Chito Vera | Keep Hammering Collective | Episode 069

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every step I take I move my truth every time they tell me stop I use every comment hate that makes my feel GA up my energy and boom I them blocking saying the way that I move is so reckless that is a part of my mind I've been blessed with giving my blood so I am Relentless all right welcome to the keep hammering Collective I'm here with Marlon Cheeto Vera what's up buddy man I'm Sor sore yeah we had a good day yesterday huh it was great man I've been looking forward for a while to do that I've been being a big fan of yours for a long time wanting to wrong with you train learn how to shoot the bow and it was an amazing day great experience really yeah it's I had so much fun cuz I don't know how you know we connected obviously through UFC and watching you fight and I'm there sometimes with Joe so it's uh but I just I liked how I liked you know I think everybody loves your attitude you you're so positive you're uh you seem fun without even know or spending time with you oneon-one seem like a fun happy person that just works her ass off that I mean that's that's what I do it's you got to keep the right attitude towards everything right not not every day you win not every fight you win and sometimes that alone just can dictate where you're going live or who you are or how you approach things and I mean if you keep the the right attitude good things will come to you yeah well it's uh I mean you're you're last fight was a big fight championship fight uh five round War uh and yeah I mean it's that's the fight game is such a hard job you know yeah I mean it's a I would say it's a blessing to be able to put myself on the spotlight like that and have the opportunity just to like go big in front of the world but at the same time you know it's big risk High reward but also the downfall is the spikes are like quick right like you can go from from being everyone's number one fighter to like nah so that's what in my opinion is the best game because it's all mental it's like how you handle the noise how you handle the ups and downs and besides that I mean makes a better story towards the end when you when you get it done yeah that's what I always say anytime I get disappointed or something doesn't work out I'll be I'm just like [ __ ] it it's going to make a better story now after I you know get kicked the balls or something yeah it's it's easy to be have a good attitude when you're just winning all the time and it that doesn't really test you you know of course everybody love it but that's not how life works and so how you handle those valleys and get you to the Peaks those I mean you have to embrace when you're in Bor you have to like almost like appreciate when you touch rck bordom because now that you're touching there you can actually jump but when you're in the middle there's nowhere to you can go up you can go down sometimes you get sideways because you don't you don't have a sight but I mean it's life yeah in in a sport in in performing yeah it's it's awesome to just go win win win win but I mean in real life they don't they don't it don't work like that there's there's ups and down there's life there's families there's kids there your your family your wife your everything right and there's it's never all pretty it's never all like beautiful sunset and rainbow there's an ups and downs and how you handle that is what makes you better what what make people want to be around you want to make people like like you because it's like how you keep it up and like for all of us it's a different Journey for all of us it's just a different path and you just have to go through you know it's choing chopping and keep going forward yeah keep working well where did you learn that mindset I will say from my father my grandfather like I growing up I never see complaining around me but also I knew we were like the rich family that everything is you know you you you have wealth for generations and but I never saw my father like complaining and be like oh I don't have this I don't have that how I can get there because in our family there were like wealthy families there were like actually some wealthy families near us like on my own family but we were in that and I never see my dad like comparing himself or like now that I'm an adult and I'm a grown man looking back I never saw him like going like [ __ ] like why I don't have what this guy have or how I can get that he just put his head down and work and he provide yeah so for my own self for my own family I'm like I can do less than what he did for us so that's what made me go bigger and you know left the country trying to made it to UFC become a UFC UFC fighter and and been trying my eyes off since 2014 yeah I love it I mean but I I do think that that's uh that's a great lesson too because I think a lot of kids grow up and they hear their their parents or for Sons especially their dads Because I think sons look to their dads for to model how you're supposed to be as a man and if the dad is always bitching and complaining about you know some other guy or his situation at work or his life then the son sees that and it's they're going to mimic that you pretty much you're making a [ __ ] and I indirectly like you don't want that for your kids but you don't realize how much kids L and how much they pay attention sometimes you're like that he's a little kid he don't [ __ ] know they know and that gave me awen NSE growing up because I'm like I was aware of everything my father I was like I was the coolest guy farmer guy ride horses Drive of F-150 so I I'm like that guy is [ __ ] bad it's about us and without Fame without money but everywhere he go hey Mr bar hey Marlin like I mean let's try few cows or whatever he was always making business on Town and it's a small farm town so right either either you're cool or you're not because it's a small town right and I was just like as a kid I remember just paying attention of every little detail shakes everybody's hand look people in the eye and he never sit down and tell me all this but you see that's what with my son is around let's say I lost