This LOCKED TRUNK wasn't even the BEST FIND, going through the pallet bought at the storage auction

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[Music] that's cool yes sir thanks you think oh there's been a lot of books on that and here you guys I have not been showing you oh I see you there for fire boom big speaker I think what is this ooh macht trunk [Music] all right with a little cold today what's up vodka nuts all right we're back at my unit this is my unit this is where I stashed all the boxes from the pallet auction I went to recently about seven pallets and it's all in here and well you probably already know that because this is like part one like five or six we've been going through the stuff finding great stuff lots of music equipment audio stuff speakers yes good stuff good stuff well hey if you're new to the channel here's what we do we buy storage lockers at the auction in this time this case we did buy pallets but normally we buy storage lockers that's what we do just like storage wars on TV this is the real deal guys that we take you on the adventure with us going through boxes and that's why I got this GoPro on right here we're about to go diggin you know I love this part it's so fun and well and we might be getting towards the end of the pallets but don't worry I got I have another Locker you know we got we got morning we're not gonna run out of stuff we're not gonna run out but let's get to this right now alright there it is there's the unit bulb is still burned out little dark but wow look at all the room we have again pretty nice right that's because I put all that stuff on the trailer to go to the flea market tomorrow that entire trailer is full of the stuff that used to be in here most of it was over on this side here tons and tons of stuff a little bit from over here of course we're not bringing the nice audio equipment out to the flea market none of the Bose vintage speakers not that big programmable spotlight nope that stuff's going a different way right now though we're gonna pull out well let's see we still have to look at what this thing is right we know what that is we don't know what that is we got I think we tapped into this box but this one this one this one this one this one this one this one and yeah it looks like your little shelf right here all those are still yet to go through let me stop the chatter and get to it alright I got this little table set up right here let's go through this box I don't have super high hopes in this box cuz I see a lot of paperwork but you know what that's a good one to start with I always like to finish strong when I can save the better for later not much good stuff going on in this one here this is mostly court paperwork child custody when some kids dead most of that tote was really depressing everything's in the garbage can pretty much except for these two let's look in those right now but mate there's just a whole bunch of court paperwork's and stuff for child support and seems like the mom actually had had custody in the beginning and then somehow the court awarded the father full custody so then she basically kidnapped her kid and then got arrest for child abduction that's some serious serious serious stuff there's some kind of a child basically a lo Papoose modern-day Papoose more paperwork and more court stuff you do we got this Fox oh yeah I remember this part I went through this very early on well we didn't really go through it we just opened it Cheers stools thank you for like musicians and what's a good quality cables it looks like that's this Sound Blaster creative this creative labs is for a computer my thing was a drum that's cool Oh [Music] that's cool I don't see a maker mark looks like it's got a plug and a strip of LED lights inside so it looks like the drum lights up from the inside all right the bottom there we had pretty nice and remote from LG there's Toshiba Toshiba Denon that's good that's good we got the Denon tuner over there somewhere yeah pretty nice bike walk here master lock with a combo and I do not know the combo so we got another box mark speakers and I think we peaked in this one before hey thanks sue like when I was loading it I think manual my PC before yes sir thanks you think oh I think this is the other bones that's what I think it is yes that's how I knew about it oh wait a second there's another one or something similar no confuse it what is it yeah that's definitely another bow is right here okay don't you see that it's got the looks like jet engines sticking out so cool and a little boozy there's a loose right here yeah this is the bottom alright but this looks like the same okay this is actually pretty cool because we already have one back in the back there now we have two more and there's another one so we have four of these and yeah that's good a little bit dirty that can be cleaned up let's just hope the speakers are in good condition okay these suckers are heavy okay getting a nice little collection these guys going on I think it this look what I think is he choking it open up swear to see what it is goes up on the wall yeah that's nice alright next box we definitely mystery this one cuz it was an ulti - ugh mmm doesn't look like it's it really matters old towels toaster yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's gonna cool can opener no queue got some DVDs you let's you can go in the box nice nice cool a big walk but that's definitely seen better days it's all scratched up let's see what kind of condition these room decent with three doors down live sounds good cool little cell there's I don't know 20 bucks here alright next box now I'm spoiled now I would just want audio clip in every box here's a sleeping bag it's good this is a brass spittoon it appears to be now it's actually pretty cool huh not bad books are not good though Alcoholics Anonymous there's a look there's been a lot of books on that and here you guys I have not been showing you has been a lot what's this a little space heater you won't probably feel that though okay let's see what's in here this thing is really heavy so I'm guessing it's probably well it's probably another speaker maybe just like that one right there that's what my guess that's what it feels like it's super heavy let's see only one way to find out all right that is indeed what it is pretty cool here we go now we've got a pair okay all right Oh got some housewares okay hmm all right nice pillow lampshade seen better days all right the nice pillow those are good cat scratcher what is this ooh locked trunk it's got something in there in his that a locked trunk oh I think it is I don't know I don't know maybe not because it's got the tape but we'll definitely be looking in there what's this this is a it's a fan right for the fireplace pretty cool yeah just a little bit