Let's Play: Sharp's Practice - The American War of Independence

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this let's play was supported by these awesome hobby companies [Applause] [Music] hello everyday and welcome back we are here for another game of sharp practice with Richard from two fat lardy's so Richard we're switching up the time frame again here so where we are now we are this is 1776 and we're in North America we're really just a year into the American Revolution and I'm commanding a British force Justin's commanding a force of rebellious local colonists who've got a whole stack of weapons hidden in the barn that we're home defense own defense I sold you those Chubb locks you can use them well we're gonna hair we're gonna come up we've heard these these guys are a bit of a rabble and we're gonna try and show him who's boss okay well let's let's get stuck street and we both have one deployments on each we do we're just going to use one deployment zone here this is a situation actually where we're probably going to be seeing a lot of woodlands around the table and we could be using local forces to have a secondary deployment point maybe a moving deployment point which could be getting is going round the edges sneaking up on the enemy but we're just gonna go with one because we've got fairly compact forces here so it's gonna be a pretty much a straight-up fight alright there for a little brutality then so how do we begin we begin by rolling truffles morale which we've already done we're kicking off this game at a pulse morale of nine each and we really then start by shaking up that bag of poker chips having a rattle about in there and dragon out and see what we've got now we've got the blue leader to now I'm bread because I wear nice red coats yeah and you're blue because you hope to wear some blue coat some of your guys have started knitting their own is it is it too early for denim well no it's not too early for denim but you're probably wearing it but so very casual yes very very casual for Solomon Solomon melodies controlling one of your stake yeah green hair in your militia unit he's wearing a nice green alright so six inch deployment plus sex for you not being on the table to see me yeah yeah but as long as plus six as long as you're out of line of sight of mind so if you're gonna be going 12 you probably want to be behind these trees but if you're gonna be going 6 well see where you get well they say I think even if I'm going 6 that gets me nicely up towards this side okay I'm just gonna go straight ahead yeah so these are your militia troops so you probably don't want them at the frontal point right in front of me because I'm coming on here because these guys they're pretty happy to stand there and shoot but if my guys come up with gleaming bayonets it might be a different story if it's over open up and I okay on the go let's see what's coming up next it's another blue on it for blue for is Billy Pickens now he's leading one of your groups of skirmishes you've got some militia Airy skirmishes there's three took thoughts three sorts of skirmishes in sharp practice you've got the light infantry who are really well trained and disciplined and drilled and that's actually what I've got some of those guys they're gonna get a bonus whatever range they're firing at you've got skirmishes ordinary skirmishes who really like to sit at long distance and pop away so that probably be something like French voltage years they get a bonus when they're firing at long range and then you've got the regular skirmishes which what your guys are now you get a bonus firing at long range and when they're in cover so they really like to hide in the trees get behind a fence line that holds them are our in front of them so exactly what I'm doing that so these gentlemen Oh yep are gonna deploy into this wood okay right I do nine inches nine inches because screamish troops yeah they can get anywhere in the we're going because I'll just I'll pop a couple of trees down yeah but there's a great idea pop them in and while you're doing that yeah you keep drawing a food tiffy leaves right no flags very early in the day for a tipping cup so that ends the turn well you see that perhaps there's an informant within the the British unit well that's that could well be I mean there were plenty of informants during the time of the American Revolution it may well be that you guys have heard in advance that we're on the way so you've had a little time you've had a bit of time to get yourself ready so when we go first card out leader one which is that's Kelly Samuel walk up now he's in charge of your state militia one of the groups of state militia problem is you've got is that you've got two groups that statement issue but they come from different states Oh different colonies and so neither one's in charge so it's a kind of chain of command or if you like but not that chain of command a real chain of command okay so from here what I'll do with these boys yeah six inches I can get another six yeah update there if you can't be able to see me yeah that's fine yes I'll have a living column yep debate here so okay grab one grille right and I'll yeah I won't be part of the night into the long line yet all the flag so you got a flag I'm carrying on get the game moving along so you got a flag came out aha sir charles' Fortescue sir Charles is the leader of my force mm-hmm and he's commanding a couple of groups of light infantry so he's going to deploy from here and he's going to deploy within six inches of that now you guys have kind of got there before me if if you haven't been there I would have probably be deployed in column but I'm going to go straight out into line now keep them within six inches of that because I don't want to be caught in column in the open hmm so there we are that's that's his turn he's out of range so he can't fire you can see those guys over there but because it's a formation is after fire it's kind of that so we'll have in there on we go the next for its Red Bull you that's sergeant strangers of the Queen's Rangers these guys are Americans who are loyal to the crown and they're serving with it so these guys are pretty good skirmish troops and if we have that alternative deployment point these would be the guys who were taking us through the woods and doing some sneaky stuff like that see I've got muskets they could have rifles later in the war but at this stage they've got muskets let's see if they're within twenty four cause if they are they're going to have a bit of a shot at you militia say and they all right so we're gonna have six dice at that and sergeant strangers adds one so let's roll the dice for there we're hitting on sixes but we get a bonus because it's first fire so we're hitting on vibes and another bonus because we're skirmish troops so we're hitting on Falls so that's - so your militia they're big groups of militia groups of ten roll one dice on each and we can only grab my my dice that I forgot to pack up at the start again all right so two dice yeah you were hoping to win without rolling a dice I reckon that so they get work this isn't a game if I win yeah Oh guys one on it so a point of shock on each so let's let's pop that split them down sorry we do that's okay but as you roll the same it didn't actually matter in that case did it remarkably we got a tipping card out very early on but you've got a blue flag so you can activate a unit on the table that's not been activated in this turn and this was a new turn so yeah so you've activated leader one who's Woollcott so you haven't activated your militia or these skirmishes all these skirmishes true indeed so you could really start I think I'll start with these guys cuz these guys are you know in line so they can't actually see you that's right so these guys yeah we'll take a pop down here if I'm okay for right okay so you go six dice yep they do they get first fire bonus because these guys are real militia these so rebel militia you know is it a regular malicious going to regular militia skirmishes I believe it's these guys yeah for a safari yes yeah they do so they do get a bonus for that so they're hitting on sixes because it's long range but they get a bonus they're in cover and they're firing from it fives first fire they hit on falls so six guys and one for the leader one pull of leader alright let's everything do this okay so four hits exactly good shooting there's me saying disparaging things about them and they're shooting holes in me let's see now I'm I'm like troops I'm in the open but you're firing through cover so I get the honor pit cover so they count as heavy coverage about this they still them are dead and it could be their leader oh it is it is well that's what happens to him he's knocked down so he's not down and we actually have to roll cuz the guy's wounded yeah so let's roll the dice to see what happens when we have a low one leader wounded flower older for level one leader wounded on a four is one off my false morale see you ever are you kind of surprised me this is this is actually a bit like the American War of Independence whether the British regulars are marching up thinking that it's gonna be a shoo-in and then all of a sudden hmm maybe not okay I'm gonna say very out here for a second do you see that that was young Tom young Tom he can sure knock off a cat's back from 20 pieces probably right first one out red - right - well red - is lieutenant Edmondson Leger and the light infantry troops now he's commanding two groups of light infantry who have formed up light infantry you can get light from tree skirmishes but these guys have formed a line infantry in the American War of Independence racing really really aggressive troops really more like shock troops in many respects these guys and the Grenadier were on the flanks of the regiment imagine you've got a regiment with the center companies but on the flanks were the elite companies and the light infantry did a lot of the hard work so I'm gonna get them in a pretty compact column because I want these guys to be getting ready to be aggressive so we'll put them down there right next one out aha it is such arcs so he gets their dads he Sir Charles he gets two actions now we're gonna he gets three commander initiatives but all he's really got to do is activate these guys they're gonna move six inches they move up to here coming right for me they are and because he's commanding the whole force he can actually use this command initiatives to act about anybody on the table so he's gonna call to the Queen's Rangers and say open fire chaps and they are going to respond guys they get six dice they don't get first fire bonus anymore because I've already done it all sexism so but they do get light infantry skirmish bonus so there are hitting on fives so just one and they're still hitting on those militia so you're in cover so you choose which group it goes on doesn't really but actually it does uh-huh mr. mayart who will not be connected to something this unit do not want Solomon mouth to die yes who shot Solomon melon like a film on I $5 shot on the show so next car Bana left that's maybe you certainly can and also they need to mark that they have fired they do but they don't because they fire and they reload AHA because they're only going with musket and your sister which was having rifles you are that's right when we played before we've seen a lot of using things out the 95th rifles where these guys are just using muskets at this don't so the problem for mean is I have to hide to be at my second leader who's this yeah it is that this song well Solomon melodies you're sad actually so that's Solomon that's perfect yeah so I'm gonna roll for them to move with one died okay for six okay perfect cuz what that's gonna let me do it's the entire column is just going to rotate the move around right okay and he what level of leader is he's level two so he's got them activating you'll remove one point yeah of the shock so they'll use one action to rotate yeah but actually because they're militia that's their whole turn rotating really yeah they're drill is a rubbish you're not good at it so he thought can only ball turning the wrong way and I I can understand that but at least now I've got like a line of fire yeah in here towards us for a common unless they run past me yeah that's also fair comment blue five blue five is Cyrus Clinton now Cyrus Clemson is your other skirmishing okay so for why I'm here hmm I can get manages can't really do much with this in fact I think if I have him run to here I need to get out in round two actually just try it yeah you've got a big you kind of verb up about all lanes and I think it's my only hope here okay well why are you doing that I'm pulling a flag so I've got a red flag that's right I've got a blue flag okay I think that what we got next well blue four blue four is Billy Pickens who's the skirmishes in the little wood yep so Billy you've only got muskets yeah yeah I only got my shoes that's a E is gonna is in cover yep so he's gonna call fire yeah he's gonna fire at this unit okay fine so you've got 180 degree arc of fire so you can focus your fire on these guys gonna hit the formation so that's six dice Plus Billy's seven nine six plus one and we've still got our flags in the Attic this will they hear mm-hmm Oh No when I do nothing right okay and that's tipping tipping exams really the tiers it's really time it's kind of different astok this time but we both got a flag out yeah so you can activate a unit that's not yet been activated I can activate a unit that's not yet been activated as long as it's on the table problem is he activated them in there and he activated them so I can't they're like so I've got this unit I can act of it you have indeed so you have not activated Samuel Wolcott in this turn so you can activate them indeed so they will move too yep or by they're just yet and he will use a command point to get them to form like no because I need an action to do that lasso how do you want it to do that you do any roll one dice for a moment okay my bad so still five inches yep I can bring them up I'll have them almost ready yeah that's right next turn you can click into a lot yeah but I won't be set to fire well I yeah because it only takes one action to do that and you can fire Illinois okay so if I'm rotating yeah I takes the entire journey for militia your state line they can do that I keep forgetting that yeah no worries first one out so Charles oh dear here he has seen them come around for the virus he has seen them come around and I'm kind of wondering what the range is here 19 inches I'm gonna get them to go forward and then far because he might enroll with six don't we get into close range get one ah well we'll just do that then okay both the little bits yeah the massive locals okay well we're gonna roll a dice with this group we're gonna roll a dice for that group and then we're going to add three dice for Sir Charles yeah now we're at long range so we need sixes to hit and I've cover from the yeah we got like cover but that comes on your say bro but I do get first fire and I but I can't present can I because I've used my first action to move so I can't do my control Bali so tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna just roll again and move with the second action that's very low so another five no five so