said lord son hold me first to go and bury my father next verse jesus said and let the dead bury their dead but go down and preach the kingdom of god same thing he was saying that you must never allow the burial of the dead you know replace the preaching of the gospel because you know there are some cultures where people worship their bodies they literally worship the dead when somebody dies they stop everything and just worship that dead body so jesus taught against if we don't worship the dead when people die we honor them we bury them but we don't let the dead body or the burial get in the way of the living okay from zambia quickly quickly let's go to uganda in east africa alban sunko from kampala uganda greetings our dear daddy we love you and follow your teaching so so much we have been blessed a great deal glory in papa's voice i used to have many questions when i started listening to you i ever somehow somehow i always find the answers while listening to you teach this time i'm asking on behalf of our group papa which language shall we use in heaven is it tongues seeing that when we speak in them we utter ministries by the spirit also jesus body was visible in our physical reign and yet now also he's living with it in the immaterial realm in heaven and he supports us with better understanding of how it all works well first of all when we when we drop mortality tongues will no more be like tongues that we will now it will not be our natural language because there will no more be limitation in understanding secondly jesus in the is in the immaterial but the immaterial is such that the immaterial is such that when jesus rose from the dead his material body was visible on earth and at the same time immaterial that is why he could walk through walls that's why he could enter a room without window and door because of the lack of limitation of that body that body has no limitation at all it can function both immaterially and materially but it is an immaterial body okay from uganda let's fly to the republic of kangaroo limbae specifically by the way cameron is in central africa is on the crossroads between west and central africa so greetings to you papadamina the apostle paul in miniature i'm aki n samwell from limbe cameroon please papa what was jesus implying when he made this statement in matthew chapter 15 verse 24 doesn't mean he came only for the lordship of the house of israel what about those of us who weren't part of the commonwealth of israel you did not come for us also all right so when jesus said he was sent to the lordship of the house of israel what he was simply saying is he brought the gospel he came himself to the jewish people and the jewish people did not receive him all right so that's what he simply meant because god's plan was to use israel as a pattern for the whole world but israel did not receive him so that purpose ended there then he now opened the gospel to whosoever because he would have used israel as a pattern to attract the nations of the world but israel did not accept it that's what it simply means okay coming closer home a papa thank you for the great work my name is apostle isaac nguyen from ghana please papa i need more explanation on matthew chapter 6 verse 13. he talks about anointing oil okay matthew chapter 6 verse and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from all from evil for dying is the kingdom the power and the glory forever amen he's just talking about part of the prayer the lord's prayer he wasn't talking about oil there is talking about the lost prayer yes we also want some understanding on anointing oil okay there's a way that scripture ought to be written in the original it is you lead us not into temptation but you deliver us from evil that's what that's the way it reads and that changes the whole meaning for dying is the kingdom the power you lead us not god does not lead us into temptation god delivers us from evil all right so that's the way to read and it was like acknowledging or appreciating what god does to us that's the way the prayer was written now anointing oil i don't know why people are having issues with anointing oil first of all olive oil has manufactured it has expired it it cannot have eternal purpose in the old testament it was symbolic it was symbolic of the holy spirit in the new testament it is not used at all except james and who did james write to he wrote to the jews what was the tell us of the book of james to the jewish audience if any is sick among you let him call for elders let them anoint him with oil for the sick for the sick and the prayer of faith shall heal the healing is by the prayer not the oil which means the oil was just cultural in the new testament the anointing is a person his name is jesus he lives on the inside of the believer first john chapter 2 verse 20 first john chapter 2 verse 27 you have an unction from the holy one you know all things then 27 he explains in the post text but the anointing which you have received abides in you you already carried the anointing in the passing of the holy ghost you don't need a bottle of oil finally we are in lagos nigeria papa my name is victor i'm in lagos i want to say very big thank you for your labor in bringing light to understanding and also well done to mr bush for the good job please papa my questions is it wrong number one for a believer to own a bar a pub a nightclub all right now it depends on what your definition of the bar the pub and the nightclub is because again you can have a nightclub where people come and just where couples come and chill out at night it depends on what your definition is all right so that your definition will determine what answer i give to you however is it right for a believer to own a bar where people come to drink get drunk naked themselves and abuse themselves or appear funny you are a believer what is not good for you is not good for your neighbor you are a believer what is not good for you it's not good for your neighbor you love people the way christ has loved you christ will not give you what you will take and become a fool of yourself so don't give it to other people that's just my answer to that question papa i don't know not to preempt things but i think that um victor in lagos can also preempt he can glean the answer to his next question from what