loose right here but hmm-hmm that's all right probably more for decorative okay here's a little little layup to go with the shooter right there huh well soap advertisement looks like they did a modge podge on it didn't do such a great job because it's all flaking and cracked still it's got a vintage look sorry this is cool maybe this old globe I mean I faked here oh it's all cracked to you hmm all right what got some older looking stuff oh that's interesting that is interesting okay wait this is garbage this is interesting oh my goodness look what we got here this is cool this is really cool old ashtray those are becoming collectible this is a pipe stick what are we calling this for a pint these are all pipes look at this you guys tighten Pakistan [Music] this one made in USA companion who these are cool this is some money right here imported briar where's the manufacturing mark these poles oh this one's cool that was neat very very cool Darby imported briar from Italy and the brand is Darby that one is beautiful yes sure excelsior Deluxe reported briar excelsior deluxe Wow that's that is really interesting looking I don't see manufacturer mark on it then oh there is one Ben Wade handmade in Denmark oh yeah that's gonna be some money Dean's imported breyer Viking made in the USA that's pretty sweet yeah yes that was not his initials this is like ceramic right here looks like what about ceramic those are so cool looking I don't see you manufacturer mark on this one either I'm 40 Breyer Jumbo's this is a great find right here hmm I don't see manufacturing work on here almost looks like I said something right here I'm 40 briar tomahto my so tomahto I don't know Reagle dr. graybow gr a bo w and here's last one algerian Breyer made in croc frog and this is a Dyson D is owen oh that's so cool we got all these parts to that are super cool dang you guys this is really good fine I think there's some value here and we might be looking at a hundred bucks right here that would be my guess at at least 100 bucks maybe I haven't sold a pipe for over a hundred bucks before but it was brand-new but some of these if these are collectible this could be easily a hundred bucks and maybe even a couple hundred bucks we've got something else new teen shoe bucks okay it's light okay let's get in here shall we yeah that's a lot less exciting than living thing is collectible pipes hmm 1999 this one's heavy they're heavy oh I see you at the fire how'd you how'd you Oh what do we got here all right crate see a 30 D 30 watts that's a nice little guitar amplifier oh look how cool it looks create acoustic Oh big speaker I think another big speaker OPV that's good SP 5xt that's got to be that's got to be some money right scorpion equip whatever that means but Peavey's good bring in decent super cool 500 watts Dean it's powerful all right here is the last box Oh such sweet but sad feeling to be all the way through I hear some room it's not gonna be as exciting as I want it to be not being pessimistic just being realistic okay yep this is just for show little Bob T what all that for reals I didn't think it was much in here but I think was that little that's how it happened sometimes cool all over that's it that's it drum roll brings us to a close great finds though I don't know about the drum but those speakers back there and the bow in the back gets kind of dark back there but they're back there oh wow such good stuff great finds really I'm happy with this palette by the first time I went to the palette options got lucky really happy the second time not so much a lot of furniture a lot of just low to medium grade items a lot going to flea market some on my trailer right now going out tomorrow the last of it but this was a good one this is a good buy so I I think my intuition was right on this one so I haven't made $1 yet on this locker because talent you know what I mean I haven't made $1 because I well from when we'd be getting rain out of the flea market for two I just don't even know where to begin like with the Bose speakers for example I tried to find the stands for them they have the stands and a little controller if I had that it would be worth way more but at least I found a second pair so we have for those vintage Bose speakers that's pretty cool these speakers everything I'm gonna have to somehow test them I don't want to sell them to cheat untested I gotta figure how to test all these items so I can sell them and get decent money that money's gonna roll in maybe I'll do a follow-up and share with you how much money we bring in but more than likely tune in for our Monday live shows because I'd like to update you guys on stuff on that show it's just a much better way to get across like what we've been selling where we're at and that sort of thing but who knows maybe I'll do a follow-up and show all the pieces that we sold and you know how everything came together well I hope you guys enjoyed it that's it for the palette unless I find a box or something here that I forgot about I'm pretty sure that's it who knows but anyways it's pretty much it for the pallets I hope you guys enjoyed that I sure did I'll be back next month I'll be buying some more I'll be sharing it with you hit me a thumbs up if you like this sort of thing like me bringing you along for the adventure and come along you know let's go let's go explore these boxes together see what we find it's so fun right make sure you subscribe to the channel if you haven't yet and hit the bell icon that's gonna set up your notifications to be alerted when we put out new videos and if you're not getting those alerts uncheck the Bell notification and recheck it it's a known glitch in YouTube and that is the known fix or workaround as of now alright thank you guys so much for watching more to come I've got another Locker that I rent for a month we just started going through it had the army bag the duffel bag went through that but it's got a trunk it's got some big cardboard boxes that one's interesting we're gonna get back to that next week unless I find more we'll have to see but as for this we've already explored this let's go find some new frontier together alright but until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on logging it mooning you like a new scratching post well really mmm seems to be a common theme in my family you know like the storage fans
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 25,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage pallet and found, found in storage unit, Found cash, What's inside, Huge profit potential, Opened Safe, I bought a pallet, pallet auction, storage pallet, moving company, pirate chest, what's in the trunk, kobe bryant
Id: GYqlM3Ex_1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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