Life As God Has It

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[Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're on god is good amen who's glad to be in the house of god this morning come on who's glad to be in the house of god this morning amen that's what we like to hear it is a good thing to be in the house of god amen let's just have been prayer welcome by the way everyone welcome to the house of god welcome to family fellowship wholeness soundless this is opening prayer father we do give you thanks and praise this morning we thank you for your grace we thank you for your mercy we thank you for your compassion we thank you father for divine healing divine health father we thank you for sound minds and healthy bodies but father most of all we thank you for you being our god being our el shaddai the god who's more than enough because father truly you are more than enough and father we give you thanks for this service because in this service father you'll show yourself to be el shaddai the god who is more than enough more than enough for anything the enemy can possibly throw at us you are more than enough so we give you thanks this morning father for your presence here we thank you for your word that's going to come through pastor chris we thank you father that is coming through the throne of grace with compassion and mercy on every word with strength and power in every word father a word is going to cause us to spring up and grow like never before so we give you thanks father father we give you thanks for every single person here and watching by youtube and those who are thinking about watching by youtube we ask you to bless them cause them to prosper in everything they put their hands to because father you are you are el shadow the god who's more than enough you know father i can't stop saying that you are el shadow the god who's more than enough and you are more than enough for each one of us for every situation for any situation father we give you thanks we worship you we honor you we praise you the words on our lips are going to praise you this morning as well the band is going to praise you this morning the angels are going to praise you this morning the earth is going to praise you this morning father because you are el shaddai the god who's more than enough so we give you thanks in jesus name amen amen let's stand and praise god this morning [Music] glory to glory [Music] people go [Music] out of control [Music] [Music] is [Music] bye [Music] [Music] secure knowing that god will supply all my needs [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Applause] dada [Music] cuz [Music] stay [Music] tuned we praise you god thank you jesus [Music] thank you lord this morning we choose to be free to live the super abundant life lord that you have promised us we thank you for that freedom for that liberty for that joy this morning lord [Music] no chains are holding me it's who i choose to be [Music] i'm free indeed in christ i'm free and no chains are holding me it's who i choose [Music] are indeed me it's who i choose [Music] [Music] i [Music] choose to be free indeed [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] it's who i no chains are holding me it's i choose to be i choose [Music] i choose to be free [Music] we choose to be free [Music] we choose today to live [Music] we choose [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] for the fire of your holy spirit this morning we need more of you lord we want more of you this morning lord [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] you you're the only one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lord we know you can do it again father you can fill us anew you can come and breathe life on us lord just like you did it before father we know that you can do it again and we trust you for that today just like you did it before lord we are ready for more just like you did it before lord we are telling this morning just like you did it before lord we are ready for more we're ready lord just like you did it before lord we are ready for more today lord we are ready for more lord we are ready for so much more lord we are ready for more today [Music] [Applause] just [Music] just like you did it before lord we are ready for more today lord we are ready for glorious lord lord we are ready [Music] lord we are ready [Music] lord we are [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] wow you may be seated whoa okay morning family hallelujah now in case you've forgotten this is actually super abundant september right good and the foundation for super abundance in christ is faith so the bible reading actually this morning is about faith it gives you examples of men and women in the bible who demonstrated faith and the rewards that went with it so may you be blessed as you listen in jesus name okay and i'm reading from the book of hebrews chapter 11 from verse 1 to 11 and as always the new king james version and it says noun faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by it the elders obtained a good testimony by faith we understand that the words were framed by the word of god so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible by faith abel offered to god a more excellent sacrifice than cain through which he obtained witness that he was righteous god testified of his gifts and through it he being dead still speaks by faith enoch was taken away so he did not see death and was not found because god has taken him for before he was taken he had this testimony that he pleased god but without faith it is impossible to please god for he who comes to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him by faith no