Let's Play: Chain of Command - Into the Reich

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this let's play was supported by these awesome hobby companies [Applause] [Music] hello guys welcome to this bottle report for chain-of-command I am of course John and I'm joined by Richard from two fat lardy so we're going to be having a little play this is the first time I've actually going to be got to play this under camera which is I'm really excited by so what are we going to be doing first okay well we're going to start the game off in the normal fashion we're in a role to see what our force moralis were both of us this tells us what state of mind our troops are in so I'm a role for mine I roll the two that means I'm standing off on eight so my troops are potentially a little bit hesitant so I've got a I've got to maybe play this one a bit cagey okay if they were up if I'd rolled a six if we were up at 11 they might have been a bit gung-ho yeah you might decide if you're playing with friends you might decide that you just want to both start off at the same point but I kind of like a little bit of pressure this puts me under right so I no need to do the scenery I'll do the same all right so roll the dice okay now that puts you up on 10 okay so your guys are in a much better state of mind obviously in a campaign system this kind of thing might be covered anyway but this were a random game kind of suggests to me that I've attacked here before but had a bloody nose so it really just gives a little bit of backstory okay okay know that we have our morale die right we need to do that we need to get on weed our patrol face okay which ultimately is going to tell us where we can deploy our troops to it's kind of a pregame minigame which means that we don't actually have to start the game with my guys lined up on that edge and your guys lined up on that edge yeah and we kind of gradually advanced forward there's two advantages there one it means we make contact before 9:30 when we're thinking about going to the pub at 10 and B it means we're kind of hitting the enemy at first point of contact so we could crack straight on with the action yeah right so let's have a look at the table at the minute here so right I'm playing Germans in this game and I have four markers down here you've got four patrol markers there which are kind of spread out because we're playing an attack and defense scenario you've got a the line here yep from which you can push out my guys are attacking up the road which means my patrol markers are down here and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna roll the dice and that's gonna tell me how many free moves I get with my patrol markers before we start okay the game proper so will I've got three now these guys move 12 inches we take no notice of terrain so if I'm crossing hedges or whatever it doesn't matter yep but what I have to do is I have to keep them within 12 inches of each other I can't I've got to keep that chain if you like mm-hm so that's two and I'm gonna push right up the road with the third one so you can see these guys here twelve inches are there they're within 12 inches up there yeah and this is representing the point where my patrols are getting to now we start the patrol phase proper whoever goes first is the person with the higher force morale and that's you in this situation so you can actually start responding to this threat that you've become aware of and you want to push out and try and protect your positions here and push me as far back as possible okay so away you go so you can move your first one 12 inches so I think this marker down here yeah I think we're going to try and get him that's great so as long as he's within 12 inches about all Matt's absolute on yes or get right up on pushing for right now I obviously I'd really like to push this one up the road but that would mean it was further than 12 inches from that one yeah so I've got to come right to the back and start putting these ones up so I'm moving that one to here and I'm kind of pushing out a little bit in this direction okay so you'll go next so I will go next and I'm thinking and moving this guy yeah and it's gonna go 12 inches but to keep within yeah 12 well that put it to ya there right okay and hmm I'm gonna move I'm gonna move this guy up here okay okay so what we're doing here is I'm getting this to a point that's what in trouble that which is willing 12 of that and that but I'm starting to push up here yeah all right I think this farthest one no I can only come within 12 inches of one of these yeah as soon as you get to 12 inches you would stop dead now how far their part they jet they're 25 inches apart so you could actually if you want move 12 inches there yeah okay for vases I'll get meat over there right but we're not locked down here now so what I'm gonna do is mmm I'm pretty keen to push up here so I'm actually gonna push this one to here and that's gonna lock these down because I've got within 12 that means these ones can't move yeah so we're starting to already start to come to the end of the patrol face so you can see how quick it is yeah and we'll then see how that generates our deployment areas okay so I'm gonna shift this one up yeah no that is going to bring me within 12 pretty cut within 12 years old you get within 12 even oh so you would stop there I would have to stop a bite there yeah that's fine and so I'll just bring that one up a lot okay so that's locked down as well okay and I'm gonna start pushing along here pushing out here I'm actually just going to pop that one straight on top on that one and then I'm gonna be bouncing out there in a minute okay life for me yep I'm looking at what this marker can tell me and what this marker can tell me what can this one tell me about the seam so if this yeah you could just keep it within 12 of that and trouble that I just presented there all right okay that puts me within 12 and ooh or without actually within 12 there so what I'm gonna do you're not gonna play that's fine it's perfectly probably fine for you to move and avoid contact it's just because I couldn't read it straight up so he's within 12 there and but I'm gonna move this one straight up to there and lock you down right so you've only got one left I've got one left now you kind of in a position here where as soon as either side as soon as either side has all of their patrol markers locked down that's the end of the patrol phase nobody else gets to keep moving so in this situation probably the best thing you can do is lock yourself down and end that phase and we'll see why in a moment yeah so but it just depends these guys are within 12 so you might decide you want to kind of go wide over here if you're looking to generate deployment jump off points in this area yep so let's I've got to have a look I'm going to start in the measurements so they're more than twelve yeah which means this guy is basically a tree rule usually he's free to go really like yeah so you could transfer him over that side yeah or you could transfer him over there it's up to you oh I'll actually thinking if I really want to bring him I'm gonna bring him back to here okay that corner right and so what am I gonna do I think I'm gonna start moving out in this direction here so you got to move him you can't decide not to move him as his tree mm-hmm yeah I think I know what I'm gonna do so within twelve of you any of it yeah that's right any of those because she it will create a chain uh-huh no if not transferred to their mm-hm badly there yeah be within that would lock and dying yeah and he'd be safe there yeah so I can lock this guy I mean if I come back a couple of inches like give it ten inches which puts me easy but this guy's locked down so you couldn't move him no I can't leave him no I'm gonna use him to chin over right so actually that's a pretty good position right there so you're gonna have to start Mukesh you can only go 12 videos to 12 inches so you'd have to be moving there to try and get him over there you know to here yeah yeah that's fine I'm there yeah and I'm actually gonna I'm actually gonna move over here and lock myself down there so you've got to decide where you yes gonna go with him yeah so if you come within 12 inches of there you would be locked down not a bad position though nope not a bad position I'm gonna charge it forward okay until it hits 12 something so bad that would be about there that's the furthest you okay great so we're all lockdown that's the end of our Patrol place uh-huh so why do we do that well the reason we do that is that this is representing the points where our patrols have met so really your patrols pushed out their mine pushed out here and now this is going to determine where our deployment points can be and they're the points to the table where we can we can deploy our troops - yeah so the way we do that is if I can borrow your ruler yep we draw a line through the nearest two of our enemy's patrol markers and that then creates this triangular zone here which tells us where we can place our deployment point yeah the only criteria is we have to be six inches back and we have to be in cover so if I was placing a jump-off point from this one I could have it back in the garage or I could have it back here in this the yard at the rear of the garage if I was going to go with this one the nearest two of that one and that one which would mean if I've got to be in cover I'd either have to be well on right down the road which would mean that if there's no cover it would have to be on the table edge but actually the alternative would be back here yep so I could place that there with these guys here we could place that there and that there so that would really generate a fairly obvious yeah okay better cover back there yeah and this one here is a kind of messy one really there and there so that would be way over there yeah feels yeah so pushing that out on the extreme flank there I'd be much better off putting it pushing it in there yeah which would have at least allow me to get something behind that anyway so as you went first you place your first deployment points okay so let's have a look at the options you've got here so we can take a line there yep and there so you'd be able to put a deployment pull up jump off point in the orchard or back on that road if you use that on this one here you've got there and there so you've got a choice really they're up in the baler building back in that field or in that field uh-huh this one here we've got a line there and a line there again gives you the choice of back in the garden or in the building yep and then finally that one there a line there and a line there so a huge amount of choice in there already anywhere on that whole floor yeah yeah so in terms of winning that that minigame that really looks like you've kind of got the better options than I have so where you going to put your first deployment point your first jump off points right my first jump off point I think we're going to go for pool I think something in the orchard okay right so over there that go into the origin there right okay that's great so you use that yep you use that one let me give you your other two because well we've got four patrol markers we've actually just got three jump off points that we generate from that okay well I'm gonna put my first one back here in this garage okay the good thing about the garage is that I can actually deploy my troops six inches from that so they could I could get them in the road if I wanted to make a rush up the road or I could get them into cover here which is another