Let's Play: Konflikt '47 - Pegasus Bridge

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hello you're about to watch a let's play these games are normally filmed with a game's creator so we're just going to warn you in advance that during these games we can get quite excited we might either get rules wrong or we may well have changed some of the rules because we just love hacking games anyway if whatever we do please take a moment to comment and hit like and subscribe because we want your feedback if you've got constructive criticism if you spot something isn't right please take a moment to comment about it because we are all over that right enjoy the game tarnished or not in infinity experience pain type attractions and try to control the human sphere and the infinity heart on beasts of war calm fight for the iron kingdoms as a broadcaster take control of their might be jacked arcane devices and dark sorcery to bring a flight to the war machine car unbeatable car Harley welcome to another live blog battle hero of beasts of war I'm of course joined by John and today we're playing a little bit of weird word war as you can see on the table we have a beautiful piece of the French countryside lay tight and we're going to be fighting calls like 47 so John what side are you taking today right well I'm on the Germans and if you've let me explain sorry oh yeah yeah so on the table we have our regular sort of our 4x4 layout but over here we have Pegasus Bridge no Pegasus Bridge is the objective of this game because at the moment as you can see is killed it up the rule isn't joining and on the other side is a whole lot of Germans win to come across the objective for the Germans in this game is to get the bridge sex that's currently damaged attempt bring its room back down again so the Germans have to get this bridge fixed but if they don't it they always managed to push through and get to the bridge first they get a chance of blowing the bridge up and stopping this German reinforcements coming across I'm basically cleaning house on securing this area so the Germans are well set up in this area I have all our stuff laid out we'll be talking about deployment in our army lists in anyway but they're well-established all their supplies everything they're lying around here and this is the Vanguard the stuff that's gone across the bridge so they have to stop the Allies get into the bridge before the bridge can be fixed and our reinforcements can come across right so for myself I'm going to be taking the Americans I'm going to be driving forward through this game I cannot hang a bike I need to punch forward and actually blow up the breads one thing I will say guys we are playing this as just a straight-up battle if you want to learn how to play we do have a hunter place sitting on YouTube so make sure and go and check it out so you can sort of you know keep Pierce with us if you haven't seen it yet overall I think this is going to be a lot of fun it's not the side turn to replace I said ah yeah turn five if I'm still holding the bridge yep the bridge comes down and the reinforcements come across I'm it's game over for you yeah because that's just going to like me I yeah and if you get to the bridge by turn five you get a chance of blow up and if you blow it up you've won again that is that is our win condition alright well I tell you all guys we'll move on here I'll tell you about the forces were taken so here's what the Germans are taking in their defense of Pegasus Bridge this is padding the Battle of regular British mark - so doing here around the bridge I have some good defenses here I've got mg team up at ice they should have a good arc of fire around them next to them we have our Panzer 4x you'll be able to be my sort of my mobile direct fire he's going to be pretty important in this Justin has a few bits and pieces that can handle up but that's okay even if the Panzer for Falls I have two sections of veteran German infantry in this case they're Falchi meter they have Panzerfaust in here they have two LMGs as well so they're going to be putting down a lot of fire also there is a little bit of a speed bump I have some totem core here which are going to be slowly working their way towards the nearest enemy unit try and get that or a terror to come into effect and start getting into some combat and see how we can handle things there they're only two slow enemy down I'm not expecting them to last very long I'm not expecting to do very much over in the other flank we have a 251 half truck my second infantry section in here also supported by the spying Mac now this is the flanking Forces Justin starts to push too far across here these guys should be able to do a big arc maneuver and start to swing into the side of his flank and yes I have to defend the bridge at all costs I need those reinforcements to come across so the last thing and fine if you come back in again I forgot I have my command section in here as well hiding in amongst the rubble two rifleman alongside my major which is going to be a really interesting one the veteran see of this army is pretty high the vehicles are regular veteran see because I kind of feel that a veteran Panzer 4x and a veteran spying Mac I don't think they've been around long enough for the crews to really get into the how the nuances of how these vehicles work so they're regular same with the half-track the infantry are all veterans in this one apart from the children core these guys are hardened veterans they know what they're doing they know hi-de-hi same with the machine-gun team these guys are the vanguard of this force that's stuck on the other side of the bridge and they have to do their best with every piece of skill they have the oldest bridge until turn five okay guys it's time to go through my forces John has some really nasty stuff on that German site so the US forces have really got their work cut for them so to begin with the first thing I've done I had to do it I'm taking a forward observer for some artillery this is quite simply because I know he's in a police position and a lot of this stuff isn't going to want to be moved at a position so if I can get him starting to run a bite position I have a good chance of catching them in the weeds they add to that I put an immediate motor down here because again if he's holding still that's going to land on his head and it's going to cause some camp I've got my co a light leg which is quite the hog little thing it's just going to start here at bounce out 3 it's one of my faster units so I'm hoping it's maybe going to be the hero of the day and make it to the bridge I then got three infantry sections of 12 men which is here here