being divinely warned of things not yet seen moved with godly fear prepared an act for the saving of his household by which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is according to faith by faith abraham obeyed when he was called to go to a place which he would receive as an inheritance and he went out not knowing where he was going by faith he dwelt in the land of promise as in a foreign country dwelling in tents with isaac and jacob the heirs with him of the same promise for he waited for the city which has foundations whose builder and maker is god by faith sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed and she bore a child when she was past the age because she judged him faithful who had promised amen [Applause] thank you valentine praise god well good morning cornerstone family who's here for the first time just by way of hands show me if you're visiting us for the very first time this morning praise god a couple on the balcony couple in the corner wonderful thank you so much for joining us we're a church that loves the word of god we're a church that stands on the word of god and we're a church that believes the word of god and when we speak it in our lives what comes back a miracle signs and wonders and we love to testify of the lord's goodness i'm going to read your wonderful testimony that we received this week from metro world child and the team if you have a testimony some way shape or form that the lord has touched your life in and through the sermons the messages the prayers that you've received from this ministry please contact the office we want to hear those and we want to testify them for the blessing of the people and to god's glory amen it says this it says dear friends it is with a grateful heart that we are letting you know what an impact you are making in the lives of your sponsored children your continuous support makes it possible for your sponsored children to be part of weekly sunday school program in which they learn how much god loves them he has a plan for their lives they learn bible truths and above all the hope for their future these weekly sunday school programs are highly energetic exciting and fun for the children to attend and often this is their favorite day of the week your support also covers a hot nutritious and generous meal on every school day which is often their only meal for the day for most families this is a huge help as it is a challenge for them to have enough food on a daily basis being able to have this meal also helps your sponsored child to focus better in school which leads to better grades as we gather from the reports of so many head teachers and the school principals because the children receive regular meals they can choose to attend school on a regular basis instead of skipping school in order to find work or beg for food they are now in a safe place on a personal level your sponsorship shows children and their families that they are not alone but valued and treasured by one another this is a life-changing encouragement for many of them thank you for all that you do you truly change the lives of your sponsored children forever greetings from pastor bill wilson and the metro world child team amen children it is now time for you to go to your group's kid zone and crash please follow your leaders out be excellent to them and uh congregation please uh stand again for another wonderful song of worship amen amen we're expecting great things this morning [Music] [Music] thank you jesus [Music] great sexy [Applause] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] things [Music] i'm expecting greatness [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in my home music races [Music] [Music] [Music] my is [Music] praise god turn around to someone and say i'm expecting great things and then you can sit down hallelujah thank you worship team thank you brian blessed be the name of the lord hallelujah samson i want to commend you for your family really i'm looking this young lady here i mean when she worships you worship straight from your heart and you connect with god and god is well pleased with you amen hallelujah wonderful wonderful praise god praise god praise god now when we were away i had gone before the lord and said as always what do you want me to minister on and i was thinking of one sunday that he immediately said no i want you to minister on abundance for the whole month of september and [Music] you know what came to mind was john 10 10 and i i started talking about it last sunday i went into the greek and if you really want my notes you can just email the office and i will send you a link and you can get a copy of those notes it's interesting because when you go to the original greek it it it brings to life a lot of the things that jesus is expressing and wanting us to understand but then i out of the blue got a a text from a dear pastor friend of ours who is in durban in south africa lorraine and i work for him at rhema he's a wonderful man of god even if you're watching we love you be great to see you sometime but he sent me this link and he didn't know that i had ministered on this very subject but this um this pastor and he had a church looked like there were 40 000 in that church but he went straight to the fact that this month is a month of super abundance and that god is going to do incredible things this month so you know when god starts speaking to pastors in all parts of the world about things he actually has a plan amen and i know that today i'll be speaking prophetically but i also need to speak uh in a way that you understand and those watching understand as well because it's knowledge of the truth that sets you free not just the