Absolute Power

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[Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] morning church is everyone is is everyone okay everyone okay i hope you left everything at the door emptied yourself coming in in readiness to to be filled the word of god says in john 10 10 it says he has come that we might have life and he didn't desktop that he says more abundantly and then put a little more icing on the cake he says super abundantly so every day we should strive to live in his super abundance and that doesn't come easy because the enemy plan issue is to make us not realize who we are so we constantly have to renew our minds and constantly declare and proclaim that god has promised us a life of super abundance how many you know that praise is a weapon so as we come and we worship and we praise that praise turns into victory so whatever struggles or whatever mountain you may be facing as we praise and as we worship we know that god turns it into victory so let's bow our heads this morning as we pray father we thank you again once again in you to come into your house lord father and come as as a child lord father god excited uh father just expecting you to do something a miraculous healing lord father we as as we come as king jehos jehoshaphat demonstrated the power of praise father let us just prepare our hearts let us position our hearts to worship you let us position our minds to worship you let us position our every being to worship you lord for you are worthy to be praised lord father god lord do the impossible to this morning father god prepare our minds lord minister to each and every one of our needs father as we give you thanks in jesus name amen praise worship the lord god morning amen [Music] thank you jesus [Music] you will run and not be weary [Music] you oh [Music] the storms [Music] [Music] don't give up [Music] [Music] you're destined to win [Music] [Music] put yeah trust in jesus [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so you can fly above the storms [Music] [Music] is knowing that you are [Music] overcome [Applause] [Music] through the blood of jesus christ [Music] you're an overcomer jesus christ [Music] jesus christ [Applause] christ [Music] christ [Music] hallelujah [Music] thank you lord that nothing is impossible for you nothing holy spirit with your power there's nothing we can't do [Music] just one touch i found the storm that's around [Music] just one touch [Music] my eyes [Music] [Music] this is [Music] just one word [Music] just one word you would heal once broken inside it only takes one word [Music] i feel [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] away [Applause] [Music] oh so [Music] i will believe for greater things there's no power like the power of jesus let faith arise that all agree there's no power like the power of jesus [Music] greater things there's no power like the power of [Music] like jesus power of jesus [Music] [Music] god [Applause] [Music] this is [Music] god [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus holy spirit we ask you to reign on us [Music] rain down [Music] let it rain [Music] of your [Music] i feel the winds of your spirit now the heartbeat of heaven [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] ready [Music] let it rain let it rain [Music] [Applause] [Music] rain rain [Music] [Music] rain on us [Music] [Music] drain [Music] let it rain rain and rain [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] of is rain i hear the sound i hear the sound when we hear the sound this morning i hear the sound [Music] i hear the sound [Music] let me see i'm [Music] the revival range [Music] i hear the sound i hear the sound i hear the sound of revival rain i hear the [Music] sun is [Music] [Music] we hear the song [Music] we hear the sound of revival [Music] we're ready to receive the revival rain we're ready to see [Music] [Music] rain revive the rain [Music] let us receive amen [Music] amen you may be seated revival rain god is a good god amen amen it's great to be in the house of god it's great to come into his presence and worship him there's more to come but just on the presence of god enter in enter into his presence because in there is fullness of joy the power of god everything you need is in his presence so anna in thank you worship team for doing that that was absolutely phenomenal led by the holy spirit you know when i was thinking about ties and offerings and doing a message for tithes and offerings the spirit of god said this to me very quietly he said miracles are about to happen i don't know who among you here is ready for a miracle but i am i know these churches as well in fact right now i declare this church fully paid off fully paid off fully paid off fully paid off i declare it so and i implore you that when you pray for the house of god you say exactly the same thing paid off paid off in full paid off because i'll tell you this right now as you pray for this house and pray over this house your house will be repaired as well miracles are about to happen i know this is ties and offerings but i it's it's it's in my spirit miracles are about to happen miracles that have been long waited for there's somebody here who sowed a lot of seed a lot of years ago and felt that that seed had gone on to dry ground and died but god says i'm raising it up now i'm causing that seed to spring forth and bring forth our harvest and your end will be much much better than your present god will cause you to prosper in all that you touch let me just quickly read