Let's Play - Kingdom Death: Monster [Lantern Year Seven]

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I was wondering when they were going to get going on this again!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/malcavious 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

I'm so looking forward to their Phoenix encounter...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Daevar 📅︎︎ Jan 03 2018 🗫︎ replies
hi guys we're back for another hunt in Kingdom death monster and yet we are back for we gonna put all another antelope but we need to farm some resources off it yeah yeah well know that we have that that new place to build stuff at in the settlement this is gonna be the best resource the other thing is it's worth making people aware of right is a low EU in the last episode I was talking about highs survivors we were picking and choosing who we would fight we have to remember that as we progress the game itself can throw people and through bosses and creatures artists there is a child here's the thing for this hunt we might actually find a level 2 lion by mistake this is this is the thing so you've got to be smart about what it wasn't it now I will admit I can hate the antelope we've got some more ranged weapons this time Lord ass so hopefully it won't run circles around us too much you will see what's right but we don't know we don't know what's in its AI deck yet yeah ok write a manifesto you know the score by now this is the hunt face so Justin do you want to lift the first hunt card debt so the first hunt card I will grab here it is carpet of ticks okay that's not too bad I don't think I remember this one yeah so again the ground is covered in a carpet ticks each surviving let's try to fend them off roll a d-10 and add your hunt XP to the results on a six or more do succeed okay if you fail you're otherwise sick and reduce your survival to zero 0:06 plus yeah go on five but you've got her neck speed Godfather expert what's one okay Lilith come on nope so that's Oh five so all her survival disappears and then I have to roll a how many honey XP did she have to show just one arm was on a result of below six the ticks make you sick producers won't roll d-10 no she's fine so she doesn't get -1 strength okay well rb7 she's fine and then / Cain his first run out he has no heart XP it's fine he's fine no no okay we know right horrible okay so I'm putting those up I'll do the next woman we'll go this way around and of course that's just a regular one so we roll right for 1062 okay let's see what we got oh okay this is base between the rocks I don't remember this one oh dear that's good do that the survivors find themselves distracted by a dark crack in the stone face floor every survivor must roll a d-10 the lowest scoring survivor so let's just roll detain reach them so for Lilith for ten and eight one for our B a B then has to do this becomes the straggler unable to tear themselves away the straggler Stoops to gaze into the depth until the other survivors drag them away whatever the struggle glimpse changes them forever gain a random disorder and fortunately we weren't all tired on it because if everyone had tied on that we'd all be dead okay so in those games where it's just okay you roll the five one Chris you're all the five Warren you're all the five again just yeah the odds of that happening is low yeah you know has a who was Abby's mom and dad remember he doesn't have his moment honest because did they not warn her by just staring into dark cracks so he is traumatized whenever you are interactive Jason's in the monster you were knocked down right but she thought range weapon she's got range ropes the right down in hood disorders traumatized so he's wrong with her and track it okay you keep that card with you because we'll need it yeah I'll be honey and then we're on tonight's hunt event which is for Abby what do we get um a dead antelope lovely ah this will be fun okay so put the car down let's it the survivors are struck by the scent of rotting meat wafting from a hulking corpse ahead hmm rule one day ten on a result of an 8 plus the survivors are startled by the arrival of the antelopes killer a white lion okay don't roll through that yeah ok we're fine we're fine okay and the hunt now start a showdown with a white line okay so otherwise role a role of a random event okay 56 okay this is okay okay dead monster it's me lots of dead monsters little bit bad yeah survivors find a rotting monster another rotting monster while the corpse is too rotten to be of any use if any survivor has three-plus understanding no no no no no no the survivors can cover themselves in the dead months of smoked blood the stage will help the survivors sneak up on their quarry and they can do an ambush but that's not the case yeah otherwise we feast on the rotting corpse all survivors lose control of their twisting guts each survivor games minus one strength token and no one can seem any items and during the next showdown so that just prevents anything which says consumer when we get minus one strength tokens and that's gonna hurt that's a pain I'm just happy we didn't get that and then find a lion yeah that would have really sucked so minus one yeah minus one minus one and another minus one taken yeah okay that's a real pain in the backside by the darkness and uh yeah so we did that one we did that one we did that one no no no we're on to this oh it's oh no no no we just get that word then we land on the monster so that's it that's the hunt over okay we've found the antelope we found bodies galore that have been strewn about yeah and the the dead ant look we found we couldn't we you know getting home from that but now we get a chance to dead one ourselves Yeah right we'll be right back with the show dog okay it's time for the showdown right let's have an overview of the board if you can point out what is where why the busy once a crest do I take us through yeah okay so the Antelope as always starts with these accounts plants around it there are places in particular five six yeah that a place in a particular zone around it ignoring the normal rules for placement then we also drew a survivor corpse randomly yeah which is right here here underneath him okay and that hopefully we'll get some cool stuff wrong then we also randomly drew a giant stone face and because of strategist on cane yeah we've got another giant stone face and the advantage of those is they block line of sight while you're behind them they're impassable to us but but monsters can move through them but the advantage is if you're stood on top of it you get plus T range and +2 accuracy so it's longer range and easy to hit with that we've got two people with darts you start at both ends so the way we've set it up is that the we've we've hunted our antelopes we sits in this Grove with these two kind of hilltops from which we're going to shoot down on yeah okay and the rest of it is just you and me trying to hurt it on the ground yeah right your think's gonna work really well because the darts are quite powerful as well best laid plans yeah okay so we've dropped me to kick off them with cane well does the moss forget the monster gets the first turn so we'll have a painless monster controller yep and the action is close survivor in field of view so that would be everyone but these block line of sight so it doesn't do that it does graze so it will turn to the nearest one and it will eat that yeah and now we get turned on okay right cane mm-hmm so you can move in action notice that we have this gobbled up that's that's a that's if we get gobbled up it's there just as a placeholder when we locate what happens well it came to search the dead body that he's standing on first yep you can roll a d-10 okay it's a six that's not that see you gained +2 insanity okay and one random basic resource fantastic lovely and yes that's removed off board ah and if a survivor moves through the space occupied so you would have you wouldn't had to a stand on it you can you can loot it if you were stood next to it so you don't gain the insanity from it's only if you have to move through it no you you've scavenged it so it doesn't matter and you've gay you've got someone monster bone loss is another man's gear lovely okay and now you can move right well clearly I want to move towards our quarry don't know I'll hide behind the stone face one two three just down there yeah to get up on top of the stone face you have to use an actually or a combat action okay well I'll do the exact same I'm just gonna wait okay so what you gonna run to there yeah I can I get an action to get on top yeah but then you'll be a visible target so I don't know yeah let's wait a turn okay she's gonna move to there and mm she needs to be on top of there to start using the bone darts yes that's all I'm gonna pre-prime something else and instead go for the hit location do I see yet okay okay well we got we've got wrestle shoulder Restless eye and very throat so I'm gonna put back in this order because first strike means you have to hit anyway but yeah for very throat has a chance of believe of dealing something nasty to it like you might die straight out so we may as well have that opportunity and so that leaves a B yeah well so that was an IB that that's a be there so that's Lilith there she would have moved up to the yeah okay so she was there um maybe Abby should get up on top or again if we give it new targets it'll just grace okay and this is at grazing before it's taking any damage and if it agrees as well it's taking damage it heals remember yeah so it's just a way just let it Greer's it-- you've got one actually you could have done you could have looked at it's AI cards oh yes I will so so put the right back kick and round and what's the bear of the two to have gone next uh back it does in blind spot in range then closest threat in range so I think that's the better one RAM is serviced threat in range and making noise like various threaten the line sight means you're not a threat so there are further survivor though yeah but it doesn't really matter further survivor oh yeah that's a good point so I think we do that yeah back kick on top grant okay right yeah I'm back to the monster at the morgue Rios Montt control passes round to Abby yeah so if