truth you can you can tattoo the truth on your truth on your forehead and it's not going to do anything for you you've got to have knowledge of the truth see that the the battlefield is the mind and and over the last 18 months whatever you know the whole pandemic thing is that the the battles being in people's minds and there's a lot of mental health issues as a result of it uh you know looking at it from a spiritual perspective and also what's happening in churches not just here but all over the world that time has been very stressful and it's affected people but the devil hasn't been asleep so he will you use that situation to to torment people to to uh you know cause them anguish but also to deceive them and deception is his primary tool his primary weapon and of course through deception he can manipulate people because he can control them the book of acts tells us that that jesus came and he went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed under the control that's the greek word there of the devil so he came to do things that to alleviate that control that the devil had he says because god was with him but the devil controls you through deception and the sad thing about deception is that the people deceived don't know it that's the very nature of deception so you will speak to people and they are 100 percent convinced that what they're telling you and what they've seen and what they've examined and you know what they've found and is the truth there's no way because they deceived that's why we have to have an anointed word that is a word that comes from god by the holy spirit that will release that truth with the knowledge that is attached to that truth and the knowledge it's attract attached to all truths is found in god's word amen so through god's word we can tear down strongholds we can you know hold things captive make them obedient to christ but without it deception is rampant and you know i'm talking to people that are committed there are people watching that are still on the fence there are others that we know that have just fallen away there's been a a an apostasy of falling away because of what the devil has done in people's lives during the the covert pandemic the upside is that god will use that to his glory amen because he works all things together for the good of those that love him so that the body of christ isn't going to diminish it's going to increase but the heart of god is to try and save and and and and retain those lost sheep he will go a million miles for one lost sheep because he loves them so i feel it's time for all of us to encourage one another in god's word and let each other know the importance of being part of a body the body of christ amen but being part of the body of christ doesn't mean that you're this sort of roaming sort of satellite ministry that is just caught up in the ether that can go anywhere and no no no being part of the bodies being part of a family first and foremost the family of god and then the family which is the local church this is the year of the local church so that the year where the local church is flourishing so anyone that falls into this deception that it's not important to belong somewhere that you know i can move around as i please i can choose to go where i want i can stay at home and a lot of them have found reasons you will not believe the excuses i've heard from people i mean this is really creative stuff so that they don't come to church not up to me to judge anyone it's up to me to encourage you to be here but if if knowledge of the word is going to set you free here is something from god's word that you cannot deny and this is psalm 92 verse 13 those who are planted in the house of the lord shall flourish in the courts of our god so let's just stop here who plants you you don't plant yourself but according to a lot of christians they plant themselves uh you know i don't like the way the usher spoke to me so i'm gonna find somewhere i'm gonna be giving you you know a weak example but you know people do find reasons and then they'll go and plant themselves somewhere else you can't plant yourself you won't flourish because it says here very clearly shall flourish in the courts of the lord they shall still bear fruit in old age hallelujah glory to god so the the word of the lord is saying very clearly to us that we have to be planted and connected in the house of god and i'm talking about abundance flourishing to to have access to the super abundant life that jesus came to secure for us to give us and and remember this this was his mission jesus said this is what the devil's come for he has come not but to steal to kill and destroy but i have come that they may have life zoe the god kind of life life as god has it that's why he came he didn't come to start a church he didn't come to do all the other things that he did so wonderfully he came with that very purpose that we may have life zoe the god kind of life life as god has it this is what the message is called today life as god has it so jesus came to take the very life that god has and to impart it into us we talk about eternity and romans 6 tells us that the the the gift of god is eternity but then we wait until we go to heaven to experience eternity no no the very substance of eternity is of eternal life zoe is to be experienced here on earth it's not about duration it's about quality what quality of life are you having because jesus came so that the quality of life may be the same as the quality of life that he had when he walked this earth exactly the same oh well pastor chris i don't know about that well i'm so glad you asked again we go to god's word let's look at one john and the opening