Living The Super-Abundant Life

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] good morning church always everyone you know one of my favorite uh psalms is i will bless the lord at all times and his praise shall continually be on my lips and i try to practice that every single day every hour every minute every second and you know have you today this morning we need to to to you know to be filled you got to be emptied and you're going to come with your heart a heart of anticipation and and readiness you've got to throw all your emotions all all your loads in order for god to to deliver and free you because with the spirit of the lord there is liberty and freedom and let us just put our heart in a posture of worship or mind in a posture of worship or ever being in a posture of worship because we acknowledge that he has been good to us amidst everything amidst every circumstance that we are breathing and as long as we are breathing have life it's another opportunity this this is opportunity sunday another opportunity to tell you how much you love him another opportunity to tell him how much you adore him another opportunity to worship him let's go ahead and as we pray father we thank you again for your love and your mercy lord father god lord my heart is beating with anticipation for what you're about to do lord father god mode may you heal us may you deliver us may you encourage encourages may you inspire us father god as we give you everything lord father god lord just remember those who not who do not have the opportunity at moment lord father to even come into your house and father may you provide be their provider father as we give you thanks in jesus name as amen amen awesome praise the lord let's stand and worship him this morning [Music] i give you glory for all you brought me through and now i'm ready for whatever you want to do i'm moving forward [Music] we [Music] is [Music] so come now lord like never before every season your grace has [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is is is an open door so come now lord like never before [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] we want you lord [Music] is an open door so come now lord like never before come now come now come down [Music] holy spirit come down calm down is is [Music] like ever before so come now lord like never before [Music] [Music] love you jesus thank you jesus [Music] thank you lord there is nothing that he can't do all things are possible with you lord we give you all the honor all the glory and all the praise this morning [Music] just so untouched i feel the presence of heaven [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] god [Music] is [Music] is just so untouched [Music] just one time my eyes [Music] there's nothing left [Music] i will believe for greatest things there's no power like the power of jesus their faith [Music] arrives for greater things there's no power like the power of jesus [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we can [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] thank you jesus this next song we're going to sing it's a new song and it's based on the scripture acts 2 verse 1 when the holy spirit came with tunnels of fire and so as we're here today in one accord let's believe that the holy spirit is going to come and touch us [Music] [Music] fire [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] on [Music] lord do [Music] touch the earth [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] you you're [Music] [Music] you you're the only one who can life [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] lord we believe you did it once [Music] just like [Music] just like you did it before lord we are ready for more just like you did it before lord we are ready for lord just like you didn't before [Music] just like you did it before lord we are ready for more just like you did it before lord we are ready for more just like you did it before lord we are ready for more lord we are ready [Music] lord we are ready for more lord we are ready [Music] [Music] oh is [Music] [Music] fire fall on us awesome god is so good amen you may be seated oh fire fall on us just like it was before imagine that just like it was before fire falling on us on each one of us amen ties and offerings what a joy it is to come and present our ties and offerings amen fire i love that song awesome really awesome now honestly it really is awesome it just it brings joy to the heart ah god he's a good god amen ties and offerings a joyous time a time where that fire can come on your tyres and your offerings amen thank you guys appreciate it let me just read you a quick scripture let me just say this james talks about faith doesn't he he says faith without works is dead and i want you to grab your tithe in your offering i want you to to after that song just say father bring fire on my tires and my offerings because you get the fire of god on your toes and your offerings and i'll tell you something right now they will not only burn up in the things of god but they will do miracles miracles will happen in your life and i'm not just saying that said i can get you money i'm saying that because i want you blessed i want you blessed i want the pharaoh god to come on your finances so much that you cannot contain those finances you have to give in every good work every good work faith without works is dead when you bring your ties and your offerings out here i want you to put your faith with your tithe with your offering i want you to put your faith