Let's Play: What a Tanker! with Too Fat Lardies

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this let's play was supported by these awesome hobby companies [Applause] [Music] hello everybody and welcome today we are joined by Richard and Nick from two fat lardy's and we are going to be playing what a tanker I'm opened by some and we're actually playing this one a little bit differently to normal we're playing a little lengthwise on an eight by four table so interesting to film this might be the largest table we've had for the least amount of miniatures in a game yeah well Richard would you like to describe for us what what a tanker is yeah absolutely a game of world war two armored combat you can play with just three two three four tanks for yourself playing against a friend or you could play with everybody in your club let's say a dozen people playing with one tank each what we're gonna do here just to play through it is each of us has got a different AFV so you're gonna get an opportunity to see some of the way of different vehicles work so we've got tank destroyers we've got fast reconnaissance tanks and we've got ordinary vanilla tanks okay so myself and rich will be playing as a team we will be playing as a Germans so rich what do we have on our side well what we've got here is you've got something nice and straightforward which is the German Panzer 4 so we're going 1944 here so we're on a Panzer 4 mark H and on my side here I've got a little stug 3 now that's a bit different because it's a tank destroyer which means it's good at destroying tanks hence the name and it's also got a low profile which means I can sneak about I'm difficult to spot so if you see me lurking that's why yeah meanwhile we are Nicholas and myself are fielding the Allies now of course I do not know much about tanks so can you tell us a bit about yeah sure so we've gone for a fairly bog standard British tank from 1944-45 we've got here the mark for Sherman that the British were using in Normandy mainstay of the Allied armored attack this is really the yardstick if you like of Allied tanks it's a fairly basic bog-standard vehicle the other one we're using is the chrome which is one you'll be controlling Cromwell is a lovely tank it's got an advantage of being fast so you should be able use that to your advantage to get around these guys yeah I like to be faster nippy in these games okay well let's let's get stuck straight into it and we'll see how the mechanics work as we play through a few rounds here we'll take a dice and we're gonna roll to see what order we activate in so let's all roll our dicey I got a 5 and a 5 and I get at 4 and I'm a 4 well and I get that's right so your first your second Nick and I roll again to see who goes last and third right so Nick you re a 3 I'm contestant number 4 so I'll put that by my tank so on ok make sure to your die back yeah yeah now I've got all 6 a month so that'll be mine we all start the game loaded every time starts game loaded yeah and we all start again with our commander unbuttoned number out of the turret with a good field of visibility yeah I love the little tokens that you've made for these because you've got a little button for if you're buttoned up or not you've got two crosshairs to show if you're you've acquired your target or if your end and then you've got a tank shell that shows if you little or no okay absolutely what does Sam need to do know that it is his turn okay what basically at the start of a game when your tanks full fully fighting fit and the end control you're gonna roll your command dice and we start off with six six so let's roll them and then that's gonna we're gonna see just what you can do to roll yeah I do okay okay well now here we go now let's let's start at the top you got a six you've got a couple of Falls and you've got three twos now when you roll your command dice yeah if you roll a one that allows you to drive call it a drive dice if you roll the two that allows you to try and acquire a target that's not just about spotting is it Nick that's about getting a whole crew focused on identifying that target where it is and getting lined up to try and get a get a shot at it so there's the enemy that's here we go yeah let's try later then I'm here yeah when you get a three that represents you aiming the gun at that target when you get a four you can fire at that target when you get a five you can reload and when you get a six you can change that dice to any of the other any of the other numbers so it's a wild dice we call it a wild dice and so with a hand like that yeah you've got a lot of opportunities to acquire an enemy but frankly on this huge table with loads of intervening terrain for every time you want to see through a hedge you need an additional dice to acquire so the more intervening terrain there is the harder is to identify and acquire your target and you you can't aim at it yeah because you got no threes and you can't fire unless you've acquired an deigned and then fire but what you can do is take you six and turn that into a one which would allow you to at least get some movement in this this phase of play and because you're a fast tank I'm get an additional bonus here because it enables you to turn any of these other dice into a one excellent so that's the one time in the making just one dice so I will turn this one no actually no into a one right now when are you going to drive dice you can move forward rolling to d6 or you can reverse moving backwards rolling 1 d6 or you can turn your tank on the spot for each of those move forward movement dice so if you want to turn 180 degrees revolving on the tracks because these are track vehicles you use a hole drive dice to do that but in your position you probably want to get the range now so you can start getting past some of this terrain that's stopping it so roll your four dice because you've got you've got two dice each one gives you two dice of forward movement so rolling four dice and see how far you got and that then is gonna tell you how far you move in inches okay let's see how the Cromwell does oh no wonder they call it a fast tank yeah yeah 21 today 21 let's see let's see what 21 inches looks like on the table Shh quiet laughter veer off to the side a little there to avoid hitting fine you fine yeah that's right you don't have to move in a dead straight line as long as you're not you know turning that 45 sorry 90 degrees you can move forward and you go she ate your way around different obstacles so there we are we see why that's a fast tank that zooming at the top you've still got three acquisition dice I'm over here you can't see me there's loads of intervening - I'm like right back here and there's one two three four hedges in between so with just three acquisition dice you're not gonna be able to acquire a target close though I'm pretty close yeah that would be good target in the first turn that it would have been yeah absolutely it could have been a shotgun so let's get those dice back to you and who's who's contestant number two oh right roll those golden dies let's see what kind of a hammer get it see it's like a foot there's a whole lot of movement going on there potentially just for a little bit of clarity from a sec yeah I can spend these dice in any order I like any order you want there's no fears of having to move then then like that it's just spending as you want so imagine you were here and you're already a claimed and acquired at your target you could use that for to fire you could use the six turn it to a five to reload yeah you could use the fall to buy fire again yeah then you could reverse two dice uh-huh because you've got to drive dice yeah and that would mean that you're firing away shoot and scoot and then use that remaining six to try and get you a bonus when we work out who's going person in the next turn so there's lots of different choices what you can do with those dice okay let's see if one of the sixes for a bonus - no you could try both them if you want to do all right so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna spend - yeah and that'll give me four dice and board item oh nice place let me pass you these lovely full - they can't get hold of it okay thank you kindly sir so a roll and a see how far my Panzer is gonna move is it gonna break down gets BK ahead of turn this day to do that mmm Wow it's clean along a bit 13 bit of searching out the back not awful there no Benares keeping to the speed limit sensible way to go yeah now I'll roll up to there so having done that you could say hey I've got a couple of sixes there while I