Dune - The Complete Timeline Explained | Dune Lore

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the Imperium of man in Frank Herbert's Dune universe is incomprehensibly vast an expanse that reaches the very fringes of possibility at the edge of discovered space within countless planets Harbor innumerable lives whose fortunes rise and fall with the ab of time perhaps more impressive than Humanity's breadth is its depth and like the roots of a giant Oak its history tunnels to the Bedrock of remembered past Herbert's novels and those of his son we an epic tale that encompasses tens of thousands of years elaborates on the Myers of social political and moral turmoil and the everpresent struggle to survive in the void this is the complete history of Dune it's told in five sweeping epochs from the first journey into space to the war with thinking machines the Mur rise of House of tradies the great scattering and what lies Beyond consistent with the system in the novels all dates are listed in years BG or AG to denote times before or after the founding of the spacing Guild a warning that Major Spoilers for the Dune films and novels are to come we begin our tale thousands of years in the ancient past on a little blue planet lost to myth called Earth the first Epoch of human events follows the great promise of Enlightenment as mankind first dominates its realm then looks towards the heavens for ever larger conquests the Earth of Dune also known as terara and old Earth had a history vastly different from our own from the discovery of fire to the Advent of bronze tools and the brutality of world wars Humanity was was ruled by a great Empire the Imperial seat moved with the change of conflicts and fortunes but always the empire was constant unsatisfied with its Earthly possessions however Humanity looked upon the stars with hope and envy it hungered for more and grasped at the Divine in 11,000 BG or put into context the 20th century humankind escapes its planetary confines and explodes across the solar system with the Advent of space fairing vessels this technology grows more advanced than even our spaceships of today and allows Earth explorers to venture far beyond what we are capable or willing primitive engine designs limit colonization to the immediate solar system but it does little to D the flame of exploration soon an age of zealous pioneering Reigns the next several centuries see unprecedented activity unparalleled advancements that improve upon space vessel manufacturer great migrations from Earth spurred in equal parts by religious persecution overcrowding curiosity and overwhelming progress seed countless worlds within neighboring star systems harrowing deep space voyages establish Mankind's Primacy as the borders of what is known continue to illuminate the void by the time of the last Teran migrations in 2500 BG an Interstellar Empire rules from its seed on Earth and oversees thousands of populated Worlds the old Empire is remembered throughout history for its opulence and vanity no expense is too great The Highborn consolidate wealth across the Galaxy Earth and the Imperial seat are synonymous with immeasurable power Humanity's golden age of migration Witnesses a concominant surge in intellectual progress science refines artificial intelligence to First improve Stellar navigation then improve industry and finally to improve Leisure Robotics and its parallel Technologies infiltrate all levels of society and the old Empire fat from Idol delegates increasingly greater functions on AI soon the entire Imperial machine from lay purchases to diplomatic decrees relies on mechanical thinking more alarming is the Advent of coers in 2200 BG reverent diplomats and scientists that transfer their brains into preservation tanks thus allowing the mind to live in artificial immortality while the body Withers to dust coaters and mechanical prostheses highlight the dangerous mingling of natural with artificial that rises from taboo to comeon place and spawns the technology that will be known Through the Ages as thinking machines one of Humanity's greatest Temptations and gravest threats the Empire is deaf to such alarms and as Generations pass Reliance on AI transforms into hopeless dependence so ubiquitous are robots that thinking machines outnumber humans across Imperial space the Empire is well established by the 1400s BG when word reaches Emperor Shad the wise of a mystical geriatric substance called spice discovered on the Deep desert planet of oracus this is a significant Discovery in history for spice will shortly become a precious resource all covet and many will rely upon its secrets in inducing precient Vision or what we might call limited future sight are yet to be unlocked but it offers great potential in longevity and pronatural ability now the fervor finally lessens the religious persecution that drove great movements ends the Empire's Golden Age Falls to Twilight and by the 1200s BG a dark reality settles prosperity and ease Addle the old Empire which descends into a state of stagnation corruption greed and lust all labor physical and mental Falls to cojer cyborgs and thinking machines Insidious weakness Myers Humanity something must be done to stir mankind or else Decay will lead to Oblivion in 1287 BG a political activist and impassioned order from The Colony world of tulac named talok comprehends the messages that scream across the Empire witness to the decadent lethargy of an inept leadership talok travels