with it and say father i'm sowing my seed into this this ground right now and i thank your father that that seed is bringing forth a harvest that i can't contain see we put faith and we put action to it bring it into the bucket and our words water the seed that we plant in the ground who knows every seed that gets planted in the ground needs water immediately well every time you put your seed in the ground it needs water water of the word to be poured over it that comes because you've got faith in god amen so without further ado let's just bring our ties and offerings out just we start from this side and go around the back come down put our ties our offerings in and let me just pray before we do that but as soon as i finish prayer if you're ready to bring your tithe and your offering in bring it even if you run down and throw it in the bucket i want to see you get joyful in the lord joyful in the things of god so that you sow your seed knowing that god is about to do a miracle in your finances amen father right now we just give you thanks and praise for your word we thank you father for your spirit we thank you father as the people in this house sow their seeds into the kingdom of god that you are already causing seed to spring forth and grow back for them causing blessings to come to them father and father we thank you that your fire is on on that seed as well oh i tell you what father to think about your fire on that seed oh yes father yes your fire on that seed father causing everything to change everything to change those who have no seed all of a sudden have seed those who have plenty of seed all of a sudden they're giving every good work that they and getting more back that they can't contain father that's the fire of god that's the joy of god so father we give you thanks in jesus name amen okay if you want to bring your tithes and your offerings out please do so [Music] [Music] i need the holy ghost fill me with the holy ghost fill me with the holy ghost i'll need the holy ghost [Music] the holy ghost [Music] i need the holy ghost [Music] i need the holy ghost [Music] fill me with the holy [Music] the ghost ghost i need the holy ghost [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] on us [Music] [Music] [Music] let's touch the earth [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] just like you did it before lord [Music] just like you did it before [Music] [Music] just like you did it people lord we are ready forever [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah lord we thank you that your holy fire the fire of revival has come it's fallen on us today lord when we declare that we will never be the same thank you lord and all those watching and listening lord we just thank you that fire falls on them too lord in jesus name amen amen please be seated thank you worship team great to have a bra section for that one anyway hallelujah blessed be the name of the lord just a a quick testimony this week on wednesdays the little lambs which are you know the babes in arms and little toddlers they meet every wednesday at 11 o'clock and this wednesday they had an incredible time so there's a there we are i mean that's a good good turnout amen i know some of you uh would like to join so you know it's available but you do need to be under five well the crash is you know available upstairs if you do have you've come with your baby in arms or a toddler you can always go upstairs and you will still be able to see the service and they'll be able to run around and keep you occupied amen hallelujah fire fire some of you are thinking why is the pastor so happy today well one thing i know is when god speaks to me and he says he's going to do certain things he does it hallelujah so i'm excited because i know what god's going to do uh when we stay in cyprus uh we we're near a a monastery about half a mile away and uh they've been praying for over 1200 years on that mountain so it's a holy mountain there's a piece that is just incredible and i was just meditating on what i should minister on today you know the subject and god spoke to me very clearly and it wasn't a day or two days after that that he confirmed it so this message i'm going to make my notes available because there's a lot of greek and those of you watching all you need to do is call the office and we will send you these notes reason why i'm saying this is i believe this is a not just a word in season not something that you know straight from the throne room struck hot off the press but it is vital for your lives and the lives of your loved ones and friends if you understand this i promise you it's going to change the way you see life and obviously put you in a position where you do live this super abundant life that jesus came to secure for you and i it it grieves me when i see christians that aren't living that life and we all go through stuff and you know so there are seasons but you don't live in the wilderness you go through the wilderness you don't live in the valley of the shadow of death you go through the valley of the shadow of death yeah it's not a permanent place when you're in you're struggling and going through stuff the permanent place is the place that jesus has secured for you and that is a state it's it's it's a place that he has secured and he says that i came that they may have life and the word there is zoe the god kind of life so we're going to look at that today and we're going to unravel this truth um you know i i like to construct things like a lawyer would present to a court because when