that kind of does get me into close range but it's too late for this key so you like to do any firearm right draw bit of a risky move ya draw red flag mm-hmm followed by blue be like yeah followed by Tiffany Fein Wow incredible the cycle is incredible yeah but it does show you that you know it is a randomized thing from the bag yeah so we've got a unit here that hasn't moved and I'm gonna move them up because I had a red flag so my eye injury are going up 9 inches and sad with you you didn't have any flags yes indeed today so away we go again next turn whoops pull too out there blue flags I'll take it followed by red flag if it's another flag here it's gonna be a random event it is and the last unit to move was those guys do you want to roll me to be six random of 18 9 okay if the troops are in March column they will halt when next activated so these guys have kind of fallen into disorder trying to rush forward yep that's a boggy field better than asked him on that really well no so are you trying to rush him up obviously got stuck in some kind of muddy patch in the middle of the field red red four red four is Billy Pickens in in his would know no rat four is you go and I think that might be then ah now red floor is my arranger right man who'd fallen unfortunately yeah but he has fallen down so we that was the first time he's activated so we ignore that next time we're gonna dice to see if he gets back up again but so we ignore that one pronounced right okay blue flag so you got two blue flags so you could activate any unit now and interrupt on it or you could wait knowing that you can activate two at the end of the turn Oh yet so we'll see but the way the toughens are coming are we at yeah that's probably a good idea right sergeant reg barking reg is leading the light infantry here after they're in skirmish formation they are and he's gonna go nine and he's gonna head over here the use of my light infantry skirmishes okay he's out of range of anybody here but he's he's kind of trying to be devious yes and then he's moving on a road although he's not in college no he's an icon so he won't get a bonus for that so rad something it is a red stomach it's a red flag so I could interrupt with any leader but I'm kind of going to leave it because as you say the way the Tippens have been coming out yeah blue three blue three is Bradford crimp Bradford printers your other till yet the line unit state line that hasn't yet deployed I think I will deploy him I think it's probably a good idea so from where he is he's just gonna do the few try and come around here all right and maybe just yeah you're looking for the one big line there's a welcoming committee yes I can see that making sense so because I'm behind the woods I do get a little bit of a bonus does this you know block yeah I think a big unit like that will definitely block site so you can match up to that okay that'd be very useful for me handy meanwhile I'll pull out another one well would you believe it it's a mule woke up and he's guys who were just in front there yeah so Samuel if you don't mind activate those men and get them to form line so one action will just click them into line without rolling a dice to see that absolutely folow me yeah nice nice simple bit of drill yep I think I'm up and now do they have controlled volley I think only the first volley can be controlled yeah but I would have to present you would have to present which would mean you wouldn't get to fire now so this is kind of that who fires first moment I don't want to risk it I'm gonna take the shot you're gonna take the shot it's gonna go straight down control so we're going to put an uncontrolled marker in front I think that's probably a wise thing to do at close range as we just yes between us before overwriting are we within 12 here we are we are we are yeah are indeed oh yeah because I moved that six inches because I remember I was hoping to get there right so you're gonna roll a dice an eight dice and you're gonna roll two for Samuel Nannan 999 and you're hitting on Paul's fives and sixes but you do get first five or so threes a big roll hit him hard hit him hard you've got to do that because these are British regulars and you've hit them fairly hard there that'll be five one two three you're old enough yeah you have I feel on two three four five yeah yeah yeah absolutely then same again same again please five Oh blimey six six seven eight nine ten there are three yeah no oh yeah isn't it yes it's the first shot yeah 11 12 yeah that is a welcoming committee so six hits and 60 beautiful okay one dead and they're getting cover here so one point of shop yeah the cover becomes so important it really does doesn't it because without that cover look how much I've got three points of shock there straight away so again and we've missed that one there let's put it through oh that's bad that's a bad roll is maybe one dad and AH three full shot full shot for shot on that and poor shot so once again maybe the arrogant British regulars okay they're getting a bit of a bit of a surprise I don't know maybe there was just a bit of an extra powder charge in these guys first shot could be that's the one isn't it that's that's the carefully loaded one that you put in there and I'm sure they're horror to the soldiers out there during that time when it went for a double charge yeah absolutely to blue to be Oh dear me a solo showing them now out perfect for me because he's know properly lined up yeah Mallard is a level two leader so he will drop one of these yep and then call for uncontrolled volleys yeah because that's all those guys can do yes I think let us put an uncontrolled volley marker in there now here's an important thing you know it made it past me yeah you gave up my only target is then yeah at long range yes so you are do you get first fire bonus I believe you do even there's militia rebel militia oh yes so you're hitting on fives and sixes and you get 10 dice per group because have big big groups but let's make it 11 because Solomon answers to dice yeah it's a two sets of eleven yeah this should should do some good stuff fives and sixes yeah convinced I'm not convinced because she's shooting against skirmishes in cover so it's gonna be still gonna be difficult but nevertheless you there to stop you there to start if I can even start put some shock oh yeah that's right I especially am NOT a leader because you knit without a leader just can't get rid of shock yeah four in total mm-hmm so let's roll a dice see what we get there that's gonna be an in light cover but I count as heavy cover cuz I'm skirmishers so we've been looking at one dad one bit I know shot take it that that's every death case in this game yeah it does it does it's remarkable how they can make a big difference red - red - now red - is this guy here now what can he do this was next time he's activated he's getting his men out I'm a big puddle of mud that they've got themselves stuck in so that's them down for this turn or three blue bags no Tiffin this time yeah but those are flags I could activate an officer or I'm gonna hold and see if I can get that fourth huh you get it I've got it down oh I've got the fourth so I'm gonna take two points of shock off and I'm gonna present and fire these guys here yep and to show that they're unloaded at the end of that I'm gonna put my smoke across the front them now I'll we're at close range we've got three four five we got four five and six because we're at close range it's the first volley six three four five and six and I'm finding a control poly so it's two three well anything but ones basically yeah so I'm gonna roll eight seven seven and seven seven and seven so let's do that and then three probably but there are one point of show so is yeah just like that okay a big seven hits there so far wha British drill don't mess with the Redcoats and seven so that's seven on each group yes I'll just rule seven twice and yeah please so from where we are I'll do this unit first yep with like the the leader attack yet and you're in the like have a stock falls and fives are going to shock you in sixty we're gonna kill one dead and two shocked wow that's a lot worse yeah really good huff so let's take your guys up there second set thank you sir I'm gonna get lots of shot points ready here because I feel confident about this one possibly unnecessarily so I know they're so no what are we sure yeah one dad but I'm a leader because it's linear that's right to the line infantry we're eight skirmishers firing them we'd have to be checking for leadership casualties not awful Wow we haven't that tipping yet and you've still got three cards out but those there's you lead a five Syrus Clanton now he's your skirmishers who around the man in here yeah all right so they're gonna book it for three yeah so three lie smooth three days when they run nine yes okay oh we're so European it couldn't be helped all right so he actually could make a pretty decent sprint they can't up to the set of this bone who can and do that's everything is doing yeah so that's good that's your light infantry or all your skirmishes are always getting a plus extra dice for a moment it's a blue flag but it's a for blue for believe that is Billy pickings in his little woodland yeah he's just happily slip away so from where he is so he's gonna take a pop at these lads he'll fire and remote so that's fine so no need for smoke so six seven dice families and they're just outside of 12 which but skirmishers yeah so far guys Elizabeth oh yeah but yeah that's true that's true six six so you can certainly what we normally do is we move the full six inches but where you say I want to move up to the edge of the woodland yeah that's great you can do that so you've got into close range now you don't get a bonus for firing at close range but it done man oh you're hitting on false fives and sixes anyway alright so it is a bonus in its own right yeah so or there you go Plus Ones yep seven down on Falls come on hit them what three hits three hits okay now I'm in Kappa so I'm gonna put this he's with them so I'm gonna put the two on these guys here okay so again these two on these guys here going to show up I told you I had to grab a handful of shot markers and one on these guys here no not a 102 right so that's nothing okay with a small force like this a loss of a leader really kind of hurts yeah okay tiffen now but do you know what looking in the bag everybody's active oh yeah but only your big unit I didn't get us that's right activation yeah I however have three blue flags left you do but you will activate it I have heard about to be at least it was though there was nothing my left so yeah yeah back in the bags nothing in the back yes absolutely right so away we go blue - blue - mr. Mallard mr. Mellott lead mr. Minnis man whose militia mallards militia as we call alright I think at this point and I really need to start swinging these guys around so they are just gonna roll for movement yeah so one dice where you go what you trying to do just rotate and spot right these guys I'm less worried about now well the problem is that you've got a fence in front of you really we see one planet is that the way all right okay well what you do to rotate backwards is you roll two dice okay roll two dice and you and the lower one is how far you can go back that's probably enough yes sir she's less your hole that's your both actions maybe so but yeah it's still going strong into this line again you haven't so I think that's as my major concern is keeping you in the firing arc because you're coming at me on such a narrow front evil tricks tactics read from yeah if end same so you get out of it somebody I do oh no no I'm going to activate I'm guessing here guessing right reloaded I'm gonna reload and fire I'm gonna go uncontrolled here are really yes that's dead yeah I'd love to get another control bullying because I think it could hurt but it's for that there right there shoot them though yeah but I can't frustratingly I'm activating the unit and not the leader because it's on a flag so I can't rally off any of these shock yeah so six dice for these guys X and second six dice so once the leaders aren't involved the effectiveness really drops well how's that then two hits for those guys okay and let's see what we get for the second group firing one three hit so you're in cover so you get to decide how you put them it's very simple two here one here yeah okay the way it has to be in the White House - been doing for the two-piece night numbing in the other one for soda talk shop mmm that's that's a fair enough trade-off yeah so we put them back in the back yeah and we shuffle them up frustrating you see I mean this guy down means that these guys aren't acting like them yeah but they're not the highest priority at the moment blue flags Ozark yeah blue tractor kicked off alive like oh I'm gonna get a random event am I gonna know thank goodness for that blue tree that's Bradford crimper Bradford crimper commands these guys at the back yeah so yeah they're just gonna go for to data movement yep ten inches that's fine by me cuz literally all they really wanted to do was give themselves here yeah I kind of can't go any further forward because yes but it means when this front leg Falls I've got a second-rank I'm really just to spread out and go after you yeah okay blue flag a flag so you got two blue flags down I've got one red one back yeah so this is rebel oh no this is state line yeah damn but these guys are rebel militia yeah I am going to interrupt a sharp practice okay so from where these guys are here they can fire at you yep it will mean that they are sitting unfired for the turn I mean I think I'm gonna have to accept that yeah and it's ten dice so 11 twice yep into that unit yeah what's the range six years you hit no sexist sexist um we're a bit poof yeah you kind of just blasting off into the blue in there couple in there and that fire adding in with all the other fire mmm it's gonna make you a little nervous a help wow do you know what if I don't get the leaders car down even if I'm activating on these flags for hopes even if I get to activate on these flags at the end of the turn if the leaders aren't coming out I'm not rallying the troops and that's a nightmare for me so to run those guys especially winning there's no man dead and two on these guys not going there fortunately worth the try though yeah those militia a stunner annoying me I'm gonna have to do something about this and do you know what it's Solomon blooming Mallard mr. Mallard again Yeah right we load fire no because yeah you use that on a shop but as a bonus wasn't it yeah so there's Mallard yeah they're really annoying me so he's gonna reload and fire you know this is the mood off right lads first one to kill that enemy commander Ramon me all right so eleven and eleven again yeah yeah and he will he will actually be clever know that he's activating for one take that rally that shot off got a debt gonna do it six is yeah one hit that's fine mmm-hmm every hits gonna count here do you know this it cursed me having these light infantry held up in that bog yeah in the field because this this unit is really taking all the pain at the moment and their pain is really oh my lord another to another three says two on each group or were yeah at all let me clear that site I love having a little better