he just answered and is that he says is it wrong for a believer to visit those places you should know the answer yeah you should no no you should know the answer okay but if it's a couple night club where couples can come chill out take some drinks and listen to music and just while away time there's nothing wrong with that but when it goes beyond you know when it goes beyond that into other things that are not convenient a believer shouldn't be found here i told you a moment ago the rain will see it's um almost disappearing now so in two minutes we'll take your calls i'll be running calls today for all of ten minutes on his at the stage and so he have a huge opportunity to answer okay victor is still on the line purpose is it wrong papa for a believer to buy tobacco that's cigarette and alcohol during marriage or rather give them the money to buy themselves because it doesn't take them and don't does not want to be in bondage well when you go for marriage and they give you that long list with all the tobacco and alcohol and everything by the time you're going for the lease your in-laws should have known that you are a believer they should have known your stand before you even came and if they give you that kind of list you just remind them you know by virtue of my belief and my christianity i can't provide this however i will give you people monetary value if you like you can do it for yourselves so that's the position papa victor went ahead he knew that he would give that answer so he has a final question papa what if the culture demands that you buy them by yourself well if the culture demands it has no marriage you have to insist your wife has to do her homework your wife has to insist and administer to her parents in clear terms if you people try this thing that culture is not man is not made for that culture that culture is made for man your wife has to do homework with her parents if your wife does her homework well that you know there will be an exemption in your kids for example when i went to marry my own wife the people you know my in-laws insisted that i must bring for them bushmeat so my father-in-law having known my position and loved me told them the man is a pastor he's not a hunter so remove that from the list they already know who i was and because of our interpersonal relationship he protected my interest and it was waived for me so again that's when you relate with in-laws especially when you're planning to get married you must relate in a way where you're able to build such trust and such in you know such closeness with your in-laws so that when it comes to such bottlenecks they can wave things for you they can take the fire for you and protect your interest it's so important don't just see a girl on the road and start running build some relationship it's very important in in marriage yeah okay papa there's an accusation coming in here and i'd like to read the text as i see it says papa and mr bush may you please pray for my sister she's been sending smss we never had them on the platform she's born again she follows the teachings pop up so if you're not born again you don't follow the teachings we don't read your sms on this show okay so according to the word of god she's not demon possessed and it's possible she can be oppressed because suppression is from outside but this particular one has been coming in and going over now and then for more than a year according to john 10 10 it's just the devil that is after our life i think what we just do whether the sms comes here yes we should pray for her we take authority over that's that oppression we take authority over that oppression you oppressing spirit and influence be broken over the life of that that particular child of god and satan get your hands up and we believe god for a miracle a healing and a restoration in jesus name amen okay papa from lagos let's run to abuja nigeria thanks so much papadamina for affording us this opportunity to have our questions answered and doubts cleared on things regarding the scriptures and our spiritual growth i love you so much more for this sir i have two questions paper is there punishment for so-called men of god who propound false doctrines and another jesus misleading and making fools of innocent individuals who seek christ in their institutions and by extension given believers stunted view of christianity as a religion would they go to hell if they continued in such doctrine well they died well brother paul says i have laid the foundation but let every man take it how he builds upon if you follow brother paul in hebrews chapter 9 brother paul says i put my body under that after preaching to others i will not be accustomed cast away here means disqualified for reward so if a man is preaching wrong doctrine his works will surely be bond you know and he will suffer loss if he's born again you know if he's born again he will suffer loss that would mean that it was like he never did ministry at all for preaching the wrong thing that question came from atunuku atinuke nukeo in abuja and the second one to just round off that entry is one of those who are born again but don't have the full knowledge of christ and they preach only experiences to believers who are under them what we are disciplined for not putting forward the message of christ and fulfilling their responsibility of growing the body of christ the same thing if you are not preaching christ you will not be rewarded by christ you will be rewarded by what you are preaching if a preacher is busy preaching business and when we arrive in heaven business will reward him if he's preaching politics when we arrive politics will reward him the only people that jesus will reward are those who preach him so that's why it's critical for a preacher to stay within the confines of the gospel which is the message of christ experience is not the gospel brother paul says when we came among you we desire to know nothing save christ and him crucified so we stay with the gospel of christ okay and this one writes from you says my name is mrs bassey papa i love to say say working bible papa yeah it says your teaching has really taught me clarity god bless you sir i'm mrs bassey from you my question is from your teaching two days ago you said that jesus went to hell after he died but in luke 23 43 and jesus