you dismantle it and then put it apart people should be able to go you know what i see that uh so this argument's very strong especially when we start looking at the various greek words so it's it's johnny 10 10 which is very popular very well known verses look at one verse one verse can change your life you know that and this verse will change your life so jesus says the thief comes but to steal to kill and destroy but i have come that they may have life and have life more abundant now i want you to realize that jesus is speaking about sheep because this passage is about the good shepherd because he wants people in that dispensation to comprehend to understand this principle so the best way he could get it across is to say well you know you know what happens with the good shepherds and the sheep but we need to look at it in the context of the kingdom of god because the kingdom of god has come jesus has gone to the cross that's where these promises and all other promises are yes and amen at the cross so jesus says something and he he's trying to make it clear to the listener that there are two camps there are two domains there are two territories so the one territory or the one domain is or the one sphere is a place where the thief the devil operates and he has a mandate he's fully committed to doing certain things tells us to steal to kill and destroy now he doesn't change he doesn't suddenly put love in there no no do you notice it doesn't even say that he came to lie to us because he is a liar he uses lies in deception to steal kill and destroy you see his mandate he's his mission is to steal kill and destroy now we all go well i'm not a sheep and you know i'm still alive so he hasn't killed me i'm going to show you when we examine the greek words that the devil is active and unless you're living the super abundant life unless you're in the other camp you are permitting things allowing things to happen because jesus said i have come that they may have life zoe the god kind of life the super abundant life the endless life the boundless life that's why he came but to have that life super abundant more abundantly so there are the two camps we have the devil's domain the devil's camp the devil's territory and how he operates using deception and lies and and wickedness and violence and we're going to see that this word violent he doesn't do things by just naughty boy he will take you out so in his domain is is the most terrible place to live and and most terrible things go on there but jesus says no but i have come this is his territory his domain his kingdom that you may have life the god kind of like zoe and have it more abundantly so let's look at this verse because i believe it's it's it's vital that we understand this but i'll be honest with you through ignorance neglect you know laziness whatever there are times in my life that i've been in that you know in that place i haven't done it will willingly or willfully but i've ended up there how do i know that because the devil is stolen the devil is killed the devil is destroyed so we all end up there the thing is that that's not where we should be see jesus came that we should be living the super abundant life thought spoke to my heart and said september is the month of super abundance then he confirmed it blew me away and you're part of it if you're in god's kingdom you're part of it amen so what i want to do is look at the key greek words because they give us insight into what the devil does the thief and what jesus has secured for us now if you [Music] don't accept this truth and apply your faith to allow it to establish itself in your life you will always be under the authority and control of the devil jesus went around doing good and healing all who were under the authority it says oppressed says then acts says oppressed but that greek word is now it says under the authority of the devil because god was with him so as i said the one territory is governed by the thief who has a commitment he's fully committed to his mandate and that is to steal to kill and destroy the other territory we have lord jesus christ he is the lord he governs he is the master he is the ruler of that territory and he decrees to secure a life that is super abundant for anyone who is abiding in his kingdom the bible tells me that i am a citizen of heaven amen i'm a citizen of his kingdom so that's where i abide so anything else anything that is not complying to the rules and regulations and the blessings and the environment that jesus has secured means i'm in the wrong place now i can say oh yeah good things happen now i've got to say to myself listen chris you're in the wrong place here you know what have you done to get to that place you know most of it is just truth this is why this message is so important it's about truth about understanding the truth see if i confess the truth and i say you know what devil that's not that that's not where i am i am in christ in him i live and move and have my being that's that's where i am i'm in his kingdom i'm a citizen of of of heaven so you have no access to me you can't steal kill or destroy anything and we want to understand those three words because when you understand them i'm going to read what they mean and it's going to be very challenging and upsetting because you realize how often you've been in that territory jesus talks about being the good shepherd he's made sure that his sheep are in the fold so how did we end up where the thief is ignorance lack of faith being irresponsible sin whatever it is