a fight or I'm not doing well or I feel like something is wrong I just keep the best attitude towards it because he's feeding from me every day so I'm like I'm not going to let this kid get the worst of me right he's going to get the best of me even if I'm not there in that moment and it's it's all a perspective you just got to maybe Today we're not good M maybe won't be tomorrow but at some point you will figure it out how to be good and that's all that matters yeah yeah it's a it's a I mean it's so valuable to have that attitude it's a I mean it's it's everything really I mean because that's going to dictate where your life goes and it's like yeah you didn't get the result you wanted in that last fight but man you you uh from us talking yesterday you told me you're changing the things around trying to you know trying to grow trying to get better and that's I mean that's the name of the game I think a lot of guys they get comfortable doing what they're doing their routine they lose they stay with that same routine but but you're changing it huh I mean you you can't do the same and expect better or different results me you have to like move pieces like what I'm trying to do right now is getting my Athletics better like I was never the the good athlete I was was never the kid that won the race or racing bikes I was always like [ __ ] I'm as low oh I'm not too strong I was I was small skinny M I was just tough and kind of like a little smarter than some but I was like how I can do to beat this guy on a on a wrestling match we like we would wrestle on on on the soccer field and I was always getting pain I was always getting like man hand on like what the [ __ ] but I was a tough guy that we were like hey let's another round dud I just kick your ass let's go let's go let's go and now what I'm trying to change is that like I have that I have the power I have the durability now I need to be more mobile I need to become a better athlete because I wasn't born too gifted like I wasn't the guy that could just jump high or run fast so now I'm like getting my plios better like my coaches taking me around seeing different conditioning guys just like just to get a little better because I I already know how to put my head down and run far I can do that I can climb I can I can push myself I know that I and I can always give a little more I can be like okay an inch an inch I can get those inches by being tough but now I need to become a little better an athlete and that will give me just more wrinkles in my game yeah I think that uh I think those type of the type of person you are and that you just described those have a higher ceiling if you're talking about potential because the great athletes they've they've been winning just on athleticism on god-given Talent they haven't necessarily had to work had haven't had to put their head down and just be like okay I need to get to work and so their ceiling gets to hear where somebody who's like I'm never going to stop improving they'll pass him eventually yeah 100% like I don't have a ceiling like I don't have goals set in a way like okay if I won the bill one time that's it I want to want it a hundred times I want to like I want to try my best to do it as long as I can that's why I I kept my nutrition the way it is I kept my diet I kept my LIF I'm not trying to [ __ ] around I'm not trying to go to a club I'm not I want to be lonely I want to like just because it's a short career yeah I got six more years realistically I mean I can push for more years maybe here and there but top Prime like good health and everything I got six seven years right so like why [ __ ] around now yeah I got the rest of my life to play and do whatever I want so now it's just just force it kick the door and be like [ __ ] I'm going to get it I liked hearing that too because I was as a fan it was it's frustrating for me to see like Connor he's made like so much money he's like at the top of the game but I'm like God this is a prime of your fighting life who you know you could be winning the biggest fights because you can party and be rich the whole rest of your life you know I was I was just thinking that these years are so precious because as a fighter it's like this doesn't last forever it doesn't last forever and it's it's uh so I love hearing your attitude about that too because yeah I mean so even you know for a fighter 40 is old well [ __ ] 30 more years of your life left what are you going to do you you know it's like make the most of the fighting now and uh you know and also your attitude reminds me of I think it's one of your favorite fighters from I don't know you can tell me but George St Pierre yeah it's you know he came in and he was I think a Catey Striker but then he really embraced wrestling which he he wasn't I mean that wasn't his thing but he trained with like the Canadian national wrestling team I think and made that one of his strengths so he was always evolving the same like he was the type of guy that from the outside we took a little bit to but he would he will go box for three months then go wrestle for three months then go grapp for three months and then when the fight get get close he brought all those guys together so he he was like the perfect fighter like his his his explosiveness his his Athletics like those techs weren't like it was the best technique in the world it was just the few seconds that he got for like changing levels and just boom it was a bullet so he was similar to me like not really have a like a strong background or something his background in karate was real like he since I was since a little kid I started when I was 16 yeah that's pretty old to start yeah and I show to my first you to class A Shop with a with a pack of cigarettes and hung over so I was I was just a street fighter so that that's why I also appreciate more how far they got because I wasn't supposed to do this I I was supposed to just [ __ ] around and fail and then one day went that's it for me um [ __ ] the night life [ __ ] all this because everybody was like every day my phone ring dude party party party party and then that was fun yeah I go to the party everybody have a good time fun and