there's my lucky dice don't I well it's certainly not my lucky one so nothing there well maybe is a bit lucky sometimes and the other great second group one point a shock shock is starting to mount out there even with my main man a great leader yeah this is a lot of shock to be dealing with yeah because you guys got held up they're not fit to split up no no oh you've got three flags now yeah now I could really take that and activate a leader that would allow them to take three points of short practice on anyone I do have sharp practice but I'm kind of you're a little bit lit yeah I I am so all I do is reload but I'm kind of waiting for that fourth one to try and get the big bang and get two rounds of fire in and really show you up but my goodness I might I might miss out on a mine on no I'm going for it I'll miss out I don't think I go home they don't blame you blue-blue for for that is billy pickings in these woods yep so you just sit here far away we go out seven I'm already living to regret this son i right seven seven dice short-range full fives and sixes and that's a whole lot of for four hits two and two once again and the the guys who could be picking off my officers yes I said we're not off the first unit night no and on the officer whoops at 400 500 shop that's really mounting up there I'm reading six guys in that group and I've got eight points to shock off the across the two groups already yeah it's red to red Edmondson Ledger right right he has like my shenanigans he has enough of them yeah right that bloomin - Terry's right okay we're gonna we're gonna see where he gets to okay well there's five there's eleven oh Jesus I said were you trying to get to there all right we'll squeeze in how's that all right and we'll assume that you're setting apart are you still staying in column for now I'll stay in column just to help your dice tower okay so tell you why I'm um I kind of feel we're at the end of the turn all right a lot of house chemo well I have to come out and I'm thinking if these guys you fired they've bud if these guys can get the first card out next time you gotta charge now don't be ridiculous but I might jump over the fence and shoot you in the face that's a red red one big red one ah so you commander counteract of it okay clearing some of this up he can he's got three points however he's gonna make himself a level four commander so he's gonna take two off there and two off there yep just the way to do it and he's got another two flags they're gonna allow him to fire a crushing volley and which will double shock so he will reload and fire so we'll leave that there yeah and he's firing with six on there seven on there but actually it's five and six and then himself but another level for this turn so fifteen right I'll take your word for it so I roll eight and seven here we go okay fours fives and sixes one two three rows of rubbish on this every hit Coates one two three and that's three of eight and now this time I want to roll seven on my word one one four hits turn two turn two we doubling shock so I always start with the non commander unit yeah that's a great idea - sure yeah that becomes two points to show up yeah so okay hooray hip-hip hooray yeah and then on the other one yeah with the commander I have two moments to show up and I actually have light cover oh yeah oh yeah four five that's it otherwise it would be great with so bit of shock on their devastating volley that I here's the thing mm my commanders aren't very high level no so I might have to start burning those flags to get that down that's the issue that's the problem with kind of irregular forces the leaders are not to be great quality number five fleet of five is Cyrus brampton who's the guy who still had him around the back with his head is gonna use this free days of movement yeah it gets a one-off now he's not in cover so he wouldn't get any firing bone to benefit from where use but you yeah I'm gonna pop a second dice in there as an action to get an extra bet okay that's five inches yeah that might be just enough to do it yep yep up to the gates are up to there yeah I'll go up to the fence yeah and just spread them out a bit so they look pretty yeah okay it doesn't matter there we go so I'm gonna fire yes well you don't get any benefits short range but you're hitting on Falls anyway so that's good in Episode seven dice on Falls but who don't want to hit I don't know it's a big question you've got a 180 degrees in your option so anything in front of you and these guys are fresh but these guys are but it's gonna spread anyway no because you're you can you can choose your skirmish troops it will spread across the formation but it won't spread across the tree and to here then let's Christ they're gone yeah you've got to put the pressure on in one place um here you got a bright units yeah oh yes I'm rolling rolling pal here warheads for two and two so all that shock I cleared up well be coming back to on the also a whole fire yeah I'm gonna rule that because yeah that was their first fire oh yeah right roll again if you want me yeah I will just reroll it to be fair because I can't remember how many threes I got in there no I can't either that's an extra head none no threes yeah extra hit five hits in total right so I'm gonna put some in cover so I choose so I'm gonna put three on these guys here and OH two points of shop so yeah that's yeah that I've just rallied off comes back building up again and two on these guys here what's gonna shop yeah worthwhile though worth more definitely we've got it just definitely keep the pressure off keep the pressure on it's blue it's like I could be useful to blue flag it's one Lewin it's a leader that's your main man in that little soap and we're gonna throw two of those yeah to increase his level to go to level 4 so he'll drop to here yeah one here and they'll fire and reload i reload yeah so that's gonna be 7 6 and 6-plus here so seven and seven yeah seven oh seven five six seven thousand sixes you know full as fives and sixes for a closer range yeah 103 yeah oh gosh you know another six hits good 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 & 3 yeah so we're gonna put 3 on these guys without the leader first yeah it's one point of shock thing is you think I'm pretty sure that's not a lot but it's bill don't know it's building up if that happens you lose a man dead brings the amount of shock I need on you really oh that's right it kind of the two things that one's going up and the others coming down and it's becoming more problematic so they have to grab a card it's yellow flower red flags that's not a lot left in the back 400 let's see if Billy is a hero and comes back to life for he doesn't he doesn't he's just taken a penis the bosses ahead you can see me drunk so a you slag can activate it hasn't yet been activated well interestingly we know that these guys haven't yet been activated then these are the guys I'm relying on to go around and harass their lab you so I don't activate then move them three dice because they're light troop yeah that gives the mid 11 so they're taking this little path through the woodlands Oh Deary me it's a game of fire and movement and at the moment you seem to be firing and I seem to be moving this unfair balance right but that's everything down Mirai you see my thinking is anytime I'm playing this game I need to sell my phobias get shootin you still got the flexibility cuz you're still on the move and I have locked myself down though yeah yeah but it's how I crack your position it's a difficult one three police lutherie now that is Bradford crimper Bradford crimpers the guy at the bat to go here he's kind of in a traffic jam and Lee is so you know what he's actually gonna do mmm he's gonna go running as fast as he can mm so two dice yeah because I'm mmm actually no I tell you what it's not gonna do that yeah he's just gonna form up okay so form the column so you're just gonna click into line that's fine yeah and that'll be all he's doing in fact you can shoot at da because edit these guys well he can but they're from Maryland and they're from Virginia and they ain't taking no orders from you yeah not that they speak like that in either of those states you ain't immortally you talking back okay to to blue hello it's Sullivan malar the ever annoying solomon malar hard yeah is going to reload and fire yeah and that's gonna give him 11 Dyson 11 Dyson that yeah and I am just gonna keep pumping it in yeah I'm not surprising not to try I am surprised at sixes six is year-11 anything it ever said yeah they all count they all count because it's the pressure is really on this line I mean they're getting close to being two three more that's for your consistency is remarkable with they did exactly I'll buy them off you at the end of the game right these guys here like nothing and I'm gonna put two on these guys here with the leader that's bad oh that's bad it's rolled to see I have to roll under two it's the leader yeah he takes it and what happens to Sir Charles for to school for he's wounded he's lightly wounded now that that's bad in two ways it's bad because I've gotta take a test call the bad things happen tick which let's take that immediate six and that's the worst possible reaction I can have to that it's too off this he's my commanding officers wounded well that now means he's a level two so his ability if he acted management if he's a level three he can take off two points of shot and activate them to fire if he's at level two he can take off one point of shot and activating it to pass so kind of game from three to two really harps he's effectiveness and it gets worse than that because two guys died there fortunately one of them he took the hit for one of them yeah so one man's gone but yeah it does I actually had hoped that it would just be two guys dad because then yeah and - well I was very much too bright breaking on blue flag okay it's a big blue turn here it's a big blue turn he's Billy pickings here's Billy's chance to put the pressure on again yep for seven dice yeah I'll be living me oh that's right really really we're taking it for the team here these guys are doing kind of a whipping boy here the hair out though so that's one point of shock so this get this group seven guys but they're on six points of shock so it's getting close and the other ones critical one two points of shock so yeah that now puts them over by one by one now if you are have excess shock you you fall back if you are militia like those guys one access point shot they go back three inches if you're these guys here would go back two inches but these guys just go back an inch because they're well formed true oh now that's the unit that are obliged to involuntarily withdraw so we have to take a full smile check for that yeah there's only a 50% chance that it cannot affect them and it isn't doesn't but the good thing the lucky thing is it doesn't break formation because these guys have got enough kind of flexibility to fall back up to two inches in but it does mean at long range now yeah so those guys are really Oh staggering back here wanting to increase the range unless you draw a red one right now right through okay if I call that red through yeah is Ridge I on the side here on the side now ragers got to get into action hasn't it for us ice so he's got eight dice eight inches so he's going right around there eight inches and with his remaining action running a fire Goodin yeah so he's laying it out there right legs fire just that's the way he talks in this situation in right so six times for the men one for reg we are light infantry we're hitting on four five six because we're close range threes as we light and one down four four shot first shot so anything but one shot so six hits so three and three yeah so I'll start with the one that doesn't have the commander in here in West yeah so first three yeah oh one head let's take him up and the other three that seemed I know to shop there I'll take that yeah but the great thing is the more shotgun put on these guys are more pressure on the footman because there's loads of men and only one pretty you know average leader he's gonna have a real job keeping them in action Maillard is a leader - yeah ma you're one holy shouts and flags he's just gonna have to take to shock up those guys oh yes what you rang he's are gonna gotta take and do I wait I'm gonna take to shock off and I'm hope I get a flag to let them fire at the end of the turn because getting that shock offs are really important at the moment all about those decisions like least I know don't forget I haven't spent my flag I was hoping you wouldn't notice be nice you need a different Tiffin right so I've activate I haven't activated them you've activated two three units two three and four I still got one yeah so you we've got one flag apiece so who goes first will you do because you've got the high force morale because my thoughts Murrah these pigs are annoying me go away pigs there so I'm gonna have them fire yeah who's fine which guys the so this is Mallard he's - did he have active it yeah he activated yeah so three and so I've got he didn't activate yeah I've got one and I've got five yeah so one in five him no sorry him and him yes him and him yeah I'm gonna have them activate because they don't have any of the shark on them true so they're gonna at these guys and I could actually pop a leader if they if they do well and they're still is in the glows yeah they are so they hit on three so really clearly seven shot yeah no because the leader they're activating on flags are just six six sort of leader doesn't oh just two yeah still keeps the pressure on them that's the thing if I can if I can get youth running in these group here Oh dad mom and dad six men six shock looking dangerous yep and the next one on a shot clock good job I stripped that shock off doing that was just know they're only up to they're equal yeah they are that was worthwhile that was you've got one to go as well I have so are you gonna go here was it tough no all right it's a press unit it's not tough at all because rubber one trouble moving yeah but kind of oh dear kind of moving house they just hopped over and left one bit behind well I've kind of really done that Oh so they you always take the lowest dice off when crossing a a minor obstacle right but rolling double one is so you think a hole I won't roll two ones who wrapped barbed wire around dispensed and then you do Oh Carrie I was really hoping to get over there and then get the first card out and for me to align them blow your way but let's see if I don't bleed Lance let's see if I don't I don't it's blue looks like black let's see if I do Tiffan Oh so what happens there did I just get an inlet to activate yeah any unit you're learning all right I'll know here's a question are these guys in cover no oh that could be vicious but this unit but this unit it's in such bad shape anymore for attacks bad shape any shot it's gonna see an involuntary withdrawal that's gonna hit my force morale two hits not a lot but one on one is you know are two good odds are good one on the dead man to man dead as well I mean that does push you over it does and it's a Bruce Lee bonus because a man's actually gone good job at it all that in the think three nothing on that so these guys fall back an inch in voluntary withdrawal these guys will go with them