but it's it's our fault it's not the lord's fault because i'm trying to teach you something see jesus said i have come that they may have life that's why he came and when he went to the cross what was nailed on the cross was all the death all the sin all the things lost stolen destroyed all nailed on the cross so that we may have life zoe the god kind of life so let's look at these greek words here so the first one that says that it says that the key the thief has come but to uh that he might steal and there's the greek word glebsi or glabsor glabs eclampsia is interesting because when we think of a thief we think of a pickpocket but this is what the greek word means that's why i said you need to you need to get these notes and i'm making them available so klepsis the thief is one who steals by stealth in secret rather than in the open and he does this with violence then we find the second word with its glebson which is that he might the thief that he might steal because what if thieves do they're still so we have claptis which is the thief but we have klebsie which is to steal that he might steal and this is to take away completely it doesn't leave anything no residue he if he steals from you let he is going to take it all he's not a nice guy he says look i'm going to take 60 and leave you with 40 because that'll get you through now he enjoys your suffering so he's going to take it all to completely take away to steal secretively and absolutely to make a violent theft or robbery this is the devil he's not mr nice guy a lot of christians the devil comes knocks on their door and they open sorry devil i don't want to offend you today but you know i mean you can come and have a cup of tea with me but you're going to have to leave no you open the door to him he's in he's going to take everything you make sure you don't open the door it's interesting that it says to steal secretively he doesn't do it in such a way that you that people go you know what the devil stole from you has anyone come to you and said you know you've lost out you've this has happened you you're you've lost your dream your energy your joy you're all of this and you've lost your business and someone come and say you know that was the devil no they don't he does it in a very cunning way it always looks like it's your fault stealth secretive lies and deception see he operates in the dark there's a revelation for you he operates in the dark can you see in the dark i rest my case jesus operates in the light right their third word here is the word sisi which is to kill now this is to kill or eradicate often used when making a spiritual sacrifice he wants you to be his spiritual sacrifice for all the the the perverse and wicked things that he'll do again that word kill people oh i'm still alive no no he killed your dream he killed your relationships and then there's the third one which is abolishi which is destroy this is to utterly destroy it's like going to war that but that that word there can uh also be used for for a battle going into battle and war but the whole object of of war is to totally destroy to violently and completely perish to bring about total run implying to cause loss and experience a miserable end now the good news is i mean it's quite frightening when you hear that his mandate is that unbelievably violent and and perverse and and that he has no mercy we because we're familiar with god's mercy think that the devil has mercy you know he doesn't have mercy as i said if he takes you out he's going to take you out completely he's not going to leave a little he's not going to be kind to you he's not going to show any goodness or compassion or he he this is his mandate and these words are harsh but you know what a wake-up call do i want to be in that camp anyone want to be in that cat put your hand up and i'll pray for you now no the good news is there's somewhere where i belong amen and my name is written in the book of life zoe amen i'm that's me i'm a citizen of heaven hallelujah got a heavenly passport to to prove it so just to recap the devil is bent on secretly covertly and violently stealing from god's children he desires to take away completely the blessings you've received by robbing you in a dishonest and violent way satan wants to eradicate everything that you treasure those things that you cherish and value highly he is determined to kill all your hopes and dreams and aspirations he would like you to become a spiritual sacrifice for his perverse and wicked practices the devil wants your life to be in total ruin and utter dis and be utterly destroyed he wants you to suffer loss and experience a miserable end he targets everything you put your hand to and he will do this under the cover of deceit and deception using any violent means at his disposal now you may be excused for feeling a little apprehensive and uncomfortable at that but that's why i'm doing this i want you to realize that this is reality amen the reality is of the truth or the reality of where you can be deceived and end up it's a reality the wonderful thing and the great news is that jesus didn't stop there he said but i have come that they may have life zoe so all of the things that i've listed there are all death they're all death but he says i have come that they may have life jesus boasted he said but you know what i've overcome death death where is your sting wow jesus said he has come that we may have life and have it super abundantly yes the life jesus secured is a life that is out of the ordinary and away from the devil's