The Kwisatz Haderach Explained | Dune Lore

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[Music] imagine a being unconstrained by reality whose Mind's Eye pierces the veil of time to witness ages long past analyzes to Perfection the present and Dives the future from unshaped possibility they would command great power over Destiny placed on the pedestal of Galactic leadership and authority and they would mold the entire human race this is the essence of dun's quizat hatak and the culmination of a 100 Generations in the making instigated in dark Corners by the Benny jeser Sisterhood but what and who exactly is the quizat hatak what abilities do they possess and with what Duty are they charged these questions are Paramount to mankind survival within the perilous void of Frank Herbert's known universe quizat hatak is a term derived from the ancient chopa language and spoken by the benzer order that translates to shortening of the way the quizat is also referred to as the one who can be many places at once the one who can see all Reverend mothers who undergo truth trance and spice Agony in which concentrated spice poison reacts with their body chemistry unlock all of the genetic memories of those who came for these other memories as they're called act as an imprint of the human psyche are a Wellspring of knowledge a source of countless lifetimes of combined wisdom to guide current action there are not only the experiences but also the personas of one's lineage but Reverend mothers see only half of the equation their genetic hindsight is limited to the female side of their ancestry the male half of their Consciousness lies within the mind's dark abyss a a place unfathomable guarded by dread and Madness the lady Jessica describes it as a pit of Blackness from which she recoiled that is the place we cannot look there is the place the Reverend mothers are so reluctant to mention to do so invites insanity or Worse what they lack is the male half of genetic memory in the simplest terms the quizat hatak is the answer to this puzzle a male Reverend mother trained in the benzer ways with access to both his male and female ancestry able to Glimpse the whole of humanity but he would be much more besides as a report on benzer motives and purpose in dun's appendix goes on to detail what they sought was a human with mental Powers permitting him to understand and use higher order Dimensions Not only would the quizat hatak possess full knowledge of the past but his genes would unlock prean he would see into the many branches of the future and accurately predict their course the power of foresight in Dune is wielded in a limited capacity by Navigators of the spacing Guild to Pilot faster than light travel such higher modes of understanding however require mental cunning beyond the brightest humans to analyze the overwhelming data concisely he would need the training of a mentat a human supercomputer to command the present that lies between past and future as a male Reverend mother and if trained in the proper way the quizat Tarak would have the benzer Mind Body Control offered by Prana Bindu Arts his body as deadly as his genius the quats would therefore be the embodiment of all three of the ancient schools the wisdom and past of the benzer the mathematical Acumen and present analysis of the mentats and the oracular vision of the spacing Guild legend of the chosen one protects the quizat hatak from many threats and Pretenders to power over countless Generations the benzer seed the cultural and religious Bedrock of Worlds across the Imperium with belief in a prophesized savior through the missionaria protectiva The Sisterhood indoctrinated billions with propaganda and rendered the masses susceptible to the awesome power of their quizat hatak Paving the path to absolute control we need look no further than the example of araus and the religious Notions held by freman of the lisan algib a voice from the outside world who will come to deliver them from oppression paulat trus arrives and possessed of quat's powers in line with the Messiah assumes leadership of the frenzied Warriors this hypothetical human would shake the imperium's very foundations and catalyze great events but to achieve such genetic stock is paress it requires Generations tens of generations of careful development of desired traits the benzer order knew this and long ago near the time of their ancient founding The Sisterhood began their quizat hatak breeding program Bloodlines by the Dozen were cultivated and pruned in benages are at hands like flowers in a greenhouse for Millennia to consolidate the genome necessary of the quizat hatak promises spread across many families and several branches to Bear hopeful fruit but the ultimate test of the quats and one which showcases the benzer ability to alter body chemistry and neutralize toxins is to endure the terrible spice Agony success unlocks all of human memory and potential failure grants death in a body unable to mitigate the poison as Mother Superior gas helan tells Paul atres in conversation many men have tried the drug so many but none has succeeded they tried and [Music] died the quad's hatak represents a great and powerful weapon a being that can alter reality but what exactly is his purpose to The Sisterhood he's a tool a means of securing two quintessential things survival and control as an organization the benzer are aware of the danger presented by time and space they know the human race walks on a knife's edge and fate could quickly seal its Doom perhaps in Elder days filled with hearts more noble the benages worked from magnanimity and compassion to evolve the human race to artificially select for traits that would defend the species against the cold void or perhaps in the cuet hatak that they wished to produce one who Could Walk The knife's Edge a person who could see all potentials and knew all pasts to assert control over SpaceTime and ensure Humanity's continued survival either by unwillingness blindness or corruption the years distort the benzer mission the quat's program is twisted and bent to one aim power power weakened The Sisterhood exposure to its corrupting influence altered their minds and motives over centuries and cast their intended program off course it was an Allure even they were hopeless to resist and as the order accured more influence they fought for it more doggedly the culmination of this now warped vision is production of a quizat hatak of Royal Blood trained from birth in the ways of The Sisterhood