All Authority

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[Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so um welcome everyone on youtube as well good to see you all well we can't see youtube but you're there we know it said welcome good to be in the house of god this morning amen i tell you what i'm thankful for the house of god you're coming into the house of god truly saved my life so it's a good thing to be in the house of god at any time amen let's just happen in prayer father just to be in your presence father to understand you're always there you never leave us nor forsake us you watch over your word to perform it you're full of grace you're full of mercy you're full of compassion you love us with an unquenchable love so father we come to worship you this morning you our father who sent your only son to die for us for me for someone like me so we give you thanks we worship you we honor you this morning we thank you for your presence that's already here we thank you father for the the signs the wonders the miracles that are going to happen this morning father we thank you for pastors chris and lorraine we thank you for pastor christy he brings the word this morning father a word that's in season a word father straight from your heart what you want us to hear so we give you thanks we honor you this morning father we honor your word we honor faith in god father we stand here because we have faith in you we honor you this morning father in jesus name amen amen let's stand and praise god this morning [Music] [Music] [Music] inside there's a better life [Music] jesus is a chain breaker [Music] we've all searched for the light of the day in the dead of night we've all found ourselves worn out by the same old fight [Music] there's a better life [Music] [Music] [Music] if you receive it if you can feel it somebody testify we believe it more if you believe it if you receive it [Music] is [Music] jesus is [Music] [Music] i'll save [Music] [Music] we love you lord [Applause] [Music] lord we believe in you we believe in the power of your holy name jesus we believe that you can break every chain you can heal every cease you can calm every fear we believe in your mighty name almighty god we worship you king of kings lord of lords bright morning star as jesus [Music] there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus to break every chain break every chain break every chain to break every chain break every chain to break every [Music] you can break every chain almighty god we love you we love you jesus [Music] [Music] such a [Music] swing wise [Music] there is power in the name of jesus is power in the name of jesus to break every chain break every chain to break every chain to break every chain break every chain to break every [Music] change jesus [Music] the name of jesus [Music] there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus to break every chain to break every chain to break every chain to break every chain break every chain to break every jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] jesus jesus jesus [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus break every chain to break every chain [Music] break every chain [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] um [Music] majesty aside you reached out in love to show me [Music] your despite all my pride and foolishness [Music] [Music] find myself here on my knees again caught up in grace like an avalanche [Music] nothing compares to this love love [Music] oh [Music] breathing your life into my heart [Music] forever [Music] caught up in grace like an avalanche nothing compares to the smells [Music] in [Music] in my heart my life take all that i am with all that i am my heart take all that i have jesus [Music] [Music] i will love you [Music] jesus [Music] i find myself here on my knees again caught up in grace nothing compares to this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] heart in my heart it [Music] in is heart is my heart is [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] he's worthy please be seated were you glad you're in the house of god today amen hallelujah it's good to be here isn't it amen hallelujah good to be back sir hallelujah amen [Music] and i have a scripture i want to read now regarding this morning's ties and offerings to whom god would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles which is christ in you the hope of glory now if a person knows who they are they are then able to take possession of what belongs to them if a person doesn't know who they are you know there's a lot of confusion in the world so some people i don't know if you've noticed you know recently or you know through time people haven't realized what they are yeah but of course we know who we are and but they cannot you know take possession of what belongs to them what rightfully belongs to them what god wants them to have until you know who you are and here we know who we are because we are in him our identity is not be it's not what we do i mean if i get a a letter tomorrow from the government saying we notice you're a truck driver and we are desperate for truck drivers and as you have a license we'd like you to come back may i say my identity is not as a truck driver my identity is in christ jesus amen and because my identity is in christ jesus i can find out through the word of god through coming to church what belongs to me in christ hallelujah i mean my identity is not as a minister even or a preacher or a pastor or an evangelist my identity is in christ jesus amen and your identity is in christ it's not what the world says about you it's what god says about you amen he that has my words and keeps