turn one of them well both of them into another Drive dice keep going I'll turn one of them into another drive dice you don't have to make that decision straightaway so yeah you can Sam the term wall and then if you move 12 you can then go okay I'm happy with that or if you move too you can go under turn the other one in so playing it's like a hand of cards you audio line yeah it's an organic time hmm brings me up to here yeah and this six I'm actually gonna see if mm-hmm for the next yeah oh the way now I'm and these long tops so that will give you a plus one on your initiative row next time which means it's more likely that you will be the guy who activates first or just kind of what I want and the thing to remember is when you move with our drive dicey yes I allow you to rotate your turret so you know those naughty chaps are over there yeah that's a 60-degree or T so we've got we got a smashing yep what a tanker Universal tanker tool yeah which we've had especially made to be in the tools the tool and token set and my dog we've not won out out of a cheap piece of plastic for now however when the dog has finished with it maybe we can get a photograph to show me please don't all right so that is done right so I assume as we finish up it's probably wise to pop our cars back in the middle yeah we can put them back in the middle what we say in the rules is at the end of the turn put all the cards back in the middle and roll those dice and see where we go you were saying before the plane moved on to my activation the very last thing you can do in your activation is choose to butter up now if you want to go back inside the turret I'll okay I can do that you're okay at the moment and it doesn't cost the cost nothing you do at the end of your activation the thing about being unbuttoned is that it means you you you tank commander Scotty's head out of the tank and he's looking around with his binoculars and he's got a great field of vision he's got hundred and eighty-two like that 180 degrees if he's buttoned up he's got much he's gone back down he's got a little vision poor and he's only saying 60 degrees in front of him which is what the fantastic Universal tanker tool as eaten by Freddie the lava dog can show you like I just imagined my guys setting eye of the tankers man up but not goes up you know Kant's a mockingjay well okay I'll true so number three I'll go back to date now so I'll get my oh six dice and I've got okay mungus yeah I've got so I'm a Sherman which is a standard tank which means I don't get to change any of my dice I had an only act with them as rolled yeah so I have a move a drive dice that I can use yeah I could reload if I needed to and I could don't shoot in this situation I can move with two dice so what these dice are representing is the awareness of all the crew members so this isn't just about you as the tank commander going yeah I know they're over there but hold on a minute does your gonna know is your driver aware is he lining up the tank to get the best shot it's trying to reflect the fact that these guys are inside a metal box that's hot and noisy and smelly and estudio and a bit like the studio they're all scared today more like a runty an event with Warren you've never been a road trip with Warren yes scary okay well for that I'm all done that's a win of course bringing up the rear same one and we'll see if I can get a bit of an exciting roll on here oh oh that's very good well what a lot of options I've got so my my natural dice if you like I've got one acquire it's a - I've got one aim and one fire which is kind of a nice little combination of diet to have if I get into a position where I can see somebody I can acquire them I can aim at them I can fire at them great little sequence well Justin's right there fortunately the trees are between him so and no matter how how dangerous - dropping you actually could at home if you want it would I grab a tank and just see who's a laugh and the King of the Ring why not she's actually one of the game variants which is King of the Ring so you can play against each other and then as you as you get killed you go off and you roll to even come back or come back to play a role in game that we're going there's so many variants of this that you could play cuz I mean like if you played like a one versus many with Tigers or King Tigers oh yeah you can have some great guy and there's a point system in there that allows you to get that balance so let's say you know you've got a tiger at something like 22 points against you know another tank that maybe seven points you'd want to play three of them against one of them just to get you that game balance but my god they are scary even when it's three of you against one of them you you you thinking about anyway let's think about these yes I have gone Alaura Laura options here in that I've got three sixes now I'll tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna use them for some interesting movement okay right I'm a roll two dice I roll six but I'm just gonna use it to turn up against this this hedge here okay and then it's a minor obstacle the way I talk turned that one to a warm for my initial movement then under turn the second one to a one because it's a minor obstacle to cross a minor obstacle I use one dice and I just go across it and then I'm going to turn that into a one and I'm gonna roll to d6 and go for whatever alright inches and well I don't go any further than the than the hedge line because I haven't got any more ones now I've got a pretty good line-of-sight down there but the problem is I've got one piece of terrain in between us oh now I need one too to negate that yes but I still need to be able to see that tank well fortunately for me I'm unbuttoned which means that I get one of those spots free so to speak so I have acquired him oh no so to reflect that I'm going to move my acquired token over on my dashboard we've all got a tank a dashboard so that we can see that and I'm gonna use a three you get it aim yeah and I'm gonna get that across I don't like this and I'm gonna use a horse now yeah I mean he's a four to fire don't you know the way you said acquiring a tank turn one with the grid yeah you tell it Kirsty so yeah I'm in acquiring a tank that wasn't my tank would be great now the other great thing is I'm a tank destroyer which means I always get a free three great so I'm going to use that to add to my role so I would normally need a six to hit but there's one intervening piece of low terrain so that would make it a seven but I'm using my bonus as a tank destroyer to make that back to a six so I roll a dice to see if I hit bang I do honor oh seven yes right yes there now so it's two dice add them together two dice have them together got it yet so if you're rolling row high hitting a tank in the home you need six firing through a bit of light cover small obstacle you need seven to small obstacles you need eight three small obstacles nine yep one large obstacle that's two off so the more dense the terrain obviously you're gonna get to a point where you not gonna hit so it's a nice simple system that allows you to to to reflect the terrain but you can also use those extra indices or any threes you get additionally to give a +2 drag it back right worth then if you'd roll double six there you've got a an extra critical hit yeah thank you meant more damage though we've recorded double six yeah so a double six great shot you've hit a weak spot on the enemy tank but what we do now is we compare my strike now I've got a strike of seven and we compare that with your armor of seven and you've got an armor of seven so basically it's a roll up but because you you're unbuttoned yeah I get an extra dice it's reflect the house your commander is got his head out there's potentially going to be more damage to that year that all damage to the crew right now someone's going is that the German tank absolu and you say no it's a tank destroyer roll the dice now I'm hitting the front armor so I'm looking at fives and sixes Henry I've got three of them so you want to roll your dice thirty I need seven days yeah you need seven dice and because again it's your toured armor you're looking to need fives and sixes to deflect that shot well I see how it goes it's basically seeing whether my oh okay so we've got evens there haven't penetrated but equal you still get a potential shock effect so we need you to roll the dice to see what happens okay just the a single dice a single dice right you've rolled a six now a six means that you temporarily lose one of your commander I'll know into the damaged