it ends up tight and we know it's back kick so does none of that none of that none of that grazes so I think the next closest one is that one so we're going me of that right right yep right okay um I think Lilith will spend her combat action and stand on top of the stone face so when you you spend your action yeah she can they can stand on any it says move on to any space occupied by the giant stone face so yeah I want to be close but not too close yeah yeah that'll do okay so you're one two three four or five you're plenty range yeah and should art the question is I'm sure you know she hasn't won any survival so I can't even surge so that's the end of her turn so what I think I'll do is I will have my character go 1 2 3 or 5 and because of next to it yes this you can have a sit to roll detail yeah and that's one less for it to use yes and it an 8 which is good so you've just got us some fresh acanthus nice which is a very useful resource to then make you sauce board yes one less fret if I can find the account this oh we can find it there so carry on keep this on my character sheet there you go oh ok ok Kane gonna come 1 2 three four five yeah remember we don't have - but you do have your um your rawhide headband so we could still see if there's another a I cut out of it's AI cards again pre-plan what it should be doing let's go into it's a I can you move into the early or well no no because the AI would be your action wouldn't it no no no you can do you can move and do your combatant in any order otherwise on the flame up which takes your come back yeah so maybe you want to look at the AI let's then determine how you want to move okay so it's top two so we need RAM gearing up yeah and then also we've got bytes yeah which is just so a closest survivor and field of view which would be would be yes guy here and you remember you've got survival so again we were having to plan three obviously we don't want Lilith to be attacked because she can't dodge yeah rush out the way I'm quite content for it to come at me yeah okay that's two armor on everything but if it comes at you it starts to take take the RAM out of range of Lilith yeah sorry we have both of them you don't forget this plus to your weight what's the range on the bone dagger bull darts yes but wait okay if we move a character around we can try to keep it within range of both of them yes hmm okay so one two three four five that would put you closest it's not it's not the most evil attack go from the speed one so that one does damage to that does damage one but that's only that's only one attack yeah we may as well you may as well take it on the chin actually let's do that okay yeah yeah I agree so who's the most survivable right now your two characters just about the same are they we both have a full set of real high gear okay yeah so let's let's do let's bring him round okay one two three four five yeah okay okay she'll saddleback show Abby you want her to move up yeah okay so that's her calm action I guess you can go right to the prompt there and try and stay within range and you could surge to take a combat action yeah you could spend the survival and do a shot from O'Malley yeah she's got bone darts and plus T range being on top oh I could could Lois not have done that no she's out survival oh right okay yeah she's eating the was it eating the main G flat or something it was yeah unfortunate but yeah well let's do that then one of our B's survival mm-hm that takes her down to one yeah okay and she's gonna fire the bone Dart yeah so indeed one uh-huh it's one guy needs a seven plus normally but yeah you get +2 to hit mm-hmm is it high range and it oh one two three four five it's definitely in range but don't miss okay where's the shot now okay and that's the end of our yep turn m-m-m-monster will go back to me and we know it's going to be bite closest survivor in field of view so one I'll do that and it's one attack in on two pluses but you've got evasion and you've got monster grease so it's hitting on fours okay which is a hit yeah so be doing two damage to this location but you can spend survival to dodge it you don't negate the hits and want to negate it yeah yeah okay is there any point cuz you've got to armor on everything on Cain yet if you right sorry we should have filled in those overall - yeah so you just take the hip to wherever as you enter so if he takes the hit he will gain one bleed token oh but we've got bandages so I say take it for now okay because bleed you've got to get five bleeding total - am i right yes so right now I'd take the bleed to take the damage so let's take down to the waist to the week yeah that's a bleed taken okay so I just mark on the line oh man I want to yeah monsters turn done no I'll go right now can we would come be fire even if other guys are in the way Justin do you want to go in from behind they're too far away so I would suggest you your character goes first gets into the blind spot it's how I harvest on the way right no max okay so let's go one two three four five mm-hmm in from behind okay I'm going in with the bone dagger so it's three yeah picking on normally seven so it's a rare strike it's at sixes I'd do my minus one strength come into play there not yet no okay so six is one hit or isn't we know it's not gonna be evil because we taught depth it you hit the monster if you hit with a club or shelter we ignore that so you just need to roll to wound as normal mm-hmm so your strength is five five mm-hmm is it no no it's for its strength is one normally yeah and you get +2 strength due to the monstrous necklace because you've got it all unlocked 3b minus 1g to the tokens it straight down - mm-hmm so yeah that's a five in total so we felt wind but nothing bad happens okay right would any of the other slaw she'll take a shot about Lilith or taking a lot no Gershon okay so she's one two three yep so needs a five to hit no okay I can't search can't do nothing done RB Oh can I search and do another attack with Cain yeah if you want if you have for survival yeah I have for survival so sorry let's let's do that so I'm going to under three something we're gonna need to use the survival to search on this one right yeah so three days to new Texas okay two hits and we know these aren't traps because again we already knew this so you have to hit the screen first mm-hm if the attacker is insane no no you're not then cancel hit so otherwise the attacks off as one brain damage so you go down to insanity one okay but you're altering this level so again you are on total strength - yeah I wanna fail but then you get to roll swing on this one seven seven so that's a total of nine so it's a wound and it jumps backwards one space work one turn jumps back turn to face the attack here then without turning me this monster back one space okay so that's finally a wound done yeah good I wonder then one two three four five as far as I can get and then a B he does she want to boned up from there one two three four five six seven still in range because she's on top of the stone face okay so giving all cluster enter it gets plus due to range of plus two to hit right to one one dice pin on a five yes that's a hips in straight three normally goes down to a two because of the strength modifier so again you're against toughness eight so you need a six fails any feel your art no okay Mon also turn again okay let's see what's he doing it's a mood okay so it's buck at the start of each monster turn targeting and an attack or any survivors in the blind spot and then you do the attack so that comes into play up there and nothing electric rah nope that's good excellent bought us a free turn of not being attacked but of course the blind spot is now not an ideal place to sit yeah unless we whisker hop that out of play but remember when you've got a mood in play that's one less wound to have you have to deal so we're gonna have to think about what yes the best things to do here okay right well remember that Abby's not going to be able to do very much else there where she is so maybe it's worth just using that and have done yeah but we don't have to do it no we can do it at the end yeah I mean she's in a perfect position to bone dark' all right Justin you weren't going first there with five and into the rear but remember you will if you if she fails to use the whisker harp on it and you will get hit at the start the turn I'm having to take it because I'm fully armored and stuff I'm happy to take Shea at least one dangerously good Justin yep alright so getting a 7 normally sis cuz it's the blind - yup oh how many do you throw wait oh dude - all right I keep looking at the strength thinking this for speed yeah well no I think okay I will serve on a surge yeah I will surge can only search once per round yeah yeah now also I can dodge out of the way of that yeah strike won't like it 88 okay hmm okay we've got a super dense location right you've got it's okay giant teeth and ferocious spasm yeah I gave the super dense one because your Qatar's are not fragile no doughnut you'll be okay against that and they are lucky yes so no no ten-mile turned crit and you normally oh it's normally strength three that's strength to them yeah and I'm nothing else if you need a 6-2 win normally no wind okay on the other seven excellent and the reflex is the screen antelope frantically attacks everyone around it yep perform basic action against everyone so it's wounded yeah but now it does basic action yeah which is move and attack everyone around it speed to needing to to hit so you are you're the only target but if your sadness +2 so force yeah actually and there's a break in it so you could oh no this is it during your attack so because it's happening during this attack you can't use his survival action tip so these are for only one Hammond and I will be doing one point of damage do you want to just take it on the chin oh yeah let's see where's bring it let me see to the body to the body that's fine okay I'm going to come in here as well just oh so come with me two three four no you can't make its room it moved away from me or I can't so just hit it straight in the face yep written head ok straight in the face three with the bone dagger noon silence Oh could I have a attacted you from here Chris no ruined evil its range