them it is he that loves me and whoever loves me jesus said will be loved by my father and we will come and make our abode in him hallelujah because you love jesus your identity is in christ and therefore all the promises of god in christ are yes and amen hallelujah and god wants to bless you but god wants to provide for you and use you as a channel of blessing to be an example to the world so the world might believe they might look at you and say i believe yeah just like the queen of sheba came to solomon and she believed yeah because she saw the prosperity of heaven upon solomon to such a degree she fainted it took her breath away and she went back to ethiopia as a believer in the god of abraham isaac and jacob hallelujah amen so our identity is key to receiving back and i hope you know if you think about it what are you believing god for is it uh just a tank of fuel amen now there's nothing wrong with believing for a tank of petrol but god wants you to look higher and higher and look at taking the wealth of the wicked for the just hallelujah amen if you work in a factory god wants you to believe him to own the factory amen do you know in china they did a test this is the government this is the commies the communist government and china they did a test or they did a survey and they found that the best factories were the ones owned and had a majority of christians in them hallelujah amen productivity was higher quality was higher and theft was low because god's people are the ones that god has chosen to bring truth to proclaim uphold truth on the earth and one of the truths that you and i are to proclaim and uphold is that god wants to prosper his people hallelujah you can say amen amen now where does it start starts in giving amen the key is giving amen because in giving we release our faith and our faith determines how much we can receive back from god who already wants to give it to us but he needs our faith to combine with his grace and then as we're obedient and we reveal to god and to ourself that we are faithful in what is considered the least yeah of all things which is money yeah it's the least yeah he will then entrust to us increase hallelujah can you say amen it's exciting amen so it doesn't cost you to give amen it causes increase to come to you through giving amen it's so exciting it's totally the opposite way to the world the way the world operates the way the banking system operates it's the kingdom of god give and it shall be given to you greater measure pressed down shaken together running over hallelujah don't you love god amen god does it another way he uses the least to do the best amen don't look at how small you are look at how big god is hallelujah and god's in you christ in you the hope of glory hallelujah amen let's give him a hand clap and so the way we're going to give today is the ushers are going to come out put the baskets uh offering vessels in the front here and uh just come out from either side of the church come round and as the lord instructs you you will not lose amen place your offering in the offering vessels as an act of worship unto god and then just return to your seat through the central island the people watching online are now seeing a screen with the ways the various ways that they can give online hallelujah it's life-changing changed my life i tapped into god's provision it changed my life and now i'm just so thrilled when i see god touching people and then catching the revelation that that because they're a son or a daughter of god that god is going to use them to shake this world for his glory hallelujah amen hallelujah you can get excited in the offering hallelujah i'm excited because miracles are being birthed right now [Music] because christ is in you and you're responding to his call the miracles are going to break forth in cornerstone more than ever before hallelujah lord we just thank you that you have reached us revealed yourself to us come and dwell in us you dwell in us and lord and shown us the truth of your kingdom how to live in this day and age according to the principles of the kingdom of heaven hallelujah we thank you lord that we bring these love faith offering to you as a demonstration of our love and our trust in you knowing that every need that we have is met according to your riches in glory in christ jesus you believe that prayer give the lord a big amen pastor chris praise god hallelujah thank you pastor rob it's great to have you back hallelujah amen last month the lord gave me a theme for the month and that was abundant super abundant and this month he said it's a month of authority so i'll be talking about authority and it's important because when you understand authority and you operate in the authority that you've been given your life is transformed everything changes so i'm really looking forward to this month i always look forward to the things that god's going to do and god's going to do great and mighty things amen amen i have a an announcement which uh is an announcement i wish i never had to make um you know sometimes as as pastors there are calls you don't want to receive and visits you don't want to make it they're just so tragic and something happened a couple of days ago which was really just unbelievable but also so tragic um and so i want you to pray for uh brian and jill and rebecca and um and ria um brian who you know would have been here on the keys he has a precious daughter called rachel and she just collapsed and died and that couldn't revive her um of course totally unexpected she was only 28 and um you know whole life ahead of a recently married we married her i've known her pastor emma i've known her for a long time since she was 