AI Turned my sketches into Realistic Portraits!? - This is getting Scary...

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g'day everyone i'm jazza and today we're going to be looking at artificial intelligence with art now we've done this before i've i've got a bit of a fascination with how technology might have the potential to overtake us one day since doing those the the photo generator been taken down because there have been too many visitors to that website that artificial intelligence turns out was less intelligent i don't know it wasn't wasn't going to bring on the the art apocalypse i mean clearly this is an example of where it has worked really well and it's really uncanny that artificial intelligence turned this line work into this portrait it's it's kind of creepy but super cool and then there's this nvidia research one where you can create super super simple like rough concepts now prepare to be underwhelmed or overwhelmed as this turns into check button in terms and condition this is how they really get you all right go on you've stolen my soul now that's pretty trippy it's also pretty bad at the same time i'll pick a different one pick the sunset one there you go cool so it's you know it's not bad it doesn't it does a lot as far as transforming my original sketch into using these reference images and aesthetics into an actual picture this is the very beginning of ai art but demon in the closet on twitter pointed out the next evolution first of all thank you for pointing this out to me second of all if you see stuff like this please tweet me please put it on the jazza subreddit i see this stuff and if it particularly tickles my fancy i'll tickle you back that sounds no too much i'm sorry deep face drawing so in theory this is the next evolution and as you know i like to dabble with my new art mediums with the jazz raptor so let's just do that now in theory if my jazza avatar is actually a good representation of me the end result of what i illustrate here it's going as i go can i like that's really distracting so i'm going to put a sticky note over it not sure i want to see that yet but i want a pleasant surprise and i want you to have a pleasant surprise too so we're going to put a digital sticky note over that too there you go so we're both going to get a hopefully pleasant surprise or we'll be terrified at the horrifying future that artificial intelligences are doing in i'm drawing like a probably slightly more realistic jazz avatar than i might basically because i'm following the proportions that have been laid out in front of me all right we ready this is the reveal of who artificial intelligence would assume my jazza avatar drawing is actually of you ready one two three let's just say i have mixed feelings there's a lot to learn let's dive in deeper i'm gonna go i'm gonna go for a bit of a moana look let's put my stickers back on i want to get see if i can get a pleasant surprise out of this one youtube there we go to find me no one knows let it go no that's the other movie i want to see if this program can give me an islander or detect the age or do anything that looks remotely like moana or if it's prone to go for a specific type or if it's going to go for a specific age in general but i feel i feel like if i showed this to the lay person who has seen moana i might be like oh that's sort of looks like moana no one hey do you know lin-manuel miranda the guy who wrote hamilton wrote the music to moana and i've been listening to hamilton non-stop for the last five months isn't that right gary a lot yes non-stop constantly non-stop he says did you know you just made a hamilton reference what's that non-stop all right now i've got hamilton should we play hamilton gareth no this is a terrible one oh god that'll do that's as far as i'm going we're gonna we're gonna do the reveal three two oh my god all right this was i'd say this was a failure i'm i'm drawing like someone who's trying to turn a drawing into a person but maybe i just need to draw more abstract or suggestive i need to make suggestive drawings not that kind of suggestive that more like illusions you get what i'm saying how about do someone really thin and then someone larger again keeping it really simple it's going to go quite quite simple in cartoons this is a really straightforward illustration there's not a lot there to be confused about i don't know if it does anything with this bottom bit here but there you go he's got a little shirt on error all right by the numbers i'm gonna draw donald trump he's got the pouty lips it's like this is the greatest artificial intelligence of all time that looks more like vladimir putin all right let's start again this is gone down the wrong path clearly this artificial intelligence has some biases they're mostly models they're all pouting maybe that's what it's getting as references from it's like just magazine cutouts stock images of people eating salad and laughing maybe that's good for my reference let's see if we can bring one of their salad ladies in with our sketch oh salad you so funny oh my god i love it with salads joke they just tickled my neck all the way down yeah you i'll give i wanna i want your salad face not your salad fingers references keeping it really simple because it doesn't want me to be complicated i'm really trying hard to play the ai's game here come on show me salad hey success that's a salad lady you would be so happy with a salad in your hands right now it worked i haven't played around with these sliders so let's muck around what a component confidences let's make the nose more confident she hasn't got a very confident nose error god damn it do you know what they've got an example i'm going to clear this thank you salad lady for attendance and help so this is what it wants me to do it wants me to hey that looks like me if i click on this is it going to give me me oh my god oh my god now that is creepy now obviously it didn't do that but it did give me an error which is a a great example of what this program does i'm going to reload the program we'll start fresh with an example the same one success so okay so it really doesn't like thinking too much in a row and apparently this is what i what i look like if i have black hair a bit of a backstreet boy oh my god we're going to make the ai backstreet boys so here's my backstreet boys poster foundation we're going to generate five heads just from the examples because in theory these examples should be representative of what the program wants to make anyway they're ideal artificially intelligent representations of people and in this case it sort of worked perfectly anyway because the backstreet boys were basically machine made look at them so we're just going to use their examples to see what this backstreet boy looks like i sort of see i sort of see where it got that from but again i would have gone more with the example sketch i don't know he looks more like either way that's our first backstreet boy all right who are we going over you could go over this guy it's crazy when you shrink it like that because i don't know i feel like in in the actual website like you can see all the little artifacts of where it's not sharp it's not made an exact decision but actually at the distance i'm like all right that's a dude you could have a name it could be joey actually another take a bite he's more of a mick he's totally mick oh whoops actually oh okay