option if I just want to get involved in a firefight there okay so where you can put you on that - the second one that's going to go into this book yeah that's that that's a kind of strong point position that it's gonna be really a ssin for wise to hold on to so we've got here and there and i think i'm fairly obviously gonna get into the head just a good position there yep and my last one we've sort of thought about in this area that I think or perhaps bite worried because of this wide one here I've caught anywhere from there across to there we have on that's a really well position what I'm what I'm gonna do is oh I think I'm gonna just put it back here so you can't I've got a backstop sort of sweeper tight position yeah if we kind of push up Rhea that's a good one and actually I'm going to do very very similar because that one over there was it was going to be way over off in the field yeah so this one here I'm putting it back here so if you've got any armor I would at least be able to deploy into sort of cover yeah me up here okay so that's the end of our patrol phase yep so take the other side where are those chuck them away and as we can see we've now got a deployment area where my troops are really going to be able to deploy in this area here around there whereas yours are on a bit of a broader frontage we're in a bit of a broader frontage but we have the cover you've got debt we have a three locations aren't good in covering okay that's looking good so the best way to think of a jump off point is when the guys are marching up the road they they meet the wily old soldier who's been fighting in this area for a while and he says you're okay until you get to just around the garage then you've got to start taking care cuz the enemy are there and we know that we've seen the enemy in the orchard our patrol saw the enemy in the area of the destroyed house and picked them up in the orchard further back yeah so we if we meet troops in those areas we shouldn't be surprised because we've already been warned of that by our Patrol it also means that we can get straight into the action now as I'm attacking I get the first phase think about chain of command is it's not each phase isn't a turn a turn is made up of numerous phases but we're not quite sure how many that's going to be okay so I roll five command dice I'm commanding an American force and John's commanding a German course this is Normandy 1944 pretty classic okay so I've got two ones a three and two fools now that would allow me to deploy the one would allow me to deploy a team so that would be something like if I had a 50 Cal or a 30 count machine gun that would be a team I've got a bazooka team for example in my platoon if I added them together to make a 2 or if I'd roll the 2 I could deploy a squad if I roll a 3 I could deploy a junior leader which is a squad leader and his men the difference between a 2 and a 3 is that the 2 allows us to deploy the squad the 3 allows us to deploy the squad and it also allows the squad sergeant to put them on overwatch or yeah we'll get them in the right tactical position and I've got the option with two fours to bring on two senior leaders if I bought on both my senior leaders now that's my left hand and my platoon sergeant I'd kind of be jumping the gun however what the 3 does allow me to do is to bring on an item of support that I've chosen right and that is a tank a Sherman now the Sherman's don't use the jump up points because whilst my men are obviously lurking in this area my tanks are not working so your tanks are thundering and yeah that's right all sorts of noise so they're jump up point is the road that they're accessing right so I'm putting them on within six inches of that okay I've used that the tank commander who's a junior leader to activate them so I'm gonna put them on overwatch just in case you bring on any troops and start firing at make an overwatch means that those guys can now sit there for as long as I like through numerous numerous phases until the turn ends and when the turn ends they go off overwatch so I'm going to bring them on yeah the other thing I'm going to do is I am actually going to combine those two and I'm going to bring on a squad of infantry now the question is where am I going to go from right let's bring them on now I'm gonna be a little bit circumspect and I'm gonna push them down I'm gonna put them down we've got any windows in this building yeah yeah okay so I'm gonna put the BA our team in there because we've got two teams in a squad we've got a BA our team and we've got a rifle team and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put those guys there and the as I put them down on a two rather than three I can't put them on overwatch okay well I'm not gonna use my falls because I don't want my senior leaders on yet so I take my dice my command dice and it goes over to you you roll your 5 tomorr dice and we see what options you've got okay I'm just gonna roll into the good cool well interestingly not a great roll no your guys may be caught on the hop a single six means that the next phase is mine yeah I've got a double six the next phase would have been yours uh-huh fours well the interesting thing is you could activate three senior leaders there now the problem is you've only got one Germans are kind of short I've seen your leaders at the edge of the wall so the only thing you can bring on would be one squad yeah and that's it doesn't feel like the best thing to do well the only thing that's in your favor is the fact that I'm the one who's going to be attacking you yeah so the longer you're not on the table actually the more guesswork I've got to do because your guys could appear my patrols have told me the areas you're likely to come from but so you're just keeping your powder dry yeah the great role there would have been a few fives give you some chain of command points but so it's not the end of the world at this phase now halfway through the battle that would be a terrible role okay so are you happy for me to take the next phase or were you going to be put down a so I'm going to put a squad though okay right but what like something died is that when you say squad is that the squad plusses weapons team or as yeah it is what it's all it's both teams within the squad it's the whole squad I know who is gonna come wait to play where do you think you're gonna be taking them from they can go within six inches of your deployment point so you can happily go in the orchard and you'd be able to fire obviously immediately at me or you could put them in here but there's no real threat there is there or I mean this one here would allowing you to put them there yeah the difference is here is under 18 so you'd be firing it close right and I'm not on overwatch so I couldn't respond there yeah and the other thing is but here would be out of line of sight of my tank it would be long range but you wouldn't get me responding with the tank as this tank you can see through that yeah well let's have a look so I have an mg team to put down from us anyway I'm gonna decide where I'm going to put them mm-hmm sure I'm just gonna I'm gonna let you think about it for a minute and and I'm just gonna put them actually back here okay that's mg back there so what we're saying in this game is that troops on a hedge can see over it troops back from a hedge can see up to the hedge yep which is fine yeah these are kind of slightly higher not bocaj but slightly higher Norman hedges okay so while you're doing that I'll clear your command dice out of that ok I'll start warming up my command I can get a get a good roll in there oh dear me so one six that means the next phase is yours so I could activate one team so that would be something like a bazooka team yep or I have an option the American squads are somewhat unusual in that they have got two teams but they've actually got a third team able Baker and Charlie and the third team is actually a two-man scouting that can break off from the rifle team yeah and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna roll two dice three now when I'm crossing a minor obstacle I take roll two dice and take the lower one off so they've just gone to and but because it's a national characteristic they can move with two dice and go tactical well what does tactical mean tactical means that even though they're in the open that's the count as being in light cover because they're really taking advantage of the ground that they're moving through most troops can only roll one dice for movement and be tactical but because these have got that special Scout characteristic they can do that so that's my warm ok with my three I'm gonna move to dice up the road with the tank which is Saturn I'm rolling 7 and the 3 is going to put them back on overwatch again now ok and the other three means I could activate or bring on another junior leader with his squad but I'm kind of okay at the moment I'm just trying to probe forward to try and establish where you are ok so I'm you're not going to play that I side that three and the four I'm not going to use those so the phase switches to you all right so let's have a go at mine going to happen okay well unusual one vibes give you points on your chain of command those which are gonna come in handy that's me up so that gives you three yeah so that's me on three yeah so but what you can do is you could activate team or you can activate a squad yep or you can activate a junior leader and his squad so you could activate the guys on the table already or you could bring a new squad on it's entirely up to you oh I'm bringing the new squad on okay right right where are you gonna put the hip with with their junior leader as well which is gonna be handy right so you're not gonna like this so much wow that's that's one of the reasons for using Scouts is to push them forward to try and threaten your enemy's jump off points yes if I get within 4 inches of them it shuts them down you can't use them if I land on them and the turn ends then they are taken out of the game and that's a blow for your force morale because it means I'm capturing your territory yeah so where you going I funnily enough I thought yeah you thought you'd find something out there and you did only dude yeah yeah but I had to wait because I knew that if that tank moved it would be out of line of sight of these guys yeah no that's a good call you've done the right thing there you've you've allowed me to we've kept our heads down while you've been moving up yeah right yeah and okay so these guys can fight let's take that tree out of there why are you popping them in so you've got under junior leader okay so you've got three guys on the machine gun yep and you've got six guys on the right rifle team now because it's the first time down the junior leader can use two points to activate the machine gun to use your national characteristic which is machine Gobert because the Germans place so much emphasis on the use of the machine gun yeah when the section leader uses both of his command points to activate that team he can add two dice to it so that'll be a whopping ten dice there yep and because these guys the other team the rifle team have deployed this turn they can fire anyway they don't need a command initiative to activate them so this is kind of the best firing you're gonna get because they're completely under your control when you've got them on the table so you want to roll me 10 dice for the machine guys certainly will I'll get my height than now because these guys are within 4 inches of their you're going to split the hits between them however you've