The Hollow Knight Timeline | COMPLETE Hollow Knight Story & Lore

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[Music] in the Wilds across a vast Wasteland lay a region that would one day become home to the Grand Kingdom of Hest a tragic tale of light and darkness many ages before deep underground into the very Bedrock of the tunnels was a civilization the bgs here devoted their worship not to a lord power or King but to the very Darkness itself the void even now not a lot is known about this ancient civilization deep down in the abyss of the Void what we do know is that these bugs were intelligent and expanded their reach into the tunnels and open Caverns above they discovered that Soul animated and gave their bodies life a powerful force that flow through the very air itself to contain and manipulate this substance these ancient bugs constructed Soul totems across the land their civilization created weapons through nail Smiths their Scholars recorded their history on Arcane eggs and some were believed to have weaponized the very void itself their constructions were magnificent it was as if the rock itself possessed a will and adapted to the desire of the bugs that inhabited this region despite how Grand this civilization became one day it simply came to an end looking back it is unknown what happened to this ancient civilization but in their fall artifacts of their triumphs became a part of the land the bodies of the largest inhabitants decay and showed those who traveled through that a civilization once existed here deep down in the abyss the void simply existed in a sea of darkness and when there is Darkness there is also light to counter it this greater world was large and home to many bugs with simple thoughts there were however higher beings of great power one of these was the radiance this giant moth was one of the most powerful creatures and she Shone brightly as a being of light the radiance became an instant enemy to the void as a higher being the radiance had natural incredible abilities on the land of this Fallen civilization the radiance brought into existence a new intelligent species having being created by a higher being the moth tribe worshiped the radiance and her light they basked in it the radiance was a beacon of light alongside her ability to create life and light she also taught the moth how to interact with influence and manipulate essence essence powered dreams and in turn the entirety of the dream realm a realm separated from the physical world World by a veil now the expans of Dreams once consisted of Dreams and Nightmares however at one point in time these Realms were split under the guidance of the radiance The Moth tribe discovered the countless Realms of Dreams each one was formed from the memories of the living and the dead an entire realm could be formed from thought and will alone from the bug plants and gods of the land the dream Realms were home to almost anything that the imagination could form all powered by Essence that floated like dust in these powerful Realms as for the nightmare realm it was also powered by a sort of essence flame these Realms were similar but darker in nature to the dream realm controlled by the nightmare heart another higher being troops were sent out to ruined lands to collect nightmare Essence Flames to fuel the nightmare hearts in their devotion and worship of the radiance The Moth tribe explored Essence soul and dreams in this exploration they created the dream nail this powerful nail was incredible the moths pierced the veil between the waking and the dream worlds they extracted soul and Essence from living creatures they used the dream world to essentially teleport across vast distances with dream Gates and they even entered the minds of the bugs around them to discover their darkest secrets yet some Minds were too powerful to penetrate these dream Walkers had been crafted with a light brighter than Essence and under the radiances lead they learned how to shape dreams the light also kept the void at Bay the radiance had used her light to create life she had offered them knowledge of and access to the dream Realms all she wanted in return was their worship and yet the radiance was not the only higher being that had come to this land to the West the giant slug un dreamt of a world of luscious Le Lees luxurious bushes swirling Vines Lakes of acid and green children to walk amongst the forests as a higher being of light her dream transformed the barren Rocky caverns of this Bleak land into Lush Chambers full of vegetation and lakes from her dream also walked the Mosin into the physical world the green children of un these once empty Caverns Chambers tunnels and basins became home to the life soul and essence of Green Path within the green children of an just like the moth tribe of the radiance worshiped their God and erected temples to honor and worship her one of which was constructed at the lake of an a site that's the higher being communed with her children each plant and bug no matter how big or small was important to the Mosin for they had been created within the mind of an because of this the Mosin tribe were very Territorial and protective of Green Path and those who sought to explore it to the southeast of Green Path lay the fungal waste it was in the southern part of this region that the Mantis tribe formed a village the Mantis did not appear to worship any higher being and were completely self-sufficient led by the Mantis Lords the youngest of this tribe were encouraged to kill to prove their strength to claim their place in the tribe the Mantis valued honor and tradition they did not like Outsiders but did at least respect one if they engaged in an honorable fight if their Challenger died they died however if they lived they were offered freedom to explore the village the mantis's ability to defend themselves did come in useful to the west of their Village deepness became home to the spider tribe and later the Weaver tribe who had traveled from a far away land many speculated this to be fallo at this moment this is just speculation the inhabitants of deep Nest were arguably the most intelligent species of this land land the Weavers crafted stories Shields and spells on their looms as they recorded their history on spools their Village was meticulously crafted by the arachnids who created houses of silk that hung across a deep Cavern it was in these that their king and queen monitored the population and their Midwife helped birth children it was also here that the araid plotted to expand their reach by Force AC cross the land the issue they had was that the Mantis blocked their access to it the entirety of this land had once worshiped the void and after that Civilization had fallen many more had popped up and claimed their regions from the distant Village of deepest the Mantis Lords of mantis Village to the Mosin of greenpath the mysterious snail shamans that manipulate its Soul into power spells the dream Walkers of the moth and even The Emptiness of the Abyss this land had awoken once again across it there were also simple-minded bgs without true thought they just wandered in the darkness as the ages passed these colonies lived on and thrived in their homes within Green Path however the Mosin noticed that un had started to fade away and her interactions with them reduced in number she promised that one day she would call for them to return to the dream they had come from until then they just had to be patient to the east of Green Path another species came to The Verdant region this was a family of hunters who even hunted each other for fun over their time there the family moved away until until only one remained alone in his small area of greena as it borrowed through the mountains of the Wasteland a worm finally stopped and settled the worm were just like an and the radiance higher beings of light this worm looked at the land ahead and saw what it could become of the many abilities of this God species the worm could see the future to an extent he saw that this land could become a grand Kingdom if he let it the land was home to many bugs of sentient mind but there were many others that clawed in the darkness unaware of anything just bugs he would become their King in order to do this the worm entered a process of metamorphosis and shed his large for he became small just like them in this new form the worm went by the title of The Pale King as his shell transformed the Kingdom's Edge into an ashen Wasteland as it decayed The Pale King was a being of power and as he looked at the land ahead of him he claimed it as the kingdom of honest the worm in general had incredible abilities not only could the king see the future and pull lesser bugs into his Thro but he also formed a beacon that instilled the simple minded bugs of hallow nest with sentience and intelligence under his Beacon the bugs of Hess saw The Pale King as the leader ruler and the higher being who had created everything within honest yet an issue arose for those who sought to leave leave the kingdom for if they moved too far away from Hall Nest they would relinquish the precious mind that the king had granted them for the bugs already with sapience their time in Hall nest for the most part would become a distant foggy memory by the pale King's side was the white lady another higher being of