Lena Miculek | Keep Hammering Collective | Episode 073

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every step I take I move my truth every time they tell me stop I use every comment hate that makes my feel GA up my energy and boom I them bling saying the way that I move is so reckless that is a part of my mind I've been blessed with giving my blood so I am Relentless all right we're here on the keep hammering Collective with Lena Mitchell o that's me is that good yeah you said it okay I've been practicing for two days D your last name mhm and it's really been like kind of every hour of every like some real commitment to the training of Sam last name and I've said it different pretty much every time yeah but not this time this time he said it right every reference on the internet I'm going to say say it like cam does mitchi yeah that's me okay well for those that don't know you're a badass what are you what say it again oh say it again um my title that I say is that I'm a professional Marksman or professional competitive shooter that's my normal day job but now I Focus also in Firearms education teaching and product development all within the Firearms World nice little bit of allll yeah but I got my start and my name and all that from the competitive side shooting competitions and your your resume was like world champion tell me about that I currently hold nine World titles in five different shooting disciplines so rif um rifle only shotgun only pistol caliber carbine multi-gun pistol rifle and shotgun Al together um oh and a competition called the NRA world's greatest shooter where you show up and all of the gear is supplied and you compete in 12 different disciplines of shooting within one competition W so that that one's real fun that's how often is that one that once uh it went on a Hiatus it just came back um this year so we'll see we'll see hopefully I'll be able to make it next year to it yeah it's fun sounds fun well you're definitely good we shot just got done shooting today um you know obviously World titles would say you're good but it was fun getting lessons from you out on the Range because I don't know [ __ ] about it so well I appreciate you showing up with an open mind because uh specifically with how I teach it's very much so about like finding the right answer for you and some people really want that like Cookie Cutter answer like tell me how to stand tell me what to do exactly and this is more of like a I know where we're going to where we're going let's figure out how to get there the best way for you so thanks for letting me push on you and kind of challenge you uh yesterday I was totally outside my comfort zone all day long from the trail to the gem um but it was awesome and you are a tremendous guide through that and side note I really appreciated in the very beginning your mentality towards all of the other Runners and just like people being out and about you're so welcoming to them like everybody that ran by you're like good job good job so it makes it very comfortable for someone like me to come in into these fields that I'm not confident in and on camera uh do them so I'm glad that or at at least hope that the range felt the same way for you that you're welcome and you can you can fail out there because it's the only way to get better yeah it we're in our safe space circle of trust o yeah so I got to go to my safe space today the range and take you so that was a hoot well I I just love seeing people out being active so yesterday on the trail you know yeah it is everybody they deserve a good job CU they're out there climbing the mountain and on the trail and living you know a healthy life so yeah I'm always going to be supportive of people out doing that but you know a lot of your lessons today it reminded me of how Wayne teaches people how to shoot a bow too because he much like you he starts in literally from the ground up with foot position and you talked a lot about your connection to the ground and you know the eagle talons with the toes and being you know being in that that uh I don't know what stance it would be but it's like prepared stance or like a your shooting stance it's it's specifically made for shooting because we want it to do that job to the best that it can do so if it's a stance or anything else it's not going to be the best it could be for shooting so today we found our shooting stance yeah it's not going to be real good for anything else but man is it going to help us get rounds On Target it was I don't know I had so much fun it's just fun shooting a gun it is it is and I liked getting to work with you because you have control and accuracy you know like you didn't show up and like I can't hit the target we got to figure out these techniques you showed up and you're like man here I can just put them in this little group so it's like yay for me cuz now I just have to show up and push you to the limits of being really uncomfortable and like seeing that group go from this to this but now we're shooting in half the time right you saw how like in the beginning there you were getting your first shots off in 3 and 1 half 4 seconds and to the end there you're getting four shots off down range in that same amount of time and maintaining uh acceptable accuracy but if you're not willing to push to that like really messy ugly part where your targets groups are like this you'll never get there right so but you did you showed up and so many people are unwilling to go through that messy phase of targets cuz it's yeah it doesn't feel great no no you're like oh man I sure do like them all in this little group but you pushed speed today you pushed your limits we found them and then it's just like now staying at that that speed and eventually you'll find that same level of control that same level of accuracy and then guess what push speed again yeah you never get to stop you never get to Get Cozy uh in the action Shooting Sports because we're always points and time right that's I mean that is a big difference between archery CU you know when I'm shooting an arrow a lot of times with hunting it's just that you're going to get one shot you know so there is no rushing you really want to take your time make sure you're doing everything right make sure that anchor feels good make sure the levels uh or your sight's leveled up there's a lot of different checks and balances so it takes me about 9 seconds to shoot so I that because you only got one it's got to be the only one and and even like even when we're just practicing though like even like you yesterday with your new bow it's still that group size you know so you're taking your time with each arrow and you want to have a tight group so you know I parlayed that mindset out on the range today and I you know when I was first shooting I thought they was decent grouping and uh it was very good it was literally like it was this so that was the focused and then you you know said okay let's make it quicker and that we never do that in archery really um but yeah it was it was good because uh I don't know I liked it it's just something different but I still think that there's some lessons I I can take from how you taught me today that I can can it's a little bit of a crossover into what I need to do and it and mostly just about intentional thought having a plan knowing that everything we're doing everything for a reason you know what I mean and that that can help anybody in anything they're doing absolutely and no matter what you are learning if you have this approach of being really curious about why why we're doing everything it makes the process one way more fun CU it's fun to be curious like look at kids they're having a great time and they're curious about why the sky is blue so we should at least be able to to get some curiosity about a passion that we're pursuing so it's like when I got the opportunity to learn how to shoot a bow it's like oh man let me ask all the questions like why are we doing this why is our elbow like this why is our weight where are our hips why are we doing this what are we going to do because also if I don't walk away with the why because I sadly only get an amazing Wayne in my life for like an hour right um if I don't ask the wise then when I go I'll have no ability to do it on my own MH so if I don't walk away with actually being able to do it at least I can walk away with the understanding and then I can work by myself and why it's important on how to do it so I hope in leaving the range even if you're not getting the outcomes that you want you're understanding why you're doing doing things and how they are producing a certain outcom MH because our Target whether it be an archery target or a pistol Target or a rifle target it's always a direct reflection of our technique and us in the moment that we took the shot mhm and it's really honest it's like brutally honest actually like I don't I don't like to listen to it a lot of times but it's also the only thing that matters so if our targets telling us something's not good then it's back on us even if it felt good adapt yeah adapt change what can I try different to make it better well and you would say today like how did that one feel and you already knew it probably felt like [ __ ] but you just asking cuz you wanted me to say it didn't feel good because you know whatever and I I mean you were watching you know my trigger control or being too aggressive or what whatever it was but you could tell that it shouldn't have felt good so it's like a reinforcement like yeah know it didn't because you were watching so you knew but and most importantly why yeah you know like I tell this to a lot of students I have um CH quite a few people and I remember I'll forever remember there's a big learning moment as an instructor I watched one of my students shoot the best they had ever shot like blew this drill out of the water and I was so excited I ran up and I was like why what happened tell me all about it and um he went ah felt good I was like yeah yeah yeah okay what felt good about it yeah all connected and I was like okay but like what did you do yeah like why did you get this outcome because you've never had it before right no idea oh it was like like just a blessing came down from above like it just was it just is in contrast had a shooter that was superb showed up shot the worst that I had probably ever seen her shoot as soon as we got to the end of it I said what' you see what' you feel tell me about it she was like man I was thinking about something else and then my support hand wasn't lined up and I just decided to try and make it work and then on the end I was just fed up and it's like yes yeah you might not have gotten the results you wanted in the moment but you have the understanding to be able to get those results in the future right and make them repeatable cuz it's not just this like yeah got lucky felt good it's like okay well what felt good right she understood the process yeah like was it your stance was it your grip was it your sight picture did you like something made this better if we don't know why then it doesn't do us any good right so even if we're doing bad as long as we know the why however how much we want to beat ourselves up about it as long as we know the why it will be able to lead us to a better place yeah and you know you you mentioned the questions that was the first thing Wayne said to me after whatever he showed you then he came back and he's just like oh she's smart she's smart she's