Gayest Heckler Ever... | Andrew Schulz | Stand Up Comedy
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: The Andrew Schulz
Views: 7,997,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, brilliant idiots, flagrant 2, podcast, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, charlamagne, charlemange, breakfast club, interviews
Id: GHpvUxmvybY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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This is how it should work. Being gay doesn't make you special or better. Heckle and get made fun of. Some chick does it and you bet she is going to get called slut or worse in one way or another. Straight guy does it and he is going to get hit with small dick jokes, unmanly jokes, or w/e.
If you want acceptance, this is it right here. When your mocked and laughed with, you are a part of the group.
Also, this dude was enjoying his own jokes more than anyone else. No one in the club was having a better time than him.
I love Andrew Schulz! He’s one of the funniest comedians I’ve seen in a long time and I’m extremely impressed with how off the top of his head everything is. The majority of his “routine” seems to be just making fun of the audience.
Though I have seen some kind of weird stuff in his recent videos where an audience member in the front he was making fun of is suddenly gone, so I wonder if it’s at least a little set up. But if it is, that’s fine, because it’s still hilarious and original as hell.
Idiots saying this guy is being homophobic. Nah, I think he's genuinely interested in how gay sex works, and is asking questions in a comedic way. Clearly he's very supportive.
Y'all be sensitive mother fuckers.
this guy is funny, but the way he laughs at his own jokes is weird
I feel like he deftly walks that line of making fun of a gay dude without actually being homophobic here, but maybe some gay folks wanna chime in since I'm not the butt of these jokes.
People need to loosen the fuck up. Stop being offended on behalf of the dude who was clearly fine with it.
EDIT: To everyone saying “there are no comments about the joke being homophobic,” there were, they’ve just been deleted on account of them being downvoted.
It’s why THIS is the top comment as well.
Lol I haven’t seen one comment of someone calling him homophobic but I see 40 talking about how those ppl need to stfu
Killed me.
Platinum Star is some funny shit 😂😂😂