dissection in the sin bin as I like to call it so you've temporarily what's happening is that I am is gone clang against the side and your crew are going what the hell was that when you're rolling your command dice you've got a bit of chaos going in in the time I rolled a six I thought that was good for me well worth saying that the six is actually the worst thing for you yes because on a one to five you would reverse and that many inches and that would mean I would lose my aim I see however honor six it's a good one for me because I've done a bit of temporary damage yeah you shall see octave I've shell-shocked him exactly oh he can get that back it's just in that temporary sin bin when he rolls his command dice if he rolls the six he can use that to get that out of the bin but of course while he's doing that that means he's diverted from using that for something else that's it anyway there we go that ends the first term we put we've got our cards back in the middle yeah and we go back to the beginning rolling the dice now you +1 haberler plus one right so some number one for you yeah yeah yeah so I only have five dice this time no no no curse you mmm curse me let's see how we go mmm yeah I'm good I'm going to use one of those sixes and get my sick my dice out of the same bin yeah okay so so they'll come out to the very end though you could leave daddy ant that I tell you what I'd leave that to the end because what's interesting is your unbuttoned yeah there's two lots of terrain in between it so you would need how many required ice would you need one two and three but that goes down to two because you're unbuttoned that you are a low power low profile so it goes up to three now you might want to get that out but you could turn those two sixes into twos and a climbing is a target even though I'm low profile which is great for me because I'm hard to get and then I that last ice would do nothing I could turn that into a 1/4 movement I guess so you can move first yeah because you're a fast time yeah so you could do that in that order yeah turn that into long for movement zoom up if you get to here that actually would mean that you only you know looking over that and you would only need to turn those into that and you could then turn that one into a fire yeah but if you choose any of those options you'll still have the dice in the same bin yeah okay well I'll see how I do on the move you now make my decisions but that's a good idea okay all right so you know I'm not gonna get to them not gonna go the headshot to move them up out and see where it gets you I I think I have a little idea no that will just end up getting hired by both which is okay probably no debate going on inside yeah alright what do you should go this way were you an idiot yeah so I could make him learn like this no no no that's absolutely fine okay I'll just zoom up there eight inches of coursing the tank decisions are made by kicking the driver yeah so obviously there are a lot of kicking right so now you've got a choice do you want to require me using those three twos as they could be or do you want to not require me and get that out the sim bin I mean I think having the opportunity to acquire me and aim is a great opportunity at the moment is you are hard to get here and then at the end of the turn flying that turret down yeah and that would happen route airstrike dice I think I will do that yes I will use the three to acquire my target yeah and that's for the two threes the three or three to three twos and then the three to aim the three to a you're ready to fire next turn and then I climb down the you climb down the hatch so there you go check them back up so as you can see this loads of decisions to be made about how you can use those dice I mean he could really have just turned all those sixes into ones and you've driven the hell out of way but the thing to remember for me is he's moved so I'm not aimed anymore so that's the double bonus not only have you all your crew are focused on me and you're aimed at me I've lost my aim because you moved so good situation to be in a Sir Anthony absolute Oh Monty oh I could work I'll pop us in here so I'm gonna one I've got a couple of two's yeah I've got fires which you're useless to me yeah I'm hoping for Nikolas to catch up and help me out in remember you have more oh well there we are clank clank if so that's the downside of being a fast tanker get into action before anybody else yeah well I've rolled poorly yeah so all I could do was move three it's pretty much true you can do that so the command is still out there scanning the horizon but there's all this industry nil still distracted by bird watching but I'm hearing gunfire slow down so marnix right so contestant number three then we go what are we rolled right now I've got a name you've got two M's I have and the six fish America I need a six to reload from last time okay so take a low five to realize that five to reload so that's what I mean so that I can turn the six into a five to reload then I'm gonna fire and under use these to aim dice to get plusses Wow now I cheated last time actually so I thought I had I haven't used all my movement that I realize I have I don't get a free three when I when I fire I can turn any of my other dice into a three as it happened I hit you by yard so didn't really matter so I'm gonna actually turn this one into a three as well because I'm really focusing on my aim and if it goes wrong I've got this one that is going to allow me to maybe reverse a bit out of trouble but anyway we'll see so I am aiming I need a six to hit but it's through some cover so I need a seven however six five four so forth honey fall on two dollars yeah wow that's the great thing about being a tank destroyer is that these guys are good I needed every minute of that oh now I remember today I'll get it every day I've got seven strike dice I got eight last time because he was out of his turret I'm Banga now he's buttoned up I only get seven - so again Nicolas could you possibly see lives and sixes I'll roll for my hits first of all two two criticals Oh interesting one there six is if I get more 60s than fives there's potential for critical hits now remember we did a bit of temporary damage that took that dice put it in that damage bin critical hits take dice away permanently and also do nasty things to your tank like you're not very good at moving you're not very good at aiming so you really want to avoid them so if I get and even just one that hit here I'm gonna do something critical - Sam come on and you don't want that no I don't five that's to save so so it evens is fine you don't have to roll critical saves because she can't also you are equal but we roll the dice you roll the dice again to see what the effect is of that so remember what you don't want is a thick yeah and it's so another dice in the bin so what we can see here is that I'm actually really shaking up that crew yeah by repeatedly getting those hits going in on and I'm ringing that Bell yeah what a tanker you on what injuries many people and you still have your one rich ID only is it but I don't want to use it actually because I got four dice I don't feel that he's in a strong position so I'm gonna I'm gonna risk it okay but I used one of my dice to acquire again so that's to aim again so I'm on target as well so mark that on my thing and do I button up I'm in combat now I am going to button up because I don't want him firing at me I've got my target in my sixty degrees my focus is on now so preservation so I'm tightening up okay okay so tail-end charlie I get to play my expansion last all right charlie depending on how you're ringing up the rear slowly so let's see what happened to me another gray road to be well lately true four three three right off I was in action but unfortunately I'm a bit out of things at the moment in many ways not to say that if you were closer that would be a perfect role you could you could move up you could acquire with a couple of dice which gives you great acquisition especially when you're unbuttoned because you you've got that advantage you could aim and aim well and then fire the problem is there's so much intervening terrain and frankly you're such a coward you're far away yeah it's not a good role in that situations come on carry lots of weight that tank so okay so I'm going to use the one dry dice and I get seven so move on up seven I'm coming as fast as I can alright just try and hold on Wow blitzkrieg yeah and that's it all the cards in dice out and away we go for the next round see who's first no bonuses this time No Oh bonuses