Baldur's Gate 3’s Platinum Was A Wild Ride

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I set out to platinum balers Gate 3 and ended up playing one of the greatest games of all time my goal was to earn every trophy the equivalent of achievements but I set a secret goal for myself too I wanted to earn the Platinum before it won game of the year in 3 weeks this required me to earn a whopping 28 missable trophies and eventually try my hand at the tactician difficulty one of the biggest challenges standing in my way but that's for a future me to worry about I started by creating my character a wizard named Tav I could have chosen an existing character but between you and me I Was preparing for one of the toughest trophies in the game going on a hot date with carlac unironically one of the harder story lines to complete and it starts with using a custom character I started off on a strange alien ship where I tried getting used to the controls and met a friend I can call this guy a friend right there's endless different ways to play this game but I chose to be an overall good person and to escape and get my first trophy I needed to get through this room past this boss and get to these controls here this crazy looking dude just joined my fight I'm glad he's on my side hey yo I don't even know what that just did bro what did that just do I used some crazy magic my lack of knowledge in the combat really showed but eventually I made it oh I got my first trophy okay I didn't even need to beat that boss after barely making it out I realized I already missed a trophy which was for defeating the commander that I just escaped from so I jumped back in and had a solid plan whale on him and ignore his backup goons completely there are actually smarter and easier strategies you can use here that I didn't really know about at the time so instead I just struggle through it oh they are on their way they're dashing literally bro we're missing can we stop missing oh my goodness I got the trophy but all my guys are dead this is everything I needed to do and keep an eye out for it's all broken down into separate Quest story lines that can easily be missed and my first order of business was to break out of prison for the escapologist trophy I know I said I'd be a good person but well you know getting into prison in the first place started with helping these Druids defend their Grove from goblins which wasn't pretty at the very least I was getting XP for every enemy I killed even though it was my goal I really don't even know what I did to go to jail in the first place but we'll consider this a success my next Focus was one of the longer story lines that can be easily missed if I wasn't careful this is SAA a goblin that I needed to save not once not twice but three times for the she canopi cage trophy the first time saving her was for breaking her out of jail something I obviously had good experience with second was back at her Goblin Camp I vouched for her innocence to her very scary leader manthara who definitely isn't going to show back up in a few minutes for a very tough fight and the third time saving SAA actually won't happen until much later in the game in act two while working on saving SAA I was exploring and whenever I needed to I would long rest at my camp this gives me full health and spells which I definitely needed often and after the fourth rest I got a trophy after almost being attacked by one of my party members it's a long story during one of these rests I got another event to occur where another party member aarion was trying to bite me yeah this is on my list too for a trophy but it turns out aarion is a vampire and letting him bite me unlocks a new ability for him and a trophy okay I got my trophy but yo he killed me I'm dead and he's standing right there it took me a while but I finally found carlac who's probably the best character in the game and whose trophy is going to cause me a lot of Heartache later from here I tried to start a trophy that I needed to be aware of throughout the entire game for leave no one behind I had to save every Refugee tlink basically this was a list of people I had to make sure survived throughout the game and uh by the time I got to the third person on this list I failed I didn't even notice it at first either this is meron he's dead but I still arrived here thinking I had to fight these things off to save them I noticed my error 10 minutes later after the fight was over well I just missed out on that trophy um so yeah I'll have to worry about this trophy on my tactician playthrough later which only makes that run harder next up was Finding and summoning shovel let me tell you I had no idea what to expect with this one because I don't even know what this meant summon the quasit shovel turns out shovel is like this little devil thing that kind of reminds me of Dobby and turns into a summon for me in combat which is helpful because my next big mission was defending the Grove again the Goblin fight earlier was nothing compared to this Onslaught that Menara of all people was leading and it gave me so much trouble this fight did not feel beginner friendly and took up an hour each time I tried it and I lied shovel didn't really help much at all now I like the turn-based strategy in this game but my problem is I didn't really have a strategy and it led to failing plus more teelings died which I guess doesn't really matter because meron did a good job voiding this trophy for me anyways after a couple hours of failed attempts I totally came up with an original strategy that I'm going to call barrelmancy for this unique never beeseen Strat I picked up