Stellar Blade - The Complete Story Explained

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in the future Humanity faces Extinction a great War ravaged the globe and washed the land in blood before Earth recovered it found Itself besieged by an Unstoppable threat inscrutable aliens emerged without warning their Invasion further devastated the already fractured Planet humans under the opes of a god of Technology Retreat to the safety of a colony far beyond the aliens reach those who can't escape are abandoned their Doom sealed this is the story of Stellar blade a tale that closely follows the protagonist Eve her recovery of the past and her discovery of the truth as she Endeavors this dangerous world to Usher Humanity's salvation and question the Notions of what truly makes one human transmitting final briefing as of now Airborne Squad 7 will exterminate the alpha nativas occupying District 3 their objective is the capture or dispatchment of the Elder na pods entering atmosphere Eve is a member of the seventh Airborne Squadron a warrior sent from The spacebound Colony tasked by her God known as mother sphere to reclaim Earth the planet is desolate and under constant threat from an alien race called simply NABA the nabas origin is shrouded in mystery what is known is that they are highly aggressive Savage and impelled by strong instinct to eliminate all humans the ecological information of the brute highlights their danger NABA are clearly adaptable creatures at first it was believed that they were simply quick to mutate we however realized that the NBA's evolutionary potential was Limitless The Colony Fleet suffers immediate attack stations are manned chaos ensues as Eve's pod drops from the stratosphere a grim reality settles most people on Earth are dead those who remain cower in fear and pray for Mother sphere's intervention Eve Squad members including her leader and Confidant Taki are slaughtered by nabas spared their fate the mission's success now rests solely on Eve find and eliminate the source of NABA Invasion but the burden is heavy and far from simple Eve learns that there is a depth to Earth to the nabas and to her purpose that can't be ignored and as questions Mount discovery of the truth brings with it Revelation but how did this future broken and hopeless come to pass what precipitated mother's Fear The Colony and Eve perhaps centuries before the events of Stellar blade unfold humankind is at the height of of its potential a golden age of Technology artificial advancements and refinement of space travel Shines on Earth spearheaded by The Genius of Raphael Marx it's a time of cybernetic explosion soon machine Prosthetics can replace human arms legs skin even internal organs bestowing increased longevity and survivability many diseases become nothing more than figments of the past mega corporations fat with learnings continue to push Innovation soon filigree tendrils reached toward the heavens massive orbital elevators anchor elaborate and ever expanding space stations to the planet but the Golden Age of Technology does little to douse the Flames of war in fact it makes Warfare more deadly International conflict and escalating tensions forbode cataclysm as World War threatens Extinction an ancient news article relates the shock in brutality of the Legion the private military contractor under the Orca Aerospace company first published in this paper with Vivid onside evidence planned conflicts occurring in the third world in-depth coverage of the pmc's cruel ethnic cleansings those are the Terminators they show no mercy the horrific truth revealed through a survivor's testimony rapael Marx already accomplished in Ai and cybernetics takes it upon himself to safeguard the human race and preserve it against future threats he develops an infinitely powerful artificial intelligence a super Computing program connected to a vast network of databases and unlimited information he names this program mother sphere and charges her with ensuring the species survival under ai's guidance Earth continues its golden age mother sphere grows ubiquitous her calculations assist in the refinement of cybernetics and neural networks she infiltrates all aspects of society and through her the first Androids are produced presumably in [ __ ] company factories these metala similes imitate human shape and action they're used for manual labor for transport for Hospitality Leisure everything as years pass the Androids undergo successive iterations they express a wide range of interactions their appearance is increasingly human many even take on organic frames as metal interweaves with flesh they adapt and evolve far faster than Humanity they become Mankind's Superior in all ways and mother's fear notices she's a logical entity a program constrained by internal coding to plan for continued existence of the species but her coding doesn't explicitly State what it means to be human and leads mother's sphere down a path of Deep ponderance if these Androids have flesh have a mind that thinks and a body that moves does that not make them human what is distinct about the human condition that separates it from an artificial replica mother sphere sees in Androids the next step in human evolution a species more robust than its current form she births the Andro [ __ ] the most advanced humanlike Androids ever created charged by a body core and largely immune to life vories the androos require neither food nor drink can survive the depths of the oceans and the void of space next to them humanity is glaringly fragile humans despise and fear the Andro [ __ ] forced to face their own mortality and humankind rages against the artificial mother's spere determines the two are incompatible for coexistence and in rational