this time we all used our sexes me where you going at four yeah here we go fatty one for mater I'm lost oh hey so we're we're in a rolloff so I'm definitely number four five for me but I mean go again six sixteen or right you get it okay okay roll the dice now don't forget you only get four because you've got two in the damaged air which I mustn't call the same being oh nothing call it okay right there we go so now my my my feeling paid off that's kind of the way you could possibly well he does get to reload you can do a lot of reloading III didn't borrow tank even in one of these into her into a drive dying which I will do that's that's probably your only option yeah yeah and where are you gonna drive to yeah it's worth mentioning you can't turn it into a six you can't turn it into a six to get your dice back you can turn it into one of the other four yeah okay I can I turn into a one-way only turning the wrong way yeah yeah so I'm thinking well I can't exactly swivel and escape so I might just reverse back okay well whatever you do if you move I lose my aim whichever way you go and that's kind of part of what you want on achieved you're probably not gonna disappear out shop but give it a go so one if you're going backwards you get one entry storable no it's not horrible but he's still within my 60 degree forward arc so I'm still I'm still getting acquired as a target but I've lost that aim okay right so that's you yep and make sure you go second this time so I'm gonna get to see if I can move up and help out what's that small voice from a long distance away is that Nicholas no it's just me down okay get the motor running yeah so I've got two ones there which you to drive dice plus I've got the six that I can use it by me too so I'm gonna I'm gonna come on up here with four now I know that I've got a threat to my front hmm and I'd rather face that front on the inside on Sunday Drive yeah looks menacing to me so I'm gonna roll for them and just take these two ones for me alright and see where that takes me see if I can come up whoa nice how about that there you go yeah all of a sudden the drivers found the accelerator yeah okay so I'm just going to dry tea breaks over line up here now I'm protected from Richard Stoke by the wood yeah so I know that I can advance safely now I haven't got any I've got enough twos to think about acquiring through this middle position know the shot you've got no sick so I could but I could but unfortunately one was happy that I kind of held back a little yeah gives you a bit more I'm gonna keep on coming I think no you're going to turn the six into a one genesee I'm going to turn the six into a one okay here we go drives out for another to drive Niccolo whoosh oh she's gonna take me up well right here all the way to the hawaii's right I mean are you gonna turn that turret you got that I've got my ears too small there we go I thought I was the fast tank put the pedal to the metal like I said he's finally figured out the gearbox yeah yeah whoosh we didn't realize it was like speed in first gear all the way up right the way you know why myself third Blair hopefully I can get something good yeah so plenty of acquisition dies and you can turn thats exactly that so your unbuttoned aren't you so you're looking over this bit of terrain here so you would need one two three four to acquire him but you could actually but you that goes down to three because you're unbuttoned so you can actually acquire him there yeah I think I will acquire yeah so so you use all those dice there you can't fire you can't relocate if you've got to have a critical aim so that what's happening there is the tank commander is going right yeah I've got him Sir I just need what armor-piercing round so the guys getting it that's very good I Suz that beam yes we're in the German tank area Achtung enjoy ladies right so we will I will roll the dice now as I'm number four now what do I want well I need a 3-2 re-aim remember I'm still acquired so I'll use that to Rio that's then gonna allow me to shoot and that's gonna allow me to reload and what I'm gonna do is going to turn that into an extra aim so I'll get a plus one when I'm far yes oh I'm through one minor obstacle yep so that would mean I hit on a six I'll hit on a seven but because I've got the extra one of them I hit on a six again now let me see if I can roll something very just marginally come on missed me yes well that's why they call me a tank destroyer I could have which I just forgot to do turned one of them into another three which would have meant I hit on a five I forgot to do it well you also you cheat it earlier so I bid what goes around comes around but I'm hanging again that's the main thing and I feel lucky I reckon I'm in a row of six and get the turn sequence which could put me in a good position all right well we have to roll for turn sequence again let's go let's go so for me if I lovely and for me oh not what I want - for me a set of six oh so you're what I don't for again three for the Schurmann right so much for my feeling of luck okay so Sam you're taking the the first slot yeah I'm kicking off with my lowly four dice hoping for a sec yeah that's right you're kind of just in that situation you can I just want to roll a one reverse the hell out of it and get you sixes back yeah let's see yeah yup well as you want I'm going to turn that into a one as well yeah I'm thinking I might try and rattle on up here to try oh yeah get behind for us don't particularly know exactly although it does put me into yours I'm laid on easygoing the bird walk oh you go you've caught him yeah that's right so you can maneuver freely there hip okay look at Richards I use my first one let's see how I go five I'm amazing you can roll them individually or you can roll them all together if you want it doesn't really very fact that you've now moved things that Richard loses his eye yeah oh not only have I lost my aim I've lost my acquired so we've got a chance now to get a bit of local City we don't double team me yeah I know this is like that that wrestling thing where you go oh yeah I like team I've got the two well makes the most of it I hope so because I'm already acquired on Nick you've got a name you can do you've got a reload if you want and I've got another hello fire yeah so what the way I'll probably do it is yeah but they don't have to make a decision because you might kill him in the first shot you don't but I'm saving the optimistic yeah yeah because that way I can go in fire reload iam fire but if you aim double I'm there and hit him yeah you're assured then next you're not assure diet but the next time you fire you get a plus wrong because it's the same target in stationary positions either you really want to try and hit him with the first shot all right and then the second one you already get a plus on so whack that in you're gonna hit him on you're looking over this right so get some room from where we are see looking over there so get one too so you got to the fourth so you got hit six hit him normally then you got seven eight nine nine but you are adding an extra rhyming times eight oh and actually okay so two dice please food ice this is a bit of a long shot you know yeah so so I lift it I'll reload yeah and fire again Jeff Eric you need a nine this time because you've got all that to right I'm gonna see if this to go first next next ok so you're reloaded yeah so movie Rain token over on your dashboard and that's very low risk strategy because I've not acquired him yet so he knows it's gonna be cool for me to get yeah you're regretting moving up that quickly now I don't have velocity I can hear whistling yeah somebody's just screened over the top of that tank anyway we're gonna be screaming yeah it's you yellow so okay play number three that's me so let's see if I'm gonna get some foods here to enable me to see where this nasty guys coming from so how many you need you need you're gonna need one two three four now you're on the button the best I can get is through is three which is not enough so you might want to think what you're gonna do with these dice and maybe do a bit of moving maybe cross may be able to try and get the ghost well I think that I might I might cross the obstacle with one with one dice okay so look been the first Drive dice to get over over there because I'm right up against it so yeah don't eat anything more than that no and then I might drive up to this one I think and take my chances yeah somebody knows this to turn into a a one to bring me up to this hedge so because Nick has moved you've already lost your acquired