and here this one has one light machine gun this one has one light machine gun this one has two light machine gun I then got the fantastic heavy infantry for the Americans these guys are tough as nails they are going to be right out front and the Vanguard I've got my Tesla tank here I'm keeping it out of the way right now just because I know how nasty that gravity cannon can be on gel inside I've got a first lieutenant here with an extra guy I've got a pair of jeeps which actually have medium machine guns so that's going to give me a mobile fire base to actually get off the table know what I'm hoping is I can get up through and actually get into decent positions in turn one because I have to get all the way from back here at this corner right the way down to the bridge and you see what this little box is right down here I have to reach this point because that's where we've agreed the structure we point on this bridge would be for me to blow up problem is we have our desk under here if this reaches five turns I lose the game so I really need to get mosquito on I really need to push forward as fast as I can so join us in turn one and you'll see what happens so [Music] guys as you can see on the table myself and Jhoanna jump straight into turn one we've got our first few activations out of the way I've had three activations on my side I believe John's out for the activations on his side so no that's part of the turn I'm getting to activate so what I'm going to activate is a way over here my more maybe and more I'm going to start shooting with it because I think it's the right time of the term to actually lay down some fire so what I think I'm actually going to fire at is something I don't think you're really going to want to move so from here I believe I can draw a line stir it the way across to his media machine gun team going here so it's six is to hit for the first rule but if they don't start moving and not shooting at me they're going to possibly take on that so let's see if I get my siksa four so it's unfortunately a mess but now I have that threat done for Jones next activation or next turn is they still have to go but overall what you can see happening on the tabletop I've got my first loot in here I've run up into cover so I have a nice clear run up here about my second platoon here which is also running out unfortunately caught in the open have you guys I'm not worried about them being in the open simplest so damn tough my deployment I haven't moved my jaw here just yet I'm keeping the Jeep's back until near the end because I know I need to dry them possibly I can run this way or up and through this way because I can't drive over the wall I'm keeping my tassel Sherman by the way because I do not want the dying early my Mac is just hanging back waiting first time c'mon squad again they're waiting to see where they need to go to actually reinforce and my final squad I'm just holding in reserve on John's side of things one sitting is total core are doing what they do best they are travelling forward and mumbling brains in German he's got one of the slugs and a half track over here which is just advancing quite happily he's got what was the other thing jaw activated ah yes the little spy Mac has also activated it did take a long shot right down the table here at my first squad didn't do any damage yet so things are beginning to move forward get closer together I can't hide like I said John is actually surprisingly by not easily setting up defensive positions just yet it's it seems to be taking the initiative they're trying to force me further back down the table before I can get past them so we'll see if that tactics going to work out for well guys we're at the top of turn one I've only got there's a couple of activations left and they are both mine but I'll come to that in a minute a little bit of an update what's been happening throughout the activations Justins moving as heavies across here as you've seen with a squadron support both those jeeps are starting to move up the support squad down on this far left flank as Tesla Sherman and as Max are starting to move up he's keeping some stuff back in advance the mortar team how to go missed as we filmed before is artillery observers also fired and has put a mark down onto a gret a score that I've managed to get out of my half tracking into the Rangers building they take a shot as well didn't really do much other than cliffs are very important pen on the heavy troops straightaway so that's handy the rest of my movement and rest of my operation is basically being the panzer 4 ax has moved away from this position to get a bit harder cover as the tasman tankers coming out and this last section of infantry has moved forward in support of the panzer 4 to get that more cover no I have to activations left and I have the booth here so my command section which is over here they're not really going to do anything else has turn they're happy where they're at so I'm just going to issue them with a done order so they will just sit there for nine the last one is the mg team backup in this house now Justin is making them a bit worried with his mortar crew they are going to be issued a run order this turn so we're going to move out of this position so we know we can't run out of Korean so you're you're right so well actually you have to give them a run order to advance if I remember not a not a heavy team weapon all right all right as far as far as I'm aware I don't think it's a heavy team weapon but I'll give them an advance anyway you know how they can't run out of cover like out they can't run over building so we're going to get there six inches and they're going to come up with a building here and sell themselves there for now that is the top of turn one what do we think so far well I'm hopefully starting to solidify my left flank I've got my infantry out there in fairly decent possessions with plenty of space to move left or right here to get a bit more covered the totem core I'm not too concerned about them which pine max good the hofstra excuse infant is good over here this infantry now feels a little bit out of place but it's going to play a part later on when this squad support both three jeeps gets into play the plan for the pawns are forward keep it away from the tasoula Sherman as long as possible get it to do some damage before the two tanks start engaging each other and yes we just have to hold out and just see what happens the more ground agian right now is the last opportunity for Justin to gain ground elsewhere and if we come down here we know the top of turn one the bridge is still in my control when I shift into turn two so all our dice are going to go back