Lies of P - The Complete Story Explained | Lies of P Lore

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jao's puppet we need your help from the inkstained pages of a 19th century Fable recounting the mystical Adventures of a mischievous puppet the fantasy novel of Pinocchio and its characters are reimagined in a grim new light in lies of PE though deeply inspired by the Italian serial novel lies of PE is quick to distance itself from the Whimsical realm of childish fancy where instead presented a dark World on the brink of collapse married well to atmospheric aspects of the Bell Epoch and Second Industrial Revolution of Europe where science technology and hope reigned to create a unique solemn and compelling setting crot the illustrious capital of innovation and Ingenuity an invention of puppet animatronics has plummeted from its golden Splendor a virulent unknown plague sweeps through the citizenry whereby thousands are killed or Worse meanwhile a robotic frenzy consumes the once docile puppets who have since broken from the Covenant that binds their programming turned on their masters and inundated crots cobbled streets in Blood and Slaughter this is the story of lies of PE a tale of harrowing adventure of investigation and Discovery as a rare powerful and exceedingly lifelike puppet Endeavors this now dangerous ruined City around this tale's heart swirl mature and profoundly existential questions on the nature of humanity the subjectivity of truth and the limits of Reason let's dive in P awakens aboard a train compartment within crot Central Station by the distant melodious voice of a woman unknown named simply Sophia and the faint glow of a blue butterfly Consciousness brings with it acknowledgement if not entirely understanding p is a puppet a mechanical construct one of an overwhelming multitude that have been created in the city of crot since their invention and have elevated it to conspicuous Heights but p is unlike any before him human in appearance Unbound by the grand Covenant cating that restricts other puppets and possessed of the ability to lie grow and develop p is an altogether unique and inimitable creation the first chapter of his story concurrently unfolds with the city's final once a beacon of wealth and progress delivered by the hands of factions such as the Alchemists the workers union and legendary genius jepi japeto the guilt veneer has tarnished crot now shutters in its death throws it's a city on the brink of desolation coinciding with the Pomp and flare of the anticipated Grand exhibition where all manner of technology and science were to be displayed crot was internally rent by mysterious and Mortal occurrences puppets who had for years subserviently labored under their owners are gripped by a strange aberration in their circuitry the puppet frenzy unknown in origin severs the strings that bind them to the Grand covenant's laws thereafter they turn violently on the population in crazed bloodletting meanwhile those refugees who surv surv are struck by a widespread outbreak of the virulent petrification disease a mysterious contagion that works slowly on its victim organs fail their body stiffens and their mind shatters amidst quarantine zones fire and panic prospects of death as an escape from cr's torment are hopelessly dashed as the dead themselves rise grotesque carus monsters animated by makob forces this is cr's grim reality and the harrowing environs thrust upon p as he awakens danger must be endured to uncover the truth of all three of the city's ailments but crot was not always abandoned to a deplorable hopeless fate it's history an important foundation that must be laid before peace can continue once an unassuming and poor fishing Village crot subsisted on meager trade from its harbor port for long it endured but then roughly 30 years before the current day Fortune casts its brilliant Rays upon the city crot is built at top a massive vein of Argo Crystal Argo is the essence of life it's an ethereal manifestation of the soul of memory time desire this naturally occurring Essence dissipates into the atmosphere upon an individual's passing but when in the presence of a mineral known as crowd Argo is absorbed and trapped converted into a tangible and crystalline substance Argo Crystal was first discovered beneath crot centuries ago of which the relic of Tris magistus a Subterranean network of caverns is dedicated the item description of Argo crystals and fragments tell us that it is a mysterious Power Stone that can be found in crot Argo is both a power source and a currency Argo crystals are considered a precious material it wasn't however until the arrival of a cabal called the Alchemists that this true potential was realized the Alchemists are a band of secret cultists obsessed with the accumulation of knowledge and Power in an effort to progress scientific advancement to the point of human evolution the arm of God recollection gives us insight into the beliefs of these Fanatics the Alchemists believe that there was once a God who was ripped to shreds trying to give Immortal Life to the humans he so loved and they wanted to revive him all their Endeavors can be traced to this Prime desire the Alchemists take as their sign the oob boros the mythical snake that devours its own tail and a symbol of