roots under the leadership of worm and Roots Hall Nest would arrive their Union was solidified with the king's Soul a charm with two halves that when combined produced unlimited soul from the very air in the depths of the land just above the abyss the palace grounds were constructed and within so too was the White Palace this place became home to The Pale King white lady and those chosen to be their Royal retainers the King was fascinated with the void below and wanted to form the entire Kingdom of Hest above the palace void was an interesting and mysterious Force to keep it calm the king had a lighthouse constructed within the abyss and ordered one of his subjects to keep the light active at all times with void passive in this state the king had some of the substance brought to his Palace so that he could experiment with and explore it in his Workshop from his work the King created several void constructs he filled heavy white armor with the substance for void had no will and no mind to think in this state it did what the king commanded these armored void entities were named Kings molds and were stationed within and across the palace to defend it the haale King stayed within his Palace and rarely left but from here he had a lot of work to do the bugs of Hest had sworn their loyalty to their King he had promised them that Hess would last Eternal and he truly believed it would although many bugs had woken up and gained the ability to think feel and act of their own accord many of the both of this land already had these abilities in an attempt to develop a working Grand Kingdom The Pale King reached out to the tribes that existed within the borders of his Hall Nest to unite the land each tribe could offer something valuable over the ages The Moth tribe had still worshiped the radiance and her light but several turned their backs on her and chose to worship The Pale King instead when he asked for their place in Hest The Moth offered their ability to communicate with the dream realm in doing so they became the caretakers of the Dead within the resting grounds and Spirits Glade the moths granted the bugs of hallow Nest a place of sanctuary peace and serenity before and after death they conducted rituals communed with the Departed and help those who grieved accept their l through the manipulation of essence to the West The Hive minded mushrooms of the fungal waste saw the king's power of foresight as a form of protection so they accepted his offer to join the kingdom the Mosin of greenpath waited for the call of un to return to the dream yet while territorial they welcomed The Pale King and allowed him to have roads constructed across their land however they also left a warning if any strayed from the King's Road they would face the laws of un The Pale King also asked for more from the Mosin he and the white lady liked the Luscious region of Green Path so much that they decided to claim the entire southern region the Queen's Garden still resembled the dream that un had created it from but as a retreat for the queen it was adapted with green houses and statues of royalty as this area had been annexed from Green Path it was heavily guarded and only those chosen by the king or queen were allowed access while several of the tribes within the borders of honest had agreed to become a part of the Kingdom there were others who refused to cooperate the we and spider tribe of deep Nest had no interest in becoming a part of the pale King's Kingdom they wanted the land for themselves the Mantis tribe also declined the pale King's offer to join the kingdom of honest in this case however a deal was made between the two parties The Pale King offered the Mantis Lords their sovereignty if they kept the aggressive population of deep Nest sealed in site in which they agreed there was also the bees of the hive to the east their hive had been constructed within the Kingdom's borders but their queen queen vasper decided to keep out of the problems and politics of a growing Kingdom as the hive sealed their entrances although some had chosen not to become a part of the kingdom of honest the worms Beacon did bring travelers from other lands and they came upon the relics of an ancient civilization one of which was found to the north of the Kingdom's Edge several Travelers discovered the large remains of an ancient Beast it was inside that they formed the Coliseum of fools an arena of entertainment where the strongest Warriors fought trials having pulled together the tribes of halet The Pale King and white lady watched as the rest of the Kingdom flourished in the caverns above the White Palace King's pass welcomed new bugs to the kingdom of Hall nest with a large bridge that led to the small town of dirt mouth although modest it offered access to the crossroads Below stores that sold interesting wees easy access to the top of Crystal Peak a graveyard for the fallen and even the opportunity Unity to meet Confessor Gigi a powerful entity who had the ability to manipulate void in return for a rancid egg the creation of the crossroads below dirt mouth allowed the kingdom to pulse with a life as the bugs explored the towns and cities hones thrived in trade refuge and Adventure while Soul was regarded as a great energy source hones relied mostly on the crystals of Crystal Peak to power the kingdom in doing so it meant that bugs were hired to mine these purple gems with the help of glims and Shard mites to help them transport the heavy loads for those who followed the Pilgrim's Way Through The Verdant Wilds of Green Path and the fungal wastes they would reach the heart of the Kingdom honest's capital city a place in which they were promised to sh in the city's Glory their wishes would be granted and their truths revealed during honest's Golden Age this city went by one name but it has been lost to time due to many of the events to come it would later become known as the city of Tears the heart of Hest was huge the Western quarter housed the common bug and the East housed the more more influential wealthier and Royal upon their entrance to the city the pilgrims would have noticed the grand spers that darted into the peak of this Cavern the statues of powerful Knights the Guardians who protected the civilians and they would have heard the melodic sounds of Marissa the songstress from the pleasure house the city even had a pretty Advanced water structure that ran underground these Royal waterways dealt with the City's waste and for the items that fell down into these sewers they slowly collected together and formed a giant pit of junk back within the city the soul sanctum offered the scholars of Soul the ability to explore and understand just what the substance was capable of as they used Soul totems and containers to store it just as the Lost ancient civilization had done ages before in the highest Spire of the city lurian The Watcher observed the entire city with his telescope he was one of the most loyal to his King and as a high ranking member of the Kingdom he was even granted Watcher Knights to protect him in his role as the capital of Hest various materials were imported in from the surrounding regions some of many were silks artwork and fabrics while so many recent sources came in only few were sent out this Kingdom thrived on the currency of Geo adventure and many even traded in charms powerful accessories that contained a spark of power woven into their very cause they offered those who wore them the ability to change how they interacted with the world enhance strength the potential to manipulate Soul at will to enhance and extend their lives and protection were just some of many adaptations charms were highly sought after but they were very limited each one was unique there may have been many ways to craft these items but the darkest secret of the kingdom was that they formed from a dying wish the pel king's actions had formed a large civilization that spanned for miles and miles through several territories and biomes yet he spent the most of his time in the White Palace to offer their worship to him the citizens of Hest fashioned King's Idols so that they could physically thank and rever him even if it was from a distance the king's Knights were also given ornate seals as symbols of their service to the kingdom every bug had a role in this Melting Pot of Co culture while the grubs could tunnel through the caverns as they awaited metamorphosis not every citizen had this ability to navigate the kingdom the citizens of honest could have traveled by foot through Kingdom's way and a lot did the king did however Implement other forms of travel honest was home to the stag beetle these large bugs love to run and with Hest as their home they ran through the long empty tunnels of the land to give the Stags a role in the Kingdom stag stations were opened up across the land in essence if a bug required transportation to the other end of Hall Nest they simply rang a bell and a stug would be there these stations opened up the kingdom even more from dirt mouth Green Path the fog Canyon the capital city and even deep Nest the Stags of Hall Nest navigated the long tunnels for the citizens a station was also constructed in Queen's Gardens however only few were permitted to utilize this path the Stags loved their role in Hest and after a long day of work they returned to the stug