got you're actually gonna have some choices well you're not I was thinking if these guys these guys were in the open and they were in like cover you could choose to put your hits all on the most obvious unit in the open however of course these guys are tactical so they count as being in both as being in like cover yeah so we'll just split the hits so 10 dice there we're at short range so we hit on false fives and sixes nice and easy it's always false tribes and sixes at close range it's always five and six at long range so roll the dice or that please okay okay so how many you've got there for us two three four it's four hits okay and Romney six dice for your rifle monthly six so we got four hits so far and in our three so that makes seven yeah okay now the way we do that is we split the hits evenly between the two groups because you can't split seven evenly so we have to put three on them and three on them and because these guys are in the open you can even though their tactical they are still in the open yeah you can choose whether you put the additional hit on these guys all of those guys I think we're going to put the additional onto these guys right okay so I'm not I'm not too concerned about your team skylights yeah well they're kind of a bit scuppered if they keep advancing they're gonna but they've done what I wanted them to do which was force you to reveal your hand address so oa6 is a man dead yep and we're in like cover so fours and fives are shocked so we'll put that down now the junior leader here is actually with the BA our team in the garage they're actually inside but we put them on the roof cause it's easier for you to see so we don't dice to see if there's any leader casualties there so it's just a man dead and now we roll for the three hits on the scout team and oh dear me one dead yeah and one point of shock had they been in the open rather than being tactical the three would have been a shock as well now that would have meant that team had double shock and they would have fallen back however because they're within four inches of that team they would have shared the shot so they still actually counting is the same squad because I rolled so badly for my movement which is really lucky but had they been there this guy would have routed yeah but there we go so that's that's your shooting yep so anything else you want to do in that term well that's kind of it yeah okay so I'm gonna take my face and roll about to see what I get so I've got a five you've got Lions I put one lots of options yes I put one on Mike chain-of-command eyes and I could if I wanted to kind of activate junior leader and his squad whoops another junior leader in his squad a squad if I wanted to add that I could make it the junior leader or I could activate bring on the team so I could have kind of almost activate my entire platoon if I wanted yeah and there's other options as well I could add that one to that three to make it four so think of the command dice is a hand of cards and you're trying to play them in the most effective manner possible but what I am going to do is this I'm going to use the junior leader here to activate these guys and get them to fire yes we obviously want to return some fire here now the BA our team fires were three dice and there are two other men with that the leader here has actually got an SMG so he doesn't fire cuz 12-inches is arranged for an SMG so I'll roll my five dice for that and I am hitting as we know four fives and sixes and that's to hit okay and then we're gonna roll for these guys here there's five of them and they've got one point of shot one point of shot doesn't matter if it was the two points of struck it would take a dice off the firing so that's another three hits all right so that's five hits and the Scout is going to roll his dice as well so five hits so far that's it so you've got to split those evenly between the two teams that are there yeah now of course you can't split five evenly but because you're in cover you choose where you put the additional the reason we do this it's important in chain of command to see when the light machine gun the squad machine gun is that is in action and when it's out of action yeah so you're undoubtedly going to be putting the third hit on to the right onto the rifle - yeah it's roll three dice on the rifle - okay so three throw rifles is all one dead on their hands shot and one shot that's right it seemed learnt the rules already first time he played him on camera and there it is - he's on Michigan on the machine gun which again is exactly the same Prieta 1005 should be shot because he's a low wall they're not heavy cover so that's nothing no effect on their fine by me okay right so that's that and now I'm going to use my other three to activate my tank and I really want to get that rushed up the road so I'm going to roll three dice now we're only three dice means that I can't fire anything at you and I have moved that 11 so those guys are there and because I've really rushed it it means they can't react to anything so I can't go on over what yeah what else do I want to do well I'll tell you what I'm going to do which I think might upset you a bit here I'm going to take the two and the one and put them together and I'm going to deploy another support option another shirt which you didn't think I had another Sherman we agreed at the start of the game how many support points we have now they've arrived there and they can fire immediately oh I see yeah so they've got line-of-sight there cuz they can fire over the top yeah now we're looking at firing h.e at those guys the tankers know what they're doing I don't have to specify whether they load it with a ap or a chi these guys know their job so I'm gonna roll six dice and I'm hitting on four five six this is always close range for tank guns four hits and I'll tell you the thing that you're gonna really like about a tree am I gonna like or just like right now you're gonna hate it it reduces cover by one level so those guys count as though they're in the open so Romi to dice on your rifle team okay well either so five these are dead yeah and twos nothing and Romi here on the machine guns I mean two timers like I please one dead and one point of shop now we need to see if it's your junior leader okay your squad leader Romeo d6 because you've got lost one man dead if you roll a one it's him if only had two men dead if he rolled it one or two it would be him okay so I'm enjoying this however so he takes the hit but the good thing unlike unlike your cast of thousands your your normal soldiers this guy needs to roll a dice to see what the effect is so he might be dead but he might be wounded or he might just be knocked out and incapacitated by the blast okay a roll the dice and we'll see what it is and the answer is he's wounded it's a light wound and that means whereas before he had two points of command initiative he's now and he got one right so he's not able to do that national characteristic trait that machine Gabbar yeah what we do need you to do is roll the dice and this is for your force morale we don't take lots of morale tests in the game but it's really only at key moments when really bad things happened yeah and having a squad leader wounded is a really bad thing okay roll the dice and we'll see what the effect is six right you rolled a six so looking on the bad things happen table a junior leader wounded that's two points if you rolled anything less it would have been one point or maybe even no points for that so your false morel drops to eight yeah now that's pretty good for me because I only started on eight so that gives us a bit of parity there okay I'm looking at my other command ice there's nothing I want to do with them at the moment because I'm quite happy hitting you hard with my tanks yeah to try and blow some holes in you while I keep my men fresh so think of this as a squad leader who sent as a platoon leader who sent one squad forward and he's probably hiding over here in this field guy let the tanks get up there and do the damage yep so you roll me your command I suppose and we'll see what you get all right let's have a look at come on Oh mater now that's an interesting one because you've rolled two sixes yeah it means that the next you get this phase would these dice here that's right it means that the next phase of plays yours so it's kind of it's not a double turn because of course you've needed to roll two sixes yep so it's a turn and a beat yeah but it's an opportunity to do something that you're not certain it's gonna happen but it yeah so yeah you've got two threes and a one so you could bring on you could activate an existing junior leader yep you could bring on a team yeah or you could bring on I don't know if you've got a support option like any tanks did you choose any support of that type oh right what is this is the point where I don't like it okay not yet right I'm gonna drag that suffering that particular suffering out of it right what I will do yeah is because I'm certain that I have the next fears yeah I'm a bit confident so I'm going to use the one to activate a team oh and I have a panzerschreck team oh right and I have a panzerschreck team that have been looking at this piece of real estate for quite a while and that's got a nice bathroom hands we should move in town it's good too good for your throat okay that's what I'll be doing alright okay so let's bring in so I guess you're gonna fire these guys aren't you I have a feeling I will yeah ok well let's have a look at the strike and the range of a panzerschreck because the panzerschreck doesn't cover the whole table but it can it can cover quite some distance so should I place them yeah you play somewhere you want to far from okay so I'm thinking because they can be within six inches that this jump off that can be within six inches measure if I lost the tape measure oh they're over there okay right oh he's nicked it from the other purpose too yeah you see sort of six inches from the jump off point brings me to is there can they see through the fences me yeah yeah I think that's perfectly reasonable to maybe kind of open the gate a bit and place them there so that's chucking you guys in there okay now panzerschreck close range of 9 inches effective range 24 inches and a long range of 48 inches so it's good it's a big ol way out and it's a good good tool so where are they from here if you are hitting me I reckon I'm partially obscured there I were kind of deployed in the middle of the road in a hugely brave gesture in a suicidal gesture of we will end so we're we're at about 15 inches here right so you're in effective range you need to hit there you need to hit with seven and it's effective range and so on to that so that's eight okay so you knit and that's on two dice you roll me two dice and you need to get an eight okay no problem oh not only is that no problem but you've hit a weak point in my armor with a double six which means you're gonna get extra strike dice which is going to be painful because you'll be pleased to know that your strike dice are already at 13 and my armor is only seven my armors only yes so I have 13 data to rule against you do evaluate so you're looking at hitting fives and sixes of them and if you go in the main rules you'll find that in the arsenal for each nation each nation you'll see that you've got all those weapons and those statistics listed yeah so you just simply have to look at that and that tells you what you're doing so I'm looking at my Sherman here and it tells me that I've got an armor of six okay I it's a it's an opposed