sphere of influence how do i know that the final greek word which is a very son which is abundantly listen to what that means now you can relax and start as i said that's not where you you are you might have ended up there for some reason taking the wrong turn and but that's not where you belong this is where you belong abundantly means beyond what is anticipated we all anticipate things amen and you know i'm an optimist i always anticipate great things and we sing about great things and god doing great things but he says beyond what you can anticipate that's abundance exceeding all expectations out of the ordinary super abundant going past the expected limit exceedingly expected hallelujah hallelujah it also means more than enough which is the name of god you know that that's the name of god more than enough abundance praise god hallelujah jesus came that we may have life and have life more abundant out of the ordinary extraordinary super abundant without bounds without limitations i'm going to tell you and show you and persuade you what that means so that when the devil tries to deceive you you just stand your ground and you confess who you are amen turn around someone said this is really good hallelujah why because it's life-changing amen the super abundant life is what jesus came to secure for you and for me and he accomplished it on the cross and that's where we have communion tonight after the message we're going to have communion and we're going to seal this hallelujah hallelujah no longer are we obliged to live under the tyranny of the devil we no longer have to succumb to his tyrannous plots and evil schemes we are truly free from all the things mentioned in john 10 10. no longer can satan steal kill and destroy but as with all spiritual truths there are conditions attached and they involve the human will choice you can unwittingly abide in the territory that gives the devil full access to your life you can allow him to fulfill his mandate lack of faith is the major one but we taking care of that because this message builds up your faith when you know the truth the truth will set you free hallelujah this singularly and totally and completely and solely has to do with life that's what it's got to do with jesus says i have come the day may have life life life greek word zoe the god kind of life if you are in christ you dwell in the sphere of super abundance this is an exceptional life that's truly out of the ordinary nothing can compare with the fountain of prosperity that's showering your life with blessings today nothing can compare with that that is the truth and the reality that you must live in he wants every one of you to live a life that is boundless going far beyond what you can anticipate jesus wants you to live a life that exceeds all expectations both yours and those around you he wants you to live a life that transcends all expected parameters yes your life is as limitless as he is eternal that is the god kind of life that is zoe hallelujah now says jesus didn't come to start a church he didn't come to improve humanity or give us a code of conduct he came for one purpose i have come that they may have life amen zoe wow ii corinthians 5 17 says therefore if any man is in christ he is a new creature old things have passed away behold everything has become brand new the new creation or new creature it's that we are built differently now we are built to accommodate super abundance that's the life anyone who is in christ he's the new creation all things have passed away behold everything has become brand new that's what jesus came to secure as a new creation in christ you are built to live the super abundant out of the ordinary life don't let the devil's lies prevent you from living this truth declare it over yourself every day confess it in every situation stand tall in the face of adversity you are more than a conqueror you fight this and take this on the same way jesus did it is written amen you say i am a new creation i am built differently created differently i am built to accommodate prosperity wholeness soundness for unbuilt for i have no right to live any other way i am a new creation this is zoe the god kind of life i have the same divine substance going through my body that jesus had all that is his is mine but also all that is mine is his oh you got to get that one you got to get that one because you got to look at yourself look at your situation look at what you have and say you know what this belongs to to god now can the devil steal kill and destroy what belongs to god no no this is a temple of the holy spirit can the devil steal kill and destroy god's temple but why aren't you confessing it see once you know the power of zoe the god kind of life and you confess it over yourself everything changes you become off-limits out of bounds he can't deceive you to live in his territory where he can still kill and destroy you're in the you're in the sheep pen with the good shepherd hallelujah and he says you know what i have got a life for you that you can't even imagine this is super abundance out of the ordinary boundless limitless let's get our heads around this you're not going to the blessed church of the grasshopper and the giants don't mean anything because we're looking at god amen the best way to get a view of god is to think of a grain of sand on the beach that's you and then think of the universe that's god that's how big he is and the wonderful thing is he has taken you and put you in him so now you are part of the universe i'm going to give you an