passage says that which was from the beginning eternal which we have heard which we have seen with our own eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have handled concerning the word of life zoe the life the god kind of life the life as god has it was manifested and we have seen and bear witness and declare to you that eternal life which was with the father was manifest to us the eternal life that was with the father was manifested so we talked about eternal life but yes it was manifest here on earth hello eternal life is manifest if you are born again christian if you receive jesus christ as your lord and savior you have eternal life and it is manifest here now not in eternity what good is it up there you are going to live forever but this substance this this uh uh a very divine substance that that god has which is called zoe has been imparted to you jesus came for that very purpose now to the degree that you accept this truth is the degree to will it it will work in your life this is the month where god is promising to do incredible things super abundant out of the ordinary up and above it sees nature when pastor neil openly prayed he he spoke about el shaddai not our shut eye god never sleeps el shaddai the god that's more than enough that is super abundant that's him that's his nature so god has imparted his very nature but the very substance of god what god is made of is imparted to us as well so we become different creatures all things have passed away behold everything say everything has become new there's the word genos never existed before why has it never existed before because the only way it could get to exist is in god zoe the god kind of life life as god has it that's why jesus could say listen you know i'm going to be with the father i'm going to send you the holy spirit and he will help you to do exactly what i would do if i was present and the things oh i love this the things that i do you will do also and even greater things than these why because zoe has now been distributed life as god has it has now been distributed it's here hallelujah and is it more powerful when we're unified absolutely that's why family is so important one puts a thousand applied two can put ten thousand applied ten thousand two people what about two hundred what about two thousand but you have to be connected you can't be pew warmers you gotta belong satisfy that sense of belonging in god why because we have zoe we have the god kind of life we have the life as god has it hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah that makes us superhuman god takes ordinary people and does extraordinary things but do you believe it is this real to you you know it's just so that's something that sounds really nice and you can give an amen to it but here is the prophetic word that went forth and i just want to share it because i believe this is for this month and we got to go to chronicles uh second chronicles and this is josefat um you know and he he was under threat and there's no way that he could have won this battle on his own so he gets all the families together and they as a family they worship god hallelujah i love that children babes in arms everyone's standing worshiping god and then a word goes forth and this word is that that um that you will not have to fight this battle that was the word that went forth but this is what is for us uh verse 7 chronicle versus uh ii chronicles 20 verse 17 says you will not need to fight in this battle since god's being prophetic to you for this month you will not need to fight in this battle whatever battles you've been fighting listen put them aside because you will not need to fight in this battle it says position yourself stand still and see the salvation of the lord who is with you do not fear or be dismayed tomorrow go out against them for the lord is with you hallelujah and this is what the result is we look at verse 25. then jehoshaphat and his people came to take away the spoils and they found among them an abundance of valuables and the precious jewelry and when they stripped off for themselves more than they could carry away and there were three days gathering the spoils because there was so much i'll get yourself yet get yourself thinking the way god thinks i mean he's not just going to say okay there is a spoil you know put a few things in your pocket and go home no three days they still couldn't get carry all the stuff that's the blessing that is the super abundance we're talking about that's what's going to happen in your life this month that is the life as god has it not a scrimpy little bit i remember rhino bunker always saying that stop looking for god on the rubbish heap because that's what people can't find golden you know second-hand old thrown away stuff no no god owns the catalan of thousand hills all the gold in the mines are his and just think about it what we consider the most valuable precious stuff he adorns these roads in heaven with wow well we don't think like that or if i could only have one pound of gold i said well you can come to heaven but rather you stayed here and fulfilled your mission and take the lid off your imagination see the spoils for you this month aren't scrimpy little you know tiny handouts no god's saying i'll take this on i'll take on your enemies why because the devil is behind all this stuff the devil likes to keep you in bondage if we look at uh this john 10 10 it says this this is about the devil it says that the devil is bent on secretly covertly and violently stealing from god's children he desires to take away completely the blessings you've received by robbing you in a dishonest and violent way satan wants to eradicate everything that