Let's Play: Dark Souls - The Board Game [Part One]

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I am resilient to cocaine battle across the devastating science-fiction 12s Dark Age look your forces anime to provide SB football calm same unfortunate waves in blood and plunder set sail in the Golden Age of piracy and claim the riches of the Caribbean at the super calm hey guys this is as would be sabor and you're about to join myself and Alex and gme as we're going to have a let's play for the first time with Dark Souls the board game and I am terrified after doing the unboxing seeing some of what was in this box having an all night on the board and seeing it here it's just it's intimidating to say the least yeah so what are we going to be setting out to do in this scenario so we're going out against the mini-boss which is the gargoyle okay to get there we have to explore through some stuff okay yeah we find out what is going to be on these clothes at least in terms of the difficulty via the mini-boss data cards over there yes surely laughs so in the bottom left hand corner you can see there you've got a three a one and A zero yeah they are our encounter levels so we need to take the level one and level two encounter deck okay there are no level three cards used here okay and we will place those out so I will take one and that velvet placed on the tiles closer to the bonfire is lower the level encounter so you don't get stuck behind something you can't do write it like that so I'll pop one there's one there and one there so that is our level threes it's very level one two three level ones we'll find out what we are as we start going through and there is our one level not sitting up in the corner here and then obviously we've got a fog gate up near the big map yeah the fist a big nasty the nice way of putting it just to show you guys this is the gargoyle model and he is big he is nasty he's a mini boss he's a mini boss I mean I love that I love that term and but he's going to be on the 6002 where we're working two wars we're going to have to now we could go straight to him okay what are two souls we go through enough rooms however would be going at the mini-boss with minimal gear yes okay and so I just have a little look at my board here so I'm playing the knight character and you can see how I start with a kite shield Knight armor and long sword so since you might my basic equipment I also have a heroic ability which lets me add initial block dice one spare what's called spark yeah right okay then so what kind of come back to this a bit later but right now we're all starting as yes correct yes we are all based like based levels based equipment and who are you playing at I am playing the warrior I go and beat things up a lot of slick area damage I'm the Brawn okay okay alright who's the Bereans then we don't have we don't favor anything no I got you me I am playing the assassin okay it was my favorite character in the board game and the video games I love it it's just a dodgy character would really spiky damage both dodges and shifty and also dodges in avoiding dad wearing damage here and okay so what do we need to do to get started so we need to make up well reluctantly make our way towards okay how apprehensive you are about this but we need to start exploring through okay so all of the tiles are linked by doorways and obviously you travel through these doorways we can't get to this one over here because these two are in the way okay so we have to start with one of these two they're all level 1 cherries in theory the difficulty is roughly equal first we need to choose who we would like to tank the room so we will have someone who is the agro so that the the enemies can function properly I'm the broad and here's the drain so I guess that leaves me on the wall I'm the wall so that's so I've got the Nate character high on an absolutely clean to be the first guy going in so you read the first row granite so we'll put this to one side and then the aggro token you will be the proud owner of that the first really go into do you have any preference on which room you'd like to go in place oh let's see let's go to this we're going to go in this one over here so we flip this card over okay and if I pass that all you they'll give us the information as to what spawn so on the single spawn enemy spawn we will have a crossbow hallo Oh on the double sword yeah enemy spawn will have to hollow soldiers yeah we will have one piece of barrel terrain Oh Nate node in the corner yeah and the two spares about the Orient trap so we're isn't trapped in here in terms of where the traps go they are there are twenty trap tokens in total okay 11 of them completely safe okay so we're basically we're basically Jimmy's already got it all going for us but eleven c99 got danger and you just randomly selected yeah I just pulled up it was only three needed for this room okay even though I scrapped it's not terrible trap and that the only go on to the yellow normal nodes that aren't entrances that aren't right next to the corrector okay cool so there's only three traps in there so not awful but it does go limit your movement a little bit maybe make Jamie have to consider where he's going when he goes from some of his dodges okay it's straight onto the traps through the barrel so we're set up and these guys essentially are ready and waiting for us to come through right so big we basically choose where we are standing then they have a turn of trying to murder well you are a sausage you yeah because we've decided that I'm going about the threat yes yeah okay so yeah I mean I think front and center from your animator you can get over me thank you so much I am going to go yeah I'll leave you guys to it I think so they go further yeah and now we can talk through their behavior cups solutely silver so what types of wood do you say we have ever prior soldier yeah so getting on Somali and let's have a quick look so hollow soldiers then they're pretty straight for nothing two times so they have five threat which is higher than the crossbow all those so these guys will be activating first and then they will simply move forward one node make an attack for for damage again we'll get one character okay assuming they're arranged zero and then they're quite easy to kill so they have super base level guys awesome the crossbow hollows will be going second you can look at them and their icon for who they target is slightly different there's got the skull in it which means they specifically target the aggro okay's are just going to move back one away from the aggro and then you for three damage and you notice it's not a shield across swords it's like welding that's magic damage Giorgio that was physical and they have an infinite range you can't escape and they are just going to keep shooting at you until they're dead and they're going to stay within the room but they're going to back away as far as they can to make us come to them yes okay and so yeah so that's how do we go through that we start with their hollow soldiers and they will start because they have the higher threat so this one the the target icon they had means the nearest yeah and obviously the night and Warrior equidistant sure both one away so then we go to the tiebreaks you have the aggro token yes that's the first tiebreaker I always go for you had you not had the Agra token and the assassin had it you would then go to one of the things on the player board gotcha which is the threat that's really taunt yeah we have let's just shoot out here and I have a high voice on a 10 yeah mines 9 Jamie's is 8 so in this tie break they would go for you yeah okay so perfect let's so this one will move in yep he just moves one towards you and then he will hit you for for physical damage so I don't know about the guards there's no dice ruling for them but I now get to block and record on right okay so if what did I see for my blog I have and I'll show you guys at home so you can just see where this comes from so I have a kite shield here and that's going to give me one black guy of block yeah and then I also have my knight armor just here and that's going to give me one blue diet blogs that right yep okay curses physical damage so you will use your block okay so the two options you'd have here would be Dodge or block right don't have any Dodge not a zero nice so you're blocking it okay so I'll go to you roll your dice and then basically whatever you need roll will be subtracted from there before Oh nervous 9 but I guess he wrote it too I got a one other one you please take two damage to damage and so that is deluded on my bottom bar here which from the left is stamina and from the right is health correct use the red cube to show that that'll go there and there so you've got 8 left okay the second fella even goodness that's just the first footer it's going to come in okay he's going to exactly the same so I'm assuming you'd like to block it yeah absolutely I think I will go ahead and do just that and we'll be hi lucky again okay cheering Eric another 2 my word you'll be fine so everyone has ten everyone helped as an endurance part of my various pride because it's made up stamina yeah okay got you and then one more remember saying about the crossbow guy oh yeah yeah I agree yeah you're still the actor I'm still the actor the aggro will change as soon as someone else activate right oh so you not necessarily stuck with it per hear me he's going to move one away from you okay so he is now further away than he was when he started yeah and he's going to shoot you for three magic damage and the movement distance is all done by these new all boroughs no even or the different colors to represent whether the enemies spawn interion spawned are all called newts and obviously there is between this mode here yes a this note here there is a different physical distance okay so the distance between these two does that still counts as one note watch it okay cool and alright so he's obviously got the real jamesha ones a magic damage yes three of it so your magic resistance is slightly different to your physical block yeah so for this one my magic resistance is only coming from my armor which is one black dice so you only get one black dice against this and you're guaranteed to take at least one damage because the highest number on a black guy - thanks for telling me which is how much I owe it hey that's possible so you just take one damage there just to say you're just a half health ideal just a half health turn one I have a Wii gone yet correct yeah yeah righto Tarcoles this is this is a decision point for the group okay where we get to set the little sort of activation order right so we get to choose who goes first now but it will continue clockwise from then on okay so if say for example I kill the last guy in this room Jamie would get the first activation in the next room right so they needs to be a degree of tactics that go into that because ideally you wouldn't want the aggro being the first place absolutely that means you would be getting shot by him twice in a row and as soon as you return you take the actual you're making an attack or a movie on Bharati so they're going for you okay so I'm a cleaving killed things on note guys yeah so I might be a good shout for the first activation here and so just explain to me then we have three models and myself and two hollow soldiers on the angle note so how would it work if we want to have you come in so there is a model limit of three per node right so if I wanted to enter I would have to choose one model to push out okay that's entirely up to me who it is right I would push you out okay because I want to kill both of these guys yeah and can you push me to one of these non potential trap areas all of these do you get to go to any adjacent node and that's your choice say he'd go and Heydrich Jamie how good suicide wall you can go and jump on the trap well I'm sorry I'm sorry I think I've taken enough damage for one run and yeah I mean I'd be okay with you one first Alexandra oh yeah yeah so I will take the aggro token okay I will move in I will choose to push you out okay and everyone gets a single move from the nude to new adjacent knurled and that one is free free okay and then any after that cost one stamina per node you could run around the tile for a bit but I don't know how well that bear for you I see you bringing me forward there Jimmy towards the gospel yeah I'm okay with because I'm going to murder these guys and then you can go murder him you've made a solemn promise you're about to murder those guys I wanna see at night definitely so that movement was free cuz I only had to move one note and then if we go to my attacks did you want to show my car yeah let's have a quick luzie at what you are working with so you've got the battle ax so the number shown in the square brackets is the amount of stamina it's great you get to make the attack so for zero stamina I could talk to black guys okay for two stamina it's the exact same dice number but that icon next completely hit everybody on the notes like Eve attack okay obviously his range zero so I have to be standing on their node so I'm going to pay the two stamina to try and cleave these guys down okay and I'm definitely going to do it if you'd like to pass me oh yeah I'll cover any go anywhere down there I will take out these ones cuz I'm not oh yeah got got nice color and only tiny blue doubt his mill and then I will rock that down there and a roll of trees they only have one armor so they are both dead and one it because you cleave it essentially heading ones like heading books yep okay art is just one cleaving swing through them both and that's then dead Aziz yeah I was pretending to be worried the whole day I'm now done with my activation okay they get to go again how do I not kill those they would now hit me and he would shoot me and you know how but I am NOT as tiny as you absolutely so that might not be great for me okay they're both dead so we have to worry about that I get shot by the crossbow guy I too only have the one black noise so far and again his because his targeting doesn't work on nearest it works on two he's got the I ever has the a groan okay lovely he cannot move away from me he doesn't move they cannot get further away from me sir he's going to sit tight where he is and then I am good in that corner yeah one damage II good work so we're in pretty good spot yep it has gone pretty well so far I guess the key thing to take away is that the stamina that you exert and the health you lose if you clear a room successfully goes away who would you get that back yeah so okay yeah yeah seems easy Jamie you're up position and we go your loan up so free one to go here okay spend one stamina is my second note that moving on doing a proper black dice into your endurance I would like so I like Europe yet I'm then going to spend three stamina okay so further my bar up quite a bit here okay to make em attack with my air stock so that gives me three black dice and because it's not a particularly powerful weapon yellow offensive weapon I am suffer minus one to the dice roll natively okay - the arm I saw - - oh so he's we've got an armor one and you've got a minus one yes give me whatever your role to offline took that yes so into the cup no I don't want us revealing no other Isaac it adds to the tension it's like Schrodinger's cup I'm telling him I've not killed so got a roller for - the one from the weapon yep wood from the armor leaves the - yeah no I hear he's gone to that is that room successfully cleared awesome so we would generate two souls per player per encounter so we would get six souls from that so I'll go ahead and pass you over and these go on our then is over in our soul - anything you can say now at the end of it I was lost doesn't to kill one so as you are the first player into the next year I remember that mistake I said that we could possibly make of having you've either a grow and the first activation yeah we did it so we can come back to the bonfire here yeah we can spend some of these souls we've got to try and get some