16. in fact whenever i prayed for her we have a very special connection she just god would just turn things around she just drew the faith out of you and and applied it and visited in in in the covert situation she was in hospital and i went and prayed for her and again just god just turned it around and but this time she went to sleep she woke up in the presence of god amen and um we got to pray for the for the family for for brian and joel and rebecca and ria so i please i encourage you to do that i don't know how sometimes we don't have the answers and when we get to heaven we will get the answers but until then we've got to just look into god's word because the truth is in god's word it's not in what we see what we understand and uh god's word says that he's a good god amen so somehow good will come out of this i don't know how but he is a good god and so as we pray god's gonna answer prayer as well so please do that and uh we will see god's hand at work in everything amen amen amen it's time for holy communion if you don't have your elements just slip your hand up now so that one of the ushers can bring you anyone not have the elements holy communion slip your hand up so as this month is the month of authority um just want us to focus on one thing thank you as we partake of communion i want you to realize that when jesus went to the cross he made a way for us to live a victorious life and when we think of the blood because the blood represents the ultimate sacrifice because it was through the blood that we were redeemed we were bought black fought brought back and we are members of god's precious family but when we're talking about authority we've got to understand that the blood of jesus reminds the devil that he has no authority over us very important blood of jesus reminds him because we are cleansed we are covered by the blood and when he sees the blood he knows he's defeated amen but he not only and knows he's defeated he knows that you have authority over his power and we're going to see that today as i preach you'll see clearly that is its authority over the power of the devil of all evil and the blood reminds him that he has no authority but also speaks to him the blood speaks amen it has a voice and the blood speaks to him and says the authority is now in the church amen so the blood is speaking to the devil saying you have no authority anymore we have authority over your power hallelujah hallelujah and uh i'm going to explain the greek words uh later so you can understand it in more detail but as we have communion today i want you to focus on that that as we partake of the blood it is the new covenant but it's also speaking and reminding the enemy that you have authority over his power amen so let's stand the bible tells us this is when jesus had given thanks he broke the bread and said this he said take eat this is my body which is broken for you do this in remembrance of me so all of you look at me so he took the bread and he broke it after he'd given thanks he always gives thanks because we should do the same we think before we partake of communion so we give thanks lord for the bread that is broken for us but every time we see the the bread broken we know that because it was broken we are whole amen so let's partake of the bread and in the same manner having given thanks he also took the cup after supper saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood do this as often as you drink it in remembrance of me so we must remember that the blood represents something that was written in the blood so as you would dip a pen in ink well the covenant was dipped in the blood and written in the blood so it represents the yes and amen to every one of god's promises and there are thousands of promises but i want us to focus on the fact that the blood is speaking right now and it's saying you have authority over the enemy the power of the enemy in your life amen so let's partake of the blood lord i thank you for every person here today every family that's represented i speak life and blessing wholeness and soundness thank you for protection thank you that the blood covers them and is speaking right now saying that all authority is in the church that is the great commissioner thank you lord that everyone present everyone hearing my voice watching on youtube that they get a revelation of who they are in jesus christ that they have the power the authority to operate in such a way that every situation is a situation and an opportunity to bring about victory in jesus name amen amen let's give the lord a praise offering hallelujah we're going to have a uh another worship song before i minister the word so stay standing will the children uh now you're staying in today so their children aren't going out but of course the little ones little lambs can always go and enjoy uh their little uh event upstairs amen so let's continue in worship [Music] [Music] what a beautiful name what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ what a beautiful name it is nothing compass to this what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus [Music] so jesus [Music] was great [Music] [Applause] what a wonderful name it is the name of jesus christ [Music] [Music] [Music] equals [Music] yours is the glory [Music] [Music] what a powerful name it is [Music] the name of jesus [Music] [Music] lord we thank you for your name for giving us your name we purpose to use it to your glory we thank you for equipping us [Music] anointing us making it possible for for us to continue your ministry here on earth lord in jesus name amen amen please be seated thank you worship team hallelujah hallelujah glory to god a couple of weeks ago i