you a couple of scriptures and then we can pray over our ties and offerings you know ties and offerings are an opportunity to honor our father and in honoring our father as it says in in proverbs it says this honor the lord your god with your possessions and with the first fruits of all your increase this is what he says to us listen to this carefully he says say your barns will be filled with plenty so your barns will be filled with plenty so if you honor the lord your god with your tithe with your offering your barns are going to be filled with plenty that means you're going to have more than enough to give into every good work remember what it says in corinthians being able to give into every good work and then he goes on and says listen your vats will overflow with new wine again that's prosperity right there so this morning as you bring your tithe and you bring your offering into the house i want you to have this on your heart and on your lips miracles are about to happen and i'm one of them i want you to declare that you are one of those miracles about to happen i don't care whether you're bankrupt or not miracles are about to happen i don't care whether your finances are stretched to the nth degree miracles are about to happen so let's pray father we thank you for your word today we thank you father for the fact that miracles are already happening in this house hearts are being changed how's it being turned towards giving into the house of god and father as we declared this house is fully paid off fully paid our father we don't know where it's going to come from but we do know this it will come from the north the south the east and the west the angels of god are out there chasing it up right now bring it toward us and we give you thanks for it right now father and father for every seed that's sown here this morning and the seed father that can't be sown just yet because the heart has only just turned we thank you father you are increasing that seed right now causing it to spring forth and grow we give you thanks for it father in jesus name for the miracles that are about to happen we give you thanks in jesus name i just can you bring the vessels out and put them on the pulpit area now i think by now you're all aware of how we do this we go out from the sides come down the aisles on both sides go back through the center when you're ready to sow your seed please come and give [Music] through [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] lord we thank you that you are al shaddai the god that is more than enough thank you for that abundance that you're pouring out in and through your people that they may have more than enough to give to every good work thank you that that's manifested right now in jesus name amen amen amen amen have a very special item can we remove the thank you we have michael brown with us michael welcome hallelujah a dear friend and we consider her a family member and she's going to do a feature but also be joined by the cornerstone singers don't know whether we should have called them the pebbles but uh stones and pebbles the cornice purple anyway you can smile in church it's okay hallelujah but there is a really tangible anointing in here today honestly it's amazing so god is going to do some great things so welcome to all of you michael [Applause] not a good confession but to do all of this i'd like to take a moment if i may to um say thank you to pastors chris and lorraine for having me here today and for allowing me to be a part of such a wonderful family um you know uh in john 10 it says that for god so loved the world that he gave his son and often we tend to think that god is too busy because he's taking care of the world but it also says in the bible that god knows how many hairs we have on our heads so that makes it personal and i this morning would like to say that god so loved me that he placed me in this amazing family and i'm extremely honored and grateful to be a part of it shawna before i start crying [Music] one with god the lord in what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ what a beautiful name it is nothing compares to this what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus [Music] us so [Music] your jesus was [Music] what a wonderful name it is the name of jesus christ what a wonderful name it is nothing compares to this what a wonderful name it is the name of jesus [Music] of sin and the heavens are roaring the praise of your glory for you are again god yours is the glory yours is [Applause] you reign yours is the kingdom yours is the glory yours is the name of jesus what a christ name it [Music] a powerful is it is the name of jesus what a powerful name it [Music] it is the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] you know we um we want you to take a moment to open your hearts let the holy spirit just kind of come down and burn you burn you in a way because it just wants to fill you with fire and that's what we want this morning so get ready for it [Music] because we're believing for it right sean [Music] on us [Music] [Music] [Music] and your power lord [Music] let the heavens touch the earth [Music] [Music] higher [Music] [Music] [Music] this morning let the holy spirit just take over you find yourself dancing jumping raising are you ready [Music] start a new revival start a new revival [Music] you you're the only one who can light this fire fire fire [Music] us [Music] now acts 2 verse 1 says that on the day of pentecost the disciples were gathered together in one place and suddenly they heard a sound