is always measured in cardinal directions bringing it okay so one him hit uh-huh and it hits the Restless tiny hands it's the ones are under in its belly where it grabs people into its giant more and there's a lantern brilliant it's a critical here we get a screaming Antelope resource and all adjacent survivors game plus one insanity well okay as their rate as the tiny little fingers that are on its hands so I often splatter against you lovely Wow I've heard a finger fit that means also it's uh it's reaction is obviously ignored so that doesn't do anything and the resource you've got is shank shank ball okay cool did I remove a wound off there we've dealt it no no only delta good okay we're getting somewhere yeah right Nullah do I would suggest look at the hit locations yeah good plan so we've got the part we've got the fairytale mm-hm and we've got the restless ears all of those are okay let's go with let's put that one at the bottom because it's got a reaction and put how doesn t matter with those two let's do that okay good okay that's her done all right and that I believe Abby if she stolen range she's oh one two three four five six seven yeah she's arranged oh she grabbed the phone darts or does she use the whisker heart whisker hots got a seven is only going to affect the Antelope on a seven plus on the line it's easy on any of the monster it's difficult social role to wound okay I can take another hair single dice yeah yeah the bone darts is a hit yeah and we know where it's hitting it's hitting the rest of Seir and it's not window hairy so there's a failure react no no reaction that's why we top depth awesome it's the most own so that goes background to warn yeah and Kane yeah the AI card is well before we do that before we do that at the start of each monster turned buck target and attack any survivors in the blind spot which is a TAC blind spot so it doesn't turn on I think it's speed one it needs a three plus not to 5 now we here to do that's for certain and it's damage is only one mm to the hands that's fine you're taking it now we do the AI I mean look at it now we've got something we've got armor and stuff we just got these PA pending his his survival on you know counseling attacks and she's like if they are take it back kick so in the blind spot so it hits you again alright it's a five it move an attack target turn the monster so the target is in the blind spot that's fine now this one you will want to if it you'll mostly want to walk yeah that's speed one accuracy three plus damage three all right but it needs a five no it's okay I will spend the survival and dodge uh-huh that takes me down to okay that's seeing the monsters action so I'll go right back to us um I think I'm just gonna spin run into his blind spot here yeah yeah go for it right before you do that yep move back where you were Lilith is gonna activate first oh she got a top deck Oh got Restless ramp we've got yeah let's see turn them all sort of to face away full move forward cancel hits now when we want the fairy tale and I think we want the Restless front because the other one is that it does horrible things okay okay let's go with that all right now you can move into me let's go into the back here I've yep three nice names X three dice need analysis it's my bonus send on the two heads rather than the bonus longs to hit when you're in the rear Wow okay you see you have hit all of those yet that's perfect then we're gonna want to organize these in the or yeah let's go with the one which which has no reaction which fails okay let's go with so okay let's look at these reactions the one is if you fail where the mount the joint more snapshot even you spend a survival to react or you suffer three damage to the arm location and then this one is turn the monster to face away from the attacker and full move forward in a straight line which is OK and cancel what hurts to do that one last because if you fail all the other yeah we have a hits run away okay so let's do five six seven mm-hmm but we're on toughness of eight so that's a fail fails to wind and if it fails you could have to spend the survival or else it's gonna tear it all right yeah and then the last one we're not having much luck against this guy oh great another critical buy a cane yeah living up to his name as murderer another so that's another wound dealt and another screaming Antelope resource Wow we're not just farming this close to me during them I bet no we're gonna get home with a gonna be you know the only antelope stay whenever you have steak how do you like it you know rarer or do you like to just slap on the arse and put it on the player you mean wife it's arson foot on the foot might cut off part of its brain screaming brain okay this is what we came out to do let's go full news yeah away from from I know it's reflex oh it's canceled sorry ignore it can all that crap okay finally you see Justin yeah I mean here's well ever go here I'll just attack from where I am mmm-hmm cuz if I'm right I can attack them around and then move away yes and be out of that buck da one hit hit mmm-hmm where's restless back nice again there's nothing crazy on that you just hopefully do a critical links jus crits on a Niner attend 306 ah no okay and then move yeah of course so I'm gonna move that's me what oh there we go one two yes to be okay yeah and it's again you're right staying out of that trampled zone if it's doing at the cardinal direction because they're saying five I think it's seven eight oh yeah put its teeth to the ground it just blade along so if it does like that's yeah yeah um shoot Abby get rid of the whisker hot no we'll just keep it there so that's okay well halfway through its wounds yeah well well let's let's try and do some damage with the bone darts Oh what do we get nothing nothing for okay all right Lilith Lilith can actually move to here and attack from the top did I not I did cat I Circle it right at the start to turn didn't I you may have you know I do that I'm certain I did that I'm doing it as standard to me we had back to the base so Abby then is Abby will be technically Monster controller and what do we get loan rampage off sugar sure what is this the monster unleashes an awful well it's a signal it's a terrific rampage all non deaf survivors suffer one brain damage oh well nice glad I got that insanity mm-hmm okay so what followed by the next thing well is it more yeah and no one has - so cane that's gonna get this yeah zone of death all not down survivors within zone of death suffer one damage per monster level - every hit location we're doing all standing survivors suffer one damage per monster level so roll that that's how much the location takes you okay you'll you'll be not down and you're not back seven so just moving right to the border yeah okay knock down so he'll get back on all of us yeah in the zone which is what four squares so that's all of us yeah so we're all in here except for ya so I'll roll for me maybe this you don't roll for oh you roll for the location of damage yeah so to the foot mm-hmm that's fine and you go back one two three four five six knock down and one yeah and she takes a point damage to the head which she's got her skull helm so perfect score home she's fine with that yeah okay that was a nasty attack yeah it's not antelope guys so it's next turn for us ah well yeah we get up do anything no we don't get up until the end of the monster turn unless Abby encourages our Arby have any survival one one place of like hmm do you want to get any others up wait that no the monster turn is over the monster is over so now it's our turn yeah but the people that are knocked down don't get back up until the end of the next monster turn okay right okay so Abby could encourage and get Lilith back up and from where Lilith is she could go one two three spend an action to get up here and then spend a surge to attack Oh to complete Lilith doesn't have survival oh damn yes that's why I think we just let everybody lie there yeah I think we're gonna have to well it'll take a shot yeah why not because you can alright notice a mess okay of 2y and then it's background to the monster turn to you not to me Oh yet to me okay controls the monster yeah what we got we've got back kick okay that's fine target in blind spot in range knowing closest threat in range if you're not down you're not a threat so that's okay what Isis threat is her so it'll be a move it'll be moving attack it's got a movement of six one two and it's in range so she's not in range no she's not ad range she's not wearing she was there because it was one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six so now so essentially it moves there and grazes and he eats and heals one and that goes to the bottom of Hills Hill one we go to the bottoms that we understand okay and then they get up okay okay up up yeah okay yep that was pretty mean but you yeah it happens yeah okay so move Lilith up to the behind the stone head and she's just gonna look at the hit location and repair it okay well we've got wrap restless onon muzzle let's see Restless muzzle followed by gnarled horns followed by that one if he wound okay okay they'll do all right well my character he's not gonna be subtle he's just gonna go one two three four five actually no he'll stop there yeah that cardinal direction and you want to look at do his rawhide headband yes I will okay so we've got bite closest survivor in field of view and that's closest survivor not in range so you can use that to your advantage again and lone rampage okay yeah so let's just go with bite bite yes we want to take more brain damage right now hopefully and we can do some wounds and get rid of lone rampage yes oh yeah working this is the point where you would kill for a finding stone yes one two three four five I wouldn't see ya now you're yeah okay because you have to start getting and you have to present some targets present some meat and then RB yeah it's going to take a shot yeah five plus okay it's a hit okay then we already know where so she's on a straight for three bits down to straight to two and it's a wound mmm so that actually takes away the one we want it yeah well that's gone because we topdecked it we know that's the bike sorry that's exactly so so no warning you mean why Serge and go