roll yeah but I roll six dice and you roll 13 normally but because you've hit a weak spot on that double six your roll 15 dice looking for fives and sixes yeah show me to rule this first I'd rather you didn't roll it all right gather them all up here this is a punchy weapon which is why you really shouldn't send infantry forward that's very tanked forward without infantry covering them but there we go I took the risk because I thought I was going to be really dominating the table with that far I'm just gonna really okay so how many fives and sixes you got in there one two three four okay four four well it could have been better they could have you could have been it could have been worse and let's see what I roll so I need to roll six dice and I'm looking for fives and sixes none okay fine well if you beat me by three my tank would be destroyed yeah if you beat me by four as that tank that tank explodes and if there are any infantry will implore inches which there are bits of the engine go crashing into them and we roll to see how many hits we get on those guides so I'm not taking it over that so that was a particularly effective fortunately anyone here unfortunately arming cover so role for the effect of that what am i role to fill or yeah okay so those guys are in hardcover so that doesn't affect them but that's definitely gone bang yep so I'm gonna kind of skew the turret like that just to show that oh we don't have any cotton will do we we don't have any top no right well it's more than the shame right and I think anything else you're going to do in this phase you've got I still have two three still got two three as you can use yeah I wish I had more answers right I wish I had more tanks yeah alright so for one of my threes I think I'm gonna take another junior leader on his squad okay yep do I have I do have one more yeah okay so where are you gonna put those guys right there emerging from the special box of troops pull the Salukis I think I'm gonna back up my pan Josh right yeah which is a great thing to do because I know there are troops in that area at the moment I can kind of single out the Panzer stroke but if those guys are in there I'm not sure who's who so I have a feeling these guys are gonna the mg team is gonna be in the building okay well these guys unfortunately for me and not on the roof they're down here so they they don't even really see them yes they need to be up against that head so rest of my guys will come in and I think I'm gonna but before we finish your turn we mustn't forget something really important whether it's called a bad things happen role yeah for me because my tank has been zapped so those guys in the garden they're in the garden the junior leader is with the mg team right fine so let's let me roll that dice it's a support option that's being killed so this is a bad thing to happen to me I've rolled a six that makes it even worse so my force morale drops by two so I'm down to six I'm looking a bit worried here because I'm okay on six I'm okay over five but if my force morale drops to four it means I'll lose one of my command dice and I desperately don't want to do that so you're really putting the pressure on here so I still have a three to use you do and so you can't bring on another squad I know I don't have anyone yeah mmm I still have a junior leader that's hanging around which isn't on the field for us I can't use the three to bring him on you can't bring the senior leader on no no but I have a junior it hasn't come on oh do you yeah because the the first one was it damn okay oh no they always bring their junior leader with them when you roll with who the squad comes on with the junior leader then I left one off the field right okay well pop him back on there so he's with this one yeah that's right though the when you roll it to the squad can deploy on the table and they bring their junior leader with them but he just can't tell them talking right so when your relative three he can come on home and tell them what I do yeah yeah that's right that's the difference okay all right so your phase again my is again rule so you really seize the moment there I was lucky with the tank kill good with the tank well do you know what when you only roll that many hits I thought I'm gonna say I'm gonna save this but we're all so badly a great five so one you chain of command ice that's up to fool that has me up to four yeah now when you get a full chain of command ice with all six points you can start using that you can use that to interrupt play you can use that to end a turn so for example if you had one of your leaders was knocked out yeah you could use that to end the turn and a leader who'd being knocked out would actually then get back involved in the battle if ice called in a mortar barrage on you the mortars we don't have mortars on the table in this we just represent them with a forward observer team because the mortars are some distance away yeah if I call the mortar barrage in you you could play the turn end to play the chain of command ice to end the turn and that would mean that I'd have to see whether that mortar barrage kept coming or if they said sorry that's oh yeah so there's a number of us and you could also actually funnily enough have used it to ambush using the panzerschreck - yeah you could have popped them in the road had a completely clear shot you could have deployed them within 12 inches of the deployment point rather than six inches and then at the end of the phase they could have popped off and so it just represents those guys popping up and delivering that big punch and then wherever they go nobody it's you read about it all the time in accounts it's all of a sudden yeah and if I stare upon yeah that's right that was it yeah that's the right story of my life all right okay so back at the day so we have to arrive which we view yeah now it kind of looks like a poor role that one one one two but the good thing about low roles is you can actually put them together to make whatever you like yeah what you can't do is add them up to make up five or six but you could make that into a three all that into a three or that into a four or take it as two ones because remember you've got a squad one of your squads is comprised of two teams so you could use the two ones to serve a team yeah that's right yeah both teams in the squad yeah so what I'm thinking is I want to try and start putting some pressure on you yeah some pressure where I haven't seen anything yet okay I want you to feel like you need to do something in so carry the map right and in particular I'm thinking this area okay yes you have a deployment you have a jump off point here that's right and I have a good amount of infantry here to get some pressure on that oh yeah dad tank to not worry about yeah so what I'm thinking is I'm going to use my first one mmm so use one of them to activate the panzerschreck team yeah I'm gonna can I get into run you can as long as they're not going over any obstacles so for example if you wanted to run them over that hedge they can't they're not like horses I don't run over hedges but there is a gate here so you can you can ignore the gate you know it's not there and there's a gap in the hedge there if that's the direction you're going the way you run is you roll two dice you roll three d6 problem is it gives you a bit of disorder and you take a point of shock for running yeah and the other problem is that they don't have a leader with them so they're very susceptible to writing on their own you know yeah so if I if I'd maybe don't run you know I use a to distribute regular beer to do six okay now Rory 2d6 and we'll look at the options then on the table and I'll tell you what you can do and that will give an example of how it works so well now so if we look on the table here yeah we can see these guys here they could run 12 inches now actually twelve inch is quite handy because you could run out of that go down the line into there and there yeah or you could decide you want to cross or say run move you could cross the hedge there and what you do is when crossing a hedge you roll two dice and you take the lower one off so that would get you to there yeah but so probably if you want to push down there you might want to go there where ups one across the heads you can go there what I think well we'll get into this head yeah I must emit wouldn't I mean you can see why they called it a tank fist because they're really punched the hell out of my sherman bill he did and that is going to mean that I as you rightly say I'm going to need to do something with infantry to protect this guy because my Sherman's are what I was hoping to be the ace up my sleeve we saw just the one shot there the damage that that can do but okay so is that the end of your fire you know that's me spending my first one because I have I have no one left Ryan fine you'd so what would I like to do at this stage I think I'm gonna get the infantry team there yeah I think I'm gonna get them to come moving it's alright okay so they're probably gonna have to cross the phone yet though roll to d6 and take the lower dice off if you roll double one you just move two inches up so do you still move sixes or move six so these guys are kind of going to go over there like that oh six yeah so you're pushing on down and putting pressure on because if you capture this jump off point here yeah that would be another bad thing happening and that would be a force morale roll for me and I'm I'm kind of already in a bit of trouble in that that respect already yep okay so that's another one you so I have a two left yeah now that would allow you to activate a a squat he had a possibly the best thing to do is to activate these guys I feel re yep I feel that's right so this you got in these guys up here are gonna fire so we're gonna take the mg and the rifles together yeah you know you can do so the mg we know that your junior leader there can't do the machine gunner because he's wounded so he's just two days to direct fire yeah so they will fire eight dice for the machine gun and you've got four rifle them than there so that would be twelve dice in total and it's not short-range so again false fives and sixes now you find on these guys here you see the same target yeah okay right so twelve Oh anywhere you go yep twelve it is I'll just fill that back in okay right how many we got four or five and six yep one looks like one three four five five okay and you again you get a choice whether to put it on the the guy well actually because they're within four inches we kind of treat them as the same team anyway so we'll roll the five dice for those and ooh they're in like ever so that counts as one point of shot so we'll put that on there right okay okay that it that's it right so I'm gonna roll my over to you come on dice to see what I get okay one six you have options again though you know it's not have got option now I'm gonna use that to the first two to deploy a squad mm-hmm now I'm going to put these guys here a hack from my jumper point within six inches of that yep so that's going to allow me to deploy there and open fire so I'm going to put my be a our team here and we're gonna open fire initially on your panzerschreck team but yeah we really don't like those guys okay quite understandably based on what's happened so far oh absolutely so I can't get all these guys into a firing position so what we're gonna do is we're going to go we're gonna fire the three dice for the VAR let me take these command dice out and I'm being careful not to not because it's important what I roll three dice for the BA R