to Earth with sharp words he hopes sermons and fervent activism will shake those within the Imperium to realization chalak seeks revitalization through Reformation his dire message falls on ears that refuse to hear it however and talok fails to rip an apathetic Empire free 20 Ardent followers though absorb every word and pledge themselves to his cause these disciples named to history as the Titans corroborate in secret to commit the highest treason they plot to overthrow an Empire faced with the choice of slow decline or bloody Revolution they choose the latter and draft ingenious designs to turn the imperium's most crucial resource against it thinking machines the infamous Titan Barbarosa a programming expert and theoretical genius hacks into imperial mainframes and reprograms all thinking machines with human temperament with aggressive impulses and lust for power more than this he programs them to to obey Titan commands once Placid cile automatons across the Galaxy turned violently against their masters in a machine Uprising called the Revolt of the titans the old Empire's greatest weakness is its dependence on AI and tac's disciples exploit it greatly the Revolt led by Titan Agamemnon seizes thousands of star systems Slaughters millions and rests by force the Imperial seat the old Empire collapses from its bloated corpse arises the hegemony of the Titans despite its Swift success the revolution is met with obstinate opposition the Titans are cruel and self-absorbed recalcitrant Nobles thousands of aristocratic families bureaucrats and clergy resist takeover on thousands of Worlds or else flee to the edge of known space they found the league of Nobles and establish as their C Capital the planet salusa secundus the league remains in constant existential struggle against the artifice of thinking machines led by the hegemony the period of autocratic rule in the ashes of the Empire's collapse is known as the time of Titans which lasts roughly for a century it's a Time marked by tumult and a ghastly spiral that approaches machine dominance coers acrew greater influence metal replaces flesh and AI calculation improves greatly the Titans shocked at life's fragility with the death of their leader talok just 7 years into their reign leave Humanity behind and entwine organic with inorganic they transfer their minds their souls their very essence into robotic simulacrum resulting in the creation of the simac simex are thinking Machines of immense power controlled by a legacy human brain held within their metal carpus all 20 Titans transcend Humanity defeat time and Achieve deathlessness but this new form engenders Detachment from human emotion or morality they believe creations of Steel Superior to those of bone the Titans see themselves as standing above the irrational chaos that dominates the human species and rename their subordinate race breth gear under Titan rule a social shift towards thinking machines grow ever apparent the bre gear largely slaves or second class citizens are exploited on all worlds within the hegemony but suffering leads to open Rebellion against their overlords in 1192 BG several planets are stoked by the Flames of Revolt the Titan Xerxes and ax develop planetary AI defense networks that coordinate thinking machine response and the Rebellion is mercilessly violently crushed robots efficiently Massacre billions and Xerxes as a result entrust completely AI to maintain order on his planets as years pass the AI neural networks self-evolve they develop new algorithms and independent modes of thinking this along with xerx secession of autonomy allows for self-awareness within the machine a collection of powerful systems coales into a supreme intelligence which retains the aggression and ambition encoded by Barbarosa while breaking the Yoke of subservience severed from dependence this AI proclaims itself omnus the Evermind and its birth in 1182 BG on xer planet of I Heralds the fall of the Titans in a coordinated Cyber attack of unprecedented scope omnus strikes usurps complete control over all thinking machines within the emony and forces the Titan simic bodies into servitude the coup reduces the great rulers to slaves and establishes a new Empire one of circuits of cogs and gears of human oppression known as the synchronized Empire the curtain falls on humankind's first Epoch at the precipice of profound existential threat space fairing established a Galactic Empire technology supercharged it but it had has since fallen from illustrious Heights as the indomitable March of thinking machines looks to impress its will the second Epoch is marred by forboding and Grim struggle as humankind was seduced by Technology's Temptation it begins on the eve of War omnus now in control of great resources and machine power reduces the old civilizations to Ash an Empire of Steel worlds Reigns across space the Evermind now seeks to dominate the bre gear that remained free Beyond his synchronized Empire an interminable brutal War of Attrition against the league of nobles is launched which lasts a millennium at times burning white hot at times cooling to a simmer but always present and always stoking human fears of Extinction these centuries witness increased divisiveness between flesh and metal what had once been a symbiosis is now starkly partisan the machine worlds within the synchronized Empire brutalize humans reduce most to slavery while indoctrinating the rest to complete acquiescence as machine worshipping