in the bag and we're going to start again so let's see where this eternity [Music] okay guys this is turn to break so we're going to see how things have been going so far if you look down towards the table the totem core and the Germans have moved forward they're starting to get entering this building here and can imagine a bit of a cinematic moment where these guys just break over this wall started to go towards this infantry squad that's in front of them probably into the jaws of their utter doom as Justin has been moving up consolidating moving his cheeks even the coyote is starting to come in here and have a little problem not much in the way of firing has happened well yeah let's tell a lie things have been shooting each other but things have been largely missing the only thing that's really happened is that the German section in here has got a pen marker but because they're a veteran in it in hardcover they are horribly difficult to deal with so they're quite happy with where they are at the minute at this point is now my activation I have to try and decide what I want to do with it because don't want them to move these guys are hanging about the panzer 4 is hanging about to see what these guys do so I guess we're looking at possibly the spying Mac starting to play a little bit of a role here so let's have a look at what you can see from where he is at the minute I think we're just going to issue him a fire order if you got this on the camera Justin good he's going to be issued a fire order and he's going to open fire at this squad that's coming across the field so I'll put my tags down here represent them firing no he has two weapons he has a light anti-tank gun and he has a light auto chemical for this is going to be using a light autocannon thank you cameraman and he's going to be firing at the squad so he hasn't moved this unit in soft cover we'll need to check some ranges I believe yeah get my play see up here see a light light light light light automatic cannon 48 inches two shots so are you doing 24 if I'm within 24 which I am I'm a short-range now be forced and forced ahead so here three shots at force double sex is nice so let's figure out so we are a plus two to kill I think on a light autocannon yeah it's to have to kill ya two fours so this squad here has also taken a pin marker and has lost to you guys not bad for my first kill of the game anyway a couple of some women but you know at all times so at this point we're going to return to it now and we'll get the rest of the turned umm we might break back in if something else interesting happens so let's see what happens in the next few activations okay everybody you're joining us at the end of the second round I've still got two activations to do but won't you give you a quick recap on what's happened so far there has been a bit of killing done on my side this turn if you haven't to look down here this is my dad pile so far so I've been losing guys from laughter and centre I even lost one of my heavy infantry not fun but as you can see John has continued to actually solidify his position across the battlefield here you've got the LMG up and ready for a next turn he's got another squad here really advanced and actually fire fighter these guys I have brought my jeeps up and into position because having two medium machine guns that can just roll around the table is a lot handier than having them locked I'm also those jeeps are actually quite cheap in diem so I think they're really really useful we'll find out a little time right hello my mic is moved up it's been trying to take shots here and there a little bit but let's get on to my last two activation so the first thing I'm going to activate is my Tesla tank I've held it to the end of the turn because now I know I don't really have to worry about power 4 until next turn so it's a little advanced and it'll advance 9 inches up to here does that give a clear line fire from here onto the tilton core and I'm going to take a shot of them so I have moved right here something important this Tesla weapon does not have gyro stabilizer on okay so anyone out there that is playing this but it doesn't get the minus 1 you're doing it wrong okay so I have moved there in hardcover that's gonna be sixes so here's the way this works right I know you're probably looking at it going but that's another tank gun well if I hit on six I don't have on a sex but if I had that with that rule of d6 to see how many no it comes to six that's how many hits that we get on the in it because the lightning arcs through the you know okay but he has activated he has done advanced is fired and done nothing the last thing I have left to activate is my last 12 manual which I've been holding back it's time for them to actually do a run and get all them to the fray no result and John have agreed that these cars give you a soft cover but you can't just run through them they're just a little bit of hydrants so 12 inches I cannot be sold here it is time to book it if I can get everybody up and into position if you look across the rest of the boxes while I do this I'll explain all that what else happened to John Steinbeck which is done at the end of the route there has been causing problems and throwing out more than a lot big damage and some pins as well as that that veteran unit which is holed up in the ruins there they are god-awful to shift you know because generally with that hard cover I'm at the very least I'm going to need size to hit and then it's fives to kill if I remember correctly for veterans so really hard to but that's the end of turn two time is really beginning to run out for me because we are now into turn three so over half of the game is coming up on being gone I'm I'm a little bit nervous I think the objective might just be a little bit out of my reach but this is kind of what happens whatever you set up you know your own custom scenarios you might find out that you know you've made a little too hard for yourself but you know what I like a challenge so come back in the middle of turn three and we will see how it's going [Music] so guys it's the start of turn three on Justin has made a huge error he's tried firs artillery again but he rolled a one so as per the conflict rules I now get to move his artillery marker 24 inches in any direction i-19 i have a feeling that there's a very tempting cluster of targets over here so we're going to see if that's in range so let's look at our 24 inches from the artillery marker that's a lot of stuff down there so it looks like our Tillery marker is going to come down here Justin how'd you feel about this I feel bad still not mad it filled by so essentially the marker will will go