some explosive barrels and laid them out on the field before starting the fight and then I let it rip oh this new strategy is fired oh my goodness all that fire on the ground was perfect W strategy I know I know feel free to use it yourself this made it so I could focus on taking out manthara without much issue I feel like I deserve a trophy here but I guess the game doesn't think so instead the teelings held a party at our camp because we successfully held off the Goblins normally this is important because you can talk to carlac and confess feelings for her but I think I messed up because the correct options weren't showing up so that's another trophy I'll have to worry about in my hard playthrough these nexu trophies are the best in the entire game while adventuring I came across a very good boy scratch who trusted me enough to join the camp later I also came across an owl bear cup which was equally adorable and he also joined our camp after some long rests I got their event to pet them both pet scratch if this isn't game of the year I mean I I don't know what else to say and I can pet the owl bear you have two hands for a reason everybody approves later scratch had a ball so of course I played Fetch with him and now things start to get tougher this area is an optional dungeon that has teleporting spiders after fighting for my life against them I got closer to my next trophy test control there's a huge and very creepy spider matriarch here that's lurking around I need to kill her before she hatches of her eggs and there's like 20 eggs around here there's a couple ways to do this but I'm a coward who didn't want to risk things so I snuck around and shot her eggs before fighting her even then I used a very valid strategy of just pushing her off the edge to fall into the abyss I still had to fight the remaining spiders though this trophy here for stabilizing Gail's orb was easy I couldn't really miss it since it's part of the story and we got to meet a pretty cool wizard now what wasn't easy was the taking blood trophy oh boy this one was a lot of fun ladies and gentlemen this is laelle you might remember her from earlier she's one of my party members she's very aggressive and wakes up every morning choosing violence her people are hiding away under this building here and it turns out this is where I need to steal a legendary weapon this area of the game took up an insane amount of time in fact at this point it was already November 28th 12 days after I earned my first Trophy and only 9 days before the game awards so I had to lock in in order to steal this legendary weapon I had to First gather some items scattered around the area including a weapon from an eagle's nest these things were actually insane and rocked me so quick anytime I got into combat with him now the beauty of this game is I get to be creative and use any strategy I can think of kind of like the barany strategy earlier here I used invisibility to get close and steal the weapon and just ran away before they could get mad at me and kill me another W strategy in my book and I was actually making progress towards two trophies at the same time basically I royally pissed off lel's people and it led to a crazy boss battle that got the best of me so instead I stunk off to the side and solved a few more puzzles before finding the legend legary weapon I needed to steal this thing is fantastic by the way and I'll end up using it later now we're not going to talk about why I have so much more Health now but just know I had way more fun this way and I was still learning and preparing for tactician later anyways finishing this fight causes this dude Foss to show up later and ask us to Ally with him lelle wasn't having it at first but I'm not letting her hold me back from a trophy and at this point I had the chance to go into act two but there were still a few things I hadn't done yet so after doing some more research and Googling I found out there was a whole underground area area that I hadn't gone to yet this is the underd dark which I was able to access by just floating down to Yo the spider is here I killed this thing days ago and like eight hours of play time like that can I loot it while down here my goal was getting these two trophies but I realized I had a couple really easy ones I could knock out first the hling trophy these are just mercenaries For Hire with different classes there was another trophy for 10 background goals honestly I don't know what I did to complete this but it was nice regardless and finally a trophy for using detect thoughts during a conversation this required me to get a specific ability when leveling up and while on my way to the forge I somehow came across another trophy for consuming a parasite that sounds wild I know basically I found some gnomes here that were being forced to work against their will obviously I saved them and unfortunately it was a pattern by now I never approached a fight correctly so I ended up getting rocked for a while before before I finally took them all out afterwards I realized I had that parasite to consume which gave me special powers definitely a no-brainer I wanted all the powerups I could get later after reaching the forge I summoned the boss Grim who I needed to defeat without using the giant hammer that the game gives you as if it wasn't hard enough okay I know this dude is not happy with oh lava this dude is not happy with us saor that's some damage there we go we need to make sure this hits so that he doesn't attack LEL and we're good perfect and we're going to Surge and we're going to do it again one more hit there we go a grim fate we need to Lo him