nest their home and place of birth it was here that they swapped stories about interesting passengers spoke of new tunnels they had the discovered and raised their young the Star Stations were immensely important even still the king also implemented another system to Traverse Hest a Trum system in their construction of the Trum line the trucks run from the resting grounds the crossroads Kingdom's Edge and the basing close to where the White Palace had been constructed the workers did also attempt to manufacture a line that ran through deep Nest but the spider tribe killed anyone who stepped on the land as a result the construction of this line was abandoned with a dream to craft the perfect nail and nails for the lands Fighters a nailsmith set up a workshop just outside of the capital city even in a mostly safe Kingdom like Hest there were still dangers to create this Perfect Weapon the Smith sought out a pale ore a rare ore connected somehow to the higher pale beings of the land with their weapons Warriors came to the Ultimate Nail Master slly for training in the art of combat Oro mat and shio were just three known students the fog Canyon became home to one of H nest's greatest Minds monomon the teacher in this region thick with fog and cackling electricity this large jellyfish had her archive constructed it was here that she researched the land its inhabitants and stored the Kingdom's knowledge as a teacher she also offered her knowledge to her students one of which was quirrel this golden age of Hess truly offered a place for every bug creature and traveler it was because of the culture and traditions The Pale King had perfectly crafted that the five Great Knights of Hest were revered zamir had traveled from a land Serene and brought with her the delicate flower immensely fragile flowers that contained the power that even now few understand isma was regarded as a kind Warrior and had some connection to the acid Lakes of honest although unconfirmed this suggests that she could have had some sort of connection to un hegal was the largest of the great five and was known to make his friends laugh drer was the fiercest of the Warriors and then there was ogrim the Knight who took his oath to the kingdom the most seriously while the kingdom thrived just outside of the borders the tribe of deep Nest suffered a great loss the ruler died and control of deep Nest was left to their partner Hera while only a common Beast the Weavers and spiders of deep Nest still regarded her as the queen and under her rule they attempted to move on from their loss under the worship and Leadership of The Pale King a Barren Cavern of simple bugs had transformed into a grand civilization with doctors adventurers singers poets Traders and so many more over these ages the king's Guiding Light had helped them Thrive but his influence had also extinguished another The Moth tribe had initially turned their backs on their crater upon the arrival of the worm and over this time they had forgotten her the radiance however would not be forgotten the Ancient Light of the radiance had been forgotten by the moths of honest in an attempt to make them and the rest of the population of the Kingdom remember her the radiance entered their dreams as they slept the citizens dreamt of a burning light and she appeared to them this light threatened to break their minds as it pulled the first victims into a deep Slumber when they awoke they became feral and aggressive as they reverted back to the simple minds of their ancestors before the arrival and gift of sapience from the King that was if they accepted the call of Union she offered in these dreams the majority of Hest dreamt of this forgotten light and the King urged his people to resist the Forgotten lights that plagued their dreams as a result of these desperate attempts to to be remembered and the King's orders to ignore and reject her these dreams and light manifested into an infection over his time in Hall Nest The Pale King had exploded a void and understood that the radiance threatened to destroy everything he had formed he had to act interestingly enough within mantis's Village the Mantis were naturally immune to her call the radiance existed so Sol within the dream realm so The Pale King and white lady formed a plan to completely remove her connection to the waking World The Madness of the infection spread across the entire Kingdom of honest as the population declined quickly to seal the radiance and her influence away mentally and physically the king turned to the void only an entity a vessel with no mind to think no will to break and no voice to cry born of God and void could hold the radiance The Pale King had created several void constructs to protect and maintain the kingdom over the ages this one would just be harder to perfect in a union of worm and root The Pale King and white lady had many children each one was birthed in the abyss where they died were hollowed out and then inhabited by void the king and queen murdered what appear to be thousands of their children in an attempt to create a pure vessel that could contain the radiance to the king no cost was too great to save his kingdom from the infection the void shades of the abandoned children were left at the bottom of the Abyss as the king sought out that one perfect vessel and when the pure vessel eventually revealed itself the king left the abyss with it and sealed the entrance behind him his discarded children were simply left down there the creation of this pure vessel had come at a great cost but it was important to save the kingdom The Vessel however was just one part of the containment of the radiant as the king brought the pure vessel to the White Palace to raise it for its purpose the king began the second stage of the plan the pure vessel when grown would be sealed within the Temple of the black egg but powerful seals had to be formed to keep it closed to trap it inside seals that only three powerful dreamers would form if they entered an eternal sleep luran The Watcher volunteered for this role out of loyalty to his king and monan the teacher of fog Canyon also accepted this great responsibility for the third and final Seal The Pale King reached out to Herod the Beast of deep Nest although her tribe had refused to become a part of H Nest the radiance infection had also affected them even so Hara had a request Hera had lost her partner but she desperately wanted a child in a union between tribes The Pale King gave Herod the Beast what she desired together they created a child of God and the Beast as deep Nest awaited the birth of their Queen's spawn The Pale King returned to the White Palace and spent time with the vessel his child over this time the vessel was seen by a population of hollow Nest as their savior that would seal away the radiance their Hollow Knight soon the time came and the holl night was brought to the Temple of the black egg and it was chained within in a ritual the radiance was summoned to the Night's Dream and as it had no will no mind and no suffering the light was trapped within across Hall Nest the dreamers prepared to complete their role in this plan monoman the teacher stored herself within her archives as a dreamer the power of this ritual already protected her to an extent however she also put in place another level of security the teacher formed a connection between her mask and the container she would be placed in to dream if someone or something did attempt to access her physical form they would require her mask a mask that she gave to her Apprentice quirell to protect his teacher quell left Hest with the mask and as he moved further away from the king's Beacon his memories of this crumbling Kingdom faded away within the capital city at the peak of the Watcher's Spire lur and The Watcher lay down and slept as his watch Knights protected the entrance to his body over in deep Nest Herod the Beast and the spider tribe were Overjoyed with the birth of their princess Hornet Hara was only able to spend a small amount of time with her child before she had to enter the Beast Den to also go to sleep as the three dreamers went to sleep they entered the dream realm and became seals on the temple of the black egg with the radiance sealed away trapped within the hollow night inside the black egg Temple sealed by the dreamers the kingdom breathed a sigh of relief many of the bugs went to the temple to pray and a memorial Fountain was constructed inside of the walls of the capital city a structure to remind them of the great sacrifice that not only the hollit had made but also the dreamers the creation of the hollow Knight and sacrifice of the dreamers to save the kingdom weighed heavily on the white lady it was her children that have been discarded in the abyss to find that one pure vessel she felt shame for her role in this plan to stop herself from the creation of future Offspring the white lady Trav Tred to the Queen's Gardens with her powers of root she bound herself to the ground unable to defend herself drer of the great five nights of Hest took an oath to stand watch of her Queen and protect her from any harm despite everything The Pale King and the dreamers had done to save the kingdom even after the sacrifice of the hollow night the radiance once again appeared in the dreams of the bugs of Hall Nest The Vessel had been pure