transformation of space and time and of the immortality they crave it's interesting to note that the urob boros was used as a symbol of Alchemy in our own history to the Alchemists Argo was power it was the source from which they could realize the Elusive and much sought dream of eternal life with Argo with life itself as fuel for their transmutations and alchemical reactions these scientists and Visionaries might transcend Humanity entirely and achieve the Divine a tantalizing prospect that couldn't go ignored from Death life life the Alchemists descended upon crot and established a secret camp on an unmarked aisle off the coast where they could observe and experiment unnoticed they worked over years through subterfuge diplomacy direct and indirect measures to control the city to mine the Argo veins and conduct their illicit inhuman trials under shrouds of mystery The Alchemist jeppi japeto an Ambi ious man with a brilliant mind deduced the Breakthrough that both shifted the alchemist's understanding of Argo and forever altered cr's fate this breakthrough was the invention of the puppet a humanoid simulacrum of exceeding mechanical Fidelity powered and sustained by Ergo Crystal a machine that represented the future where man and metal would progress symbiotically to a shared improved World it signified a new age thus the first puppet was created and to japeto went the moniker father of Puppets what was for centuries seen as a useless substance overnight became the city's most prized commodity the technological possibility now unlocked through Argo ushered it an era of prosperity and hope crot the quaint but unremarkable seaside village became the epicenter of progress The Haven for genius the most advanced City on the earth thanks to the industrious work of jeppi japeto in the ensuing decades puppets and puppet technology boomed citizens turned to Leisure as automata replaced and executed mundane tasks from laborers to butlers and housemates and the Alchemists slowly gathered more influence keeping the public bited to their true purposes as experimentation continued on their aisle to harness Argo for human not merely mechanical iteration the extent of their control is referenced in ven's crot Landmark guide the union of cr's old families and the organization of Alchemists is shown in symbolic form given that the sacred uroboros Mark is engraved on City Hall as well it's obvious who owns the city of crot Alchemist agents enter all levels of society their Leaders intermar with cr's aristocracy and over the years their conceit is displayed with increasing ostentation as they become the city's deao rulers any doubt of their Authority crushed beneath the imposing statue of valentinus monad the alchemist's master around this time jepetto helps found the workshop a guild of skilled Artisans and Craftsmen dedicated to puppetry and enters into contract with the Venture capitalists manufacturer and Engineering genius laurenzini venini to establish puppet factories throughout the city which in turn increase production astronomically each puppet has etched indelibly into its wiring the grand Covenant an invention of vinis that prohibits puppet autonomy and guides their actions these four laws maintain unquestioned servitude and they are as follows the grand Covenant is a set of absolute commands imprinted on puppets when they are made first law all puppets must obey their Creator's commands Second Law a puppet may not harm humans Third Law a puppet protects and serves humans and the City of Kat fourth law a puppet cannot lie with these explicit strictures humanity is safeguarded and crot sores to glory on the back of mechanical fabrication but Paradise cannot be attained without sacrifice and nothing is without its price cr's Mercurial rise precipitates a terrible disease a sickness of body mind and soul that the Alchemists discover plaguing miners who extract Aro Crystal this must be your first time in the petrification disease quarantine zone for most people this is their last stop the petrification disease also known as the stone disease Works to immobilize an individual their blood turns cold and pale their muscles cease to function skin scales over and organs fail as those infected become trapped within themselves deteriorating bodily prisons the petrification disease represents terrible death it's causes found to be overexposure to the unstable radiation emitted from Argo for a City built upon and suffused with Argo crot is vulnerable to the diseases spread and has one foot already in the grave rather than alert authorities or the public however the Alchemists keep their Discovery secret for it's tied to the most fortuitous Revelation individuals afflicted by the petrification disease upon their death birth an Argo that can be harvested rather than diffuse Into The Ether their Argo condenses into a form easily extracted the disease becomes another Avenue to power one the Alchemists seek to propagate among the citizenry in clandestine ways they flood the city with Argo it replaces currency Fuel and embeds itself within all aspects of life and culture all the while super saturating crot with radiation most don't bat an eye but there are some weary of the Alchemists and their new forms of Argo as we can see in the factory manager report found in