new loop looks you're just busy talking to the characters we're not actually resting at the spawn so you mentioned the sparks earlier yes they aren't functionally our lives as a group when one of us dies we all come back to the bonfire okay we are as strong as our weakest link we need to work cooperatively as a group class does not like someone can run and come back and we join again it's Justin okay okay my goodness we have three sparks we have three lives which is three attempts to reset the board and farm ups and souls okay right okay if we die without any sparks left we have no bonfire to go back to the bonfires gone out and we just lose so we can just straight lose okay okay we won't we won't sure so we can so we get a health and stamina back now is out that will wipe see a clear endurance bath because we successfully cleared the encounter yeah and we have six souls would be like some treasure yeah that a silly question obviously I want them lit okay so one soul down one sword Parrikar doesn't matter whatsoever look another just one so it is soul arrow research spell bad exam required sixteen intelligence to use that a little I am the rather intelligent soon in the game yes so yet shows you so this is a zero strength your dexterity dexterity and sixteen intelligence and zero fierce would you actually have that so it would cost me to go from my base level intelligence of eleven to my Tijuana intelligence of eighteen it cost me two souls to get up there and I could immediately equip that Wow and assume we've got five laughs so that'd be two so three left yeah I would be okay we could draw another web another variable increase our obvious never will go on to at least we've got two souls left and see if it I found it we lost Rick Knight armor they said night in it so infinity oh that sounds like me look at that II think it's got my knee in it you know so this one requires 21 strength zero decks at three arm intelligence and then fifteen Spears so I would need if I have a quick look at my player tile here I'm currently on thirteen strengths so I need to get that up one tear my ex engine challenge would be fine but I also get my feet up one tear as well so that will cost you four to equip that yeah so we have a judgement call to make ah because we have a four left do we want to attack to be tankier what we want our assassin to be we say a staff I know yeah but I'm not sure they never work I to be honest with you I think I'll survive one more encounter but if we can get it before we start hitting a level two ones I would like to get armor on sorry Lydia give it a simple two and the assassin can level up his intelligence to have a solo right wrong one room later right one okay okay it's a used sitting on the if you hold that over by you yeah so we remember you're working towards it so correctly that card is in our inventory but the adventure is going to get busy okay good is that over there so you make sure you've got it and the first thing I'm gonna do is actually going to swap my air stock out for the soul error okay so I've got it available for you immediately and essentially you can if for any reason you want to do swap between those at the start of your activation yes or I could in my activation swap out my shield for my air stock and just go magic stab oh wow and so you have to pay the stamina I assume for both good yes yes I pay for both but it means that if I really need to finish just one enemy okay try my best I'm mad I'm more happy with that decision to ignore that you can dual wield magic and diagonal is good so we'll have anything to left so the decision is do we give you two to level up one of your stats that you need for that armor or do we just do two more flips I'd like to level okay so if we use our two as easy Beauty so I just basically grab either because in this case is strength or VIP or faith or circle it's not going to affect anything else right nice so I'll just go ahead net the strength cube across okay pop it up 1 to tier 1 and that is the loot and leveling up process super simple yeah nothing too complicated let's draw cards level up mother and then we have a choice we can either travel through this Four Noble this one's clear we can go through that as if yet is like the bonfire tile we can either go into this room via this room what we can head into this one in the corner I mean initially I was kind of like can we just go to the past I might Baltimore lit and so I think that we're in the bathroom yes I'm sorry we need to decide who's going to tank it if you want I can tank this one because you're going first it's probably an idea because you'll get the first hits but I'll then have any ad girl that comes afterwards so I would take the first hit so they go they would be prioritizing me only dependent on the layout of the room then you activate got you murder one of them yeah and then you will have the aggro and then it comes to me and if I'm in dire straits I could use my a spacer right okay so master slice we'll just any time during my activation I can wipe my board much like that happens at the end of the encounter fantastic if I'm in trouble but once you've used that you don't get it back until you reset the sparks which would bring all the monsters back again you're really you want to keep your asses and hold on directly long as you put your key in the boss fight okay but if we get any bar yeah there is my problem and then yeah I let so I'll take that absolutely yellow Jamie if you want to flip the card out alright pass this over and we love that we've done all right in this one so this is mostly keep so we're going to have to is that just simply hollow sword uses all those soldiers here and then let's take another cross woman yep and then we've got a barrel and a chair so we have a barrel and the chest so I'll quickly talk while Jamie's laying about quickly talk through what the different terrain does that we've seen so yeah the barrels they sort of impair movement you can dodge roll through them okay make it if you choose to make a dodge Dodge Ram it just smashes them costly or you could spend one additional stamina to move on to them and smash them so you click if you use your free move on to it cost one if you use that another regularly would cost you two chests are impassable no way of getting rid of me that is just an ODI but if we successfully clear the encounter we just get two treasure floats all for just finding the chess piece yeah nice okay so so this is a good room nice room start with I so what we could do here interestingly depends on how gamey you want to be okay I do whatever gets me more lit I could go here okay you could both stack up on me oh because these guys only move forward one so I would get shot yet attack doesn't hit an area secure it just to me okay so the only attack that would go through this turn would be me getting shot rather than me getting hit twice and then so I like the idea that we can look into the room and when those guys are going far away we'll just sneak in okay Graham so these guys will go first okay because they are still the highest taunt at yelling over won't change and we'll move those at the same time even though they operate independently because they're going to do the same thing yeah so they will both move to there and then the crossbow guy will shimmy over to here this is moving around the barrel go further away I see that night and then he's going to shoot me for three magic damage Pass me the come to cut couple of dreams surely you scalped and goalie another - there's three damage and then your resistance is one so I will take two damage not too much can be very well yeah yeah a magnificent Lee worse and it is your activation so the outgrowth process to you and you get to choose what you want to go and murder so I mean I feel like we're all none of us have good resistance to magic and I'll cross romance is going to keep doing at least two or three Vice conversely though the other two guys are going to come in and hit us twice and but I feel like using the cross for a man might be very for me true so I'll let you guys yes I get one one movement for free one for free and I'm going to have to spend a summoner feeching that won't bear everyone yes that will cost you two okay so just to show so now my health is all back again but and I have to start filling up this side so you run from one into the room to the other to go and chase down anything else both in heavy armor it's not as new like feet so I'm gonna then if I have a look at my weapons and so I have the long sword is going to give me the option of doing a zero stamina one blue or four stamina for black and blue so yours is different to mine obviously when was the same amount of dice but one of them had a different effect on yeah yours is just a light and heavy swing effectively so one just gives you more dice sure and and his armors were seen repeating the previous room he's got armor of one yeah like this just need to do more so I think on the blue dice let me go for the one blue you know you're not in any danger from these guys yeah let's do the forest I'm under them so this is gonna so need to fill up didn't go to another black pace so that and this is risky I mean obviously we know that the monsters aren't likely to come after me anyway she perform however what I have is a six filled six stamina spent in Mandarin spar which means if I was to take four damage that would be done so when you're looking at kind of like the risk management even just kind of that a big thing of the game is assessing the risk we know that the guys over here aren't going to come for you because you're not the closer yes even if you fail to kill him the most damage he could do to you is three so you know you're definitely not going to die he then shoots the aggro you won't be you next yeah so within Theory Sherry's even if even if this goes entirely badly and you don't kill him you aren't going to die for it okay and that's what a lot of it goes into this course and a lot of it is how safe am I overextending getting far I like I like that a lot actually thinking about the high stronger monsters are how the movement works whose are going to pick out who the threat tiger I grow target is at the time I love it and okay I'll grab my black and blue and see I just need to roll a couple of poo on put it look at you on these two I got doing glad I added of like this in phenolic like that on the nose yeah sorry oh no he's gone lovely and now you are completely safe because over to these guys and even though you're the aggro myself and Jamie are both closer okay okay so one is going to move in my thought is 9 so you're going to hit me I'm going to be finer you're definitely going to be fine so it's for physical damage okay and what's your defense I have two black dirt to black and I'm going to completely fine nothing could possibly go wrong I'm going to roll tutus and take no damage I took three damage and rolled one black and one one oh yeah and you'd already taken two you're ready I got shot but the first turn and took the two but I'm going to be fine okay because now the other one's going to move but it's three models already so it was okay with Jamie it is an operative game right yeah yeah I'm going to move he will move in and will move me out sure so we're just sharing sharing the damage yet but he is going to now hit Jamie because Jay now the closest yep and we're gonna do something different now instead of blocking I am going to use my Dodge yep so to dodge I have to spend one stammer ah so you actually do have to exert yourself yeah so this is different from just shilling yep yeah so I spend more summer I then position myself where I want to end up so you get to move you can stay where you are everywhere you do get to move one so essentially that one is you're paying for a movement and then you could use this as you mentioned earlier to break the barrel yes okay fortunately I was one away for a barrel and just for dramatic in there and so how many dogs days we have in our my start with to dodge in total so I get to roll two dice there 50-50 dice and I believe I need one success is just one success those we're talking about with God's value on the cards yes so sure that very quickly getting to go to see your value or that one the hollow soldiers busy just have yet yeah irrelevant how many Dodge Dart you're rolling you will only ever need one success perfect okay okay me just don't roll to banks oh hey nailed it this is a thing is that's a double success don't you just enjoy pirouette and that you haven't taken all of the damage you had he failed that he'd have taken all 4 damage right at the stamina you've paid for essentially you've taken five damage rather than the whole okay so blocking is always mitigating damaged if you block enough you take nothing but but dodging it's either you taking it all we're taking that we've but essentially taking it all plus one or nothing all my word I don't know if my heart could deal with playing back just be too tense all the time okay awesome custom does yes we escaped without anybody dying and it's my very airing and they are nicely stacked up cleave down so I am going to move in for free okay I am going to pay to stamina to make my area attack again and I just need two black guys rabble do them all over here say and I just need to rent these two oh yeah we still managed another clock they know it anyway yeah daddy I want to see so but they do die on a roll of two they both die from that very exact success and we've successfully done the room so if we start off if we clear our endurance class they get wiped off again and then we get some of those from the check I thought Dark Soul was hard you killed the last model Ohio the first Plato continue consume and we're back normal services resumed we love tank can be the tank yes so the chest will open and we get to treasure foot are fantastic and those treasure flips are a short sort shall pass over ten years have a little nosey at that okay so that's pretty pretty straightforward it's really twenty three decks required for that though yeah sounds like a weapon for me yeah deathly not for only in a drink think twenty three decks and then we have a chlorine theorem whole fan favorite I'm super glad you plunge that all okay now this has a special ability attached so that is a an armor upgrade okay it requires 18 in every stat Wow and it has a special effect so we haven't seen this mechanic come here but when you're playing as a character and it cycles round yet and say I had spent three stamina in my previous activation if it came background to me before I've got rid of that yeah you recover to stamina at the sight of your activation chlorine keyring enables you and anybody standing on your note another three rather than to Wow oh my goodness yeah and so I'm a long way off getting a because I would have to get the Tier two for intelligence of faith and here one for strength and dexterity so probably not going to get so we can pop any of entry that one for later would you have six so we do also get the six souls so we can spend - we gotta man I've still got on here blink we could spend two of those to get your face up and you have your own--you armor so if we do that first and I'll go ahead and bring my fear that just leaves before yeah and I just instantly swap these out and I might have a look because you can trade equipment including starting equipment alow I might have a look because that is an upgrade on mine but I'll sure if I can use it yet it only requires 12 strength my base strength is 16 I lose my dodge but I only have one Dodge dice and that's too risky for me to take so I'm actually just going to have your armor so this is this is where you could decide to get a call that tank here or if you double down on the Dodge you can technically over the Dodge you gone that way okay like it but I am I'm role playing a knight now if I may around me manos de toning big enough for do nights of fancy sword I've got like a crude axe and a wooden shield so you're there you still robbery so is what four Souls left we still haven't spent any luck