and completely obedient to jeser whims the order seeks to put the one who can be many places at once on top of the lion Throne an emperor blinded by loyalty and subservience this way they could secure from rival factions true power in the known universe but as the quets program reaches a grand Crescendo problems quickly arise that Dash Ben jeser Ambitions see a being bred to know all pasts calculate the present and predict the future is not so easily controlled they would pierce the lies feel the manipulative strings pulling them and resist we're met then with a paradox the quizat program is intended to bring about a superhuman omniscient and all powerful yet impotent against the controlling machinations of the benzer it simply can't be and it's a lesson learned only by experience as The Sisterhood fails to curtail young polres a supposed quizat hatak with access only to female other memories they lack the complete picture we hear this in Paul's dialogue with the Mother Superior I'll give you only one thing you saw part of what the race needs but how poorly you saw it you think to control human breeding and intermix a select few according to your master plan how little you understand perhaps the true purpose of the quats can be inferred through its worldly inspiration Herbert draws on esoteric Jewish religious folk tale in which there is mention of a kitat hatak or shortening of the path by which an individual miraculously travels through space and time to seemingly appear in two places at once this Multiplex presence is echoed in the prean and other memories of dune's chosen one as they are able to see many places at once but more interesting is the path mentioned the golden path is a recurring theme throughout later June novels it's Humanity's only road to survival through a quagmire of Futures intent on its destruction through their power the quizat hatak is the sole individual with wisdom and foresight enough to navigate the path which spans Untold Millennia it's realized in the visions and dreams of Leto II traes Paul's son and this is where another translation offered of kitat heter comes into place the term might also be described as the grasping or clenching of the path in other words the quizat hatak is the one who can grasp the golden path on the level of comprehension and the one who can forcefully clench it in his fist and pull Humanity along its now controlled tether in the book of Leto the god Emperor extols the importance of the quats and the shortcomings of the benzer much that is stored can be lost the species can forget this is the special value of the quiz hatak which the benzer never suspected the quizat hatak cannot forget now that we understand the purpose and powers of the chosen one what of those born from a flawed and ultimately corrupt system few bear the title of quizat hatak more numerous in imperial history are the aats hatak the almost quats these are men of imp ious blood cultivated from Benes breeding and descended from Noble lines that fell shy of perfection through unforeseen circumstances chance mutations or other factors they are not the one who can be many places at once but yet they still command greatness some have the brain ferment computational heris some inhuman physical skill and others the precient of the Oracle one such aats is the count hassmer fend ring childhood friend of pesha Emperor shadam IV Corino his political gu ability to read others and predict with great accuracy future events were pivotal in his role as Imperial adviser with limited precient ability the airs sats are cloaked from others with future sight making them a danger to quat's prediction this excerpt taken from petr's meeting with the count highlights his astonishment the thought was a shock crashing across crossed his Consciousness because he had seen the emperor in uncounted associations spread through the possible Futures but never once had count fening appeared within those precient Visions count fening doesn't appear in Deni VN no's film adaptations instead the na Baron fed rotha harinen demonstrates arsat's potential and his bloodline is one that reaches greatness in both novels and films miles T is another possible example far into the future of an almost quats the Supreme Bashar of military forces loyal to The benzer Sisterhood tag is endowed with Menat Acumen his great understanding of the present allows him if not foresight at least the ability to predict short-term outcomes accurately later in life his physical prowess is supercharged as his body moves far faster and with greater strength than most other humans his unquestioning Devotion to the Sisterhood makes tag Exemplar of the most desirable trait to benzar servitude unfortunately the hypothetical Perfection of the breeding program is Shattered by the reality that accompanies the true quat hatak Paul the traes is the first to step forward but he is nothing the benzar intended born from the Disobedience of his mother lady Jessica to her sister superiors Paul Paul was meant to be a female that would then be married to one of house Harkin's formidable bloodline and produce their own child that would then embody The Chosen One Jessica's interference bore the quizat hatak a generation or two early injected into Paul while the traes traits that disrupted the meticulously crafted genetic framework and most significantly raised him outside the indoctrinating dogma of the order young polres is the manifestation of cha chaos power severed from benzar control in his own words to Jessica they thought they were reaching for me but I'm not what they expected and I've arrived before my time and they don't know it you're thinking I'm the quat's hatak put that out of your mind I'm something unexpected in paulat trates there is the skill of aat and the foresight of precient Dreams both of which he displays early these abilities are Amplified when Paul is exposed to copious amounts of the psychoactive drug spice mange ubiquitous onus his Wilder tradus genes are susceptible to over stimulation when ingesting spice and Paul reaches the higher dimensions of thinking and understanding the benzar intended with a quat's program after going through the spice Agony the complete genetic memory of all mankind impresses upon him he looks where no Reverend mother has Unfortunately The Sisterhood can't hope to control their recalcitrant hatak this we hear in dialogue between Paul and Mother Superior mimim this is a Benes Reverend mother patient in a patient cause she could wait for