mentioned that um we're going to have little note pads printed so you can take notes amen so when you come to church you can take notes and remind yourself of what god has been saying to you because i know as the word is presented delivered then god speaks to you so uh my darling wife here is going to bring up one so this is what we've got printed up it's a nice pen it's one of those and you can take notes so if you want one and you are going to take notes then just slip your hand up and you will receive one right now anyone got going to do that put your hand up and you will get one of these praise god i'll take notes as well today hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah blessed be the name of the lord glory to god amen amen amen can i have the i want to be obedient to the voice of the lord here today i just looked over at the babes in arms and lord said to me i want you to anoint all of those babies and children that are part of this church and that are here today so if you're here please with your bring bring your little ones out i'm going to anoint them with oil last week we had an incredible session where nearly everyone came out and we anointed them with oil if they're upstairs then just get them to come down amen hallelujah i'll wait for them not a problem i've got to be obedient when god wants to bless you must be available as a vessel now i know a lot of you didn't get one of these bottles of anointing oil so next sunday there will be another 60 available so that we'll be able to distribute some more in jesus name amen amen amen so the little lambs need to come out when they come back down if someone gone up to tell them yes good blessed be the name of the lord amen amen it's wonderful when god grows the church with babies because we're a generational church amen and there has been a a wonderful crop blessed be the neymar so all of those cuties out here uncle chris is going to anoint you with oil hallelujah oh they're so beautiful i think god did this for me just so that i could see you amen come forward and i will hallelujah father i thank you under instruction i can anoint these precious babies and arms and also these wonderful children lord in the name of the father of the son and of the holy spirit in jesus name in jesus name wow thank you you should see the receive mode absolutely thank you if you want to know how to receive you just go to a child oh beautiful i want you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost in jesus name amen amen the biggest smile you can ever imagine the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost jesus mighty name in jesus name amen amen amen amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah god is good amen god is good [Applause] blessed be the name of the lord so who's heard of the great commission about three of you uh it's okay well you'll hear a bit more concerning the great commission here today um it's mentioned twice i mean in matthew the first time we said this is what it says and uh i'll read from verse 16. then the 11 disciples went away into galilee to the mountain which jesus had appointed for them and they saw him and when they saw him they worshiped him and some doubted but jesus came and spoke to them saying all authority say that with me all authority say it again all authority one more time all authority is at all authority okay so all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth then this tiny little word appears go therefore go therefore in the original greek it says going therefore it's an active word it means that the moment you believe you're going amen that's the commission go therefore make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit teaching them to observe all things that i have commanded you to do and i am with you always even to the end of the age amen so there we have that one account in in mark 16 verse 15 it says uh go therefore or go into all the world go into all the world but what we often miss is the result the consequence of going so jesus says all authority is given to me in heaven and on earth here it is hands it over to us he says go going therefore going with all authority and in verse 17 it says and these signs will follow those who believe these signs will follow those who believe in my name suddenly we get a glimpse of how that authority works because the greek word that we read where it says all authority is exosia exclusive which literally means the power to act so when jesus says all authority the power to act has been given to me but then he delegates it so excrucia can also mean delegated or conferred authorization so it was then delegated handed over so we imagine yourself now having a certificate that says i am fully authorized to act in the power of god wow totally legal before heaven and earth jesus said all authority is mine go therefore and he says these signs will follow [Music] those who believe that's us in my name how do we exercise this authority in my name in my name they will cast out demons they will speak with new tongues they will take up serpents and they will drink anything deadly and it will by no means hurt them they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover in my name wow the name of jesus gives you the power to act you are now fully authorized to act in that power and this is where the uh the passage in john 14 becomes real now this passage is talking about prayer but the principle remains the same listen i'll read it to you this is verses 12 and 14. most assuredly i'll say to you he who believes in me the works that i do he will do also and even greater works than these he will do because i go to my father and whatever you ask in my name