wow that's a good Helm too and after the fight I even got to forge my own weapon for the last trophy here with that I was finally able to leave act one which brought the crew to a whole new area and a brand new map to explore of the three acts in the game this one is by far my least favorite because of the setting by the way about this list yeah this is just what I had to do in act one here's the list for act two and my first trophy of this act is one that a certain devil probably wouldn't be too happy with but she played me earlier so who cares this trophy I had to give shadow heart a flower that she likes to do this I just had to make sure she was in the party and be a good person like I already was this causes her to reveal that she's pretty much a cult worshipper and then she tells me she likes night orchids yeah she's all over the place so I found one and gifted it to her for this Trophy this dark setting in act two is perfect for someone like Shadow har but for me it sucked I had to follow this spider dude with a light to stay safe until I decided to turn on him luckily I was finally getting better at the combat because I had no clue I was going to get the action surge trophy for attacking five times in one turn I knew about this trophy I wasn't even going for it right now that's how good lelle is and after looting him for the lamp I I was free to go anywhere in this area so I went after the Penny Pincher Trophy this is the toll collector a Charming young lady who must Lov New York City because similar to New York there's only one way into this area here and I had to pay her a toll to get there for the trophy I needed to beat her before she used her gold on me but there's a strategy here that I was definitely going to use with my insane persuasion skills I could talk her into just giving up completely without a fight there's actually a lot of fights in this game that you can just talk your way out of which is absolutely amazing I can do the same thing for the next Boss 2 the surgeon who I needed to defeat quickly for the non-invasive procedure trophy except for some reason the trophy won't pop if I talked him out of the fight so instead I just talked him into taking out his nurses for me and then just fought him normally one more attack should do it and then I realized I had a storyline from act one to clean up it was time to finally earn the she canot be cage Trophy and save sza one final time at the moonrise Towers I had a chance to show no mercy to some poor goblins but unfortunately the good choice here is to let them go the absolute since it's the holiday season and I was in the spirit of freeing people I did just that with the underlock and key Trophy this is another really cool opportunity to do whatever I wanted I could sneak into the prison and break everyone out but I decided I wanted all the XP I can get and just took out all the guards afterwards I just opened all the cells and broke everyone out normally this step would also be required for the tling trophy that I already messed up so yeah as you know I'm using this playthrough to familiarize myself with a game and classes which is why I turned shadowart into a monk unbeknown to me she was about to leave forever very soon but for now she punched her way to this trophy for me and if you're wondering why shadowart was about to get pissed off and leave well it started to he in this boss fight against balazar this creepy dude and this is the night song who I have to decide to kill or save me being me I obviously chose to save her leading to the crazy boss fight you see this fight isn't even for a trophy and it gave me way too much trouble my problem is so many enemies spawned in making this fight take longer every time I tried it after finally beating Bazar shadowart gets mad because she believes her cult required her to kill the Night song So Good Riddance I guess and if you think I'm too harsh well just know I made the right choice and you'll see why finally I was near the end of act two there was a huge boss waiting for me and while heading there I noticed I had the opportunity for the two birds one gnome trophy all right let's see if this works it worked wait they're oh he's on the floor two birds one known this brings us to the act two boss Keck he has one of three stones I needed to collect and he's evil to make this fight easier I had to free the Night song again I know I know I just saved her earlier but we'll give her a pass because she's strong and by the way if I hadn't saved her in the earlier fight then obviously she wouldn't be here to help me now so again good ridden Shadow heart with the no free lunches trophy I needed to beat this boss without allowing him to eat any of his minions that's exactly what it sounds like continues to hard carry I mean are we surprised look at her gear all right come on carlac no free lunches that's going to be so hard on tactician difficulty yeah I was definitely right about how hard this fight would be later and now it's finally time for act three the last area of the game and the City of balers gate it was December 2nd at this point meaning I had 5 days to beat this play through and a tactician playthrough while cleaning up trophies before the game awards I also didn't mention this before but I had no guarantee balers gate would even win the game of the year even though I expected it to here's the trophy checklist for act three before we start the real fun trophies I cleaned up a few more miscellaneous ones first for digging up five chests for dig for victory just random treasure spots throughout the adventure and also the bottoms up trophy for long resting using only