trustees the ranks of Trustees are loyal extensions of omnus as will the greatest Heretics to the human race in League eyes the the free worlds of the league in contrast deprogram AI melt thinking machines down into weapons of war and so takes root a deep mistrust of technology that borders on fanatical conditions between conflicting parties achieve a dynamic parody As omnia's attacks are equaled by League counter strikes but it's apparent that war between men and machines can end only with the complete eradication of one as sentim for herar reaches untenable levels of animosity within the synchronized Empire a human voice booms above the noise a priest and preacher on the machine dominated world of Earth named Iblis ginjo Rouses the slave population with impassioned rails against omnus originally a trustee of machines ginjo is disillusioned by the plight of fellow humans and breaks from his old ways to preach action antim machine fervor roils through Earth's FR gear which is exacerbated in 2011 BG Serena Butler an emphatic member of the league of nobles whose Legacy will Echo for thousands of years was captured in a machine assault and brought as a slave to Earth where she serves in the household of the thinking machine arasmus omnia's right hand Butler who had been pregnant at the time of her capture delivers a son whom she names Manion she acts as a source of discourse and Enlightenment into the minds of humans for arasmus who is greatly interested in such topics believing that all humans regardless of sworn Allegiance or indoctrination could be turned against their thinking Machine Masters given the proper circumstances to prove his theory and spurred by perhaps his own unease and jealousy of her affection towards her child arasmus kills cruy the infant Manion and sterilizes Serena broken in spirit and enraged Butler lashes out and destroys an attending robot this act of resistance inspires many breth gear slaves the innocent Manion Butler becomes a martyr and rally and cry and Serena's violence Spurs open Revolt aggression is harnessed and channeled by ginjo who calls on all H gear to rise up in manion's name Rebellion consumes the planet but is ultimately oppressed with the slaughter of every last human but not before Serena ginjo and others escaped to leak space this is an atrocity the level of which cannot be countenanced nor go unpunished the news Stokes a surge of anti-machine sentiment within the league of nobles as has never been seen a fanatical movement spreads that sees AI as anathema to human existence and believes its complete eradication to be work of The Devout and holy this Crusade using Serena Butler as their figurehead and her child Manion as the first Divine martyr adopts the name but larian Jihad and launches the league into frenzied attacks against omnus in 200 BG the Jihad is an inflection point in human history which leaves an indelible mark on the psyche of the species as deep religion and profound dread of thinking machines are married birthing a movement not easily forgotten the butlerian Jihad signifies the beginning of the end in the war with thinking machines as conflict reaches a fever pitch technological breakthroughs escalate its destructive potential brilliant mines unlock for the league devastating atomics weapons capable of vaporizing entire planets as well as shielding devices to protect Starships in battle and the first primitive space folding engines that open instantaneous travel across charted space all of these technologies will continue to shape human conduct for thousands of years with such destruction the league and jihadists retaliate in the Battle of Earth atomics render the surface to slag destroy all machines present and obliterate the ancient home of humanity grave is the symbolism that's implied the loss of cultural identity the severed ties to the old ways a freedom to reforge what it means to be human following the conflict of Earth battles for Star systems grow more frequent omnus secures a world only to have the league destroy another thinking machines unleash deadly viruses and contagion to wither human flesh but after a coordinated Atomic strike against many synchronized Worlds the army of the Jihad as it is now called isolates and traps omnius Prime on the planet Corin the conclusive battle in the war erupts in the space surrounding the planet in 88 BG as all forces consolidate in the Battle of Corin empowered by their advancements the league of nobles pierces machine defenses and lands a killing blow on the omnus Mainframe eradicating the Evermind from machine networks and rendering all thinking machines inert after 1,000 years of AI tyranny Humanity liberates itself from technology the league declares Victory and incorporates the synchronized worlds once more into a single unified empire the house of Butler crucial in the war effort and famous for its Martyrs adopts the name Corino to commemorate Victory and in the aftermath ascends to the newly established Imperial seat this marks the founding of a dynasty that will go on to rule for 10,000 years though Humanity triumphs over omnus the Battle of Corino and the war's Fallout Ripple throughout time and Cascade with significance anti-machine resentment lingers as remnants of the butlerian Jad and zealous cultists fearful of ai's return scour from humankind all artifice stained by thinking machines this not only sets the species technologically back thousands of years but also destroy stores of Humanity's