for anything it's what be six plus six oh eight yeah I roll a d6 and see what distance the the barrage is okay two inches so that he angels away from that marker every unit friend infil within that you'll have to move four okay yep so it inches heavy infantry coyote Sherman are you getting my server this guy this guy and your your observers over here so he's spared Oh only just I'm hoping he would get killed by his own fire just to make up for that horrible horrible : just despite an a so what we're going to do now is we're going to work out exactly what's happened here and I think are we going to come back yeah basically rule for you at night on camera right one through five they're taking d3 pin markers okay okay on a six we'll put that to the side yet we'll figure out what's happened and then we'll come back to see the results all right so let's start with the heavy infantry down here so I say what they are tailgating for them 5d three pins to roll again okay one so one extra pins just put the die to preside them with one okay to mark that see you getting one extra pin you get an extra pin the coyote ah it's another five okay so that's another avian D 3 pins two things there's a super sign up okay the next unit will do this squad here ah six okay they're directly hit to the six beside them yep well that's figure eight heavy Heights or hit on them yeah no I Sherman ah so on these weekends Johnathan's so he can't freakin three pins blast so the Sherman takes three pins yeah joy number one saving grace here Oh sup my commander squad is right here yep seal actually actually check and see if they're with immediate yeah let's have a look at that they are are so will rule for them lie to you five so I get D three pins yeah that's three ten reasons for them to three decide them huh okay the next is the squad back here yes Oh rear oh I am for okay so D three pens see three pens too so they get one ten ten everybody I believe that whatever value let's just double check again just in case we're clipping a Jeep as well hmm from the center of the marker it's not but if I go from the edges but it says the center point cuz token could be different sizes I'm gonna kinda keep tell you this okay I'm glad you I'm going to be slightly friendly and coming to my right nothing of yours is in range let's hold it totem corner looking a little is tilting core are holding to the way yet okay so I think we'll need to come back after we figure out what has happened to that unit okay we have resolved all the pins everybody that has taken something including the guys that are taking the full on strike they were to get these six tens they only got one so what's not too bad but we are seriously locking down the rest adjusting center here which is very interesting now we've resolved more or less all of the strike the strike ended up getting nine hits no runs on three six yep so it's 3d six heads I got nine hits so this is a chance to actually wipe the unit and this could be quite interesting so 40 kills for is the kill oh there's two misses and three misses sex kill six guys guilty that's still there I will have to take morality act I believe from losing half my unit ul so I guess we'll jump on with the turn guys we'll come back at the halfway point right I'm John alright we'll be back in a minute guys I relate so you're joining us in the middle of turn three things have not been going well for the Americans this turn you may have noticed we've got quite a few activations have happened so the first thing that has really went right for me is I've had my jeeps firing away notice to kill one of the Tilton Corps that is to kill one of Dylan's veterans over here who are in hardcover no easy feat unfortunately my Sherman has went died and my head a infantry have also went dying so all of that pending mahatma earlier is really really starting to hurt me thankfully this squad has hung about by some fluke miracle but one didn't I have gone activation here so it's going straight onto this mortar team again they get the fire order and they're picking the exact same target is last time which is Jones veteran squad in the rooms so we're not exactly sure if that is the target but Jones has been happy enough to agree with me that we believe that that was the target from last turn so I'm firing I need a 5 plus hopefully this'll know give them so put that it the way they fired munition was a bad one didn't go off let's quickly draw the next dice and see if I can perhaps sneak an extra yes so I can get another activation here well I'm going to try and activate is my coyote unfortunately it has two pins on it it is regular and it is not within range of any command although I don't think it takes any bonuses from commanders anyway so from regular at all seven or less okay I got four so I'll drop it in and it will act of it so I'm going to just give it an advanced order it's going to just trim the light into the middle of the road and act as at the thermal well cover for the other unit here so I'll put more pens over here it's been here I'm just going to fire it's medium machine gun into Jones squad in here so we'll see what happens with that now I'm actually wondering should I go for that major or should I go for the squad the major I believe is regular as new job yeah so I think I'm going to give it the fire order on the major but I will take that extra minus one to my for add to a minute so they have machined on four shots you're in hardcover I'm going to say and you're in and around the rims so that's going to be sixes so nice to hence so they are ten on that unit cut over here and now I can roll the kind and wet lift ain't so regular guys so whatever guys dies but it's not exceptional so as soon as one of the guys who's standing in front of their glorious leader going no sir I will take the shot for you yeah let me break in here and say that this is justin's pool of dead yes this is justin's glorious dead the Germans are here I'm gonna kill you've killed one weapon team and three guys are working on so this is something I've always argue but John is veteran force versus regular force because young stuff is veteran it is that much harder for me to actually get killed and having it in hardcover is essentially doubling the difficulty of killing but a little with the turn here we'll come back with the last couple of activations okay guys it is time for a break in video because something has went very wrong in the world of cones like 47 well at least this bottle you know the way I got all those pins at the start yeah I tried to activate my command squad unfortunately here it's why I rolled I roll a double six so I've Savard I then roll the two and what that