let's roll to see our force morale then week we can take that perhaps the commander sent slowly lads slowly yeah I get back perhaps they're just daft they turn right okay all right away we go blue flag followed by blue flag so you could actually interrupt now but let's see on Arrakis no I could commander activate you could well if I can learn and activate well or I can activate at three so I think that's more value I think you're probably right even if it's different and if this card comes out and it's one of mine and it's the best power back light you can always you to run wit ya see Flags story three flags in a row yeah you just fired we're only two dice we've got a random event happening eight well re rounds a minute yes what it says which means the unit is really in the zone they're really firing well they're doing that Richard Sharpe stuff the unit immediately makes an additional firing related action so they and they're on musket so is this fire alerts if I leave and loop smoke there that's right but yeah they're really in the zone their necks swine's to the same unit yeah few more Irene or three more gosh so you can see why they're feeling buoyed up and you can see why they're yeah they've been doing the business so hits on them I want a warm and that's good one word that's one with the commander one sorry fast but they're not looking with I got out of jail free on that one really didn't yeah red 3 red three is reg reg barking now reg you should have smoking from because he should have smoked named for under him because he fired remember he ran up and then he fired with his final action yeah but now he's activating again so he's gonna reload and fire so we'll leave the smoke there yeah I tell you what I'm gonna do do I want to interrupt hang on if I interrupt here yeah could I wrote it just to make it so much harder for you get on my flanks I'd be gone back the way mm-hmm well you haven't activated in this turn so what you do is you roll two dice you take the lower dice and that's how far you'd go back but yeah you're right I'm about to use their first free action and movement to get him round and try and get behind your flank yeah that's what I'm thinkin and I've got the three there to do it yeah so I think I will okay so that's good because I'm kind of putting pressure on you to use these tokens for silly things like that which is great noise outside so he he'll drop one of these yeah so he's activating he's dropped one of them right there's to be sexy so far I can get them here and I but living challenge oh that's no good my unfortunate so they see that coming right I mean she's probably out me not enough of a twist to stop me getting behind them yeah so red she's gonna move with one d6 Oh Dex I'm sorry over that's how that you're over an obstacle is it not - and drop the lowest I'm not going over the obstacle oh right so you're oh I see what you're doing you're going way way up here mmm but actually now you've done that to be honest me I'm not gonna do it because it's it's gonna put me in long-range alright well we'll see what happens so you're just gonna shoot from where you are yeah but at least so from your point of view at least I'm not shooting in the plane because I'd be getting double shot yeah that was my thinking yeah where we go full threes this is heaven of them ah all right seven to take yeah so I'm in cover yeah so it'll be three on the leader okay yeah so I'll do the non leader first with you work for a dead man good man which is the only thing you're getting there yeah I know sure he on the leader one here so super get shot shot yeah but it's not doubled so mmm you did the right thing there without doubting it it's just that I like the fact that there's a certain amount of reaction you can do yeah red four red for Mariah and I read for is sergeant strangers here does he stand down you know he does what's been happening well I've been away yeah does he activate it's all about yeah yeah he's going to yeah so he's activating then he's going to get them to fire and he's going to fire on them now he's hitting on sixes because it's long range but it's going to be fives and sixes because they're and easily your free movement yeah I do but I'm kind of happy standing off at long range to be really I don't really want to get in front of you when you're piling all that short out so it's just one hit and to be honest with you I'm kind of I reckon between the two of them we can just burn on the non commander you know yeah see I writing just weak between the two units we can kind of chip away he's gonna weld mid oh yeah just annoy you right you've been in so there we go wakes up to is Solomon Mao up but only because I activator than with the three yeah he doesn't get to go now that's true that's absolute last done yeah oh no red one a big red one however here comes at the end I don't know if it dance I've got to take this shock off because if I keep going back it's just gonna hit my false morale I mean I know I've kind of been avoiding it with some lucky rolls but yeah lucky rolls don't live forever that's the truth truth where am I gonna take it off and taking that windows me it's such a difference to me mmm I'll tell you what I'm gonna do mmm he's got a 9 inch shout range yeah he's gonna shout he's gonna use one command an ish dip to shout to the light infantry get stacked lean legs Hey and he's then gonna take one point of shock off yeah okay good joy so these guys here are gonna roll two dice and they're gonna take off the lowest one so I do go piling in oh you're actually attacking I'm actually attacking you and did these guys have smoke on there they did yeah so they can't shoot you on the way in no so they are unloaded now oh but I tell you what I'm gonna do these naughty chaps here are very aggressive and they've armed themselves with tomahawks okay and that's they come in they hurl them at you Oh God although wave them in your face and they're gonna do that and see if they can get any shock on your unit tomahawk to the fierce I've never been set on the shoulder I'm scared and rightly so okay you need one point of shock pretty pretty pathetic well it's every point of shark every punisher is gonna add up man is making me his command points to do it it is right and we're actually going straight into a clash come back there okay so it's a full unit mmm six now it is a full unit he's nodding he's a level one to be loved one so I'm on seven okay so we're straight into 50 caps so you get six guys I get six dice but I get three for a supporting unit mm-hmm so that's the unit coming up behind Sargon IX and I get through it which puts me on nine mm-hmm now do you have bayonets I don't know you've got any bayonet so these are no bear that no man that's right okay you've got a leader attached he's level one yep I can't so a leader attached he's level two so I know I had too much you guys in for that now are we adding any if we had command cards we could add them in to get extra Donnie I was neither a flag here neither of us have gotten T they're nobodies we D are you meeting the attack unloaded you sadly are so take two dice off of that okay are you fighting without bayonets yes you said they are so you can take two dice off of that or then two three right okay but don't worry because you're gonna have a little action in a minute any shot yet but not two you're defending a minor obstacle yes all right attacking a minor obstacle so I take off one dice in for so I'd take off two for that but I am aggressive so I would add two back on for that so that's the dice I've got against the dice you've got however I thought we'd worked that out so you could kind of see the odds before you made this decision right you can invade because your skirmishes oh how dare do that you roll to d6 and you go away facing the other way I don't want to fight this you gotta run you probably don't want to fight this how about milk yeah absolutely so 11 News so just straight back yeah and that's not an involuntary withdrawal because you chose a tabular tactical wouldn't in very tactical so but we're getting pretty aggressive okay let's see what comes out now Luke like okay that could be useful for me let me get these guys back in the fight red flag okay the flag yeah blue three blue three that's Bradford crimper now Brad for runaway no he's dead like the back there oh damn yeah can he shout at them no well I'm nothing to do with a metro blast every man is a general in your army right they're just gonna stand there there's nothing they can really do okay Wow followed by blue for Billy Pickens now Billy's in the woods yes but who can Billy's been doing good new it so easy tonight to hear again yeah I think it's over the Twelfth Night yeah so what am I looking for you're looking you're getting the bonus there look five and six now thousand sexes seven shots ha ok right number one two different six seven let's go oh no nothing that was hard for me so two red flags out there I'm different if in well who exactly later than who hasn't won three and four well he's activated buddies men haven't now that he had to visit them he did yeah but his men this group haven't been activated so I have got an option try to right there I've got an option sergeant strangers activated so we know he fired and Sergeant barking activated so the only guys who haven't activated on my side are these guys and I'm gonna do that now okay uh mind you look at this four men with Paul shop is two dice yeah five men with five shocked it's two dice 2.93 domination there's a three-year in it so because I thought it was every - not every - but we don't add you don't you don't oh sorry sorry sir I've been cutting back to front sure yeah so I'll just roll five dice with a whole lot and yeah right really hitting on sixes no yeah those guys in that shape you can see the effect of shot you know yeah really but this is why I mean the start the game I looked at that one that has to be the big tough unit that has to go down now I'm more worried about these little bit rolling up here yeah scaring me a little bit pretty scary guys frankly red rag black followed by lutherie is Bradford crimper he's the guy at the back just sitting there doing nothing you know good lads followed by - Lou - wee man Mallard oh it's the Solon gonna drop one yeah open fire yeah it's gonna be sexist mmm yeah definitely so those guys I think your target there is that man that oh yeah yeah cuz I had to swing round here at this ring yeah ah so reg is doing this job in more ways than one yeah so I can ask to target this year and you've got only guys yeah so you're hitting on sixes so you get seven and you get 10 and you get his so yet 9 and 10 leyland - yeah I think that should be one two three four five six seven eight nine ten mm-hmm six is wrong oh yeah that's one well he normally Nanji is for he normally manages a good second roll let's see if we can keep it up good night ah - sit - entire fictive - in total Wow and they're all a unit that up until this point hasn't really been a threat no point of shop yeah these guys have kind of been lagging back a bit because their leader got bashed on the head mmm that was really useful for me though as well as running into a big mud slick right before a sergeant strangest talking of the devil didn't like getting shot no he didn't obviously he's reacting violently well he's a level warm does he take the shock up now he's gonna ignore the shock at the moment so he's just gonna get five men plus him six firing just take those out the way and two hits so one of your guys and who was it your target another you know odd yeah all right yeah yeah well no as we got this one-on-one so one point of shock on one of them should I roll them separately that's I put a shot where you like yeah okay it's a friendly game thank you thank you very much blue flag so followed by blue flag so you could interrupt followed by something red red like three flags in a row right well let's see row me a couple of dice and we'll see what happens on our round yeah I guess second you get a six right six six we're beating them boys remove one point of shop from the group that fired fair enough these guys are pretty buoyed up by their fantastic success they can see you quivering with fright surely gonna Specsavers so another red flag so I've got a three out I'm kind of at the point where it does that not make an end of a chapter no no no more flavoring game that's tipping out first oh sorry it's okay red three yeah three yes now okay red three is sergeant barking sergeant barking is going to step out using two of these flags which gives him an extra dice of movement so he can have two dice a movement free which he'll do six and two so take the lower one off allowing him to cross the hedge six inches get behind your flank and then with his remaining two actions he will reload and fire Kalia erupt at this point to try and move my ass again but you know what you can well do so - and drop the lowest yeah Oh drop the high off the higher yeah come on top again so that's good five so you're pretty perfect spinning - postman how about no how about now yeah so for five yeah well coming actually yeah yeah I'll bring them about their well yeah I'm not you kind of you can't shoot at me yet but it's you've certainly stopped me shooting you in the flank and getting double shot which was kind of my match when he informed me like birth it had to be done yeah it certainly certainly did yeah certain knowing Reggie's really putting the pressure on over there with this yeah it is useless borrowing one hate okay oh no he's got a three he gets a threes campaign because he's light infantry okay hello two hits one or more that's uh with a commander yeah shock with commander they're all roll the dice to see if with Solomon Mallard has been at his wings clipped to basically no nearly one man dead yeah alright that is that one small unit is just really really tying me up yeah red one head home ago what can he do though do you know what if they'd lost one more man I feel a lot happy because he could control then all of your yeah stuff will consolidate would it not it would in that would cause me problems oh it's kind of it's difficult this is that do I get into fire or am I just making a rousing speech and rallying them to threes in the six here they firing is gonna be abysmal so on I'm gonna I'm gonna take I'm gonna rally them he's spending all this time rallying those guys okay and I don't has got to be covered the right thing to do right that's like see they can fire on that now all to die so a little aloof like I'll work at that Tiffin Pippin so he's not activated you've got the high force morale so you got to go first that's easy we get out the back blue one blue four blue five so that is Samuel Woollcott hasn't activated and Billy Pickens hasn't activated and Cyrus Clinton hasn't activated I think I'll have it here mmm that's just to get it yeah Johnny I'm gonna shoot straight across yeah okay see how I can finish this so those guys will have six dice and those guys we got to shot that yeah those guys will have six classes of six and six so in fact if you pass me in one dice I can just roll this as one set why not always love her all that example a nice especially through the clanking machine or five oh gosh that's a rather swish wasn't it that's potentially gonna cool some he's so embarrassment I've got to put