for another attack to try and get rid of that next one because all the way that's like a very good point right I'm gonna spend my last survival in to do this yeah oh this is what I was worried about Warren attacked here needing a fire okay you got it and it's on our horns okay so if you fail oh you won't and that takes out the lone rampage yeah thankfully so we don't have to fool around page again so you're almost great as well yeah [Laughter] okay yeah well wasn't looking at the game plan and I'm gonna see you twice okay right so will these drag that one back okay look at that guy's if you see someone do that says yes slap them around the face ago no well if you all we have to kill the guy that's what we're here for hey now what close the survivor in field of view so it should be you and it's a move and attack one dunk speed one hits on a two plus but it's four plus three to all the armor and locked and worries Asians misses a so now we get to go again yes okay so I'll let's let let us talk down there hit locations again because just it's it's working it's working we've got one that's a reflex if it happens so let's look that's if you wound one D brutally that's kicked in the back so that's not too bad if you're already at the front mm-hmm this one is you attack to save us and wants us well that's kind of good it slows it down and this one is it consumes your weapon I don't like we don't really want you don't it's stealing your weapon no right so that's all sewed up Lilith's is done yeah she's doing pretty well for something did Lois want to move up on to them well no she would have has user action today yet could move around the stone face a little just to be a little further away yeah actually you too Wow yeah just leave it that per at the corner of the corner yeah it's fine okay so I'm gonna go run the back yep gonna head one two three four five uh-huh yeah it's still in play though oh I know all right so three dice and even sixes three dice teen success come on let's do this one hit on hit okay rolled wind no no no and ro 1 D 10 for each survivor currently the monsters blind spot on a 3 plus their back kicked and stuff a three damage too random hit location yeah you're hit see stuff a3 damage but you can spend your survival can you not know because it's part of a combat alright so sweeties eight three two feet which can take and you're not back five okay so one two three four five - that one's on acanthus alright I'll go next one two three four no ticking three - my feet I had to armor armor and then the first white box and then the first way yeah that's where you go beyond the black box if you get damage done so it takes you to your black box and black socks you down and if it goes beyond that then you roll yeah on the table okay alright so I'm just in on the side attacking needing sevens on to die yeah so miss oh it's a swing and a Miss yeah yeah ah that would have been nice but oh well okay I'm not even worth surging yeah RB will do not - boom dark ischium range one two three four five six seven no she's out range so he comes over harp you might as well yeah I guess you could whisk her heart but there's nobody in the blind spot at the moment of her next turn yeah do it actually because it's kind of almost a waste when the action turns up its instead of a normal attack so it's almost like a wasted action it happened putting that mood into play so yeah do it do it on seven plus so what's the brush oh right a monster action so pass the monster control card round yeah won't just one thing make sure and put your dice in for me alright okay so it's back kick yeah yeah in blind spot in range know what nope closest threat in range which I'm a u-turn monster so its target is in the blind spot and then it's a speed one needing the three plus but so my eye for us once again lands and you'll be doing three damage to the following location I'm just gonna dodge it would do it to the body be gonna dodge yet and that's that done and because I know something on that good yes my body has already taken a little bit and that would put me right on the river edge and knock me down do you wanna attack now Justin while you're there should I check the hit locations first with Lilith because it's on yes yes yes we're getting very close to trap country yeah and it is close to trap country okay uh we're gonna have to just put I think they're fine as they are yep the moral all right there wailing slide Jonah's inner thigh yeah giant mouth and this is the one we don't want yes yes wide so I can attack with two you know that I'm not gonna head it exactly so I think I'm gonna have to do that and accept that yeah no other attacks happen mr. toan because we're gonna get all we try and trigger the whaling slide we've arranged attack mmm-hmm yeah what could it slide against me did it turn the slide against me can't remember which way it turns round I'm not gonna just let the dice gods go with it let's do it for it so sexist okay it's one hit one hit that's a bit of grace then for us mm-hmm rolls wind felt wind that means we know that one more hit location that we can shoot against yeah and I'm going to see if my survival just in case it does something to me yeah so how far were you well wait I'm going to harvest okay fine okay I think that's probably my best no sighs I'm gonna harvest the that room has all your armor doesn't if you can see Matt and armor yeah yeah we can't consume remember if I remember correctly no it just says oh no I can't no we can't consume you to eat piece on the rotten Wow oh yes yes so can I get yet the card for that but well one D general mmm-hmm oh that's a ten so we get another one yeah you got another acanthus and we can stop that's great because that's the traits and potions Wow beer stuff that actually means we can more critical wounds mm-hm okay wow that's good there we go way you're gonna move to get that cardinal direction seriously because we know wailing slides there I would move forward to here and across like that yeah or why don't I go back closer one two one where was it one two three four and five if you wanna yeah yeah I think the only thing we can do if we want to do it and to trigger that wailing slight now is a be nice move forward into range and shoot and hope she hit but remember she only gets one attack wailing slide is not the next no no it is because we've done the we've done enough hits that is the next one coming up I'm sure they will normally okay pick three cards yeah we've done one win since that's another I would do your your mood again try and do it again whisker huh yeah okay seven plus No okay so Antelope stone it does buck against you yep speed 1 3 plus 2 into a 5 plus 1 damage to body body alright I can I can take that on the chin okay good or or take it on the body okay so that's my armor on the body gone uh-huh just followed by chow down if there are no acanthus plants on the showdown board discard chow down and therefore basic action full move the scream Antelope to the closest acanthus plant uh-huh and then it consumes and it heals one d5o place chow down on top of the monster AI deck instead of discarding it so this breaks in there so you could if you wanted you could surge an attack it but I guess there's no reason to do that it's a bit of a painless yeah is it is it near enough move one two three four five yeah I can make it it will make it but that goes on top of its AI deck but it does get it's the only it's the squad next to me because there's no other okay it seems that I rolled that Rolo Rolo oh that's okay and that goes on the bottom of the AI yeah so only got back one wound yeah if you can live with that that's fine that's absolutely fine right so if I kick things off no I'm gonna top deck for you right yeah I said we know there's a giant mouth yet we know there was way slide and we know there is now a restless hoof yeah we're gonna do ring them in shut so clearly that's gonna go to the bottom yeah both of those are generally okay so let's just do that yeah great okay so now we can get you can get some basic hits and out of there all right yeah but do you want to run with the tour's you want me to go in I'll go get the two because there's no chance of getting that big three swing yeah that's right so two dice needing sexist yep both hit okay and plus we know what these are yeah and we know that the next one is its trap so which one do i do first do the wrestles hoof Oh getting restless Oh gonna call critical it counts us destroyed hoof yeah you gain another antelope resource he's butchering as we go you know we're butchering on the fly and it also means there's a certain attacks which it can't use anymore because of like but like not that but there's our back kick now doesn't work lovely so you've got yourself some be steak nice organ consumable lovely hockey mites take a nod and now the next law there's another 100 joint which was that that was that was right I know okay now this one is if attacking with a melee weapon and the wind roll to this locations of one or two the monster consumes the weapon archive the gear and cancel the attack so unfortunately I lose my Qataris they're gone gobbled up well is a shame we didn't need that but ah oh well I'll just have to go fist in tooth okay that is all you've got left right yeah although I'm glad I didn't have something like the butcher's cleaver right with us I'm gonna lose it that way okay um I'm gonna go well there's no point in attacking is if we attack me trap yeah well you can however do is use your headband uh-huh to actually look at the top two cards of the ìiî deck and decide which order or I do those in well we already know what the top card is we know the top card is its heel wings yeah Oh have we know cuz we've removed that from the knurl it's in there because it's something after that it yes so we can just let that work so you could try and get rid of the mood card and give it like two listed turns why can they both do it no if we put the AI card on there from the wound yeah it should have been wrestle it should have because we did restless hoof I tell you what oh how about I spent my rawhide head banjo it should have been chowing down because that was because we had anything so the chowder went on the top of the arrow card - yeah member and the other one we