upon its selection by the king however during its time in the White Palace it had forged a connection with its father an idea had been instilled it had a mind thoughts and it had become impure the order of the events during this period are murky regardless none of them were good the Mosin of greenpath were mostly unaffected by the infection but this aggressive attack on the kingdom did amplify their desire to be reunited with un the miners in Crystal Peak fell some even merged with the crystals they mined and became mad and aggressive the mushroom tribe of the fungal wastes that had once allowed pilgrims to Traverse their land also became actively hostile against most that they encountered alongside this several spoke of a mass Master Herald that would signal Ages end a rumored diety that had its own mind outside of the hive mind they Shar a mushroom that went by the name Mr mushroom reports showed that he traveled across Hall Nest unhindered by the infection as the death toll increased the kingdom attempted to reduce the spread the spirits Glade was sealed and the capital city of Hall Nest closed its Gates so that no one could enter and no one could leave the tram and stag stations were shut down in doing this the stugs slowly fell into isolation without a bell to be heard to Signal them they were also forgotten about because of this every region within Hest became isolated The Rock base of the cavern above the capital city cracked and with it the Waters of the C of Blue Lake dripped from Above This gave the capital city the name it would be remembered for the city of Tears although the gates had been closed the radiance still wiped out large chunks of the population within as for their history and Records the parchments of spider silk became ineligible in these dire times there were some who still had hope the soul Master of the Soul sanctum saw in his dreams that the cure for this infection could be attained through pure Focus an ability granted through the consumption and manipulation of Soul this dream however was a nasty trick by the radiance The Pale King ordered that this line of thought be abandoned but the soulmaster could not understand why his leader refused to at least try to stop the moth of light this master of Soul believed that if they could use the substance that animated their very bodies it would help them defeat the infection so he ignored The Pale King within the soul sanctum the soulmaster and his Scholars hoarded the soul totems of the kingdom and slowly became Intoxicated by its power the intensity of this substance deformed many of them as it mutated their body into mistakes the soul Master however did retain his shape and he stayed in the soul sanctum close by one member of the upper class of the city watched as the population was driven into madness emilita had been cast out by those she had once called friends and she reveled in their Madness she locked herself in a tower and watched the chaos unold emalita enjoyed the show The Madness of the infection simply evaded her over in the Mantis Village their natural immunity allowed them to ride out the initial infection as they dealt with other issues the daughter of one of their leaders had entered into a relationship with an outsider this was not just any Outsider it was the mer of the great Five Knights of Hall Nest the Mantis leaders ordered that this relationship be put to an end but it did not stop the connection they had for each other this natural immune to the radiance for the most part was fantastic for the Mantis tribe there were some however who believed if they chose to worship her light they would be gifted with power unfortunately for the Mantis one of their four leaders fell to this lure branded the traitor Lord this leader turned on his sisters in response the sisters forced those who had fallen for the radiances light out of mantis Village without a home the Mantis traitors claimed a new territory within Queen's Gardens and act of aggression not only against an but also the white lady these traitors did attempt to dominate this land but they were met by the power of drer ultimately she fell to the constant waves of man's attacks and defense of her Queen but the traitors also fell to the infection as they became simple minded creatures although drer had given her life for the white lady this higher being of root had grown so much since she had settled on this land she was completely unaware that her protector had fallen interestingly enough even some of the Mosin turned their backs on un and actively chose to worship the radiance the Moss prophet and their followers believed honest would be born again and United in the radiant's Blazing image to worship her they called out to the moth in the Moss Chapel hell Nest had fallen so far in such a short amount of time the streets filled with bodies many bugs reverted to a mind without sapience and the regions of this Kingdom separated the pale King's vision for a grand civilization had failed within the high the bees had lived independently away from the kingdom of Hest but after their Queen grew too large for the hive and died they too fell to the lure of the radiance After The Infection seeped into their home and took over in an action that surprised the few that still lived The Pale King pulled the White Palace from the Physical Realm and transported it into the dream realm along with his followers and servants in these awful times the traitor Lord's daughter died and was buried in Queen's Gardens upon no notification of this news her partner zamur chose to renounce her duties as a great knight entered the resting grounds and became the gray mourner within the Royal waterways isma entered a Grove inside she passed away to unknown means just outside ogrim defended her Grove and waited for her as for the fifth and final great KN of Hall Nest hegal his fate is unknown his armor was stolen as he slept by a maggot desperate to defend its kin after that no one knows during this entire period deep down in the abyss some of the discarded vessels managed to climb out of their tomb the king had sealed the entrance to this place but they discovered a secret way out with access to the kingdom some stayed to explore it while one left it entirely with the King gone and the kingdom having entered a stasis to keep it Eternal and the majority of the inhabitants of the Kingdom having fallen to the plague of the radiance Hall Nest fell into ruin her influence had taken their minds but still the physical infection stayed in side of the black egg temple in deep Nest Hornet was raised by the Weavers and midwife in her mother's absence she knew her mother had sacrificed herself for deep nest and as she grew up Hornet explored Hall nest and protected the ruins from scavengers while the Stags slowly died out as they waited for a belt be rung to Signal the return of the passengers there were some who survived the infection the nailsmith who had set up his Workshop just outside of the city of Tears had in a way attained a sort of pure Focus as he spent his attention on the forging of a pure nail a goal he would continue to attempt the Ultimate Nail Master Sly hung up his nail and set up a store in dirt mouth he realized that the collection of Geo was more important than combat to get more of it he sold the treasures and charms of the Fallen Kingdom to those who passed by his students also moved across Hall Nest Oro relocated to Kingdom's Edge mat moved to the howling Cliffs and shio made Green Path his home and pursued arts for the few who remained of the moth tribe they prophesied someone that would wield a dream nail and collect all of the essence and memories of Hest the wielder yet this Chosen One never arrived and the tribe slowly died off until only a single Seer remained to tend to the resting grounds alone the king's pass had once allowed those who traveled through the howling Cliffs access to dirtmouth and the greater Kingdom over time and without maintenance the connecting Bridge collapsed dirtmouth slowly faded away as the residents within and the few who passed through entered the well into the Forgotten Crossroads of the Kingdom below they sought wealth glory and Adventure but only few returned the city of Tears had become a shell of its former self but it was not completely dead the Tower of love was home to something interesting a void being named The Collector the origin of this entity is shrouded mostly in mystery why was it called The Collector well it collected objects and most notably the grubs of Hall nest and plac them inside of glass jars to preserve or protect them on a more interesting note the key to its home in the tower of love was later discovered on the body of a bug that had died this was not a normal death it appeared that void had destroyed this bug from the inside as streams of the substance fell like tears from its face in the bug's dang moments it had thought too long spent together we become as one the void entity and the bug had some sort of relationship but what it truly meant is unknown deep underground in the abyss the void called out to the lightkeeper appointed by The Pale King it called to him to turn off the light within the White Palace The Pale King also passed away it is unknown how this occurred but his followers inside this dream realm still awaited his return Hall Nest was