three on I'm gonna put three on these guys because the leaders not with him one point of shop fool they were lucky there if I hadn't done that rally they'd have been in trouble inside one point of shock so again actually not firing and spending that command initiatives rallying this house you know all the line in place so they're going to fire so that would give me two nice there and that would give me two dice they're returning fire yeah well long range now so that's just just one hit alright the one without the commander yeah for shock shock that's right okay whoa that was guys are getting very close to disappearing him it's almost a situation where I want to get them out 2014 she's really okay let's see what happens red flag lag followed by blue flag followed by three in a row yeah I was the last one to fire Romi to dice let's hope it's something really positive and good eight three rounds a minute Oh God so I immediately takes all four more shots no I just take one action so that's all right so you get to reload that's to reload yeah so host that's good well do flax so we could both interrupt blue to Mallard who's Mallard is gonna move for what action yeah yeah shut the ranges rough that ah but can you get them to stop firing because they're firing uncontrolled so can you get them back under control what I need well you need four five or six let's find out three no they just keep firing it's just into the into the other loop and he can't add his influence to there because obviously he's not controlling their fire he's going yes Mallard has a level two so he'll just drop the the other shock off yeah which I think will be the most useful thing that yeah even if they're just firing into know where I went they shocked night that's right right okay mmm okay and blue fire five that is Cyrus Clanton and whose men at the back down here yeah so he's he's gonna go for one - it's free myth and I wonder move ya go five inches forward yeah that work well enough for me remember they were unloaded though weren't they where they saw their yeah because remember we attack them and they were unloaded yeah well he'll live to hear a reload and reload okie dokie while you're doing that I'll get their blue 3 which is Bradford crimper which is the man at the back he's at No Deal you hate it in there and I will drop the the shock off them well I can't okay and next one out is another blue three flags three blue and a Tiffany oh gosh so you've got three I've got two but you go first so leader walnut where he's group can fire now this no this is gonna hurt probably this is probably gonna push both these units back which is probably going to hit my for turnaround it's gonna be six and six is twelve yeah possibly one dice place yeah will do but we are at the point where we're only hitting on sixes aren't we because we're at long run and there's all that smoke and all 12 shots yeah indeed where I get nothing that's lucky for me so that I'd say you dodged a bullet but that might be a little cliche yeah that's your first one right on is second my first group activating is gonna be these guys and they're gonna roll one dice okay which means these guys are gonna move 3-1 we can put them back on that funky bass can't wait this yeah just keeps them really tidy then so I'm just gonna move them three and then the group next to them I gotta snap up they're gonna snap up into the line so we're not we can't fire because we've used both both of our actions to do that but if we come out first next turn yeah like it hurt oh my goodness that could really do some damage okay so that's that yeah so you get to activate so you leader for for you it's not being activated Billy Pickens in the woods yet so he's just gonna keep yeah six shots okay great gotta do something here come on boy no drop on that's good shooting that's good shooting are we within that's just fives and sixes yep so to write one on that whoops is a dead one and that's gonna force them back and you know each bit is forcing them back and that's the point of shot that's gonna force them back for suddenly enough they don't break formation because they will they both go together but that's two units making unwanted withdrawals but they roll two or three remarkably it's not hitting their morale and British are really hanging in there I get talked about a second group well that's kind of anybody I like really so I'm going to activate him yeah I like your lateness right up here on here yeah he's putting the pressure on and he's hitting with four hits so 2 & 2 all right so with commander yeah or with a grinder yeah shot one shot with commander mmm either way he's something nasty happening no thing okay whoa and I think that's everybody for you isn't it yeah okay and everybody for me sorry Paul well not everybody for me but both my cards you know your third flag really didn't do anything for you you couldn't use it because everybody had gone yeah I could have acted I could have done with a third one bang Oh hum red flag followed by a blue flag is this gonna be a random affair so what's happening over there roll the dice let's see what's happening on the narrative three right the bad it is good Oh God they've got foul barrels I've got a powder buildup in their barrels which puts them on a - one two hit so almost firing away there they've got this kind of residue build-up which means that their barrels are difficult what they need to do is take them down the river scrub them out but you can't be very Neela battle you know just for the rest that again yeah unless we had a water cart with it right and on if we had a chapter end we could deal with it well they could move over to the water cart but that would take more game so they're just gonna have to keep going yeah as is a little bit worse yeah no great to me those guys were really doing the business for me I'll be mr. Mott I'll be mr. Mallard he's gonna move for two he's gonna move for two nicely it's gonna be as an entire thing to actually get here we were on the spot yeah so today see how much I get yeah he's not really back I think he's moving forward anyway big big six kind of as far as you like really yeah so it's just gonna be yeah so that's put him in there to light so those militia troops are really not very flexible they're taking a lot of time to turn around but yeah but no the Arturo now they turn around yeah yeah and I'm kind of thinking or but I had to see them get them under control first you do solid ice although just fire into the blue one and two sorry five and six gets an under control no you do oh there they are blue 3 Bradford crimper the man at the back for the work that's where they are yeah and they'll fire they'll just keep firing that nice done mister crimper yeah this gentleman or they feel him at the back either gather the blackout yeah yeah okay he's just sitting there doing nothing really like he's useless today whoa yes Samuel Wolcott that's the card you wanted you're in my line so I'm gonna shoot these like yeah I am that's right and that's that's exactly right because the whole thing about the arc of fire being straight forward means that anything in there means you can actually so it does give you that kind of yeah well yeah extra that's right plenty all right so the Roche range show you hit me can I hit on Paul's fives and sixes that's gonna be twelve days till so windows three one two three one two three one two three yeah blue grab that green we're lucky greens it hurt you really hope enter one two three four mmm pores no bad no not bad at all I was really hoping to get the first punch in there get a presenting fire will speak to on these guys here two ones you know there's one point a shock that's not bad I kind of got out got away with that one a bit then this is because of the shot built up on you and right before this is definitely your term really pickings in the in the magic wood yep he's gonna take his seventh yeah and he's just gonna keep hammering into that unit yeah six seven golem no one you know just one if I assume they're the non commander get it in here then I'm commanding in it but but no got away with it another one more point and that would have made have been back TIF int that you have two flags I have two flanks I'm gonna activate these guys here and they are presenting and firing they control bully so these guys can actually do a present and fire whenever it's on the flag then yeah yeah they can it's in their inherent capabilities ryan sits on that force roster can they perform that yes they can't got it so they can do that and that's what they're gonna do is really going after though well this is gonna spread a bit it's gonna spread a bit like spirit and Bedevere yeah that's right so we're gonna put that in front because they'll be unloaded well yes I've done it so we are gonna ask they I need a little extra because these guys run it but now they've loaded if you remember they moved I loaded yeah that so eight dice with these guys eight dice for those guys it's the first time they've fired it is under at close range and they're at close range close range music and here's the other thing you're right up to the fence so I submitted cover from you don't get coming from oh four five and six to hit plus first fire 3 4 5 and 6 plus present and fire control volley to everything got a one donut sound fortunately I don't get my commanders dice and so that's seven with the first group and let's roll with the second group and see what we get we've got one point of shock but remember only two points of shot means that we lose 7 plus 5 is 12 12 that's just what I have in my hand well I have to split it down I know you split it down yeah cuz you're in the end but it's quite easy for 4 & 4 yeah okay no but it's gonna carry through into these guys isn't it so we split it in there these guys are they doing in 12 yeah yeah so we've got 12 so we're going to go 2 2 2 2 & 2 and we're gonna put 3 & 3 on them okay so I really want to get that first unit coming back so I'll do the - yep three sets of two then two sets of three yeah absolutely just don't know them at one corner shop I've got one here you got on there right long Chuck skirmishers yeah nothing know that is there no but cameras like there skirmishers you another three so without commander yeah Adam and our dad and the point of shock of just the threes are now starting to hurt and with the commander with the commander whoa Oh two points you go into shock so that's really piling the shock on those guys yeah and I can activate another unit well yeah do you know what I liked about these and I'm the fire you guys these yeah Eddie here yeah so it's just gonna be five dice and I'm gonna be hitting on fives and sixes but I really want to put the pressure on two hits two hits so one on one on your front unit yeah so with that commander mm nothing with commander good let's see if it's anybody have my Queen's Rangers picked up your main man no how that's six and they know how five shock on them yeah so my lines were holding yeah they're holding but they're not well we're they still are but it really depends on the narrative that's gonna happen when we shuffle this bag up see how these chips are gonna come out that's the thing I love about the the dock mechanic that you've got with the public gem jewelry I think that's the fun bit when you're gaming a period like this you know it's not really important whether you win or I win I would say that because I tend to lose but hush but the important thing is you you're watching a story on yeah it's like watching a film really you've done what's gonna happen exile red four red four red four is sergeant strangers you're gonna go again yeah and you know what because you guys are out in my way he's gonna take the first one and move up he's gonna try and put the pressure on so you're only got four inches but that doesn't reduce the range yet but he's going to keep pushing up so he's gonna roll his five men and him make six hitting on fives and sixes because it's long right night should have stood still yeah should have stood still the Serbs and everyone ever you're on the march red like a red flag let's hope we get a red turn this turn a hold the red 3 red three if that is his old Brad Pitt over there red barking yeah right reg spiring with his six men and his own one dice far away reg hitting on he's not hitting on threes anymore because he's got those foul barrels but he's hit made three hits so and you're in the open so I choose so I'm gonna put two on these guys because my guys are moving right up to that edge line okay don't know the guy over yeah alright so been pushing him about trying bullying him all right so with Commander one yeah this is dad man he's a dead man little premonition there yeah yeah and then the other one commander no nothing no okay now I've got a dice a movement left but I'm gonna you know I don't really want it I'm quite happy I'm getting out you as you are you're in my line of fire exactly their own control that's right I'd really like to get around your flank but to do that I'd have to run right away around the manor house yeah least it's not one of your leaders but I'm getting doubt to be at somebody we are keeping it red we're keeping it red with a red black so I could in the rag could it be a story well I could interrupt back get a crashing volley of his card comes out a blue flag blue flag got to do something special something special but not yet I'm gonna interrupt okay I've got to drip it okay I feel I've got it put there but I'd love to get a crashing Rolly so reload and fire I'm gonna put I'm just gonna do it and I'm the fire in an uncontrolled manner so let's put that marker down yeah to show that we're just fire blazing away okay all right there's on there just throughout the book right well spotted all that smoke it's the smoke on the battlefield I put it at the rear so we can see it yeah so we got eight guys firing here and their leaders going to make that nine they will put that in fours fives and sixes so one two three four there there's the thing because it's an interrupted on - it's not just the you know I was sorry yeah it's just the unit so I'll just fire with seven guys this time it's just seven he says yeah I think that's just gives way along the one that so that's another five that's that's five-year so that's nine in total so we're gonna put that we're gonna go one I'm sorry we're gonna go one two - two - okay so they're taking one everybody else is taken - yeah so the skirmisher has taken one yeah there's nothing because there is chemistry bonus I also start at the back now yeah with the commander on the back one shock that's fine all right go on here okay and the girl without yeah a one shot because they're in the open yeah right with a commander without the commander getting dicey who's getting dicey actually that pushes them over we'll see what hands man with the commander another shot another shot so we need to get a tally of a shock so the commander the one with the commander is on one two three four five six four six guys so they stand firm and there are six four six men right okay what kind of trip your conscription volunteers are the six with six men so you're still hanging in there yeah I just like that moment from the Patriot with the French guy just shapes you know the line is faltering the line is on the edge of faltering but it's a blue car then it's