Glock Mods

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Hey it caught 45 here I know you must be wondering why I'm posting a block modification video because the kind of famous were not modifying my blocks right just don't do much to them I like them pretty much stock but now there are there are a few things I do to them and I wanted to start by showing you a couple of my favorite modifications or add-ons how's that nothing more important than the hand and then some of this stuff right here you've got to have the ammo put your money in ammo put your money in picking up that gun wrapping it around it learning to shoot it right those are all joking aside two of the most important modifications get your hands on it as often as you can get ammo in it as often as you can get to the range as often as you can the two very most important modifications okay but what we're going to do here is take a couple take a look at a couple things I actually do modify and I haven't talked about much and I get a lot of questions about it what do I change internally do I change out the trigger and the sear just uh you name it barrels and whatever so let me talk a little bit about it I haven't done that we're so busy shooting we just will stop and do some of these basic things very often well you know what I do I I really don't do anything inside okay pretty much the bottom line it's I keep the stock Springs I don't change out the springs at all and you know the barrels I do have a couple of aftermarket barrels for shooting cast bullets and a couple of in the 45 and the 10 millimeter but I stock barrels there's nothing changed in and I don't change on PC R triggers I mean none of that I just every Glock I have fall whatever it is twelve fourteen whatever I have now everything inside the gun is stock okay Irie order Springs every now and then recoil springs particularly for the guns I carry or shoot the most that once a year a couple of years try to replace them truth truth the B no no I thought shotguns five six seven eight nine years with the same spring and not any trouble but there's a go I'm going to rely on Evelyn I've got the wrong to do better about that I'll try to order them every now and then so my own eye only modifications are exterior basically as you know I like Talon grips I put those on even on the June 4th general I think I have one Gen 4 without them maybe put them on yet but the Jim fours are better in terms of grasp then the Gentry's I think but the Talon grips take it beyond or you know the sandpaper you may you may prefer some of the other sandpaper products you know but I like I like the way they wrap around they feel great and to me that just gives me a much better feel I even modify those I like a strip right there so I got that at Home Depot it's very difficult to cut something that wraps around in one piece and then covers you know down in this area and that contacts my palm right there as wonders not like the baby Glocks they fit right in there neatly the hump on the baby Glocks does not bother me and Bo if I get some friction on it like that I mean that thing locks in there it sits it's locked I mean it's great I just recently changed out my Talon grips on it replace that and everything so I got fresh grips on it and I mean I could go to war with that gun right now if it's my hand like a glove and it I mean it's just wonderful I love it so you know that's what one of the modifications I do that's what he's want to show you what I do come clean here the night sights I recently put true blows on this gun because that is my Clery gun primary carry gun the glock 27 so i I just went ahead and put those on there I'm not necessarily selling tools the Gunners after somebody they are fine one thing I do like about them is you get a really nice sight picture in the daylight and one of my pet peeves about night sights is they're great at night but they don't do you any any favors in the daylight you can't see the sights they're not quick to pick up now these these you can pick up in daylight or in the dark so that's the reason I put those on I'm just trying them out I'm not sure the verdicts not in yet I just had those on for a few weeks but so far I like them okay all right so so I have no problem changing out sides a lot of my clocks I've not done that you know with I've not changed out the sights um I have some I bought use had night sights on them so you see kind of a variety and in my collection some will have night sights and some will not it is rather random I decide to be I guess proactive on this particular gun this is my Gen 4 Glock 27 I love it it has a great crisp trigger I mean it's a wonderful trigger and it's my primary gun I thought you know I think I'll try night sights on it I can live without them but they're nice okay so the Talon grips maybe night sights you know that's basically my exterior modifications or add-ons and those are add-ons of course now there is one thing that I want to talk about in a second regarding these two guns you might have already figured it out but before we do that I wanted to bring in something else I've looked at recently there are many things I want to do to a block and especially internally so this as you see is kind of a beaver tail Anton I'm experimenting with that I saw these somewhere somebody sent me a link to them I don't know it's been six months or a year ago perhaps and I thought that looked interesting and then I lost the link or something and I thought I picks them up at a gun show or something didn't see them I know that's looking ugly I'm going to explain that to you but what these are are they're grip force adapters they make these to slip on any sized Glock and I'm just gonna throw them out here as well as fate would have it they they contacted me do they know I'm a Glock guy and and offer to send me some I said well sure send them along because I've been meaning to order somebody's hadn't seen them I forgot what they were called so they did sent me pins and everything and again I'm not going for marshals but I just want to make you all aware because I get a lot of people ask me if I get slide bite from a Glock because some of them do and I don't but I thought well you know let's try these things it might be that on my bigger Glocks or on like a Glock 20 maybe I'll like that because I mean I like nobody can hate it be Kayle you know I thought brown or nice 1911 you like a beaver tail is you just fits better fit your hand better so let me try it mainly the real attraction of these for me is it looked like from the ad I had seen and someone I talked to that had filled in this area here and kind of reduce that that hope effect it kind of straightened out the rear of the grip that was my main interest in it I've always wanted somebody to make something that would would fit here that would fill in that gap okay now the baby Glocks not so much it doesn't bother me with them but with anything bigger than a baby Glock I hate the hump I just detest it and I've even ground a little bit on that one and I'd already done that and then I put this on here and I have ground on that son and that actually is fairly straight so that's what I like about that right now I'm just experimenting with that and I just wanted to bring that to your attention that might be something you want to look at consider I think I read that Glock is actually going to come out with something like that I'm not sure but I think I did so that's an option that that's something I would possibly do one of my Glocks right now I have it on this Glock 19 June 3 I put on a couple weeks ago I think and I've just been experimenting and grinding on it and just kind of trying to get an idea whether I like it or not and I don't know it could be that