okay there's nothing in the adventure part that we're looking to work towards immediately sorry because those no treasures today did I cut in too quickly so we got the Corinth earring oh yes I'm be a doll always dead so we've got four souls left after we spent the two to upgrade you and we like some more treasure flip something some dreadful yank for that so the first one will be the Masters attire okay I suppose this is this guy this has got a to dodge on the scree have no block knowing it all in don't blame down on a large bill it doesn't look very yeah it doesn't look very sturdy as a tire goes so it's just no armor for your distance to dodge can you dodge magical attacks yes and also the difference with the dodges obviously the the difficulty comes in as you progress through the game yet you're doing a block and resist bill is knowing what you're working towards if you know a boss you fall against the boss and you know as a lot of magic attacks and then you want to be sort of focusing on getting my resistance up if it can use that immediately all up towards that but the Dodge advantages any that you've got any damage you don't need to kind of split your building okay I need a bit more resist now I need a bit more block now Dodge is just I need as many dogs as I can possibly get and against a boss who potentially hits four five six you in huge numbers yeah that the Dodge is just magic then and that's and that comes with two modifications lot anyways well yep till so any rings like if we look at the current during later on obviously the assassin has to spend stamina to dodge so very often even before his activation right I could go first Jamie could have taken the aggro when we first went into the room and had to make three dodges and then it comes to him and he gets that tree back straightaway that you're dodging you're spending stamina after that so there's lots of different ways to make use of the items you get even just in their course that yep okay awesome love it and so for me to equip this I would require six sold six or so we've got three left because it requires more to go up the fridge so from base to tier 1 yeah two souls ok 1 2 2 2 cross for right here 2 2 3 cos 8 okay so that makes it actually bigger and bigger each time yeah cause some 14 souls in total to fully upgrade once that to renew it which doesn't sound that bad when you think we get 12 souls in two rooms right but then you remember that this river yeah so he knows the loaders get the muscle so what we could do we could have two for Jamie to start working towards out masters or you can give us Tier one in his dexterity then we can try to reserve for from the next room for Jamie we get his master's attire and unless of a liability then he's got three Dodge Dyson just jump straight I agree I think when it comes to boss I think I'm running a good a tank so long we're going to need someone to hurl it so I'm totally given up LAN but we do we do have three so if we do one treasure lip and then Jamie can have two yes so Jamie if you want to pop your decks up or last ones generally faster or if you're making your Meghan who knows I want to see no and I don't say this is for me so it's a spiked mace it's a big two-handed weapon Wow which also hit note and have some block on it as well so it's noted in everything in your areas very pleased another cleaves for my battery so I get to keep my role even but I get a new toy so if you want to have a great does have three attack options as well add to that versatility is sooo awesome so you know one three or five so one will give you black and blue three will give you a black and two blue and finally a black to blue and then that node your cleave ability an end but I'm not going to tell you how many souls I need to upgrade that because surely I'm not allowed to reduce tempo so only six to get to there I need 12 souls in total to use that web need two rooms I mean I don't want to say it but we've got 12 souls we'd be on the board we do I see an issue I first come into this I was like we might have to potentially if we died kind of ever is going to respawn with the Fed again but I'm like kind of want to fight it again I kinda want to get this little thing is obviously as as we go through we're getting better yeah so these are going to get easier and easier and easier to a point where it's like you almost just like the perfect example is the first room where we knew out as soon as we looked at is like well I just go for the kleva tax yes we have the choice over who went for perfect so say for example we went to the four through even as we're going through the four through mill I don't forget as needs to kill the last guy because Alex needs to go for a satin napkin is how efficiently we can clear them really so let's get into the third room let's carry on yo which way would we like to come in although I never even considered that so we only we can either come this way or we can come this way okay it's three choices either way we think you go here here really smooth here right here so yeah come over in the room with you that we could never come run with around that we're likely to or plane that would you like to tank absol as you've got your new equipment yes with lothric Nate our money's tested so doing you want to do the honors flip over the car and tell us what's in there oh we have got grace done okay to cross the hollows are hollow so while Jamie said if I'll talk through what the gravestone does TX and this week currently starts denoted by this little symbol yeah so the gravestone similarly to the chest just blocks movement can't have anything to get rid of them they just stay there okay and they interact with the boss deck oh so when we have gravestones we get to have a look at some of the moves in that boss okay so essentially how do we collect that we just need to please or you just as soon as you successfully clear the room you're considered as having access to that right and that's kind of like almost getting a hint or a tip or some insight into what the boss will do later on yeah okay cool let's yeah get me in and I think right up in front of them suits me just fine brave brave tank I know the previous over last that long and now go here yeah okay so we know we know how these go down yeah yep this guy will move in and hit you for for damage okay so I am no I actually haven't changed much my normal defense for yours is intact but the lava Grammer increase my resistance to magic attack so that's better so I get a blue and a black under the for for my loser to in really handy in this double crossbow room because now you pull all of the damage because there is a three on there you're not guaranteed and you're guaranteed to reduce it by one because there is no blank on a blue the most you can take from those two this is the sword in the polysutra first yeah and so he's doing for yep no no no not ice maybe that's a three and a one love it okay so now you're gonna know we really test your mettle okay yeah we'll go with this guy first yeah he's going to move backward and he's gonna shoot the three magic damage made out of one blue get the one blue armor upgrade oh the one it's okay tough kid and then the other guy won't move because he can't move further away but he will also shoot screen Adam Banerjee oh and you take you to you can see the difference when you would consider in this room the first one we went into you were down to five yeah no you don't three you can tell you're gradually getting better salutely and it is Jamie going first yep I'm going to try and be super sad so we will puff the aggregate over and Jamie's going to get killed probably I'm going to swap out my target shield for my desktop so I've got my magic in one hand and my sword in the other yes I'm gonna make a free move into this note here okay on the similar issue yeah I am within one two three I'm within three nodes of this crossbow Hollow okay which soul our we had was range 301 defense so I'm going to use my free soul our attack yeah that gives me two Black Knights okay and we on the crossbow hollow card why is there munchy credit god this is a different type of attack so let's not lose it there coach their car the crossbow their magic resistance is zero so anything I roll the only roll right length the world blank there's no we like to like oh we could see planks but open hopefully now I'm going to use my look re-roll okay this is good yeah so I'll sure what my and micro result here because everybody comes with this is a here that's good well this is your luck token which you can spend from one dice or to re-roll one dice from any roll and you spend that and then once you go back to the campfire you can then spend once all to get to get that reroll back okay yeah Jimmy let's I'm gonna roll one of these dice flag Bank like yeah okay so the guys take the he goes away but fellas dead I love it and then going to spend three stamina oh my heaviest superstar he's going in with a solar soldier as well with his sword and so a single attack if you double weapons you can basically just do book we will eat each one but you've but but you now have to wait for your activation you can run against me I'm giving up that shield means if you were targeted yeah he now has one dodge behind because he's dropped to shield the government second God so he gets hit by something which is guaranteed to be a be a crossbow guys how are you fine Clemence of the black based course you can thank you very much okay so this is at minus one because it is the s doc a minus 1 because the armor soliciting is exciting role of a 3-2 ah I know he gets the to a week we can't use our lottery rules any is now in trouble summons a little devil is now in big trouble so we're sure because he's got four damage coming in here the biggest trouble 3 coming it over here a G Bo that's three stamina dying she can get six a manager and then you consider that a dodge cost one time he dodges I'll be fine those guys don't worry okay so let's display the look offensively rather than defensively I've killed a guy though yeah good good job obviously one of the guy I'll be fine right so over to them yeah this guy is going to start by hitting JV okay so the hollow soldier sees me dinner for four from the local damage I mean what do you have a balk option at all I do I do have one but dice but I'm gonna make a dodge on big red one which I'm gonna once diamond oh how many those days one hey you wanted a 50/50 50/50 with no rerolls with no rerolls but it's going to be fine Oh Jimmy goodbye till I whole bed charlie car now it's doggone wrong well what's Pierce would you have moved to could you sister let's move yeah and I would move to an even if it's full four or four on top of the one you spent at Randolph yep so how many Spears's cheerless I have two left which is fine I have one more so if he doesn't make this dodge from this crossbow he's dead yeah I'll be fine don't worry no one panic I guess shot by the creep okay accelerated through soldier assassins fantastic at least not so the cross woman he is three potential damage and I'm just going to shoot him because to survive I'd need to roll effectively a five or six on my block dice are percentages I've actually better slightly better this comes up blank we die if it doesn't come up blank we live and this is try really don't want to learn oh my god sake so Jamie died as a quarry are poor and I quote I'm going to be risky here and get rid of my shield and that happened so we damaged so if I if I pass you that so oh yeah maybe what the style is well hang to live I guess this is as NTR continues this is our is our egos so we at going to to you will go down to two so and that goes back on our fire and then that comes over yeah unfortunately we didn't have any souls in our cash so we didn't drop anything had we had any so say we had had two in our cash yeah I would have placed those two where Jamie died and then we would have to move back onto that node to collect them to go on chin if we died before we got there so they just disappear and dig is in Congress that we had previously what happens to them do we draw a new ones for those 92 so they are kept on the tiles that they were on right okay and then they just get flipped face down so the trouble with the trap pull me over here the one with the chest will be over here and will indeed there you go and I feel like I - I feel like I know the answer this question but the chest is going to be still nope suggested not reference worth asking you only get them one so then we will explore back out keep fighting absolutely keep fighting I mean I guess my parents might be nice just to kind of beeline towards the a so we can see the level - yeah yeah yeah to go wrong okay let's do it and so Kenley like dodge armor you need to obviously so obviously Jamie had the last activation there so you will have the first activation but I am now equally as tanky as you are sheriock physical so I can happily take this one this time and yeah sure you did that way so I will take the aggro will flip that over feeling I feel like that was famous last words I can happily take this alright y'all have like so we've got the two saudi eyes get a million single crossbow go again yeah so the two hollow soldiers I should probably give them a proper name once you've killed an Apollo soul they're older they are Steve that's Dwayne I said remember what we did a mess room yep you know be sneaking again love it if we stack up on here and that's hideout because the room essentially spawns or them that they can don't before we then choose Rep recording so you always get the opportunity to make the most of your positioning this is yet however like the risk comes in is obvious you have to choose the Agra beforehand so have this been a big magic damage instead they've been three of those goes you may have been a consideration to have Jamie tanked it and take the Dodgers and see yeah absolutely I mean so well lovely not Brett could be a consideration okay so they're going to come in but these guys will come to here and I'm currently really yeah and then they will because I chose to tank it humans away from you and then I get one black nice yeah a favor about the dead cold faithful and I take two damaged shape from those and then it is your activation ante yes I think they straightforwardly I again it's kind of I feel like as much of a muchness which one I go for here as long as these guys are stacked up I can yeah exactly with them so if you wouldn't mind move me one forward and then we'll just do one forward on so they're all kind of move to here well no you're not you don't wanna no no no thing is a reason yeah figured out that I know one of the travelers echo once a tight one that's free and then one stamina and then another stamina get me up to get it okay two of your time I mean you could go as a long way round of go move to here yeah move to here moved here move to here into here mr. Harris trigger everything you define I feel like you guys are tempting Vietnam I'm not sure I'm okay with it and okay so I am ruling either a blue for zero stamina or a black and a blue or four and do it for in the same situation of the room over here where you are within a theory you're safe from death yeah okay so I'm popping my forceps six of my style and I use yes so let's see what comes up oh my word he's super dad super me you killed another leg of my three times gone love it could give me more of that okay so they're not going to active it and they will both come in here this is on you they will come in the first one will come in and he will hit me and that's because that's because we have the threat on the the cargo carrier themselves the power is and I'm right I'll get one of these and one of these oh you're so what I think we might do is when the next one comes in we can push Jamie out because I can take this I wish stops dancing I'll make the trade boy see no damage from that one are you and then the second one comes in and we shove Jamie out or trap I knew you were going to say that so he moves out onto the trap life oh you're it's a blank trap Oh so we now have a