uh you know she's whatever he just like so impressed by your questions you know and how good you were on just following his his process or his lessons but yeah the herd bull he's taught so many people and it's like again another thing that he said and I heard him tell I think you yesterday but he tells everybody he's like get mad you know like remember when he said get aggressive he's like you want to kill that thing but the point is is he's saying like you lean slightly into it you know you're cuz people get lazy with their hips and they lean back but he's all like be aggressive with that shot like you're intentionally you want to kill something and so that is very similar to shooting the the pistol today is you want to be you know aggressive aggressive yeah it's like um when I was pushing on you guys there's a point in when with every single one of my students I'll go and I play recoil and I push on the front of the gun and the trigger guard to be that to see how your body reacts to it and then you see how like Tracy especially she found that that forward lean that aggression and she was like oh wa this is like this feels totally different and I told her it's the difference in the gun owning you and you owning the gun same with like being aggressive and being into it like one you're in control the other you're just kind of like yeah you're reacting whatever happens happens like we're not about that right a little bit more control aggression I love aggression in students because you can always take it down but it's hard to find people that push really hard and I appreciated you pushing real hard how uh what's the difference is there a difference between men and women just in general and cuz you've taught probably all all types all whatever is there um the smaller you are whether you be a man or a woman the smaller you are the more technique you have to have to say have the same outcome as someone that just has more body mass to throw around because recoil management and other things so um technique is King especially for women we're also working with like less muscle mass and other strengths so technique is like our passing Lane we can't be sloppy there we have to be super efficient with all that we have to work with so there's a difference there where guys can kind of like muscle through things so they're usually not quite as detail oriented but I find that the biggest difference in Marksman between men and women is more so the mindset um women are typically the detail oriented ones the planners the ones with questions the ones that are like M I'm going to dip my toe in and then I'm going to think about if I want to jump in guys you can usually just be like come on in just jump on in and they're like yeah here I am um so that mindset is I think the biggest difference in how you educate and motivate them to come back because shooting is a process you know we got one day in today and you've seen how far you've gone but there's a lot of steps to go if you're trying to achieve like a certain level of efficiency and um predictability with your shots and your skills so how you kind of entice them for more is different guys usually competition and having a buddy there and like a bar and someone to Chase is a great motivator and women it's more about making sure that they know that the failure part that messy Target part is their aspiration because in being perfectionist like that shot goes out like Tracy when she was Miss it was like I could just see it oh oh it was just like fail and it's like no no like we're going to miss like it's only thing guaranteed on the Range is that we're going to not hit our Target sometimes so when we hit it we should be more surprised than when we miss it but it's that mindset of like being too harsh I think yeah self critical yeah not giving ourselves the grace to learn right you know like this is a process there's a lot of steps to it and all of those steps are going to be messy for quite a while and that's it and then as soon as it gets cozy guess what then I come in and I'm like go faster and it's messy again so it's like accepting that that thing that we consider ugly as being great yeah it's a I I was pretty interested also when you said something about there's a stat about people first-time gun owners yeah there's a stat that um well oh there's multiple stats one is that in the past like 3 4 years since co uh about 50% of all new Firearms owners are women so we saw the pandemic really push the female demographic to us looking for products to help them feel secure and happy in their lives um there's also another stat that I talk about that is like over 95% of guns purchased are never fired so it's that there's a lot of gun owners out there but there's not a lot of uh high level and confident and competent gun users um and which is my biggest beef in kind of like what I face in the industry because Education and Training is just going to make the whole world better you know like if everybody had a gun and they were all super well trained peace peace among all for mankind right so that's my Miss America speech I'm working for peace uh World Peace gotcha that's Noble yeah so what's the like what's the answer to that like people who buy guns and you said like because of covid women bought guns It's like because they felt it was just like a scary time felt out of control because of fear because of fear fear so they wanted to have a little bit of control in one part of their life and thought okay if I have a gun at least I have protection but then what's the answer for people who don't don't know you know YouTube or what how do they learn how to shoot it and handle it correctly um I mean you can always go to the YouTube University there's a ton of fantastic people um the Sig Academy is one of the most renowned locations if you're willing to travel and take uh classes they literally have everything on from armors classes to House Clearing to foundational pistol rifle everything they do it all um but the Academy is the best I with my product line with rose have a free online educational series that follows along where we start from the very Basics like let's learn how to hold a gun let's learn how to load our mags properly all the way to structure dry fire training which was the training that we did on the Range solidifying all those techniques before we even incorporate ammo um and then some structured live fire training so there's a lot of resources out there um but during Co when we talked about like the fear and pushing people to it all of these people were in my mind the ones that were like on the fence about guns mhm and they didn't like them you know for a reason there was a reason they weren't Firearms owners before and Co came and it was just something scarier than the gun right but it didn't push the majority of them to become that confident user they just got a gun stuck it in their closet put it under their bed and we like dear Lord I hope I don't have to use this um which isn't providing once again that that freedom that feeling of being self-sufficient uh that we that we hopefully all strive for a little bit so providing everything that that new owner needs really became my my mission yeah I like it yeah you got to got to provide them in you got to welcome those ladies and be like I got you I got you I got you safe storage I got you training I got you online community I got you inperson events I got you inperson train like what do you want yeah yeah I got you I hope I hope I can get it covered for you and if I don't have an answer right now give me a minute give me a couple years you know you you've done a a really good job with that because for same way Co had an impact on self-sufficiency if you talk about firearm owners but uh people thought that they need to learn how to hunt right because people went to the store there was no meat at the store people didn't know what was going to happen with you know buying food or so they thought man I need to learn how to provide for myself there is nobody out there like doing what you're doing with rose and like I want you to explain that Sig hour your partnership with them you guys collaborated on on this Aline called Rose and it's you know specifically for women tell me about that and that's I mean yeah how how awesome is that I can tell that like it's a huge passion of yours yep it's literally my dream come true so little story time here we go okay here's little Elena at 15 starts her professional competitive shooting career does that all the way up until covid that's like 200 plus days a year on the road competing the rest of the time training just shooting guns all the time um towards the end of that I once I turned 21 you know concealed carry could be an option for me and I dived into that market and was quickly overwhelmed what gear do I use this doesn't fit into my lifestyle so I didn't do it I was super lazy I had my permit left my gun at home all the time and then I had um a realization uh for me and it's my my why all about the why why we do stuff and I found my why for carrying and for me it was that I had the mental ability I had the physical capacity to be able to have this firearm in my life and on me but I was choosing not to and in doing so and choosing not to take on the responsibility of my own personal protection is also choosing that someone else would have to come in for meh whether it's to protect you yeah whether it's me yelling out and someone being kind enough to come in or a police officer whatever it may be I'm pushing this respons responsibility onto someone else and what happens if they lose their life mhm not good oh and that for me it's like I lose life trying to help you because of something that I had the resources and the ability to take on but just chose not to cuz it didn't feel like it I couldn't find the right answers for meh and that was like unacceptable soon as I made this realization had my little boohoo in my car and was like how how selfish of me can't do it can't do it so that was my big why dove in concealed carry bought everything I could find took a lot of classes learned a lot of stuff and then Co came and um through facing those unknowns in the world of concealed carry and taking on their responsibility of my own personal protection also gave me the confidence to pretty much during all of covid solo travel with my dog across the country like everybody else was stuck at home and I was like I'm out of here load up letting you felt we're going yeah and I finally had taken on this responsibility so I could do it uh and I felt safe doing it obviously I made good choices right yeah you still got to be smart yeah still going to be smart um but it just opened up a whole new world to me and it was awesome and I got to face fears and accept new things into my life and then Co came and I saw everybody else just ridden with fear afraid of everything yeah all the time and my family has a lot of tradition no actually no my family has no Traditions outside of winning matches and um my mom has me and her every year we pick a fear of ours and we face it as directly headon as we can MH um so like first thing we did together is I don't like heights so we jumped off 108 story building together uh went rock climbing and skydiving um I don't like water I talked to you about that so I got scuba certified we went scuba diving and then we went scuba diving in a flooded mind system because we also needed the dark and the cold um and there's been other things like