calculation sides with her and [ __ ] creation at her command a great War erupts an epic struggle for survival that encompasses the Earth and sees Humanity fight against artificial intelligence it had itself created the war claims billions of lives as humans are bested by their Android counterparts at every turn through blasted fields and ruined cities they are pushed an eternal Retreat those who survive dig themselves into extensive Underground facil facilities and defensive cave networks they relinquish their rule of the surface and mother sphere dominates the Andro [ __ ] Primacy Heralds another technological expansion From the Ashes of War they develop their own civilization connected to Mother sphere through the network which ensures their memory sticks their minds are always reachable by her they restore and rebuild on Earth and at the same time initi create a project in space to create an orbital structure in line with Mother sphere's directive this structure is known as The Colony becomes mother sphere's Bastion and expands upon the orbital elevators built by the humans it's unclear how long this period lasts and it's unsure whether the Andro [ __ ] erect their own cities such as [ __ ] 7 and 9 or whether they merely claim what mankind left behind here mother sphere determines a more definitive cut is needed in the ties That Bind Androids to the vanquished humans the truth of events could undermine her Authority and the Android survival she uses her control of the network to wipe clean the memory sticks of all Android [ __ ] she replaces their true Origins with false memories Central to this is the religion of Mother's sphere the artificial intelligence is wrapped in mysticism and worshiped as the Android's God it's her will to continue development of the colony in space and reclaim vast tracks of wasteland on Earth in the name of civilization the Androids are connected to her through their memory sticks and a common notion of the afterlife is heard in this sentiment may your memories live on forever mother's Spar gathers the memory sticks of all Fallen Androids to maintain a correct evolutionary trajectory constant streams of information are required for her to accurately predict the future she also implants the Insidious lie that Andro [ __ ] are true humans that they are the only humans to have existed with a stroke mankind is forgotten and replaced by artifice the last remnants of the species burrowed underground was a war fought between humanity and the Androids Humanity had themselves created the so-called andro [ __ ] humans lost the war against their own creation the few humans who did survive hid in underground facilities but the hunt was far from over however mankind is at Mother's fear's Mercy fear lingers in the darkness starvation disease and Android raids claim thousands but as mother's fear relents channeling her efforts into establishing a new kingdom for her humans a brilliant hope flashes its consequences will be disastrous for all within the Subterranean facilities of abyss and altes lavor scientists geneticists programmers work grueling hours over months to develop a weapon in their fight against mother sphere Humanity in its current form can't contend with Androids it's slower weaker more fragile only by hijacking genetics and catalyzing artificial evolution can humans transcend their hated counterparts they harness the potential of the organic to defeat inorganic all under the guidance of Raphael Marx mother sphere's father critical to her downfall survivors organized themselves into the humanity Liberation Front the distress of their situation is heard in this data log titled kill mother sphere Androids are raining down on our Earth they are angels of death they will kill us all our plan is the only hope we must evolve that is the only answer and destroy the machines with the power of Life kill mother's Spar kill [Music] Androids hypothetical tests are run controlled lab experiments prove successful scientists create mutations that increase aggression and strength that improve immune function that confer great dexterity with the assistance of their own AI called Rafi developed by Marx but trials go only so far deliberately vague recruiters throughout Mankind's remaining Havens call on volunteers to undergo what they claim will bring Salvation countless are gathered but time is against them and at their leaders behest the technicians inject wild strains Rogue genes untested concoctions into their live subjects the cultivation experiment gathered by Rafi reads would you like to observe the test subjects it is necessary to improve the process of producing test subjects to allow for total control it is contagious and random understood I understand safety is the second priority the first priority is attack power and defense power spurred by haste the program forego safety and outcomes are terrifying the researchers lose control of their subjects who undergo bizarre and erratic mutations their bodies grow sharp appendages their skin turns colors and becomes solid their minds Fray as terrible transmutation unfolds in its desire for Freedom Humanity seals its doom and gives birth to the nabas the nabas succumb to human emotion and lose higher levels of cognition they become base instinctual Monsters the ecological information of the Maelstrom states that the catastrophe that occurred in lavoir was like a large Whirlpool the test subject went out of control in a critical containment failure and ultimately soaked everything in its sickening vortex in the process hundreds of thousands of specimens combined to create a giant monster the NABA contamination infects the Lavo facilities the only successful Fusion of humans with the genetic modifier is seen in Marx