you treasure those things you cherish and value highly he's determined to kill all your hopes your dreams and aspirations he would like you to become a spiritual sacrifice for his perverse and wicked practices the devil wants your life to be in total ruin and utterly destroyed he wants you to suffer loss and experience a miserable end he targets everything you put your hand to and he will do this under a cover of deceit and deception using any violent means at his disposal those are from the greek words where it says the devil has come but to steal to kill and destroy that's what it means but then it doesn't end it says jesus said but i have come that they may have life that you may have life zoe the god kind of life life as god has it blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord and this is the super abundant out of the ordinary life that we are meant to live not an average life if your life is average you missed it you need to repent and just say to god you know what i want that life to manifest in my life i believe your promises amen and because i believe your promises they are yes and amen zoe life in and the absolute sense the absolute sense the it's a limitless life we're talking about now the average christian will sit in church and go i don't know why because they're not inspired by the holy spirit receive inspiration motivation raise your eyes hallelujah it's life as god has it that which the father has in himself and that's which he gave to his incarnate son he has given to us this is why jesus came this is what the disciples saw they were looking at life as god has it this is jesus sorry i am the way the truth and the life sorry no one can come to the father except by me for you to experience that life you have to receive the life and let me tell you jesus is happy to give it to you you've got to understand that and accept jesus as the zoe he is the living zoe all of heaven comes to reside in you you don't have to wait to go to heaven heaven has already come to you in the person of jesus christ so let's behold his glory amen because when we talk about zoe life as god has it we can't separate his glory from that if we could see it what we would see is his glory because his glory is who he is amen so when he performs miracles when he heals we see his glory when he prospers you in all matters of life and and pours out blessing that is his glory amen but it is the substance that he's made from zoe i first read this when i became a christian i was reading ew canyon and he was you know this is the the other kind of life this is not the ordinary life this is the life that god has and the more you open yourself up to see it and walk in it and live in it the more you will experience it why because that's faith this is the other kind of life no one has access to it except we as christians so we should be the vessels on this earth that manifest zoe so that others can be blessed signs and wonders shouldn't be reserved for the man of the hour with all the power so when he comes into now jesus sent them all out he didn't wait for [Music] yes i came to him and he would do it but he wanted the 70 and the 12 and the three and the what whoever to do what he did why because he said you know what you've got life my life but one makes it legal for you to operate in that life under that authority his name here's my name that's the legal stamp of approval but also it is the title deed that says who i am the life i have is yours what is the devil afraid of not your christian gibberish not how well you read the bible and how you start it's all that's good what he's afraid of is the reality of this life he knows that if greater is he that is in you so he wow if grady is he that is in you than he that is in the world the will system he doesn't stand a chance he's afraid of zoe so he's what he lost he has no access to it all the things that i read that he wants to do to steal to kill and destroy he cannot do so what does zoe do for you and then we will end the session and god's going to minister to people here today amen he watches over his word to perform it the zoe life of god brings life to us to you and to me and makes that life that we have as divine and as perfect and as complete as god life is it is the same kind of life is the same substance why old things have passed away behold everything has become brand new new new life is god has it zoe enables us to know god and have an intimate relationship with him why for god to have an intimate relationship with you you and him have to be made of the same substance sin humanity flesh cannot come into his presence wow if you stood in the presence of god in the flesh you would die but you can stand in the presence of god with the life that he's given you and have fellowship hallelujah hallelujah he's made that possible scriptures well john 17 verse 3 because of zoe we are able to reflect christ and be transformed into his his likeness the one true light and as his life his light shines spiritual darkness is dispelled john 1 4 1 john 5 verses 11 and 12. so this life that i've been given is light it shines into darkness many of you ever been in a room crowded room and you see some people are like when you walk in because there's activity there and they the the the spirit in them which isn't the spirit of christ sees the light and they get to spell by it but there are others that are like i don't know why but they get drawn to the light like moss hallelujah this is real stuff amen this is the real spiritual life that we should be leading when you partake of god's divine nature you become his vessel of love here on earth you want to turn things around you want to change nations use the