high ceiling so we out we now have very clear information my heart can't be willing to fit nicely now have extra information that is a we can happily move on night Ian DD history would tell me that was a pet with the dirt is Cuban you've gone you were just gone so the second one moves in get into me a bunch I look like a farmer one doing work just the one and then it's my excavation correct last you don't suppose this one do you do yeah keep drink that and I am going to spend to star burner yeah to try and cleave them down okay and this is definitely going to go 100 percent right if you tempt fate or nothing just gives up keeping track yes yes really how many times that they said that something was going to work and maybe yeah you're good yay tempting fate works highly recommend it highly recommended so do we get souls again yes all the get balls every time so we clear our bus and then we get our six Souls again so Jamie Jamie Jamie Jamie can I have four Jamie Jamie slay me Jamie as it was a cup of tea after this that you gonna make the team yeah so would you like the four before you need for anyone to get mines already moved it like you sweet it is a very sour shall we do what I assumed that was good event for to get the air mattress higher absolutely so we've got to left off I feel immediately safer I could start working towards my spiked mace okay we could do some flips yeah get your spike Mears gone hello to towards but I like I like the idea of spending the night so we're not risking leaving them behind I think that's their work there will be times that you need to do it like to get from t2 to t3 need to spend eight I mean half the household vehicle to well you can hold more sure you lose we're going to lose them yep okay so we've gone through this real we reverse straight into the QT room do you want to go straight in there yeah I think be brave boys I think let's get into the tier two room and easy nice this is on you yep okay so reset all of our bars I think now level two room okay yeah and so if we clear this one that then gives us access to the fog we or through to the boss if we want to or we could continue clearing up result necessary okay awesome yeah if you want to bring us along so you are you mad no I'm up to learn yeah I get me get me straighten so if you want to flip the card over yeah what do we got so we're declaring me is the first player so we have what you have to tell me what that is actually that's a new me ring the name I don't want the name for him sentinels Wratten all the sentinel okay it's a big brave boy yeah please the biggest boy the Sentinels Raths is gonna give me okay anymore this a quick look at him he he's big now he's really really sore he's starting right there are kind of like the entranceway to the door so you a picture like you do to do oh hello trying the same tricks with them before we going to split her in the corner Tecna no not this time and then we've got that agree of stone all right my name is got a barrel so the gravestones going to go on is that like a Sun symbol yep and then a barrel on the other terrain symbol so interestingly obviously the color choice of purple and yellow makes like a bit of a weird one yeah they were done conscious decisions due to people who are color blind oh we waited to please think because we're trying to double down on it where we've got different symbols yet and colorblind friendly colors like these cubes used to be green didn't and red yeah not a good color copper no so that's why some people have said like just seem like really weird colors thick in terms of the Dark Souls universe but we wanted to make sure that it was accessible to everybody fantastic engine or to me obviously I didn't really pick like the old the old stand out well the old look clean and crisp and clear and torn obviously not being aware of kind of cover line awareness myself but the fact that you've done in such a great way that it works perfectly and also cares about audience yeah it's very nice and I'm holding the Sentinel card and I like so this is the jumper at rehab this is the jump from tier 1 to tier 2 so straight away the first thing I see can help yep yeah just recruiting the rest of it so we've got 10 health and obvious threat 9 okay has to have threat because there are encounters where there's a Manson friend sure sure visit a free one so there's like two sentinels and three other guys but we'll get to those later yeah he will move forward one towards the closest okay yes and there's a push icon on there right we haven't had any interactions with pushing okay essentially actually means you get pushed to a node that is adjacent school when you're on right he has a range of one because obviously with his moving in and push yeah he'd never hit anyone if he was range say wow okay but then he has a six damage physical attack which hits the entire node so what we've been doing over coming in is backing up you don't do that interestingly we're going to have to have to stack up to a point here okay because there's only two nodes available to us so one of them is going to have two boys on them yeah I mean I'd like to think so whatever right in saying he's going to push me no matter what happens correct yeah and so yeah I didn't take your advice you because I I guess my thought would be that I would come right in be right in front of him yeah and and be ready to script but he's going to push me back and then he's going to move up after the poo but you could you could when you get purchase any adjacent snow right so you could come onto the same one as us assuming we both go there but I'd rather you didn't for Jamie's history yeah you could come here yeah there that or you could like crawl between his legs where he came from okay all fantastic okay yes the knit let's do it like perfectly let's get you going to the go on that one yeah I like to join you wanna come in me I mean I don't really want you here you you're bad luck so he will go first okay but there yep he will come in mm-hmm and as he put hits you there when he comes on to you know you get pushed okay so I'll sort of essentially would rent to here that's right and then he will make his attack against the nearest and according to the tiebreaks we explained oh yeah you are the new so he will hit you for six damage ethical damage okay so I'm rolling a black and a blue hear that and I do have my one spare spark and stand fast Aurora abilities that was closer work ability which means after making a black rule I could rule an additional blue dye on top of it yes and put it so Leo wants per spark so we'll see how this and just clarify that is a specifically block so if this was magic damage you couldn't use right okay resistor all nope that makes sense link for the night character and gammak perfect sense and all right let's go ahead and see what happens first not bad I'm okay with that you take three and it's not so bad right you got ten help once we go wrong Jimmy I want to see this double web or we switch back to shield financial class shield for now for now like no one is like you get carried away eventually it's like I only got three hours left I can do that I only did two damage and now I'm so dead yeah about right so who is active in frosted it's doing sorry all right I'd like to run to the other end of the room what - I'm not - get away we're gonna go free one spend one and one right right that's all right into the con right right into the corner wave across the eluent got one three can you spend one to stay here yes yeah okay so that's once been there yep and then I'm going to spend four let's go for his big soul arrow they could big blast and so this is the second selection for my spell in what do you offer this and so it's range three which one two three here's and range up I roll three black dice okay so I just need an extra one books yeah and I roll against his resist which is just one processed one okay so that's introducing a bit of magic damage here and I was getting so he's got two two against physical okay which I just I can't do yep so I'd be - three - yeah that sort he stole our hopefully start blinking away - damage opening Consuela oh wow so - big hit that's 4 minus 1 4 is resist 3 damn 3 damage you think you happen to go how do we note that with is it the other little school yeah I'll pop on beside him - OH so we've cross 3 okay alright the 7 to go and let's be different he goes Vindico Jamie ran away yep so we're gonna hit you again because you have the highest Tuerto he's going to come in and push me again moving and push you and you go wherever you are kind of trying to keep them away I guess and although the way they don't to keep me within your three range oh don't worry about that now like always move into range okay so I think I have a little look what I'll do is just head into this corner yo he's I'm going to turn and then he's going to smack you for six oh man okay you like a black and a gloomy that's okay remember yeah like this is your go next so so decent litigation can't can't be mad with that another oh man now this is going to this means I can't use my heavy lancer attack because that would be for stamina and that would give me done and I cut it yeah well if you do that and so it's going to just have to be a BS Lanza attack really two choices are based longsword attack yeah or you could Estus flask and then attack who is a huge community units because you will get that I grow around me so yes isn't actively nice so mad so if I Estus flask I'll get a little 6 damage of technique but they'll use for stamina do you think you think even either finish him off oh no no no you guys with Hogan upgrades I've got nothing I just got your man junk night I've got your secondhand armor basically I almost want to take the risk that I don't SSU no you definitely take I can really take alligator or I can use my Rourke for an extra blue and I've also got my lucky barrel yeah in one spare return to perform fire so ok I'm just going to do mobius blue dice seeing a move in free yep thank you very mind he really very special effect on your armor on my armor that's just as when you enter activation gain one health reach enemy on your nude so your own health I was too busy looking at the pretties to notice there was I won't happen at the end of your annihilation but you will get five you have five Oscars when you enter upgrades and to tell you attack during my activation but those are set that for his like okay so okay so you do nothing for me as maybe armor new armor armory had okay no problem I'm okay with that so you will get your won back assuming your ads in your activation I am indeed in the one back there a special effect no that's Angie got to get in seconds essentially a reasonably entry-level piece of gear with extra dice ability security off I love it it doesn't everything feels unique yeah which is so cool and now he's gonna activate again outside of embers and titanite shards there and some of the starting equipment yet because obviously we've got a sort of limit to stick me stick within as to how good starting equipment is yeah there is no identical pieces equipment across the game and expansions for that al you have a lot different something different about it don't tease me about expansions don't do it started actuation he will get pushed off versus it likes so he was shoving off first then he's going to move in at you yeah he is definitely and look at those like he did it of course excuse me me like glue so he'll push you again so he get shoved on one of the thrill my work and the internet have been around and then he's going to love you you know how much damage is you know variable by now yeah the third time you've had it yes sir oh yeah and you'll just take the two on that one's awesome so I mean we're still so kinda now the trigger thing is I can't use the esta slice no though you know I have to wait for my active aligning to come in and take this aggro from me basic try and help yes please I'm trying to think of the best way to do that because unfortunately where you're positioned I come in even I get it's going to reach a point where I can't get him off you forget to in a row I can get him off you when while I am the aggro okay but once I'm not the aggro I can't get him otherwise I'll be coming for them serene Jane Walker we need to double down okay to keep new say every guys so I'm going to come in that was going to be free yeah that one's going to cost me one okay I am on him great dice for this so I need a spike to do anything but this doesn't cost me any stamina ok make this attack because there's only one guy I don't need to pay to do Mike because you want a stamina for the move in it has cost me one to get there and I am looking for and the about anything you going to ideally for okay oh yeah that's what what I will do so he's the for damage six health left I'm happy with that yeah is my activation over so he will shove me off okay I will go over to here yep and he's going to follow after me actually yeah yeah yeah yeah will do I'm sure okay if I want to get pushed onto yours know if you'd be closer but we'll be good so he's going to go over the neck me die Alex before light then I'm going to go to there okay and then I get hit for six I get the exact same dice I'm Linda black okay because I have your Obama here junk nighty yeah every man he hits hard like and this is just a tier two monsters and yeah anybody we incent tells a freighter yeah but if fortunate you got no friends with him yeah or trapped in the room okay so GME over to me so I start of my activation I recover to stamina so I have seven available ok grip I'd like to move up into base contact because I need to pull him away from you one two three so I spent those two that I regained to get there so you won free walk and then you stamina for the addition or two I'm not going to spend four of my stamina so I've got one tip left don't worry you gonna register robot might got one pic left and that gives me three black dice to make my soul arrow attack okay and you can do that even though you're in business contact cuz you're trying to take some heat off of us you can still make our magic at me ratio the right there is a symbol for certain weapons that is like a zero with the line shaft God doesn't work in them the old average rate those spheres and things like that next time okay so do Jimmy minus one so two damaged okay so wait linen bound yet for health look at six damage for health left and then I'm going to use my Estes file ask them to recover and use at any point during activation all all health and more Thalmann are without rest so I spent as much as I possibly could yeah I get the most out of the orifice I love that and so he's now going to shove Jamie up there anyway other directly backwards in peril and then he'll remove in the amount of movement is epic as she's seeing just they have and flu of it all and is really nice because that's how you imagine if they're dodging the blocking they're powering the attacks just aren't always a swing sometimes they're a jab or charging job or shield bashful been attack it's very for something it's so simple in terms of the news it's very nice to see how it all plays out and okay so anyway gonna get shoved and let's go backwards right now yeah could you have gone to the barrel or the gravestone with a block you yeah apparently blocked but I don't know what Jamie's doing here so you now get hit for six damage child spend one make a dodge okay three thousand actively two over there there's one nerve for you so that is from your new armor and you decided to keep your shields on this time yeah where would you like to move I'd like to smash the barrel okay when I flip that barrel token over okay and I'm I'm successful so the requirement is just one success I know it's s on three do I don't have my look so need it oh my word like so two blanks and was just like new and now I finally made a successful dodge although we're going to see a assassin heroic coming to play Oh fantastic so I'm going to spend my heroic ability my once the spark and my battle ability once the spark after making a