God Lives in You | Joyce Meyer

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thanks for tuning into Christ Fellowship Church on YouTube we're so blessed you've chosen to take some time out of your day to spend it with us we hope you enjoyed this week's message [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is my first time to teach this year so if everybody all year stays excited as you are we'll be in good shape hey we love you we love your church if I live down here full time this is certainly where I would go to church and so I think you're in a good place all right I just want to share something out of my heart with you before I bring you the word that's on my heart tonight I've been in a serious relationship with God for about 45 years and now I was born again a long time before that but I was one of those lukewarm half in half out you know what I mean but in 1976 God really touched my life I guess I became hungry enough to be willing to do anything to have my life change and sometimes we have to get to that point where we're not just asking God to solve all of our problems but we're willing to do anything he wants us to do in order to have the peace have the joy have the healing that we need in our life and I know there's a lot of you here tonight that God sticks to a lot of your problems but there's people here too that have you've got some really desperate situations going on in your life you're hurting so bad that you wouldn't even know how to express it to anybody and I just want to tell you and I mean this sincerely there is no problem that you have that God can't solve there's an answer to every problem we have found in the Word of God now I'm also going to tell you that these kinds of changes don't usually sometimes they do but they don't usually take place overnight which means you need to be committed to learn and grow and be with people that are like-minded with you and little by little God delivers us from our enemies when I first really started submitting my behavior to God and really wanting to change I don't think there's anybody in this room that could have been any bigger mess than I was and I'm telling you if you've got a problem I've either got a book or a teaching CD on one of the two and so I they've got some resources out there somewhere but it's I've lived it on this side I didn't just go buy a sermon book and make up a bunch of stuff to teach people I've lived it and I and I want to tell you that the Word of God works in your life [Applause] [Music] but I also want to say that you have to work in you and got our partners he's not going to just do everything for you while you sit back and do nothing God will show you what to do he will give you the grace to do it but you have to do the doing and the problem that we have many of us who said in church for years and years and years is not that we don't know what to do we just still haven't gotten around to doing it and you know just because you have something underlined in your Bible doesn't mean you know it amen and so I'm actually going to be teaching some things out of this book tonight called overload because most of the population is stressed out and overloaded well let me just ask how many of you feel like you're too busy come on I don't want any of this stuff let me say anything well how many of you intend to do something about it not very many hands went up that second question see we we hope magically everything is going to change but I can tell you as far as the world it's probably going to get worse and I'm not being negative but I think it's probably going to get worse and it's getting worse pretty fast and so I finally figured out several years ago that I had to be the one to change I had to make decisions about how I was going to change my life instead of just feeling like I had to do everything that the world wanted me to do nowhere in the bible does God call us to be busy he calls us to be fruitful to bear good fruit and we can be busy doing a lot of things that aren't doing us or anybody else any good at all amen and then a book that I just want to encourage you to get healing the soul of a woman thank you and it's how to get over emotional wounds you know you can dress it up and take it to church but if you're all wounded and bruised and bleeding inside then it's going to affect every area in your life and it especially affects relationships and guys if you want this book now I know it's pink but all you have to do is take a piece of tape [Music] [Applause] it's harder for a man to admit that his soul needs healing but there's plenty of you out there all right father I pray that you would soften people's hearts tonight and that they would even if they don't like what they hear if they know it's for them that they'll receive it and I pray that everybody who hears something they need will by your grace go home and put it to use in their life we thank you for no disturbances the enemy is bound and your word is not going to fall on deaf ears we thank you for the work that you're doing in here tonight by the power of the Holy Spirit if anybody is here that's not safe we pray right now for their salvation I pray that sick people will be healed while the word is going forth and that empty people will be filled in Jesus name Amen well I could have given this about four or five different titles and so we'll just call it let's see what shall we call it how about take better care of yourself [Music] first of all first Corinthians 6:19 and I want you to really pay attention to this scripture word by word do you not know that your bodies everybody say my body our temples of the Holy Spirit that means that God lives in you I mean how can we just kind of not have any reaction to that God lives in you you are the home of God you're sitting here tonight God is living in you you go to work and you're different than other people because God is living in you you can do things and endure things that other people can't unless they also know Christ because God lives in you [Applause] I think we need to go look at ourselves in the mirror about 12 times a day and just say god lives in here because see we just feel too plain and ordinary and we're not your temples of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom you have received from God God has given us the gift of His Holy Spirit jesus said when he left he told his disciples you'll be better off if I go away well