means is they have panicked they have broken they're going to shoot the nearest target John actually gets to take the target so on this lovely sheet here yeah it actually says on a one or two it's friendly fire yes so I get to take out the opponent I get to pick their targets who would you like to take I think it would be funny if the target was this cheap right to cite them and I want to hear you explain to yourself explain to everybody who's watching hi on earth these two experienced well-trained officer gaya a regular first lieutenant own jeep right uh I've gotta I have it I have a story just for you okay so the token court has just advanced in here yes yep they already have pens on them so whenever I try to activate them and enroll the badly they have seen the total court coming through they have decided you know what I don't like this today let's write home you get on the key but we're fighting get energy no unfortunately you times interviewed disobey commands of a panicking officer two days this would actually be point blank no cover not moved so yeah it would have increased ahead so they have hitting thankfully the Jeep is a soft skin vehicle so this is six to do damage current er roll two sixes here ok nothing they fired a warning shot so we'll see what happens next turn die is one of those beautiful cinematic bones and everything goes wrong and all of a sudden by the way you buying I've had this happen to me a couple of times I it's funny but it can really hurt I'm just thankful it wasn't one of my bigger units that fubar because those really hurt when they go off kind of like a hand grenade not you know pull the pen through the pen whoops anyway well with all the rest of the turn here we'll be back to the end of it we will see you in a bit I'm enjoying my Germans are enjoying watching the chaos that is Justin's commander over there pointing his pistola jeep driver going ghetto I'm going home I had enough of this clearly the jeep driver and the Jeep gunner are a bit more motivated than Justin's command structure so there's a bit of a swing in the Power Balance going on in Justin's lines meanwhile the Germans are just consolidating their positions making it difficult for the Americans in advance these guys have rocked up took out a Jeep which was my I believe that was my first victory nice in the games over mom so they tidy things up over there the spying Mac has fired the kayo a couple of things of hands not importantly the coyote is immobilized although the coyote is immobilized so he can no longer - off and potentially get to the objective on his own he couldn't have done a hero rushed no I have two activations left i won for the panzer 4 and I've got my veteran infantry over in the farmhouse over here so we're going to activate these guys first we're going to issue them with an advance order now they have two pins but because they're advancing they can ignore one because of the right resurgent that sort of southern unrest or the fatherland resurgence so they can ignore one ten money's still on test but I still have to test for the other one because the commander is nearby he'll boost them by +4 yes so that's okay their morale normally is 9 November at normally is 10 minus one for the ten plus four for the the officer ready so they have 13 yes you can't really feel this nope it's not for double sexes yes pretty much so they get out they drop 110 we now get to advance so we're going to advance them out of the cover here and let's see we're going to bring them onto the road they're going to come right out and they're going to have a little bit of fun with this coyote my first sense is tingling your face sense should be tingling because there's two of them in these squads so let's just get them out there ah fire five fire try yes first up we're going to fire the panzer 4 Isis we have two of them there are a point-blank which is awesome what you have moved but I have moved so yeah that's fine so the range the two the coyote is six inches yeah that is a point blank for a bouncer price we is two of them so we've moved yeah your salon - 1 3 yep so threes ok ah no I just that I'm going to need to ask you how the times are always work exactly alright John take the the camera here from it yep sure is I will need to go to the book I wasn't expecting to get did this turn so you have your powder priced so if we go to the back of the rule book which is actually quite handily designed because as your full weapon chart here and they have to go home for a special role but we'll get to that if I need to so tons are Feist tonnes of cleanser fly Spencer sliced wasting tons er here we go so it's a range of 12 inches one shot only but it's a shipyard and it's a plus six so this is mildly overkill for my coyote which I believe is an armored 7 so it's literally a 1 to do superficial damage on a 2 to do penetration and I believe it can get worse from there if you roll sixes other than that if you would take your roll for a second I'm going to quickly click black back so I'm going to roll you find that is a 4 and a 5 it's a 2 kind of training hits but I need to check with ship charge does because it might do something very very nasty so well if I can find everything all that I do like it all the schematics are getting in the rule book it's really nice yep a safety weapons the fins weapon special rules where are your special rules okay I'm trying special rules of shape charge okay the warhead of these rocket-propelled grenades can take any tank it strikes head-on these are very powerful weapons but rather inaccurate so this offer from an additional - one pound a - all hits to roll or all rules to hit so you would have been on four out but you've got four and five so you're fine as well as that on the other hand as the shells don't rely on velocity to penetrate armor they never suffer the - one penetration modifier for firing at long range so basically you've got to penetrate and hits on me if you can pass me the little damage chart there you will get two rules on the chart and we will see what has happened so John roll your two days all righty five in a - I'm pretty sure that five means it's destroyable yep knock tight another victory dice for John I'm just going to leave them standing there you know thanks please dice there you go so that's the end of turn three don't you still have the Panzer X either Gohan give me this give me the camera give you the channel okay okay okay gently gently gently gently yes okay I got I know okay right what is the panzer x going today contracts needs to get into the fight sooner or later but I've been holding them back just to let Justin come forward and let me sort of thin out the numbers a