dealt a wound after it chow down yeah so that is gone yeah so that's the one that we healed back so we don't know what that is and we don't know what this is so if you want to check it we need to shuffle that back I'd say yes so yeah you do the okay let's do the the rawhide headband then right okay okay so we've got lone rampage rid of that it's the one it healed back ah and bite yeah okay well we've probably bite at the top yeah that's how we do it and then you could whisper heart or whisker heart to try that again or is it because there's no point if we're out of range to shoot at Emily yes so whisper two three four five six do shoot it is the trap but then the trap is triggered and it's we can we can basically kind of like start ignoring that again for a while hopefully you know maybe it's a risk I'd leave that the turn and let it get well I'll try and get rid of the whisper harp here the whisker okay yeah okay so what's it say with the discard yet discard one yeah okay yeah discard one mood card currently it's okay so discard rather than it back in okay so must return Mon stone Abby is Monster controller again huh and you know it's light yeah closest surviving field of view which is going to be is that one yet but that will mean you'll get knocked down yeah so it's Calise collision so you'll get one you'll get one point of damage as well because this has trample that's right and knockdown and that moves there nobody you know no you don't move that something here they get knocked out yeah alright and where's my damage going to body again Oh body's getting a little beat up here okay you then bites me yep yeah oh yes I bite sorry moving these two quick bite one died mm-hmm leave before do you want to ill be doing damage to and bleed so you mostly want to spend your summer I'll spend a survival to negate that one all right that's that done okay that's us back yeah right Lillith again does her cat i circlet trick yeah so we've got oh bring them in so we knew we were getting to get whaling slide but we've now topdecked restless flank and delicate inverted me that's good because no reflux that one the reflux is also equally not interesting so let's just do that all right like you've all done Warren or you could encourage me and get me back up so who does the encouraging survival if they have survival that's only Kane I don't think it's worth risk using up because he needs it to attack yeah yeah and well I'm gonna go in and around an attack yeah okay okay you don't worry about being here with a buck so three get on sixes one or one and we know that's okay and then roll to wound needing a six else no should I surge an attack again you may hit the trap but it's up to you I mean let the socials that have to be used yet let me I do a range attack listen Abby do that need a fire no no we still have Lilith's down here a little dirty top down yeah yeah so that's on to the monster then unless you're surging wine for the attack no we'll just let the monster activate what do you think Chris well we know what the next one is is the problem oh it's that lone rampage we have to do a wind yeah do it you're gonna have to do it I think we have to attack okay Mike yeah bad choices all right all right okay so much more we can do with me spend my last survival then yeah for the surge oh he could just trigger the traffic you're bad at this yeah so Takas doomed all survivors adjacent to the monster stuff a - brain damage huh that's 1 & 2 - so it's fine you don't get any else you are knocked back five and knocked down one two three four five knock down and then the monster lands that's belly turn the monster directly for way from the attacker Museum full forward straight line so six two three five six and there's no collisions so there's no disorders and that is it and we can now ignore waiting the slide for a while I hope also that was actually pretty good cuz up that's just all that range of the rampage yes it does so actually it's worked waffle right then turns back to Lula now you would get up at the end of the next monster turn which just happened because you were knocked down it join your attack right does that count as a monster turn though yeah that was the monsters turn you were not you attacked before it not only that was right end of no you he's trapped he got hit by the trap and not down yeah you attacked in your turn and the reaction knocked you down remember but the monster hasn't taken it yeah yeah okay let's just shuffle this yeah what's this AI then know that it is of course the rampage okay but but everything is out of range it does whatever its although it does but the one thing it does do is all non death survivors off at one brain damage so brain damage brain damage you can make yet disorder here and Kane I already had a brain down no that's a disorder yeah well we'll see what happens yeah this is could be bad where are we you may go a little bit Wibbly here or I got the role d-10 okay six that's okay six danger seizure you thrash about wildly dealing one damage to yourself and every adjacent survivor game one random disorder mm-hm so if you give me that other disorder that she's got Angie gave one d5 insanity so roll one d5 you get true to something good and where does the one damage go one damage goes to his legs but you're already knocked down so it doesn't matter okay that's fine and you are you've got anxiety so if you write down write that down on his disorders which is at the start of each showdown gain the priority target token and unless you have stinky gear in your gear grid okay that's fine don't worry about not show down at this man okay and then you've got disorder no oh okay fun right no my real okay I only lost my last sunny or in sunny right and that's the end of the monster turns from no and because why was knocked down during his turns as he stand up yes awesome awesome right always this down but I mean is well it's been a difficult fight we have harvested quite a lot of recent yes so it's not good even nothing we really just need to kill it so I think this is the turn when Louis needs to get back up on top here yes let's do that so she spends her action and gets on top of there because she's gonna die to go here that's fine Bogart's everyone else just needs to get close but not too close to three remembers but it's got movement of six so maybe you want to be close enough that you can't it can't draw it in it once is just basically coming close I want to be here you want to be there yeah one two three four five six yeah okay what happened yeah is that it may have an AI card that has moved twice but I don't know what I don't think it has any of those have not seen any in this cycle that we have and lessee okay so well nobody within are you with ending it here no no not a chance do you want a rawhide headband it yeah go it's have a look so it will be doing either a back kick yeah or I'll be doing back kick oh well that's doesn't matter them that's gonna work out fine so then it's let's go which is back kick as we say yeah target in blind spot none closest threating range none and then graze which is none so instead full move forward in a straight line so it can be in either of these two directions I say this way cuz then still in range of yeah a B so it goes well if you do the other way threat no because it's closest threat in in range so if I had moved forward that little actor would he came round four five six so I'd went forward that one it could have yeah so instead because it's at the edge one two three four five six to here I put at the bottom way because that way lower can jump down with the King spirit and maybe finish it off because it's a strong ally well yeah okay fine so on it was there yeah yeah okay so one two three four five six and turn to face that way okay so you get the option tear the or jump down yeah okay that's fine let's do that so so I'll go Ella left moose down 1 2 3 4 because she's got reach young use of the king spear needs a sixes to hit gets one hit what's the location it's the Restless eye she's not insane so I just rolled her wound as normal strength 3 ghosts on to Sony's are 6 fails mm-hmm what's a try yeah yeah it's not gonna do much else right who's next one two three four five you do the same way yup one two three four five let's leave her here mm-hmm and we know the next one was a back kick there's no no not even any point to do the rawhide head yeah yeah but for the rest of these cards now at the bottom of the AI yeah because we might want to do something yeah all right so monsters girl no yes that passes round again we know it's back kick close boy spot no close threatened range which is her but she can take this because it's so mean you know it's damaged three but yeah mmm well it could be bad we'll see it'll be hitting her on a four plus yep nope okay - okay Oh Annie wouldn't have done it actually no it would have done it actually it wouldn't have done it because we forgot one thing it's got destroyed hoof so when it does this it's actually technically knocked down so last time it should have been knocked down as well alright well just leave it not from now it gets knocked down so it would have been there knocked down so bad kick has this result here that says destroyed hoof okay it got a free move out of us we were coming to it okay but it's not down alright okay so that means it's our turn again Lilith is going to stand there and just either way stab way on three pluses get spring in it mm-hmm which is good because she found the whaling slide going while it's not down with traps it does get back up okay so it gets back up get it back up okay all adjacent survivors which they're not get to brain damage we ignore that it's lies on its belly turn the monster directly away from the attacker so it's only that way and then it moves in a straight line at full speed which is its habits okay that way yeah and Irish of all this so this is hopefully odds are we won't get waving the slide again too soon yeah yeah so at night it's in range for the two heavy hitters to go in and start having to go well the one half heavy hitters well I've lost my weapon so yeah he goes next I'll go next yeah throw one two three four yeah okay in with three dice yeah oh that's three hits yeah impressive good inverted knee giant tongue good