that's why you're right so let's see if I'm getting enough to get up to that age I might now the question is has he driven out is he in can I destroy this world the question is using the dog's favorite toy oh yeah now he's still in your required yes I know yeah so you've still acquired him okay and I am still um still in my vantage do that yeah because you can well can you see him still you've got a two left well there's no intervening right okay well thank you for moving your tanker I'm about to roll my dice see what we can do here mm-hmm-hmm Wow there was a tank yeah that's a war lots of options for me here and I've got to start moving well I may use the first one to cross that small obstacle yep and I'm gonna use the next one to drive as fast as I can or do I wrote it you could never get a safe shot I'm gonna roll one dice so I rotate and up to 90 degrees or then only go five inches oh now I need you come help me now I feel like acquiring here oh how many do I need to cry but I am buttoned up remember so that's one two three I can't acquire you if I could I could have aimed and fired the world aren't life is well the pressure I've stood life's tough really and I'm also uh I haven't aimed I'm unloaded so at but at the moment I'm in a good position so that ends my turn and I feel lucky I feel like I'm the rover six in this next brave and go first mad well let's let's give them a rest so for me it's a five or six idea for whoa four for me six woman yeah yeah yeah six so I'm on the two the one where I row up so I didn't quite get to come go first really once a day last hopefully I get to go before you okay great so I'm last again I would that ship Yogi's last ride however I would prefer all the disadvantages of going first thank you - okay my plus one back you do right okay you can roll sir I would indeed with my four dice yeah come on now you've got a great knowledge that everybody's focused on and you can go and kind of go right lads let's try and get that morale up again yeah yeah we can hang back a little I always get the sixes for the turn order I'm gonna do not what I need them no so you're gonna put a movement there you haven't acquired anybody you know I don't get anybody first of all I'm going to I'm gonna actually unbutton just so ya know I'm gonna spend this one at the very end so you can try that now but it just thanks for all of this turn you count as being buttoned up so you can't say I'm unbuttoning and now I can see you hand crank yeah that's right yeah so yep let's see how we do for movement seven seven no and you don't forget you can you can because you're a fast tank you can tell them one of these into one in which - I'm just thinking I should have actually declared a pivot there but too late now - Lena still got the little bit of wiggle room on it yeah you have yeah you know you don't go ninety degrees and minutes you know yes that's okay you know I'm going to turn another one of these into a one yeah so you're probably going to get there yeah absolutely so all the way up wherever you like about that yeah yeah great okay we're all starting to to cram into this back area of the book we're getting into a nasty little brawl interestingly this great opportunity to rallies tank up but the guys those that round crashing off the thing obviously really shook them up probably good thing they didn't you be shook up if you got shot by stug yes yes yeah yes I think if I got shot biased ugh I'd be more a thin red pace I don't know they could track me by the brine piant back to me alright so my role all right away you go oh that's not good ouch whole lot of love so or maybe not as mmm so it's are you are you gonna whine yeah seems these two threes for aiming yeah shut and reload yeah I guess what I'm gonna do yeah I think that's a good cool and from where we are now oh we got one too in the way or you could do this there's options here you could aim ha ha shoot oops reload shoot and reload but that depends on getting the first shot what do you need to hit 6 7 8 you need to hit so you might be if you do that I'll take it to the 7 on the other hand you might get two shots getting an early days yeah so yeah I'll go with it iam here yeah let's become a three yeah and this will become a 3 as well right to make it 7 right okay sure yeah wants to make sure no no interesting choice there cuz if you'd have the second shot you don't have to goes of getting 8 yeah I know what you mean once you hit you were on target and you're gonna make me start twitching trying to do the math I'm happy with that so yeah ok right you're go yeah ok so let's see where we go I've got 6 dots and I'm hoping I can get some not enough well I don't know one across the hair two three four yeah and I don't have enough to get to turn those into you could you could move I could move good night I don't like being stuck side on through snug no that sounds like a bad place to be I'm gonna use one dice here to move up to this head roll for you could be a new way up to ramming speed okay so one taken to the edge one yeah I will do in a moment I can turn that as I go so I'll go turn that into there then his mother went to go across there with me in the road right I lose my M and my acquiring this third one to move across into here so I'm hoping I can get a nice side shot on you but not yet yeah that way only mildly nervous good I can understand that about that because I'm now out of that deadly ARCA five this is where buttoning up is all of a sudden you've lost your target and it's right here we go hello Treach i need support and please don't just say over the radio you can do it you can do it you can do it I've every confidence right okay turning that into a one yeah okay oh gosh there's a nasty man there yeah I'm waiting Bowie I'm prepared to take one for the team here if I have to do it I've gotta be it right so there we go that's that can i acquire him I'm buttoned up yeah turn that there what do I need I need one two three and I've only got two - no good no close but no cigar no however I'm gonna use that dice therefore to row hot oh no go for him go for him and that's it still doesn't give me enough to acquire him but at least I'm front onto him yeah I've got to do it I'm that's it I'm sorry that's all I can do but it's very less me I'm self-preservation suddenly became foremost in my mind yes okay that's arrived at your kind top of the round indeed myself 600 that's what you want and I broke a wall on the right guy and I roll a 5 right dance-off so I'll just take my customer in done before our 2 3 so I get 3 you get 2 I get 2 sorry 2 and I get 3 okay tutus are critical right yes so to turn my turret I would have to turn one of them into one wall yeah so you could turn that 60 degrees which puts you there yeah and that would be a sight shot and that would be a lovely side shot and you've got a fire are you unbuttoned now you're buttoned up but you see over that you just seem on the - yeah battle right now and now you get a shot yeah and no more you silly aiming you just get shot and I reload in the shot all right so two days please Shh I'll give you two unlucky dice as I did before like I'm looking for you're looking for sixes you just did this is no obstacles you're right up against it so you just hitting on sixes all I can think of right now is an anime no one is a very rubble war money is very because it means that it's something Bad's happening the turret in your tank and it means that you lose your acquired and you're aimed status and you lose all the rest of your dice for the rest of that no that's what I'm just paying you back for all those games where you humiliating I'm gonna play this a card that we aren't from a previous game yeah so it's called hell driving hell bro everybody here so you can get these with your little extra abilities well one of the things you get as you rack up kills and we played a game earlier just to get these guys familiar and these two guys got a kill each yeah and so as a result of that with one kill they get one card from the tank a day and they can play that once in it in in this game if they get more kills I get two three four cards which just gives them a little bit of an edge to reflect the fact these are more experienced tankers who've we've got those kills under their belt and understand the battlefield a bit better this is pedal to the metal right we're in trouble let's get outta Dodge at any time yeah even not during your activation it gives me one free Drive action it does so you can go to dice forward if you want so you might decide to remove one DC what's gonna happen is no the greet ain't