like a violent wind flowing through and it filled the house and we jumped down the first floor it says all of them were filled with the holy spirit and they began to speak in tongues as the spirit led [Music] now i'm thinking if he did it before he can do it again amen god is the same yesterday today and tomorrow so if he did it before he could do it again [Music] just like you did it before lord we are ready for more just like you did it before [Music] just like you didn't be born lord we are ready just like did it before lord we are ready for more yes just like [Music] [Music] lord we are [Music] just [Music] just like you did it before lord we are ready for more like you did it before lord we are ready for more lord we lord we are ready for you lord we are ready for more lord we are ready for more lord we are ready for more lord we are ready for more lord we are ready [Music] fill me with the holy ghost fill me with the holy ghost and fire i need the holy ghost i need the holy ghost and fire fill me with the holy ghost fill me with the fill me with the holy ghost fill me with the holy ghost [Music] [Music] fall [Music] [Music] we welcome you holy spirit we thank you for your divine presence touch your people fill them minister life to them and we make way for miracle signs and wonders in jesus name amen thank you worship team thank you michael thank you thank you cornerstone singers hallelujah hallelujah it's time for the children to go up to kidzone and the little lambs to go up as well to their room it's if you're here this is a time to slip out hallelujah glory to god who's expectant amen you know god always watches over his word and it says to perform it so god doesn't do anything until his word is spoken because he's watching over it to perform it um and i've been given some insight into what god is going to do today and i can assure you you will be astounded the people watching on youtube channel will be appear astounded because god always does astonishing things amen if god does something and you've already prepared yourself and you know now he he surprises you hallelujah and he's going to surprise us even more today but before i do that i want to make sure that we're all in the right place you know there's you've got to be legitimate in order to you know be a member of god's family um you know you can sit in a in a garage all your life and you're not going to come out a car and people go to church and they say well i'm a christian why because i go to church well you can spend all your life in church and not become a christian what makes you a christian is what you believe amen if you believe in your mouth in your heart and confess with your mouth jesus uh christ is lord you will be saved amen so i'm going to lead you in a prayer of confession you can just stand quietly now we're all going to just stand and then we're all going to pray this prayer together you see i want to make sure that you're positioned to receive your miracle today amen hallelujah so all of us pray this prayer together if you're praying it for the first time uh god hears and god will respond but i want you to pray it loud enough to hear your own words something powerful happens when you confess and you hear your own confession so let's all pray this prayer say father god i come before you in jesus name and i turn away from my past and in all humility i ask you to receive me just as i am jesus i stand before heaven and earth i declare that you are my lord and my savior i believe you died for me and are resurrected from the dead come and make me brand new fill me with your spirit and i will follow you and worship you from this moment on and forevermore amen amen let's give him a praise offering hallelujah praise god now you can be seated hallelujah so we're going to be examining the absolute power of god and i believe a lot of the hindrances and bottlenecks in people's lives are because they don't have an understanding and we're going to look at the passage in ephesians 1 where the apostle prays that the the eyes of our understanding be enlightened but it's got to do with understanding it you know a lot of things you can pick up in your spirit but you don't allow the light of god's word to to to shine because at the entrance of god's word brings light lord life but it has to then shine onto your conscious mind so you you have to understand it and if you don't understand it you don't believe correctly so understanding is important so when we fully comprehend and understand the power of god guess what happened miracles so i believe reason why we're not seeing miracle signs of wonders is because the mind has been darkened because the mind is in darkness it has to be renewed daily you know your mind isn't saved it's in the process of being saved so you have to enlighten your mind all the time that's why god's word is so important you know having a little dab on a sunday is not going to do you you got to have that light of god's word shining into your mind all the time renewing your mind and as you do that i mean as a young christian you know i i was in the word 16 hours a day i just couldn't get enough of it and it's not stopped i don't study the way i did i because a lot of it's in there but i still have to meditate and and prepare and do all those things and i'm totally reliant on god's faithfulness to watch over his word amen so when we understand the power of god i believe more miracle signs and wonders will happen and i've already had instruction from god as to what he wants me to do um he spoke to me on thursday we