said unto them verily unto you today shall thou be with me in paradise please sir what does jesus mean when he said shalt thou be with me in paradise well thou shalt be with me in paradise simply means on my way to hell i will drop you in paradise remember paradise and hell had just one goal fixed the story of the rich man allows us jesus told he said the rich man in hell lazarus in abraham's bosom in paradise and they were communicating but the demarcation was just the goal fixed so jesus was just saying to this guy who believed i will drop you where the saints are while i proceed to hell to pay the price and on the resurrection they all rose together okay still in rivers still any moment now but right now here i have my first call hello is not the more from port international okay it has been a wonderful friendly wonderful teaching actually people say that that this is like the best of um pieces of glory so far that we have ever had in terms of interaction term of questions and answers and the rest of the things i hope to tell you thank you very much and about in the interactions someone was like i'm getting really need an explanation on dreams thank god talks to someone on dream like what of the case of peter the flex paper i want to just throw more likes on that so that can't be that beside that but we are very grateful and we are very happy they like to shine you know football right better thanks very much thank you lord dave so nice to hear from you people in october well dreams and visions are not the primary fundamental way god speaks god's fundamental primary safeway safe fundamental way god speaks is his word his word his word however god also by the gifts of the spirit could speak in dreams which is what we call the word of wisdom or the word of knowledge but every dream and vision may be subjected to the scrutiny of god's word if you seek a humphrey nor cricket river state papa thank you so much you are indeed a blessing to our world can someone be born again and doesn't have the holy spirit like in us 1902 no the people in acts 19 2 were not born again they were baptized with water baptism of john they were not born again that is why we keep telling water baptism is useless to the man that is in christ totally useless you can't get into water and be born again you are just doing swimming exercise real real salvation is faith in christ so those people in acts chapter 19 you know when brother paul met them he said have you received the holy ghost since you believe then they said to brother paul we have never even heard if there's anything like holy ghost then brother paul said ah into what were you baptized they say baptism of john baptism of john so he now preached the gospel to them and they now got born again that born again was that they were baptized that baptism there is no water that baptism was that they received christ and paul lay downs on them and they spoke in tongues that's what happened okay you there hello i'm emmanuel from our father's church okay yes i want to ask if it is good for a man to play football and play with my guy way of making money okay coupon and bet niger well you see it's like saying is it good for a man to wear white shirt or blue shirt to come to church that's what you're asking me it doesn't affect anything spiritual and it doesn't affect anything moral you're not stealing you're just trying your luck however as a believer you shouldn't leave by playing bet niger because those are not reliable ways of making money if you want to play that as a hobby all right but you should also be ready for the consequences that come along with it that's just my answer papa it's not my business to say so but i think that's a very fantastic answer thank you that's very unpretentious and that's real you know papers i said yesterday i think christians more and more christians should listen to you you know they should watch you they should i mean because it looks like we're only the lie we want to do differently lights are off yeah i want to do another thing with the lights on but if you're just saying be you be yourself yeah another caller hello are you there yes thank you for joining us your name where you calling from yes go ahead well this is the most awesome i want to present the president of the death in life righteousness so what was that because that's actually what constructed people say they have baptism okay okay remember the water baptism was actually john's way of identifying jesus that is why jesus said suffer it so to be that all righteousness be fulfilled but i think mr bush i should take a few minutes and really nail this baptism thing so we can be free from those questions john chapter 1 verse 29 we're going to read a few verses the next day john seared jesus coming unto him and saith behold the lamb of god which taketh away the sin of the world next verse this is he of whom i said after me commit a man which is preferred before me for he was before me next verse john is talking now and i knew him not john is saying i didn't know him but that he should be made manifest to israel so that israel can know him therefore am i come baptizing with water so the purpose for the water baptism was for john to identify jesus that's the whole purpose for john to identify jesus and when jesus showed up john was trying to stop jesus jesus said no suffer it so to be that all righteousness be fulfilled meaning let me be baptized so that you too can have evidence that i am the one because it is in the baptism that the spirit will descend like a dove and it is in that baptism that you will hear the voice so let's go all the way so jesus was baptized and jesus came out of the water and john for sure knew that this is jesus but remember john now said to them i john i baptize you with water but the mightier than i is coming his shoes i'm not worried to lose he will not use water he will baptize you with the holy ghost john is gone his ministry has finished which means water has gone it is now jesus's ministry jesus does not use water jesus uses the holy ghost so the fulfillment of the righteousness now was for john to experience that encounter that confirms to john that this is jesus so that he can show him to israel boldly and confidently that's what it meant okay let's just go back to river state and round off yeah another