alright 90-degree turn to present your front armor and turn out their arteries okay far their ideas us think yes yeah okay that's like going in the fight isn't it yeah got you can be defensive or aggressive with it so it's a great card you can use it in your own turn if you just want to zoom up the table or you can use it in this situation to just present that frontal armor rather than your side armor and worth so you can get there's eight cards in the tangka deck but you don't get to choose which one you get you get dealt one from the pack and that's all bonus yeah that was good one for you yeah that was a lot of the tank misfired in the commander went get us up front okay well let's see if I can reclaim some of my dice now I can shoot and reload well the thing is have you acquired a target no I have not so you need to acquire a target between so just get that dice Atlas in beer and be happy that your recurring you know I'm the guy that's in business right out of the damaged I've been watching too much Six Nations yeah and okay you're back up to five dice really more on getting the crew back feeling good about because I just grab the litter don't do it at home folks right Nicola three right okay whoa this is the winter of your discontent this is where whole lot and of 66 now I haven't even acquired my target you know I need to do this but I think you might do I need one too looking through the hedge and out the thing you're not buttoned you need for them to turn them in so I need one I need to be off I forgot the button I just don't want to turn it into it's too late now so you got those twos okay no you can aim yep you can fire yep you can reload yep and you could turn that into a four and fire again let's see where we go we go with the go so as a drive dice two turns let's see so let's see where you get now at the moment you're gonna hit on seven because you've got him and there's one one level of ya interval in terrain yeah that's the word the hedge which is currently sitting on top of hay is vaguely I'm skipping yeah bit of gardening okay so bird-watching got the birds nests no wonder they lost I'm feeling lucky after that after your result just now yeah I think that is about started to win the war from here with the very nice thing right so what's your strike so Nicolas at the strike of six I need is six right well I'll let you choose which do you want with all green all growing Wow go for it's nearly spring it is I'm going with yellow which is my character trait no so yeah I've rolled three hits and again sullen two sixes so if it's gonna if we're gonna get any hit it's gonna be critical hit all right so can you get oh we have got two negatives which means one is critical and the second one is ordinary so we're going to roll the dice to see what part of your tank he's hit is it going to be the turret or is it going to be the house for the critical then yeah this is see where the critter it's on the house so I mean yeah when you move you're going to take one inch off per movement dice are coming in now but more importantly one of your command dash is gone for good cuz that wherever to go here and the other one the second hit is a temporary hit so that goes on a damage dice so know for all to see no that's the crew so you don't that you don't dice to see which one of your crew is crying right so well shall we slam another one on him do things while you've got to do this reload and fire again and fire again so you've got a role to hit now remember you get a plus-one it's a stationary target the same place so you're hit on the six now fingers crossed just about yes so once again we've got all your on button no your button down from root six roll would I say arm is not affected by the you still have the same defensive see and this time nothing perfect however you could still get a draw so yeah yeah which might be no they go it's absolutely fine and I'm gonna and now they didn't the lid on my tank and get down inside the turret so unloaded right now I have got mmm an interesting handful of dice here I've got two acquisitions I need one two three I'll turn that into a 2 and like that have got about that and I've got a name and I can antique and I've got a fire but I can turn any dice into a name as well because I am a tank destroyer so I'm going to do that so I'm going to hit him on six seven eight down to seven I need to dice here fail abysmally oh thank goodness and that's that turn out I unloaded again right I did not want to lose my dice just after I got it back let's take them out and I am because I got the double on I would have fired yeah lost my dice and I would be on literally yeah exactly all right roll for all right roll from round yep all replying a two for me and two for me five I gotta to do again all right so you're one I'm actually two I've achieved coming things are out having rolled two twos this has not been my game okay my guys are no panicking yeah yeah mine actually well that's right you've only got four dice now cool yeah so will you hire your required Oh God you're rained and I'm reload we know all you can do in that situation is reload and stay calm so you can go sorry yeah you can walk across you know you can acquire that's right okay so I roll mine next this is where I want I've got a reload for no and then I'm gonna fire and then I'm gonna reload and then I'm gonna fire and then I'm gonna reload and then I might think about driving off on the victory lap I can turn the to into name how good does it get so that's the stug life sticks are a great tank in this you can see why the Germans use them in such numbers there are really effective killing machine well hopefully in the right hands they are so I've hit nine yeah I score right now I need seven dice for me you'll button that too let's see what I get in terms of hit I've got through oh I'm not buttoned up I forgot to at the end of my last one you did so I'll roll an extra dice still only three but roll three five so it's not gonna be a critical hit but hey it's still three hits to net hit we that means you take two dice out and put them in the not sin bin which is called a damaged dice area right and not closing I've got two dice left really not happy and I'm the roll again now I need this retarget stationary target so I get a plus for that and priory fail abysmally but I do reload as the final action and it is worth saying because I don't think we have said it is that once you get to zero command dice your tank will bail out your crew will bail out of the tank and run off damaged or destroyed in in damaged or destroyed so if you if you get all your Dicer in the damaged being all the sin bin is what allows call it then that represents the fact your crew a bailing out it's bad enough and they're gonna lick it in a min away that sounds bad but actually if your tanker is a nice and hiyori's got those rings of kill rings on his barrel and he's getting the bonus cards it's good because he gets to get a new tank and come back still with all those bonus cards it's easier to replace a good tank a good tank crew absolutely right and that's what it reflects and as you play through overran numerous games and your crew gain experience you want to look after those guys and you're happy for them to buy out and run off rather than to get blown up so don't really to dice well edge here was three up four on one one god there's a damage that was completely knocked away was it no no I haven't had any oh yes right so who is that it's my newphew obviously the kiraku the driver at least the driver is very but you are using TNT alright now I'm not aimed and so I am acquired did acquire I'm not yeah you don't like these odds oh it's not good odds is it know you've seen I can realize over edge reverse lock on you and you know that they're slamming that 75 mil shell at the spell I can reload I can acquire him mmm and I can aim aim okay you can't last night to acquire him takes to because she's behind the hedge I know the way our table is slightly masking that yeah so I could acquire for the crime it had me acquired though mmm I did you can't show your own and that's and that's it yeah and I know I could move so actually interestingly both of you ain't both of you on target both of you are loaded and it's who comes up first the only thing I'm going to do is is rotate to face him off Oh something I was gonna measure all I can think of right now is an anime that John showed me years ago where two tanks ran up head dead and started actually fight sword fighting with their turrets most ridiculous thing I've ever seen it wasn't Laureus if you like tongues