home to a long history of chaos and ruin this Fallen Kingdom however was just one of many the population of the land of storms had once worshiped the gods of Thunder and the gods of rain their gods had either abandoned them or died they sought out the gods and they went out into the Wasteland to find more the god Seekers had a mask that allowed them to focus their thoughts in doing so they created an entire world with the shared mind in the dream realm God home inside they hoped to elevate and eventually attune their minds to immune with the gods of the world with a godseeker device through ritual Combat on their Journey a godseeker picked up what lingered of the power of The Pale King and it arrived in honest unaware that he had moved on however upon the god seeker's arrival it was locked inside of a cocoon and dropped into the junk pit of the royal waterways how and why this happened is unknown yet while trapped physically the god Seekers lived comfortably within God home the kingdom of Hest had essentially become a giant graveyard spirits of Warriors waited for explorers to pass by them yet some parts of the Kingdom were alive the strongest Fighters across the land traveled towards Hall Nest to compete in the Coliseum of fools every one of them attempted to become the champion of the Coliseum despite their dreams of greatness many died during their trials and their corpses were dropped into the chasm below even after the Lord Fool's death the fighting continued as the ages past many who dreamt of greatness took on the god Tamer two new Fighters were tiso and the Little Fool in The Fading town of dirtmouth the retired nail Master Sly fell into dream and began to wander the Forgotten Crossroads a world he had left behind long before this was interesting it was if something deep within Hest had brought it back to life and with it new Travelers made their way towards the kingdom the oldest resident of the Town elderbug had grown up in an age after the closure of the Stag stations and fall of the world below still he knew of the dangers in the well dangers that are claimed so many that had entered and never returned within the city of Tears A Relic collector set to be store away from the dead LM was fascinated by the historical artifacts of hollow Nest during its golden age he was also intrigued by the Arcane eggs of the civilization that had occupied The Land Before the kingdom of Hest had even formed as horn traversed across this Fallen Kingdom to protect her mother and father's ruins from scavengers she also sensed something in the air a new wave of the infection that reanimated the bodies of the fallen into aggressive husks Hornets was mostly alone after the Weavers of deep Nest left Hall Nest to return to their Homeland after they also sensed the return of the infection from the the howling Cliffs to the black egg Temple to the castoff Shell of the pale King's original worm form at the Kingdom's Edge Hornet watched as the kingdom was filled with dangers these bugs simply wandered the region in which they had passed away they retained their muscle memory of their roles during the Kingdom's Heyday but the infection also clouded their minds and made them aggressive upon even a simple interaction the miners of Crystal Peak mind the guards protected the streets and husks wandered the Forgotten Crossroads all in the radiances haze still those of sound mind and new arrivals delved into these ruins as the infection brought it back to life in a deserted village there was one menderbug who had survived the entire infection and he kept working when he discovered a broken sign he fixed it as he worked he wrote of his accomplishments in his diary to the east of his village another bug ran a charm store salubra appeared to be completely unaware that the kingdom had fallen she thought maybe business had just gotten a little quiet lately amongst those who sought Glory zot the mighty arrived in hallow Nest this place reminded him of Home Z believed names had power that was why he had called his nail the life Ender yet Z's image of himself as a mighty warrior was not the case he struggled against the most basic of foes as he wandered the caverns alone a married couple cornifer and his wife asala also arrived in Hest cornifer wanted to explore the world and he did as he took on the task to map the kingdom as his wife set up a store in dirt M within fog Canyon an Explorer also discovered a great way to earn Geo from the passing Adventures mbel knew bugs and how to manipulate them in the safer region of the infected jellyfish inhabited Misty caverns of hallow Nest mbel set up a bank to store the Geo of those who wanted to protect their wealth but all was not what it seemed mbel planned to run away with all all the Geo she managed to extract from her marks in the neighboring region of the fungal wastes Lea either lived there or moved there to set up his own charm store Leger was blind but had an amazing sense of smell he believed that if he earned enough Geo he would become a king it was here the bug created charms but how he did this is unknown on a quest of Bravery a sakada warrior sought to challenge honest's Mighty terrifying beasts cloth had the best intention to die in an intense climactic battle with her Club so that she could be reunited with Nola her partner who had passed away but the creatures of honer scared her and sometimes she head honest was alive once again with new adventurers explorers and the HKS of The Departed within the Temple of the black egg the hollow Knight grew weaker and the radiant's influence on the land grew stronger Hest however was still protected by the Seal of the dreamers many of the vessels that had escaped their fate at the bottom of the Abyss had explored the ruins of Hall Nest many had been lured and brutally killed by the terrifying shape-shifting nosk of deep Nest there was also another vessel who had returned to Hall nest after it had heard a call as of now it is unknown what called it the radiance or the hollow Knights regardless this vessel the Knight traversed King's pass and arrived in dirtmouth it met elderbug and was told of the grand Kingdom below a kingdom that had become a myth on its path the Knight encountered cornifer as he mapped out the Forgotten Crossroads it fought with the false Knight that wore hego's Armor after it met a snail Shaman it learned how to focus Soul into powerful magical strikes it even reopened a stag station and discovered what remained of this species that had once allowed Hess to thrive sadly this stug was the last of its kind and Over All of these years alone it had forgotten the location of the Stag nest with its first passenger in ages it asked the Knight to reopen more stations as it traveled across Hall nest and ring the bell in each so that it would hopefully remember the location of its home Hornet knew of the sacrifice the dreamers had made she also watch from afar as this vessel explored her kingdom on a trip to the howling cliff Hornet encountered quirrel he too had felt the call of hallow nest in his dreams dreams of winding roads misted Caverns drowning cities and a door with something that called to him just beyond Hornet so quirrel as just another explorer that had come to desecrate her kingdom in a short battle Hornet noticed that the mask querel war was important something had called him here with the belief his journey into H Nest was significant the warrior of deep Nest returned to her kingdom to watch over the night or as she called it little ghost in Green Path Hornet locked over the body of a dead vessel but she was interrupted by the night she warned it to come no closer that she had seen it as it had crept through the undergrowth and that she knew why it UR come to halest she would not allow it to break the dreamer's seals despite Hornet's amazing ability to wield a needle and thread the Knight defeated her in combat as Hornet fled the Knight picked up the mothwing cloak from the body of the vessel this would be just one of the many items and upgrades The Vessel would acquire on its path the dreamers had watched from the dream realm as the plan to save Hest had essentially failed over these ages they had watched it fall as explorers had come and gone however they were curious about the arrival of this vessel from their realm lur and The Watcher monoman the teacher and Tera the Beast projected their minds into the Physical Realm and spoke to the Knight they asked if it sought to break the seals lurian ordered the Knight to stop what it has started and leave them to sleep in peace despite their request the night continued on and found its way to a statue of the dreamers in the resting grounds to protect the vessel the dreamers lay sleeping monoman the teacher in her archive surrounded by fog and the Mist luran The Watcher in his Spire looking over the city Hera the beast in her Den ADM missed the Deep Darkness beyond the kingdom through their devotion Hall Nest lasts Eternal it had been through the pale King's plan that honest had entered a period of stasis the darkness and Stillness of void appeared to perpetuate one long night the kingdom was still there but Frozen in a state of Ruin eternal lurian believed that if the dreamer's seals were broken the radian his light would bring with it Dawn and with it the complete collapse of honest lurian wanted honest