that all the way down to not feeling comfortable about being I told you eloquent and like delicate so I joined an adult Jazz class and performed in a recital a dance recital for my karate and shooting background so I had this like history of if there's a fear it has to be faced yeah if there's something you got to face it head on mhm in the most absurd way that you can is that whose idea was that was that your mom's idea that's my mom she's a baddy yeah a little okay she's super awesome um and she instilled kind of that in me and we are we're fear buddies together we go and do whatever we're scared of her list is a lot shorter than mine though yeah um well and and she's like this incredible shooter also oh absolutely and your dad M so tell phenomenal catch us up to speed on that real quick oh so much then we'll talk about talk about Rose we're so close to talking about it okay okay um my mom and dad and my grandfather were all what I would consider Firearms professionals so my grandfather my dad's mom um was one of the very first custom gunsmiths and a lot of his Innovations are what we see today uh a version of them and he was the first civilian to win an old school type of shooting match uh Bullseye wearing you know classy suits in fedoras shooting tiny groups one-handed really and he was the first civilian to win a Super prestigious title there he got his claim to fame by building guns winning matches selling that gun to the second place guy oh nice because obviously that's why he won yeah the gun yeah it was the gun of course and uh and then he got his start in his name doing that um my mom has a just a bucket load of national titles uh she also is the only I think person but for sure the only woman to have a gold medal at our rifle pistol and shotgun World level competitions and my dad has 21 consecutive ra revolver world records and a whole bunch of Speed World Records that he just has set and some other titles and shooting and so what we do what's the key to all that success if you had to if you had to sum it up I mean because that's incredible um the key to all that success just doing ited St just doing yeah like my mom's my mom will always be like just jump like when you're on the edge and you don't know what to do go harder MH jump my dad is the person that he will tell you like he's the best because he's the first one on the Range and the last one to leave more rounds to the gun you're not going to outwork him mhm and you're my grandfather being unafraid to do new things and to fully commit once again to to the craft in hand so yeah I mean if you just dedicate everything that you do to something you'll get good at it you should I mean I I that's the thing is people want shortcuts and there there there are no shortcuts not a one not a single one keep hammering yep absolutely but um so that's my family yeah so then so Rose y your pride and joy yep so I decided exting how exciting is that so I thought I was going to get fired from Sig yeah why and instead I got a whole brand well I mean my job is to win them shiny titles you know like in this Evolution I'm finding out concealed carry for myself I'm solo traveling I'm competing Non-Stop and then I just have like this moment and I'm like um I'm going to use my skills and EXP experience to be able to help other people take on this responsibility and learn to incorporate Firearms into their life and be competent and confident users like that that competent and confident you I've probably heard me say it 25 times because it's what makes people good at some but that is so different like even if you talk about your mom and dad and your family's Legacy and then your titles you're supposed to win shiny things so that's all very personal achievements and then your mindset now seems like it's more of a you know a service it's helping people so did you always have that mindset or did you just have a was there something that just clicked and you're like I want to I want to switch gears I mean you still are competitive you still want to be the best you can be but also now I can see since the the energy and the excitement in helping others absolutely well it's like um I got so much support and help to be where I am don't I never acted like I just sat out on my own and made it this far I've been blessed to have support to do all of these things to face fears to dedicate myself to a craft to to take on the responsibility of my own personal protection these are all like they've all been helped MH and then when I look around the world I still I see people filled with fear and they don't have any help right and in within my IND indry I was like damn like if I don't figure this out who is MHM and there wasn't anybody else so I figured I would 6our is leading the firearm outdoor industry in American innovation Ingenuity and Manufacturing for over 250 years sigu has evolved and thrived by blending American Ingenuity German engineering and swiss Precision Sig is synonymous with industry-leading quality and Innovation which has made it the brand of choice amongst the US military the global defense Community Law Enforcement competitive Shooters hunters and responsible citizens that's why I've have decided to partner with them for my personal protection and concealed carry of choice Sig and I are working on some pretty cool collaborations for the Archer Community as well and I'm thrilled to have them as a sponsor of the show Sig is actually offering you guys a discount on Optics 2 which is unheard of in the industry I'm looking forward to trying out their new image stabilizing binos the zul BL six on my bear hunt in Alberto with the rivets those are also 10% off using Code cam at six hour.com that's code cam for 10% off I'd like to welcome Grizzly coolers to the sponsorship of not only the podcast but my hunt lifestyle I couldn't be more thrilled that they are an American-made company that supplies durable hard-sided coolers and hunting blinds as you guys know the meat from every one of my hunts means the world to me my family and friends meat storage and temperature control is of the utmost importance in transferring game from the hunt to your freezer and there's nothing better than Grizzly products the coolers are Roto molded built for performance field tested and guaranteed for a lifetime Grizzly also has a wide variety of gear for all your outdoor adventure and training needs followers of the podcast get an exclusive 20% off of everything using Code keep hammering at Grizzly coolers.com upon checkout again that's use code keep hammering at checkout you said you thought Sig was going to fire you so tell me how what about that well um I mean I had my light bul moment and I was like okay I'm going to teach everybody that I can possibly get in a room to listen to me about guns um which means that you know that 200 days a year competing and the rest of that time training it had like it had to come from somewhere this time to teach had to come from somewhere so um usually when you go and tell your boss hey the job that you pay me to do I'm not going to do it anymore I I got to do this other thing usually you know they're like goodbye luck yeah and it's small thinking on my part for thinking that this is my dream this is my passion my mission who else would want to be on this with me right and when I went to Sig and I had my boohoo moment with them and I was like I gotta go teach everybody I can um very luckily I told that to a good friend at Sig and a week later he called me up and he said your dream we're doing it no way and I said we what do you mean we are doing it and that's when my little mission to educate everyone um truly became something that the Firearms industry hasn't seen because we've had female Educators before we've had classes we've had that you know we have guns we have all this but what we haven't had is a bar Setter in the Firearms industry like Sig sour saying we are no longer just providing a product but we're providing the user with everything that they need to be that competent and confident owner MH it's not only just a gun but it's gun it's safe storage it's education it's Community because it's our responsibility to build them up right um and no one else in the industry has done that we have these little segments you know we have these people that instruct these people that make products these people that will be in the they're not related and they're not related and they're not cohesive and mostly mostly manufacturers they want that sale once they got the sale they're done with it Yep they're like okay now go learn from somebody else how to do it yeah go go figure go figure it out yeah and it's like oh where do you go and then you go on the internet and then it's got so much information that it's like who do I live listen to what's a good source what do I do here and then also this new demographic that came into Firearms they were on the fence because most likely the people in their life are not about it mhm so I had to or my goal was to provide a completely self sustaining uh line like you don't need someone behind the gun counter to talk to you you don't have to have someone that knows about guns to teach you like just get this kit go online let's start this video series together let's learn everything that we need in the comfort of your own home that's great cuz I do think that like for women to go into a gun gun store that's intimidating y you know and you know how most I'm not saying just just gun shops I'm saying men in particular you know it's just like it's tough for a woman to go that cuz guns you know no no offense to you and your mom but it's been like a man's world sort of right I'm very aware yeah yeah so it's like for a woman to go in a you know I've been in guns shops I haven't seen any women in there you know what I mean it's rare right so it's like I could see where that would be like a huge stumbling block or obstacle to overcome so to have you being that face of it and knowing knowing how to communicate and then like you know the what I saw today with your rose lineing and the guns is like all all that you mentioned the security part of it the everything you need to know is in that package yep yep and then if it's not in that package and you decide your your Firearms journey is going somewhere else we're always trying to supply the Aftermarket accessories products whatever you need to pursue your Firearms journey and whatever facet that it is so it's been growing it's was we launched it only January of last year when we first launched it o um all the feels all the emotions like my mom and dad and sister were there and we just like couldn't like every time I looked at them they had tears in their eyes and I was like stop it I talk on stage were they pretty proud oh so they're they're awesome um super amazing were they more proud of that or like your world titles I would say this because this is like a legacy and this is unique yeah to me world titles are not unique to my family right right I guess it's just kind of what we what we got to do must be nice yeah so nice I just wake up like this every day can blast real good um but I would say yeah I would say that this and because it's taking taking something that I use to build me up and then choosing to try and build up others with it yeah and all of my knowledge and experience goes hand inand with all that they did for me so I hope that when they see me doing this they can see how their uh support and help to me is passed on right you know