that i will do that the father may be glorified in the son if you ask anything in my name i will do it so when we use the name of jesus we are acting on his behalf we are authorized but it's as if we jesus suddenly appears on the sin the holy spirit manifests the presence of christ and christ does it through you in his name so the moment you say you use the name of jesus it's as if jesus was present amen hallelujah now in our culture we don't fully understand the importance of giving someone your name in eastern culture east mediterranean culture in in in uh palestinian culture where jesus was was familiar uh in in that culture when you give someone your name you're giving them authority to do exactly what you would do if you were present so here is the name when you use my name everyone that hears that name realizes that you have been given the authority to do exactly what i would do they cannot deny you well that's what you've got hallelujah hallelujah but remember jesus said all authority exocera the power to act is all yours if the church could grasp this truth nations would change situations would turn around hallelujah when jesus sent out the 72 rookies don't even know their names listen to what happened this is luke 10 verse 17. they come back and this is what they said lord even the demons are subject or submit to us in your name wow all they had he didn't give them you know 50 weeks of coming to a motivational course and you know he didn't disciple them either yes they called followers disciples but and they i'm sure they sat and listened to a few sermons but he just went you you you you you out and and they're going what what have we got you've got my name here's my name go the first thing they did is they came back and said even the demons submit or is subject to us in your name and jesus replied i saw satan fall like lightning from heaven i have given you authority there's a greek word excelsior i've given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy all authority all the power of the enemy you have authority over the enemy the enemy's power and it says nothing will harm you however do not rejoice that the spirit submit to you but rejoice that your names are written in heaven jesus always brings it down to real because let me tell you you can't operate this without the holy spirit you have the name and the moment you use that name correctly if you're using the name of jesus to show off to perform miracles so that everyone can call you a miracle-maker or whatever you know what those spirits will come beat you up and throw you in the bush and jesus is not going to be pleased but if you're humble realizing that you can't do anything except through the holy spirit working in and through you to manifest christ in that situation then guess what nothing will harm you you say well pastor chris there are no scorpions you know there are no snakes that this is represents spirits devil was referred to as a snake he's still a snake in the grass scorpions things that can harm you they were familiar with those things because when you went out into the desert and all they had were these little sandals so scorpions and snakes could really grab hold of you so when when you thought of danger you thought me walking in the wilderness with my jesus flip-flops on dangerous you didn't even have trousers they were just you know so this is anything that can harm you anything it wants to attack you jesus said very clearly you have been given authority exclusive to overcome all the power of the enemy and the greek word there for power is the nami but you have the power of god amen you act in the power of god so listen to this i'm going to repeat it at the end your authority and god's power or irresistible amen your authority and god's power are irresistible who gave you that power jesus so when you say jesus you're saying i am authorized to act in this power now right through the book of acts we see demonstration evidence of people that fully understood comprehended that when they were given the name things happened let me read just a few examples peter hill's the lame beggar so that the gate called beautiful acts 3 verse 6 silver and gold i do not have but what i do have i give to you in the name of jesus christ of nazareth walk miracle guy was there 30 odd years just sitting outside the temple but he said peter i don't have anything but i know what i do have what he was given the name just as you were given the name he knew he had something do you know you have something i don't have anything so many people come to you no no you have the name you have that he said i don't have anything but i have something that can heal you something i have the name of jesus amen acts 4 verse 10 this is this is peter explaining it to the religious leaders he says this they know this you and all the people of israel it is by the name of jesus christ of nazareth whom you crucified but whom god raised from the dead that this man stands before you healed he let them know that so what did they do the sanhedrin demands that they stop speaking in the name of jesus instead the apostles prayed for more opportunities they knew see as i said when people went around they're going jesus says and yeah but he's given these dudes their name we've had to stop them preaching or teaching or healing in the name so they made it illegal to use the name acts 4 verses 29 to 30. now lord consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant jesus where did the signs and wonders come through the name of your holy servant jesus stretch out your hands perform signs and wonders miracles through the name oh if the church can grab hold of this we use the name apologetically