to remain as it was he was loyal to his King and his King wanted Hest to last Eternal the dreamers also did know that the Hite had grown so much weaker over this long period various binding seals had been crafted inside the egg but they would not be strong enough to stop the radiance luran had to keep the dreamers seals active to stop the night the dreamers pulled the vessel from Hest into the dream realm it was here that it found itself trapped in a space between Body and Soul the dreamers had displayed their ability to manipulate the dream realm but they were not the only ones in Hall Nest that knew how to travel between worlds within the resting grounds the last moth of Hest discovered the vessel in Her Dream form the sea guided the Knight towards a dream nail it was with this that it pierced the veil Between Worlds and returned to Hest this sea had lost so much on her own over all of this time she had still tended to the graves of the Fallen as she had completed her tasks the sea felt immense remorse for the crimes of her tribe they had turned their backs on the radiance that had given them life and delight and it was because of this that she had reacted so aggressively the sea knew of the dreamers and the sacrifice of the hollow Knight she also knew how to help the Knight complete its task to break the seals so that change could come to hallow Nest she did also have another agenda if she could acquire enough Essence she could be one with the radiance the dream nail had dulled over time but the essence it needed to be fully restored flowed around everywhere within the whispering root trees the Warriors who had passed on and the bugs anything that could dream was a source of essence it was with this ancient moth artifact that it would be able to enter the dreams of the dreamers and inside destroy them and their seals over its Journey the Knight explored the many stunning haunted regions of Hest it helped pull back Sly from the infection of Hall nest in an abandoned Village it also helped breta with the same ailment within the fungal Wast in Crystal Peak the Knight met Miler a miner who had traveled to the region to search for Treasure her singing could be heard from the entrance of this Cavern as long as she did not fall asleep she would be okay Milo was happy and excited to explore the secrets of Crystal Peak she also invited the Knight to visit her again she liked its company and she was sure it liked her singing in the Mantis Village the Knight acquired the Mantis claw and challenged the Mantis Lords to combat upon the survival of this deadly conflict the Lords offered the Knight access to deep nest and the honor and respect to Traverse their region without issue in deep Nest the Knight was lured into the nest of noos a shape-shifting monstrosity that had killed many of the vessel's siblings the Knight however was stronger and more fluid than the other vessels as it used its abilities to kill the Beast the infected spiders of deep Nest were just as dangerous as the bugs of Hall Nest the KN delved into the dark claustrophobic web covered tunnels of this region and discovered the distant Village a collection of homes made of silk that hung above a deep Cavern upon its entrance The Vessel survived a trap and then discovered the first Dreamer Hara the Beast protected by a seal in the beast's Den with the dream nail the Knight entered her dream and destroyed her within the death of Hera the Beast inside of her dream also killed her physical form this action had several effects across honest Hornet became the new queen of deep nest after the death of her mother and the protection on the Temple of the black egg became much weaker after the removal of Hera's seal the plague inside pushed against the edges of its prison and the orange goo of the infection broke out into the Forgotten Crossroads as light seeds transformed the already aggressive corpses of Hall nest in two deadly foes when the Knight returned to Crystal Peak it did not hear the positive hums of Miler she too just like like many others had fallen to the infection in her mind she was commanded by the radiant to kill the empty one she was a perfect Soul driven mad further in the Knight fought the fallen and mutated bugs as it acquired the Crystal Heart an energy core that allowed it to propel itself and fly as the night entered the city of Tears it was met by Hornet at the fountain Memorial she had underestimated her half sibling it was a resilient born of two Gods she also offered some information if it still wanted to continue on its Journey it should seek out the grave in Ash the grave you referred to was that of the pale King's original form of the worm at Kingdom's Edge it was there that it was tested by Hornet once again in combat to see if it was strong enough to do what needed to be done to save Hall Nest inside of the corpse of the worm the Knight acquired the king's brand it essentially selected the Knight as king of Hest and access to every region within back in the city of Tears the Knight climbed the soul sanctum fought with the infected Scholars inside and even defeated the soul Master it was in this victory that it learned desolate dive a powerful spell that allowed it to smash through the ground the knights then climbed the watch's Spire defeated the Watcher Knights and came across the sleeping body of the second dreamer lurian The Watcher just as it had done with Hera the Knight entered the dream of this bug so loyal to his King and destroyed him interestingly enough this dream realm was a little brighter than that of the last dreamer a sign that the radiance is influence was getting stronger a new dawn was on the way having destroyed two of the dreamer seals the kingdom became more alive than it had been for many many years in the Basin of Hest the Knight fought with a vessel which had been infected by light seeds further in it picked up the Monarch wings wings of ethereal matter that granted the Knight the power to jump higher in the Royal waterways the Little Ghost discovered ogrim he defended The Grove isma had entered and not return and in his time alone he had crafted statues of his friends with limited material in the sewers of honest this once White Defender had become the dong Defender as he had used the vast quantity of the waste of Hall nest in his Creations further in the The Vessel navigated isma's Grove and found her body the cause of her death is unknown but she did make a wish this had created a charm isma's tear that gave the Knight the protection to swim through the acid Lakes of Hall Nest without harm deeper into the Royal waterways the Knight encountered tuck a scavenger bug who searched for someone someone she believed had something to apolog olog for who the person Tu search for is unknown however it is likely she sought out Boon another scavenger book who was cited close to the howling Cliffs within the abyss the place it and its kin had been discarded and hollowed out by the void it was here that it reactivated the lighthouse and calmed the void as it attained the shade cloak a cloak formed a void that offered the Knight the power to Traverse the void over its short time in Hest the Knight had grown so much stronger within the howling Cliffs an acolyte of the Grim troop had died before it could light the nightmare Lantern a powerful device that summoned The Troop Hall Nest was exactly what they fed off a Fallen Kingdom full of nightmare Essence the knights discovered the body of this creature and it lit the lantern in doing so the Grim troop traveled from The Nightmare realm and set up their tents within dirt mouth as this had happened their leader Grim sent Grim kin into honest to collect the nightmare essence of the ruined Kingdom upon the night's return to dirt mouth it entered the tent of the Grim troop leader and was asked if it wanted to participate in the ritual over the following hours the Knight traveled with a grim child appointed by grim and fed the nightmare Essence harvested by the Grim King to the Grim child The Troop leader watched as the Grim child grew stronger and stronger this was important to the survival and the Everlasting cycle of The Nightmare Hearts when the Grim child had absorbed enough nightmare Essence the next stage of this ritual would would begin the nightmare King Grim would be killed inside of the nightmare realm as a result the Grim child would feed on the energy become host to the nightmare realm and then become the new nightmare King this was a cycle that had occurred for countless years the Knight however had a choice if it followed through with the ritual then the grimchild would absorb the nightmare Essence and become the new host of the nightmare realm if the Knight instead destroyed the nightmare Lantern in Hall Nest it would force the traveling troop to leave and seek out another ruined Kingdom in doing this one of their followers Brum would be able to remove the mask that had enslaved him to the Grim troop Brum would remember who he was Nim with just one more dreamer to go and Powerful abilities in its hands the Knight traveled to fog Canyon The Archives of monum and the teacher were filled with a gressive jellyfish but none of them were as dangerous as a beast monoman had charged to protect her chamber umu the issue was that umu had also Twisted to the corruption to the night's look