like that's I don't think there's any greater honor than being able to support others with your knowledge and expertise like it's one of the coolest things being able to connect those dots for someone to help them overcome a challenge it just so happens to be that Firearms usually are also tied with a lot of emotionals uh to it you know they're in they're intimidating a lot of people that I teach have had past traumas with Firearms or some type of something that spurred them into wanting a firearm so it's like regaining a lot for people um man if we want to talk about emotional stories which we don't cuz I'll probably cry but so many uh amazing women have come and like started this journey of like recapturing their confidence and their freedom um and it's been awesome or getting it for the first time and so you cry because it's so transformative to them it's just it's amazing these people come to me that like me teaching someone to shoot guns can well not really because you're so you're so approachable and you're so like enthusiastic and it's like so nice I mean of course they're going to come to you not going to go to the to the guy at the gun counter but it's such an honor to yeah I mean the most valuable thing anyone has is their time so any the fact that so many people choose to listen to what I say and give me their time and like some ladies their hearts to be able to guide them through this is just remarkable um I'm so proud of so many people I had just got back from uh a retreat a rose retreat at boar Raton in Florida and there had ladies overcoming past traumas had people facing um excommunication from their family uh for choosing to try and take Firearms into their life so they're facing all that and choosing me as a guide through it yeah that's powerful pretty uh pretty big honor yeah um yeah so I'll always be enthusiastic for that they deserve it yeah I think that you know you grew up in a small town right yeah also a small town and then kind of like on a Private Island right of your own gun range the my own gun range compound which was just 150 acres of family and guns and gun shop so that's very unique because the people who have these preconceived notions about firearm owners or gun owners they're usually from the city and then they they see like you know the negative part of gun owners you know the the shootings or the whatever it's always what's in what hits the news is negative and so yeah it's for people who didn't grow up like we grew up in rule small town America Firearms are super taboo taboo definitely so I I get that but it's like having you as this person and I don't want to I'm not I don't want to talk [ __ ] about all gun shop owners because like gunpro over here in Springfield great great shop if everybody had a gun shop like that they'd be you know miles ahead of everybody and then at the range today at the Isaac Walton range out here in Eugene so you know that was women out there running that thing and that was so awesome so it's like there are some good spots but again we are this is Oregon this isn't LA or it's not New York you know so we're kind of Lucky to live in more of a in just a a better setting for I guess for firearm owners to find support but um yeah I get that I just love that you know you have such a passion for helping women and yeah I can imagine if a a woman who has had trauma before and doesn't have confidence and doesn't maybe they don't have a a husband or something so it's like you know living by yourself as a woman could be scary and also like pushing off that responsibility of your own personal protection to someone else in your family is once again asking them to lay their life on the line for you and I understand as the role of a protector you know in the family it's like yeah it's my job but also it's kind of like why can't you do that yourself yeah are you mentally not capable are you physically uncapable of doing it there are some people that are and that is why they don't need to you know but I'd say the vast majority of people have all that it takes to take on that responsibility well and even if you are the protector of your family as the man it's you're not always there no you know so I mean I'm I have stuff to do so of course if I'm here my family doesn't have to worry about anything but I'm not always here yeah so then what because they say that you know the police they do as good as they can but they're they're responding to something that already happened they're not preventing anything from happening the clean cre they're the cleanup cre so it's like that's why I felt so good for you to be working with Trace today to give her confidence because we have guns here but man you have to be confident in them and know know what to do how to use if you and you got to have the techniques to get you there cuz as you could see stressful too in a very stressful situation the most yeah the most and that's what if you're not don't have those reps you can't perform at a high level in a stressful situation no so yeah you're helping you're helping people get those reps and feel comfortable so then if it ever God forbid it ever does happen they're capable yep and we always it's always Last Resort um I think it's really silly a lot of people say a lot of silly things to me but they'll be like well man I don't want to get a gun cuz I got a real temper and I'm like do you also not have knives in your house or like a baseball bat or a club or anything because wow you sound pretty maybe I don't want you that's pretty wild but it's like a firearm is actually one of the biggest de escalators for people that I've met because once you've taken on that responsibility and you've had some training and some education you realize how powerful you are and how it's your responsibility to avoid mhm get out I do not interact mhm you know whereas I've seen people that are not caring they're kind of like more willing to kind of get into stupid situations no offense to guys but like I'll kind of go into this fight maybe I'll pull people apart this is kind of sketchy maybe I'll go and it's like no like I'm the ultimate escalator here if I'm the firearm user so my job is to like to stay back to watch out to be aware to not ever have to use it it's it's not too much different than the guy who get in fights aren't like the train Fighters like the MMA guys or the Jiu-Jitsu guys or even even like with your training it's not the guys who because they they respect fighting it's like it's an art you know so they're not the ones just getting in some barroom brawl they're the guys who kind of keep the peace it's no different than that with the Firearms yeah yep and um yeah it just takes a little bit little bit of training a little bit of education but how's uh how's the rose line doing since you started oh it's been accepted phenomenally um blew me away blew me away um we've launched was it January of last year we have over 16,000 women in our like little Online private Community for women on their firearms Journey we have had every single event that we've done sold out in moments um so our biggest thing is just figuring out how we can best provide more mhm um because the demographic definitely is just as hungry as I knew it was it was just as in need of someone to take them into consideration um as I knew and now our industry is and I hope that every other gun manufacturer tries to copy us a lot of people are like oh man oh do you think this company's going to do it and I'm like I sure hope so I sure hope that every company gets just super ja about making their customer better and not just selling them G yeah I know that's yeah it's a big part of it and what's a what do you see so you see more opportunities for women to learn where do you see the rose line going just continue to expand or I hope to be able to continue to expand our education reach and our in-person events our online education also has the opportunity to expand and our product line um and not only Sig's product line but then also additional supporting products because it takes a lot you know like you get the gun and then it's like okay wow there's a lot of other things I need like what if I want an optic I need mag pouches I need uh safe storage I need tools I need uh gear to maintain them so making there be an easy button for people that it's like ah I don't know give me the package right like when I got into Mountain Biking For the first time I went in there and I was like where all the kits at you know I'll take this mountain biking kit and I'll take this because it's the easy answer um so I hope to be able to provide whatever facet whatever product whatever education whatever support to them and we're doing a good job we're doing a good job more events that are rolling out this year um super excited H when does this podcast come out I can few days pretty quick we just talk about it anyways we'll just we'll just talk about it anyways um I finally uh got approval to be able to start to train assistant instructors so as of now I've been the only one able to to teach Lena can only do so much so now I am able to take on assistant instructors and we're launching our first live fire education like events uh for people and they'll partner with shoot Sig which is a very introductory competition it just brings you out to the range you get to shoot a few stages super fun and now Rose gets to partner with that to offer live fire classes and to guide groups of women through the shoot Sig event so we'll have three of those this year and I just got approval for that literally leaving here to go train up my assistant instructors and um where are the events where are the events that I can tell you about oh wow let's see um I think that our first event will be in Ohio and then we will go to H the middle one's not set and then I know one is in Nevada okay so we'll officially announce those probably weeks after this podcast comes out and they'll be super excited that I talked about it but I'm too excited um but it'll be be on the Sig website or yep that'll be on the Sig website it'll be on the rose social media pages and it'll be in the Rose online community so it'll be it blasted and all over what I'm what I'm doing I'll be I'll be chanting about it you have a a good online presence for sure I mean it's uh yeah it's a I was curious where did the name Rose come from is it just cuz it's feminine or what no it came from my middle name so my middle name is Rosie um and it's one that's been passed down for quite a few Generations through my family so when this was just my mission alone it was called Ros Lee concealed carry um cuz that was my mission and then I showed up with Sig and we shortened it to Rose by Sig sour um and it worked out really great cuz we came up we had a color we have an emoji you know it's all great it all worked out but um it's based off my name cuz for me I feel that my last name really represents my family's Legacy MH and all that like we've done together my first name it's kind of like all my individual achievements and now like my middle name my yeah my my Heritage there gets to go out that's a big deal I mean I remember you know coming up in in archery it's different but it's similar in some ways CU you just have to grind so so long and at first you just want you know you want like a for me a bow manufacturer to like okay yeah you want to be on our Pro Staff and that's a big deal you know and then it's like oh I get a bow and then it's like after years then oh your name's on