how could that be possible how could anybody be better off if Jesus went away what could be better than having breakfast with Jesus or dinner with Jesus he said because I will send you another comforter a strengthener a helper God has sent His Spirit to help us and not just to help us in our spiritual endeavors but please understand this tonight God is interested in every single facet of your life [Music] and we need to stop dividing secular from sacred and realize that as a child of God as someone carrying God around with them that every not listen to me everything that you do if you do it in the name of Jesus and for his glory the most ordinary things like going grocery shopping can become a sacred act that was a big change for me when I found that out that I didn't have to just try to be spiritual and then try to take care of all these dumb ordinary things that you know weren't worth anything everything is important to God what you wear is important to God because you represent him everywhere you go your entertainment is important to God the friends that you choose to spend time with is important to God what you do with your money is important to God he cares about you and everything that you care about you are so loved unconditionally by God you are not your own now we're going to get into it a little bit oh well if I'm not my own then whose am i you were bought at a price who can tell me what that price was the blood of Jesus Christ purchased our salvation and purchase the freedoms that we enjoy and made it possible for the holy spirit to come one of the reasons why we're better off with the Holy Spirit than if Jesus was right here with us tonight in person is because Jesus lived in a body just like I do and I can't be here and be in California at the same time now I can buy television but matter of fact I can go all over the place at one time on TV but I can only be in one place at one time just like Jesus could but the Holy Spirit's can be everywhere at the same time ministering to everybody [Applause] I would almost be tempted to just stand here for the 40 minutes I have and just try to get you to realize how amazing it is that God lives in you boy if we just thought about that more we would never hear the words I can't come out of our mouths because anything God wants you to do you can do it therefore honor God with your bodies how many of you don't get enough sleep how many of you eat too much junk you know a man came up to me the other day I was at out at the mall here and he said oh I just saw you at Christ fellowship a couple of weeks ago and I said well I haven't been there for a year he said no that are playing some kind of video or I don't know did you guys play a video of when I was recently okay what he said and I thought this was a great compliment he said I really liked it he said I heard things things from you that you wouldn't expect to hear in church and I thought yes see because there are things that we don't talk about in church that we need to talk about in church [Applause] so I'm just gonna tell you you need to get good sleep you need to drink plenty of water you need to quit living on junk you say well I don't know it sounds to me like you're meddling well now I'm being led by the spirit because listen to me God lives in you and if you don't take care of your body you're destroying his temple and he needs you to work through you are important to the growth of the kingdom of God as a believer everywhere that you go and the Bible says this we are God's personal representatives and he is making his appeal to the world through us I just say that he didn't we are god's personal representatives imagine that you might recognize the scripture more by we are ambassadors for Christ but the amplified says we are God's personal representatives and he is making his appeal to the world through us so this is my personal opinion but I think it's important that we make a good representation the best that we can because we represent Jesus everywhere that we go amen and if you don't take care of yourself and I know if you're in here tonight and you're 20 you're like boy this is not for me I I feel great [Applause] well just hang around for 50 or 60 years [Applause] man all you old people I know when you're 20 or 30 you think you're gonna be that forever but every year that goes by whether you like it or not you're another year older amen and I kind of feel like for about three decades which would be 30 years yeah I had a moment well we'll just figure like the first 20 years you're just going to school you're getting started but then 20 30 40 you're you're full of dreams and visions and yeah so much energy and you you just can't just take the world by storm and so then you you accomplish some things and you know things are good and maybe you're married and you got a couple of kids and you got the house you wanted and all that and then so you kind of level out for a couple of years say like you know 50 60 there everything's still good the kids are raised now they're gone and did you you know I was okay so I had to go sign up for Medicare and that was like Medicare I'm on Medicare and our stoop I was too good and then 70 71 72 [Applause] [Music] and four and a half months now I'm going to be 77 [Applause] I love what David said he said once I was young and now I'm old and I thought boy it happens to everybody so please listen to me if you listen to your body when it whispers you won't have to listen to its scream and then so I'm just asking you to take better care of yourself you're worth it now Genesis 2:2 by the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing so on the seventh day he rested from all of his work now I want to ask you how can somebody who never gets tired need to rest because Isaiah 40 says that he never he never grows tired he never gets weary then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done well I believe that God rested for two reasons one as an example to us and it also says that on the seventh day he looked at all that he had created and he said it is good it is good so I think on the seventh day he took time to enjoy what he had done the other six days and so I want to ask you do you even take time to enjoy the lovely home that you've worked so hard to get come on I'm talking to you I sit in my house sometimes and I just you know I just say I just I like my house I like the way it's decorated I like my