little bit he's not a particularly good vehicle against infantry but he is effective against armor I passed on the infantry if you had them they can't do a run order which is important that's right yes they can be slowed down by the gravity weapon no if we advance him where would we get line-of-sight to your Sherman it's quite a ways off to be honest so yeah we're here altered in an Amish I could put in an ambush but you know what I'm just gonna put them going for the end of the turn oh he's going down Santa turn they're just having some schnitzel and they're just chilling out there on the engine deck letting the engine run Leonard price of mags and great but nine he comes the this is getting crunch time for Justin because now we're moving on to turn four yeah and look how far away I am from my objective so Justin has still yet to cross the road you know yet to break out away from the road which is the halfway point on this table yeah I think I'm going to have a discussion with you at the very end of this battle about the way yourself it's gnarly if we play it again what I would like to do yes exactly yes we'll see everybody out of that [Music] well guys is the middle of turn four and there's a few more interesting things happening here first off the tootin Corps have been decimated pretty much down to a single figure by this infantry section here further up here these guys have received another pen they fired they took I believe they take another heavy reduce them to take another half an infantryman died the pounds are for seeing the total course starting to fall over is moving forward here to shore up this middle part of the field however justin is not starting to make a bit of a breakthrough here he's across this hedge and even across the field - these guys know the activation is mine and I need to figure out what I want to do what hasn't activated yet is my clients action my half-track my spine Mack and the infantry section over here so I think at this point we'll make the infantry section will issue them with and let me see a thyroid because they have 110 but they're not advancing please don't need to test on it so but they have leadership morale of 10 yep so down you're nine going to nine so let's see what happens here yet they're fine so this pin goes like the pin goes away they can now fire at full capacity yeah so we have two LMGs in here and we have two loaders so we the rest of the guys are firing cool levels so it LMG shots - shots - uh-huh yeah everybody's just on a three because there's no cover you're not in Point Blank yes miss you guys this hurts this does hurt so we're looking threes yeah so thank oneness yeah one miss yeah now it's forced kill huh also don't forget that is one okay so forth Wow you know couple of possible exceptions very possible exceptional in there three exceptions if you roll those sixes no no okay so how many wins two all plus three four five six so basically the flag six here yep will go and they will take a pin for that okay that is mid mid term mid to turn I'm starting to feel I'm still feeling confident to be honest with you the veteran infantry really make it up for its points costs yes just that I ordered me at the start and yeah I have less stuff on the field than he does but what is happening is that the infantry is really making an impact here so I think what's going to happen next as Justin is going to attempt you know in the next turn anyway he will attempt a breakthrough with what's left here he will definitely do it he doesn't have to worry about this infinitely too much with the tank of course it'll slow them down and only has an M mg to respond to him with any sort of effectiveness it did have a shot at the tank and did nothing so his Tesla tank is now free I would go with this and that is going to light interesting my Tesla tank has those three things on F and D is lot of time uh-huh so let's see what happens the rest to turn when we come back at the top of the turn we'll see we're just in stance our everybody we are coming back for the closing parts of turn four things are getting a little bit dicey for me if we look down across the table top you can see my command squatchin section has moved up here completely Atlanta so Jones stuff which is my plan I've got my GPR because I'm going to be sneaky with it the total core almost all that here this unit still at full strength Laurel and Hardy here are just trying to will these dying with their their two friends here my spar is throwing more and more pins down here my more obviously missed it tried to shoot Jones infantry section over here but because it can start it was on to a6 the last thing I have to go is my Sherman so three pins is regular so it's six or less to see if he even shoes back at the answer X OS a ten so they'll then no blast he go joint so this is this is high painful not artillery has been for me is a risk taking it sometimes but it can pay off but what it doesn't it really really hurts so the last thing we have I think it's two activations for John yep so yeah two for you John so I'll give you those you get me the camera okay come here come here come here okay okay I got it okay I got it there we go so where you can act it right well my last activation for four weeks which the camera on was to get my commands action into this half track yeah so now they're in the half track the half track is going to be issued a fire order okay it is gonna fart it's going to fire out your heavy infantry here okay so they're annoying me they have pins on them I want to keep those pins up on and keep nice less important thing because they're going to two men you know your small team for additional honest to my defense yep so I've a medium machine gun five shot yes with Hitler's muscle it also gives it five shot yes and in the experi trees yep but small team plus one swing force and I believes I said yes I say like force three hits okay stick another pen on them okay well they will so that's four times out on them and sixes nothing nothing okay so that's another pin that's exactly what I was real small what I was aiming for anyway my last is my total core might lonely little dude over here and I'm going to be sneaky okay because the token core have are on a horror or around them yes if they're within six inches of something that needs to test I believe you get an additional - one - for that so because I know that there's units of Rick pins on them nearby aka this command section we're going to advance the tilton core up to the corner of this building which should bring him within six inches of that unit yes so he just got an advance order he has no weapons against it but nine you have an extra -1 when you go to