a blue three now that is Bradford crimper the man at the back you can do nothing I've trapped in there but he can rally you can rally what level is he level one I think I don't know coming here yeah so take one off is all right now you got two flanks if he wanted no I'm gonna save those yeah I think I have to see if there gives you a lot of flexibility but being one blue one so I'm gonna use those flags this time yeah to make him a level four yeah we'll go one mmm - yeah one - yeah so that's it you're using them all yeah I have to have to get under control you exactly you're kind of in the same situation there where the line is really faltering yeah but you need another flag out don't you really to allow you then to fire level two from the two is sent ledger now he's his unit has already interrupted but he can still take shock off yeah which it's not that's not an activation but that's all he can do mm-hmm the flag flag so that's gonna let your guys fire at the end tell me there is the end so one unit that hasn't yet fired can fire well these guys yeah I would like to be firing down there okay but will it hit them - yeah well no probably not yeah but I fear the base is the bit that's clipping them but actually the men you're hitting yeah aren't you I'm just gonna focus on them okay great show so Laura Laura shop could somebody one six six but I'm losing four yeah so it shots mean sex all right I'll do I'll take them take two well the traitor dice didn't work for you did it I'm getting him back in my ranks right okay let's see what happens here because these guys are already over this group here dad these guys here 3-nothing now interests over here fire shock three men so they go back two inches it's an involuntary withdrawal very test for that one we don't alright again and these guys have just got enough capability to maintain the formation by falling back if that had been three inches you'd have broken the formation yes you put your really opportune me back these organizers are really so that's that's the linchpin for me if I can break that me in command unit yeah you're you're on what you're on it I'm alright pretty high you know advantage it's been amazing that my force morale the number of times my units have been pushed back up ignored it that is reg good old Rach I saw up here on the fire yeah so he's away seven dice eight nine Falls one two three four hits yeah so twos are not the commander yeah it's one shot huh to with the commander no I'd really let's get those lifted out there I'll say what did knock dice yeah he's a dead and the shot roll the dice to see if it's mr. Mallard himself well let me let me pop the shock first now all the see if it's Mallard it's not rattling but it is a man down there is a man down okay all right so let's see what's happening it's a blue one blue flag I'll take it next one out another blue one file ooh five that is Cyrus Clanton who's over there and loaded yep I think it's just gonna be fire away far away is uncontrolled now he's not because Cyrus is its skirmishes they never got on contrary it so he can he doesn't get up skirmisher bonus at the close range one he's gonna hit on falls anyway yeah six and one yes so that's seven days new divorce yeah on to that Oscar man yes big roll we go five hits of rough mmm oh yeah now this is the last thing I need is sent ledger getting wounded and because we've seen much so we're gonna put three on these guys here oh they're gonna wave over there and we're gonna put two onsen pledges unit we cannot always do away with it - ah the narrative continuum blu-ray he's Bradford crimper who's the man at the back on his little welcome rally rally I'll drop one off that's it he'll drop one off this unit and and it's his lordship who's gonna just spend the whole turn rallying those guys out he's got to keep them in action yeah missing that the fact he got wounded missing that really did it oh but I have a blue flag sir Tipene you got a blue flag you get to activate somebody not you know it about it mm-hmm I think one hasn't activated it yep so on the flag mm-hmm let's just keep it up here to here and okay six is required yep so it's six guys and six guys - that's 12 becomes it because of it pins are you shocked yeah that is the word needing sexist nothing goose egg Wow there we go let's see what happens whoops first down red flag flag and second out it's the blue one that's him again so he's got he hasn't got any flags which is good news for me because he had flags he'd be rallying like a rallying machine he's a level two leader yeah so what he's gonna do is he's just gonna drop one off the unit he's with ya and then he's gonna order the fire give me game administra dice as well and that land well so that comes nine needing sexist yeah what I'm gonna put it on these guys but I guess sure I know I'm putting on these so I don't have to risk it they're gonna have to go on the officers group it's a one night ah it's close but no cigar like thanks lag and the red flag out at the same time it's a red one it's a flag and it was like any more flags animal flags or anymore what no it's it's Ridge barking over here again yeah good old ray a hero the hero of the British force and he's missing on Three's but it doesn't matter because he's got five hits and you guys are standing in the oh so he's gonna put three on now lads group and her two on the other group and it's the the group without Mallory oh nothing the group with mallards Oh one point a shot that was disappointing I thought Reggie was really gonna do some damage there for blue for this is Billy pickings in the wood right Billy no no when we've been working together a long time it's been a long old what I need you to do some work for me right now you hear me okay okay so it's six guys plus one it's a tough job but someone's going to do it yeah alex is that needing sixes it's hurting it is it's no you need fives and six from them now they get the bonus yeah throw enough they're a long line and that's to me so presumably you're firing at these guys yes what a warm so one without the leader there's nothing wrong with the leader nothing they're so lucky they're so far out a reason to shout and like camp line three yeah blue 3 now that is Bradford crimper who's the man at back rallying his man yeah if he's just gonna stand there all right and he's just gonna take one more off loop like so I can interrupt with the leader if I want it that's like you mean a riff like yeah so I could interact with a leader if I wanted yep do a restaurant or I could keep going and get everybody fun I keep going I'm gonna keep going blues blues my I'm gonna interrupt I don't even know five is Cyrus over there yeah I'm gonna interrupt I'm gonna interrupt with a leader and I'm the fire yeah right so here if you are again so it's going to be nice and nine dice because the leaders that he is the leader because three flags yeah for eight and one more is nine Wow waiting on fours here it's one two three four five with the first row and o66 that's Dane under put two on sat on Samuel Walcott's unit and one one one on one on all the other guys I told you all the ones first one at the back here this useless Matt yeah got yourself jammed up huh it's a three doc so shocked the next up is his unit beside up no luck next unit skirmishers nothing having the you know that's not yeah golly there's a shark there on five yeah then the one with a leader for 200 - dad now roll the dice because it could be him on one roll along for all along yeah cuz thinking it was like no they're not the counters line trips yeah not skirmishes so you have a roll under is reduced in capability by one level it's a light wound now two things another man goes as well yeah no and he is wounded so we need to roll for bad things happen so he's a level two leader wounded okay roll the dice sex 2.7 actually drops you below me for the first time in the game no it's kind of a Pyrrhic victory but hey that's good because his ability to rally and keep those guys going is yeah sadly affected so - you got two flags okay followed by big red one he's got no flags but he's gonna keep rallying those guys he's kind of getting the back under control uh actually I tell you what he's gonna do I stay he's gonna use just rally with one and he's going to consolidate a unit that's gonna keep a lot of shock but at least it's more easy to manage and it means that we're not gonna see somebody running away which is a good management right flag Tiffan ah so you've got two and I've got one now you your leaders one three four and five of gum so it's not hang on yeah I interrupted whenever I got five oh yeah so he he still gets there he does yeah you're I'm just gonna take a shot so he will take his free movement yeah okay because he can't and why not whoa one all right so it's just cautiously cautiously softly softly moving up a little okay so after there and bang and yeah he's gonna shoot okay so that's now on he's so that's seven - yeah because this isn't happening on the car we kind of as it stands from here yeah I can see you here you can't so I'm gonna shoot you there okay because I think that lip is about right I think there might be you get five and six there's roll you get your skirmish brown we know you're not in cover so you just sitting on sixes at that right that's right so you yeah okay away you go to the seven days even sixes oh good one if only I had that skirt which you brought us yeah and warm there's not nothing so you can activate unit number two the second leaders unit Solomon Mallard yeah over here mallards bodies mmm they're gonna try for a move okay but he can't get them under control because it's not on his card so that doesn't so they just so going I just sit there blast in the wine this guy has went these elements so I'm done yeah so I waive lying who hasn't went no hasn't went so do I follow with them and get the bonus or I think it's obviously them and that so they fire because they moved to fired this thing well I've had one and three out and that's him and that's them so no they didn't okay they moved into five last time so fives and sixes at long range three hits on these guys you're in cover so you place the hitch way you like obviously it's the two on the one without the leader yeah is that these are dead and it as a shock oh that's critical that comes off yeah begin of shock there no five guys were six and yeah without my second and one guys on wool coats group nothing I think right now because they are conscription volunteers if they were militia they'd fall back three inches which would break the formation yeah but because their contribution volunteers they fall back two inches so it pushes him right back there okay so that's an involuntary withdrawal so you have to roll for that in your full term morale remember four five six drop you by warm ah then sex and these guy but because it's two inches they're flexible enough to form for that so they fall back there so we're we're kind of shooting you're backwards but you're just holding your formation formation a broken that would have been a big force morale test yeah well I got oh I've got one of your guys right here we go let's see what's happening now who's out first three three red three he's overhearing a superhero oh my god yeah firing again needing for this is foul barrels one two three four yeah so two and two so without yeah now loud I don't know I that's critical and then two with mylar yeah I'm glad that wasn't waiting yeah one day one dead so roll the dice to see if it's mr. mallum himself his and roll the dice for the effect three he's knocked down he's wounded ah so all that was some big firing from and that is a leader winded test is a leader wounded touch would be Romeo die for one please he's level two leader isn't a mallard yeah yay was nice what did you roll one one that's nothing you ignore that fortunately for you but level ones bad yeah okay let's see if we can create some more bad news for you no that's a blue flag flag I'll take blue WOM whoa okay so these guys can't move forward because they have so many pins on them you know I think it's just gonna be that's five guys with six so I drop one off and to bring them just under control in two more mm-hmm and then it's gonna be time to shoot okay so where am I out here these guys have five so the list - nice very so for America they have three so they lose one so that's four mm-hmm seven plus my leader is currently level - mmm last nine dice yeah and who you find it well the only got yeah as if I'm gonna fire anybody look at how much shock is on them sixes big hit three sixes nice no and that's all on once at night it is you and it's three yeah and that means we have got three six seven eight and seven men because the leaders going here so they fall back in voluntary fall back I take a test for that and it's want off mic for smell good so keeping the pressure up yeah but loo again live again it's a little skirmish leader here happen he's gonna keep shooting as he's still within the 24 triage company yeah he's definitely within 20 he'll still in so if you push them back again it's gonna be another test just gotta keep hitting on fives and sixes because you know six is behind the air seven shots you know actually I'm gonna give my free point of movement okay five is perfect absolutely perfect because they're gonna move yeah and they can i that's great for you because they're gonna screen these guys from any far from here yeah and I can take a little time but also means these guys getting four of these guys you're gonna be in close combat all right let's not do you kind of I want to do that yeah that's right yeah do that oh that's great okay I hurt so from there you can no like Devon dice in the eyes fives and sixes you they're very brave move on their part paid off as well three hits if it's gonna be another three like last time that's one dad one bad and is is it the main man because no took his hat off though right given the haircut so they go back two inches and we test for involuntary withdrawal now they ignore it alright so hang on it he didn't get any shock yeah it's the weight of them is back alright so now I didn't go any shot dude I know you killed him didn't you sorry no they didn't gain any more shots so they just stand there my fault right red before red for is strained straight sergeant strangers now puts him in a funny position he's gonna go three inches okay he's gonna shorten that range I love like to hate soft two points for the shot okay he goes one inch yet and he's he's definitely gonna shoot you guys so that's seven dice but it goes down sorry six dice but it goes down to five goes to the 2.0 nevertheless three hits that's the primary one so you're gonna spread it a one-woman one I guess well one one one yeah it's you're in cover so you choose yes I'm not put one on a litre unit and those aspects are the one with the leader yeah shock jock one right get that for you shut up other one without shell shock so shock for everybody yeah so I've done here I've done hit oh yeah so wow that's bad because then these guys are annoying on sex and they have to move back again yeah no I can't they've hit these guys I have well I'll tell you what they do right they fall back through them right format behind him okay but how many access points of shock did they have I just want one point extra so as they go through the unit