example i'm not getting weird here but you are as vast and as infinite and as powerful as his hallelujah the god kind of life does the god kind of life exclude his power his ability no in him we live and move and are greek translation no don't have our being in him we live and move and are that's who we are blessed be the name of the lord your life is steeped in rich abundant divine nature and that nature is the nature of god you have the same substance in you in your spirit being that is in god with his divine nature permeating into every aspect of your life nothing is impossible hallelujah stop living in that camp and confessing you know how you get into the camp now i'm going to shock some of you that's how you get into the camp devil's standing at the door and you go oh but you know i have been welcome come in do you know you stay out of that camp confessing i am a child of god amen i'm a citizen of heaven i am in christ and in christ there is no darkness he was the light that came into the world i am with him in the light he has overcome death i mean you can go on and on and on and on and on and on but the bible is full of it so why are you going well you know i mean this always happens to me welcome it'll happen again how are you feeling today oh you know the devil's really had to go welcome you can have another go now as i'm saying there are challenges but what's your confession yes because you can add a positive twist to it yes there's pain in my body but praise god according to his word i am healed i'm free from pain and the devil's not going to steal my health that was not going to steal my joy he's not going to kill my dreams he's not going to kill my aspirations you know just get going on it my bank account might be empty but you know what god's word says that the wealth of the unjust is is laid up laid up put aside for me so you know what i'm believing that that's going to flood into my bank account it's been put aside for me so how do i get it from there to here confessing faith because if you always confess your poverty that's where you're going to remain but if you confess that jesus became poor that you may be rich oh but that's spiritual rubbish because the greek word there is blucios and that is stinking rich and it's in a material sense nothing to do with spiritual blues if you say this is they know what you mean and jesus knew you know what jesus spoke greek my uncle was a an archbishop in new york and he wrote a thesis on and proved categorically that jesus actually spoke because he went to synagogues that they didn't speak any other language so when he you know mentioned certain things he knew what they meant when he talked about wealth he knew if he used that word that's what it meant he didn't spiritualize it so what are we going to do about it well we see that clearly there are two camps two territories two domains with two key figures one is the thief the devil and the other is the lord jesus now human will choice is involved now if you genuinely after listening to this message think that you can live in the devil's camp then you need to come out and i'll give you and then you know you go back to your seat or deliver you from uh cast that lying spirit out of you no one in their right mind would want to be in that amen we'd all have the same you know we'll all have the same uh desire and that is to live the super abundant life the good news is it's yours jesus came that i may have zoe the god kind of life and that you might have that life super abundantly so oh wow that's why i wanted to end with this now the zoe the god kind of life is like wow it's endless it's boundless no limitations no restrictions where all things are possible but he didn't stop there and says and to have that super abundantly we you can't comprehend the vastness of god yeah so he's the god can't know how he says no but i want you to have that overflowing without limits more abundantly that's why he came blessed be the lamb of lord i wrote this down and i want to end with and then we're going to have communion because we're going to seal this truth the god kind of life zoe is not meant for heaven alone it is meant to manifest heaven here on earth i want to live here on earth as if i am in heaven i want heaven on earth amen i don't have to go to heaven yet i'm not finished my raise but you know what i can have heaven here on earth and that's what zoe is and our measure for everything has happened can the devil go to heaven and still no can he kill no can he destroy no he has no access he was kicked out of heaven lucifer go take all your cronies with you and go and they had to leave they have no access back there so we can walk around in that state the state of super abundance amen so it's up to us now to just make sure that we don't end up in the other camp because of our confessions and sometimes it's oh well i'm speaking the truth yeah according to what because there's only one truth and the truth is in here so if you're speaking according to the the the word of god you will always be living the zoe for god kind of life and that's what he wants for you that's why he came he came that you may have life and have life more abundantly out of the ordinary you want the ordinary life the devil will accommodate you hello i'm happy with my lot hallelujah don't be happy with your lot thanks a little start dreaming big thinking be planning this month is going to blow you away super abundance you don't even know what abundance is now god's going one step further he's going super abundant extraordinary