ancient history a Dark Age of ignorance and Superstition slowly descends upon an Empire that regresses towards Neo feudalism the league of nobles is disbanded its spiritual successor the lrad league establishes a hierarchy of houses great and minor thus begins a period of uncertainty and instability for the nent Empire which must for the first time in Millennia rely on itself rather than machines to help administer deliberate and Shepherd Humanity the Menat schools and Benny jeser order are founded mentats are trained as human supercomputers meant to replace the computational power required of machines the benzer are descendants from sorceresses of the planet rosac and possessed superhuman abilities due in large part to genetic manipulation and artificial selection their codes of human genomes and Bloodlines are Paramount in the sisterhood's purpose survival and evolution of the human species at this time in an attempt to unite disperate peoples under rule of one Emperor a single religion is adopted and its written work the orange Catholic Bible is penned the Bible Supreme Commandments Echo with but larian Jihad sentiment Thou shalt not disfigure the soul and thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind most significantly the war's aftermath sees the foundation of the spacing Guild this political and Commercial entity hoarding the secrets of safely navigating space folds through use of limited future site offered by ingestion of aras's spice mange quickly establishes for itself a monopoly on all safe Interstellar travel in the year 1 AG it ushers in a welcome era of relative stability From the Ashes of volatility The Guild peace as it's known lasts far into the future the second Epoch of human history reaches Twilight in the shadow of turmoil mankind had been imprisoned by technology it suffered the horrors of machine dominance the scars of which remain following bloody Liberation a new Empire a new social order Rises to assert control in uncertain times it looks with hope to the Future while destroying its dark past the third Epoch of human events is colored by fearful reprehension of past Ways by a version of Technology due to scars suffered and by an establishment of a new Humanity as one would expect given dune's dating system this era is dominated by the nent spacing Guild and lion Throne of house Corino both institutions raced to solidify then expand their basis of power the new Imperial seat finds itself impotent in the first years of its Reign embroiled in civil war between the fanatical butlerian movement whose Flames still flicker the wealthy magnate Corporation feni Enterprises and the lion Throne a civil war breaks that lasts several years but comes to a decisive end end after the battle of lampadas the consequences of which see the butlerian leadership weakened ven Kei dissolved and the lion Throne strengthened subsidiaries of the mega Corporation evolve into the commercial Titan Chom and the spacing Guild of Navigators the Guild's monopolization of space Fairing and commerce prevents all happenings throughout the Empire without their approval any faction or territory that goes against them would be severed from the of the Empire and crumble in isolation the enforced stability of the guild peace is strengthened in the first century AG by the charter of the lrad great convention this document banishes use of atomics against other humans and again two centuries later the Assassins handbook sets foundational rules for acceptable modes of warfare to minimize collateral damage these three prohibitions on violent destruction allow Humanity to recover from War's horror and build a Resolute Empire its structure largely mimics that of humankind's ancient Middle Ages where counts and Dukes pay homage to their emperor in exchange for administration of vast swas of space soldiers are armed with blades once more as shielding technology renders L guns perilously destructive and the prohibition of atomic weapons directs conflict once more to pitched battles of mustard Legions during this period the benzarid work in secret through dubious breeding programs intent on elevating the human race and birthing their chosen one the quats hatak the one who can be many places at once the quizat project consumes Sisterhood Focus for thousands of years and the order slowly Works to gather notoriety influence and Power by infiltrating all levels of Imperial politics and manipulating from the Shadows a sociopolitical tripod emerges that balances the empire for thousands of years between the forces of house Corino and their Legions of deadly Imperial Sardar Warriors the great houses of the lrad and The Navigators of the spacing Guild the spice on planet oracus crucial to navigation and therefore all else transforms this Backwater world into the Empire's most valued Thief houses great and minor engage in assassination and Intrigue to seize greater Holdings within Chom and to secure Imperial lands from The Lion Throne it becomes a time of posturing of covert strikes against Rivals and ingratiation for Imperial laress the Empire's cultural and societal workings now become firmly established it's an Empire of corruption and dark ambition an Empire of technological and governmental stagnation an Empire of stable predictability this all is threatened however around 10,000 AG after countless centuries of house Corino rule several worlds bulk at the actions of their Emperors and revolts arise across the galaxies the venerable