and two guys there with it so that's the BA R scream that's five dice and we're under 18 so it's false fives and sixes so that's two hits there yep and I'm just going to give myself another full dice from the other guys because we've got to stay within six inches of that deployment point so that was another two so it's four hits there's nobody there within four inches of the Panzerfaust teams that's just four hits on them so wrong we pull - you're in the open so threes and fours shock and fives and sixes kill oh just one point that was a bit lucky that's a bit worried was a good thing I feel there is I don't think you're going to move up here and get a shot at my tank no so I'm going to combine I had a 2 and a 1 which I'm gonna combine together and activate this tank who's gonna pile in 6 dice of 8g onto your position over there ok cuz I'm really trying to do some damage to you and oh that's a good roll I've got four hits there again so let's roll for 2 hits on your machine gun team or can 2 hits on the rifle team as well so we roll separately let me just get my dice out the way okay yep chill on the Royal ankle that was two fours that's 2 4 so that's 2 points of shock on those guys so they're they're obviously climbing behind the wall was the shell come screaming in yep yeah and two for the mg team shooting yeah okay three that's another two points to shop on there that's a lot of shot so you can see we've got eight men there with five points of shot there okay at the moment but it's getting close I tell you what I'm gonna do what using the four I'm gonna deploy my platoon sergeant on to the table and he's going to come out here joining this group yeah and he's going to take off the two points of shock he's going to order this guy to hop back over the fence which he easily does and he just reinter greats into that team he brings his shock with him yeah as it was to be honest with you because she was so close he thought he barely left that team anyway and that's mine that's the end of my studies right so I've really tried to get tidy things up a little bit here you and you have the pressure on and I have yeah doubt the tune sergeant stabilized that position so you need to roll your command eyes to see what you can do right mm-hmm I need you to roll something pretty poor his demons are all sexes yes yeah okay and that was a two hour so five that's on your China commander so you've got a full chain of command ice now yeah yeah so that yeah that means that you can use that at some point I don't think it was it was I was it was a four by the four to five okay I put it up to a five okay so that's like that right options hmm I think it's about time some senior leaders came onto the field okay so you you only got one of them in your platoon so you could activate their mana - and to add them together to make a four yep and I'll do that okay and where's he gonna come on oh he's gonna have to come in with all where all the pianos at the moon right okay so yeah because this guy being wounded his yeah capability to capacity for rallying shop is limited so he could take three points of shock off or he can get to off and get them too far he's going to take two off and get them to fire right okay right that's probably the best way of doing it so two off reduces them to three points of shots at two on that team will mean that they lose a dice yeah so that's seven yeah and then those fool there they're down to one so they don't lose anything so that's just eleven dice okay so keep those so yeah so I've spent a the - in the - you've spent the twos I have a one and A three land at one and A three years right so eleven dice yeah hitting on full fives and sixes good thing about having a senior leader deployed into that position is that he's there and able to rally their shock off a bad thing is he could be a target in good get killed yeah but we Germans need to risk it though yeah I both it was kind of keen to get that right okay why are you roll all fives and sixes ooh big roll that's one two three four five six seven mm-hmm oh right okay well again because these guys have gone here back to there you've got a situation here where you could choose these guys are in like cover and these guys are in heavy cover now you can choose to put all of the hits on the guys in the lesser cover that ones who are more exposed yeah or you could decide to split it between the two mm-hmm it's up to you I'm gonna put it all on for the lighter cover that's probably the best way to hit my false morale because you're more likely to do damage and you're more likely to hurt them so so in there oh wow two dead and three points of shock yeah now what's really worrying me there is that I've got a couple of leaders there let's see if we roll under two we do so one of my leaders has been hit yeah i'ma roll a one two or three it's the junior leader oh no I'm sorry the junior leaders they're so easy it's definitely my main man so let's see the result he's dead yes he well that's a rotten thing to do I thought I was a guest okay so you've hit my junior leader before I do anything so I don't forget I'm the role for bad things happen and believe me that's a very bad thing so we'll roll the dice and see what we get there okay senior leader killed is two points off my force morale so next time I'm activate you're on for die that means you've lost one yeah yeah you've lost one your command die sister yeah it means that yeah when I next roll I'm rolling oh yeah and there was another guy dead there yep and we put three points of shock on so that's double trouble because not only that we now got five guys with four points of shock yeah if they get if they get more shock than men so another couple of points so they're going to be pinned so their firing will be harmed but more importantly I can't run it off because that's senior leaders they're bad situational round for me okay what you're doing next don't tell me you're gonna bring on a tiger you've got a three and a warm have a 31 so ring on you could activate a team yep so you could activate the Panzer Faust team if you wanted yeah you could activate the three you could activate a section you can't activate a team with a three so you couldn't activate these guys because they're now in two teams because they're more than four inches of broth or if you have a tank you could bring on a tank or it's entirely up to you ah okay right a tank well they actually deployed from the only good thing for me is they deploy from the table age and they haven't come on within six inches of Matt oh he's over here the minute you can see him on front camera I don't have an angle to catch him here but now you have an option you could actually deploy in six inches away and put him there but keep them on the road okay Emily the wise thing to do yeah right well fortunately for me he's he's at the back but what was your surviving tankless yeah I know that's scary because that is a beast right okay my favor like your fears I think you've earned it to all your fears yeah my for dark now oh great well I've only got one point on my chain entirely so that goes up to three so those vibes are a bit gem tomorrow for me rather than gem today well I'm an ass I've got to put pressure on you so I'm gonna have to use the three to activate that tank like in a way I'd really love to you get that whole squad to fire there but I'm actually gonna get the be a our team to fire yeah so that will be five dice there so I'll fire the BA are on the Panzerfaust course I want to get rid of that because it's worrying badly and I get four hits now that should be good but it didn't do me any good last time so all for an hourly luck come there dare they're both dead yep they're dead now that's a great result for me because I really need to affect your force morale so you need to roll but bad things happen just that is a team dead checking a play here team wiped out one or two is no affect three four five or six is just one point because it's the team if it was a section worse yes a roller dice let's see what happens they were clearly quite unpopular those guys because they were already is mourning their passing right okay they just looked over and seeing two bodies one yeah right we're gonna roll six dice with that HEA no only two hits only ten so that's one on one so one on your rifle team over in this orchard yeah and so one for that rifle thing is a four that's a point of shock I can one on the machine gun B is enough there's nothing so all in all a pretty tragic round of fire for me yeah good result in one way but I really wanted to hit hard here because I've got four shock on them if I could just push it a bit more I should a bit more yeah and that if I could pin them it's a good thing for me is that I can see all of your forces on the table yeah and I have still got a squad spare so if I can whittle away at them I can kind of go where you're not right you'll go all right let's try it now and see what happens four four two and A one Munich's well that's not doing anything anyway and so now interesting thing here is when your senior leaders over there is in a yeah yeah so he's over there you haven't got two senior leaders because yeah as a late Ward German all your quality leaders died in Russia so we can kind of throw that one away because you can't add it for to a worn and make up you can only add up to make the one two three for the real unit command - so what are you going to do to maximize this hand mm well I know I want to activate this in your leader but I also want to get some infantry up yeah and I think as you've just you know denoted there I think I'm going to have to get this mg team moving up and get the jungle with it yeah interesting point as long as he's within six inches of them because I was just checking that so he could move them up yeah and then he'll have enough his second command initiative to get them to move yeah and you can card and get them in coverall get them moving so i activate him eh we'll bring the MGT my with them yeah well they'll probably it have been a rubble so they'll roll to d6 yeah take the lowest one off for climbing over an obstacle scene with the junior leaders and he'll go with them he just goes with them along follow up yeah if he's acting independently he can roll 3 d6 and move it as fast he likes that takes one of his command initiatives though so they'll just go to novelty so the two will pop them over the wall across and handily enough that means that the junior leader can use his second command initiative to get those guys because he's within 6 yeah yeah so they'll Naidu so if you I mean what are you thinking about doing with them I think in just a regular move forward right okay just to d6 okay yeah to d6 forward I'm just gonna roll it here and just show you out all right 6 inches 6 inches - right so push them forward 16 inches what I want is to get them happily into cover right no problem at all so because she rolled 6 you don't have to go that far because you're clearly telling him move up to those barrels move up to those obstacles yeah what you couldn't say is I want you to move precisely to that blade of grass there yes which she's not really a very notable point okay so that's good so good alignment man anything else to do in this phase we've got oh you got your senior leader hung up the senior leader tact of it so why don't you take 2 points of shock off yep and then with his third don't get them to fire because that reduces their shock to a point they've just got one on each team which doesn't reduce firing yep so that's pretty good so you get 8 12 episode 12 yeah okay if