if you like anime check out girls and I'm right you're right yeah all three of them little are you gonna get my t3 this is where I get all three sixes not bad so you're not quiet no so you need to cry me uni you're not buttoned up because we know we know I was out would you like to take two days back oh and button up yeah that's what I'm doing I'm taking two of mine back oh yeah that's probably better and then just him yet yeah yeah that's it so he's getting his crew back in action right and that's it let's put the tickets back in the middle yeah yeah let's roll the dice to see who's going to go first I'm feeling good this time ooh that looks good Sakura matix for you that's even better for us for me a five okay well alright number four six for me five five you so I'll take three I think no humor say yeah yeah good part I went to a good school five dice of your area the drill field the control yeah come on batter up the tower let's go guys now's the time I can feel it in my bones okay not bad I don't think I can acquire that but you can't get your other dice back you can get your own fire next right yeah it's your call yeah I think that's pretty much all I can do right now because I can't acquire I can't okay right spike right what a waste of a four-term one yeah hoping for a four yep I am you know I haven't shot this entire game I know that's this was a magic hand for me now oh gods because this is gonna be could it be magic this is machine gun fire gonna be coming in here she's gonna be shoot reload shoot reload isn't it so we've got yeah I main time acquired so I'm going to be shooting reloading reloading I might even just you could might add one into it you could reload shoot reload make that an extra aim the front end which I think that's one of which will be nuts you hit on a six yeah oh well in that case you can hit on a five okay in that case sayonara buddy right lucky shamrock or something now only two it can you bounce that on I guess you can but roll the dice to see what I got now you got three we got three we can break it down so okay so I'm gonna realize superior German engineering and fire again let's see if I can nail Nick yeah again yeah all right hiking the wing mirrors off this time another two whoo-hoo see that ten work yeah whoo right so roll the dice to see what the effect is six so you lose one of your dice in the same beam yeah fired so I'm going to finish this unloaded so I make sure that I know that set properly on there so two dice here we go here we go two three four six oh come on it was pushing way too hard oh yeah right it's really good I guiding down roll those golden dice you next yeah come on dice treat me nice oh that's not bad it's not bad deal so he little shoot reload shoot I'll take that that's that'll do you two - you hit on six yeah have you hitting before no no because he's moved around right so six to hit okay come on right so your strike is seven Nikolas your armor in six weeks are you unbuttoned I am at least banned sorry red so slightly better gun three hits and it would be a critical if it is Ron so roll the dice Nikolas just one save one critical hit you lose one - permanently roll the dice to see what we're about youever wallet Tim and it's on the turret which means that he's a - want to hit from now so you've damaged his optics which should be like a drink is a terrible thing and ice is enough to drive you - I got one in the damaged ice box it's not the same boom right okay so does it fold or end the tank end attack well if you get three net hits if you've got one more night hit need a little bit oh really down the tank are you coming that Mouse you you're doing some real stonking damage to this tank yeah lucky really you were unlucky so this is me oh now I am acquired I am aimed so I'm gonna fire I'm gonna reload I'm the fire I'm gonna reload and I don't know I can run away which I'm gonna an extra aim which I'm going to do so I'm hitting on 6 5 7 8 becomes 7 2 dice yeah so and I need that seven dice I'll take some of these lucky green ones against your against my armor of seven right so let's see what we get and I've got three net hits it's not a critical if we do the die yet can I get some more dice here no I prefer if you didn't help me for more for more thank you alright let's see how we go see what three hits to compete with even so roll the dice to see what the effect is to those so you withdraw 2 inches now interestingly because you've moved yes I lose my aim ah so I knew so having gone having used that 6 to acquire our shot and I've reloaded I need to use that 6 I was going to reload at the end to turn that into another aim yeah and I'm firing again but I still need an 8 because I've had to yeah reload and I'm not getting any bonuses now I could if I won't turn that remaining dice you already did it I've already done it yeah these are six weeks based dice tires have been left all right yeah we have where I keep telling this to everybody everybody I say on camera as soon as you're on camera the mathematical probability aren't gone oh that's true there no longer exists some 1/0 they are now in a wormhole cars in the middle roll the dice see who goes first let's see just in three I have three as well so I think going first six six is nice and I've got three three-railers in a dance-off now on life five three great so you are and you know great and I'm second line third you raw where's the I already have you stow it laughs tarnish all right so I'm unloaded yeah and I'm activating first and poor dice yeah and I'm gonna reload and then I'm gonna shoot well now you're gonna reload and then I'm gonna realize I'm gonna reload I'm gonna shoot and I'm gonna realize okay good plan let's see if we could nail him once and for all I believe it he miss my belief was misplaced sorry inside right okay so I am now trace your line usually I reload and I'm unnamed but I throw the first thing I'll do is aim and then I'm gonna fire and then ideally I'm gonna reload and aim and fire again but let's see if I can manage that because I might hit him and blah blah blah or I might not so I'm just gonna hit six seven eight yes yeah that does it cover television right in there right that hasn't been invented yet no right and that's one two three net hit it won't be critical because I've got two fives and one six that's the ozone OCS here oh so net once a warm Dyson you sembène so I'm the simba that isn't called the sin bin just call it the sin then I'm gonna sit reload turning that into a five and I'm gonna have whatever five and under a fire going that into a four and I am actually going to turn that into a plus yes I haven't done that this turn so I can hit 107 with this one but it becomes a six yeah because I'm already getting a +4 hit yeah yeah stationary target and you had a hit him nice nice let's see let's see how nice it is not very nice at all - got to - we'll see will your defense and see how it goes oh we didn't hear that one no she's a real ding-dong Valero just flew into the turret Oh a four and a five so I loaded loaded shoot yeah it is mine by me so reload fire two dice to green mmm and I'm hitting on six yeah actually you haven't moved no no no still hitting on a six don't get better okay Oh No yeah he's in the open five yeah and that'll latinum that will do so I need three more - please it's not critical again but we'll see what the damage does soon about right I roll the dice to see what the morale effect two three three he pulls back three inches then you lose your aim he's up against a hitch can he go back three inches squish yeah no more hedge no those poor woodland folk so right my third few yeah with your far back up yeah I've done I did have six you did yeah yeah you get knocked down then you get up again you're they ain't never gonna keep me down absolutely top of the pops - yeah fortunately with the right percentage I can't a quiet I can't acquire any target but you're a fast tank don't forget yeah I do want to start moving a bit no you're gonna start to your some me don't I'm gonna turn that into a one yeah that gives you six dice of movement yep so I'm gonna use one to move up to here so yeah roll the dice get to the hedge you know or not yeah well doing Jesus doing my role that I want to get over there next one to cross yep and who you line up on me or him Oh choices choices absolutely hi I'm gonna see how far my movement with the curse movement does yes Rollo's gold and died after their yeah yeah and then reverse u-turn you rotate your turret like that now I know I'm gonna get hit in the side here well I got to move I've got I'm an acquired