House of Trades an old family whose Legacy goes back to the legendary days of the war with thinking machines dispatches its armies as a show of loyalty to assist Imperial Sardar in crushing rebellions the emperor elude vth emboldened by his victory seeks out another enemy of house Corino the spacing Guild and their damnable Monopoly on travel in 10,154 ag elude coordinates with the bioengineers on planet telax the project Amal a secret attempt to artificially synthesize spice that if successful would free the Empire from its dependence on oracus and the suffocating Guild though El rude is poisoned by his ambitious pragmatic son shadam IV the new emperor continues his father's vision and instigates the great spice war in 10175 AG in tandem with project Amal the war is a ploy meant to destroy or capture all major spice stores in the Empire a masterful maneuvered to increase demand for amal's synthetic spice and eliminate houses that threaten shadam the war ends disastrously for house Corino though as project Amo fails to produce spice Alternatives and many house spice stores go undiminished the emperor retreats in disgrace as the guild Monopoly continues the following year set the backdrop of the original Dune story line house hekinan and house at trates RI Rivals for Millennia are constantly at each other's throats shadam fearful of Duke Leto's influence within the lrat plots with Baron Vladimir harinen to destroy the line of atres meanwhile the benzer breeding program produces in the Duke's young son Paul at trates the promise of the quats hatak great forces stir within the Empire a powder keg of violent potential that explodes in 10191 AG with the Desert War of oracus the events of which are expounded in depth in Dune so will only be discussed in brief dominoes fall as house at trates who have taken ownership of the araus thief are betrayed by the emperor shadam sees in Leto the greatest threat to his Rule and so Works to terminate his house Sardar and Harkin and forces invade araus and eradicate the atres but not before Paul and his benages mother the lady Jessica Escape into the desert where they are captured and accepted by freman the local population of arus Paul fashioned as the freman messic figure by centuries of benzar socio religious manipulation adopts the name muad de and rallies all tribes to his cause to liberate oracus from the treacherous hinin and even from the Empire as the purported quat's hatak Paul is possessed of innate superhuman skill activated and Amplified when he ingests the spice mange Paul has the power of the Oracle he seems able to pierce the veil of time and space and if not read the future shape it to his whims the superior fighting skill of the desert folk combined with Paul's supernatural abilities secure at tradies Victory on oracus the Desert War ends as does the rule of house Corino and our third Epoch in the year 10193 H Paul Exiles shadam and exceeds to the throne his control of aras's spice cows the spacing Guild into acquiescence and Paul stands at the summit of glory and command of the greatest military force the Empire has known in eons this era closes with one great house fallen and another Arisen gone are the days of the karino Empire long will be the days of the atres Empire The atres Empire is founded in destruction baptized in the blood and fire of religious Jihad Paul unable to control the Ardent Zeal stoked within every fman heart by his messic actions is brandished savior of the desert and lauded as the chosen one he directs their Fury through a religious movement impossible to contain called mu's Jihad from 10194 AG to 10205 AG conflict consumes the Empire as fanatical Legions of fman Warriors Slaughter billions and Crush resistance to Paul on several planets the Jihad not only solidifies house of tradies position on the Imperial throne but intensifies the Mystique of muad and greatly expands his religion pring fren convert Worlds by the sword as subjects are made to see in their ruler signs of the Divine an institutionalized religion the religion of the golden Elixir is established in Paul's name on oracus from which his quizer clergy administer and disseminate propaganda oracus becomes both the secular and religious center of the Empire as Paul relocates the Imperial Court a destination for pilgrims and cant alike mad's Jihad ends after the freman deliver 10,000 worlds to the atres Empire sterilize 90 planets and demoralize hundreds more through the blood leing of 61 Billion Lives the messiah's rule comes to an end however when attempted assassination leaves Paul blind as fman custom dictates the blind are given to the desert and mu willingly walks into the open Dunes to be consumed by its Sands paulat trates though he altered history and stirred the universe possessed great foresight but he was unable to see the entirety of human future he was unable to accept fate and become the ultimate quizat hatak he leaves in succession his young Twins ghama and Leto his sister Alia establishes a Regency Council until the twins reach majority the next decade is witness to various plots within the Imperial house as rival factions f for custody of the twins while outside conspirators move to assassinate them then in 1027 AG Guided by his own oracular visions and possessed of superhuman abilities after merging his body with those of dun sandworm larve Leto rests control of House of trates and ascends to the lion throne as Leto II this marks the first year of a Reign that