were here on thursday weren't we thursday yeah or wednesday and he said as the high priest i want you to prepare anointing oil and i said well all right lord i'm happy to do that but we don't have time now we're going to have anointing he says no no it's got to be ready for sunday and prepare them in bottles so looked up what was required for anointing oil frankincense myrrh cinnamon olive oil and prepared it and tossed lorena and i made up these bottles we got everything printed it was a miracle that it could all happen in two days but it happened because god wants it to happen so people will be anointed with oil today and those that have come forward for prayer will be given a little bottle to take away if it's one per family as well so you know this is very serious stuff and i know some of you have read in moses that if the anointing oil touches the body that you know there's a damn national let me tell you why that was said because the this same mixture was used to rub into people's bodies and massage into the it doesn't say about the head anointing oil is meant for the head the the high priest was anointed with oil and then kings were anointed with oil but if you go to the new testament it says we are kings and priests hallelujah so we can be anointed with oil but we shouldn't rub anointing oil all over our bodies that's not what it's about amen so power of god hallelujah the psalmist in psalm 62 verse 11 said this god has spoken once twice i've heard this the power belongs to god so this power that we're talking about today this absolute power it is limitless it is infinite uh it is irresistible power it only belongs to god you can't fake it you can't get it the devil tries to counterfeit it but he hasn't got it only one person has it that's god himself amen now it didn't pose to chris i don't know about that but you know how how can we be sure well in mark um 16 now mark 15 verse no no not not that passage in mark here we go um this is mark 14 verse 62. jesus because i they asked him is he the messiah is he the christ and then he says i am and you will see the son of man sitting at the right hand of the power is it up there on the right hand of the power and coming with the clouds of heaven now the greek word is which is the force now we're not talking about the force the force in you know the the cinema and all the things that we're talking about now this is not star wars this is the force the miracle maker the miracle worker the power himself only he has it and that word the name is the force so jesus said refers to god as the force the word ella el elohim which is used in the old testament is not just the almighty but it is the power of powers the god of gods it's the god of gods so what i'm trying to do is expand your image of god you know you can't have you've got it says to magnify the lord well i'm helping you magnify god so the more we see god as he is elohim the more i believe god is able to do in our lives el elohim also means the mighty of mighties hallelujah we've got to understand god's all-powerfulness and when we do and we can comprehend it guess what nothing is impossible and there are a lot of people that have been trusting and believing god for a lot of things but the more you press into god the more you understand who he is he cannot deny himself if he is the force he cannot desire deny his power if he is the healer he cannot deny healing so we're examining the absolute super abundant power of god it's limitless irresistible and he when he chooses nothing can stop nothing can stop god in romans 8 verse 11 it says that the very same spirit that lay raised jesus from the dead is dwelling in us and if the same spirit that raised jesus from the dead is living in us he will quicken its infuse the word infuse our mortal bodies so this power is manifest by the holy spirit here on earth jesus said listen when i go the things that i do you're going to do and even greater things than these because i go to the father but in that same passage he explained why it's because when he goes he sends the holy spirit and the holy spirit is here to manifest all the power that jesus operated under so he's manifesting it where in and through his people word of god tells us that the power that is at work in us will do exceedingly abundantly above all that we may ask or think or imagine this is the power we're talking about see god the father god the holy spirit and jesus they're all one and the same they're three persons but they're one god it's called the godhead so when we open our minds and our understanding to who god is and we realize that if god does miracles through a man it's because he chooses to do it through that man he doesn't need the man to do miracles you know that god could just look down and just go it's going to happen and it'll happen you can speak it into existence but because he has put certain universal laws into action into play he doesn't deny them so he uses man see with the apostles and the prophets they had power but it wasn't theirs and they couldn't exercise it at their will and that's why i'm very cautious don't have a miracle service unless god has said to me clearly i want to do something all you need to do is be present amen so whatever happens in and through man it's because god chose it god ordained it and even the the uh apostles in the book of acts they kept referring to god's power not their own power not their cleverness the apostle paul doesn't said you know he doesn't come with clever words but in the power of god that's what we need to do so miracles