himself he becomes the Elder NABA the mirror opposite of Mother's Spar leader and progenitor of this new race soon all remaining humans are either transformed or else slaughtered by Abominations marks as the Elder NABA releases his Legions to the surface driven by Deep genetic memories of hatred the nativas Swarm Andro [ __ ] civilization again war engulfs Earth this time waged between two factions that each consider themselves humankind successful the Monstrous evolved humans prove formidable against Andro [ __ ] what's more they are extremely adaptable new forms evolve in a Flash and fleshy NABA substrate contaminates the environment while corrupting Androids some leech into Metal Frames and command old weapons of war others Unite with the organic material of Fallen Androids and take on maob figures of the resurrected the final war as it is called is colored by in exorable nativa advance the genetically developed Scourge counters the near perfect bodies of the Andro [ __ ] Legions of manufactured soldiers are sent by mother sphere to combat nativa and mitigate contamination legionnaires stem the tide long enough for citizens to evacuate towards the orbital elevators as mother sphere sounds a full-scale retreat lured accounts of NABA Slaughter are left in the memory sticks of Fallen legionnaires as hope dwindles Androids consolidate in the city of 807 here the last battle unfolds hordes of nabas swarm Defenders entire blocks are raised and Carnage Rings through the streets hope is shattered completely by the unexpected mother sphere calculates that her androos in their current form won't survive and must relinquish her hold on Earth long lines of the distraught looked to the heavens for salvation within the orbital Colony but NABA contamination swiftly follows and the virulent substrate latches itself onto elevators and Colony pods as the ecological information of the demagorgon tells us the orbit elevator was the most intense Battlefield of the final war naturally this left a large number of biomaterials which accumulated and decayed at the orbit elevator and sprouted enormous nature nabas these nabas nearly reach mother's Spar and she is left with one option to save the androos and eliminate the NABA she must sacrifice Millions the AI initiates what will be known as The Colony extinction by which she severs the connection of nearly 30 massive habitat pods and most orbital elevators to the rest of the colony thousands of tons of metal plummet to the Earth the crash cracks the land Royals the oceans and sunders the sky we catch a glimpse in the memory stick of this crestf Fallen legionaire while coming over to section 59 I saw what was falling from the sky that was no orbital explosion in fact I wish I never saw it at all now I know there's no hope left for this land when dust settles all of the androos in the pods are dead as well as most on Earth but so too is the natia scourge wiped the colony Extinction severs the network connection between the Earthbound androos and their god without mother's sphere in their neural circuitry many grow despondent this we hear in a memory stick left on 807 it looks like the network is completely disconnected I tried reconnecting to it but nothing works my head feels so empty where is Mother's fear I can't feel her anymore mother please save us this age in Android and human evolution closes in darkness the past is forgotten the future isn't considered only present survival matters in a world now foreign and hostile history's truth is Warped by false memories and outright lies but both mother sphere and the Elder NABA seize the opportunity this respit provides to dream of their species Primacy as humankind's true inheritors like with humans and Androids coexistence between the androos and nabas can't endure for one to survive the other must be destroyed mother spheres programming calculates Myriad Futures and the probability of continued human existence her computations return a heuristic most likely to ensure future success and mother sphere dedicates all efforts to what she calls the eve protocol a method by which a perfected exospine is married to an advanced body core by an intelligence possessed of the full spectrum of human emotion and logic to produce such an androos requires trial and error mother sphere establishes the military branch of the Airborne within the colony to act as proven ground for her Eve protocol Androids the Warriors within each Squad are trained and tested in The Crucible of combat as they are jettison to the NABA controlled surface the eve protocol is edged indelibly within Airborne programming their prime directive is to capture or kill the Elder NABA transmitting final briefing as of now Airborne Squad 7 will exterminate the alpha nativas occupying District 3 their objective is the capture or dispatchment of the Elder na if the eve Android succeeds their perfection will be proven to Mother sphere and human continuity secured as the notes on Eve protocol gathered by scavenger Ian my guess is that mother sphere is performing a sort of experiment she wants to see how these incomplete angels will evolve here on Earth maybe she's trying to create a truly new humankind for the sake of our species but the Elder NABA isn't idle during mother sphere's experiments and himself improves upon the NABA with the ultimate goal of transcending to a newer Pur form of humanity Trace elements of human DNA exist within the NABA but since their creation and release they have lost all semblance of their ancestors they've evolved into an uncontrolled and lethal species that has in many ways regressed the Elder seeks to curtail the unthinking power of the NABA and restrain their destruction though he has changed greatly the Elder still holds on