where are we there we are and rest Oh giant tongue minds - toughness doing this location do that thing first okay or yeah it's a wind okay and what's it do blood and spit on the rope from the screaming antelopes wounded under more if the wound result is even suffer one brain damage see yourself one brain damage I already can't do any more I already can't to be gained insanity oh yes yes I did so come down one sorry that's right okay do the inverted nice that's a sensed wind on that yeah it's a wind that's another am I gone yeah and then finally this one I know okay no I I was a one and the reflexes turns to face the attacker that's fine no I will walk in one two three four and five yep and attack it in its rear end yeah on them no Justin yeah it has to - let's be - hang on luck Levin's yeah because it's in the rear and it's lucky though that's one hit and fast wind okay and if he fell swooned you lose you lose your weapon - it does nothing good I already hit my weapon and that's down - no she didn't know who she that's what triggered they acted first so it's Abby left okay so one two three four five six seven eight she's our the brain but she has her movement she can move - here for one one two three four five six seven that's the light still out of range mm-hmm well monster yeah yep no it's a back kick which is gonna go against you mm-hmm topple destroyed her oh yeah come on now okay and that's quite funny because the net if we can deal the next wind and remove this area I just gonna follow it's never gonna do is get knocked down yeah oh yeah I see you my friend okay so it's back to me is it you wait let us help you out first oh yes good plan okay and while it's not down the reactions are of course canceled nice so it really doesn't matter I think well now would just mean something was a critical it's like a key for everything that's got critical so let's go with let's go to that right all right Lauren yourself right does it matters whether you're on the rear or not no you hit on three okay so I hitting on three okay two hits yep you may as well it does matter which one you choose first one wounds yeah that's that AI card gone next one we know doesn't win because you need is six yes done so while we're at it MMH my two dice roll yep one hit yeah and we already know it's not as you're not free to hit okay three hits alright yeah two hits oh well doesn't matter cuz you've got nope fell six straight - one remember as well so it's actually dice - one yeah so nothing I would have to crit to do and I said okay got you with your Kings she just did that wrecking a be arranged could move into range and start throwing darts yeah she's likely to wind yeah so one two one two three four yeah on 101 one two three four five six so she moves to there okay you're a range and on a five to one of three I know don't speed one is of you alright so speed one but is it a three because he's yeah yeah it's where it's the rest of sigh are you insane no no so it doesn't matter I fell so unfair Oh maaan Stern it gets back up and falls down again Forester okay I get up oh this is just cruel now okay so I'll go in an attack with the three yeah it's just sitting there bucking on do you want top deck before that just to make sure we don't get restless back Oh fine it doesn't the reactions don't matter because it's on its back it's on its back go on then everybody's just biting and tearing apart three-plus yeah three hits all the really rolling for now is to see if we can get some crits to harvest some some grub out words over to the other two long serene there yeah any border just well do that one first okay so fast wound okay this one else wound this one fell swings dear me so I'll go with my food ice attack threes what one an it and he's in it so he should be alright an eight - I was its toughness is eight so you felt wind oh so I'm just sitting there nine on the tail yeah actually that is pretty much what you are doing um is a be better going in with a boom blade or sticking with the bone darts what's that a hit that's threes anyway and you'll get an extra hit with the McCallum blade don't bleed you yeah Walker on in one two three four five you can get more can she move five yes okay so there so we should go in with - yep roll away she gets one yeah yeah okay oh okay monster gets up Bob falls throwing top deck cuz now the trap is coming up and we do need to stop right so when it's like is the back those two we've seen a lot of these year before so it's farm horns giant mouth yang slide at the bottom so I would have addy attack first okay I do one single or two Oh do too cuz you got a light sorry yep um please yeah there we go see if we can get some crits okay and then that one with the blade so strength was 2-1 yeah so fails yeah okay gnarled horn yeah it's a wound okay awesome and there's no critical on that okay now we know the next one is waving slide so I think we just kind of just sit there an end ya know what you're gonna do today yeah whatever we put those back in the order you want any order we know as long as we get a women of these Justin going this time you sure yeah because if I go in with three and you'll get wailing yeah but if Abby just goes with the two you're more like oh good with our B again and I think Abby should just do her one attack hitting on the three possible at straighten three because she's more likely of wounding on the single okay so let's see bone dark sir yeah is it hey we know what we're gonna get straight three down to two she needs a six to wound ah come on alright I'll take my shot at it one hit ko perfect perfect strike so +2 strength oh yeah gone Walter wingsuits dice + 2 - one so Stice plus one strength one okay it's a wound yes and we knew where it was going to be yeah the reactions cancelled because it's yep down and I firstly I'm in lucky doesn't kick any now and he has one wound left so it's music action it gets its basic action so but we know the next ones of throwing slight so do we let it have its basic action it's basically actually that's not amazing I tell you what the way we've surrounded it it's kind of bad so hang on I attacked but didn't move this turn right uh-huh oh yeah Galloway Warren attacked you didn't do anything this - no I didn't do anything is - so what you could do is you could actually move yourself out the way I could search for another attack and try and hit the trap and send it skating away from us on what is this basic action though it's base action is move and attack and it picks target in order of closest knockdown survivor and range and then it does graze and if it can't graze ah instead does a full move forward in a straight line hmm so we can so if I move this way yeah - prepare for it yeah yeah go 1 2 3 which all fairness have done to get away because it's gonna slide this way oh wait 1 here 2 3 4 5 and then when it slides this way on my urge yeah go on then twin surge at today's yeah hit we know it's whaling slide yeah so it will get up okay and it all survivors adjacent remember you suffer - brain damage ah yeah you didn't think about I don't think that was a good idea because do you want to accept that you've done so yeah I'll take a roll okay roll a d-10 you know d-10 Abby's going to end up with her 7-7 lunacy gained a random disorder and get d-10 d5 insanity okay and then our B so I'll get that's gonna be for for our B dies oh what mortal terror no ifs and buts she's dead whoops don't yes sorry I be but we're in the court we can we will skin the corner skin yep I mean this nun will be make beautiful shields from Abby so sorry and then full move the hands like along so one two three four five six okay ah I mean the random disorder you get with toxic which means you carry the weight of your settlement on your shoulders everyone is counting on you to see of them I do well rise to the challenge huh if you are as seen when you depart give one survival and a plus one strength token that right kind of cool okay so let me write it right down fully just write down the name of the yeah thing cuz we right so one more room so what is this gonna it's gonna talk today give us some safety here yeah yeah it should be safe and the answer is it is okay but the thing is it does gets basic actions now it's true it's not gonna fall down automatic scabbed again before it gets that final turn you're gonna go into the rear got a speed of wait that was the trap that was not its turn moves back I've got to shuffle this yeah oh yeah right oh yeah so you could go the Lilith oh yeah she top deck this turn so it has to get its turn it has to give us basic actually we can go yeah right yeah we're getting excited yeah that's happiness with this game it gets this basic action which is closest knockdown survivor in range and on target then it's it will do Gray's none then it moves them a straight line so it heads towards the corner and stops now I will top deck and I did shuffle multiple times so we get wailing slide but well live it out all the rest put to the bottom wailing slide and Warren you just need to basically get into the rear and get one wound out of those two so one - don't hit with all three hits right oh I have to I know I know well it's on it's on a sec correspond sixes in it so one hit one is that Mac that's gonna be enough if you wound he needs sixth wound come on guys yeah so close yeah and all the wait please yeah okay I did all right before yeah okay so that's it you're gonna have to move into range one two three that's fine right it's basic action again it will now move along the board edge six well this is where it becomes cleaner it runs away from us doesn't it we're gonna have to kind of work out of it we'll have to move ahead of it essentially yeah I'm gonna Lillith it's gonna prepare first of all the whaling slide and as we can see with those yeah you want it brother die we'll move we'll have them in that order yeah yeah I'm moving in the wrong way there we go yeah still have that one on the top flip it that one full of it that one and then she will move because you know it's useful let's move her that all right so she's gonna basically head it off at the pass yeah I'll make the same kind of move so one two three four five I'm gonna go one two three four five yeah can attacking Iggy Pop with it okay please please please