benini works it reads as per your orders I conducted a quality investigation on the Argo supplied by the Alchemists of course it was done secretly certainly the quality of Argo was getting worse over time I don't doubt the Alchemists but the decrease in quality is too widespread to call it a coincidence at this rate this quarter's puppets will have a high chance of defects the most important thing is the quality of the Argo after all according to a reliable source the highlevel Alchemists are running Ergo production experiments lately using another method personally I think their secret experiments have something to do with the decrease in Argo quality these secret experiments alluded to are centered on the petrification disease the Argo its victims produce and a means of neutralizing or wielding its deleterious effects through an Elixir cure the Alchemists kidnap or cajo Myriad test subjects on whom they perform grotesque trials they see in the petrification disease a window an opportunity for higher Evolution If Only They can create bodies strong enough to resist the plague's erosion distillation and permutation creates a substance that halts the progress of the disease but generates entirely new and Grave concerns an experiment Court of the order divulges the truth about Alchemist practices three patients suffering from the petrification disease who got the Elixir injection at the same time died right up until their deaths they experienced painful necrosis and skin ruptures seizures and convulsions and crystalline metastasis throughout the body ultimately they became mutations known as carcasses in an attempt to plague God and circumvent the petrification disease the Alchemists instead create a demonic Force they release their experiments into the baren swamp a quagmire of rot and scrapped puppetry cr's veritable graveyard interestingly these carcass monsters possess an insatiable appetite for Argo and they swiftly Devour the crystal stored within puppet Remains the consumption of Argo fuels their own growth and evolution seen in the green monster of the swamp an account of this beast recollected in the centuries notes I don't think it's the waste problem I've observed it it obsessively protects its nest and likes to bring its toys there the puppet bodies aren't used just as toys this thing sucks Argo from scrapped puppets before playing with what's left it feeds on Argo and that's why it grows so big I think that green guy was made by The Alchemist for sure or he's their mistake the carcass monsters represent a failed experiment but with inspiring results there are human bodies that feed and grow from Argo if only the Monstrous side effects of The Elixir could be curbed while the Alchemists continue to refine Clark Shore a man known as Dr curol steals into their labs and confiscates a sample of the distillate unaware of what it produces Dr Shaw administers what he calls a miraculous cure for the petrification disease to hundreds of crot citizens who are in a matter of weeks horribly transformed into aggressive mindless Undead but as the Alchemists control cr's information they work assiduously to cover up the truth and laay fears even so it's not long before panic and death spread from the mines and the Barron swamp into the population at large the petrification disease manifests as a lethal plague with sporadic outbreaks one victim in particular is of consequence jeppe's son Carlo Whom The Genius claimed to love but whom he hardly saw grew up with the children of mad's Charity house while his father toiled away in his Workshop Carlo desired nothing more than jep's acknowledgement nothing more than for his father to be present he fought jep's work for attention and affection but the genius always remained in his shop Burning Midnight Oil improving designs resentment filled Carlo in his youth for a father perpetually absent soon after the boy graduates school disaster strikes the house of jepetto Carlo contracts the stone disease and dies a slow agonizing death one victim in an outbreak on on the rose estate the rose estate incident papers hint at the boy's death and also demonstrate the great power wielded by the Alchemists over crot as well as their desire to keep the disease far from common knowledge the city of crot decided to put an indefinite stop to the investigation on the disaster that took place in the monad charity house known as The Rose estate this was to prevent chaos caused by the large- scale spreading of the petf ation disease there have been no confirmed survivors so far the charity house once a boarding school for kids from the slums has until recently been home to the founding monad family many students and refugees the leader of the Alchemist valentinus monad has been confirmed to have passed during this catastrophe and this will take a toll on the Alchemists grief but also guilt filled jep's heart as he realizes too late how little he'd spent with his son every should have and could have follow Carlo to the grave and jeppi is left in Hollow bereft anguish for his failing his mind refuses to admit fault and instead blame for his son's death is cast with the Alchemists with whom jepetto now severs ties completely for long he suls but jepetto's pitiable state is amiliar with interesting news it's because we don't truly