the proper combination of genes and environment to produce the one person their schemes required she knows now that the generations have produced that person here I stand but I will never do her bidding Paul may be the quizat hatak but by his own admission he's something different something more and terrible though he has all the skills and abilities of the quat's breeding Paul is unable to realize the golden path dogged by dreams he conflates the terrible purpose of mad's religious Jihad with the true golden path and so he ultimately fails his son another potential quats must decide Humanity's fate Leto II at trates also known as the god emperor of Dune born of Paul and the fan Chan Leto has much of his father's ability but is altogether unique Paul's son is a pre-born a person who is fully aware conscious and able to hear the ancestral Echoes of other memories before they are even fully developed in the womb this trauma opens to Leto both the feminine and masculine sides of Humanity's genetic memories though Paul states he had seen into the abyss which all Reverend mothers avoid he doesn't actually seem to harness his past lives or other memories while Leto consumes consults and is possessed of all the Lost Wisdom perhaps Paul lacked the training and Leto was exposed early enough in life to adapt to this raw potential Leto also differs from his father in acceptance of the golden path in conviction necessary to act Paul resists his purpose he sees what the quizat hatak must become to bring about the golden path and he denies it the quats must lose his Humanity become a tyrant and a source of evil in conversation with his grandmother Jessica Leto States I'm speaking of something else a Perfection of being far beyond anything humans have ever before achieved my father suspected it he stood at the edge of realization but fell back now it's up to me to achieve perfected being Leto merges his human body with dune's sand Trout the laral form of the gargantuan sandworm and under goes a process of metamorphosis that alongside many things grants him a n Immortal lifespan Leto becomes the worm the terrible God Emperor for thousands of years he succeeds where Paul failed and steers Humanity along the golden path for his effort he is remembered as an infernal oppressor in the expanded Dune which includes novels by Frank Herbert's son there emerges a third individual with the mantle of quat's hatak aola an artificially synthesized clone of long dead ATR swordmaster Duncan Idaho commands great forces of humankind as the species approaches the long prophesized celc the typhoon struggle at the end of the universe in which all Fates will be decided in Heretics of Dune Discord rips the internal framework of The benzer Sisterhood as two factions emerge one that wishes to produce through the Duncan goola another quizat hatak and one who remembers with Dread the oppressive days of Leto's tyranny we hear the argument between Reverend mothers Lucilla and shangu Lucilla The Sisterhood is not unanimous in following taza's designs for the skola certainly you know this it was schwang Yu's most powerful argument the fears that they might produce another quizat hatak were deep-seated and the dissension within the Ben Jes comparably powerful but conversely we hear that Duncan is integral to Leto's vision of the golden path and Humanity's salvation Leto II had called it the golden path and this Duncan Idaho type goola had figured prominently in that awesome Passage calc is the climax the summit of the mountain along Leto's golden path thinking machines the ancient Scourge long thought destroyed in the butlerian Jihad of Ages past have returned from the fringes of the known universe machine Legions wage a devastating war and threatened to obliterate Humanity Duncan possessed of the quizat hatak abilities is found out to be the perfect human the ultimate quats he ascends to other dimensions he transcends the species and he merges his life Essence with that of omnus the Evermind the command center of the thinking machine neural network Idaho now the embodiment of metal and flesh and the ultimate quizat Tarak asserts Supreme control where aasm existed he builds a bridge he redresses the Grievances between man and machine creates a universe in which both can exist in harmony and support one another with a typhoon struggle endured humankind is thus hardened to survive against any threat posed by the cold void of space the one who can be many places at once there to guide them the quizat hatak a child of Prophecy and Destiny intended to safeguard Humanity against the slow death pressed by time space and reality though its purpose might once have been Noble the quad's breeding program failed from the start due to the limited precient and historical vision of The benzer Sisterhood the order knew survival of the species was Paramount they grappled with Notions of the golden path but they couldn't see it in its entirety but the male Reverend mother they produced could in theory shorten the way unfortunately the Insidious force of power worked to corrupt their purpose they desired not to save humankind but to install a puppet quat's hatak on the Imperial throne and control the known universe though the program grew misguided it created in Leto II one who could see the road and take the cruel actions necessary to secure it in an indirect way the program achieved its goals the golden path was illuminated and the one Lifeline in countless dead ends found to spare the race from stagnation and Oblivion thanks so much for watching and listening let me know your thoughts on the quat Tarak what you think of the benzer plan and the golden path as well as your own insights and suggestions for future videos in the comments below and if you're a fan of Lauren storytelling be sure to subscribe to the channel check out the podcast where content is uploaded frequently I want to thank my amazing supporters over on patreon who make all of this possible and I couldn't do it without their fantastic support if you'd like to become a low luminary for access to me a great Community written scripts and early video drops head to thians to learn more until next time go forth and explore the lore
Channel: The Lorebrarians
Views: 95,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dune, kwisatz haderach, lorebrarians
Id: PrfvQdh7TyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 18sec (1398 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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