a bow this is like the Cameron Haynes bow and so I totally get that your journey has been started you know shooting when you were eight competing at 15 now 29 and now you have this you've worked so hard and had so much success and been such an influential figure that now you have your own line of firearms my own mission and like and like I don't know I feel like it makes me more proud that it was based off of um like a personal goal you know it wasn't like man I hope to get my name on a gun CU I actually had that opportunity in the competition world like have a competition pistol or competition rifle or shotgun um but this one means something yeah this at least to me the other one mean stuff too and it's awesome but like I don't know this one represents more to me cuz the other ones just kind of represent me in my competition she this is like a this is more of a mission at least it definitely started off as a mission and now it just happens to be a product line yeah along with it it's more like you know empowering as far as being influential to community that in need basically and helping women feel feel more safe and protected yeah and self-sufficient and just like if you is deep yeah or just to be kickass with a gun it's it's cool and whatever your firearm Journey might be if the idea of protecting yourself with one seems absurd well there's like a few million of them in the US so maybe we just learn how to be safe with them and that's a confidence that we can take with us everywhere we go and it's fun to go shoot it's so fun to go shoot oh my gosh it's so fun yeah we weren't saving the world today we were out having fun yeah we're just trying to I mean all my shots are just trying to poke holes and paper and hit steel targets yeah it was a blast yeah I think so I think so and everybody you know we saw a number number of people out there too doing the same thing in the sun here in Oregon out just shooting just shooting it's like so such a wholesome you know people like try to demonize it a little bit it's so wholesome out shooting with your family hanging out doing it safely learning you know learning an important skill but also it's just you know learning how to respect Firearms that's a big deal it is and not be afraid of them yeah the cool thing about the range too is that it's shared by like all ages mhm and the sports are the same there are a few sports that I feel that truly like all ages are at I just got back from a world shoot in Thailand last year and competing at the world match was 12 years old to 78 years old W that's awesome and they brought them both up on stage and it's just like how cool yeah how cool that these people from across the globe from a spanning such a age range and background and experience came together for this and here they are so like I started when I was eight you know and then just everybody can do it my dad's 70 now and he's just texting me about coming back from competitions and signing up to do other ones so it's just everybody has a spot there and there's so many different sports you can find one that really appeals to you it's I know uh I mean I heard the you know at the at gunpro here in town the owner there talked about your dad have you so I mean I know your family's been big have have you been inspired by people outside of your family in Firearms or has it just all been your family's let's pushed you I mean what what type of relationship relationships have you built oh I mean I just wanted to beat everybody yeah whether I was related to them or not so you're very are you you're competitive I take it oh we have to be I'm actually the nicest competitive one in my family everyone else is a little nastier about it well you said your mom was pretty classic oh she is classy but she's also like the one that used to write for this is one of my favorite this will just give you like a little a little tidbit into her mind but um she used to write for a gun magazine and she wrote an article about how she would always imagine that she was a wolf in the shadows chasing down her prey ready to rip their throats out love that I love that yep and that's my mom and then she's also the first person as soon as you beat her like I also told you at um her tradition was at a Nationals if someone beat her they immediately at the awards got a bouquet of flowers and a congratulations from her yeah from her so it's like I'm going to absolutely try and destroy you but if you can beat me yeah kudos to you here all the congratulations cuz she knows what it took to beat her yeah cuz she made you earn it yeah so that's I love that I mean that's to me that's true competition that's how you should act oh but it's so hard she do it is hard they beat me and you just kind of Go slash their tires right and take them into a ditch probably can't act like that but well we won't I've never your mom will be the the the goal for us your mom's attitude she's very good and I mean she's the person that would invite her biggest competitions to come and train with her really yeah like alongside her like if you were that good she wanted to see what you were doing what she I mean what do you think do you think it was all positive or was she looking for chinks and I don't I I mean we are we all have our strengths and our weaknesses and there's not going to be any competitor that has none right so but then you're also showing yours but it's just that like openness like this is who I am let's see who's going to be better right now I don't have that I I've I've trained a few times with people that I also compete with but it's real hard and then my father's like the total opposite mindset of like no never you're never going to see me never would you ever see me training with someone that I'm trying to beat on the Range like he's that um so I know I can see both both sides though oh and both sides led to amazing careers right so it's once again there's no right answer here it's just the right answer for the individual person yeah um I feel like I I split like a middle ground you know where like I I can be friends with the people in that I'm competing against and I can train with them it's not my favorite thing maybe in the whole wide world but if I thought I was better I would love to train with people be like we watch me beat you I just want you to know that you're not even close to me so yeah let's train oh yeah like pretend like you're all supportive that's what I would do brutal yeah just BR for for for you you're doing good oh yeah yeah I mean that's pretty good yeah if I was you I'd be proud of that not not me yeah I would be suicidal if that was me now I could see playing mind games for sure but it doesn't sound like your mom's really doing that no she's just being an honest competitor uh just there just doing her thing yeah that's impressive I agree I agree so to two totally different mindsets two different um shooting Styles two different competing Styles um and I got both of them yeah I got to watch both of them so they were definitely my biggest Educators but our my education in Firearms was more like we're going to be out here working our ass off if you want to join us you can find your spot on the line you know you can ask questions yeah were you always good I mean when you first started shooting I was lucky I mean I don't remember much from when I very first started when I started competing uh at 8 it was with a 22 Rifle and Pistol and I mean yeah it's was probably good for an 8-year-old um there weren't any other ones to compare me against at the time um they did start a sub Junior category after I started competing for people sub uh 13 years old so that was cool I could put together a little girls team I literally started that didn't you yeah I just found a photo of me literally playing patty cake on the Range in our little Smith and Wesson like shirts before we go to shoot so that's what we did you know like play some patty cake go shoot some guns yeah that was my team that's good and then when did you like when did your parents start seeing that you had real talent well from about 8 to 15 I didn't have any real interest in Firearms being more than just kind of like a thing that we did that my family did um I had not found my passion for it I hadn't found a sport that I was willing to sacrifice all that I knew it would take to do something in it mhm um and also just like going to the range and sucking isn't fun no especially when you kind of have these preconceived notions and most people have a preset expectation for you just because of the family that I came from mhm um so that wasn't wasn't really what I wanted pressure yeah yeah yeah um but then uh when I was 14 I got my first real job I was going to graduate the next year get my GED and my mom was like going to go to college what are you going to do I really want you to go to college really want you to go to college MH and uh I worked my first real job in retail worked at a clothing boutique learned that I'm real bad at lying to people about how bad they look in dresses right um so not the profession for you not the profession for me um but I also learned that I would never sweep the floors of another person's dream which is what I was doing there I was using my time my life to achieve someone else's dream of having this Boutique so I didn't know what I was going to do but I knew it wasn't going to be for somebody else right um got my GED mom invited me to my very first multi-gun match rifle pistol and shotgun all together she invited you yeah what do you mean it had to be like official no but like I wouldn't have gone without her being like hey I'm inviting you we're going to go through setting up all of this gear together going to get me set up because it's a I listed off a little bit of the gear earlier and it's like oh my gosh an overwhelming amount right so she had to provide that for me um so I got my invite and I went and just she probably wanted you to know this was serious this is like this was a a thing yeah like not just like hey you should come shoot if you want to well that was always open yeah right this but this seemed like another like more serious step mhm it was and it was taking away from what she was doing because then she needed to train me I needed to set up gear it was a multi-month process so it also takes commitment to do that so the invite is like are you are you going to actually step up and do this or like is this a waste of our time right um and I agreed to do it and I started dry firing my little butt off mhm every night in my room loading my shotgun doing all sorts of stuff then I showed up to my first multi-gun match and it was absolutely atrocious oh my gosh I will that oh my gosh that first stage I will never forget it what happened ah shoot you started shooting rifle up a mountain yeah there were seven targets I hit three and I could not hit the other ones and I was was a distance those were probably like 300 400 maybe but all reasonable an AR a 223 rifle with a 1 to6 optic on it got you so you're just laying there and he was prone you know so I got elbows and mag there totally doable shot not doable for me at the time I shoot and shoot and shoot and shoot and shoot and eventually I'm like oh my God I have to I have other things I have to go and do I'm going to run out of time because there is a timeout oh it's not a fast timeout but if you really suck like what I was doing you could totally do that so I'm like I gotta go so I just put my rifle on safe like run away I