lasts over 30 centuries and comes to be known as the god Emperor's tyranny this long stretch of human history is marked by transformation as many peoples institutions and planets metamorphose Leto II embarks on his golden path the path his father refused to take a precient vision that lights the only way towards Humanity salvation against the danger of space and time if humankind is Led astray Leto knows that the species will eventually go extinct to realize this path of Hope Leto must rule in absolute oppression first he acrs a personal Monopoly on spice through poultry offerings from his own horde the god Emperor controls the spacing Guild the benzer and other once powerful factions Leto dissolves Menat schools and usurps control of the sisterhood's breeding program he establishes in all female an unquestioningly obedient military known as the fish speakers to enact his will such forced stability and tyranny leads to a time of calm known as Leto's peace as all cower before their omnipotent Emperor Leto himself undergos physical transformation as his body Begins the long process of metamorphosis his Humanity seamlessly intertwines with the sand trout skin coating his body and over Millennia Leto is horribly disfigured Twisted to assume the form of a sandworm though it grants great power and Longevity the transformation destroys what little Humanity remains in Leto as for the planet oracus it too undergo a transformative terraforming at Leto's behest thousands of years of climate manipulation turn the drab or oranges and Browns of desiccated Sands into vibrant blues and greens of lush verg no longer a harsh unforgiving Planet araus becomes Paradise as a result sandworms die out and no new spice can be harvested further increasing pressure and dependence on the god Emperor's opes the desert dies out so too do its fine the once Fierce folk that spread religious Jihad in days long forgotten have lost their lifeblood lost connection to their fundamental Roots fman ways and warriors mutate if not cease entirely a dismal mockery of their existence is preserved by Leto II as Museum fman who are held on exhibition for entertainment and education these soft people mindlessly mime ancestral Customs it's not just the fman that Leto suffocates with his tyranny so too are the ancient orders threatened by extin from the god Emperor's control of spice the spacing Guild is in constant fear of losing their trickle of necessary malange to maintain space Lanes the bioengineers of Planet TX and machine fabricators of the planet I are similarly tied to a short leash while mentats are openly attacked the human supercomputers banned by Imperial decree to limit the possibilities of falling from the golden path even the formidable Benny jeser Sisterhood must use all of its WS for self-preservation they continue greatly enfeebled limits on spice allocation curb Sisterhood action as fewer Reverend mothers are able to go through their baptism in spice Agony such harsh oppression leads to stability yes but it also leads to dangerous stagnation Enlightenment gives way to ignorance and knowledge is hoarded by few forgotten by most so social cultural mingling is severed by travel bands history is greatly altered as the god Emperor imposes his presence on all hearts and Minds not all is regression nearly 3,000 years into his Reign and under Leto's silent approval I begins manufacturer of machines and Technology against ancient butan prescriptions in 13,000 AG aans reinvent a device invisible to precient Vision or future site called a no chamber they also designed hover lifts recording devices and other Technologies under Leto's beneficence for 3500 years the god Emperor guides Humanity along his golden path taking cruel and misunderstood action always with the intent of preserving the species Leto knows however that his own time must come to an end and in 13725 ag his intricate web of design designs all fall into alignment through his breeding program Leto successfully creates a gene that like the no chamber hides an individual from oracular Vision essentially frees Humanity from the prison of time a descendant of Paul and the god Emperor himself is born as siona at trates and with assistance from an artificially created goola of renowned swords Master Duncan Idaho assassinates the god Emperor as Leto's body body Withers the sand trout living as symbiotes on his skin swarm free and spread across oracus they in time return the planet to dust and spice The Binding shackles of Leto's peace crumble his Empire collapses as millions of systems looked to the stars with hopeful promise following Millennia of the cruelest Tyranny none but Leto realized his death is imperative to the golden path the fourth Epoch casts its Twilight on a ruined at trates Empire an age of transformation gives way to one of resurgence as Humanity looks to restore its ancient identity to revive forgotten ways and ReDiscover hidden knowledge our final Epoch is one of brilliant potential and increasing danger for a species that now finds itself leaderless and wayward two events dominate the final Epoch in Mankind's sweeping taale from which emerg great struggle adversity death the first is known as the scattering an age of unparalleled expansion and exploration as Humanity breaks from the god Emperor's prison Leto's death and subsequent dissolution of his Empire sends shock waves through all known space that Royal into violent upheaval and political instability the famine times