test on those guys when they even go to do anything yes so that is my activation stun that is turned for complete Justin if you would add I sticker and five final turn things are getting really dicey we may make it we may not yeah so we'll have to see what the US forces managed to pull off in their last turn can they get the bridge or is this bridge going to get fixed and all of that stuff over there is going to pour across and it's game over for the Americans [Music] okay guys midterm five a few interesting things have happened the panzer 4 had another goal with the Sherman and missed entirely however I can have a giggle because the spine back managed to advance and take it out on side armor so yeah that's cool I had to take the Sherman down for pride hoping the Panzer forward it and know it was completely impotent against the Sherman for whatever reason but the spine back the little Kewpie light Mack - take it out so at this point my deactivation is mine I have a unit down here which is on four pins and that night needs to pass a leadership role because I want to issue an advanced order yeah and we don't get the command because the commander is in a half track yeah but because they're advancing to get to ignore one of these pins yes I only have minus three y LS seven or less they feel they're going down in this turn so I have freed up your remnants your Laurel and Hardy and here with ETR get one more Dyna kit just call them the three stooges yeah pretty much my current limo yep so not unit is not useless for the final turn of the game but I don't think they were going to be overly important at this stage anyway available to do the other thing that happened is with my loan token court was completely smashed out by the American infantry moving through you here so yeah it's going to be interesting on the other thing that happened that these guys took two pins from a mortar strike that actually happen for a change the thing actually managed to hit them didn't kill anybody but out of two pins to the unit and so the Germans are starting to feel a little bit shaky on their feet not too bad at the minute but I have a feeling justin has some very cunning plans so cunning in fact if you glued a tail - you could call it a fox let's see what happens at the top of turn five so guys we're at the top of turn five and as i suspected justin has being very sneaky indeed look at this look at this look how close this guy is to the objective why did he did he run here on the Jeep as hard as possible and got it through all this turian by just only needing to make out one ninety degree pivot and get onto the foot path of the bridge so the guys have minded the curb screaming towards the objective there is a caveat though this command section is - guys it's a small team it's going to be a little harder to hit but the rule is because this is classified as a transport if it ends the turn closer to an enemy unit than it does a friendly in it it goes away I have one opportunity to wipe this guy off the field pull him away either closest enemy unit to that or be the closest unit throughout which is an enemy in this case and this goes away at the end return otherwise if I fail to kill them Justin would have the day if this went to turn six and I will come back as a technical victory because he actually got there so we have three occupations to do this unfortunately there's three form unit that can actually do this we were over there so we're going to check and see what other units I have around to Venus no the half-track is going to activate first he's going to be given a fire order he's going to fire our heavy infantry he has one energy oh hi I'm John you could advance I'm not going to advance and shoot up across there well shot it's a long shot but no I I have faith in my other unit that they're going to be able to do this so five shots onto the heavy infantry it's a straight shot of I believe through your fort but even of course those are all hits there's three heads will move those two away nothing another pin on them and kill no we do not kill them so whoops the command squad is going to be the next thing type of it I have a feeling they're going to advance I use the half track I don't too sure if you can do this enough but I'm going to do it so the command came through over here you're still a two-man unit we'll get an advance order to get our half right now they'll move their six so this is Steiner Snyder Steiner Steiner and his friend clothes are getting lights to have another go but they're going to shoot at Laurel and Hardy over here instead I see you shooting in the regulars yes okay small down in a small man unit so it's horse yep so one rifle shot one pistol shot at force no heads so yeah they're going to die if we went the turn sex final activation yes yes final activation I'm going to put the advance thing down there this year it is the final thing and these guys are going to be issued an advance order immediately let's me ignore one pen but I have to test for minus one so my leadership or my morale in this case is 10 minus one to nine ooh they failed and have gone dying oh Justin what have you done I what are you talking I'm Big E black sorcery of some Foreman I have a feeling that my infantry has finally let me down after four and three-quarter turns of pure awesome on their side does totally also but unfortunately it didn't kill the command theme so the command team are still the nearest friendly and it to that Jeep so the Jeep can still move on if this went to turn six and Justin got the activation first he's on the objective and would win so it's a great because I created Americans I tell you what let's come back for a final sit-down chat with everybody up to let them see what we thought listen I am NOT it's all over so Jim and John how did you enjoy the scenario this was an awesome little scenario the Germans clearly as I said at the start they were well-established in the area yeah and it really felt like they were established yeah as much as I was talking about my German forces over here being a vanguard these guys were really tough to move like you see with that veteran seek wanted so much to them just I sitting there if veterans in hardcover and our god-awful to shift they aren't you know I mean like when are we used to play regular bolt-action you always thought you know the Germans were just so damn tough it's because I went for that veteran army you were always running regular army guys were dying in droves meet with my elites they were just taking on Tim the whole time yeah overall for scenario factory guys myself and Joan disagree on this but not the way you think I believe I've lost he believes he's lost