successful dodge the assassin may attack the enemy he dodged the attack does not have stamina but must have range okay I've got ranged through my soul arrow yep so I'm within range and I don't need to spend stamina to do it so I'm going to make my heavy attack again so $300 okay so in the core game the assassin is the only character that can make out of activation attacks right with that heroic so this is a super strong ability see a Jimmy did a statement for damaging dies if he does if you're also five-o I did one damage to real one damage was it really chipping or lowered that he dies in a one so it's got three helpless and he's already out to be because that came after his activation ni is roan to me and it awesome I am I mean I think I've got to ask this last yeah I'm on seven three health remaining from seven so I'm going to go ahead and flip that over get these off in there and then I'm just going to move in and give it a big book give them away Lee here so turn around have a look um and then they're like that so I'm going to go for the for stamina attack yeah I'll be a black and I Blu so you know I start I have to beat to get out his armor so I suppose I mean what happens are going to be one damage here that assuming average dice you know I did not you do have a look well I happen to want to read your honor is it angel a slender let's spend my like let's take this blue dice let's see if we can actually can't roll any worse thanks Ali the date is exploded underneath his cup heyy to your damage I just want I am yes so we known as to health lift which I can't actually finish but we can I can it need an absolute God Tyr role when I could just just do it so the Agra will be on the night yet and you will get shoved off first yeah then he will move in as you will put him again yep nicely lined up for me tonight spend a nice time at her over to him and then you get here for six and then I get hit you know how this works I know how this works that's getting every three more I'm pretty consistent with the three block I'm kind of okay with that and so it's me it is pretty scary to think like I just asked a splash there too and resolve or get back all of my health and stamina and I ready so then for stamina how many how many books did you have left when you use your essence you've taken seven seven damaged yet oh you now have the exact same amount that you had any well my goodness and that was my choice to use the forest and the long turret at yo-yo so I could have saved that and stamina and if a comment only me again I will get to take to your way at least that's the trade-off is stamina yeah yes it does you borrow you get it back so much easier than yeah absolutely okay please Alex God's wrong time I'm going to move in for free yeah I recover my one stamina that I love them I don't have to spend any stamina to do my attacks okay any differences it has cleave and I just need four I need a five and a six on two dice and I'll be fine got this you got this you put yourself right there's always of a sudden the warrior a bit berserk for a second nobody should rule to black though job Alex night you know how you're saying so there's no point in using my luck there because the whole second roles are to lose your to armor yeah still can I take the one whereas the wrong life and a couple other guys but you know I was weird I like the idea that you were using my armor to attack him there what the thing is once I get my upgrade that isn't a million miles away from what I'll be rolling Wow I get one black and two blue for my three and under onto that so fingers crossed get out but that's that's that oh man I got you now he's going to shove me Jamie to go next I worry guys I'll doctor everybody I'm gonna get pushed over here yep and he's going to move in so I'm just bringing them over to it yeah I mean oh no I take him away from you don't I are you ready packing it um yeah Barbara my guys okay we'll go for there and then I'm going to get hit the fix yep let's see it let's go get a blue on this one but you only which is done just for six just as I can't die okay three three oh my every every I don't know what it is about this specific game but every single time you says I'm like I can't die I'm just like somehow it's going to happen mathematical probability can go out the window and something crazy the mountain all right Jamie Jamie have Jesus right so sure I'm gonna start off by bringing my stock in just even here giving up your shield river shield just in case of a weapon just in case I might not go in I might leave it to you guys you look so well oh then I'm going to spend for stamina so get that one back and forth okay to make my soul arrow attack here we go yes business oh not before I do this I think I need to move in them so I assuming you're not to attack so I might as I move in preventing everyone's a little get you because I kind of make one instance of attack and one instance of move I can't Solero yes say how he goes over in there I've got you okay so soul arrow I need to damage its base minus one so completely average state we're really seeing the how important attacking armor or attacking resistances like that to armor has just brutal yep all of the damage was vast majority damages come from Jamie so if we see a roll of three here he's dead [Music] we got him we got him get it all little work in that one so we get like a did nine eight nine damage coming true right yeah okay I'll cost us before guide but I learned from my mistake yeah so we get six souls from that okay my shield back I'm just kind of just you know just like clearly everything over here what your weapon is no use to us I'm not gonna lie I really do want a webinar area but I think that sounds so amazing for you that we should just make it happen yeah so with those six I unfortunately can't get all the way there ah so two will get me my strength up there I could use another two we get my faith and then I need fan form or do you do with buying our look back ah when we go into the boss miss myself especially so yes I rely heavily on vocalizing yeah and anymore Duchess I can how much does that cost just one soul one lot so that would be our two gone I wonder if it's worth considering just nipping back to do one of these so I can get my your weapon my big mace he's encouraging a ground he's encouraging a grind do you know what's one more room can I tempt you tomorrow okay then that's it okay just one more so we spend these get our no I want to start with the boss or what I want to like cuz if we summon the boss and feel everything comes back you're killing it oh man I'll yield to the experienced master you're going to yield you're you so we do one more room I'll get you a name lost time slot into the boss so you both both bought your look back yeah these two we've got here and we will blitz into this one who killed Jamie killed so you're going to be the first so I will take the iGrow and yes one will go super quick Jamie you want to load that up so who's going to end well who's there am happy to win first obviously but I'm going to have the Agra oh well thank you yeah I'll take it I'm big and brave and if we do what we did last time where we loaded up by doing this be able to get the gravestone so you can see some more move ah because because they respond and we don't clear the room then we've got live on to the great stuff so now we will have to assuming we do this yes we die to it last time I'll do say we let's do this very clear there's room supervisors here quickly we can do it so this guy will know what - you do you think this guy will move away he will shoot at me I don't get one of these bunk ok so I will take one nice and easy is really the other one will shoot me you gotta move away that he will move away over to the NH oh I take three on the Royal blank I'm fine with it these are all going to be dead soon okay and that is over to you so yeah I'll just hop in and let's go ahead yeah it's going open to this guy when I see let's go up the gospel gates we go one two three so that's gonna cost me two stamina yeah and I'll go ahead and spend for stamina my big attacks it's okay FV rave that's a nice fine and so I do have a great night yeah could be could be okay with us and so it up do the one damage meters super dead yeah them over there and then this guy will move in and behavioural hit me okay oh I need two of those yep right up in there and I will take two yep and then the crossbow hollow-core new me away from you I have a blue dice roses that's in the cup ready for you so - so you will take one damage cheese Keely and then it comes to me and I am going to I'll kill that guy yep standing you can I go slow there then I'll just so open it this is the safest way I will move over here which cost me one alright then I'm going to hit that guy now I do black dice if you can pass me to black though also I'm forwarding all over here yeah okay one more Oh am I gonna tell thank you and he dies nice on a roll hook - I compared to senthil if you guys would I feels like a boy hard doesn't know and then I and then I just thought Jamie will get hit by this guy don't say that they dodged it safely really low sighs yeah I def do the assassin the hole all or nothing all oh yeah easy easy peasy I stay where I am though so you don't have to move with your dodge you can stay put where you are you know swap out my a stock just in case and you're gonna blast them in the face that's an aphasic species all arrow so spend four to do it get one more black though okay my goodness okay there you looking for - I'm energy I am very very dead so there's our six sauce that's that room good awesome so rooms the room that took our sight we went and got a couple more upgrades went to go ATO to room went back minute and a half we'll just let yeah I love it so I will use those for so I can now have my super shiny little yes yay super sure anywhere what does that Lizabeth to then that will leave us with two we do any more luck we've literally do to meet now who flips yeah let's review what shall we go it will be a halberd oh yes Louisa never and nosey at that and the other one will be the Hornet ring all bagsy a travois earthy dexterity and it is a armor upgrade a little annoyed I have to think that's actually the armor at great ass in whatever their boxing videos all my words the Hornet ring that's adding a legendary dice but it's - - yes so on the average on the dice it works out at plus nothing okay but if your lap toys does have a four in it so it could be two extra down wow wow Jamie I playing that I can just equip that right now because he already has the stats to equip it panthan way make Christmas to you Jim and I've had the run of air this game so that is oh yes those all-white and we we Boston it yeah well we yeah when I have two rooms cleared which have Greaves in them we own and so that's going to help us discern the attack pattern of the bomb we don't learn two moves in his deck awesome let's do it okay let's get round there so who finished them off in that room at anything we did yes so you're going first so biking yeah you can think it I can tank it you big brave boy yeah yeah you can look up I will I will tell you it I will clean first in the room did we just remove the fog wall yet you can just pop that out the way so we're just busy clearing the fog so you decided that you're going to take the iPhone so you don't need to step in yet okay if you pass me the deck of cards over there you have to be logged on to the data one so this is these are all behavior cards right or unique to the gargoyle yep okay whereas the enemies have been fighting they've got that use the same behavior any time they activate these guys have individual ones for each time they're - okay so in the left hand side of his date card you can see the fall yet in the middle of the card that's how many cards he has in his starting standing the heavy deck right so I'm going to take out four standard card okay there's five in total so there is a bit of variation you can get a medic we won't need to fear so the order will be different every time and then there's also one removed that's not gonna come up initially yes okay it's a huge replayability yeah because you Dec is different every time different order and so even though you might learn all the counters decks you don't know which four you're going to go out in shortly yep and and the gargle also has his own because he was 26 health at the too hard to track that okay so he has his own little and little yeah exactly else when you dial things those to keep track these are his five cards okay I'm going to randomly pick four of them that way in the middle yeah you're not looking at one of the entity at random with him and then if I if you want to randomly choose two of those - what - gravestones we all look at two of the mobs we really have to see no did he stay in the same order or we just no also we get to beginning what they do okay we don't get to see what they're going to yeah we'll have what we'll have a quick look and so halberd thrust is the first one also that would move a good noise gaming and all he will move one towards the aggro yes if eclis the iGrow it will push anybody that's in the way with the movement and then he will make a range one six damage attack Wow just the aggro then you'll see underneath him he's got that little sort of cry yeah I have actors oh yeah yeah one of those is shaded in red yeah the other three are black okay black means that it's like almost like a neutral point okay he doesn't have any interest the red part shows he's weak well I would tack him there after he's done that behavior yeah we get an additional black dice against him nicely so it's to show a he's lunged forward with his help in his right hand he's opened up a weakness on the right spot of them other than the monster that's awesome okay so that's that's the first one and then the second one - again this is that what the gravestone was letting us seat and that one is a move forward one towards the target which also pushes and then in the left hand side of the attack icon we have to see a new symbol which is that means the area so that this we want to stand there yeah yeah and then when you can see where it's green on that ah that is where he hits so healing any nodes within range one on that green area and then he's going to be weak behind that one also has a dodge value of two so because that's so that's a teal sweep so yeah it's gonna be hard as a Dodge because it's gonna be an arcing oh yeah that's very very awesome and I think I didn't really notice this when first looking at the models that they do have on their bases little arch they represent and yeah that the fear Singh of the models okay so we know those two are in there yeah they'll get shuffled in to the foreign ports of the other pool and once they start coming out then they stay in that order so there is no water food until the other number on its data cards just heat up number right well so when he hits 12 health we add one of the three heat up cards ëhow which are bit scarier okay and then we have to shuffle the deck so there'll be five cards in there now in the deck so it's almost like a second fears abstract reorganization of it awesome yes and I'm down for this so I will take control of these cards okay I will pass any new ones over to meet each other like I've been getting going so he will go first do we need with issues where we go yeah I mean I'm hiding in corners and I'm and and I'm I'm hiding in this calling my shield in the middle like honest okay I'll hide in the other corners video because slowly Jamie is never a good idea yeah so he will go and he is doing the halberd for us okay so it's normally sort just one towards the our grocery straight to that node in the center and then he will attack you for six damage and Israel it has the range for that yes range one Oh like what if I get a turn this is the sentinals gave him some lesson wow this is how you do it so I'll rule my defense defense sorts of you are like on a blue yeah never blue basically you can indeed okay we'll see so much of this I absorb Wow