caller just in time hello are you there go ahead please i'm calling from atlanta georgia okay thank you pastor and belle thank you mr i just wanted to take clarity on the book of uh first corinthians chapter three from this one and two we're all saying that um i i was feeding you guys with milk then yes you are not able to create okay all right thank you for calling okay and the smartphone that call from atlanta is the last that we'll take today we have just six minutes to round up this edition of the program so when brother paul said he was feeding them with milk remember uh peter says as newborn beets desire the sincere milk he was talking about i've been teaching you the fundamentals but you're not even able to bear the fundamentals because remember in that corinthians he said to them i couldn't speak to you as unto spiritual but as onto canal even as unto beings in christ i have fed you with milk but you can't even handle the basics that i'm feeding you because among you you are still exhibiting symptoms of canality that is you're not even understanding basic things in christianity otherwise there will be no division but when all of you are beginning to fight among yourselves some say i'm apollos some say i'm for paul and all that he said you're a canal you have not even understood that in the kingdom it's not about divisions and competition so what paul was dealing with there as milk is the fundamentals you know fundamentals you're born of god working love all of those fundamentals they couldn't handle it so based on that brother paul now began to deal with issues in current using using uh paribus paribus because they couldn't handle spiritual communication so that is why in the book of corinthians the entire chap the entire book he kept dealing with issues beginning with the brother who took his father's wife you know he dealt with that case and then he dealt with other issues like the covering of head and all that and then he came to cambodia very branded passover which we call the communion all of those were brother paul's way of using parables to explain spiritual realities to the people in current since they couldn't handle spiritual communication papa just um three minutes to sign off and then i have three questions i'm trying to see how we squeeze them in pastor ij correct my producer who has a special capacity to just hear everything even the ones that you and i doing here have said that that question from that lady in abuja was actually the difference between saturn and lucifer okay lucifer is not seen and lucifer is actually like i said it means sun of the morning it's actually a name actually used for jesus but we don't want to say that because we don't have much in the scripture to back it up so satan means the evil one that is more appropriate for satan and like i said satan has never been called lucifer it's just the way the narration was in the old testament in the new testament we see that jesus is the morning star and that's the meaning of the word lucifer but we don't want people to take this out of context so that's why we are not too loud on it because the scriptures are not too loud on it we just leave it there today having seen the truth by revelation through you i'm being talked preaching hearsay how would my general vasia not disown me thinks he is a combination of law and grace currently with all my humility of sharing these truths with colleagues they humanly stand against me what do you say to somebody like that oh yeah preaching yes since you have already come out and they now know what you preach you have to prayerfully begin to look for how to you know withdraw and eventually look for a church where the truth is preached and if there's none in your area you may need to send us a mail so that we can be able to walk with you and help you start a campus where other people who are seeking for the truth of the gospel can come with you and study the world he goes on number question number six i think there is deliverance the madman of gadarin was delivered by jesus i feel you we could be preaching of uh teaching and as usual with the power of the holy spirit and the demon possessed person scream possibly tortured by the demons to make its house rolling on the floor just as one was piercing himself before jesus just what you did now is in see jesus you have corrupted the bible you have twisted the bible to say what you think because the word deliverance is the word ephesus ephesus means moving from darkness to light there's a difference between deliverance and casting out devils what you described as deliverance is casting out devils jesus considered devils from the madman of gaddara but that's why jesus will now say when an unclean spirit goes out it goes through dry places and if it doesn't find a place it will come back to its own house where it left and if the person is not born again the unclean spirit will go and bring more demons and occupy that is casino devils born again simply means you move from darkness to light no evil spirit can come back because movement means christ has entered and occupied that's why deliverance is born again ephesus but casino demons means to expel demons and you can expel demons and they can come back if the person is not born again they can enter him and make his case worse that's the difference however i recommend for you my book on the complete bible deliverance it will clear all of these concepts for you i'm quite proud for about your work thank you and this uh i'm quite also appreciative i need to say it of this global stage yeah a blessing man thank you full blessing and everybody is celebrating you all over the world you have gained more popularity than me but they're celebrating you more they're celebrating you more oh yeah for me it's for two of us we need to go we need to go yeah we're going everyone in the studios everyone joins me michael bush you know you nigeria to say papa yeah we love you guys enjoy the rest of your day um amen nigeria glory [Music] this is kingdom life network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 2,883
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Y0dz1BAy6hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 30sec (6810 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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