alcohol for this one I first spent a fortune on buying up all the drinks I could then during a long rest instead of choosing normal supplies to heal up I just used all the drinks and to keep up in the same spirit I had a chance to get the punch drunk trophy taking out 20 enemies while drunk an easy place to do this was the basement of this Inn and that's because it had a serious rap problem imagine if the lovely customers upstairs knew what was down here fortunately I was here to help look at T I made him drink and now he's not really he's not really into it but we got to fight these rats for a trophy oh wow one turn that's all it took turns out this area underneath the Inn with all the rats leads to a hideout where our friend the the emperor yes he's a mind fler we don't really like to talk about it has a lot of history here this causes him to feel all tingly and get in his emotions and uh yeah the mind-blown trophy pops later it's time to get one of my favorite trophies Busker I was on a mission to earn 100 gold from playing music you see one of the classes in this game is The Bard and I hired Brena brong who is an experienced Bard and just walked around playing sweet music for the citizens of balers gate they themselves felt all tingly inside and just had to throw some gold my way eventually totaling 100 for this Trophy and we did it look at all the Gold Everywhere next order of business was breaking Will's packs for the loophole trophy will is another party member of mine who I honestly never used but uh yeah he signed a soulway to this devil lady named maora back in act two she showed up asking us to free someone for her and we bargained with her saying we'll only free this person if she let Will's contract go and then at the end of act two back at this brain place before I fought that boss we freed maor's captive who turned out to actually be maora herself but she ended up straight up lying and saying will can be free in 6 months instead so in act three I guess enough time has passed and she shows back up giving Will a very tough choice this is a crazy Choice it's it's for the greater good I'm sorry there's there's a trophy tied to this so we have to break the pact you damned Rich do it break The Pact I know there's no such thing as canon in this game cuz there's a million endings but I hope that was Canon he probably feels bad he doesn't even turn back to a human you might have seen this list and wondered what coding the streets in blood meant it was time to become an assassin now I could choose to kill targets around the city but instead I just killed the guy who was taking these people out and after that fight I looted a bag of hands which is what I was going to use as proof of my devotion to the Assassin Brotherhood but in reality to really show my proof of devotion I had to do something much darker this poor guy I'm not going to lie I am very sorry Valeria carlac will do the final blow that's carlac she took it's supposed to be me it's cuz she did the final blow I messed up on you I mean I got what I wanted and although I was a Savage for that last clip I assure you Tav is still a scholar for earning this trophy for reading 100 books I also realized I didn't earn the shove off trophy yet this one could have been done anywhere but I decided to load an early save and terrorize this Goblin here honestly this poor Goblin right here like I'm ganging up on him I just did three damage so he has one Health I just have to shove him off okay come on it was worth it though so I got my trophy and now that I was a certified assassin I walked over to this Temple for the first Blood trophy now the goal of act three is to gather three powerful nether Stones I got that first one at the end of act two and this lady Orin has the second one but I needed to take her out quickly for this trophy to pop so I just use my favorite strategy here coming full circle from earlier in the game I just pushed her off the edge Thunder Wave this should win the fight oh it worked first blood but again don't worry this cheesy Strat won't exist on my tactician Run for the last nether Stone I needed to take down gorach without activating any traps and he uses a lot of them and Machinery so I first destroyed his Factory which makes this fight much much easier then I carefully climbed his Tower to avoid any traps and I used the fly spell here which was a real Lifesaver but gorach obviously knew we were coming since I just destroyed his life's work and he did not give up easy during a few attempts I hit his traps without even realizing it which meant I had to restart is that a is that a trap did I just mess up the trophy it actually was pretty difficult to avoid his trap so uh I decided to lure him outside and I swear I'm ashamed to say this I swear but I just pushed him off the edge did that work all right moment of truth am I going to get this trophy no trophy yo the the game just teleported me that just broke immersion it doesn't make sense so a couple hours later I found another strategy that actually worked this time now I just lured him up a ladder in the same room and his genius self just happened to forget to put any traps up here right here oh thank goodness I got scared for a second I was like no way I didn't activate any trap traps and now it was time to knock a dragon down for the crash landing trophy I had to start a fight with this undead dragon who just happened to live underneath gort's castle in the dungeons am I the only one who thinks this is wild anyways for this trophy I just had to wait until he flew up and then use a spell to knock him back down and the rest of the fight really wasn't