I'll take one Wow not only does there ever was a time there was a red no that was it that's quite scary but this is that we felt used our Estes mask yeah I'm fine but I've news nothing I'm good I'm completely good and I've got my heroic I've got my lucky I do have masters you'll still feel you still have it's my look just like okay so my turn to activate his words first player so we we decided that you've probably tanky enough to be able to take it yeah two in a row and he has to armor no that means a my zero salmon attackers can be willing a blue dice blue and if you're in the week up yeah look black ah so yes a week on the left hand side for me I could do on this side so yeah so in terms of a range general attack okay when you're making range zero attacks you have to be standing guard his so you are standing on the same node as him and in and out okay you can walk around the arc so for me from where you started yet you could do your free walk into his front and then spend one stamina to move around so it's almost like adding egg media yeah perfect how I explained it is that he basically is four nodes on himself yeah and you move around him yeah as you would normally fantastics so yeah absolutely I'll free nude and enter then one stamina the general because what I was thinking is I didn't really want to spend for stamina for an extra black dice it whereas spending one summers give me extra black because of that with Harold or I saw a hover thrust we that's awesome and what's interesting is you'll be ending an activation on him so you get back damage my love Rick Knight armor yes let's do some Thomas we put to our is I try number oh yeah look guys I don't want to say that an example here but I'm setting but I'm going to so he's going to go from 26 to 24 yeah long way to go no honey and he will then so you end your at the rate I'm sorry yeah you get one health back because of your item and then he will activate again okay so we know I would those first yeah tail sweet so it's the okay when we saw so he will move forward one towards you so he will first push you off okay because it does have a push so in terms of pushing on bosses yeah the rules are slightly different a little bit more complicated and a regular push regular push on the other guys they don't have arcs just any adjacent node for any boss you can only be pushed to a node within the arc you are standing in so in this case would be one of these could be one of those story currently active your epic yeah I mean to be honest the lines on the model makes it quite intuitive that's very nice so I'll just go to here so that one he will then turn around and face you will you then moves forward one into my node into you a little so you'll never forget to the wall when you're up against the wall obviously you can't be moved within and okay yes so you can go on to any Jason along the water you've got a ship and with me yeah or you can go and stand on the other side but now you want to be taking into consideration where he hit yeah what he hits the front arm and the left doctor if you know he just misses us entirely night the other oh okay no he's good is he going to miss you and went both if you have come on time with me Theo misses both as a question for you though I noticed that his weakness is on the back yeah if I went to this side would he turn to face me no no I do not turn to face on a tax return my face on movement gotcha so we can just avoid or chant at home early and I think I'll do that then you leave Alex yeah I've tied to the left get out of that front arc so then he makes it big swing across or misses us both and then it comes to my activation okay but I'm going to go in and put some hurt on him awesome and his back arc is currently a weekend until you want to move me one to the no just get back in so that we can see because we're getting or it's getting dirty nyah inclusive sorry I am on that note yep I am then going to spend my heroic my heroic ability gives me one free move okay and one free attack at range zero that free attack gains node so this would turn any attack that isn't data into a clean ice so if you want to move me into his back arc now at range 0 so gotten up against them and then I get to choose any attacker one on my card for free all my attack will be if you could please pass me two black dice because I'm in the week up you've let go and I get two blue dice oh yes very nice - this is it - - it's gonna darling that's bad when you look at the efficiency of you know stamina yes do it on it blank blank warm one just stop it stop it Jimmy we're gonna follow oh oh you're both awful long word so - two seatings get one of those twos out of there leaves us with by five I've damaged so you listen very feeble for 219 did something I learned from the centum I was like okay I'm watching learning money and how I do this okay my gloves so now that we've saw the two attacks we've seen with the two attacks we were able to really judge by chance oh this is something that I really come out I'll pass them over to you so the people watching can see going on so we have electric breath oh so he is going to turn around and face me sister so that enzyme in his front arc okay and then he's going to blast me with full magic damage that anyone in his front arc it's only range one oh my goodness it's only me the Jimmy or Jimmy up on the corner here and I solutely the assassins fine you're in the well now right arc of his so your fire yeah unfortunately for Jamie he is weakened the left after after this that kind of weak on the side that being a way away here only is yes less like it down beside furthest away okay so I'll pass you that is a dodge value of two so I'll pass you that so the guys can see so I've just described dodge to still scares me yeah yeah I mean I'm sure you're rolling three dice yeah and just trying to look at this fit the card in around the wingspan nothing really there the movement zero with the target yep so that just means he turns around to face who had lovely argues and then blast me for for magic damage fantastic so that's now I got two black dice on magic now if I my new mace has actually given me a bit of a boost in the magic many years ago so if you could pass me to for like a noise and I could take nothing here mathematically possible oh it ain't no big boy ally oh I can't take for anything in between I take one okay let's go through every luck it just a sure no really but I take one damage though just the one and that has no pushes or anything on it so I bet they'll standing there and we go over to Jamie okay what are you gonna do right um I am gonna make my way phantom dog ha free one spend one spend two to get into the weak arc so obviously he's got a ranged win yet so he can be in the act of that line for the art extends it slightly different I'm all the way around yeah and I perfect sneaky assassin love it so in the week arc so we get a free black dices now I could spend four so I can work so I could roll core black days but I'm not going to do that I'm going to make my room free zero cost attack which is two black dice plus the one for being in a weak spot my son or applause the shaky orange day so that Super Hornet ring yeah so this is going to be at minus 4 because he has - oh so yes he's only wallet so it's gonna be minus 3 so it's got the one resist yeah and he's got the minus 2 from the Hornet ring but the orange days could be could be big spike okay yeah right damage here oh oh so we minus three will give us two damage and so some yeah there's angling blanks the offending ones like having a really big hit yeah so number two yeah from 19 to 17 very good okay slowly but surely if it orange without you none Jamie yes that is me don't give him a kitchen and say it earlier on I put my shield back on and on to actually playing it safe and so his final attack is a tailwhip also unlike all the other attacks that we've seen so far where he moves and then attacks this when he attacks Ben moves right so it is for physical damage in the back - and he hit almost think we had played the site you don't think we had strategize yeah and the roads completely accident there love a great look at that riding a slightly hard over to you he is not going to hit need anyone with that attack and is any way to sort of denote a how do you know that he's attacking first it's because it's on there because I attack so all patterns are resolved left lovely yeah so that's for damage in the back and is that the right arc yeah so none of us are standing in those are actually are not close enough because he is in the right area but he's only range one yeah usual lovely another dog value too but he would then move back away from specifically the aggro okay so he is going to push me off yes it does have a push and I'll just go straight back as sure it'll yet because middle safe and then he will turn to face Jamie and as Jamie is the aggro and then he would try to move back little wall in the way in case like he doesn't he doesn't slightly distinguish Reyes and then that passes over to you always know so his weak spot from that T order that's in the front front I so he's actually just heard the weak point away for yeah so that's a bit awkward for me to try and get right there stop your activation you recover that one stamina oh yes lovely so I kind of in trying to work out now this is I'm getting a bit into the kind of math minor so first I would give me a black and a blue or I could go one two three who user code to show the free reign of course a free ones I think you know what I'm just going to do it but the thing I'm worried about is there was four attacks that have just seen come up with his then are they going to be staying that order yes so we know what the first one is so is it going to if I move in front of him is it going to be very bad for us so it's the first one if my memory is correct is the one where he just booked it straight up straight up and hit you facetiously targets Liao yet there's an experiment only I'm glad some of us are remembering because I have a corner area I was too excited by the breath and so yeah so I'm not going to is a risk by moving in front no no not good okay so let's go ahead and do my free one and then I'll pair stamina and then a stamina movement in front of them yeah then you go to your free attack going to my free some zero-sum attack as a blue and they cut them in the week art from the technology back yes and let's see what we can do yeah I'm nothing like a ton of damage but if we get a little bit here one damage ship away better than nothing absolutely as an itis it's not my profession to to deal damage and I'm okay with that so dollars a ducati your profession locking so gene I just simply flip over the deck of hit a so that would be this deck yep as you say just flip straight over and then we flip the top card yeah we know what it is so he is already facing you yep he will push you away and you've got the three nodes so you got the same node as me yeah you've got the one just behind when your style oh okay yeah so any of those three so yeah I think I'll turn them away from you guys the ways we're learning but it's gonna be on Higgs Barnett it's going to be yes so yes I'm glad you told them in here would be probably beneficial yeah yes so I'll go in here right into the back corner hiding behind them and he will turn to face you you will move in into my new love you against the wall my word okay he'll keep his facing facing directly towards you yet just like that and then you can either go behind him I'm in here guys I'm right behind right in there I know sure that is it but I'm right in there so you can either go behind him or onto the same notice Jamie you can't avoid getting hit by the enormity at targeted attachments not a knowing based attack so I have to have to move too when we go over to Jamie yet all the note behind the guard also clear up against the wall oh good I remember correctly yeah the next one's his tail whip the hits behind him Ollie was the breath comes onto it and then the breath yet so I come to you yeah yeah I love that I'm not sure if it hits to the left as well I think it was the right in the rear so I think is he gonna turn no say the guy but then he will smack you with his halberd okay no that's right that's Alex physical damage I've got the black and lovely carefully power brakes and like this man you do this is what I do mean you know so you just take the to come over like if I look back at this whole game I think a lot yeah yeah you've been doing a good job I'm happy so far you've got nine sister you've taken 12 damage in just two attacks and managed how many have that down so my education is over he's done I'm behind that all about them I wrote to you about what comes up to me so now I'm unfortunately going to have to start spending some stamina unfortunately oh so if you want to move me forward diagonally onto that one's not my free one yeah I'm going to spend one to move in to that left hand side yum then I'm going to pay three to do the same attack I did last time yeah so always could use your heroic last time yeah because that one was free what do you need I need another balloon and two black chemically I must admit I don't know physically but I love the simplicity of the dice yeah you not I love custom dice in all games but just having the swords representing your attacking and you're blocking you're not having to roll for the damage the monster it just all flows nice and smoothly which is grip so let's see some - - thank you you want to do a call ahead of time of course this is going to be it's good it is so it's another three damage awesome this way so he's gone from 16 to 1300 oh no way for Miss Teen tonight about as good as we could hope for because obviously they made health bounds great yellow but I'm only doing and spending the stamina and doing the attacks I'm doing because I know what's next I know when I'm safe from when I'm not watching soon as he heats up I have no idea what's coming I don't know if front save you or not so it's immeasurable it is like the perfect move just wonderful review so as soon as he hits 12 the debt gets added to muffled immediately okay Wow so I I'm going to risk it I'm not going to ask us yeah I think you'll be fine for this one so his activation yeah let's see it so is tail sweet okay so he's going to push me off first yeah where you going to go I'm just having a look at this card to work out we're in the game yes place I can go so I will go on to the node that I entered his woman from so here's that one there he will turn around to face me he will move in towards me okay and it will you get pushed and I will get pushed if I know I will go just to that one in this one yep and then he will move in and then he will hit he's going to hit me okay but I got I got this completely will not hit either of you two like this guy okay such a hero this this guy right here I said I don't say that deliver here don't say that until of Sabai it's only for damage I say which is only for don't bet defy well you got the block a blue black black all the way nice of me to take three yes oh I can't die to listen buddy I think oh what a hero Wow it wasn't less with the Mike I would stand up and bow right now okay right I'm fine I've been taking so I've been taking damage lessons from you tanking lessons from you and I know a perfect hybrid you'll need you guys anymore we just need analyst you've got this so Jamie your activation only reserved over your to let's your stamina this is going to take him down below this is going to heat him up so we're now in the danger zone yeah so I'm not going to put my hair stuck in that's going to be a finishing move so I'd like to move if you could move meows yeah forwards one into the corner you can he is weak in the back because now in the weak spots I love how you've said because this is going to heat them up and you're using entirely black knives like you're guaranteeing to do damage to get out I'm not using tired like this okay sorry also an orange wanna train warranty and they use for stamina yep absolutely blasted so is it for about all very