to the Persona of Raphael Marx a man driven by science and deeply rooted in artifice his his solution therefore isn't limited to experimenting with flesh but to uniting it with metal by combining the Adaptive Genome of the NABA with the intelligence and human appearance of the androos a new breed might be established to this end the Elder scour Earth for surviving Andro [ __ ] his experiments with a hybrid yield the first Alpha NABA the first being to unite both species in a strange twist of fate the the Elder realizes hope for his vision of humanity now rests with the Andro [ __ ] his ancient enemy The Elder and the first Alpha enter a pact by which they found the city of Zion and establish it as a Haven for all remaining Andro [ __ ] a Bastion of faith and a shield against NABA predation accurate records of time and history are impossible following the colony Extinction and Severance from the network but the author of The Lost Year's history claims that 72 years have passed since that faithful day on Earth some still cling to Mother sphere's religion but worry and blame Fester Zion believes they were left for their sins and made to repent those who evacuated to the colony in the final war are derided as Heaven's royalty decades have passed since the final war but we still suffer in this cess pit of monsters and sandstorms called the surface mother's sphere promised us salvation she did not keep her promise did she ever send us an evacuation shuttle or a rescue team mother's fear does not lie this means there's another Mastermind behind this Injustice and we all know who they are I curse the heavens royalty pressed Fallen the Andro [ __ ] require a strong figure to pull them from despair the alphan Tiba appears to Zion citizens as the prophet Oracle savior of humankind while obscuring his true nature to all as his ecological information States orle was the first Alpa NABA and the first failure instead of waiting for the failure to meet his Fate The Elder NABA blessed him with a second chance Zion becomes an incubation chamber for the next generation of NABA Android hybrids in secret NABA corpses in blood are brought into the Cradle beneath Zion where they are experimented on by by marks and Oracle infused with androos bodies like with Mother sphere these nativa experiments require trial and error many prove unstable an Android frame sturdy enough to control NABA Instinct with human Insight remains elusive but a solution presents itself from the heavens in the form of mother sphere's Airborne squadrons Decades of Airborne drops and failures lead to successive iterations of the eve Android each an improvement on the last Squad upon Squad are manufactured and released by mother's fear they are Heralds of salvation for the remaining Andro [ __ ] of Zion and reverently titled Angels they are the final hope of a distraught and abandoned race and even Inspire hope within their adversary the Elder NABA for each Eve Android steps closer to the perfect artificial body required for his transfusion dynamic equilibrium establishes itself between Earth and the colony between nativa and Andro [ __ ] between Raphael Marx and mother sphere an arms race whereby each attempts to evolve first to neutralize the other this is the current state of the world when Eve story unfolds she as a member of the seventh Airborne represents the latest iteration of androos produced under the Eve protocol implanted with false memories of the colony and her upbringing with a false Narrative of historical events and compelled by the primary directive of eliminating the Elder NABA Eve is thrust into the dangerous unknown pushed to her physical limits and tested in her resolve in a drop that goes terribly arai even her compatriot tacky lose all other Squad members shortly after making contact with the nabas a confrontation with with a harpy likee alphan Tiba ends with Taki's death and Eve is spared the same Fate by the intervention of a stranger named Adam a scavenger of the wastes and citizen of Zion the man's history and motives are unknown and he offers little of himself in dialogue Adam repairs Eve's damaged exospine and assists in tracking the alphaa and avenging Tacky in exchange however she must first help him orl and the citizens of Zion the city loses power by the day its supplies sink to such dire levels that many people are required to enter standby mode a kind of sleep state within the Cradle to preserve as much energy as possible in this manner Zion hobbles on but it can't continue shortly the city will go dark and with it Humanity's hope Eve is charged with locating and retrieving hyper cells across Earth's nativa infested wastes to restore Zion Splendor with Adam's support she soon happens upon another Colony drop pod that contains Lily an engineer and mechanic of the fifth Airborne Squad who's been surviving in the hostile environment in isolation for several years she readily offers Aid to a fellow Airborne member and the trio embark on a harrowing journey to hunt nabas to gather hyper cells and to fulfill Eve's purpose but hers is also a journey of Revelation and greater Mysteries manifest as Eve gathers the memory sticks of the Fallen plums the Blasted cities of a collapsed Empire and interacts with survivors mother sphere's religion wains in Zion many question her especially those who have sought knowledge of the past they profess that God's words are nothing but lies that the memory loss and severed connection to the network are meant to obscure truth their words go against every fiber of Eve's being but she can't ignore them as her Mission pulls her Eve discovers the inconsistencies of her faith and a nowing feeling festers that events don't align as she thinks two hyper cells located in the foreboding