throughout the history have been a concrete uh evidence of god's power god alone does wonders no one else does psalm 136 verse 4 and today we're going to experience something like that see the holy spirit and god's power are synonymous with each other because they're synonymous with miracles if the holy spirit wasn't here today there's no point in us having church see he breathes life onto the word so if he's not here you will not receive the revelation that you need the understanding that you need the word of god will not impact on your life so it is the anointed word that we're looking at it's the anointing take the anointing away from the word and it's just ink on paper in the bible and i'm sure you've been to churches where the word spoken but you just sensed nothing's happening because there's no there's no anointing there's no power and it's god that chooses when to anoint who to anoint and how to anoint and it starts off with you believing that god's word is anointed amen i'm totally convinced that god's faithful to watch over his word so i rely on the anointing by relying on his word going forth so whenever i preach and let's say i'm talking about healing i expect god to heal if you want to get healed go to a church that believes in healing and that preaches healing if you want to prosper go to a church that preaches prosperity now i know a lot of people are totally anti-prosperity but you know they must be enter the bible because the bible's full of prosperity god rejoices in the prosperity of these people amen now i'm not saying everyone's going to be a multi-billionaire but everyone should have more than enough because if you're plugged into el shaddai you're going to have more than enough that's prosperity so today is about our minds being enlightened and what i'd like to do is examine that passage in ephesians the prayer that paul prayed so let's turn there with me let's go to ephesians 1. so i've got the original greek here i've got the original greek so i need these notes yes yeah that'll help i'm going to wire up again give me a minute do we have left though yeah there we go excellent god is good all the time one thing you have to be cautious of when you're ministering god's word is that you don't give the devil any room and there we go right ephesians 1 listen to what the apostle paul says we'll start with verse 18. so he said this the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance and here it is in the saints that's why i got you to confess i wanted you to know that you're a saint amen ios in the saints so that's you the riches of the glory of god's inheritance has to do with his power for nothing we inherent inherit is manifest or visible without the power of god at work in and through us verse 19 and what is the exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe according to the working of his mighty power wow now there are four power words in there which i'm going to come back to so the original greek says according to the working of the might of his strength verse 20 and 21 which he worked in christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in heavenly places far above say far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this age but also in that which is to come and he put all things under his feet and gave him to be head over all things there we get it again to the church see says toward the saints to the church so that god is directing his power to you toward you amen so what's happened why hasn't heaven hasn't this manifest i mean this is an incredible prayer which is his body the fullness of him who fills all in all why aren't we seeing greater manifestations of his power well if we go back to the prayer he prays in verse 18 that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened because we just don't understand let me tell you this is very difficult for the human mind to comprehend and as i unravel it in the greek you're going to see that it's like mind-blowing but the holy spirit's here and he will enlighten you that's why this is a prayer when you pray for someone it's because you can't do it amen only god can do it so the apostle paul is praying that the eyes of their understanding be enlightened because he was the most persuasive person on the planet but he could not get them to see this without the holy spirit so he said you know what i'm going to pray and that's what i'm doing today i'm praying that the eyes of your understanding be enlightened to the power of god so let's unravel first of all let's look at the um the direction that this power is aimed at it says toward the saints and to the church but then who is it used against because this is power that is irresistible cannot be stopped only god has it well in verse 20 and 21 it says this which he worked in christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him up at the right hand in heavenly places far above all principality far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this age but that which is to come so we notice that this authority is there to be used against certain other powers remember nothing can resist the power of god so the greek words are interesting here because the word for principality is achi which is magisterial rule the second word power exocera is authority to act and these are all evil forces by the way and then might is the numis which is physical force and then dominion is guerrilla terrors and that means geriotaros is angelic lordship so these forces that are being referred to include the world system the devil's authority to act the