much he's an Israeli a total of minus three so what are known for resistance because is that a magic attack and then to be recording what it ring because it's going to be able okay yes that so many died stood by many days ended thanks have a bit heavy for ya okay it's a -3 yeah so take that way pour down a nice that's a good hit when you when you take them down to the heat up yeah you want to get as many below with that attack that yeah I'm up as possible nothing worse than getting them on to 12 because right okay so now you've got a lot of active Asia is having no idea what's going on and so goggles a99 here so you heat up okay I'm going to do what I usually do whenever I've done sort of any showing off of the game okay which is make sure it's your fault if we die so these are suppose on them will be for you to about the day that you want to don't look at it and don't show anything to the camera but take one of those three cards come on this one and I'll take that back so no recession ever hear that gets added what's your what's your place to disappear what's your life disappear so there are now five cards there before we have been before and one heat up okay and if you could shuffle those he's bit oh man well the Jamie's hathwell is like Jamie's Jamie's not getting any other blame people in the heat no it's all that is fault for shuffle E okay the aggro is on Jamie in the corner yeah and it is The Gargoyle declaration yeah let's see how friendly you've been good so it's a tail with the neck started so the tail wit is I'm merely going to hit the knight and the assassin al dajjal because that's that's fine no I thought I find you have a table just as the back zone but the Dodge is - I have to dodge I have no block literally any for damage right it is but I spend a stamina I so I can't die you can say hello now look nice it's crap that's why the review - oh gosh this is really cool stuff so even attack first okay so I've got my three dice in there so Jamie's going really to do success we need this is under like Ollie and I we use his look so in case I just wished through that don't success two blanks gonna spend my look token to rely on of them oh no no come on doesn't die if you fail it's not in good shape to me oh goodness sake for dummy train the ones with like all blanks on no no no all right this is where everyone goes around in a circle and rolls the same guy thing it's like they're fine but me so you've now got four dollars taken five stamina used some one of your interns bar a I'm fine we maybe have a different personality other words I am completely spent and then as you get hit by the same attack yes I'm doing a black and a flu my normal just before formula you would take two I'm tempted to throw in my stand fast here yep yeah because I have no Estes as we pointed out so I'm going to go ahead and use my heroic ability you're here to audibly dice oh okay yeah sure so next one wonder one nuts that's still a decent unit for the stunfest is introducing that damage that she'll flipped over so the gargoyle will now turn to face the aggro which is Jamie anything to spin around and then he will back up one which will push me oh he will come backwards shut me out the way and I will go over to Wow that's that activation over he's weak in the front we all fantastic and absolute to use no I had nine damage no there's just no way that's happening but you do recover to stamina awesome I don't forget if you end your activation on him you get one health which is I'm going to happen now can I move directly in one move yeah so I don't have to let us know that's an early considered as you are in both Alex there you can choose from there I'm last to go into the left orbit and like it's just terrifying the fact that like his head and body is my entire person like is just and okay I'm going to go ahead and man thoroughly I don't think I want to risk the for stamina not yet know so I'm going to go ahead and have one blue and I'll take the black from his be only got to say to health worth the chance probably worth risking we're just looking for a bit more chip damage nice em to another one shuttle makes it little wave chips we don't eat at health night and you recover one help for the end of your activation for being on his node because of my Lawford garmr yeah baby so the aggro token passes to you okay what have we got ninety ever actually been depressed how good for us all my life so is Jamie won't die here I currently I cannot dodge I cannot block so any damage to anything anything that hits Jamie he's dead yeah so this is just telling me take this into consideration with where you're wheeling the boss - okay you will push you off first and you know any of those three nodes in that diagonal line so yeah no wait no ohh that was the other other Slayer yeah Jimmy okay yeah you get a so then he will turn to face you yeah then he will move in on you yeah and then you get pushed onto one of those along the wall and then you're going to get hit for six damage okay that way okay so no away from me and he will keep it a few things a female a so he will hit you for six damage okay it'll go so that tiny segment we're getting lucky just keeps going to our time yes this is like the nasty one oh no oh you know as temperatures vary rule but it's only going to really matter get one or two more damage your honor I say hey you will be taking five well so what's the black eyes got honor to got one excel what I like yeah you know what I'm going to use my luck I'm gonna roll this one okay yep okay now it literally kind of only get better or worse or equal game be kind of copy any worse so six times I absorb four are sort of two stories I take four yes I am so one two four so I'm left with for a mandarins bar yeah no no oh man this is grim the big boy the big swinger ah coming in hot he helped us he's got his health left yeah you can do eight huh I rejected a 10-2 perfect role I get a perfect role I could kill him just do that so I'm going to move one to the this one here he'll spend one to move in on his back and then one move round to his left with you wanna bring him is that definitely what you wanted to because if he turns to face then I might get accidentally killed there should be any way I can maybe killer no no I'd rather survive and get it right into Jimmy Thursday facing backwards it might just hit me and kill me anyway this might be all like one chance no oh yay to patello nope alright I'll stay there I'm never going to make it with you today I would not take advantage of see we've all read I lose letter slams on back what there's also a green and it was really great a green beer only roulette you I was not caught properly so I'm going to spend my free stamina just to make my shirt heavy attack yeah so I don't get my extra bucks no ye if he turns and hits you are you like leaving a diagram Estes if he can - yeah then did yet translatable welcome to playing safe you absolute power crazy men running around is they just like oh that's just a casual 5 damage for him there's a bit more for him and you're like oh one damage all day I field is now like a you ban picture to internal here a guy's killing bleed so if you want to pass me one black guy yeah - dude I'm seriously I'm going a bit earlier I could soften him up so Jamie can do nothing oh hey okay I have my escargot solo whose armors - we are all it's good all that's another four of just half what he had for health left so if I can survive I might have a chance I'm going to use my Estes okay so I get it full white okay and we have three of the guards attack cars to come up - which we know one of which is the heat up card we're yet to see oh God do you forget about that here entirely let me remind you Oh note so Jamie else gets hit oh no sad we'll go through it go to the motions sadder and better so he would oh no he you're fine he's gonna turn around face me you find Jamie other dead Jamie got Jamie read it through the roller coaster hold on okay so oh sorry sorry I'm gay get over excited her shoes so shove me back I'll go into the middle then he will turn around to face me yeah you remove one towards me joining me again I'm going to come this way to do week's book and then in lips then he is going to get me I could I could be read it this far he is then going to attack just front on the left and as we go every I am in that arch but I'm far enough away inch one yet yet correct so can be P over N and K go straight I'm fine I'm completely clear can't die I take one damage my favorite thing is that when you open this box the black Jeep that you died yeah I'm the motor danger is that I can't die it's just yep very uncomfortable right Jenny you recover to refer to I'm going to switch my I so unlikely to survive 8 and I swap my stock in so you're busy saying is you're going to be for damage to him or die you die i killing my boss I'm going to spend a free one this didn't go really badly earlier and you don't have your read do you have your you know you ask this you know how every literally nothing I going all-out for it but you could keep your shield doing a free attack with the soul arrow and keep some for a Dodge then you're okay I feel like I'll still have some for a Dodge and be fine a little said I'm saying we're killing guys it's good okay spend watch why you won that and once again to his weak spot this uses bottom yes so every I need an orange slice and I need could be the orange day three black day so as you guys soul arrow on two three this was to two black guys from at an initiation with the blue yellow and minus three and Toad parish dices is mine expresso one so clear cuz he has one resistant this is the magic attacks one resistant and then the orange dice the Hornets ring is in respect to we need to see seven seven would killin hot o2 will do nothing she to heal simple [Laughter] you sure you don't want to rewrite their binding I'm guessing you want a very aggressive attack me when Jeffrey s dog attack pull a tennis get this do enough it's a bit - sighs you've got to armor there's dog as a native - one - take it - a dice - three chili just still - alien or you Sheree what is it free okay yeah he can't move now so Jamie go finish him oh my word see if you do one damage - five nope you do nothing excellent why Jamie and why everyone I'll just make the double dutch yeah so by choosing the double weapon you give up the extra dough station usually or that I'm kid beneficially nothing let's reveal the card let's see what you could be oh my god I can't is a double those needed yeah it's all fine now come forward you were losing your noggin you're retreating into the book kid rightfully so was weeping clearly did a heat up cut it right was this work let's have a look at this ring clean nothing um oh my word look at his big fierce on this card so is this whipping cleave so that means he returned to face Jamie yeah and he would push but push Jamie off first and then he would turn to face Jamie okay so he will turn the fist you eat yep then he'll push Jamie Jamie away as alternate makeup then he will turn to face Jamie moved forward once and push him and you know what only go into a corner yeah he will then move forward again because this is a move to what push Jamie again what a game you can choose one of those two deep up the red one that the boss born Dahlia or the other one only one that he spawns on it's gonna kill me I want to die he's facing that wall but he will do six damage to Jamie just Jamie it's chucked Islanders attack unless but it would hit the entire note had someone else in on there this is a double dodge so Jamie's paying his one you need to both of these to be successful or we are dead so I can everyone picnic oh that one successful all okay baby how much weight a little welcome just watch so we die he's had four house left and we died sorry not sorry guys we will take a little break there yeah I could pull off some stress we're gonna go back to the bonfire reset and see if we can find our way back techno-pop might leave Jimmy bond yes the wiggly making it hey we'll see you in the next part hey guys welcome back so we took a bit of a break there to essentially reset go back all the monsters in the rooms came back and we had to fight our way back to the boss again what we've decided to do rather than actually and go through every room again is we just cleared out run the level one rooms and just here and we move forward and from the seventies level to room so we gained an extra 12 sort of profiles and which give us the opportunity to end up going to cut more stats and we have given up though and the six holes in each of those rooms and no we don't get the tombstone yep from from this wandering after gravestone yes we only get the greatest in this room it should just give us one card then body attacks nice so we've gone about it a slightly different way on the flip side though because we were able to get those extra souls and I believe the upgrade slightly so I'll just sure I was able to grab a Morningstar and which is going to give me primarily a little bit more damage but actually an extra magic resistance which is pretty fantastic and I also got a very slightly upgraded shield as well which isn't doing a mini dodging like that that is going to give me a blue instead of a black on my defense to that the awesome for me if you do also have your longsword in your offhand now so if we get to a situation where is nearly dead and we want the superstar knife to go as a finisher Martha's lovers whenever they say all you died you're wielding night you can just go nuts and I'm like noodles conservative but play save mine gunkid very similarly I replaced the armor that I got from you yep with a new set of sunset armor which rather than being the one blue one black is actually too black on the block okay and one buck so with in theory yeah on average roll slightly better okay it has the potential to roll slightly worse by being a bit risky with the stats about a little bit but I did also get if you want to show this yeah titanite shards a weapon upgrade which gives me basically +1 on my damage so when I'm attacking the gargoyle they say I ignore one of his armor okay I was the I was doing a lot of damage last time we were in here yeah and I'm hoping I'm going to do even more now I've got yeah and there's a lake on the top left-hand corner that's what sort of denotes that basically if you have these slots underneath your swords and your armor that be a just goes in underneath yep and shows you that you now have that ability and then the text is obviously via kept in that so you can still read what it does while covering the artwork and requirements lovely and for myself we found a murakumo to replace my stock which is a lots of black dice yeah and most importantly for me gives me an additional dodge let's know your correlation for dark jacket so hopefully that is maxed out in terms of sorts right those so you can currently there are weapons that have one dodge on okay there are shields that have one dodge on right the highest dodge on armor is two so four is the highest you okay Carly currently current will currently go there the other thing going into this fight is I still don't have my ass decide to spend against Sentinel yeah so I've also had to give up my lucky rear all and still got my heroic and my asta so and so Jamie decided to go for his usual well I'm going to use both weapons against the fences on didn't do so well with his murakumo and then suffered the consequences it's definitely easy to kind of get into the track of just taking guys out taking goes out and all of a sudden you come across a big guy or a couple of big guys it's just like hold on a second you have one hit these you have to prepare for that damage going back and so now we're ready for gargoyle again who's back to basics health he's fully reset so we do have the first activation token on you yep are you comfortable tanking and going first again yeah yeah no so the other thing I say from the last time we played this is let's go into the split the corners yes he rushed down the middle last yeah we did so we now have to know