fireplace I like my recliner and I sometimes I'll even go sit in another room for a little bit and think boy this is a pretty room thank you God for giving me this house do do you are you just raising your children or do you actually take the time to enjoy them you know I was a good mother but and I hope this doesn't sound as bad as it's probably gonna sound but I didn't enjoy my children when they were growing up I was I was too busy taking care of them I [Applause] didn't know how to be still and just really soak in all the cute things that they did well I have 12 grandchildren now so I'm getting a do-over [Applause] [Music] and we've got a baby in our family that's gonna be six months old and he just was able to get his toe in his mouth the other day and it is so cute and I thought I wish I could still get my toe in my mind if that's not working no way no how amen it takes me about five stretches to be able to sit and finally touch my feet you know people say oh you look so good for your age well you know what first of all you should see it when it gets up sometimes my body gets up and I feel like my brain stayed in bed I'm talking about I mean like now Dave he gets up and he's like ready for music and want to talk talk talk and I'm like just give me a cup of coffee and let me sit in the corner my brains not up yet Dave so one of the message system tight is hard work is good I mean I've worked hard and I'm not sorry that I've worked hard but I want you to listen to me if you don't have a little balance too much of any good thing makes it a bad thing you hear me you can eat dessert I hate piece of coconut cream pie last night but I'm I might do that every couple of months I don't you know you you you can do all things in moderation but when things get out of balance and you start to do them all the time that's when they become a problem and they start controlling you rather than you controlling them and then can we say well I just if I ate one cookie I got to eat the whole bag if I one ship I got to eat the whole bag no let's rewind this thing you are the temple of the Holy Spirit and God lives in you and how do you expect to have authority over the devil if you don't even have authority over a potato chip [Applause] yes bless God the devil doesn't run me around I've got authority over the devil and if I fight one cookie I got it all back how long I got left or how long I've been going now I need to know how much I have left I've got 13 minutes left [Music] [Applause] all right the other reason why God rested on that seventh day because it was a foreshadowing of the complete rest that was going to be made available to us in Christ a Sabbath rest is still available Hebrews four says it's still available and it says don't miss it you don't want to miss the beautiful rest of God but let me share with you what rest really is it's not sitting in a chair it's not laying down it's not going and laying on the beach all day now that may help rest your body but if you don't rest internally see some people take the day off so they can spend all day thinking about their problems and how they can solve them you know what I read yesterday people in America are now so busy that a large percentage of people don't even take their paid vacations anymore so they won't even take a day off even if you pay them to take a day off because they're too busy trying to climb the ladder of success and I tell you what's going to happen when they get to the top they're going to find out their ladders leaned against the wrong building [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Jesus offers us an internal rest he said come unto me and I will give you rest for your souls eight hours of worry how many of you worry eight hours of worry is equivalent to forty hours of hard work that's what it takes out of you eight hours of worry Jesus said in Matthew 11 come unto me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest we always make a lot out of that but the next part I think is even more important take my yoke upon you and learn from me what does he want us to learn how he does things can you imagine Jesus being too busy I mean can you imagine him sounding like we do you know when we see people now and they say hey John how are you oh man I'm so busy how have you been well I'm busy too it's pretty sad when the only thing we can say about our lives is we're busy and if somebody asks you what you do yesterday and if you happened by any chance to have taken a day off and did nothing you're ashamed to say you did nothing because we should be doing something I had a little falling apart in January of 2017 and I won't get into all the details but they don't have time but when I say I fell apart I mean I fell apart it was like I had some of the weirdest symptoms my doctor looked at me and she said I do not know what is wrong with you and it was all basically caused from built up stress over years and years and years and I had a pretty serious case of adrenal fatigue which you don't come back from real fast and so my doctor doctors there was three of them in the room because I'd been in the hospital that every kind of test you could have and they looked at me and said you are really healthy for a woman your age your back they said your blood work is some of the best we've ever seen and I thought well then why do I feel like I'm dying don't you hate it when you just feel so bad you can't hardly stand it and the doctor artists you feel so bad everybody says well you don't look you look like you feel great doctor says I'll you're in good shape anyway my my diagnosis was severe adrenal fatigue and my along with some medicine they wanted me to take I was also told that I needed to rest for 18 months not do you know I like to almost couldn't even hear that I was like you want me to watch I can't do that they said you can do what you absolutely have to do anything you can say no to you need to say no to you need to have quiet you need to have peace you need to eat good nutritional food you need to get a lot of sleep well I didn't even know what I absolutely had to do because I thought I absolutely had to do it all you know nobody can do it like you can right but you know what I found out some of them did it better than I was because you know what God can anoint whoever he wants to anoint and it's not your great talent doing anything it's God that has anointed you to do it and if he moves