understand a go at least that's my view sometimes ergodriven puppets gain what we call awakened OS individuality more or less which is a dangerous thing if someone's not ready to handle it though that is rare or used to be puppets throughout crot have been acting strange recalling memories of the dead and demonstrating personality what was thought as an artifact in puppet coding is discovered to be the Awakening of the Argo housed within each puppet's Machinery as discussed Ergo is the essence of mind and soul automata fueled by the spirits of the Dead have miraculously awakened their Spirits the revitalization of Ergo coincides with puppets developing an ego a personality or perhaps even nent Humanity as they ReDiscover their lost selves in this development japeto sees an opportunity to reunite with Carlo to revive his son from beyond the grave as a puppet but for this no mere puppet will do his son is special to him and so must be his son's new body he immediately sets to task developing the most advanced most lifelike puppet ever produced going so far as to incorporate Carlos's physical corpse into the design for those who endure such suffering the line separating ethical from unethical becomes exceedingly blurred japeto reiterates earlier technology on the Argo Crystal cores that fuel current puppet models to produce a novel powerful core named the P organ that houses Carlos's Argo and functions as a fuel source for the puppet its symbolic heart and soul unfortunately initial drafts show that the puppet's Argo efficiency is horribly destructive and risks fracturing the boy's delicate Argo to strengthen it against the puppet's destructive potential the P organ needs to absorb an immensity of Argo to this end japeto sets in motion two plots that plunge crot already buckling from outbreaks of disease and the first reports of carcass sightings into madness the grand exhibition a a show of Science and the future due to take place in the city attracts eyes the world over an ostentatious display of crotz Marvel it's here that the Alchemists laurenzini venini and jeppi japeto all intend to reveal their hand the Alchemists under new leadership of Simon Manis seek to showcase the final step in human evolution their experiments bear fruit and through various elixirs they've produced superhuman unconstrained even by death in Victor the champion he has survived the horrible mutations risen above the carcass but retains their insatiable hunger for Argo laurenzini for his part wishes only to remain the prince of crot and dominate the spotlight with garish displays of new puppet technology while vini's attention is drawn to increased production jepetto circumvents the grand covenants programming and rewrites the law to include a perfidious law zero the laws of the grand Covenant bind us we're his puppets first law all puppets must obey their Creator's commands law zero the Creator's name is japedo jepe japedo a stipulation that binds every puppet unquestioning ly to his will extensions of his command for one terrible purpose japeto wishes for the P organ to absorb Argo to expedite its Harvest requires its mass Liberation in other words Massacre japeto implements rule zero and instigates the puppet frenzy as the hour of the grand exhibition approaches from every quarter of crot within every home and on every street the puppets that have by this point grown ubiquitous turn on their masters they beat maim kill in an unprecedented wave of Gore violence and Fear cast Shadows upon the city as thousands are slain their Argo released for jepetto's collection now he initiates his second phase the Puppeteer works with industry to produce a puppet unbounded by the Covenant possessed of great strength and ability to absorb Argo and stabilize the PE organs thus Paving the way for Carlo's return in his Railcar Workshop japeto Imus life upon a creation not quite human but neither puppet with the VIS of his lost son charged with harnessing arago and tempering the PE organ's frame under the altruistic guise of bringing stability to crot and ending the Bloodshed this puppet's soul is awakened in the derel rail car within crot Central Station surrounded by mystery hysteria and danger not by jepetto but by the pleas of a distant stranger jepetto's puppet whose true purpose is obscured from him is caught in a web of lies and a triangle of actors upon susceptible to the vagaries of power that shape his reality at one point stands Simon Manis in the Alchemists unremitting in their pursuit of divinity the Alchemists and Manis will stop at nothing to see their ambition realized the second point of the triangle is assumed by the king of puppets and the frenzied automatons rampaging through the city streets in sconed in the opera house at Rosa Isabel Street the domineering King is believed to have orchestrated the frenzy and leads his puppets in pursuit of crots baguer citizens japeto hides his mode as well and is beyond suspicion as true instigator of the puppet frenzy instead he places the blame at the king of puppet's feet a mysterious machine that is somehow unfettered by the grand Covenant but japeto doesn't foresee the evolution of the puppet's Argo and development of ego it circumvents jeppi law zero and resists his influence the king frees other puppets from jepetto's Thal