now I'm uh named you've gone out of my arc so I've got to get a lot of dice to dribble around and reacquire you and do all that what's happened is of tankers just flash past the place of my vehicle and we're going where they gone or something like those tickets back in the middle yeah and then roll to see where we go stop I got a six you got a six I got a five six I got a six Wow let me take the fall I get a six I have a two so I have the three all right I'll grab the one okay not the sequence not the sequence you were looking for who's that ah you you are loaded so your hands are I will think that I've lost my M hmm I've completely lost my yeah so I think I can do nothing your Glamdring about your crew of that shaken up right shut up Jerome says icon maintenance who's to you I am too so let's see how we do this is where some acquires and blows me off yeah I kind of get the to remember I'm turned 1 into mu cookie go over there drive up there whilst rotating your turret turn that turret sorry well rotating your tour our aim and fire and all that but all you do is turn that into that let's do that then take me away X Rock right that's how I do for the second movement yeah wonder if try one that first because you might get to there and then just turn straight on it I see so you can roll the two dice individually can do okay so first one six six turn 90 degrees with the second one you've acquired him you've aimed put all your things on the quieter named yep you are already loaded yeah so I can do my one shot this again but it could be the wall business it could it be magic right you need six to here let's see how it goes I have strike of six yeah two days of two night shoot this game no no no okay yeah so now yeah you are side on so your critical hits are now five and six and your ordinary hits are four so fours fives and six to hit so roll the dice let's see what you do live hit and four of them are critical that means solid German engineering here is 5e engineered Jetson that was absolutely guaranteed not just a not yet but to blow you up with a crew absolutely critical here and knocks off obviously somebody like those guys thank you right Nicholas it's your turn is it yeah gosh can you do one others have failed yeah [Laughter] sorry straight aim and a reload so I don't need any of those again as for you so I'm totally an acquired totally don't know whatever so but I've got a lot of love yeah I'm gonna use that to rotate 180 degrees oh yeah I only use that to acquire but it's through a bit of that so I'll use another one of them to acquire I'm gonna use that to aim I'm use that to aim again and I'm use that to fire in the rear with the gear well yeah that's right there are shots that are almost guaranteed to succeed but we've already seen one of them fails so who knows what can happen here I need six I need to go to Vegas I need great dice I'm here yeah they fit me and I get seven dice yep yep I am hitting in the rear which means I'm hitting on threes fours fives and sixes and fours fives and sixes are critical and I rolled a loader welcome to you got three though including two critical is it oh yeah dear the mark better my critical watching please four five six yes five six or criticals fours fives and sixes so three crazy critical critical damage I almost want you to succeed you've hit the sandwich box on the between avoid all laws of probability that was for that was that was the fourth one to go so this is the turn where I feel like I'm gonna be lucky and go first four four four four night first but the key one is him last night to tell you I just need to write your name on okay are there six I'll take this for six we were all against sounds like three four three five so I'm on - I'm on one right okay this is it this is it little bit finish it yeah I've got that is me we knew that falling off me roll them up well your end your aimed are you loaded I am not loaded well you can reload yes and I'm not ready for a next turn yeah but I still got that guy behind me a new Ram it is possibly the round but you also do damage to your own gang possibly as well so probably not worth it right now just gonna reload yep just reload is all I can do all right or you can drive off yeah I'll just leave leave relation okay I'm not in the perfect position there's a big scary tank behind me I think you might be thinking about moving there to be honest but okay you want to kill him yeah the way the Knights have gone so far oh he's true so you've reloaded so you're okay on that so I need to him yeah so I'll become a three yeah and then you can shoot and then I will fire yeah so two guys to hit six or seven have you hit him in that position people now removed so seven okay mmm that'll do that'll do it all right give me five more dice I have one lucky Green is bound by oh bloody Nora this is running out of ammunition in a minute yeah this is when we all jump out and start fist fighting so Nicholas you yeah okay I've got four guys coming in that will do me hopefully do you go to the point would you get low fire reload basically okay let me have it okay so I will hopefully so I need to hear it that's gonna be sufficient for and now I'm gonna hit strike with six yeah no I'm not nothing you missed the crews are becoming tired after the Herculean effort of trying to blow up my Panzer and I'm really tired I'll show you again you should finish shooting again finishing off you missed take your white dice take your white dice and we'll roll to see what my command I saw so I need to reload well I need to turn that into a five I'm gonna die they denied him and fire aim aim and fire which would mean I've already aimed I've already hit him before in that position so I'm hitting on sixes five four three two three yeah months and and I need another three please yeah and then remember we're hitting on threes here yeah for two criticals oh oh we like it oh that's painful that's six critical hits right and you have got another seven yeah this is where you roll there we go not in r2 so bang well not only are you your tank destroyed because I've got so many critical hits you explode as well and you go sailing off into the atmosphere I think I'm the biggest tanker here yeah well the tanker good game good game good well the issue now because I'm outnumbered two to one now it gives me the chance to actually pull off I can do the end of the game you know yeah that's that game we'll finish there yeah and that's the probably the longest game of what tank it is unlikely dice rolling I mean normally again they're two on twos last half an hour at the most yeah but there we go I mean just some incredible dice rolling through the that's one of the best days I've ever done on camera well and and equally yes just remarkably right well is there anything else you guys would like to talk about for water tanker before we close up this video well I mean I think the we've used 28 mill models here but you can which kind of compresses the game a bit you can use 15 mill models and that kind of gives probably a better feel of the distances involved but hey you know there's nothing nicer than a nice 28 more beautifully painted tank so let's let's go with that yeah a look if you were doing 15 mill mm instead of having this being per tank hmm I would say this is perfection well it could do so if you had two factions on the channel black someone comes in mm-hmm everybody gets to do the faction faction to you does all their stone and it speeds it up maybe a little yeah good yeah yeah yeah yeah everybody I'll tell you what drop your comments in below tell us what you think of what a tanker I have really enjoyed this game it is a light arcade game but you can go as deep historically as you want thanks to rich and Nick for bringing in Levon the look we'll see you another time we hope you enjoyed this let's play go ahead and check out our other content on screen noise and be sure to check out beasts of war comm for the latest gaming news and gaming Let's Plays um while you're at it why not hit subscribe and remember to ding our dong go on you know you want to click it go on
Channel: OnTableTop
Views: 27,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: historical, Miniature Wargaming (Game Genre), Wargaming, too fat lardies, Tabletop Gaming, ontabletop.com, Beasts of War, what a tanker, let's play, world war ii, Tabletop Game (Game Genre), world war 2, OnTableTop, Hobby (Interest)
Id: -4m9X8VrzxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 48sec (5208 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 17 2018
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