I would leave it on there I've actually grind this off almost entirely as far as the beaver tail because my main concern again is filling in that little gap there on the back of most block grips so but that is a grip force adapter if you're looking for something there may be some other companies and if you know someone else you make something like this you know add a comment I'm just not aware but that's something that to me makes a little sense something like that seems an intelligent move and although this company they advocate that take it and grind on it shape it so what they're basically sitting you is a piece of plastic or polymer to mold to fit you and the guy that sent them to me he actually did some of the modifications beforehand because I told him I would probably still want to put Talon so over it and so you got concerns of that nature and blend it into your grift as best you can they come with lines on them you see how the ridges I didn't particularly care for the ridges I don't need the ridges so you see I have ground those down my handy dremel tool I'm a gunsmith I have a journal tool and a sledgehammer and I will continue to grind that down and they come with a longer pen to put in all that kind of thing so so again that might be an option for me that's the reason I brought that up because I know you know this concerns about the grip on a Glock or are always there for people to improve them and I know you can send them off and you know for 150 turning bucks you can have its shape rhobar whoever however you want to could be just a pen and a whatever those cost I don't know what they cost I guess I don't know pay truth twenty thirty dollars I don't know a pack of them is maybe more but just an option just to be aware of because you can kind of shape it that's up the gum experiment with I'll keep you posted on that to be that I decide I don't like them at all you know or that I I find it a certain grind on it I like it better you know where I just want them on my Glock 20 or my Glock you know 21 I don't know I did try them on he sent me some for the baby Glock I think or actually I think two or three and will fit on anything but I put it on there and I didn't like the way it pushed my hand down a little too far maybe if I grind on it it wouldn't do that but on the baby Glock I don't want my hand down any further that's for certain there is going to be a certain amount of thickness on that I guess you could take most almost all of it out I don't know I'm still experimenting like I said but I don't want anything it's going to bring my hand down further on a Glock right that's perfect right there my two fingers fit especially if I've got the sandpaper fits perfectly okay so anyway that's some of the modifications I do now the one hand talked about yet some actually I think one or maybe two people in three years have noticed that I do okay let me hold up the Glock 26 this is a test Glock people what have I done to that gun because I have done that to a couple others of my favorite Glocks particularly that I shoot a lot there is something there that is a little different from the stock the lock yes you got it bottom of that trigger guard just doesn't look the same does it as this one see the hump on the bottom of the trigger guard and put them in her closer together I have ground it off and I did that 10 12 15 years ago on that block 26 I haven't done it yet on on this gun and I think I'm going to because I'll definitely this is a keeper for sure not that it matters I've actually sold or traded some of these and people just thought that's wonderful and they've actually asked me to do it for them you know so I are a gunsmith I did not so reason I do that now you wouldn't think it'd make that much difference but when you're talking about a gun with a grip that's small just getting your hand up there a little bit further and having a little bit more room for those fingers getting that hump out of there it really makes a difference it's more comfortable today you've got some thick polymer there and these you a kind of comes down get a little hump I can tell the difference when I pick those two up now with the Talon grips it's not a problem but you know I feel like I want to get my my finger up a little bit further and what I do is since I'm definitely going to do it on this gun I'll just start it show you what I do I take a dremel for the sandpaper drum on it and we ferment baby on now you've got this you know let me know me that's not yet practices that you know we all know is clear you solving this with non edited video let's take that off anyway I'll cover this up with plastic sometimes or bag whatever but nothing be must I just sent it enough time with it and work it down look that hump boss it doesn't take about 15 minutes they do a nice job on I'll take that off and I'll work on it who's always cross there take the hump down just like I've done on that one and then I take some really fine grit sandpaper like this and just almost like polish it you know just get it just moved out get the rough marks out of it that sort of thing you can even use a polisher on what these we want to anyway you can tell there is definitely a difference in that gun and it makes a difference in the field okay so all the videos we've done and all the blocking we've done and all the guns lying on the table and all the great close-ups John's giving you you haven't noticed that I think maybe one two people have commented or asked me about that so it's kind of interesting I've been trying to keep it a secret I just I hesitate to bring it up in a video and without actually kind of explaining it and why I do it and everything and just kind of casually mention it and know that people start butchering on their Glocks or you know and a lot of people will say oh I can't believe you do that ruined the value of your Glock and all that hey to each his own I are a gunsmith like I said so you know we don't think anything about doing that smoothing out edges and giving them melt melting effect where they call the 1911 and you know nice thing about a Glock is you can do that yourself now you take your chances you may reduce the value but I don't know it increases the value for me it makes it feel a lot better so taking that little hump off the trigger guard externally getting some grips that that really enhance the the grasp of it and maybe night sights that's all I do I said I'm experimenting with these adapters it may be that I end up with those on a couple of Glocks so if you see that was on a gun maybe Apple a a Glock 20 and I've got it all you know dressed up with that thing and it's been ground down and shaped that's that's what it is I don't know I'm going to experiment with them and see how I like that but that's all I do I don't change anything internally and you saw the most the two most important add-ons and modifications there at the beginning of the video that's one of them of course and then the ammo is the other one buy ammo don't don't major in minors and think that you can change out a spring and you're going to win the ipsec match you next week you know generally doesn't work that way buy ammo shoot the things and no work for you so those are my modifications and nothing maybe all that interesting I know there's a lot of really interesting modification videos out there probably with all kinds of crazy things people do but that's all I do but maybe you find it interesting so that's good
Channel: undefined
Views: 685,892
Rating: 4.9093657 out of 5
Keywords: Glock, 27, G27, G-27, G19, G-19, 9mm, .40, S&W, Talon, Grips, Grip, Force, Adapters, Tru-Glo, sights, Gen, Glocking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2011
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