remember you ran down this hill and I picked up my pistol and I was shooting and I was like why do I even have this like I can't hit [ __ ] just shooting and shooting went to war with this one steel Target I went to war with it for so long shot at it for so long I had to reload wasn't even the plan oh God get back up finally get it and then there's still shotgun oh gosh and I ran over to my shotgun and I picked it up and they had these slug targets and I didn't hit them and I ran away and dropping shells on the ground couldn't get them in my gun and I get to the end of it and I was like wow this is it so was a disaster basically dumpster fire oh the whole match oh the that was the one course of fire of like 12 9 or 12 they were all right about right about with it it's a rough start but it was also absolutely addicting yeah like you get there and it was this overwhelming process of like just wow yeah how in the world can I do this and that's what hooked me I literally shot that first match March um it was on my birthday so right around March 22nd and that year we my family went from competing about 8 to 12 matches a year to 20 plus who we literally we were the little traveling band of a family was that because now you were doing it too and so you were you got your GED so you didn't have to worry about school anymore now you can just compete just compete yeah and um I sucked really bad for like a year and a half and yet again my mom came in and uh thank goodness for my mom I would have been up creek without her um she knew what I was doing I that these matches just sucking finally was getting skill and like at home and training I was starting catch her she knew it and then we come to a match and it was like big spread in the Gap but in the overalls like she could just rise up and I would fall down the pressure would get gone yeah and um I I remember this stage too went up there had a bunch of flying Clays 14 of them and I only got seven M of the 14 targets that were available big bad when sat in the car was in the front seat just sad me and Mom comes and say sits in the backseat she goes H would you like me to tell you what you're doing I was like oh yeah please dear Lord someone tell me what I'm doing but sometimes kids they don't want to hear from their parents like that you know what I mean oh gosh I wish you would have told me this earlier cuz her words of wisdom were just like logical yeah and it was all about the fact that I was setting goals and I know it sounds weird but like in shooting you create your score in the moment because it's time and accuracy and it's a course of fire that you have never done before so if you show up with like an expectation or you're like oh man I'm trying to do this or I'm trying to meet this you don't know there's no real bar you have to said it so I was showing up with expectations I also was taking into consideration what everyone around me was doing and their stage plans and I was taking in the cadences of how fast they were shooting and all the things that other people do are completely irrelevant to you on the range right and you said that today even you said that because when somebody's shooting right beside you it's hard not to you you start shooting in Cadence automatic you'll start drawing at the same time you'll start shooting the same speeds you'll start trying to do all the same thing whether or not it's your ability whether that's too fast for you or too slow for you we just naturally want to fall into this Cadence it's like when you're the grocery store and you're bobbing to a beat and you're not actually listening to the song like we love to catch on to beats right um so I was doing all that so she told me this we had a long talk the next stage which was the last stage in the competition I had a top 10 overall placement W I literally went from a 54% shooter so like here's first place here I am just above middle the pack last course of fire top 10 and what what what did you change I went completely to process okay I'm talking every sight picture every trigger pull totally in the moment because you show up and you have these very elaborate um Target arrays and movements and all these other things and I would look at it in this big chunk and the thing is the only way you can get to that ending is through the process mhm and it was just taking it down to like no matter how long it takes no matter how slow it feels no matter nothing it's got to be this sight picture it's got to be this trigger pull it's got to be this sight picture it's got to be this trigger pull and it's amazing you focus on the steps mhm you get the outcome that you want right but when you focus on the outcome you want you'll miss step on your way there yeah so it's something very you know like this is so basic but when you shoot at an animal when you're bow hunting you can't just shoot at the whole animal you have to kick a hair you know and so and then you have to do all the things you practice with anchor points and the level and everything like I've mentioned before but it's that aiming people forget to aim they they just shoot because down there because like they know that to hold the antlers of that animal they got to shoot an arrow so they want to shoot an arrow as fast as possible right and just get it just get it out of the bow and then they're going to be like I'm going to be that much closer to holding no you're not going going to be close to [ __ ] if you don't aim yeah if you don't go through every step of the you can't leave out a link in the chain and it still all be connected mhm yeah that makes that makes sense you know but yeah so then from there you oh it went super great oh man thank goodness too she decided to tell me when she did because um either the next competition or a couple competitions later was my very first opportunity to compete on the world stage um at the very very first ever ipsc shotgun World shoot in Hungary how how old 17 I think um so we went there and I won my first world title I was like I remember the first stage there too I about couldn't breathe I remember I remember for some reason they had like fake plastic geese on the stage in a little white Pig and fence and I remember I was just like okay I'm ready to go shoot my gun well was first what did you have to shoot um it was just a bunch of Steel targets and Clays in the action Shooting Sports that I play in our targets sometime are moving but the majority of the time they're stationary and we're moving okay so this is a big course of fire that you navigate through you're speed load and you're working off of this big belt of shells um and I managed my first world title which really began my career cuz up until that point you know you're just you're big nobody um so that's when I was able to First get my first Dr sponsor um and have some glimmer of hope of this being a career MH and then I went on luckily a few months after that to um the most public competition that we've ever had which was called three Gun Nation it was a TV show they would have a series of competitions that you compete at and try and qualify for this cash shoot off um and I qualified and I went and there was this lady named I was fourth seat it was Katie Harris my mom Diana Müller and myself and I just o barely Eed on in there yeah and U so top four made it only yep okay yep top four ladies for the money uh it was at night they had Stadium lights it was at Shot Show oh wow so they had audience yeah um and I remember doing my little interview before and I was like yeah I don't know I'm just going to shoot my gun and I stepped outside the door and I saw that yeah and I my legs got so heavy I couldn't move I couldn't breathe and it was the most like jarring moment probably that I've ever had in my career and you know what I did I went and sat all these people so excited big shootout all these like hundreds of people I know I went and sat this far away from the burm the pile of dirt with a chair yeah like this just stared at the BM and visualized every shot that I was going to take okay for hours just trying to grasp some bit of control again cuz physically I was like yeah mess just a mess and I sat over there and it's just like sight picture trigger pull sight picture trigger pull visualizing every single one rifle pistol shotgun all of them over and over and over again and it paid off I was able to uh me and my mom were the first ones so I had to dethrown my mom first so like so you were against your mom was there a semifinal it so it was first and fourth second oh yeah no no it wasn't first and fourth it was second and fourth uh first and whatever that is you know what I'm talking about yeah yeah so you were against your mom at first I was against my mom first I had to beat her and to make it to whoever won the other bout right um so thank goodness I got her I took all three rounds really to yeah it wasn't clean it was like either she won no I think I won and then she won and then I won and I was like oh my gosh I did it so I moved on and then I got to take on Katie Harris and she was the [ __ ] really like she was the lady to beat in multi-gun that year she was wiing on everybody probably nobody gave you a chance did they or I mean they shouldn't have I hadn't done anything for anyone to properly believe in me yet um and I won W two strings and I got her and I won my big check my $5,000 which was like the most money I'd ever seen in my whole life at that age um and then I was able to win that shoot off every year that they held it really yeah and the money got better thank goodness it went from 5,000 to 25,000 25,000 to 25,000 that's good money and I took them all home wow so are you are you the best at that I mean in multi-gun I would say that my national titles say so yeah not that me that whole like are you the best yeah it's very arbitrary but I have the titles some titles that say that I the best at this specific thing because I never want to take credit from other people that have amazing achievements within the Firearms world because it's a very broad statement it's like if I said are you the best runner in the world it's like no at what you know like a Sprint 5K a 10K there is no at what it's just no but yeah I'm not even the best bow hunter in the world so it's like yeah I'm not the best at anything but you know you're I don't there are no world titles in Bow Hunting um but you do have beautiful trophies from it yeah I mean yeah I mean these guys and yours are edible these guys might say that I won that day that we were in the on the mountain together well you didn't lose that day I didn't lose yeah didn't lose but yeah man what a what a journey it sounds I don't know it sounds awesome sounds it was it was a hoopla I mean for like two years of that imagine three grown people with nine guns a piece traveling in a 21t motor home across the country shooting tens of thousands of rounds together like we were like a little family travel band of guns it was well it's good you guys get along oh yeah well we have to so we have specific rules to get along what is it so in competition okay we have our 30 minute rule at the end of the mat it doesn't matter good bad ugly if you won you can rub it in our faces for 30 minutes and if you lost you can pout about it for 30 minutes and after you're 30 minutes is up it is up like you better on to the next on to the next thing so we had to we had to set that rule yeah cuz you get tired of hearing people gloat you also get tired of hearing people [ __ ] I