physical force of evil and demonic lordship the resurrection power has dealt with all of that we need to enforce it but unless we understand the power of god that is directed toward us that is aimed at us at the church then we can't deal with the world system the devil's authority to act and he has authority to act why because when adam fell the first adam he had a legal right to act all that god had given him the dominion that god had given me he had handed over so he has authority to act but you know what you have a greater authority to stop him acting oh you've got to get this stuff i mean this isn't as i said star wars this is the real thing and the more you understand it the more you see why god has aimed it at the church is because the church is the only institution the only body on this planet that can deal with evil but we're asleep most of the time no one even knows we're around no one shakes the system no one challenges the system you know it's all just keep it quiet secret service christianity no more because the power of god will be seen amen and it's not by god's man of the hour with all the power no it's you amen we are here to the fivefold ministry is here to equip the saints and what does it say it says towards or in the saints so the power is here the resurrection power is at work in you the resurrection power is quickening infusing your mortal body what so that you can get goose bumps no so you can go like hands on the sick and they will recover how so now we know who the enemy is and why the power of god the force of god the irresistible limitless power of god super abundant power is in the church so now let's unravel the most important this is verse 19 and it says this what is the exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe do you believe it says well god wants you to understand this that your eyes the the eyes of you understand may be enlightened what what exactly is the exceeding greatness of your power towards you what is it according to the working of his mighty power so there are four power words there the first one we find is it says exceeding greatness of his power towards us and that power is the name which is miraculous power or deeds or showing physical strength marvelous works so god is demonstrating his power towards you wants you to understand how powerful he is and it's physical if we in greek you say the name then amen you're talking about someone who's like absolute strength then the second word is the word is translated working according to the working and it's an interesting word because it's energia which is where we get the word energy from and here working it's actually an activated word it it activates it it's power in action it's super human activity so when the holy spirit is infusing activating your mortal body it's it's this word it's it's here energizing but it says that according to the energizing of his mighty there's the the third word and that's the word gratos and um is mighty it's dominion it's strength it's mighty deeds but if i say a gratissa i grabbed hold of it so it's it's it's something that is strong it's it you know when god grabs hold of it let me tell you nothing can take it from him and that's the word translated mighty gratos and then there's the final word ischus which again is translated power or strength and its absolute strength might force ability now with those words your mind's blown away because they got all those four words in one line but god's saying i want you to understand my power so he put it in this one verse so what i'd like to do is give you my expounded version so that you can get a little glimpse of it and ask the holy spirit to provide revelation or not enlightenment while i do this but when he does the absolute irresistible all-sufficient super abundant power of god is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we may ask or think or imagine and i pray that this happens today amen hallelujah so here it is this is the demetrius expounded version and as i said all i've done is i've taken the greek words from the original greek and i just want you honestly it's near impossible without the holy spirit's help to just get a glimpse of this power because it's it's like seeing god himself you know he's limitless he's endless he's eternal so is his power but if we can get a glimpse of it the eyes of our understanding just get enlightened let me tell you there's enough power then to do miracles amen whatever you believe in god for you know that his power is available amen and you know he doesn't withhold his power not for his children hallelujah so here it is what is the exceeding and surpassing magnitude of his miraculous power toward us who believe what is the exceeding and surpassing magnitude of his miraculous power toward us who believe according to the activation and working of the mighty deeds and dominion of his absolute strength and ability according to the activation and working of the mighty deeds and dominion of his absolute strength and ability amen if you can just get a glimpse of that there's enough power for your miracle today amen do you believe that you believe that god's power is here today in the form in the person of the holy spirit so let's receive this truth in our spirit allow the entrance of god's word to bring light cause us to understand what it takes for the miraculous power of god to manifest god's going to do it amen see he gave us this passage this prayer so that whenever we pray it and you need to pray this prayer a lot pray that the eyes of your understanding may be