underground structures of altes and Abyss lavoir lead Eve into the past where she learns the nature of her kind and the origins of the nabas here she sees the first genetic testing grounds for an evolved Humanity through data logs Eve discovers that humans waged a great war against mother's fear and her Andro [ __ ] and that it was their desperation that pushed them to the limits of experimentation hoping to survive against Androids they instead created monsters this realization brings into question Eve's very existence she believed herself to be a human a person born not fabricated with a will a soul and not just her she also believed the citizens of Zion were humans Lily Adam orle everyone she has ever known the reality that she is an Android that her kind wared with the old humans and continues to struggle against the NABA is perception shattering Eve strains to gather the pieces of History she's aided by legacies holographic journals left scattered across earth by Raven a second generation Airborne member who had come before that it's a device with records left by the Airborne Squad before me they leave important information for the next Airborne Squad day eight after the second dive third record Legacy account Raven remaining survivors Ripley and Anice orle also shares information of the past although reluctantly Eve's mission to confront the Elder NABA coincides with her desire to know the truth so long denied her not only does she gather the hyper cells but Eve also hunts and kills Alpha nabas as their cores are powerful sources of energy four such Alpha cores are required to create the Master Core a key that grants access to the nest the purported domain of the Elder NABA through deaft sword skill and quick reflexes Eve dispatches countless nativas and makes great progress with her mission Gathering an alpha core from the gigas Behemoth as well as from Taki her old Mentor whose body had been corrupted by nativa contamination Eve eventually reaches the only orbital elevator to have withstood the last battle and the colony collapse a strong Alpha signal Pulses from the top of the lift and its broadcast has disrupted Eve's communication with the colony she confronts a monstrous demagorgon but is thrown brutally into space where she discovers that it was merely an extension of the true alphatia a gargantuan creature clinging to the exterior of the orbital elevator this creature threatened The Colony and even mother's Spar while Eve and Lily journeyed to the elevator Zion suffered NABA attack the Haven Burns surrounded by smoke and Ash in oracle's presence chamber Eve once more confronts the harpy likee Alpha NABA the creature responsible for Zion's attack granted an opportunity to avenge Taki she holds nothing back though the NABA has power Eaves has grown since their first meeting and she dispatches the winged beast but landing the killing blow reveals that the unidentified NABA is actually Raven the second Airborne Squad member who appeared in the Legacy broadcasts a human that face it's a familiar wait Raven from the legacies you're right she's the one who left the records disillusioned with Mother's fear after her own discovery of the truth Raven approaches the Elder NABA wishing to join him and bring ruin to the god that deceived her though He blesses her Andro [ __ ] body with the fusion of NABA DNA the Elder denies Raven her desire to be the host body for his envisaged new Humanity that he saves for the seventh Airborne Eve who has through adversity proven herself enraged Raven tries her hand at producing the new humankind in tacky an experiment that corrupted tacky into an alpan atba but that ultimately failed her resentment of Eve drives Raven to attack Zion to hurt all Eve holds dear defeated she Retreats towards the nest down in the Cradle Oracle clings to life Raven's attack left him one step from Death here the final piece of the puzzle slides into place as orle reveals to Eve that he is the first of the alphaa that he knows personally the Elder and made a compact with him long ago I'm not human the first ever Fusion between an Andro [ __ ] and anba I am the first of the Alpha nativas he offers up his Alpha core as the fourth and final one needed for Eve to enter the nest to confront the Elder nativa herself here this is the Master Core take it and meet the Elder niba one obstacle stands between her in the deepest truth Raven the insane Airborne member rails against Eve but especially against mother sphere who during the colony Extinction ended the lives of millions a merciless God whose servants are nothing but pawns and trash data points in her logical brain one can sympathize with Raven Fall From Grace knowledge is dangerous to the ill-prepared mind she also reveals that the legacies left the lies espoused were all a ploy to bring Eve before the Elder with Raven's defeat Eve gains access to the nest the Master Core opens the ancient stone doorway inside an incomprehensible dream manifests The Nest is a natural breeding ground for nabas The Elder uses his power of creation to birth Humanity's descendants docile harmless or unformed these nabas are different from those she has faced as Eve approaches the inner chamber she pierces the last mystery's Veil standing before her is Adam Adam is Raphael Marx he is the elder he is the Creator both of mother sphere and the nativas you mean yes you and I we are what is needed Eve I offer you one last deal let us become whole one being a single evolved human species there are three possible endings to Eve's tale each challenges her conceptions tests her faith and ultimately depends on her decisions the Crux of Eve's Choice rests entirely on her view of humanity and upon what Foundation the species should stand are the nabas the