his anointing so here was the first thing I said this is so funny I said what do you do when you rest for 18 months see see what my problem was what do you do when you rest the whole point of rest is you don't have to do anything I actually read an article yes see that said no it was this morning we no longer know how to be bored because if we're waiting five minutes in the doctor's office out comes the phone come on we're going to use that time they answer emails you know you can hardly have lunch with somebody anymore without them looking at their phone and texting while they're trying to talk to you anyway now I have six minutes so we're not under the law concerning the Sabbath anymore but I still think we need to honor the Sabbath it was one of the Ten Commandments and we don't think it's okay to murder somebody now and we don't think it's okay to lie or to covet our to steal so why do we think it's okay to never rest now I know the 20 year olds I'm surprised you stayed in here this long but if you don't get it now just remember this sermon when your little older but I love Jesus said and this is so good he said the Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath so the Sabbath rest that one day out of seven to rest is actually a gift from God to us it's a gift and it's like you owe your body one day a week and some of you are seriously in debt yeah oh okay what I want to do is my last few minutes here you know if anybody could have been stressed out it would have been Jesus because he had a whole lot of stuff going on in his life people didn't like him his disciples couldn't get along he had doubting Thomas and all the rest of them and yet I can't even fathom him being in a hurry or being stressed or worried about anything and in the midst of all that he had going on he said this recorded in John 14:27 peace I leave with you is anybody in this building hungry for more peace in your life peace I leave with you this is the amplified my own peace I now give and bequeath unto you not as the world gives do I give to you it's not a worldly kind of peace that only functions when everything is going right in your life but this is the kind of peace that operates in the midst of the storm because no matter what kind of problems we have if we can truly trust God with them and I'm going to be honest it takes a few years to get to the point where you know God well enough and you've had enough experience with God to begin to be able to do that I think sometimes what goods are going to do me to stand up here and tell people not to worry the only way you're not going to worry is to finally get to the point where you know that you're not smart enough to write to run your own life and to solve your own problems and that only God can and that you might as well give your problems to him and go ahead he actually he actually wants you to enjoy your do you know that it's okay to enjoy your life while you got a problem come on let me tell this son it's okay to enjoy your life you don't have to be miserable and all sour-faced because you've got a problem the best thing you can do is to laugh it makes the devil mad when you laugh [Applause] because to care about your stuff he wants your joy because the joy of the Lord is your strength and you can't have joy if you don't have peace I'm trying brother if I could [Applause] but now listen to this next part so he's given us his piece now he says stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled so now he's given me a responsibility I've given you peace now you need to hold on to it and I know we think I can't help out I just get upset well that's true sometimes you get upset you know something happens somebody runs into you in the grocery store with their grocery cart and it actually hurts because they hit your heel and right away but you can talk yourself down come on I've learned how to talk myself off the edge of the cliff okay Joyce let's get it in another gear here breathe believe the best they didn't hit you on purpose keep your piece don't open the door for the devil be sweet [Music] come on you you can talk yourself self into get him well that stupid woman she hit me with that card on purpose it for two cents I would just sue her and I'm not gonna put up with this 14 seconds [Music] [Applause] oh Jesus [Music] okay listen I don't know what piece is worth to you but I will tell you this if you want to have peace Jesus has given it to you but you're gonna have to have it on purpose so listen to this start seeking God about what your piece stealers are what are the things that Satan uses to steal your peace if I get in a hurry and I have to hurry for a very long period of time you can write it down I'm going to lose my peace and we all have a whole list of things like that and if you start finding out what your piece stealers are then you can recognize when Satan is attacking you with them and you can say been there done that I'm not spending my life like that anymore I am going to live in peace [Applause] so take better care of yourself and get some of the stress out I pray for you in the name of Jesus that you grabbed a hold of something that I said tonight that you can take home with you and begin to put to use in your life I pray that you won't forget what you heard and that you won't just let it mean nothing to you but you'll grab something and let God lead you in making some kind of a change for the better in Jesus name Amen I'll certainly start with thanks so much for watching Christ Fellowship Church on YouTube we hope you've enjoyed this week's message for more content just like this be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel we hope you have a great rest of your week god bless
Channel: Christ Fellowship Church
Views: 615,200
Rating: 4.837131 out of 5
Keywords: Christ Fellowship, Christ Fellowship Church, Latest Message, Latest Sermon, Julie Mullins, God, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Todd Mullins, Worship, Bible, Bible Teaching, Encouragement, Freedom, Hope, Peace, Faith, Holy Spirit, Love, prayer, Hillsong Church, Elevation Church, Gateway Church, Church of the Highlands, Lakewood Church, North Point Community Church, Saddleback Church, Life Church, Vous Church, NewSound Church
Id: ifV0XiuHEhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 10sec (2530 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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