they've gone through yes they the any excess point get put onto this one here so as they had one extra the kind of disorder disorder in force and here's the thing they've been forced to move back and because they had to go through them yeah that formations broken so that's two rolls yeah yes yeah absolutely so well you've got in voluntary withdrawal so you roll for that I'm gonna for that I get six yeah that's one off and formation breaks through fire what is it one that's another one off all right so I'm down to four so we're gonna be taking a flag out the bag at the end of this turn for you of mmm painful blue for here's it blue for is really picking in the would happily cutting away seven days fives and sixes yeah you going for these guys still yeah course it's a race to see who can break through the race to the bottom you know take that really it's at that's mighty powerful stuff there you go they do not care they have these adding these guys are sort of shooting fireworks into the air like a fourth of July celebrations and fly to you've got two flags hold on tear yeah and I've got one and it's red your one red one I'm gonna interrupt of the tooth if I can't yeah you can now I'm this through units whenever I'm like this who wants to move through who explain this I would like these guys waiting across here to go for it that's fine yeah yeah okay so I'll roll for them to move on one day yeah yeah and then hopefully get shot at them two inches hmm well they'll at least move a little bit yeah so I think you've got a kind of shuffle sideways on that one of you yeah pretty much so they're just all gonna shuffle sideways two inches and the guys who can see can shoot so that will give you about twelve guys from them yeah twelve guys about yeah take your shirt off for that yeah that's going to be ten - yes you later turn dice plus no because I'm interrupting with - oh yeah sure so yeah a unit not the man so there's four six get ten and at them what any false false five six but it's your first fire that's the three four seven senses yeah Oh get that one dice I do it one two three four five not bad not bad so I put three on the guys who are or don't have a leader and two on the guys who do have a leader okay so oh my dad and two shot good good good good good yeah you want to do some damage on that unit because they're really doing that design hammer of the hammer and two on the other guys too sharp points for short punchy yeah I've got a full unit wrecked up there see I've just been hoping for those guys to come out first and they never have at least I can interrupt with them now if I want but I'm not looking to do that so you've got a flag up another flag like simple oh it's a blue ones so you've got two flags in play I don't really have much to activate it no three blue three full house nearly for your guys yeah blue three Bradford crimper who's the guy who's just moved so you've interrupted with him but he can start taking shock off he well there's a level one leader on there so it'll just be the one but you can take it off anywhere in his formation so over here even though he's with one group he can take it off the formation blue - now that is your full hand of people that's Solomon Mallard so can he get those oh he's not down yeah so he ignore the first one yeah do blue flag I really need this guy's car must come out different but you can still activate it I can activate him but I can't get a crashing volley that I was desperate again mm-hmm Oh far away life is cruel right six dice with the first group and seven with the thing so we'll do them into here yeah well it's gonna be spread yeah they're all kind of in the zone and it's an uncontrolled volley so hit on false fives and sixes so sorry with the first roll and with a second hey four five six six so so that's everybody get down on and I choose where the odd ones go so I'm gonna put the oblong with him and with him so that's two on there two on there one on that and one on that please and these guys aren't in it because they're out of the art yeah yeah okay so I'll do the twofer actually sorry these guys are at the Alf as well so it's two to two that's it nice and easy that's fine so to the back without the grinder mm-hmm as a shock so they're gonna go back huh yeah that's gonna make them run again so they got about four inches qua they make just scarper off the table yeah shortly gonna be very well so you go back for so we'll test for that in a minute these guys here take two yeah except the take two without the commander yeah these two points to show off what no I can you give me two shock I can I can see how much shock is making up on the table here mad and then the last one with believer is no leader oh the dead man well Ike you can't roll under one so isn't him yeah and he didn't do it dad now the important thing is we've got an involuntary withdrawal over there so Romeo dice remember don't roll for Bibles it one right good cool plane okay now the units that I can fire who did I get to power I got one three and four I got yep so over damn and that's it then that's kind of everybody okay oh no I didn't fire these guys because he just routed them didn't they however I've got six guys and Sam I shot that I will get you on two three four I'll get two dice I might as well have it and I'm the fire at your service miss yeah fairly I'm going to bleed oh yeah they're not enjoying themselves in that situate so here we go blinds down for a full hello flag I know stop I lose a blue flag you lose oh let's do that I in fact what you down - you don't before let's take that one out all right start again yeah well it's like look back yeah you know eggs Tiffin Oh big difference okay so what happened these guys are gonna fire with six yeah I said 6 a.m. ok has to be done after we don't one had just one hit it could do it though it could it's a shock it's a shock that's an involuntary withdrawal this leader just can't keep up with the level of involuntary so we got six we got nine they're going back three inches a lot of shot we can lessen almost be approaching the point where we're going out of range but not quite okay roll up rolling what oh yeah all the Ruby would go for a four don't want down one all right Taran lumps out with each other BAM one oh I just want these guys it's not too much to ask for them to come up with let go yeah yeah no you don't take another one out yet so - good lord it's him oh yeah sorry we started a new one yeah and you turn yeah so it is him it lags though no flags would a shame take a point a shock off it and fire away so you got seven and eight plus his so seven and ten or let us what yeah good cool right so we'll do eight for a nine for those guys plus him one two three four five six and then seven for those guys three four five six seven here we go we get one was jumped out the tuck oh not quite so good so another two so we had six so that nice painting it and the so it / who all well him him and him you're in the open so I'm gonna put three three and two other the two first the they may just run away they do not a shock so they're right at the table yeah they're Jedi hide them away we'll roll the dice for their force morale for them in voluntary withdrawal well one dice for them I do this is for the next carry right and then when the leader yeah all three points are shot oh that hurt now let's roll your Force morale role for the unit that disappeared away yeah no is it different because they actually run off the table no no well it is because it's considered to be a rout but actually they you could argue they haven't broken so no the answer is it's an involuntary withdrawal the fact they've gone off the tables not relevant okay here we go that's the sex no.26 mm I wanted down you go so at the end of this turn we're going to be taking another one of your cards out the bag and I'm on your flags okay red four red four red four is sergeant strangers in the night he's gonna roll a d6 to move these six to move he men go now we're not going forward certainly about that but he's gonna get to fire them anyway so that's my dice because of shock he's shooting at these guys now and missing very effectively yes yes another lag red flag sergeant barking ah I on the far end on the far end man who's just been whittling away doing his job yeah really doing his job there I wanna shame those threes aren't counting that's for if his barrels weren't foul with powder it would have been six but so you too hard yeah to weapon hard ah it can't be him but it's a dead end the shock yeah when he's down you can't you can't you can't get shoot the man who's down seemed terribly unfair if you did right ah the tide has turned the bag draw is just not working for me more red big red one big red one and he's got a flag and he's prepared to use it they also take three shock off there whether it's good enough to hold them in the line I don't know but you've got a blue Cup I used that one now I don't have it so so these guys yeah will fire at you again okay putting the pressure on Vic's 5000-6000 fixes two pieces you could be enough to be enough because we were already on seven shot so we're over any more shot it's gonna be an involuntary withdrawal no yeah they have one one so so they go back and then two inches two inches and yeah and we roll for it again mm mm hand desperately close we take another one of your blue flags out the bag remember yeah so fall right let's have a big so a big shuffle yeah and and blue it is what is loo - blue - that Malad does he get up roll the dice see if he gets back up get back in the fight no he's still down it still down blue four blue four which is Billy Pickens yep in the forest for the entire game he has been here just sniping away really in the magic forest he's gonna give us free dice of movement hmmmm don't get spicy four inches so he's just gonna move up to the hedgerow more inches this way to the fancy yep okay while you're doing that I'll pull the next one blue - okay Oh still no crashing Rolly however he's gonna take one shot off because he can and he's gonna fire him right pre-move yeah nice shooting all right sorry I thought you were spending you're out just the free one yeah okay dot Ryan good cool right twelve folks are twelve I'd say outside twelve okay what one man might have one of these to end these toes in your exactly right that's the right term so six plus one for the leader yeah sure those guys yeah because of the angle where should not I would definitely give you coverage yeah there's so much it's in the way yeah I agree yeah and I get five to six is because you're getting the long range bonus yeah yeah yeah nothing down looking good looking good all right three hits see what happens there now if they were in like Cobra lady got that but that puts them in hardcover cuz yeah but my cover on this that's far enough it was worth to try though worth the try so as we've seen Bluetooth you make them read - over at - sorry left tenants and ledger has rallied a point of shock off and he was just about to fire so we take dice yep right dice for the first group and nine dice for the second group two three four five with the first group and all the last six seven eight yeah and there's just two groups in that and that is those of those guys in Sephora for 4 and 4 that's a 4 here yeah and that's Oh Jamie 1.01 okay plus one point to show them you know then the other unit or all four here another point shark they're hanging on they are really hanging on that could have been that could have been the knockout blow there but yeah ho-hum red flag yep you got followed by red for or red for is sergeant strangers yeah he's gonna try and get to go forward again three so they creep forward an inch and he's gonna get them to fire on this group here again so there's six of them but they take the top five one hit okay one roll yeah four is John shock so if I'm in and they're running off yeah I we are lose sure that's on here yeah that's five men with five on there are it's a blue flag out okay so I bands you've got that up your sleeve red one red one you get a manage them I'm gonna man I'm just gonna take shock off or something like they're kind of holding their own starting to hold their own now it's not new pick up that flag it read fly or the red flag so you could enter ah but it's nothing really to interrupt with frankly I'm well my best units have been active AG you couldn't write leader and I don't tell me you're getting the bridge bonus oh okay blue flag interrupt okay for the love of God interrupt this is nice in the bag okay right what's gonna happen is the voice here straight down at you again okay six dice yeah five seconds in sixes yeah rates I'll take that away for one pull in the shop it pushes him back again and involuntary yeah gotta keep pushing I don't care okay they don't care about that small true they've been pretty resilient I'm like oh no he got it he got it oh god it's the it's the bruising so I assume it's the full bonus activation so he'll take one point of shock off yeah he is gonna fire with at nine eight nine no yeah eight nine yes that's correct you know I'm on three from Oh morale eight right and we're hitting on four one two three four and let's roll these again and add additional one in so four yeah followed by five six seven eight so 4 and forward four here and here here so with the leader yeah oh just one should hook the other one yeah so this is crucial one more point shot police shot so we're we're out here yeah man dies here yeah I might have seven seven shocks so they're okay seven here yeah seven shot razor's edge it was the tipping point yeah they've gone blue 3 oK you've had a lot those so it should be me for a baby should be yeah so this is Bradford crimper who's who's our man who's run about there and I interrupted with him you did so that goes in the bin over by five five is fifty Altman was yeah Cyrus clamped and sorry yeah Bradford crimper a she was hit apologize all right yeah okay this was Cyrus Clanton we've got been getting them mixed up yeah all right okay so it's this unit here yeah can't be that really picking all right so where is he here yes I have the one you interrupted with there was there uh-huh the one that just came out was then okay so right yeah and he's got two planks if he wants to use here's a level warm want yeah let's do it so I'll use both flags pop one off each yeah and keep for firing yep so I'm losing one two three one two three mmm so one two three four you got 14 you're losing six will show you down to eight and plus his nine dice six seven eight nine all on to here yeah don't babe and staff yeah okay one two three six six three and three keeps it nice and easy when it's the even numbers yeah so three on the group without the leader like nothing they don't care hey really don't anthro agree with the leader yeah a dead man yeah it's not your aligned troops so if that was skirmish troops you could have picked him up but you didn't yeah and there's only true two or three left in the back one big blue one and heating a wind so he's the one he's down to one so what he's gonna do is he's gonna order a move I mean that's a fast as you can yeah so from here you know two dice yeah five inches yeah so they can just get out of get out the fight yep into yeah the forest 15 is next the final card nobody's got any flags we're all using our flags up for interruptions rallying and