the enemy with it were within 12 inches the senior leader could use this submachine gun but then though yeah that's fine 12 shots yeah and these guys are in the open so they're gonna feel that pain nothing up not in the open they're in like have a but okay one two three four four okay maybe they're under field that much pain it might be enough we'll find out when we roll these exciting dice yeah they're gonna feel the pain right so that's one dead and one poor in a shock now interesting point having been five being five men with four points of shock there now four men with five points of shot that would normally pin them if they were on their own take them out to take those guys out of the equation and their paint yeah but because the other half of the squad is within four they know that they've got some mutual support so that doesn't pin because you would need you count the whole thing as sharing that between them yeah so they're not healthy but they're and all these guys are not healthy they're going to lose two dice when they hire an attorney for men yeah but they are not breaking because they know they've got their squad leader and their colleagues and that building there so yeah my fires right for dice again ah to fill on my chain of command I still don't have a full chain of command we're racking it up though I've got a four which is a senior leader yeah and I've got a one which is a team now the thing that is troubling me here is that if I bring my senior leader on at the moment I've got one senior leader off the table and he's at the back controlling the troops coming on so the scrub that I've got not on the table he's back there and he's waiting to pick the moment for deploying them if he comes forward and leaves them back there getting those guys to decline to the table becomes a bit harder yeah it's a 50/50 chance whether they come or not because he's going can you please worry about and with all the din of the battle going on yep he's losing a bit of control however at the same time I really want to get these guys firing and and effective again so I've got to do it you have to take that chance so I'm going to bring my lieutenant on in this case because he's a medic and I'll heal immediately take two points of shock off and he'll say to the whole squad fire yeah okay so we've got three for the BA R and two for the men in the BA our team so that's five dice and then we've got four men there but they've got three points of shots so they take one dice off for that so we'll add that all together and we'll roll those dice and we're hitting on fours fives and sixes that's so it's pretty good actually that's a lie very affect so this is where again we've seen it that the senior leaders are coming on and they're restoring the situation this is all about leadership and how to make that happen they're shoring it up yeah there really are and he's he's getting these guys imagine him next turn if he's activated before you can put any shock on he's got these guys almost you know badass earth yeah up to fighting strength so you gave me five hits oh I did so okay you two on each team yeah you choose where you put the odd because you're the odd hid behind the idol and go on to the rifles absolutely correct again the German doctrine is to the rifle team to protect the machine gun team oh that's big hit that a one dead yeah and two points of shock so interesting three guys three shocking that team yep what are we gonna do here the dmg team's gonna take the other two yeah oh no effect now you've seen your leader you've got placed with the machine-gun team yeah so he didn't have to test for the rifle tonight Yeah right okay hotting up it is okay so whose turn is it anyway your your go now I've done my okay so it's your face roll your five command dice and see what comes out of these okay so interesting yeah that does mean you've got a full chain of command ice and you're starting to a math/science towards another one along the oven and that means that the next phase is mine so really you've got you've just got three such the quick phase so you can use one and two or you can use through so that could be you could activate a team yep all that team yep or you can act about a section which would be these guys or you could activate your tank putting them together is a three the tanks gonna have to move up I think you're probably right you want to put the pressure on here it's a new roll 1d6 you probably get a view of this building probably and then you can fire your main gun if you've only move one be six if you move to d6 you can only fire your machine guns if you move 3 d6 you can't fire anything so it's probably a good idea to try the one decries try the one day six if you fail you can always roll again a roll the second die well they go 5 inches so that I great one so forward you go five inches so five inches brings me to proper proper proper proper right yeah and you've got a clear line of sight of a building let me just explain how this works these guys are shooting out of that window yeah they have got a 90 degree arc of fire out of that window so they can shoot at anybody in that 90 degrees and any infantry in that 90 degrees can shoot back at then okay so if you had infantry over here they couldn't shoot on them and I couldn't shoot on you but the good thing about a high-velocity 75 millimeter shell is it doesn't rely on windows yeah so you all you need to be able to do is to see the building and what we'll do is we'll look at at once again in our arsenal table for the Germans here and we'll see that a Panzer v panther has got an HD strike of five slightly lower than the Sherman's actually because these have got a low velocity gun which is better at applying high explosives and the high velocity which is really a tank killer but nevertheless five hits reducing cover could hurt so roll the dice false fives and six to hit okay one miss one miss right good okay now that's for it oh boy hits four hits on that building that's and it's a five reduce cover to light cover fortunately have that reduced cover to open might have been in real trouble yeah so that's one man dead and one point of shock let's roll to see if it's anybody important this is where I really don't want a one it's not anybody important fortunately but these guys are getting whittled down now that whole squad that started at 12 men is down to six guys and their sergeant yep so they're not looking healthy no right okay right so my faith is your fears I advise when we move the regular stop right three two one okay so I'm going to options there I've I'm gonna so it's really tempting this is this is the command decision thing do I use the three and pump a tree into here hoping that I'm gonna destroy your platoon leader and hit your false morale or do I combine the three in the one and make a four which means I can rally these guys here it's a risk and then yep either way I've got to put but I feel I need to put pressure on you so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take the three for the tank okay and he's gonna fire I'm gonna take the two to fire this squad the whole squad even though it's got a shock on it and I'm gonna take the one to fire the BIR okay so you're having to really work on your resources to try and pump oh absolutely right I can't do as much with my command as I could yeah because we're all getting a bit some of the guys have got their heads down they're not fighting as well so firing over here with the BIR and oh pretty good father being a RT for so that's four hits over there but you're in light cover so yeah fours and fives will be shocked sixes will be killed this is where you need to roll four sixes to make the game fair you tried okay so one man dead there are no leaders there so we don't roll for that yeah so we'll just take one guy off and we'll put three points of shotgun no no I'm happy with that result I'm sure you know now I'm gonna save the big tank till ask us that's fun buy these four guys and five guys in the BA are so that would my eight dice but I'm lost there's three on that which loses a dice and one on that which doesn't you don't combine them they don't get four so that's gonna be one less so let's roll them one two three four five eight don't become seven right oh that's good shoot in this turn I might be you know mine c'mon resources might be depleted but that's six hits on you guys hmm and let's get some damage here and then I can finish you off with the big tank gun so three on these guide the rifle team the episode three on the rifle team yeah we like that one off and another point of shock yeah and three on the machine-gun team and this is where your leaders are one dead and a point of shot and a bit let's roll to see who's dead is it a leader if you roll a one it is he's not mm-hmm interestingly already we've got one two three four five six guys with five points of shop yeah and now Herman the Sherman is is gonna win the day for me I'm confident okay dreaming round of low-velocity HP fire and it's three hits it's oh that it's a shame he wasn't the one only missing with one but three hits so what there were two on the rifles yet two on the rifles out two on the rifles and all that's a point of sure are quite a shock and one on the machine-gun team this is where we want some dairy nothing nothing so you've got one two three four five six seven and one two six men so they are pinned they are as they are pinned what we normally do is we normally use two or one of these markers to show pin but we're using these to show shock today because they're more visual on the camera so we'll just have to remember that they're pinned yeah but that means they're going to be firing with half dice and they're also going to be unable to move yeah right okay well I'm that's not a bad place for me so on you go you'll burn your face he's starting to pull this back and I don't like it alright that was a 1 that was a 1 right so a 6 and a 5 or 5 puts one on your chain of command kept saying at and a 4 that's a senior leader so he can start rallying off the shot which is probably a good thing yeah but I'm also thinking of maybe starting to let the reserves come up yeah and send these guys back you can't move them they're pinned while they're pen yeah what you what you could be thinking about here mmm is rallying shocked off and then ending a turn so they'll become unpinned so you could if you wanted let's just say theoretically take three points of shock off yep and then end the turn and they would come unpinned problem is that you risk it then because you can't move until I fired on you again yeah but it is it's just an option and that's one of the things that you can do with that turn end with that chain of command ice so it's important to you can keep that up your sleeve because the other positive thing for you as we saw with these guys here is because they're pinned there now in hardcover so it's going to be harder mat the m88 then yes they're literally haters dead down there yeah weeping hopefully right well then what I'm going to do instead is I'm going to hold on to the Gina come on guys I am however going to bring up my other section okay now interesting thing here he's within nine inches so he can shout he's a level three leader so his command ranges nine inches he was a level two it be six inches nice and easy to remember yeah so he can shout pants nice bumsoo Daisy was over there move up so should I activate the senior commander and shout at them - yeah so that'll be one of his command initiatives and then he could take two points to shock off yeah but you ain't a bad thing that's