enlightened that you may know that you may see that you may understand the power of god because it's according to what you understand if if you understand that god's power is that much that's all you're going to get but if you see god's power as being limitless eternal irresistible all-powerful hallelujah guess what you're gonna get amen so it's here today and the holy spirit is going to manifest it the reason why he asked me to bring about to put together this anointing oil is that it's a point of contact and we all need that point of contact so there's holy spirits here how do you connect with the holy spirit well he's referred to as oil in the bible anointing oil he is the anointing he is a person but he is the anointing he doesn't you know pour the oil or anything but here's the anointing and the oil represents him so that point of contact is really important and as i said it's got to be done on the head because you know there are lots of oils that people used to rub in their bodies for healing for things but we're not talking about that make them younger and stuff the only place you put this is on the head but if you don't believe it and you don't hey it's fine no one's going to judge you on it and all that i believe this stuff i'm too far gone now you know to persuade me otherwise i've seen miracles science wonders you know there's no no miracle only probably miracle we haven't seen is someone being raised from the dead but there was a young man called peter who stayed on our land in south africa he he lived there and he was in bible school he went back to his home village in northern transform and he raised someone from the dead the person was dead three days god doesn't do it where the new newspapers and all things because god doesn't need publicity blessed are those who have not seen and believe amen so now i want you to be honest with yourself you believe in miracles do you believe in the power of god do you believe that god's power is accessible to you i'll just show you that it's it's aimed at it toward you it's in you you know there's god can't do any more and it's the same resurrection power that raised jesus from the dead see it's irresistible so when he sent the holy spirit to raise jesus from the dead went into the pits of hell no force could reverse could could reverse that or resist that power but that same power is living in you amen now you might think oh well you know i don't want to be rambo i don't want to be you know mr matron or god's not asking to do that because it's his power and he won't manifest it through you unless he can trust you with it but it starts off by receiving and today what i'm going to do is um those of you that need a miracle now the law spoke to me and said there are a lot of people that need a mental healing there's mental health issues are critical at the moment and sometimes your body doesn't get healed because your mind is in in that in the wrong place so i'm talking about all kinds of miracles can be financial material emotional physical mental you know god's not in the department where he goes today i'm only serving this no no he he serves everything if that's your need he has the power to deal with it so what i'd like to do is to keep this in order um i'm going to take one of these so this is the anointing oil made with frankincense myrrh cinnamon and olive oil and uh it it's the real deal i mean no this doesn't have any power but there's a point of contact the holy spirit has the power so i'm going to pray just anoint people that have come here today wanting a miracle and i want this to be done in order so i'd like you if you've come here for prayer and you believe in god for a miracle i want you to line up to my right to your left and one by one i will anoint you with oil you will pass that little table there and take one for your family so these aren't things that we're just handing out i mean this is a serious holy sanctified thing so we've got to honor and respect that and if for any reason we run out i'll prepare another 60 for next sunday amen so if you're here and you're believing god for a miracle and then i will anoint you with oil if you want to come proxy for someone you can do that as well then if i anoint you with oil you can take one of those and you pray for that person but you've got to get to see them amen so that you can anoint them with oil so i anoint them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost amen just on the forehead that's it god will honor that amen the first person i'm going to call up mandy you knew didn't you mandy yeah you knew see mandy's been struggling for a long time is that me no it's not me and mandy you know god's you're going to do something you haven't done for years do you remember when you first came to church you grew how how much did you grow three inches that was a miracle and that's when mandy was on on crutches and and she was still driving at the time and she grew three inches well today goes into an even greater miracle than that amen amen thank you for that lord the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost in jesus name amen amen amen hallelujah yeah creative miracle amen amen tell me when that's happened okay thank you mandy right anyone else you just come line up over here to my right and i will pray for you and then you take one of those hallelujah ushers can we keep this in order please yes [Music] name of the amen amen [Music] amen amen amen in the name of the father amen the name of the father amen amen hallelujah amen in the name of the father amen amen amen