know so uh you get your you get your 30 minutes to be whatever you are and then on to the next thing what's it what's harder to not want to do cuz it seems like complain complaining is is like I don't know I'd be it'd be easy if I won not to say anything but if you feel like you failed and like you that that's hard that sticks with you MH well also at the level that we're at the winning isn't that sweet because it's what we expect right it's the only actual outome that is acceptable it's why we're there so every time I win it's like yeah this what I was supposed to do right whereas when you lose yeah that makes sense and yeah you can't bring that negativity back into the family back into the car because it's going to affect everyone else yeah yeah and luckily it was just like one in another string of many you know and just like with shooting today I was telling Tracy um misses only win you know like the missing the target we know that's going to happen misses only matter they only win when they distract us from our next shot right that was good advice because so often when someone Miss is once they'll start missing more because they're like oh man I missed and they're thinking about that Miss but they keep shooting and they miss again and then they miss again and then they then they're all just all in their head it's like misses are going to happen failures are going to happen the only way it can matter is if it affects what you're doing next right so it's just immediately move on yeah that's good advice that's good advice for life it is and randomly it's the only way that you can compete well because in your big courses of fire you know you're trying to execute so many techniques so quickly so fast that like if your brain comes in to criticize you in that moment instead of supplying an answer what a waste right gone loser bam out of here so that makes sense yeah I think a lot of people could learn learn from that I know I could it's not easy I had my long time of battling with with that but you have to have the like you have to give yourself the confidence to miss and the ability to miss cuz it's going to happen we can't be afraid of it but we just got to be ready to take action as soon as it's done mhm fix the problem yeah well you know what else I was impressed with with you is you you ran good I mean that run wasn't easy and I was like not feeling it I was you know 31 days ago is when this was confirmed to come on your podcast and for 31 days I have been anxious as can be a about it oh my gosh like coming and running with you and I also wanted this to be as organic as possible so I didn't research you I didn't watch run shoot lift I didn't listen to your podcasts because I just wanted to meet sh and see who you were like Sho sorry lift run shoe see I didn't see I didn't good job see I told you I didn't yeah um so with all that I came in super nervous um but once again like I said you're your supportiveness to everyone else out there it makes me feel great about going we didn't get in your minimum of two miles a day but we did get in seven oh God no you did uh you did great we did 7.4 he keeps saying seven but we have to add the point4 because it matters to me it was legit it was I mean but four miles of that is uphill pretty much you know and you you kicked ass and you lifted hard in here it was good and shot the bow amazing Wayne loved teaching you I know I'm so excited to go shoot bow more every every time I shoot a bow I'm like man yeah this is so fun and it's so opposing to kind of the the specific things that make me great at what I do it kind of opposes those really strongly right and it makes me have to find patience which I call it patience oh because it's always painful to be patient I I'm I'm the same way I want it now mhm and you cannot do that with archery so switch up so what do how do I get better shooting oh how do you get better at shooting um from what you saw today what's my deficiencies H pulling trigger too hard deficiencies that's such a thing I'll give you a process to get better okay so when we go to the range and we're shooting targets where they be steel or paper always think of them as your written test how can you show up confident with the answers to that test okay you study beforehand so that at home dry fire that at home training that no ammunition going through the motions of everything that is where we get to perfect and build our skills it's not fun it's not snazzy going to the range and shooting a bunch of ammo is way more fun and if you have the resources to go and only live fire it's really good but you're only going to need a whole and you're going to be making that drive to the range all the time so at home training is something that every professional does um and it would be your next steps I brought you back some cardboard targets you tried to throw them away and I dug them out of the trash board like no you need some Target to dry fire on but going through just everything you did working out of the holster doing one shots starting a transition there's so much that's still new I don't need you to push your skills I need the skills that you have to start becoming your constant right you know I need you to be able to deliver that outcome on demand MH and then once you can do that then it's like ooh where are my deficiencies what can I get but right now it's just in consistency so we're trying to find consistency and that's just going to come from some hours behind your gun um and at home is the easiest place to do that yeah do you I mean I know you mentioned visualization when you start at that burm but do you still do that I mean are you still visualizing hitting the target perfect and yeah that's part of our process for every course of fire okay um visualization because we have such a short amount of time like the way the sport works is that you're allowed in to see this very intricate stage of like a bunch of movement and memorizing all of your targets and your placements and your footing and your reloads and your gear everything that you're going to have to do so you get just a few minutes to do that but what you can continue to do is visualize it so you get your plan you go back you close your eyes and you need to watch yourself run through the course of fire a minimum of three times through first person so three times imagining through your SES perfect site pictures right on your target every shot you want to take every movement you want to take what it looks like three times through third person like you're watching a video of yourself run through and that's the minimum um the goal is that when that buzzer goes off your brain goes away and your body your training your muscle memory has the opportunity to take over because that's always going to be the fastest it can only run really fast and perform all the things that you train if you have that plan absolutely solidified in your mind so even with our simple drill today of like two two and two yeah if if you visualize it before I guarantee you it'll go better so I've never heard that first person third person where'd that come from um that came from my teammate Daniel Herer um on Sig sour he was the captain of the army Marksmanship unit and at one point in time he had all of his men national champions in the US so he's got it figured out locked away and he taught a class to me on mental Management on the mental approach to everything how to set goals how to approach them how to achieve them all of that and I knew I needed to visualize and I had always visualized in first person but I had never thought of visualizing in third person and it did bring a great um bit more detail to it because it also makes you visualize your emotions more because in shooting if you're visualizing through first person you're seeing your sights right but how much today did we talk about stance elbows knees hips all of these other yep third person view it allows you to get that detail also once we bring in movement into our shooting and foot placements and really specific like actions third person that's that's also why you mentioned how to film the shot I think because that's a that's a third person view and where then you can critique it over and over but yeah you know I visualized is hunting a lot like that perfect arrow and the perfect Arrow flight trajectory and hitting exactly where you want I've never thought or even heard of visualizing that same scenario in third person when you think about it now what details come to mind that you feel like might be left out through first person and are there any ones let's close oh we're not supposed to have any moments of silence in a podcast are we and I'm like o close your eyes and be introspective so curious what I'm what I just [Music] saw I what I just saw was I wanted to shoot the bull when it didn't know it's not looking at me it's you know my goal is always to to kill the animal when it it didn't know I was there or hit the the animal with my arrow it never knew I was in the area never knew was never alarmed and had had no idea I was in the same country so when I just visualized that the bull was doing its thing I was in the shadows and made a a nice controll draw very relaxed very calm and that bull wasn't looking at me he's doing his thing and then that near side leg came forward and then I picked a spot on the Arrow blew clear through them the bull from the top I could see me and the bull very cool very cool but I hadn't done that before I like that I like that I like that it brought in the rest of your body obviously you're to the point where so much of it is just muscle memory and it's the only answer it's the only thing that you'll do you know I stand this way but I feel like bringing in a third person might solidify it even a little bit more cuz you have to have the detail of all of you from your toes to your nose right it's all there and you got to see it all yeah that's awesome I like it well I'm glad that that that's a fun thing to do but visualization is like it's so good m so good also creating routines to get us into that place where we can deliver a known performance is a really important uh thing that I don't think everyone does so like for me I have my routine of when it's two competitors down from me put in my little earplugs put on my ear mouths call it my cone of silence and I wander away and I go into my visualizations I should have already done it so much so that I already have it but this is like my last few moments MH so this is where I'm going over here I'm doing this my whole goal is once again to take away my brain because so many people talk about muscle memory and how important it is but what about if your muscle memory can't take over because your brain's trying to do something right your brain sabotaging you generally yeah it usually does cuz it's trying to think of all sorts of stupid things so for me my time of visualization right before I go up is trying to just get my brain to get out of the way because I have this ability and if I can get my brain out of the way then it can actually show up and take over but two people can't be in charge two people can't be guiding the ship and having to think through the process is always going to be slower than just letting your skills take over so that process of whatever it is that routine of getting into the place where you need to be able to deliver a known performance is uh an important one someone told me that Serena Williams bounces her tennis ball seven times