quirell also returned to the archives after he had explored Hest in an attempt to remember this Kingdom quirrel weakened the Beast as the Knight Struck it as they approached monoman quirrel revealed the teacher's mask and removed the additional layer of protection inside of the dream Realm of monoman the Knight noticed just how bright the realm had become the radiance had become so much stronger since the death of the other two dreamers monoman knew what the knights sought to do and welcomed it it's actions going forward to hopefully save the kingdom the death of the final dreamer removed the protection of the Temple of the black egg and with it only the hollow Knight remained quirell had served Monument for so long and as the long night came to an end and the radiance prepared to unleash her light to create Dawn quirrel felt himself age the stasis of Hest was over over quirrel had wondered since it had returned to Hest where the water that rained upon the city of tears came from as he explored he discovered a Blue Lake in the cavern above the city and he felt at peace it was here that he dug his nail into the ground and left after this he did pass away how he did is unknown during its time in Hall the night had changed so much it had given the nail Smith close to the city of Tears enough pale o to craft the pure nail his life's achievement having completed this goal the nail Smith asked that It Strike him down if the Knight refused to do so the nailsmith was free to pursue something else speaking of shio the Knight also learned nail arts from shio mat and Oro to help it in its Journey The Vessel had opened up enough stag stations across Hest for the last stag to remember the location of its nest in a Bittersweet moment the last stag discovered the remains of those he had once traveled with he was the last one here but he also sensed that others just like him had journeyed out into other lands with what appeared to be a cracked egg the old stug had hoped for his kind with the amount of essence it had collected on its Journey the Knight even pushed the dream nail to its full potential and woke it up this collection of 2,400 Essence was more than enough for the sea to truly repent for her and her tribe's crimes against the radiance in a moment of true remorse the sea exploded into Essence and became one with the radiance for an entity without a mind to think and no voice to cry suffering it had changed honest it even angered zot the mighty as it rescued him from several compromising situations situations that zot believed he could have survived without the help having destroyed the seals and helped whoever it had encountered in Hall Nest the Knight had several options on what to do next each thread it traversed would have a very different effect on how its story would come to an end having destroyed the dreamers seals of Hall Nest the night traversed the now heavily infested forgotten Crossroads then it entered the black egg Temple it was here that the Knight freed the hollow knight from the chain of this prison and a fight began the holl night was plagued by the infection of the radiance and it was in pain with every ability spell nail art and nail upgrade this little ghost had discovered on its journey through Hall Nest it fought with and defeated the hollow Knight as the infection flowed out of the Hol Knight the night focused on it and absorbed it into itself it became the new new vessel of the radiance and with it was Chained and then sealed inside of the black egg Temple it had become exactly what The Pale King had wanted a pure vessel the New Hollow Knight trapped inside forever no mind to think no will to break and no voice to cry suffering its sacrifice would keep Hest eternal [Music] the night had made so many changes to honest during its exploration of the ruined Kingdom however it had one more region of this realm to discover on a path through Queen's Gardens the Knight fought the infected traitor Lords if the Knight had helped cloth earlier on their Journey they would have been helped by her unfortunately or for fortunately in the case of cloth she was mortally wounded but still landed the final blow on the creature cloth quickly succumbed to her injuries and died as a result of a great battle just like she had wanted finally reunited with Nola deeper into this brutal yet luscious region the knights found the body of drer just outside of an entrance to the white lady's Grove inside the white lady spoke to her child she had felt the weakening of the holl night over these ages and believed she could somehow help her spawn At first she asked that to take the place of the holl night and then offered it a fragment of the king's Soul charm her part in the union between herself and The Pale King for the second fragment of the king's Soul charm the Knight traveled to the ancient Basin and location of the miss ing White Palace having awoken the dream nail with so much Essence the Knight entered a dream realm within a fallen King's mold within the Knight found itself in the White Palace the Royal retainers here were unaware that their King had fallen they waited for his return these were the lucky few who had survived the onslaught and infection of the radiance as the Knight climbed this holy place and evaded its dangers it discovered the body of its father on his throne The Pale King held the other part of the king Soul charm in his hand both parts of the charm slammed together and formed back into the king's soul with it the Knight followed the charm's guidance into the abyss right at the bottom surrounded by the countless bodies of its siblings the Knight discovered a new pathway that that the king Soul had opened up for it it was in this place that the vessel entered the birthplace where it had been born where it had died and then began its Journey the Little Ghost avoided the strikes of the shades who lingered in this place and came across a shiny black egg that offered a reflection of this poor unfortunate creature upon a strike with the dream nail the Knight had a vision a vision of the past how it had climbed its way out of the Abyss just as The Pale King had chosen a vessel as the hollow night how it had fallen into a Death Pit below this Vision showed it what it was that these Shades were its siblings and that it was essentially a failed experiment created to save a kingdom Having learned the truth the king's Soul was engulfed with void and transformed into the void heart a charm that unified the void under the knight's will as the Knight traveled to the Temple of the black egg it was greeted by Hornet she explained that she would not join it inside as the structure had been built to sustain vessels if she were to enter the bindings inside would drain her she stated that while she would not risk her own life in the initial battle against the hollow Knight she would Aid her sibling if the moment presented itself just as Hornet had promised during the battle between the Knight and the hollow Knight she jumped in just as the radiance infected vessel fell weak and she retained it so that the Knight could finish it off during this struggle the hollow Knight knocked Hornet down and she fell unconscious in these moments the Knight defeated the holl night and it focused and absorbed everything that the holl night was and became the new vessel just as quickly as this had occurred the night was chained within and the Temple of the black egg was sealed sealed with Hornet as a dreamer trapped inside with the nights Hornet had become an unwilling dreamer as her sibling had followed through with the ultimate plan of The Pale King in that critical moment in which Hornets held the hollow Knight at Bay the Knight did not strike it down instead it struck the creature with the awoken dream nail and entered the dream realm it was in here that the Knight came face to face with the moth of light it had been crafted to contain only it would not contain the Beast it would destroy it in a brutal battle battle the Knight fought with the radiance in all her glory it evaded her powerful attacks and weakened her St strike by strike having unified the void under its will the void entered this dream with the night so too did the holl night in its shade form weakened by its ancient enemy the radiance was restrained as the vessel Broke Free of its form and its shade lashed out repeatedly at the radiance this entity of light brighter than Essence was beaten and destroyed as the light inside of her bled out then her body was dragged by the void into the darkness the sacrifice of the vessel had destroyed the very light that a plagued Hest in going against its father's plan the population would dream no more of the radiance it had broken the cycle as Hornet woke up she saw the shattered mask of her sibling she also saw that the black egg Was Gone Hall Nest was free deep down in the abyss the shades of the children of the king and queen of honest were finally free to rest and they returned to the [Music] void while the Knight had destroyed the three seals of the the dreamers and had collected the void heart instead of traveling to the black egg it explored the Royal waterways a little more inside it came across the junk Pit and the Cocoon sealed in Chains with a key the Knight freed the godseeker trapped inside picked up the God tuna it dropped and entered its mind