owing jesus oh jesus oh jesus do you realize how powerful that name is and you're using it apologetically do you know no one there's no evidence that you can be neutral in the presence of that name impossible as a young christian i was reading so much about you know god just stirred me up i wanted to know more about the name of jesus i got e.w kenyon's book on the name of jesus and and of course kenneth hagin senior wrote they're almost identical books and then i had a 12 or 16 cassettes then there were cassette series from daddy hagen and i used to listen to these all the time for weeks i listened to them and i even had one of these uh cassette players that when it got to the end it started again so i continue while i was sleeping i was just listening to this stuff i don't know where they did me any good while i was sleeping but you know i i was a young christian and i would try anything then once i got all this information and i said lord you know i want to see something you know i want to know what what is going on with you you know when when i use your name what actually happens and he transported me and i've had a few sort of visions in my life but this was a very clear vision and i was transported into a room that was so dark you couldn't see your hand if you put it here it's pitch black and the the lord spoke to my and said say my name so i said jesus as i said jesus it was like you know ten thousand watt bulb got switched on and i saw all these nocturnal creatures just go you know they red eye they love the darkness as the light went on they went and he said every time you say my name that's what happens in the spirit next time i prayed for someone in the name of jesus i wasn't apologetic i knew what would happen and to this day i know what happens when i use the man amen it's not me it's the power to act on his power the authority to act on his power hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah big question is what do you do with his name jesus yes no jesus christ of nazareth yeah peter wanted to hear the full title and we [Music] that's why nothing happens why do you think people curse and swear using the name it's not kind of you don't hear them use anyone else's name they swear and they curse in that name not coincidence because it's the most powerful name and if they can mock it and if they can introduce it into society so that everyone can just abuse it we get acclimatized to hearing it in the wrong context the fact is it is so powerful it has authority in three worlds philippians 2 verses 9 to 11 listen to this therefore god has also highly exalted him and given him the name which is above every name that at the name of jesus every knee should bow of those in heaven and those on earth and those under the earth and that every tongue should confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father every knee shall bow at the name of jesus where in heaven on earth and under the earth in three worlds the name has dominion in three worlds that's why don't abuse it don't use it lightly every time it leaves your mouth unless you're speaking to him and you're saying jesus i love you i just that's different and worshiping him using but when you speak it out speak it out in the authority that it's meant to have it has dominion in the earth you're living in this earth it has dominion now let me explain something to you that you probably haven't heard unless you've read some of the books that were written probably at the turn of the century but for you to have authority in the earth you have to be born in the earth all right let's listen to this to have dominion god created adam gave him dominion for jesus to have the authority and have dominion he had to be born into the earth now any spirit that enters the earth and is not born has no authority it doesn't it doesn't work like that the only people that can have authority are those that have been born here you know well where do you see that in the bible so glad you asked here we are this is jesus said this is in in john 10 verses 1 and 2. he that enters not by the door into the sheepfold but climbs up some other way the same as a thief and a robber but he that enters in the door is the shepherd of the sheep satan came entered illegally that's why he needs a body to operate through so that he can exercise his power and dominion do you know what the angels don't have the ability or authority to operate here on this earth except to serve you again hebrews 1 verse 14. they are me aren't they all ministering spirits these are the talking about angels sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation that's you and me the only legal way to get into the earth is to is to be born and the only way to exercise authority here on earth is to be born here even the angels don't have authority in the earth that's why they hearken to the voice of the lord and when you hearken they hearken to the voice of the lord you have to say in jesus name amen the bible tells us that's how we pray that's how we ask the father that all in jesus name when your authority and god's ability come together all things are possible nothing is impossible so you have to pray that the holy spirit the spirit of god brings these unified forces together your authority and god's power amen together and how do you do that in the name of jesus your authority to act on god's power hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah he gets all the glory amen all the glory but you are the only vessel that can exercise that authority i'm attacked by the devil well you have authority over him amen yeah authority so if you're being attacked you've invited him in and you've allowed him to