before every surve I don't know if that's accurate someone on the internet I know will'll find out um fact check but in my mind when they told me that I was like oh it's because that's her routine MH to get to that place she doesn't need to do it it's not actually adding to her performance but she's doing it because it's a moment for her mind to go away and let her muscle memory take over at least that's what I that's what I took from it Serena if you're watching please let reach out let me know she watches this every episode I'm sure well she'll just DM me after this and be like oh yeah for sure Lena let's let's get cocktails later yeah no you know I was thinking I remember a bull that I missed million years ago was kind of spitting snow I was in the Eagle Cap Wilderness and I was already this bulll had had dark antlers it was a 7x6 I can still see it going slightly uphill and I was coming from the bottom and I had like a 40 some yard shot not even that far should have been on make the shot but what I was thinking about was the picture I was going to be able to put up at the bow rack oh we were at our ending and we weren't going through our process and I was thinking how sick that picture in that bull and I was going to be able to put it at the picture at the bow rack and uh I skipped an arrow off its back and I did not kill that bull and that was so painful I can't even explain I don't know if I've been in worse pain in my life and I and this was probably this would be 25 years ago yeah still scarred up from so yeah so I you know I've skipped ahead on the process a number of times would not being in the moment if I would been in the moment picked a spot had that third person view of the scenario and visualized it and visualized that perfect Arrow hitting the spot that I picked I would have had that picture at the moac yeah but I skipped to the picture first isn't it as as soon as we mentally get to the outcome we cannot also be in the process yeah and our outcome will always suffer right it's it's so hard too to be like right now the only thing I can control is this itty bitty little thing right now and it doesn't ever seem like it's going to lead to the outcome that you want no but as soon as these little things start to Fumble you can never have it so and I think part of it is getting harder nowadays because we're so distracted by a million everybody's on their phone all the time so when are you ever really in the moment anymore unless you're very intentional about it so I think that even that Focus it's getting harder and harder with the more [ __ ] that we have going on in life we're not getting longer attention spans by any means we're not finding more patience in our everyday life so I think like if you can be intentional about that perspective or that Focus you're going I mean anybody listening to this is going to have a huge advantage over their competition no matter what they do you know because you're you are in the moment yep and when you're at a competition and there's other people looking at that shiny trophy man you pump them up you be like look at that that could be you you could be holding that and while they're thinking about that you're going to be working your way towards it yeah because they're not they're just looking at it yeah they're not doing the work in the moment actually get it so yeah cheer them on tell them how good they look with that photo with their big trophy and how amazing it's going to be and they can be thinking about that future them which is totally irrelevant to now you I think now I I have learned mostly through failure that now I'm always in the moment hunting you know in regular life it's harder you know but you also have said many times on this I mean I might be dead tomorrow so we'll be here I do and that's living in the moment that's in today because especially with your lifestyle and how many opportunities are coming up and so many things to do it's so easy to always be in the next thing you know who's coming on the podcast next how's how's movie care I don't even know and that's and it's there's so much coming at you that it's like I can't think about all that [ __ ] oh no you you could though I could and be and what would suffer everything right now cam would be would be not cam yeah so it's super hard but like my saying is that's future Lina a problem right oh future l a problem which is just me like okay I trust and I have confidence in myself to be able to handle the problems of the future as they come yeah so that means that I have to leave them for future Lena right so future Lena take him on right now I'm going to do this yeah yeah so you might you might die tonight and mine's just future problem Lena the future Lena problems yeah I'm Terri I I mean I don't book flights even like until the day or two before so I'm like so opposite of looking ahead to the next thing nowadays but it's only because I've I've screwed up so many times you know you count your chickens before the hatch or like I remember I wrote a book and I these person said oh yeah we want to order 3,000 copies and it's my first book and I only made 5,000 copies so 3,000 copies I was like oh my God I made it this is all and then they said oh no no we want three cases well no that was three cases of 18 so that's 54 books not 3,000 copies so anyway I had spent that money I was like emotionally invested like I made it and then it's like a huge so now anyway I've screwed up by by getting ahead of myself before now it's was like so far the opposite now it's just like I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow but today we're going to Give It All We Got but only through all of those failures did it give you the confidence that future you would be able to handle whatever it was cuz if you were never tested you wouldn't know so you faced those challenges you proved that in the moment whatever it may be UPS or Downs that you will have it mhm so leave it for who it should be for future you I love it well you know this is this was so fun because we've been hanging out for a while a couple days and we talked a lot and then we were like before this podcast is going I wonder what we're going to talk about yeah also like tired I was oh my I almost fell asleep going to my room yesterday cuz I was just absolutely uh gassed today I challenged you guys for what probably felt like forever the most rounds you said that you've ever shot in a day no this is no I shot more today than my whole life oh that's like if you add all the rounds I shot I beat it today okay okay well there we go so there was that and all of the new information and all of the new techniques in the hottest day I think probably of the year in the middle of the day so we yeah we showed up and we were a little like oh man what are we what we do see it's all fun oh all worked out we drink a bunch of coffee now we're all jazzed up and I I learned a lot I mean that one thing about the first and third person perspective that I mean that invaluable I love that so if nothing else I learned that so thank you oh well you're so welcome you also got a lot of really cool gear so that's like I got a lot of cool gear this is just like a little what is it a little summer Christmas for both of us it was yeah I got a bunch of guns you got a new bow we had a lot of fun I I'm so thankful that you came all the way here to Oregon and we were able to spend a couple days together it's been been incredible it has you definitely soothed my anxiety about a big podcast and so thankful that we had the time before and all the activities to get to know each other because I think at one point you were like I'm just a redneck who likes to run through the woods I'm not much for talking and I was like o I'm kind of just a redneck that likes to shoot guns so it's going to be a short podcast yeah we had some time to warm up yeah no that so that we could talk as I say that's the only reason why I I'm not good at this but if I have a connection with people because we've shared suffered or we've you know experienced things together and like have this camaraderie or whatever it is then I can get through and today I mean you got such a great personality and you're great on podcast so thank you it's this has been so much fun it has been I'm excited uh I'm excited for your updates I expect some like some videos coming through yeah good bad or ugly if they're ugly and that's all you get for the day then just tell me why it was and you know that I'll be there to cheer you on for because it's not about necessarily the outcome at the moment but it's about understanding why we got whatever it is at hand exact so then we can change it in the future to be whatever we want I'll send you some videos you can critique themc well thank you Lena this has been so much fun I'm again appreciative um it's honored to learn how to shoot from you because one of the best to ever do it thank you oh oh thank you Cam you're so sweet and we all know how great you are otherwise we wouldn't be listening to your podcast right now so oh thank you well I hope you guys enjoy this episode I know I did keep hammering yeah all right guys welcome to the brand new Cameron haze.com truck [Music] giveaway this truck used to be red but we got this sick badass wrap on it to go with the theme of this giveaway what you do in the dark matters that means we got to train at night we got to get better we got to earn that Edge at night so what you do in the Dark Matters out there getting in those miles maybe shooting in the driveway and the headlights of of a of a truck or maybe just pushing weights in the gym we got to do something to set ourselves apart so that's where hey the night shift comes in and this brand new 2023 Ram TRX 702 horsepower killer looking ride is going to go to somebody who enters to win at cameronhanes.com whoever that is I'm going to fly them out here they're going to get this ride I'll hand him the keys and 10,000 in cash and I hope it's you so again head to my website figure out how to enter and win good luck keep [Music] H every step I take I move my truth every time they tell me stop I every com that makes my f gather up my energy and boom I hear them talking saying the way that I move is so reckless that is a part of my mind I've been blessed with giving my blood so I am Relentless my fault they want someone to blame they sent their he it fuels my Pace I am Roy tough I am the change the F in dirt feeling like cams give me the nobody wants I give you my heart I car the work give me that impossible D I'll give you that unbreakable courage give me that right s in that hurt I'll give you that mindset that I earn give me that last question on Earth that I just di did I am dirt give me them odds nobody wants I'll give you my heart I carry the work give me that impossible task I'll give you give me that unbreakable curage give me that right off in that hurt I'll give you that mindset that I Hur give me that last question on Earth did I just die did I end
Channel: Cameron Hanes
Views: 28,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cameron hanes, keep hammering, cam hanes podcast, keep hammering collective, khc podcast, cam hanes bow hunting, emily halnon, American practical sport shooter, sports shooting, sport shooting competition, goggins, nick bare podcast, ufc
Id: D_bIfqNw5oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 36sec (6036 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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