that that's generally going to be the way or just double-check that these are the correct five yeah there's no he took curves so again I'd assume it's a different it's going to be going to take four out of five again so include that yet another or it could be a different one yeah okay and the orders probably going to be different and we only get to see one of them because which gets doing this load spirit so one to go to that middle one and that end one yeah good and then Jamie you want to draw one this time yeah sure thing we will have a look at it it's a halberd press the one that one sounded okay on the way we know this one in stillness or model or that that will then get shuffled in and now we place ourselves into the box race ourselves so I'm definitely good with the in front middle and you guys want to split up by did you want to come into one of the corners oh you come into a corner is that how but yes they will miss yeah yes let's do it I'm gonna duck over here you gave me where you want to go into this con going to hide on that corner yeah okay so I'll move into the corner and your hope here essentially is that if he does come home to me then I can keep them fierce or potentially dogs out the way well not make any damage you may just miss yeah because we know that the wouldn't we have the only thing we can base this choice on is the card we saw yeah we saw how good for us let me know that's move forward one and then attack got range one so if it's that we know it will miss and kind of the only information we've got to go on let's see it what is this first attack the science act is sweeping strikes listen you would okay we haven't seen this one yeah so I pass that over to you yeah so you will move forward once and push and then he will do a five damage attack in all three of his are okay at range one right so with that attack there Jamie's moved the model forward so he would move forward on to that central node yeah and then he would hit all of these are all of these nodes here yeah four four five physical damage Sonya dodge of 1 which means Jamie happy he makes us not we're fine right yeah but yeah doesn't hit anyone because he does not the region week in the back up okay when it is over to you for your activator so gonna sort of take me potentially one - really - stamina because your first yeah Bree and do you know what I think I'm just tempted to keep them facing me and but if I go back you'll turn round yes oh yeah I'll do that for one Benna stamina understand another stun one together behind yeah okay and then I use the Morningstar yeah and I will use the three stamina to do the two blue dice okey-dokey and then you'll get an additional black because you are in we're weak point awesome okay let's see if we can start this quite nice Oh once a day that's okay Oh big voice OH - the - yet his armor right that is five damage then keep down to twenty one after one attack it's just art okay I will settle for that as long as he doesn't one shot me no for using all that stamina so that you've done that is a euro token is on you yeah and this time it's electric Brett so he's going to just wheel round to face you and then he's go shoot you in the face or its front rh1 there's only four magic damage okay so I have thanks to my Morningstar and I a black dice and my armors can give me a belief sorry but my glaze it all magic they take one auto buying one damage and then that passes over to me here so I'm going to do something similar to what I did last time I'm going to move up to that one net for free and then if you want to move me into his backup that's apparently is me was weak on at the minute Miller and then I'm going to use my heroic okay yeah and then use that move to move around to his wee Kirk and Arthur grab two of those and two of those and I am now with my tie tonight at plus one so please dice - warning closes so you're in the first one he's got - - from the armors have just meant 100 is another five damage on man so he second ten from two attacks look what I've used one stamina the team down now no stone 216 already yep Wow the difference here the difference a single upgrade gives you from four black toe blue dice or algae that was your heroic there but that's epic yeah so what's the next that so his next attack is going to be the tail whip okay so that is just going to hit me he will attack first and he attacks is right and back are okay for physical damage okay so I get three black dice now oh that's good front another black guy there any big it's a lot zero to six as you can every in there and I take one okay so I'm quite happy with that and then he will turn to face me because I am be outgrown he will push me off so I will just go straight straight back and he will move straight back he will all say that he's a treating away ah okay and then it is over to Jamie and here's week in the front in front so I'm going to take advantage of having all the bugs in the world yes I'll hold my shield yeah it may bring in my soul error so you're doubling and your weapon again it's never gone wrong okay keep remove yep here that's been one stamina to get to that okay I'm then going to make my oh all that I can definitely nervous laugh I want to spend my free soul our three black get ice I always dice the Hornet ring and this is minus three magic yeah okay - yeah and then I'm going to roll 10 to 14 for three stamina my murakumo don't 40 you should gives me four black base three from the attack for one being the weak spot will and the orange - I'll get missing from you - cool cos it in the physicalism and it 3 Mon image so I didn't 5 as well I would you know that whatever you he need him out why my dig Yugi 11 so he's gone through this 12 to heat up so we'll go for the same as mid last time I really hope this doesn't all tournament heads differ quickly all don't do this to me Alex okay on that one look and you shop for the missing I don't wanna be involved in a half this time the top part is faulty yeah drink it then I'm like okay alright so I've got the aggro token yeah you do indeed know what is it going to be Patrick Brazeau he's already phasing Jamie Jamie is the only character in rate what is the range range one oh yeah so I know VI side of a 1000 standing where am i standing I think you went to attack him when he was on this note yes over here my bad sorry but that I was kind of freely roaming about the map a little bit there and then that's going to be full magic damage Scott dodge it - yes I'll make the dodge so you're rolling it 300 days at 3 X 3 X 4 and my shield of course I felt confident sorting it already just to be equal us and you as they equal any deeper to God he did it only to judge your heroic power I wish my long hair is Issa no no oh my god move enter so at that point it is back to you they recover to stamina yes and where's his weak point knife he is weak on the left so b1 Anna stamina stamina get in there yeah but it would mean he also would potentially turn away from you guys so you could you could absolutely go helpful leather on getting into a big hit and then Estes yeah cuz I could you sort of have a quick look at my board I could use to to get in yep and then I could use three on the Morningstar yeah so yes and that slew me once better than and then you connect so fantastic we could even just what you saw down stop it go ahead and so I will go one for free yep to cost me one stamina and that cost me a second stamina yep so pop tunes in and then I will exert myself three stamina for my Morningstar attack which is going to give me two blue and a black plan for the weak spot yeah you see the important girl with Scott I'm just keeping those data base and it should be to your armor door crew so max - oh why damage on that don't have Murray role yeah we just wanted nothing unfortunate I can do to make that a better head so he's on Tim to him approaching kill range remaining and then I will trigger my after slash definitely and that's going to go ahead and just wipe everything away oh my Stalin has gone all the times back and my house and what's he going to do to me so the woman we saw earlier that we haven't seen previously the sweeping strike so he will turn to face you yes I grow and you would the nearest any way you even had the assassin be Nero he would still turn to face you he will push you off okay he will move one toward you oh so you could duck behind him and he will miss completely yeah yep so he'll move into that node and then you jump out over the entire check he hits all of these arcs but you're in the back he misses everything planned it and then this is over to me okay I recover that one if you want to move me one into the middle one towards him yeah and another towards him when did have a weak arc he is weak in the back then I think then I'm going to p3 so I've spent seven spent five now to it and then I'm going to use the same dice I used last time I can you pass me to a food all losers yes mingle and I am dice minus 1 again oh wow do so much right now can't Oh big that six damage so you don't fall left all my word I am going to Estes just as like a safety Estes because we've got him close don't want to take any unnecessary risks don't mind okay guys so I did like it being like iOS first there much else you got more you got four I can do that sure I survived we haven't oh there it is oh no gone fortin's that are people lying tailwhip Wow something we need to do is his special rule yes he does have a scratch all right his now he's heated up his attacks will cost additional stamina when their range 0 so mine would have cost one more got our desta steady only okay so flying tail whip he will push me off yeah much fade want to go I want to go I'll go onto this one then he will turn to face me again oh no it's gonna hit everyone there's nothing pretty about someone sauce so he's going to move into here okay you just pushed me onto that one yesterday oh my word and then he's going to hit everyone else okay so a bill to emptiness on the furnace to the heat card it's going to hit everyone yes the six damage is standing in any arc of the Dundee rear one okay so go ahead who's gonna start with yourself I'll start with me on the blocking so I need three black dice please the most important part basically has no weak point afterwards okay my daddy's car crashing okay I'll be sensible for something good please yeah that'll work so it was six seven Bobby make three okay three over to myself Oh dodged one we're doing a dodge - don't stay where you are actually a Dodge I'll dodge is there okay and and I have three got my good side I need one three successful one alright okay you got your look yeah we're good need a cause I get to dodge on this one yep that's me done going to median and this is a magical or physical so I'm going to have to blue mine hey one key right could potentially take nothing here why do you say it take - how is it worth you using your heroic ability at this time to take translate nothing because you might not just be safe to my heroic ability without it an extra blue dyed hair top do you know what you're not going to let six damage as the highest down she goes so let's let LA and that's all roaring so for hit that over using a very fun of those things way you want to keep it for the most optimal time yep but then you just keep going before you use it then absolutely perfect and that's that done jaylee your operation you recover to recover - he isn't weak anywhere now so I'm gonna stopping my target shield or bunker up a little bit good man I'm going to walk into the corner and I'm going to throw a soul arrow at him on before stamina hell I throw my cheap wine okay so it's just two black dice around for island oranges we can get there don't for help yes go for help Jimmy no no we need to let the night go - you're welcome oh yeah sauce you've got to learn for this - three okay nothing sir look reroll no you look really or no I'd be awfully lucky looking on your idea so are you gonna die now and it to get to the to help left yeah okay sure welcome now it's going to be no reason for the night to your wits you're just going to kill it with the morning no no Joe will did you're just in case doesn't get so what's the length of that go and burst yep so he hits behind him and the right who's he who's he targeting here no no 101 arcattack fellas just so he's just missed everyone fantastic and then he is going to target Jamie yeah move one well almost like he doesn't know what he's doing he's weak in the front yeah he's literally just positioned himself for you crime and ready for you to come in and finish this last two okay things first yeah swap out the shield for the oh man whatever in mind that these attacks cost one additional stamina because of his special yeah okay fine if you go for both of these attacks yeah and don't dine stamina yeah that's worth it we've got two health that I could start going to put my long swords I'm a morning star right yep which attacking in a start with so well I can weave 180mm she didn't love Lake Region and we'll start with the Morningstar I'm gonna start with the one that actually should start with the one that's been with uses making no the Board says gonna cost me three stamina so up to four because of the special rule yep or his it's flying out him flying high me gonna reach up to UNLV three blue I'm a glad form attacking his weakness of three or two blue I'm sorry to be so I'm going to add in every below is a three-time lap - oh yeah yeah so we need a roll of if4 or to kill him yes come on I believe three just you'll be all paid off so you've got you've got one hell are you going to risk did your wheeled attack yeah yeah yeah yeah if you'd okay so cost you five so there's going to be on one stamina and doing it well worth it I am the salient part of this move it's so basically this entire went from full you have to know spending all of it because of his flying high ability and me using a 3 and a 4 stamina time yeah ok hello on helper yeah I know look a blue and a black and a black and you have no luck and I just need 43 here all of three has he done it yeah nicely done or worried name yeah so you said in pipe oh I love London that was like so you've got that so if he gets to appoint most your activation he's only got health left in dual wield and you were like no no no they know that and then you do it we did it so he would die we would get his specific equipment or halberd we get tail acts or one whole shield so they are equipment they are just added into our inventory for us to then essential all straight into the men's Ranger video Wow so essentially that dilutes his body through all of his wares it's fantastic up all of these tiles is apart from the bonfire yeah we get our sparks back yeah we get one soul per player per the spectrum range we get three souls for killing I made one spark left when we killed Ennis we get our sparks reset and then we reset the board ready to go and fight one of the main bosses my goodness well guys we're going to wrap this up there that was a hook as a be end of the game we hope you enjoyed it and picked up how to play we covered most of things you're going to see as you work your way through thank you Alex and Jimmy if you guys enjoyed it please leave a comment below and we will see you in the next video we hope you enjoyed this let's play go ahead and check out our other content on screen night and be sure to check out beasts of war comm for the latest gaming news and gaming Let's Plays and while you're at it why not hit subscribe and remember to ding our dong go on you know you want to click it go on
Channel: OnTableTop
Views: 38,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tabletop Gaming, Kickstarter, Miniature Wargaming (Game Genre), ontabletop.com, You Died, Praise the Sun!, Beasts of War, OnTableTop, Hobby (Interest), Wargaming, Tabletop Game (Game Genre), Board Games, Let's Play, Bloodborne, Dark Souls, Steamforged Games
Id: ghQVpQUB0xM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 16sec (8056 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2017
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