not bad at all kind of don't bother getting them to fire because they're like firing dice or so rubbish yeah so yeah so shoot at them some of them up so they will remember they can't run when you're processing an obstacle so they roll two dice take the lower one off okay so that's just roll the - Daisy yeah I'll just call it up okay round three and show you moving up good thing for you is I can't see past the hedge anyway yeah so on you come and next in the next values in a way that's kind of done you a great favor because in the next phase you can probably use one dice to move and yeah fire a half effect yep so you'll move out and fire before I can react to you which is with the amount shot that I'm amassing not a bad thing so that should four that's the four - and a while now you could combine that and make a three yep I'm or you can think about doing other things I think I will I think I'll bring the panther up a bit more okay so you could just roll one d6 yeah it's still far cuz the Panthers got two two actions mm-hmm so yeah well we'll bring him up another one these that you could sit there and fire him twice firing him twice he's got two actions yep so it'll fire twice into this building because he should be in line of sight anyway right okay however sorry I've given you some wrong advice there but I can't activate the main gun position twice in a turn because so you could fire twice in terms of firing the main gun yeah and firing the home Ginga right was kind of I didn't explain my very two weapons you can't fire the main gun and the coaxial from the same position you can fire the main gun on the home and the whole yeah okay which would kind of be quite a lot of dice but the the hull machine gun would be at long range and wouldn't be reducing cover but it would be putting the pressure on well it may actually just help so why not fire the main gun yeah it was actually do and then make the decision because you can then say move yeah so let's do that five five dice okay so five yeah okay okay three hits yeah so I'll roll for those three hits we remember we were really reducing cover there Oh a dead and a shock now we've got a leader in there is a leader we roll the dice for that it's not it's a dead and a shot now we're getting to the point where I've got five points of shock and well seven men because of the senior leader so it might be that the seven that senior leaders presence is all that stops them from being pinned yeah right so do you want to now fire the machine gun or do you want to move them up I'm gonna fire the machine gun oh I see much as I can you've got to put that pressure on that yeah the thing it is putting the pressure on a keeping applying that pressure because these guys are really close yeah so fives and sixes now because for the long-range nothing or nothing unfortunately unfortunately okay but we're barreling through the phases of play now we are so on the and one of my trainer commander so I could end a turn now and I've got a four for a senior leader who's definitely gonna take the shot off there and he's definitely he's taken two points of shot off so with his final action he's going to get them to fire which is three four five six seven dice there now okay oh no it's not six dices of the shop but nevertheless three hits over on these guys yep right so you're gonna put presumably to on the rifle to on the rifles and one on the end yeah that's per yeah so but remember these guys counters in hardcover because they're still pinned even though you produce some shot yeah so it's gonna be fives to shop now hit 2 hitch here Oh still a man dead Orlando and one hit on the machine-gun team for nothing is that nothing yeah because you know in heavy camera yeah right ok and I'm gonna use that three so that's the full use and I'm going to use the three to pile on the pressure with the ad from the Sherman and he's just hit with two okay that's one on each so whilst they count as in heavy cover that still takes it down to light cover ok so one on each one on each alright so rifle is one there man dead so had that team definitely gone yeah so we take the shock away with an mg you know you there's also a roll of dice to see if it's anybody important I want a warm no no but that machine gun teams nearly gone yep we're not looking to you healthy over there oh cool close right I've still got a three yep you're gonna wrap them up with the Sherman oh you just did and I just did I'm gonna fire the Sherman's machine guns that so I can do the same thing so I'm firing six dice and I am hitting on force oh that's better than your rope five hits all on the MGP all on the mg team because there's no other team there at five hits let's see and if you get more than one kill it's automatically going to be a leader five yeah and then we're gonna start rolling for your full smile because you've lost a team already but let's see if you lose a section there's a five I hit five heavy cover Oh - dad - dad totally owns definitely gone yeah and one of the leaders Romeo D six one two or three it's a junior leader and four five or six it's the senior leader for or so roll the dice to see what the effect is on him he's lightly wounded so he becomes a level two leader so some big testing to be done here because those are bad bad things happened yep so rolling for the squad being wiped out so the whole squad wiped out Roland ice for that one two or three it's going to be one off your pulls morale four or five or six - just one just one and a senior leader wounded roll the dice for that five is two points off your full smile for that so you're down to five yep so you're poor it's neck-and-neck here but you are you haven't lost any command dice yet yeah so you'll go these guys the leaders were that was shot their leaders are unshockable yeah so they own the count effective shock in the phase that they're in away we go so not bad I've got another thing on my six five four three two it's nice and sequential yeah very much so what are we going to do I have not the best situation on going on over there now and this is a bit of a mess because this is still John together the teams aren't together yeah this is getting so demanding two separate teams becomes a bit more difficult yeah Chris you need ones or you need to leader shouting and it yep and he can't rally shock off them because he's not with them so exactly so I have a to know and does that mean I can activate the junior leader no it's really the three to activate the decay so I'll use a three time to be the junior yeah and he's gonna have to come over here right okay faster he can roll three dice yeah a bit of a bit of a bonus really to eating roll but he's crossing the fence so he rolls to and he takes the lower one all rights let's do that so thinking where for either way Eagles so actually he's an interesting position there cuz he's halfway between the two so he could now activate one or the other yeah and the good thing for you is he is within four of them so I can't just shoot at him he can't target in my target him that I think I think he's gonna have to try can do you think they can shoot yes I can definitely shoot down that column there yep they're gonna have to open so they're gonna fire without dice alright so far with you against the be a our team oh yeah that's right well it because the BA our team and those guys are with him for the hits are gonna be split yeah okay right so that's three heads so I'm actually gonna put two hits on the rifle team rather like you were doing over here I'm yeah rifle team to protect them good thing I did a shot and the leader is quite clearly with them one now dead in a shot and all the dead let's see if it's anybody important it no not fortunately so and a bit of effect there yep alright so that's that was your three so great thing for me is you don't have to three so at least you can't activate out glooming monster on the road yeah so you got what do you got now for a nun - so senior leader here mmm well you could get him to with one command initiative to move over there yeah this guy's supernumerary now he's got nobody in his squad so he could go with him and just join up with that squad as another man yeah but and you could then activate these guys yeah they could move forward with one dice and then fire a half effect yeah I think they're just gonna have to yeah and the good thing is being there there they're not in line of far from my tank uh-huh which is kind of a positive thing as we've seen so let's get their mutton okay so roll one dice and then they and move that far roll the dice there who insu that's what we need up they can I'll move them up to you okay and you definitely got the other machine got the junior leader there you got the machine gun there and I reckon you're gonna get another three guys firing there so that's I you roll it all together that's eleven okay and you wanted to get the senior leader going back just roll a couple of dice for him just to make sure he can get there he can he can always move so through roll two dice for him if he's in shout range but you just want to make sure he's gonna get there that's fine easy and he takes the other guy back that's quite a punchy little squad because they've got a few guys there's three guys there with submachine guns yeah if it comes to close combat you don't want to be hitting there yeah exactly so eleven dice yeah eleven - oh now we're hitting on fives and sixes at one two three four five hits five hits and these guys are feeling the pain already I've only got one man left in the PA our team so I'm gonna have to put the three on the rifle - one man dead yeah we need to roll the dice to see if it's anybody important because the senior leader is there and then two on the BA I've seen which is one man dead there's now there's there's a junior leader there let's see if it's him no thank goodness but it is a team wiped out the shock dies with him but it is a team wiped out which is a bad thing one off my force morale that means I'm going to lose another command dice yeah that is really really gonna hurt now because I felt with for command guys I could just about keep up with you or five three against you you want to make sure you don't lose anybody because you want to get those five command ice because that's a that's a clear blue water between us now in terms of command I'll put that over there and smash it with a hammer later all right now it's that's pretty much my fears do much else well let's see if I can act about anybody at all 5:01 on my chain of command - four and A three this tank can't see anybody that tank should move that tank should move I really want to put the pressure on to get that dice off for you and we've got a squad here that's on its own yeah so I've got a ba are there that's three four and then one two three four five six men so that I can put ten dice in there so I'm gonna have to do that with that three yeah I'm gonna have to activate the junior leader see this is we're just having fewer come on dice means again I can't do everything my guys are pretty badly shaken up one two three four five six but they're still shooting like Cowboys six hit something these guys here what's these these guys really are like they don't care they don't seem to do that well they're caring enough to have lost to come on the house okay so you're in light camera that's one dead yeah so it cuz he's with him for we're old for that and that is three points of shock as well and so roll the dice to see who dies okay it's not your leader not a leader but you are pinned because look at that you've just got five guys there and six