and fights against alchemus carcass and petrification disease alike every action he takes is to thwart the final force of the triangle just jepetto japeto is motivated by self- resentment and self- delusion he feels himself responsible for his son Carlos's death and knows it to be true if not physical death then the death of caros spirit without affection without attention or nourishment Carlo withered japeto too consumed by his work to realize atonement and acceptance are unbearable jepetto instead continues the deception he wishes to to undo the past to not only revive his son Carlo but improve upon him only by creating life from machine can the brilliant Craftsman attain the total control he desperately desires with the body of Carlo resurrected and bound to jepetto's Strings he can fit perfectly the mold of the prodigal Sun this is the true purpose for which P was made a tool to temper the P organ and prepare it for transfer into Carlo's body a means to an end is all japeto sees and he burns all of crot to realize it thus the foundation has been laid the spark ignited and the city engulfed in conflagration besieged by Machine malady and Madness few of cr's citizens remain with dauntless conviction in an Intrepid Spirit p trudges through the ruins of crot to uncover the reality of its depravity he's not alone in this journey Sophia monad the blue butterfly acts as guide and Sanctuary for the puppet of jepetto the daughter of valentinus monad past leader of the Alchemists Sophia is endowed with the power of a listener I am able to wield Argo they call me a listener because I can hear Argo I inherited the power from my mother who hated it called it the devil's power so I kept it a secret that I could talk to puppets now you are the only one my voice reaches so I beg you please save crot listeners are possessed of an innate ability to hear Argo to listen to the inner thoughts and desires of others to communicate and empathize with all including puppets even to manipulate the fabric of time manad harnesses PE gathered Argo to strengthen him and she rewinds time whenever grave danger threatens for his mission is too important to be left to chance great machines foul beasts and terrible foes stand before him intent on destroying the puppet of chipeto and with him the truth but from lies are the greatest truths revealed amidst the tarnished luster the wearing cogs of danger he himself embarks on a journey that is twofold the first is that of Revelation many Secrets lie buried in crot as P plums the Cobalt streets he is enlightened to the events surrounding his Awakening and improves in his discernment of Varity from falsehood he learns of the puppet King's real identity and purpose Carlo's friend Romeo from Beyond the Grave resurrected to carry out a ruthless frenzy at another's behest Romeo was Carlo's closest childhood friend they grew played and dreamed together within the monad charity house Romeo 2 contracted the terrible petrification disease and as it withered his body his final wish was to be made a puppet so that his Argo could continue to fight against the disease and save the less fortunate but as his metal body awakened realization dawned that he was not its master and the depths of jepetto's treachery revealed Romeo was to act as scapegoat as villain and enemy to obis jepetto's own culpability in the puppet frenzy as we hear in his Argo description Romeo is made a prisoner when the boy opened his eyes he found himself sitting on a throne that he had not asked for when he sought his friend of the past he clung to his memories even though he knew there was no going back the puppet speaks in a cryptic language indecipherable yet holds a message imperative to convey a mock performance is given attempting to not only Enlighten P but warn him against the Blind Faith placed in his creator Romeo's ultimate failing comes when he is unable to convince P of the truth unable to ignite past memories and illuminate jepetto's duplicity only in death is his message received as venini decrypts the recollection king of puppet's message the Revelation that jepetto is at all associated with the puppet frenzy is a shock to pe's internal gears this pales in comparison to the truth of Argo revealed by Sophia arago is the essence of life made from the petrification disease it contains the memories and distilled lifespan of the victim that's why puppets sometimes awaken their old selves or describe someone else's memories it's prized for what it offers potential it empowers the Alchemists in their obsessive reach for evolution and Perfection Sophia herself is not what she before appeared rather a spectre a figment and memory meant to guide P to her prison and the sight of Simon manises planned Transcendence to godhood most shocking of all to PE is his Creator's betrayal of trust misplaced faith and devotion found its way to chapeto emotions that only a parent can conjure in truth p is nothing more than a simulacrum of Carlo a fabrication meant to suffice jep's guilt in the interim and beckon forth his true son's Resurrection it's a perception shattering revelation the second journey is that of Discovery P is like no other puppet unfettered by the grand Covenant strictures possessing a vis so lifelike that it fools many empowered by a heart that not only