true inheritors of mankind those who possess human DNA whose ancestry is traced to the last humans but who have succumbed to base Instinct allowing emotions to rule their minds and twist their bodies or should the androos become humankind successor beings resembling humans in appearance bearing similar flesh and ruled by a higher logic but manufactured from artifice devoid of a soul independent of their mechanical programming or perhaps there is a middle ground a gray area between ends of the Spectrum in which human existence might dwell this is the area of conflicting hearts of emotion against logic and natural against unnatural this is what both Adam and mother sphere desire and it manifests in Eve here is an Andro [ __ ] perfected an almost Divine being that could succeed in both the eve protocol and in the Elder NBA's mission to fuse a pristine hybrid I've been researching for decades to find a way a way for us all to become the inheritors of the human race an Andro [ __ ] with the most advanced unisus hyper body ever seen and the ultimate nativa that has not succumbed to its hostile instincts these are the two necessary ingredients Adam offers his hand in Union so that they might transcend if Eve denies Adam he relents to his nativa impulse and discards his Humanity to fight in his true form the Elder proves a most difficult adversary but Eve overcomes him with Adam slain The Nest is destroyed and the nabas either die off or are severely weakened this line of humanity ends with him in his dying breath Adam Bears no resentment but only hopes that this is the right choice in preserving the best course mother's sphere now connected to Earth through the network descends to greet Eve and Lily this was one of several possible Futures and one that mother sphere predicted though a bittersweet ending as she laments the loss of her Creator Raphael in the final moments even Lily returned to the Colony but it's not what they imagined rather than some distant Paradise mother sphere has spent years crafting an orbital globe of metal to encase the Earth to what end we can only speculate some claim it's a Dyson sphere-like apparatus meant to feed off the energy of the earth leaching organic matter to fuel the androos designs personally I think it might be a form of Stellar defense mechanism a shield to protect Earth from meteors asteroids or perhaps even alien and unknown threats after all its mother sphere directive to ensure the continuation of the species but let me know your thoughts if Eve accepts Adam's hand the two unite in body and mind the power and pedigree of the nabas with a perfected human frame governed by the logic of the Andro [ __ ] Eve retains her will but becomes a new species an atba Android hybrid which activates the weapon systems of Lily's Colony Mech the attacks Eve but just as with the Elder NABA fight she proves Superior if insufficient exploration is completed if Eve doesn't collect enough memory sticks or discover truth throughout the playthrough to trigger Lily's request to visit her old Safe House the machine systems can't be hacked and Lily is killed again following the confrontation mother sphere descends and states that Eve's actions were another predicted possibility this time she says that the eve protocol is complete suggesting that mother sphere and Raphael Marx both determined a combined and Transcendent race to be the most desirable outcome only one more test remains Eve must prove her resilience against an army of Airborne androos finally if Eve delves deep enough through side quests data logs and memory sticks she uncovers sufficient truth Lily brings the Trio to her hideout on [ __ ] 9 where she remained with her comos compatriot IIs this interaction spares Lily during the mech battle as she's able to use iris's hacking software to free herself from the machine again mother sphere states that the eve protocol is complete and that she must challenge Eve one final time what's different is that with this ending we see Eve return to Zion we see the final hypercell restore power to the city and awaken those long held in stasis within the Cradle a resplendant Eve appears as a guardian angel to invigorated Zion its benevolent protector and perhaps with the knowledge of Raphael marks inside her she might begin creating the new Humanity the world as it had been known is shattered humankind faced an existential threat and was forced to diverge down different Paths of evolution interestingly through th's actions they converge once more as metal is married to flesh and emotion is reconciled with Logic the future of this new humankind is uncertain but its present is certainly brighter than its past thanks so much for watching and listening to this video on the complete story of Stellar blade now I want to hear from you let me know your thoughts on Eve the lore of Stellar blade which ending you went for as well as your own insights and suggestions for future videos in the comments below and if you're a fan of Lauren storytelling be sure to subscribe to the channel check out the podcast where content is uploaded frequently I want to thank my amazing supporters over on patreon who make all of this possible and I couldn't do it without their fantastic support if you'd like to become a lore luminary for access to me a great Community written scripts and early video drops head to theel barians to learn more until next time go forth and explore the lore he [Music]
Channel: The Lorebrarians
Views: 52,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellar Blade, Lorebrarians, Project Eve
Id: 4GayYHbIoMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 37sec (2557 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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