Tyler Texas okay two hits okay we know these aren't traps yeah to do that one first it all fails next one six fails and there's no reaction yeah because it's only if you wind it so they're gone again we know that when the slide is back at the top of the deck yeah so it's action move it along six to six so that should be a range of you know yeah okay right lower head is not going to waste her action top decking I'll give no she should get up there yeah the reason is when it hits the corner it's gonna slide long here and if it does I might get some shots and I might try to do a shot and get rid of the wailings like that way yeah if I keep running those odds are it should be far down through the the hit location back we'd have to worry about it yeah all right you keep running along to have it off at the pass or five yeah just to stay a little bit further ahead on that side one two three four five so I must have went one too far because it goes six yeah fine it's basic action then as we know is to move forwards to move it into the corner so it's just stopped - yeah yeah stops out the corner yeah okay always stops when it reaches an edge and then top back this time and then I'll go in the back yeah let's do that yep we know that we know that so we've got the super-dense joint teeth we've got the inverted knee so again I think that orders mm-hm and I assume we're in your yeah further I'm just gonna go straight in there and go for the heck finish it sexes okay two hits no three Henry hits so they actually get it oh it's means you trigger the whaling slide yeah so taste okay because that means we get to reshuffle this take to brain damage roll a d-10 you gain one d-10 insanity and you're not back five okay so for insanity yeah yeah okay lucky lucky lucky lucky man that was very fortunate okay okay so I'm gonna medic slides in a straight line which it slides then along this way x-6 okay yeah we can get it now five I can get ahead of it yeah okay Lilith I'm assuming that waving slide is not very high yeah so Lilith is gonna do a shot from where she is okay she's at plus C range she's definitely range plus teaser here no though she's on a five oh you missed so do I have did I miss the sternum no no you have no so now you can move up one two three four five go on I know what's gonna run ahead that I'm not trampled okay I get my two dice hitting on a dress all right yeah Lambton hit ah mighty strike +2 strength nothing special on this so it's minus one since it's dice plus 1 7 yes yes meaning nothing but refresh you crushes me good right resources yes okay these are the basics yes so you get four of those four of these so we got a lot out of this thing I would draw an extra one for happy really oh ya rabbee mm-hm as we sell her first we take off a be some more if you come to the camera there we go some people take a bellows we get a bone from the antelope we've got some more bones it's a more steak some of its muscly gums and some pelt okay regularly we have a nut Master Oregon question mark having that and that and that oh wow okay okay that's a lot of stuff will we deserve a lot of stuff after that and I'm hearing a lot of stuff if you watch this far into it the Antelope it's always a tough nut to crack yeah but we got a lot of cool stuff from this so it's gonna be useful right give us a minute to reset then we'll hit the settlement face right settlement face Oh firstly I delivered the dead body but before we get to the settlement face at the end of the fight yeah we get one XP on our characters yeah okay happy day and only she dead yeah if they've got weapon proficiency and if you used that weapon in this fight they can gain but we haven't I think the only person that had it was me she dead yeah yeah and so now we can roll on the age story event for each of the characters so yeah you want to do Kane yep roll to d-10 Abbott was that not Kim's first fight or is that I know that was his first fight you hate so Adam long Lilith gets one as well young man Adam will get one so Lilith come to hurt yes sir lost fifteen Oh gets one random fighting art so we get that you give me the other fights before you add them together this yeah alright okay so if you give me all the fighting art parts because we have to randomize from the entire lot uh-huh I see is that a fake note yeah they're all fine arts don't confuse me and what we got the altar of death good that's all right all right well Adam has to roll as well so he'll get seven seven gives you again one random fighting much you can also choose the weapon proficiency so I think Lilith it's gonna go with spear I think I'm gonna give Adam axe yep so I think you're not guess or why do we not have did we know I think all our bonuses got broken like previously didn't make we could always make enough one but I think you know something I felt the real mission was a good and your fighting art is thrill-seeker ooh which we'll get into at a later point but just write down for now just like you in real life Justin alright so well seeker thrill-seeker okay okay so she's hurt good um right is there anything else we'll just give you back well I have to update the the death count yeah def count goes up by one mm-hmm we've got only three endeavors this time young got three starting three survivors returning yep that's all of our studies estimate event so if you draw the top card Oh wasabi the the last of our starting survivors yeah because you remember we created the four of us and Audi and she was left at this element the first round almost it's just the nature of things really in that no no I like doing okay attract doctors that's next is the dark dentists okay the dark dentist we've all met one of them in our lives look woman enters the settlement oh look at me seen beneath her who is the sparkle of perfect teeth she offers to improve the survivors health the survivors they are brave enough yeah no it's pretty horrific if you mess up and it's good if you've got the broken jaw injury but we don't have any of that so I don't think it's worth the risk so let me read out what the effects are on all the one tier two you die the longest offers your skull to the settlement as an apology I'd bang skull to the scalp settlement storage beautified the surgery feels suffer the shower-door severe injury at six to ten the surgery is successful and what happens if the surgery is success so there's quite a few options if you put it under there so we can either have she can even repair injuries mm-hmm or it can be one of these other things where you know she repairs a shattered jaw injury or you get monster tooth for dentures so you get plus one permanent strength or a metal jaw which means you're facin teeth getting sharp sharp is +1 d-10 on the damaged rolls an extra d-10 of damage mm-hmm so it's good but we don't think we need oh it's not work at this point and for the risk given that we're gonna make a ton of other weapons okay well then we will thank you old ladies but no thank you we don't want your crazy dentures mm-hmm so if dizzy it we move forward damn yep I've updated at the death count mm-hmm I'll update the timeline and the timeline is phoenix feather yeah yes foots coming done done the skies bubble and murmur as a dark presence tears through the atmosphere like a negative lightning bolt sucking the air and energy from all who gaze upon it a light rain begins the survivors turn their eyes up to see a huge iridescent ever slowly floating toward the ground their Lantern lights reflect strange rainbows off the twisting ferrer a primal fear takes root in the settlement you may now hunt the Phoenix alright add it to the quarry list nominate a survivor they will gain plus-one courage and they are the one that breaks the silence should we nominate Sarah obviously we're gonna fight the Phoenix I think in the long term it might be a bit of a waste on her because there's some benefits and she's more likely to in the long term to disappear these spread the benefit what is the benefits of this either they get banished into the darkness because their gibbering they've become a gibbering maniac uh-huh or they can gain they'll gain +1 a further +1 understanding and we gain a tailfeather phoenix resource and there's some other basics from benefits from that but we don't have survival of fittest or they will gain the crazed fighting art and the hoarder disorder and an extra +1 courage from it and returning survivors gain a favor +2 insanity so who do we pick do we pick someone that what about Jean or Kane well you see here's the thing they may get banished so I'm thinking let's take one of our regular survivors there's no hana XP and put it on the youngest one yeah Joshua yeah sure okay let's get rid of Joshua okay the role d-10 mm-hmm 6 that's good so just right next to his on his line cuz we haven't made up his stat sheet yeah he's crazed with the fight so it's got that fine art he's got hoarder mm-hmm anyway I have +2 courage in total mm-hmm so that puts them very close to getting a milestone on that and all returning survivors yeah yeah +2 insanity oh great that pushes me to sex and pushes me to sex that's good that means a certain weapon so he comes back into play mmm-hmm the one where you have to be insane to use it yes it's whispering to us now okay now we can develop and do innovations please just move forward one more on the track yep there we go so let's innovate because we lost one last time yeah so what point do I move our Bo Abey Abey to the side here there's our B sheep it can be tucked away for posterity sake do we want to innovate yes yes all right so resources dine draw to shrine that's good and paint ah good paint gives us back our - yes and shrine is also a very good one that if you spend an endeavor where there's a knack chance that you can get plus one arm at all departing survivors it's incredibly useful I'm at odds of which we won't go for - is good - yeah I think we'll go with - and I think we might need it okay good so because that unlocks all of our options for spending that survival during a fight yep mm-hmm so that's all our innovating done though wait who's coming out on this next party we don't know yet we don't do you want to give everybody else - while we're at it then or yeah I'll mark it up here uh okay so now we want to stop spending