most powerful uh what can we call it it's not a thing love is love is a is a gift love is who god is but you when you use love because love never ever fails you always succeed but god doesn't want you to use love to succeed in business unless you're reaching millions of people through a ministry god wants that love to touch hearts to transform lives to turn people around to set them free to heal them to deliver them cause them to prosper we are partakers of that love second timothy 1 verse 7 romans 5 5. zoe enables us to do things in god's divine power and authority if we are manifesting the same love the the same life life as god has it then that we should be getting the same results that jesus god got here on earth that's why jesus said things i do you will do also because he said here's my life same life i have you have is going to produce the same results blessed be the name of the lord ephesians 1 19 ephesians 3 20. zoe sets us free from all evil and the devil's schemes these devices his plots his plans his schemes all come to zero why because he cannot come against the life of god amen that's in you and that's in me now he will try and get to your flesh and to your mind that's where you've got to let that life permeate into your natural man but from your spirit man where that life it is dwelling that spirit man in you has to govern and rule and reign in your body otherwise your mind will be full of darkness your body will be full of sickness and that but the more you allow the life of god in you to control to permeate to to flood your very body your mind your soul guess what all the promises that we're reading about become a reality why is your body in that state because you've not allowed the life of god the substance of god to affect it well but that sounds very simplistic pastor chris well i'm sorry but god doesn't complicate things he wants you to be healed and whole of sound mind see your mind is in darkness until the life the light that is in you shines up on it then it is illuminated then all deception all things that's why people watching let me tell you this will help you the thing with deception is you don't know you're deceived that's why you got to let god's word do its job amen to shine the truth the entrance of god's word brings light where does it shine because there's life and light in there then shines up because you have god's word agreeing with the life of god in you and it shines up onto your consciousness and guess what you're set free amen and finally zoe life is god has it empowers and equips you to live the super abundant limitless life that he intends for you hallelujah hallelujah halloween i cannot wait to see what god is about to do and he's going to do it through you and through me and he's first going to do it in us so we experience it all the more hallelujah as i said the problem with the last 18 months of the pandemic is that people have been forced to do what is unnatural we were not created to be isolated and separated and unconnected and of course that then has created these habits of well i don't need to be connected and you know isolation is good for me deception because if you have the life of god in you that life of god will draw you to others that have zoe the god kind of life amen light and light attract light dispels darkness hallelujah hallelujah i'm going to read this last bit although we have the awesome powerful life of god within us it will only impact our lives to the extent that we allow it to therefore we must choose daily to walk by faith in the light of these precious promises given to us by god if you are not walking in the fullness of this truth i pray that the eyes of your heart your understanding be enlightened so that you may know what you have and that you have the life and nature of god manifesting you i also pray that you will allow god's divine nature and power that is within you to dominate you and overflow through you to others the world is waiting it's time for the body of christ to walk in the truth and the reality that they have received zoe life as god has it and that life means that they can do what jesus did when he walked this earth but not only that their lives are enriched hallelujah are you prepared for that amen first confession we made today is i'm expecting great things well are you expecting great things of yourself yeah it's great i'm expecting great things you know god will send me someone who has all of this and then he's going to bless me or she's going no no honey you are the blessing amen you're the blessing if you have received remember old things have passed away behold everything had become new in christ go to that scripture in a second this is a scripture and it says this it says therefore if anyone is there anyone here today if anyone is in christ he is a new creation the greek word there is a new construction a new building it's as if there wasn't a building here it wasn't a construction here there was nothing here but certainly there is something exists something has been built by god and it's the word now uh genos which has never existed before old things have passed away behold all things say all things does that leave anything out no all things have become you the life of god amen life is god has it jesus says i have come that they may have zoe life as god has it and have that life more abundantly the abundance of god el shaddai more than enough limitless eternal you've got it blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the knowledge now that is the truth but the degree to which that truth manifests in your life is the degree to which your faith allows it to say well i don't know if i have enough faith no no faith as a mustard