just take control oh i've lost this whatever it is take authority over it next week i'm going to be talking about binding and losing now i'll show you how it all works but praise god have you received anything today i mean has this changed your your thinking or your prayer life everything should change glory to god you are the one with the excelsior the authority the power to act but he is the one with all the power the the nami so there's exusia and there's the nami the two got brought together by the holy spirit in unity they it's a unifying force and whenever you use the name of jesus things happen blessed be the name of the lord blessed there's so much power vinami here today because i've been speaking out the name of jesus the way it should be with authority amen i'm not making apologies oh we came to church jesus jesus jesus oh i hope he hears me now jesus amen the lord of lord the king of kings amen the god of gods hallelujah hallelujah stop making excuses start using the name if you aren't energized for this nothing will energize you just come out i'll pray that god takes you this is what is life transforming amen amen start to use it in faith say lord i've heard i i understand i and you watching on on youtube let me tell you you're so you're your rooms are just full of the the anointing in the presence of god but what you're sensing is divine power and you have authority over all other powers jesus said here's my name all authority was given to me in heaven and on earth and under the earth go use it and i want to hear testimonies like these uh you know these 72 rookies i want you to come back and say you know what happened pastor chris this week i used the name and something absolutely amazing took place they said even the demons were subject to us in your name they were amazed and then jesus saw the devil fall like lightning from heaven and he said you know what nothing can harm you because i've been being of a new exclusion authority over all the power of the enemy and then if you read that passage immediately afterwards he started to laugh uncontrollably the only time we see jesus laughing uncontrollably in the spirit because he knew what he he's still laughing thinking look at this when people get hold of this things change blessed be the name of the lord so what never ceases to amaze me is how trusting god is he says here's my name which gives you authority to act so that i could do what i would do if i was present all the power that i have i'm just handing it over to you for your use you don't have it it's still my power but you can use it it's like giving a kid an atomic bomb but yet god trusts us with it says here it is you can use it hallelujah and then the church gets caught up in all this other stuff it's how the devil deceives us keeps us you know on the treadmill chasing our tails arguing fighting you know accusing jesus just go and deal with that in my name i don't have anything but such as i have i give to you in the name of jesus christ of nazareth walk he just sprung up and that was it was running around like a lunatic so much so that peter had to go and explain himself to the religious folk that saw all of this he said you know listen i didn't do this i want you to know that happened in the name of jesus oh so you've got the same authority jesus we better stop them preaching in the name don't you want that to happen here don't can we stop them preaching in the name you just go you know what we're going to do what the apostles did we're going to pray for more opportunities hallelujah nothing's going to stop us hallelujah in the name of jesus if you want the full title i use it sometimes i feel good in the name of jesus christ of nazareth not just any jesus you can go to south america they're thousands of jesus but there's only one jesus christ amen amen there's only one jesus christ of nazareth and yeah that's jennifer hallelujah there's only one jesus christ our lord there's only one jesus christ the lord of lords there's only one jesus christ the god of god the only one jesus christ who is above all who has authority in heaven on earth and under the earth there's only one his name is jesus jesus jesus jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god anyone here with a hearing problem yep right here hallelujah got a hearing problem you come out here driving in and lorraine was praying as she always does on the way to church and wow praise god and as she was praying god spoke to my heart and said i'm going to heal people with healing hearing problems in the name of jesus amen in the name of jesus jesus christ of nazareth hallelujah and will you know you're healed yeah i remember once i was quite ill and i i we were still in the king george's hall and i said to lorraine you know you drive me because i don't feel that well i couldn't even see my notes i was really up but i just said lord i'm going to preach healing so i just preached healing without any notes and i started praying for people before i touched the first person i was healed and then about five down the line this woman sort of quite shot she said i found out afterwards she sort of saw this light come towards her and it was just me walking praying for people and then she said did you turn up the sound i said no she said oh she was deaf in one year for 17 years god opened it yeah the wife and of an mp hey same jesus hallelujah so the spirit of deafness or you know the the the the ailment the the whatever's causing your hearing problems if it's got a name it's got to bow its knee amen and you're going to know hallelujah you're first praise god thank you jesus thank you in the name of jesus christ of nazareth be healed in jesus name be