so bad it was around this point that I finally hit Level 12 so I could do the Jack of all trades trophy I just simply picked up a new hirling and then multiclassed them into every class in the game which is normally a terrible build with that my list was finally finished it was time time to take on the final boss only moments away from beginning the hardest part of this Platinum experience and to get even more powerful I embraced the parasite fully which meant this happened just in time for the final battle but wait there's one last trophy I needed to get I had to unleash all my new abilities to slay this Dragon here oh that's the dragon I need to fight I need to kill him it's optional but I need to beat him I have this Arrow of dragon slaying it it better it better work really bro I only had one ooh lightning is the move okay that was considerably weaker but still the move come on right let's go interfectorem draconus hopefully I said that right I tried to fight at first until I realized this is just a distraction I just had to run past everything so I could get to the brain me of the operation okay I'm sorry I'm sorry it's literally me in here by myself I'm so screwed all right I mean I I did good damage do it again baby this would be impossible on tactician I would need the whole party the platforms are gone I think I can win here though which is kind of poetic it's like a one-on-one to to end it all never mind bro all right we're all here like there's no way I don't get it I don't get it done this time there's no way oh yeah that's damage that is damage okay this is it we came all this way destroy it thing looks weird there's like a whole apocalypse situation going on it looks like the great grandma from SpongeBob BR I love a good trophy rush and then I went right back for the evil ending for another trophy much shorter cut scene for this evil ending and now it's time for the hard part that I kept hinting at tactician another full run where I have a fraction of the health the enemies are way stronger and smarter and I follow the speedrun so at the end I was way underleveled which became a huge problem oh by the way to make it even harder I'll be doing my dark urge run while saving all teelings and trying to win over carlac on tactician in order to do this I made sure to talk my way out of as many fights that I could which actually does give me plenty of XP in this game this is nice so you're not punished for playing non-violently I also made sure to focus on every choice that carlac would approve of which can actually be easy if you prepare ahead of time with a guide I should have done that the first time oh and you remember on don't you I made sure not to be too late this time this is the kid I couldn't save last time this kid was dead over here on this little Cliff the tling trophy was the one that I was most afraid of because it pops during the credits So in theory I could mess up 5 minutes into the game but I won't know until I beat it days later and dery here he does not make things easier either he has uncontrollable urges to kill things in his sleep including a teeling named alira in order to save her I had to knock her out then long rest at Camp causing a different NPC to show up ooh well you know I only needed to worry about this because I was playing as a dark urge another big worry of mine was Mena's raid on the Grove because I could fail the trophy if any T flings died here luckily for me there is a way to avoid the whole thing from happening I snuck over to the goblin camp with the goal of killing the three Goblin leaders before they could start their attack the first one was easy she offers to speak to you in private for reasons and it's the perfect opportunity to go crazy second was Menara herself for this one I spoke to her as normal and made her believe we'd attack the Grove but in real yeah boss is falling into the abyss is still my best strategy speaking of which the third leader is this dude oh and by the way the hot date guide said I couldn't avoid the Grove fight and that I had to defend it but this is not true so from there I had a close moment with carlac and moved on to act two where I avoided the fight with this spider thing for some more XP and had more story development with carlac her cut scenes were so much easier to trigger when I didn't have a million other things to worry about so far this was actually fairly easy and I was in the middle of act two but that was about to change you see there's another huge attack on the T Lings these guys just can't catch a break and I can't talk my way out of this one either my number one priority here was to protect Isabelle the enemies are actually only after her and if she dies literally everything goes wrong and all the teelings die too but you know no pressure another parasite and from here on out things get pretty interesting in combat because I started to use a little thing called strategy and cheese so remember this Bazar fight this boss fight here gave me so much trouble the first time luckily I have a strat now I'm going to paralyze him that way he can't summon all his little goons we are going to push him he didn't go very far yet but he he's getting pushed he's still standing bro all right oldfashioned wow and I struggled so much the first time we're almost in act three one big boss fight left and my strategy for the act two boss was actually amazing first I snuck into position up here next to my buddy and then I tried my best to take him out in one shot which failed so I restarted until I got a good start to the fight and here comes the cheesy but really cool part I changed all my party members