points of shot so their firing is gonna be half unfortunately that isn't a bad thing at and that's kind of an everyday things happens yeah people get pinned down in action so what have you got left on your command dice now well W you know sorry yeah that was me yeah so it's sorry I used the three Easter three I've got the four for my senior leader mm-hmm okay I'm gonna do something daft okay he's gonna take point of shock off and he's gonna say to this squad run and they're gonna roll and they're gonna go five inches and take off the lower oh that's not really gonna leave them okay what I've said I'm doing it now and this guy's coming out of there I'm really kind of hoping that we can push round here but I thought now why I thought I was gonna get bit further than that that's left me swinging in the breeze a bit huh that's it yeah you'll go if I could roll two sixes and yeah that might be nice it was a pile of pressure on ya know so I got another mmm unlike scenic man though oh yeah and a lot of useful stuff yeah kinda but I tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna use my chain of command dice and I'm going to interrupt are you and that's gonna allow me to activate these guys can I interrupt your in Toronto how can you interrupt and interrupt why not cuz you can't it's a specific rule right so let's see how far these guys go I'm the move yours because I'm gonna run running like the wind right 16 say so they're gonna zoom over here yeah have a good thing for me is that that means that I shut down that deployment point yep the bad thing for me is which was what I was planning to do I was planning to capture that deployment point and then use my chain of command ice to end the turn we hit your false morale but because I was left hanging in the open I had to use that chain of command ice and I've only got one point on the next one so I need to roll a lot of fives very very quickly okay you're go all right then mmm you so you can carry on with them with your activation let's pinch my ice bat okay so I haven't used anything you know because you enter off the media very rude at that what I will do is I can get my senior you know and my senior leader is gonna try and convince everybody here to go up here well you can use one of your national characteristics if you like now oh is this the one I was thinking which is called handgun rtant and this is very much the German stormtrooper tactics from the first world war if you're within 12 inches of me which you are you can storm in throwing grenades mm-hmm and then assault me you would roll dice to Asami's so roll 3d asset class there yeah roll 3d6 now first sorry 1 d6 1 d6 ok because what we're going to do is we're going to explain this rule for us right so to reflect when a leader is attached to team of squad and uses to command initiatives which she's doing he may lead a charge against any enemy within 12 inches preceded by a hail of grenades so you roll 1 d6 subtracting 1 if I'm in light cover which I am so let's roll the dice this determines how effective your hail of hand grenades are oh so that's a 5 so that goes down to 4 which means 2 grenades hit ok so I'm going to roll 4 dice if I was in the open I'd be rolling 6 dice because the effect is compounded in there but grenades still count as in the open so that's one man dead and two points of shock on those guys we roll to see if it's a leader so your grenades have had some some effect one man dead and two points of shock and you now move in there are only three d6 to see if you make it okay so I'm just gonna all the 3 d6 right here and yeah you do that and we'll see we get so our valve inches there's no doubt about it they're going in let's let's move these unfortunate trees nothing they're probably being blown up by your grenades anyway and now what we do is we're going to fight a close-combat mm-hmm this should be bloody and interesting well it should be both of those yes yeah but the good thing for you is that you've killed a man and you've done that so we need to know how many men you've got not leaders just men come on two three four five six seven eight right now in close combat I mean that means you start off without dice now how many leaders initiative whom you got their leader initiative is the leader who's leading that charge so he's a level three yeah yeah so that puts you up to 11 right okay you don't have a quality advantage you're not aggressive but you do get two dice for each SMG and we've already discussed the fact they've got three of them in there so that's another six dice so this is a real storm of Steel yeah 17 dice now for me I had two men and the leader is not using his initiative because we're kind of on the defensive right okay however we do get a dice for every dice of movement that you use coming in because it reflects us firing at you as you went through so we got our two men and then we've got our three dice for your movement and we are defending like cover so sorry have we got any LMGs there we don't have any LMGs have we got any smg's there no because that's the leader he's only got his pistol so we don't get anything for that however we are defending like Kaabah hooray we get 1 d6 for every three so far which is only one because haven't got six yeah so that's where we are we roll needing fives and sixes okay so I'll roll first because it won't take long to count these up Oh three yeah three hits five is a kill and six is to shock so I've done three kills and two shock however you roll your dice now but I had high many but you might be replaying that with interest you had 11 it became 17 6:17 that's handy yeah that was a dice on the team good right oh well let's see where you go I said yes just chuck them in that thing there because she's right oh god okay that's it just roll that one again okay that's so I can't count them anyway whatever it is it's sufficient to kill all of my men including the junior in senior leader because it was certainly more than four so that's kind of a bad result for me and I'm a role for my force morale before we go on and do yours okay so the calculations are a lot easier with mine because so it I've had a squad white section wiped out because there was a section wiped out earlier so that takes me down a team wiped out that takes me down one point I've lost a junior leader dead junior leader killed that's one point and I've lost a senior leader and then my for smile currently is at one point and so that's it my horse morale elapses so my guys are gonna go well the lieutenant's dead off we go and the guys who were never committed into battle are pretty keen on it I'll tell you what I was really trying to do over here right I wasn't just looking to shut that one down had I got there I could have played my chain of command ice and at the - not to end the turn but to bring this forward 18 inches ah that would then have allowed me turn you ring them or like outflank the position and really give you a severe spanking it was kind of do or die if we if we didn't worked it would have been fantastic as it was it completely backfired on me I managed to I was really surprised I managed to hold this horse lank at all but then I given it yes opportunity well interestingly deploying choosing to put that jump off point back the other back here gave you that depth that when my tanks were there blowing holes in your front line you were able to commit yourself a little bit more conservatively and then just bring their pushing them up and force me to do something otherwise I knew I was going to get shot to bits now so I was attempting to make a territorial game bring on my reserves crush you and in didn't work at all and I forgot as well we've reached the end of the game but I actually did find some fire that's been bubbling away and all of a sudden bubbling away finally smokin flames absolutely so there we go that was a heck of a key I think the important thing is to to stress the fact that we what we try to do is make the rolls the movement really simple yeah the rolls to hit really simple so what you're focused on in your mind is how to maximize that that hand that you've got those command cards and it's like you could fire these guys first and then advance with these or you could advance with these and then fire these which is the right sequence to get the best possible results and you know sometimes things go well for you and sometimes they don't - hopefully you've enjoyed that diverse I really have and I'm disappointed in the Panther that should have been more aggressive with it yeah the Sherman's like both of the might and just save myself a bit more peon but this is the thing about warfare at this level where this is just 200 yards these we saw what happened when I pushed up with my Sherman yeah your panzerschreck came out and delta dabbler so what you really need to do is keep the tank back where it's in a great position to look pressure on but also you've got infantry up there protecting it from those anti-tank teen yeah it's that combined arms approach where your infantry are protecting your tanks but your tanks are doing the damage on behalf of the infantry yeah and that's kind of the way it works and in the end I mean you know that Panther made that the difference there by destroying those teams and forcing me to do something utterly ridiculous yeah which isn't too difficult frankly well it's been a great game yeah thank you and fantastic now we're in the Audion yeah it's not much else I can say to be honest other than I really enjoyed that so guys put your comments in below what do you think of this game of chanted commands do you think I've managed to I don't know redeem myself a little bit you know I don't necessarily always need tanks I knew our sacrilege for me to say don't always hate tanks I always need thanks but I've managed without you them for the most of the part of the game and I think it worked out pretty well obviously the main thing is I was keeping you busy over here and I was almost in my head I was going I can afford to lose that yeah there's a buncha track team when Dino when mal flank doesn't need to be no you sucked me into a kind of no-win game Neil it was we were really gonna win there but the pressure was on and that allowed you then to really focus here where the game where the game was won especially these guys protecting that tank there that was able to pour its fire into the building not some big holes in that along with that fire that mg42 that is that that is the monster of a weapon and you really see why you know okay you've got to have it because it's in the platoon but even if you didn't have to have it you would be choosing it yeah but it's been a fantastic game and I've adored the rules so far so I'm looking forward to playing a few more games this overtime right Solman yep get your comments down below guys let us know what you think and we'll see you again soon we hope you enjoyed this let's play go ahead and check out our other content on screen know I'll be sure to check out beasts of war comm for the latest gaming news and gaming Let's Plays um while you're at it why 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Channel: OnTableTop
Views: 51,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ontabletop.com, Miniature Wargaming (Game Genre), too fat lardies, Hobby (Interest), chain of command, Tabletop Gaming, Wargaming, Beasts of War, OnTableTop, Tabletop Game (Game Genre)
Id: _fzSJUFI-mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 0sec (6120 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 03 2018
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