with the dream nail instantly the godseeker was insulted that something as puny as the night had entered her realm she sought Gods Not cringers she believed the gods connected to God home would destroy the Knight regardless of her thoughts she watched as the Knight attuned the gods of Hall Nest to God home through ritual combat through each battle each Pantheon the Knight defeated these powerful entities and ascended the minds of itself and the god Seekers this allowed the Knight to attune to and fight even stronger and more powerful Gods the god Seekers had come to Hall Nest to find the god of gods they wished to bask in its power the Knight Rose High in this Godly Coliseum and attuned to the mind of the hollow Knight itself only in godhome it was viewed as the pure vessel the defeat of the pure vessel had an interesting effect it elevated the realm of God home and allowed the god Seekers to discover the most powerful of the gods or it allowed the god of gods to discover them the absolute Radiance in this series of ritual combat godh home had connected to the dream Realm of the trapped Radiance and she wanted to fight in another battle between two very powerful entities the Knight fought with the absolute Radiance only as the one who had unified the void the Knight brought this dark into the dream and conflict with it as the battle came to an end the night shell shattered and it shade fell into the void from the darkness below void tendrils latched onto the radiance as a large shade entity emerged from the Shadows dubbed the shade Lord anything about this entity is completely unknown whether the Knight transformed into it as a result of its ability to attune the gods or whether it had simply waited in the abyss for its time to strike is up to your interpretation still the shade Lord ripped open the mouth of the creature of light and struck it until it exploded into Essence the destruction of absolute Radiance at the top of God home had several effects within this dream realm created by the godseekers through pure Focus void flooded from the clouds as the shade Lord or void given Focus flew across this domain from her throne the godseeker watched as this entity a god of gods took over her realm she embraced the void as it destroyed her realm and its tendrils wrapped around her face and into her eyes in Hall nest in the junk pit void poured out of the god seeker's physical form and tendrils slashed out aggressively she had encountered what she had sought but it had come at the cost of her life high above at the Temple of the black egg Hornet looked around in confusion as the vines of infection around this region lost their power the radiance had been defeated somehow and the infection had died but the Knight had not entered the black egg it had completed its task but from afar however from the egg Hornet heard the Stomps and chains of the hollow Knight it was no longer afflicted by the plague of the radiance but it still appeared to be aggressive so she prepared her needle if the Knight had given the physical body of the Gods Seeker a delicate flower from zamur before its battle with absolute Radiance these events would have played out slightly differently the Knight would have still defeated absolute Radiance in exactly the same way Hornet would have still noticed that the Knight had stopped the infection and she would have still encountered the hollow Knight the difference here was that when the void attacked the godseeker in godh home and in turn traveled through her into the physical world the delicate flower would have reacted interestingly upon contact with just a drop of void the flower flashed brightly and In This Moment the godseeker and void around disappeared completely all that remained was the flower whether this banished the whole void of this land is unknown the Knight had met so many interesting B on his journey one of them was the herald of which the mushroom tribe spoke of Mr mushroom throughout its exploration of the many stunning regions of Hall Nest the Knight had encountered Mr mushroom seven times and having worn the sportroom charm it had been able to understand the mushroom but all it heard was riddles and mumbles even now this entity is shrouded in so much mystery he knew that worms pulled bugs into their Thro develop kingdoms and as the ages passed they fell he was the herald a symbol of the passing of an age regardless of which path the night followed and how it changed Hall Nest Mr mushroom decided it was time to go he spoke of Sandy Lands vast ancient kingdoms that Hall Nest was not the first and that it would not be the last to fall as Mr mushroom launched into the sky on his way to a New Kingdom an age came to an end despite which ending the night arrived at hest was changed forever the radiance was either contained or destroyed completely and the territories across this land would be free to rebuild the moskin would continue to wait for an to call them back to a dream the Mantis would defend their village with aggression and the beasts of deep Nest would attempt to return to a time before their King had died and the queen had volunteered her mind with many new adventurers and explorers having arrived in Hall Ness during its period of stasis these bugs could either simply explore a Fallen Kingdom or help rebuild it the fate of Hall Nest truly is up to you the player and your choice of how the knight's Journey came to an end yet if the embrac the void ending was considered true Cannon then it would appear that Hall Nest would be under attack from another Force void after the void Beast traveled through the mind of the god Seeker the only weapon to stop it light or a delicate flower team Cherry have stated that the an ending is up to the players choosing however with the hollow night sequel on the way it would suggest that the second ending sealed siblings cannot be conon in any sense as Hornet leaves Hall nest and travels to far Loom a kingdom ruled and haunted by Silk and song dedicated to Faith and pilgrimage as of now the fate of Hall Nest is of your choosing I have loved exploring Hollow Knight and Hollow Nest over the past few months as you can see I haven't posted the video in a couple of weeks because the research for this timeline was so timec consuming and extensive it was also completely worth it this is one of the best stories I have explored and I cannot wait for silk song to come out so that's I can explore another kingdom from the minds of Team Cherry this video would not have been possible without Scarab a mod manager and these mods right here the pale Court mod was also incredibly useful to see what other fans envisioned the five great nights of Hess to look like before its fall and how they fought I did my best to put this timeline into a chronological order but with the way the story is told it was pretty difficult to get it perfect so I put the event in an order that made the most sense the dreamers can also be killed in any order I think but the order I put them in just made sense for the telling of this story normally when I do these longer in-depth timelines I try to answer every question that I think of when I explore a world but for hollow night I think I am okay with just wondering was Mr mushroom really a god what was he how did The Pale King die the bodies of Kings moles who guarded his throne suggest he was murdered how did the avoid kill many bugs out in Hall Nest these are Mysteries I'm happy to just accept as mysteries on a final note I did want to add every story and bug I could into this timeline but I did not just want to list things that happened or could happen in Hall Nest the fluke mom each individual Warrior dream and steel Soul Jin are also interesting but I found telling every story would just have bloated the video I'm sure your mossbag has probably covered them anyway if you enjoyed this timeline just go ahead and like the video and subscribe for more content like this share it with other people who like Hollow Knight I hate doing these calls to actions but I did put a lot of time into this video finally I would like to thank my Golder patrons and the channel members Jonas Lewis Queen Arby fluffy the dragon Chicken Guy 791 Ruben Mendoza Duke toad nut Orin X ASU katana AJ Verona comfy BG games aivis arest blaz of Glory Cole Sherman Yoli Rodriguez nabar and 51st clone boy what did you think of hollow Knight which ending do you consider to be Cannon and what would you like me to cover next let me know in the comments below this is where our story ends check back next week for a new one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Skyrionn
Views: 61,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollow knight, hollow knight lore, hollow knight silksong, hollow knight lore explained, hollow knight shorts, hollow knight story, lore, hollow knight items, hollow knight abilities, hollow knight iceberg, hollow knight facts, hollow knight removed abilities, hollow knight charms, hollow knight fun facts, hollow knight removed items, hollow knight removed charms, hollow knight theory, hollow knight explained, hollow knight ending, the hollow knight, Silksong, Mossbag, timeline
Id: ClE8EwpEdGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 42sec (5922 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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