so that's one endeavour spent yeah - left mm-hm and we for the rest of our resource I would like to spend one for the weapon crafters endeavor which is actually searching for scrap yeah under settlement mm-hm so we're gonna like go looking for scrap who'd you want to send out looking for scrap someone that has survival and we've got a few characters on our list in our population yeah we've ever done are they right that's evil yeah okay let's send him out alright so it gives a détente so I need to get a six or better yeah naari okay so something in the darkness attacks me spend a survival or die yeah thankfully he has four mm-hmm three it goes to three we have another endeavor we could do again having the scrap would be useful because we can make a particular weapon yes there are some weapons that mean scrap denotes let's do it and the odds are fifty-fifty I'll let one of you guys work because I've used mine okay so don't screw it up haha life only it's another survival off of evil well what did we need is six six yeah alright when it's not fifty-fifty just nowhere near 50 55 Plus would have been 50/50 no that's okay so unfortunate yeah so we're not gonna make a particular weapon we were aiming for but we can make some other stuff there is one that I had seen that I want they make right it's called contra winter axe okay that will cost us two bone one hide one Oregon let's let's do it get your you're hiding you're organized there's no okay there's a hide and there's two bones right done and the great thing about it is its fee to join a quartet here militia yeah yeah be two hits on sixes strength or and it's a reach weapon awesome and it's got a cool thing that if you unlock it if you do a perfect hit that's a tender hit it doesn't auto win without having to go to the hit location fantastic right well Kim can have that alright no we still do have quite a few that's left over mm-hmm so we've got we still had a bit oh no wait we did we spend a bit from the last time no no we still have the lion tooth claw so if you want we could make a guitars again guitar it again yeah we've got the acanthus you said this was useful so the account this we can use which location is it's your area let me find it all dry the campus so what's this do it is this stuff here so the great thing about it is when you depart you get +2 survival and you can sacrifice it when you suffer a severe injury and you ignore that in jury if we made nice to have had that during the butcher fight we made two lots of that all right ready the other grant okay so what we have left is the blade we've got some hide we've got lots of Oregon stuff we've got one of anything but what would be useful here in fact that one of anything I assume it's just counting as a basic retaking the organ bone hide or consume yeah but it can't be like a great cat bone no damn we could make a whistling miss if that's a nice uh possibly so I don't think it's it's a okay where hand you carry more than one bone dagger ice if you're the slot for it we can't equip it at the same time because it's not ideal we can't jewelry no the Qataris are dual wield oh yeah yeah so that would be a line claw and I hate to make that which we do have if you want to that's a whistling mace if I considered it what's that speed three hits on six strength three and on perfect hits revealed the next a I card and place it on the bottom of the AI deck and if you roll a one two hit you suffer one damage yourself so it's a little bit of a risk yeah guitar yes what do you think Christmas I think they're pretty good for what we've got they're lucky so they help wounding alright so enough to make two ah no because we only have one line cloth so well jurors will drop no do we wait to keep the pelt is that's from there uh we can risk it these are you thought you'll take that you've already taken the cloth you've got the Qatar which is a useful weapon okay what else do we have here scrapp night we could make a little bit of armor for somebody yep maybe a rawhide vest or something rawhide vest be useful because we're missing quite a bit of armor right now yeah yeah let's go for it rawhide vest so that is just height that it needs yep the rest that we have is organ and bows don't forget we still have another boom lid as well in the thingy we could make another thing of moss or grease for the one person who doesn't have it um there's two that don't have oh yeah its little whoever is gonna be loaded up here doesn't have any monster grace yes I see you could have one more of those from Oregon mm-hmm so will screaming brand not to the current limit I'd like to hang on to that mmm they're screaming brain yeah why because of my thrill seeker belly uh-huh so it says consume archive this and gihon survival up to the current limit mm-hmm this says whenever you get in survival during the shooting fears given one additional survival yeah actually beyond the limit so what so oh thought okay whatever you're King survived room okay game okay that's you can't take you over the limit of your survival oh well okay but no that's still useful to have the ability to give someone if that's if you if you have it on you you can't take no I can't bring with ah oh well no remember that we're all pretty much out of survival when we are we all want to get a phone recharge so what's that being used to make another monster grease for the one person who doesn't have it right so we need to note down now that we've got an extra because unfortunately this is where we've made so many things that we run out with certain cards in the game so there's only three of the monster grease in the game okay so we'll just we just have to keep whoever that person is just write down that we've got four months to grease in total in our storage yeah you okay no let me talk about survival because all of us used all of our survival in that last so some of it will regenerate as we leave to fight and some of it will because of our innovations and some of it will regenerate due to the things that were carrying I don't need to worry about that rival we're going to generate plant it yeah okay is there anything else you want to build what we have left is organ and bone mm-hm so unless you a give someone boon darts you know that would give us some more ranged options yeah possibly or we can keep stuff back for building later yes there's a fair point because the one thing I've noticed because you see for the next one scrap smelting getting this innovation you're gonna need to scrap five bones five organs and the important about scrap smelting is it gets us along the way to making iron yeah and iron means even big weapons again okay right then we'll store the rest okay so that moves us do we move to the next phase let's that's it so we will now at the stage of preparing departing survivors mm-hmm so we move to here if you come to us camera for me please okay on this track we can yeah we work or don't think that we've got that needs to be stored or anything that we don't have a card for because we're gonna have one of these years has we also check another departing survivor don't we yeah we can have John again because now he's back yeah so you can scrub so you could swap by him on two kids play sheet and move cane over to here yeah and don't forget we did make that rawhide vest yeah yeah over there so who do we want to get all right who oh yeah put it on you you have you got the the King spirit you'll be a little more likely so apt on Lilith try to count this I think I think John needs it cuz we don't want him dying yeah okay I'd like to take one as well I think I don't like to frontline characters right now okay that means we're gonna have to get a different survivor and of course I think we are ready then at that point once we sort out the armor sort out how much the Bible they have ready then to go out on the hunt so so how much trouble do we get let's prepare them so there's let's see when they leave where is it one and so one for Havel one for Havel one for lines another one for lantern oven so there you go that's two and then gear any gear gives them plus one so none for Lilith none for you plus du from me and plus two for yan so it's up to four on you and me Warren for John and Adam okay is this on top of what they already have next is a portal or matches out out for okay yeah and Kane has fickle Sal yeah gives him plus one so he goes three yep yeah okay so there we go we're done with those yep all right yeah and that's it we moved to the next one which we've done for me Justin yeah any armor so that's one on a body for his armor is all you need to reset his armor yes he only has a cloth now at this stage he only has a cloth yeah yeah yeah we need to start stripping some hide off these beasts yeah we're gonna start making a lot of armor so I know goes down to zero but the waist because you've got your yeah alright list for one yeah this stays the same yep just no damn it Harry anybody having insanity at the minute let me know uh yeah you should remove any but then all your brain down remove is Brenda same gyre and done so that's all gone it's all set yeah right so we have reached the end of the settlement phase and you can introduce our next quarry which would be sad boy so we're going after the Phoenix I didn't realize until my just how much the wings look like hands when they're piant at that point yeah because they are hands it is they are fingers on the end it is a horrific looking thing of doom yeah and if you want to see how we get on with it you'll have to tune in - our next Lantern year which is Lantern year 8 yep very soon see you guys there post your comments below we hope you enjoyed this let's play go ahead and check out our other content on screen no 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Channel: OnTableTop
Views: 36,972
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Keywords: Beasts of War, Board Gaming, Kingdom Death, ontabletop.com, Miniature Wargaming (Game Genre), Hobby (Interest), Wargaming, Tabletop Gaming, Tabletop board Games, Tabletop Game (Game Genre), OnTableTop, Monster
Id: -O_qzNDUqvw
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Length: 103min 37sec (6217 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2018
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