healed in jesus name in jesus name now in jesus name halloween in the name of jesus christ of nazareth be healed be healed be healed in jesus name hallelujah in the name of jesus christ of nazareth be healed be healed in jesus name in the name of jesus christ of nazareth be healed be healed in jesus name in jesus name amen in the name of jesus christ of nazareth be healed be healed in jesus name amen in the name of jesus christ be healed be held in jesus name that's it hallelujah hallelujah see we're not going to just have church we're going to let god be glorified in what he does he watches over his word to perform it so we don't just deliver god's word and then go home god has to watch over his word to perform it we've spoken about the authority in the name of jesus well this is a demonstration of it lower back problems lower back so you suffer sciatica you have lower back problems god's going to deal with that too hallelujah praise god praise god don't let me pick you out there's more than one person here i know who you are hallelujah there we go [Laughter] oh praise god praise god praise god oh yes we can laugh at the enemy amen oh two more people with lower back problems yeah i want you out here it affects the way you walk the way you do things hallelujah blessed be the name of the lord [Laughter] oh hallelujah [Music] [Laughter] oh thank you jesus thank you lord thank you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah be healed in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth in jesus mighty name in jesus mighty name in jesus in jesus name amen amen amen amen amen be healed in the mighty name of jesus be healed in the mighty name of jesus be healed in the mighty name of jesus be healed in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth be healed in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name craft your hands that's it in jesus mighty name be healed and whole in jesus name amen amen amen amen be healed in the mighty name of jesus in jesus name in jesus name oh yes that's it thank you lord be healed in jesus be name in the mighty name of jesus in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name be healed god wants you to pray for people with back problems and you know a few in jesus name yes in jesus name in jesus name amen amen amen hallelujah paula you know your countenance has totally changed it's just wonderful what god's done and you know it's progressive it just gets stronger and better and better and better so god gets all the glory hallelujah and beth if you come with your sticks today good wonderful praise the lord hallelujah blessed be the name of the lord see if we don't hear the testimonies people's faith doesn't grow yeah that's why we got to hear when god does something so important and i know that if you've received this word and you're watching if you've received this word this week is going to be the greatest week in your whole life amen because you'll be able to take authority over those things that have kept you bound hallelujah stolen from your families things that you've lost there's been a stranglehold then you can just go in the name of jesus let go amen and then the atmosphere changes they leave so what people do is the devil comes and knocks on the door and they go i'm sorry devil but can you come back tomorrow and the devil says no no i want to come okay don't let him in and if he's in just use the name and get him out of there i always have this vision of my mother who was about this short woman and uh always used to leave the door open and never a problem and this person comes in to rob her you know giant of a man comes in to rob her and she grabs the broom and just goes for her and just like no fear just till he got out of her house and i always remember that when i think of the devil amen that's what you have to do you just grab hold of your broomstick and use the name of jesus and get him out of there amen don't sit and serve him tea and biscuits get him out of your house get him out of your life blessed be the name of the lord glory to god glory to god glory to god amen let's stand and i'll close the service the worship team are going to come back up and send us off rejoicing amen amen amen father we thank you for the anointing on your word lord we thank you for opening our minds and our hearts and letting us receive the revelation concerning the authority that we have the power to act in your power lord i thank you that every person here today every person watching or listening that they are fully equipped all authority has been handed to them lord and i thank you lord that their lives will never be the same thank you that they will go forth in victory in jesus name amen anyone believe that say a big amen another amen another amen hallelujah glory to god thank you we love you appreciate you have a great day have a great week have a great life hang around have some donuts today have some donuts today god bless you [Music] you need no other hiding place i hope it's safe within your name [Music] this we know [Music] [Applause] [Music] rise your shackles are no more for jesus [Music] i love the heavens and the earth [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] this we know this we know [Music] is [Music] for jesus [Music] for jesus [Music] jesus [Music] hell the is of jesus [Music] freedom is [Music] [Music] of jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] but jesus christ [Music] for jesus [Music] huh [Music]
Channel: cornerstonethechurch
Views: 225
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Length: 110min 12sec (6612 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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