seed can move mountains so that's not an excuse don't need giant faith you don't need people you just need a little bit of faith and let me tell you that'll go way beyond all your hopes and dreams and expectations blessed be the name of the lord are we going to use what god has given us are we going to live and walk and move and have our being in it yes in him in christ we live and move and have our being in him we are we exist that's the life this is ephesians 1 sorry ephesians 2 and i'm going to end with this verse 4 and it says but god who is rich in mercy because of his great love with which he loved us even when we were dead in trespasses made us alive together alive together with christ by grace you have been saved and raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenly places in christ jesus we are one we are together we have been raised we have the same life we live according to that life not according to this life why because that life has divine substance and we have received that in jesus name amen amen give the lord a praise offering hallelujah hallelujah before um because there is going to be some ministry yeah i'm doing well uh we're going to receive our normal times and offerings and um you should have a little yeah it's a little uh what are they called sachet on your seat and the reason the sachets there is that we want to start passing the vessels around again so that after yeah thanks so that you know once the vessel has come around and you've deposited your tithe and your offering what you do is you take out this is fully sanitized and it will completely disinfect even this little bit here will disinfect your hands so now that you can say well you know i touch the bucket and all that i know you go to supermarkets and carry things around and it doesn't bother you but you come to church and you have a problem with touching something so we just saying we will deal with that so after you have passed the bucket on use your little wipe clean it place is going to smell disinfected and you're going to be disinfected hallelujah so before we we i i asked the uh the ashes to circulate the buckets the vessels i just want to remind you of one thing the way that you get connected to this life is through god's word and receiving god's word and the the place that you receive the word and are fed that that causes this life to flourish is the place where you bring your tithes and offerings now a lot of christians unfortunately you know those watching on on youtube as well you you get fed in a place and and of course that place where you're planted is obviously the best place but you're getting fed and of course the the life of god that we're talking about this zoe is is manifesting in your life through the word of god but then you give your tithes and offerings elsewhere so if you went and ate in the restaurant down the road here there's a nice spanish restaurant down the road and you said to them you know what lovely meal i'm just going to go over the road and pay them hello but no this is a principle here where you get fed where that life that nourishment is manifest that's where you bring your ties and offerings you're not paying god for for something what you're doing is you're recognizing that that is the source that is worth and you're supporting it so i encourage you today it is about honoring god's word hallelujah so if you're getting fed through i'm not teaching it's the holy spirit so i know well i like pastor chris i like greek food so i come to cornerstone no it's a it's the word of god and really if i'm not preaching the word of god don't bother to come it's not going to do you any good but i'm adamant and i'm fervent on only ministering nor my opinions but what i have studied what i have seen what the holy spirit has revealed to me amen and that is his word so if that is the case then i encourage you god says that he loves the cheerful giver i encourage you to bring your house deal your your tithe and your offering into the storehouse into the place where god has planted you so that that place can flourish as well so it's a reciprocal thing amen and as we do it more and more and if you don't have i'm going to pray that you have because this month you're going to give more than you've ever given before why because you will have more than you've ever had before can i have an amen this is the month where the the outpouring in terms of financial prosperity all forms of prosperity because when we pray we pray that you prosper in all matters of life and be in good health even as your souls prosper it's holistic holistic stuff's not weird if it's in god amen god doesn't just deal with one part of you he wants all of you so praise god i'm going to pray worship team will you come back up here i'm going to pray and then we're going to circulate the vessels remember once you've touched then you can disinfect hallelujah and things were going to get better and better and better father i thank you for every person here every family that's represented i thank you for every business lord thank you lord that as they give to you and so they see it into your kingdom that you will multiply it back press down shaken together and running over that they may have an abundance to give to all good work lord so bless them lord as they give and lord watch over them thank you that that that zoe that the life as you have it lord will permeate into every aspect of their being in jesus name and same with everyone watching on youtube i thank you lord that they too will experience an outpouring of your blessings that they are unable to contain in jesus name amen amen let's circulate the vessels uh [Music] me [Music] um [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] you desire you deserved [Music] you deserve [Applause] [Music] is [Music] now isaiah 53 and verse 4 says surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we esteemed him stricken smitten by god and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed amen now that healing is holistic listen to what it says he talks about his born-out griefs he's carried our sorrows he was wounded for our transgressions if you struggled with with grief and sorrow and and mental pressures and stresses and strains and i just want to encourage you that jesus took all that upon himself so you have no no right to be carrying it because by his stripes you are healed mentally emotionally and physically that's what it's saying in in in that passage so if you've in over a period of time or just recently excuse me over a period of time or just recently you know allowed yourself to get into that place and you just know you're not your vibrant energetic enthusiastic self anymore you've you just allowed the pressures of life to to burden you and you become sorrowful you feel like you're grieving god's going to just take that away like that and the life of god the peace of god will immediately replace that so if that's you this extend your hand towards heaven and i'm going to pray hallelujah hands all over the place and also if you have sickness in your body so we're talking about wholeness and soundness mentally emotionally physically when jesus went to the cross he took that upon himself so either you have it or he has it i believe he has it so he's going to remove all of that from you and replace it with the zoe the life of god that will manifest in its place and peace will permeate through everything in your body in your mind in your soul father i thank you right now that all these people that have their hands up towards heaven as they reach out to you as an act of surrender and submission we declare that by your stripes they are healed and whole and set free all sorrow and grief and stress anxiety and fear is removed right now in the mighty name of jesus i thank you lord that you still their minds heal their bodies and fill them to overflowing with your spirit today lord in jesus name be healed behold be at peace the peace that surpasses all understanding is guarding your minds and your hearts in christ jesus receive it right now in jesus name in jesus name and those of you watching on youtube you receive it too just stand in your room and just receive it right now in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah if you've received it give him a praise offering [Applause] now this is another prophetic word and i want you because of this month where it's the month of super abundance i want you to write this down it's isaiah 54 and it's verses 2 and 3. and this is what it says type this out stick it on your fridge or on your mirror or whatever can we have it up here isaiah 54 verse 2 enlarge the place of your tent and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings do not spare lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes for you shall you shall you shall expand to the right and to the left and your descendants will inherit the nations and make the desolate syrian cities inhabited in jesus name amen hallelujah glory glory glory glory glory praise god praise god i think you can do better than that god's just telling you to spread out hallelujah this one announcement from me michael brown was having a master class on wednesday you know she's a vocal coach she's the best that you can ever imagine and really whoever came was truly blessed we had lots of people come but if you want she's up there there they're all so if you want to join them on wednesday please come you know you'll be amazed how good a voice you have when it's trained properly i don't know how she does it but she can take just the average person bring us all together and we all sound like a heavenly choir so do come on wednesday at 7 30 and you will be blessed amen amen amen father just bless your people today as they go just uh let the the the zoe the abundant life the the life as you have it just pour out of them lord and bless others but lord let them be uh let them have a true sense that you are with them because that life is manifest in every situation so bless your people lord watch over them keep them and lord keep doing the super abundant things that you planned for and on our behalf to your glory in jesus name amen amen hallelujah we love you we appreciate you have a great day have a great week have a great life there are wonderful donuts at the back so you can go and have a nice bunch of donuts i'm not calling you donuts i'm saying you can have donuts and then just have a great time we really do love you and it's great that uh all you've been able to come and share and fellowship and have this feast around god's word today and uh we just thank you amen amen amen [Music] [Applause] i [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] every moment [Music] hey [Music] inside of every heart [Music] you are faithful and you're able to [Music] never die [Music] [Music] you have given me [Music] uh [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] every day of my life i'll praise you every moment [Music] [Music] [Applause] you have given me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] me amazing that's a thick one [Music] so you
Channel: cornerstonethechurch
Views: 120
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 7hPy9--xH2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 23sec (6383 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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