god takes ordinary people and does extraordinary things through them hallelujah and it's all going to happen to us and you watching you know what a lot of you watching at home and a lot of your friends watching at home and a lot of their friends in that the devil has stolen from you why how do i know because you're not in church you can will be why we wore wall but the fact is that god wants you to be part of the body amen and being part of a body by a part of the family means connected amen and using our devices and all they're wonderful and praise god for that it's so much easier to access information but that's not the way to live the zoe kind of life is here amen now i'm not saying god won't bless you i'm just saying that if i don't say it no one's going to say it and if you love people get this message to them they need to hear that god sent his son jesus to die for them that they may have life and have life super abundant amen blessed be the name of the lord glory to god and where was it secured at the cross when jesus was saying these things he hadn't fulfilled his mission not yet the good shepherd in this passage he says listen i am the good shepherd verse 14 this is john 10 verse 14 and i know my sheep and i am known by my sheep as the father knows me even i know the father and i lay down my life for my sheep and then in verse 17 he says therefore my father loves me because i lay down my life that i may take it up again no one takes it from me but i lay it down of myself i have power to lay it down and i have power to take it up again this command i have received from my father jesus wasn't forced to go to the cross he wasn't forced to lay down his life he said i'll lay it down for my full of sheep that's us amen that's why he came that we may have zoe think of that word the god kind of life what an average life the god kind of life the life that moved mountains the life that walks on water the life that raises the dead that's the way blessed be the name of the lord we're going to have communion but before i invite the worship team back up i want to make sure that you have already got access to that life because whoever is in christ he is a new creation all things have passed away behold everything has become brand new the way we make sure of that is there's it out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and we will confess something and that confession will ensure that you're in the right place that you have legal access to the kingdom to that domain where jesus christ rules and reigns amen the devil has no access to you he has no access to you on legal grounds you can't understand this jesus this is the law of the universe why because you're washed in his blood and now you're in the kingdom under his rule under his authority under his care so let's all stand i don't want anyone looking around and we're going to pray this prayer together this wonderful confession i want you to confess it loud enough for you to hear your own voice something happens when you hear your own confession god hears but i want you to hear too let's all pray father god i turn away from my past and in all humility and reverence i come to you and i ask you to receive me just as i am jesus i stand before heaven and earth and i declare that you are my lord and my savior come and make me brand new fill me with your spirit and i will follow you and worship you from this moment on and forevermore amen amen now if you pray that prayer for the very first time i'm obliged to extend my hand to you and bless you so if you're here today and you prayed that prayer for the first time then just slip your hand up you can put it back down i just need to know i will declare something over your life and blessed you anyone here prayed that prayer for the very first time i will want to bless you today as i said this ensures that you're in the right place that you you have access to zoe the god kind of life so put your hand up if you prayed that prayer for the first time and anyone at home as well i'll pray blessing on you as well anyone father i just thank you for all those people that uh have have given their hearts to you today i've surrendered to you and i thank you lord that you will do exceedingly abundantly above all that they may ask or think or imagine bless them lord watch over them and keep them let them live the super abundant life that you have secured for them let zoe the god kind of life be the life that is visible to all those around them in jesus name amen amen worship team blessed be you can sit down praise god praise god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah so all that i've mentioned today ending with this wonderful statement that um zoe the god kind of life was secured for us at the cross and therefore as we partake of communion do you all have your elements if you don't please just put your hand up and someone will you all have your communion elements if you do then stand so jesus said that he has come that we may have life and have life more abundantly but on the same night that he was betrayed he took bread all of you look at me and he broke it then he said take eat this is my body which is broken for you now because his body is broken your body is whole so your life is whole there's no excuses that that what happened at the cross this is the zoe the god kind of life it's not a broken life it's a whole life it's complete life so let's partake of the bread and let's remember that jesus went to the cross to die for us that we may be whole and in the same manner