to become warlocks and then set up Darkness so enemies are blind to me but my warlocks can see in the dark so I just chilled here and used eldrich Blast on the boss which also doesn't cost any spell slots by the way and I even managed to save the Nong too so she could help us fight and I got to say this op strategy worked like a charm even in phase two and this time I didn't need to beat him before he ate his minions what 28 wow that was the most stressful fight of the whole thing after that I'm back at act three severely underleveled but nothing else matters I finally got all the requirements for carlax hot date oh I'd love to definitely yes oh hey Here Comes our food hey uh Hank I think we ordered the you beder there it is but from here things started to go horribly wrong by the way the game awards were literally 3 hours away if the next few fights went according to plan 3 hours would be more than enough time but you won't believe what happened next I still needed to kill Orin and Gort actually let me correct that I could choose to spare Gort and team up with him but there was no way around the Orin fight and this fight is way different when you're a dark urge character it turns out dery and Orin both follow the same murderous God ball so this fight is actually a 1 V one duel to become ball Slayer which happens to be another trophy too but for some reason the darkness Strat does not work on her and it definitely used to work because it was clearly working in the speedrun video that I was watching so it must have got patched at some point I tried almost 20 times and kept getting killed instantly this made me Google patch notes read up on forums and I really couldn't find any answers I started looking up strategies on how other people beat this fight and most of them were level 12 for this one and I was not there wasn't even a way for me to level up since I skipped so much content earlier in the game and I was going to spare Gort but I thought maybe if I killed him then Orin would team up with me instead but I wasn't about to fight him though so I kind of just cheesed my way into making him run outside which just happened to be near a bridge that had a really long fall okay okay I swear this is the last time I'm using this Strat seriously I don't even feel bad here had to be done but it didn't even matter though because Orin still wanted to fight me afterwards so I got desperate and messaged someone from PSN profiles who ran into a similar issue as me and he told me he ended up doing another full run and then it hit me this same person told me they used a powerful spell called hold monster which you normally learn at level 9 but this game G has Scrolls that you can use one time to cast a spell regardless of your level and it just so happens that extremely rare Scroll of hold monster was on sale for 1,000 gold if this worked it would be the best 1,000 gold I ever spent in any game it worked wait a second is this it wait yo oh no it got out I'm not going to lie guys it was just a matter of RNG now it's it's actually working oh my goodness it has been hours since I started this fight strategies leaving coming back leveling up I push Gort off the edge Gort I said his name wrong is this going to be it okay no this won't be it oh it is it as the dark urge I need to accept this gift embrace your urge I didn't even mention it but becoming the Slayer pisses off one of my strongest party members jira and she decides to attack me while I'm on my way out of orin's Temple but I was one step ahead of her you see about 5 hours ago I changed jira's class which makes her level one again and she stays that way until I manually level her up except I just didn't and she was still level one baby she should have thought twice about this by this point it was 10:20 p.m. and the game awards only had about 40 minutes before the announced game of the year the leadup to the final boss fight is actually pretty wild I didn't show it the first time but I fought through all these enemies previously there's no way I could do that again being so underleveled so shout out to the invisibility spell until the spell eventually ran out asterion is now now is not the time asterion all right so this is not ideal we need to get up there we just have to fly up here we're good yes yeah this Strat is so [Music] good this is actually wild this is wild you start the thing start the thing wow we're all in here 322 damage that's all we need to do critical hit 49 more damage it's [Music] time it's only right dery with the final blast okay it wasn't the final blast it's only right that g why is Gail whatever it's only right it's only right oh man tactician man it is kind of rough I'm choosing this ending but I have to yo he looks so evil dark urge durgy critical hit for tactician that was the hard one leave no one behind that one's even harder I don't care what anybody says that one's even harder sins of the father oh this is it [Music] pride of balers gate the game awards are happening right now this game better win game of the year it took me 98 hours to platinum balers Gate 3 and this happened 5 minutes later game of the year is balers gate three if you enjoyed this video thank you and check out this one next for another insane Platinum experience
Channel: 3PointGamer
Views: 462,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, platinum, trophy, plat, ps5, bg3, bg3 trophies, bg3 platinum, pc, steam, achievements, 100%, karlach, astarion, goty, bg3 goty, game of the year, trophies, bg3 achievements
Id: nXxI2eKlFjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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