gathers Argo but is itself pliable to transformation peas is a discovery of what critically makes one human through various interactions by either lying or telling the truth by engaging with the humanities is pe's own stoked the airG go within begins to whisper to him his cogs begin ticking his P organ warms as he engages in activities that only humans can perform and appreciate his reality is blurred as P erases the line that separates man from machine this is symbolized by P's aesthetic changes after all change is an experience that separates human from construct natural from artificial pe's hair first grows long to the astonishment of several and later turns colors completely a step away from puppetry and toward Humanity based on his decisions made in The Crucible of crot P discovers that puppets in their creators are not so distinguishable as once thought discovers the quintessence of humanity PE Rivery is short-lived as is his opportunity to question his creator Hotel C is rans sacked japeto kidnapped by agents of Manis and taken to the aisle of Alchemists with his heart fortified and his steel sharpened P makes passage to the aisle in hopes of uncovering a kernel of authenticity amidst the lies Manis has cloistered himself within the formidable Arch Abbey Bastion of the Alchemists behind redoutable Fortress walls it's a top the tower that Simon has constructed a massive device to cph in all of crots released Argo and channel it into his body thus achieving Divine immortality as P ascends the Arabi he must dispatch mana' adherence and confront laaia the complete an alchemist injected with a refined Elixir distilled from their experimentation with the petrification disease speed strength and command of the storm are conferred onto this most formidable of foes but P remains Resolute in his charge to free both Sophia and [Music] jepetto the former is hopelessly and horrifyingly imprisoned Sophia it's revealed was subjected to gruesome testing in order for The Alchemist to wield her unique gifts as a listener Simon wished to control time and alter perception he desired to rebuild the world to in his own words establish one founded on truth and devoid of Lies if our thoughts are known to the masses if we cannot hide motive or memory from one another if our very souls are laid bear the paradise manace and Visions will manifest to this end he harnesses the abilities of The Listener Simon drags Sophia to the hidden aisle of Alchemists experiments and injects to rest her power from her and binds her to a torment Sophia can't endure the twisting of her body shatters Sophia's very essence unable to rain her identity against gales of energy the girl psyche is fractured releasing her spirit from its chains and allowing her to project her being across space and time it is this we see symbolized in the blue butterfly that alights and awakens PE in the opening moments of the game Sophia's desperate Gambit to save crot from Simon's machinations now mutated Sophia slowly Withers left in Agony worse than death the poor woman begs P for Solace and jepetto's puppet is confronted with a choice if sufficient Humanity has been acred and if P decides to offer Sophia peace in death rather than prolong her suffering she imparts her own Argo this act of Mercy touches P's very heart as he undergoes another transformation coloring his hair in a shade reminiscent of the blue butterfly was Sophia freed from her prison P next unbinds japeto who resides in a Cell at the top of arch Abby with doubts and questions turning through the cogs of P's mechanical brain the puppeteer's own mind frays at the edges Melancholy descends as jetto wonders whether he has been a good father to his puppet creation his grip on reality blurs as he tells P that soon they will be a real family like they once were All That Remains is a final confrontation with Simon Manis at the tower's Peak the leader of the Alchemists undergoes a gruesome Transcendence as he absorbs all of crots gathered Argo into his body using an artifact known as the arm of God Simon Manis not only touches the Divine but himself ascends to Divinity as he's charged with Supreme Powers but such Powers defy the laws of nature Simon stands as an Abomination that must be stopped with his ultimate defeat the Alchemists are undone their later dead and their order fractured with them dies their vision of human evolution with the arm of God in his possession p and jepetto reunite but for boing rather than warmth permeates this reunion jeppi has with him a sealed mysterious box he tells P that the arm of God was one of the last two ingredients he required soon they will be whole and happy but not perhaps in the way the puppet might have imagined jepetto offers to turn his creation into a real boy as proof of fatherly love and as a gift for all P has done all that's needed is the P organ the boy's heart but with this great sacrifice the puppet's life as it has been experienced will be forfeit his reality and his Humanity ended I just need the final ingredient the one that holds your memories and your lifespan your heart three endings are possible to close this morbid fairy tale depending on peace choices made throughout his Adventure each carries with it a profound message and all culmin at in the final confrontation between jepetto