that is after giving thanks after supper he said this he says this is my blood and the new covenant the new covenant is written in his blood and the new covenant is based around zoe the god kind of life because for us to enter into his kingdom to be part of his fault to be citizens of heaven we have to be cleansed and he says drink this as often as you do in remembrance of me let's always remember that we are the righteousness of god in christ jesus because we have been washed in his blood let's partake of the blood lord i thank you for every person here every family that's represented i speak life and blessing and prosperity openly i declare the zoe the god kind of life is the life that they are living and that today you have started something in their lives and that you will not allow them to live any other way that you will bless them and continue to bless them to do exceedingly abundantly above all that they may ask or think or imagine according to the power that is at work in them and holy spirit minister to your people now let them know the great love that you have for them there are desires that god's put in your heart that are being fulfilled right now those of you that are believing god for a child that desire is from god and he will fulfill it some of the greatest men in the in the in the bible all born to barren women hallelujah with god nothing is impossible some of you your businesses have been barren whatever you've done whatever you've tried nothing has borne through it's been as dry as a as a desert and it's hard as concrete but the good news is that this is the day of the breakthrough and this month you will see and rejoice and know what god is doing and what god has done helen with god nothing is impossible with some of you your relationships have just gone flat no energy no no connection no love shared no love lost nothing is it's just a dead place well god is breathing life into that there will be new vitality new energy new connection someone has been believing to to travel to see a loved one you think well you know why would god do this for me because he loves you he's going to make a way and you will be able to travel and see that loved one that you haven't seen for for two years or more someone here today who's going to get inspiration from the holy spirit to do something that they never thought they could do and yet it will come to pass it will be a reality because of him [Music] remember the zod zoe kind of life is limitless without bounds and there are lots of people that have struggled with their health the god kind of life is a life of wellness and wholeness and soundness and vitality he will renew your strength like the eagle but you have to declare it speak over your body speak to your body declare that it is the temple of the holy spirit sickness and disease and any dark thing has no place you will know when god touches you someone here who has heart problems heart issues i'm talking medically now not emotionally next time you go to the doctor and he does the tests he's going to be astonished it's the zoe the god kind of life oh it is super abundant it is super exciting it is incredible hallelujah someone here that has thought of starting a ministry god is saying to you that you need to plan but you also need to submit so that you can be sent hallelujah i keep going back to marriages that uh you know have broken down well the devil came to steal kill and destroy well jesus came that you may have life and that is in your marriage as well hallelujah and then finally someone here lost a friend and you're heartbroken but god's saying to you don't worry i have provided more not just friendship but more relationship more interaction more stability and because you're part of the family god's going to move you on quickly in jesus name amen amen now if you're young and you feel well i don't know how does the zoe the god kind of life affect me well it affects you more than you can ever imagine because it it allows you to plan your future knowing that god's gone before you that he's made a way even when there isn't a way that he will always be with you he'll never leave you or forsake you and what a great way to live amen amen if you've received today put your hands toward heaven and just start to thank him thank you lord thank you for all that you've said all you've spoken over us lord thank you lord that uh they are yes and amen and bless your people lord bless them continue to bless them in jesus mighty name amen amen you have zoe amen why because jesus said i have come that they may have hallelujah i think is a good reason for us to rejoice don't disappear we're going to have a really good energetic up song we can rejoice then muffins to muffins today great no donuts we've had enough doughnuts we on to muffins don't disappear hang around have some fellowship we love you we appreciate you have a great day have a great week have a great life amen amen hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] glory [Music] [Music] jesus we shout your name with jesus [Music] [Music] my god forever forever [Music] glorious [Music] make it louder jesus [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] make it louder [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] um [Music] you
Channel: cornerstonethechurch
Views: 125
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 7hgE1XeKZ90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 13sec (6373 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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