this guy apparently this guy's name's lauren ipsum i sort of want to stick to that lauren but we don't know what he looks like yet so let's figure it out which one's gonna be lauren you look like a lorem he's sort of cheeky a little bit of a wink there is it gonna give us a wink surely if this is an example it's gonna come up with something that will wink they have the confidence to know it all okay it's almost like a wink except he's changed his mind halfway i feel like they're all gonna have black hair and slightly foreboding faces like this is more of a mafia than a boy's bed give me some long hair oh here we go there you go fresh fresh face lad this guy looks like a young guy so i'll put i'll put his head over this guy i've got two more examples to pull from i just i want to see what this ends up like just pure curiosity again it's another model it's funny because all of the backings like behind the the people we end up getting they almost look like celebrities being photoed on the red carpet right you're a bit biebery let's bring you up it's sort of biebery does it become more bieber if i do this no didn't even help that i sang anyway this is uh the artificial intelligence's boy band mixed the ladies man lorem's a bit of an indecisive winker but he wants to be a ladies man casey is the heart throb i guess that's another word for ladies man but all the backstreet boys are ladies and that's what they're marketed for pippin just got into high school and uh max does everything to the max that that's his cash phrase these are the ai boys and the cat and the catch phrase is where because it's like where i didn't know what people didn't know and that that's what lauren's saying where i like all right i want to get the sliders to work give me that at least come on switch to one of your female examples give me this one and oh she's she's a salad here did you see that we've lost we've lost what we just had that last face that snuck past us cheeky bloody ai trying to get away with its secrets that was a salad eater oh my god why i'm so amplified about this because i'm figuring it out it knows it it's toying with me now switch to a different example it only wants to do yeah it only wants to do long hair for women which i think is unfair if i pick this bald person and select female just does your hair pull back i think that's i think there's a lot to you to learn artificial intelligence if you are that which you're obviously not i've leaned on your examples too much i feel like i have enough of an idea as to what you're meant to do or how you're meant to draw to get a face to work with that so i'll draw the way you've sort of hinted towards you're defaulting to sort of longish straight-ish hair so if i just allude to some waves on the outer edges here what are you going to do with that huh what are you going to do slightly wavier this is where it's sort of interesting what if i give you a bit of wavy there and a bit of wavy there what are you going to do with that huh what are you going to do not a lot let's struggle all right component confidences let's see if you can have some confident eyes please say success and do something it said success i don't know what it did i'm going to tweak it up a little more left eye i'm making her left eye confident that's a more confident eye let's do let's keep going now that's a confident left eye if i move the right one up to the same level is that going to look like balance sorta ish what is it component confidences what does that even mean oh is it that it's forcing it to stick to my illustration yeah but that's what it's doing okay interesting it's like how confident are you in the drawing of your components for us to stick to that so with that knowledge with the experience we've had and the knowledge we have of how this artificial intelligence works let's finish off with one male one female and we're going to first of all keep the results as a surprise put our sticky notes back on and i'm going to guess at what i think it will be most likely to produce a successful result with no idea if i'm going to be right it's going to be fun to try first things first everything is average there is no we can't go outside of boundaries we can't get too expressive but i want to draw in such a way that i can ramp up the confidences a bit and it won't freak out and it tends to seem to want hair that's sort of out of the way of the face i think that's what it must be referencing or how it's understanding things in which case i want to see if i can get a little bit of a side part but overall go for just like generic dude all right what do we got reveal time and all right generic dude i didn't get the hair wavy otherwise generic generic dude sort of worked now let's slowly ramp up our confidences what is that okay that's a little that's sort of worked every time i ramp up the confidences thing it looks like they've had a bunch more plastic surgeries interesting now let's switch over i've reloaded the page same thing let's put our let's put our little sticky notes back over keep keep the results a surprise i don't know if if i have like a scowl if they're going to draw that let's try feel like that should be a clear reference right so moving off the stickies and okay it's shifting around with like oh i don't know if it has really limited references that it's pulling from it keeps switching back to other things that it sort of showed me but in different mixes but it's oh come on i thought was gonna i was just gonna compliment the end result why you keep switching up on me i think i've broken that maybe if i force it to be super confident stick to what i drew oh my god okay that sort of worked that worked wow okay all right i'll hand it to you ai you're not the best in the world and you're not there yet but i just i feel like you're getting closer you guys let me know what you think in the comments down below is artificial intelligence showing any signs of intelligence yet or are we a long way off are you terrified about the future and what the artistic overlords will bring and demand or are you excited do you think that there will be some genuine tools and opportunities provided through artificial intelligence how would it apply to art i want to see your thoughts on how any of this technology when it's refined would be useful or terrifying in the future i had some fun with you guys here today i really hope you enjoyed this video i saw as soon as i saw the tweet from demon in the closet i'm like okay yep gotta play with that so keep your eye out for ai stuff for me to muck around with in the future and slowly we will document the journey towards our inevitable creative destruction there are more videos over there you're bound to enjoy if you enjoyed this one for example the last time i played with ai it was a good time and the next time will be a good time so if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe for more fun with art and creativity and exploring some of the features of what that might look like otherwise that's it for now thanks for watching and until next time i'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 1,144,455
Rating: 4.9455857 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross, AI, artificial intelligence, AI art, deep fake, deepfake, deep learning, character design
Id: T740TIvS0Gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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