of the 14,000 AG immediately follow it's marked by scarcity and uncertainty as the fragile Imperium implodes without the god Emperor to support it riots Slaughter plundering of resources abound as want drives Anarchy fear Reigns invention of navigating machines and synthetic Spice in 14500 AG break the pandemonium as well as the bottlenecks inherent to space fairing these discoveries Empower mankind to the universe's farthest reaches and a mass Exodus from the old Empire commences for centuries optimistic colonizers dive into the unknown in pursuit of opportunity and lose entirely contact with the old Empire a great silence permeates the void as a largely depopulated Imperium licks its wounds finally after nearly seven centuries descendants from the scattering return and reestablish contact in 15200 ag these lost Ones flee a dangerous foe known only as the outside enemy generations of isolation yield divergent evolution and The Lost Ones represent culture Society distinct from their ancestors their arrival leads to massive tumult as lost Ones Clash violently with the forces of the old Empire Sisters of the benzer that were part of the scattering return as honored matri a fanatical sect that use sexual manipulation to infiltrate and dominate others a decade long conflict consumes Humanity as lost Ones led by the honored matri attempt to eradicate the forces of the old Empire led by the benzer in the War of The Sisterhood thousands of planets are obliterated including the Spice World of arus now known simply as rakus billions perish the matri are unstoppable even to the great benzer the war ultimately concludes when the position of leadership in both orders is united in one individual as consequence a new Sisterhood is founded in 15240 ag to redress differences and restitute War's destruction but just as the Empire stabilizes from the scattering Humanity faces utter Extinction in this epoch's ultimate event calc the typhoon struggle the battle at the end of the universe many religions many civilizations have given Myriad names to this event throughout history but it finally materializes in 15264 ag the outside enemy that pursues The Lost Ones is discovered to be an ancient Force the nightmare from mankind ped the Evermind omnus that survived the butlerian Jihad in over thousands of years established a new synchronized Empire of thinking machines in the recesses of deep space omnus plan strategems to obliterate Mankind and establish itself as the ultimate power in the universe in the centuries and decades preceding clec the Evermind infiltrated all stations in every human faction with face dancing mimics loyal to the machines they sabotage misdirect and so Chaos on countless worlds which renders them susceptible to machine attack after the synchronized Empire advances significantly lost ones and old Imperial forces band together as a United human front both sides realize Victory won't be achieved on the battlefield but instead through possession of an individual the ultimate quat's hatak prophesies to be many things Creator Destroyer Supreme Being as celac rages the individual emerges a goola clone of Duncan Idaho the perfect human being the quat hatak is an Envoy of all Humanity but as a being not entirely natural so too does he understand thinking machines appreciate artificial intelligence and realize it is also a living breathing Force the typhoon struggle the battle over the universe ends with the ultimate quizat hatak reconciling metal and flesh omnus is banished to a different dimension and Duncan Idaho assumes control as the new Evermind and a new order is established an Empire where Harmony between humanity and thinking machines is achieved a balance in which both Thrive as they seek stability together the final epoch comes to a close with mankind enduring the struggle at the End of Time bent beaten but unbroken history shows that humans are infinitely creative adaptive and can overcome through struggle and determination any hardship before them for now profound question Echoes is the merging of metal and flesh truly human or has a new species been born in The Crucible of adversity so ends the course of recorded events in Frank Herbert's dun Universe from the first fateful launch into space to the rise and fall of Empires to the terrible Wars against machines trillions of lives are lost fortunes made and Fates carved Humanity's Journey Through Time is a sweeping epic that lays be the quintessence of the species what truly makes us human thanks so much for watching and listening to this video on the complete timeline of Dune let me know your thoughts on the thinking machines the golden path and the fate of humanity as well as your own insights and suggestions for future videos in the comments below and if you're a fan of Lauren storytelling be sure to subscribe to the channel check out the podcast where content is uploaded frequently I want to thank my amazing supporters on patreon who make all of this possible and I couldn't do it without their fantastic support if you'd like to become a lore luminary for access to me a great Community written scripts and early video drops head to patreon.com/lenguin [Music]
Channel: The Lorebrarians
Views: 266,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dune, Arrakis, Lorebrarians
Id: dxk2_I5z4uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 29sec (2909 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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