right so at the end of the scenario was I had to get to the front of Pegasus Bridge to blow it up that was where the location was for me to blow it up yeah you're saying because I got to the bridge in turn six if I got the first second activation which I possibly could up I would have been able to build a great job and have done with it yeah I disagree completely because I had to get to that front point so I think this is a bridge too far for me you know overall yeah basically next turn this bridge would be dying everything will be wrong again and I'll be coming under Tom to fire from that one little Jeep yeah so that you wouldn't last long after bridge you got six Beveridge would be fixed at the end of this thing because absolutely had agreed for the time line yes so this will go down I've instantly thought up Yuma a stug a tiger a heavy anti-tank gun recoilless tank gun actually I am isn't this huge army is this this is um one of our community members salinas OS Linnaeus Lydia yeah all right his army I have to thank him for this his army made up the infantry of the battle report yeah and it was hilarious because every time one of them died I read them I read Justin their names oh yeah because if I grab one of these each and every one is me so this is yarn yes I was going to do a rule of honor but I thought that would give it to morbid so I've decided not to I just read them off as he killed them yeah yeah we did have one or two little aside you're going hunt no you were my favorite German yeah but as far as armies goes I'd be the Americans were stuff that Chaz and I from Wars and brought across he brought them over for you last year when we were doing Bullock yeah man basically for both armies in this this was just us adding the weird stuff yes on between the three of us we painted the weird stuff yeah so we Justin painted the Sherman he painted the heavy infantry any worked on the coyote as well I did I just usually feel addition you can chill exempted epoxy that Tesla's room just let you do it will be killing on it cause it looks nice yep and then I went to had on the Germans and I painted the token quarter pounds or four on the vine as well honestly I love how your palms are axe turned out it looks good though yeah it's a little bit extra sure tumor in the back because you can imagine you know there's a failure engineer right there looking at going up know everybody's old coils and I just I get said that yeah let but get me some outlines I've got this bolt on there Jessica yeah you know I mean like overall your veteran infantry were the stars of the field for me for years I'd yeah because you got the mental hard cover and they were just sitting there taking and taking and taking the punishment and you were just whittling down my heavy infantry yeah dude I was being a little gung-ho with the surprise of the show was the Tesla Sherman yeah I expected it to be a lot more I think it's just it's not the vehicle itself as bad as our tactical years ago because us mm Iran's done much I think we've both been too cautious wasn't going if I spoke this idea when it's going to get shot by you were too cautious and miss Kim yeah I was not cautious enough in the demo game so high because I roll forward and put I'll have a shot nice to be great and I missed yeah look the biggest thing that hurt me for this game had to do that misplaced artillery controllers yeah you know because it's it's not that a dead load on it yes almost tilting in it but throwing so many pins across a large section of my force it's just luck everything down and slowed me up so much and brought since that hilarious fubar moment with the lieutenant yes leacy I do love the fubar mechanic and it's showing those those instances and work when everything is just went sideways you know everything is going wrong somebody tonic and yeah I vote no I have had enough of war today who might want to go home I like the fact that you actually challenged me to make a little story there's like 20 of the other commander turning right and going look there are zombies coming I don't want to be here you get a Jeep I said get out of the Jeep right night pistol get out of the Jeep right not pliers kids does nothing he's winged it he's he's like that fella in bandar brother's um lieutenant dike or lieutenant dike the guys is just coming a West Point and he's only earlier do a bit frontline combat so again dropping the yes so yes so let's say that was a that was divers a first lieutenant straightaway the Academy and I will see insignia not exist in honor of felonious felonious so he will be named what was his rank uh he was lieutenant so yeah lieutenant dike lieutenant bucoli mr. McCauley no no my family has no prior history of military service so that will not be happening not Airlines wouldn't being the very first steps and no no I knew I knew I knew I knew all right well I tell you what guys drop your comments below tell us did you enjoy the start is there anything you would change for myself I've increased the size of the American deployments later just because it felt as if you know we both had time to make in the middle and I wasn't you know on the charge into the into the are they attacking area under the field of the scenario really should have being the Americans having the momentum yeah and even before the activations I started coming up you should have felt like you had the momentum so a larger deployments and would have definitely helped with that yeah yeah but guys tell you what drop your comments below did you enjoy the scenario how would you obtain to yourself have you noticed any tactical mistakes but myself and John admit because I'm sure there were a few oh yeah you know wait we only do this for fun we're not generals no no no no no even though we have what seven or eight years tactical experience really yes oh my god so someone get your comments in below we'll move on here and we'll see you in the next one we hope you enjoyed this let's play go ahead and check out or other and on screen no I'm be sure to check out beasts of war comm for the latest gaming news and gaming Let's Plays and while you're at it why not hit subscribe and remember the ding are dong go on you know you want to click it go on
Channel: OnTableTop
Views: 32,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weird world war, Tabletop Gaming, Tabletop Game (Game Genre), Hobby (Interest), historical, Miniature Wargaming (Game Genre), konflikt '47, Beasts of War, warlord games, Wargaming, OnTableTop, ontabletop.com
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 20sec (3380 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2017
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