but that even that has him out the way yeah cuz he he's a big weakness there yeah yeah you don't want to see them running away you've got a leader who probably can't really rally them at all he takes yes and I'm really not gonna start shooting there him in the woods cos there's bigger fish to fry yeah or blue or is Billy pickings on the fence line right Billy don't be a hero no you're gonna give your your you're gonna use two days of movement and be a hero okay for seven inches where you going across the front No so you take because you're crossing an obstacle you take the lower one off so you have four inches that's fine all right I'm going as far forward as I can okay and yes and you can still fight yes and I'm in your flank whoo-hoo gosh oh that's nasty I have to do something yeah you do you do that's fair comment okay well so they're gonna shoot your flank mmm with seven dice mm-hmm okay where you going yeah seven dice they'll leave you excuse me um unloading done that yeah great okay roll the dice 70 nice you're hitting on threes fours fives and sixes oh sorry Falls fives and sixes that's four hits four hits two and two and we're going to double up the shop here so had to be done it has to be done yeah I agree so that's two points of shop straight in with two points to shop for the first one and for the one with the leader one day no shot but it could be the leader is it it could be you it's not it's not all so just a dead man and asked to shock on the flank there thank you very much yeah well if I can if I can keep them there for a time yeah it'll maybe make you stop focusing on this sure enough that is very true flag look like all red one well he's taking - are you taking shock off just to try and keep those guys there blue five blue five now that is Cyrus that's him there so I guess you're free and oneness yes do it again you rush applaud into the road okay so if I go three inches I think that might be just enough yeah mmm maybe you gotta be behind that line and I've got to be four inches away yeah you don't wanna be going into close combat so that's not gonna work now you probably start moving the new ring around there yeah but you can still fire and still firing the front yeah so it's three and you'll be unloaded yeah that's fine just something has to break the deadlock yeah agreed right okay so roll your seven dice you're hitting on through time fours fives and sixes at range because you're at close range you're not getting a bonus obviously but yeah you're not that type of troops but one two three four five please oh no sorry two hits you could cook sorry I was giving you light infantry bonus for you don't deserve it one on the leaderless group is shocked and one on the other group is a man dead that could be him and it isn't fortunate other okay but tripping away really tripping away it's giving you something completely that really has it's really not pleasant keep drawing red one blue one we want that's he's over in the woods and me yeah he's just gonna sit there is leader level one yeah and a red flag I know I'm not interrupting blue three blue 3 is Bradford crimper that's him and he's got a flag in play there's a level 2 litre yeah so he'll 101 he'll use the flag to drop one day yeah and that'll give me an extra dice yeah so that's it becomes 9 plus him yeah that's 10 okay roll away all the sudden let's face getting a bit more balance in 3 4 5 6 7 mmm so four on the group without the leader oh it's a dead and to shock they are right on the verge of yet falling back my mistake was not focusing on them center and three on the group with the leader who are kind of unlocked but they might not be a loser man and they go and they lose a man and you can't roll under one so it's not him but that's getting there getting there getting there really really hanging and really had four dreadful his strangers well he does have some TST targets now he does have some tasty targets he's also got some tasty tomahawks oh oh he has the Hogs he does yeah yeah he does and but I really desperately need those flags for these guys so I'm not gonna take it I'm just gonna get him to fire okay he's gonna fire our five dice who's it gonna be that's got to be these guys because it's in the flank okay shot however not with that we won't we just want no close-range they're not light infantry so they don't get the three only hit on four so one hit that three is nothing no yeah nothing straight on the next on blue two blue two is Solomon Mallard does he get back up yes I know here's 1800 so you can activate two I cannot write about two but they're not the guys I really wanted to activate right okay and I okay well here we go I like to rate that group there we've got six men with six shock so that's three dice and we've got four men over there with one so that's just seven dice but could do it could do it three hits so you're in the ohm so I'm gonna ask them to and what no because I really want to break these guys are closer to breaking okay so plus two and one okay so the 202 starts to shop that's the one pushing back there's nothing nothing so those guys fall back two inches so involuntary for that to over but you can are you know you know yeah so they go back to now these guys can go back with them and maintain the formation yeah but so but it's still an involuntary yeah withdrawal rating if we can get another one off it's another blue flag done on that the funny thing is actually it's not that many blokes have died but it's you can see this psychological effect a battle on the Yentl is absolutely colossal okay you're ready for this yeah - go for it blue flag flag followed by ain't many of them these days you did drop 180 I did fly red flag so that's your only blue flag so it's not going oh that's the man hiding in the woods just gonna knock one off that went off right followed by mr. Mallory let's see mal gets up he does he's had a serious wound there are four as a little better ah that is Billy Pickens said him yeah so he's gonna shoot you in the flank yeah this Sabbath this is the man who's really it's funny how it's bring the little groups of skirmish troops who really done yep - its I was really lucky with that row one on one one on one but remember these guys only need to point a shot to go back it's a dead man now let's roll the other one first and then we'll look at that or for now I wouldn't really give you cover from there no I'm not getting here no that's two points of shock on them more importantly these guys having a man died thank goodness you didn't one of those funny situations where it might be better to have it man dead than yeah but they will fall back one inch one inch away from the enemy so that's kind of yeah turning me okay listing me round you'll follow there good Ryan draw where we go red for that's a man over there yeah I don't really care about this sound about right now it's not how it's gonna be back look at the sunshine 1 3 4 5 5 hits so we got any other three on these guys here because we want to break them around and - on those guys 3 yeah is 3 points of shock so that's level but they don't fall back yeah and the - yeah there's two more shock of the marking here - more shot so these guys are really getting close to breaking as well yeah followed by three a blue three I don't believe it is Bradford crimper who's your main man there he's got one flag and he might as well usually is it's not good friendly and he will use it here yeah so I'm not living for dice okay so I'm losing three dice yeah and two dice yeah that's one two three four five six seven eight nine plus himself for one is ten okay and of course straight into here yeah yeah absolutely oh yes Oh big big hit one two three four five six seven yeah I've got to put four on the one with a leader really I've got to that's risky debt I've got to these three points to shock oh he already had three and they already have three so they're they're definitely gonna be booked and they're gonna be going back and three on these guys who are already over shocked he's a man dead and no shock yeah which is fine so they go back these guys can they're gonna fall back two inches yeah these guys gonna fall back - but that's enough for the best to follow yeah well the kind of issue here is that these bases now kind of get in the way when we've got so few men yes so really what it is is that these guys will fall back to inches yet and these guys will fall back to inches yeah and they'll hit the fence and kind of go there yeah it got you so yeah but that's still in two groups yeah let's kind of just put them slightly apart so poor boy yeah that's fine but it's too involuntary withdrawals more to the point indeed ragged sir gaalan and then care about those who off - off my force morale yes drop back gray red three is up there reg don't care do your thing reg the Reggie's gonna read she's gonna break you and win the battle please bring them out it's got to be Reggie's job to deliver the coup de Gras not one hit okay we're gonna put it we gonna put it on these guys cuz if the great thing about militia is they will fall about three inches which will break the formation if they get a shock they don't moving together really cruel flag Juanito one just off until off he's just dropping two off they might actually become effective again and start marching up the table I might wind - ledger all right this is kind of what I was hoping for but a bit earlier in the game right he is a level two so he's going to take off one two three four for using flags using flags and then use the third the final flag to fire them yeah so they have now got four men with four shots so that's two dice and four men with four shot so that's another two dice that's full - but Annie's level yeah six dice yep but I know get covered again if there's an intervening Prince that's right and I'm hitting on one two three four hits five to sixty two into two and two yeah so before the one with the commander one with the commander right after the other one a dad went oh so you're dead man here and two shot what's two shot gonna do to you so the two shot puts you up one two three four five six seven and seven men so they're fine but the other group we've got seven and six men said they fall back to inches it's an involuntary withdrawal and these guys are those guys yeah you haven't broken the formation yeah but I do have to offer them move for one of those morale and one one so we'll take that flag out because you've already used it and we know that's gone with ice blue five that's your man here that's Cyrus Clanton here he comes to save the day yeah three move removed for three easy for you to say get him array around here I don't think I would cut myself as in your flank no no you know what I've kind of saved myself from that accidentally but it you don't need to be you kind of those u-boats at the point what any point of shock on either is going to get them going back and my force miles down to four yeah you get them both falling back on course yeah go for it oh no no no on threes on reason nothing that's false no sorry you're right I suppose yeah it's three hits that might get me a two hits hit so I'm going to put two hits on this group here which is not pleasant stop you're not in cover no no no that yeah so what's one point of shock on them oh I'm not in cover yeah you're right put them it more on to the other unit okay in which case that's I'll roll again yeah that's one point of shock yeah so that sends them back an inch or will do in a moment and the other green one hit Chuck sent them back another inch and these guys I mean I think realistically you sort of pushed these guys as a rock yeah there are that's exactly right so we're firing uncontrollably but we're being pushed away one more and two tests nope yeah - yeah true sorry I'm excited there one off the force morale so I take another flag out the deck for me wow this is one of the most vicious pieces of combat I have ever played on the table please say that right now I know we have completely forgotten you I know we have focused on the game sorry about that you see how good - game I want to play more okay right we got make it out and bleach blue it's blue - that's my tea boy over there it's not no it's Mallard oh no my lord I wake up god damn your eyes no oh my god right here we go this is just one of the weirdest games I've ever played red flag you got to make it happen gonna make it happen bread for red for each sergeant strangers right he's gonna fire on your flank he's got five guys he's gonna you know he dint yeah he's gonna know he dint use the flag cuz I really desperately got to break those guys over there yeah one two three four five firing on a flank so we'll double any shot if we hit anybody we've got three hits on you I cover ya you countless hard covering that don't you 5/16 yeah yes right blue for is Billy Pickens yeah alright Billy get that free movement underway son you know you need it because you can't see five so he's gonna head up the road here yeah he's just gonna go up the road fire yeah more than enough there yeah absolutely everybody's going up there so he that's his free turn a movement so eating fire and reload reload and fire sorry so this is 70 that's brutal seven shots yeah roll away this is the horse the Year kneading we are we a close range here falls we are at close range for well two three three are you gonna put them I'm not in cover two are the one with your leader because as much of a making this otherwise what are you on the open yeah sure and the other ones for what they're gonna fall back more and the other one another point the shops you don't break the form page well I don't break the formation but I do get to involuntary moves now you do get to embrace I am just whittling you dying you really are crucifying me here so that's though you go back two inches yeah there you go back two inches yeah and we've just been pushed back down this road ranae's it's kind of brutal yeah it's kind of brutal so to involuntary withdraws let's Roman dice with that come on one off to our two off side down to three is rare you're gonna get a better skin of your teeth reg unreal I am you're a hero reg the legend it could be a great film one two three four hits okay unit one shot second one no he's wash you up so it's two shot eight they both go back there do they both got you've got hold on you got seven guys there so they go back they go they don't I need to wash up you do and that is a formation broken because these guys go back three inches of Asia so you want to throw me a dice for a unit in voluntary withdrawal right so these guys are back of it here here involuntary with you all on a six I lose on off that's it good game sir that has been one of the most brutal fights in the history of be so for okay guys I love that one get your comments on below tell us what you yourself thought I need a drink see you in the next one
Channel: OnTableTop
Views: 37,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hobby (Interest), Beasts of War, Tabletop Game (Game Genre), Tabletop Gaming, American War of Independence, Wargaming, Sharp Practice, 1776, historical, OnTableTop, Too fat lardies, ontabletop.com, Miniature Wargaming (Game Genre)
Id: 9i6RQT7687E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 0sec (8820 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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