the name of the of the holy father amen [Music] you need to pray for people okay let me anoint your hands [Music] on the other hand you need to pray for people lord jesus amen [Music] amen the name of the father [Music] the holy of the holy ghost [Music] [Music] [Music] amen [Music] [Music] no stick fantastic from last week praise god and it's just the beginning it's every part of your body is being restored in jesus name but they're wonderful praise god [Applause] amen amen [Music] [Music] amen amen [Music] do you want rid of them today you're trying just just yes or no do you want rid of them in the name of the father of god [Music] feel the strength now in your feet in your legs and your knees in your hips that's the power of god [Music] power of god [Music] that's it that's it hallelujah put them in one hand okay walk with that and then take and then lift them up oh take a walk go on that's it that's it that's it praise god [Applause] hallelujah the holy spirit [Music] in the name of the father and of the son amen [Music] in the name of the father [Music] amen [Music] [Music] it's done in jesus name [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is amendments [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] amen myself [Music] this is your day this is your day amen in jesus [Music] [Music] that's it amen yeah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] mighty man of god amen mighty man of god hallelujah god has his hand on your life [Music] amen amen you need to pray for people [Music] no this is it name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost thank you restoration in jesus name in jesus name [Music] in jesus name give me your hand give me your hand i want you to testify now where is the pain or where was the pain it's gone good good in jesus name in jesus name [Music] hallelujah amen amen amen amen [Music] peace [Music] yes [Music] [Music] give your wife a hug name of the [Music] father amen amen [Music] jesus amen [Music] amen [Music] the amen of the holy ghost jesus amen amen amen [Music] uh a lot happened today and you need to testify and you you testify because it encourages other people and it builds their faith god doesn't need publicity but other people need to know the miracle signs of wonders are because people don't believe but when they do believe things happen and those of you that were watching on live stream god touched you as well amen i mean if you can get to church come to church i will anoint you with oil but you can receive the god's word wherever you are so receive god's word and you too will receive your miracle amen let's give him a praise offering [Applause] halloween [Applause] you know the anointing does different things because it's the holy spirit some people got healed other people were equipped some were energized motivated mental issues were dealt with i know that we saw physical healing take place this young man what's your name was the dts michael yeah i saw god anoint you and he anointed your hands so you got to pray for people and i know you're bold enough to do that aren't you yes so you do that it's great when god touches young people amen and you know you make sure that you remain plugged into god amen you know if you don't join this church join a church that preaches the word sorry you enjoyed today did you good you see if you if if you don't hear the word you don't get fed it nothing happens and we're not trying to sell ourselves we're telling you it's god's word amen and when god's word is preached things happen hallelujah and then we'll continue to have we're just on the precipice of what god is about to do next sunday i'm talking about the name of jesus the name of jesus and you have to get full revelation during the power of god the power of god is is for you it's directed at the church amen but with the name of jesus you take authority over all demonic activity so the the name of jesus is like devil this is what you need to do so you can bind and loose and do in the name of jesus so come and find out how why get inspired i i had a great revelation i was able to see into the spirit for the first time i was a young christian and i didn't know why people were getting healed and things were happening and i listened to tapes by e.w i read ew kenyon's book and kenneth hagin seniors book and then i listened to about 12 tapes by kenneth hagin on the name of jesus and it wasn't until i asked god to open my eyes and show me that i saw the importance of it and come and i'll tell you what i saw and what happened because when you understand the authority in the name of jesus you pray for people and things happen amen we love you we appreciate you the worship team i think that can we leave it at this and maybe just play some music um because i really feel that you know there's there's a wonderful atmosphere and we can leave with reverence and respect and honor if you need to go and have fellowship in the fellowship area there we have we what do we have donuts or muffins today god so we we've really upped our game here we got muffins as well so do join us for some muffins in the fellowship area but we love you we appreciate you have a great day have a great week have a truly great life and see you next sunday bring in those testimonies amen god did so much today amen [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: cornerstonethechurch
Views: 171
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 37sec (7177 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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