and his artificial son the first detained if P remains true to the prescriptions of the grand Covenant if he retains a puppet's inability to lie inability to change without encountering and Gathering sufficient Humanity P's hair and Persona are untouched he is a puppet loyal to his creator and fulfilled of his purpose endowed by jepetto the POR organ within has been tempered and strengthened by Argo it's ready for its final home within the amalgamation of metal and flesh that is Carlo's body jepetto asks P for his heart and in return his father will transform him into a real boy into a real hum to comply sees the P organ forcefully ripped from his body in P's death Carlo is given new life japeto is reunited with his son a good boy who listens to his father and obeys jei's megalomania in Need for absolute control is made apparent when the pair returned to hotel crot where in japeto orders Carlo to slaughter all those humans who may know of his culpability in the city's fall Carlo appeases his father and the people who once helped pee on his journey are replaced by puppets metal Effigies of their past selves B to Absolute subservience a Twisted Fate in which all live happily ever after in the design written by The Mad genius chipeto this finally feels like family thank you for returning colum the second ending presents itself as an option a choice that P must make when confronted by jepetto for this to occur the puppet must have gained enough Humanity enough autonomy and agency to have a mind and will of its own by engaging with those unique human attributes P developed sufficiently to have pause at jepetto's request his freedom is his choice and rather than make his life forfeit P denies his creator jepetto then uses a marionet device whose Argo filaments control the nameless puppet Carlo's incomplete body to take the P organ by force then I'll have to retrieve it [Music] myself my son the two puppets engage one another in combat but the nameless puppet's strength and rage proves great as It prepares the killing blow japeto stands between the blade and its intended target the P organ that houses Carlos's memories Soul Essence astonished by the puppet's willingness to destroy what japeto sees as his son's heart he is moved to action but in his dying breath he makes known his sacrifice wasn't for pe's benefit no he curses the puppet created in memory of Carlo for his death and for exposing his son's vulnerable heart no you're just useless puppet the third possible ending comes only if P gathers sufficient Humanity to break loose from his puppet strings and if he grants Sophia the peace she so desperately desired this act of sympathy of suffering acknowledged proves so essentially human that P transcends his mechanical constraints and becomes something else entirely the fight against the nameless puppet transpires in much the same fashion but instead of jepetto's intervention to save the P organ and subsequent cursing of the worthless puppet he sees P shed an actual tear something that shouldn't be possible for a construct grave Revelation Dawns on jepetto his son resides not within the nameless puppet not within the P organ but is Manifest before him entirely in the image of P too late he realizes the destruction and ruin he instigates is all for not too late he realizes his son has been present in PE all [Music] along after P performs another act profoundly human he sacrifices his Argo to empower a puppet in the make of Sophia imparting to her new life a form of immortality though this drains him significantly we are left with an image of a pee Not Dead merely unconscious in the sun Dawning on a new chapter for the city of crot so ends the Grim fairy tale adventure of p and the lies surrounding crot these events evoke strong emotion and Lead one to question previously held Notions what is a soul and is death truly its end or does one linger in Whispers And Memories for future Generations what is it that separates a human from a machine is it choice is it Persona the autonomy to act as one Wills the city the Alchemists the puppets and Pioneers are all a cautionary tale to the extent of ambition the destruction in hubris but also on the courage to see streaks of gold Beyond Sheets of Rain thanks so much for watching and listening to this video on the complete story of lies of PE let me know your thoughts on the Alchemists On jepetto and On which ending resonates most as well as your own insights and suggestions for future videos in the comments below and if you're a fan of Lauren storytelling be sure to subscribe to the channel check out the podcast where content is uploaded frequently I want to thank my amazing supporters over on patreon who make all of this possible and I couldn't do it without their fantastic support if you'd like to become a lore luminary for access to me a great Community written scripts and early video drops head to thians to learn more until next time go forth and explore 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Channel: The Lorebrarians
Views: 85,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lorebrarians, Lies of P
Id: eEqLcHZ9x3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 25sec (2845 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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