Yokes but then I was like okay is this it this is this is going to take me anywhere right and since I love fighting and a friend told me like dude just start fighting like why why you fighting for free yeah I'm like makes sense so my neighbor took me to a ug to gym yeah and I never left I show up when I it was like a Tuesday Wednesday show up pay the month they were like you don't when to took the free classes I'm like no no no I'm I'm here for good this is in Ecuador in Ecuador yeah and when I started training like like a month later I stopped picking up the phone for parties all my friends were like dude what the [ __ ] I'm like dude I'm in a mission now he's like what are you talking what's the UFC I'm like I'm going to be there one day don't worry about it everybody was like you're crazy you they will never because back then there was not one Spanish speaking person or anyone from South America fighting so it was like it was like uh impossible to do it why did you believe you could do it I don't know God man I was just like when I say want something yeah when I want to be good at something I just forget about the world exist and just be like if I want that that's what I want did uh so that was 16 you started yeah 16 turning yeah 16 because my first pro fight was at 17 oh and you so up until then what do you mean fighting in the streets was like it like kind of like uh Jorge mazal was it like organized fights or just like getting and talking [ __ ] to each other I wish it was like that because that would have give me a better base for fighting it was literally dark in the club kind of drunk someone barely touched me just Sucker Punch and then it was like a 10 versus 10 type of cops came it was a mess yeah and that's how you get hurt that's how you get killed but sometimes and I'm lucky I never run into the wrong person mhm that's true like I be like chilling and I'm a I was a little kid I would put like a Boton up so they let me into the club I look a little older you put on a what like a b up what's that oh button yeah so I look a little older like leather shoes kind of thing so they let me go in because I was I was like 13 Going to clubs how how old do you have to be there uh 18 18 okay but I didn't had a uh a Hirt on my face I look like a baby so so and somehow they let me in all the time oh I don't know what it was but I look like a baby but like I I've in the club drinking and like someone look at me and I would like throw my drink I was just looking for a fight was it were you trying to get respect from other people or just you just I just thought it was cool I like I would I would we would a drink at a friend house first friend house and we were like okay no fighting to that come on D don't ruin the night 15 minutes into the club I was throwing hooks left and right and the worst part about it was like most of these times I wouldn't end getting my ass kick you would oh yeah yeah and somehow cuz they were men or what they were like men yeah like I would throw like one or two and then we're like they were like push me and I would like go flying yeah you probably weighed how much 12 125 yeah so you had to sucker pchum otherwise you weren't getting anything off most times were are nice but he to say oh man yeah that's not I mean not not a great future if you keep that up so it a good move to get that and so nobody I mean you just did that on your own the training yeah yeah like my friend took me to one class okay and after that I you I used talk the bus every day M like I didn't miss a day really not even when I have like the test at the school and or homework I don't even do those things I never did a homework I I was like [ __ ] School get off school eat lunch shower walk hijack take the balls every day and uh so did you graduate high do you have high school there yeah yeah did you graduate yeah I did yeah good okay and then so hard did you ever like I I just imagine somebody who now you starting learn skills then did you ever want to go back to the club and be like oh I could be a legend back there now I know how to fight I never went back oh never went back I was like and if I went and I was already like a blue bu I'll be like don't even talk to me like I wasn't drinking I was just like I was chilling I had a good time but someone pushed me I be like whatever I was already gased out because I was training I like I would do like beginners class mhm I would do the regular class I would do the advanced class so I was Tapped Out hours yeah you're exhausted and the moment I graduated from high school I said doing the morning class the noon class was like the pro fighters Class and then the classes in the afternoon so I was I was in the gym 10 hours a day wow how how long did it take you to get your black belt like close to 10 years oo still a lot of training there yeah like a lot of training but I would like go every day and as until p i compete almost everything and and then did did you compete in Jiu-Jitsu I competed in I competed a lot in Ecuador I went from to Peru to a bigger tournament once I never did the the the US op nothing like that because by the time they become popular I was already fighting and once I start fighting I never compete against yit oh I see cuz you just like the full MMA I thought it was it become boring to me right grapple right when did so when did striking come in like a year later when I become a blue Bill okay there was like a guy in the gym that that train the other guys like a kickboxing guy right and then start like training with them and then when they they invite me to like the pro class and but it was a bunch of like man like 200 lb black belts like they were a slop and everything but I was 100 lb right so we were like trained and it was more like like very low level but you try hard enough that something sticks right yeah yeah and fighting big guys it doesn't matter I mean exactly so cuz right now when I see you fight I it's mostly striking you know and you have that base in Jiu-Jitsu 10 years black belt but everybody I think not everybody I just know me I see you as a striker mostly now I know and right now today I TR with the mandes Bros with it's is the best jiujitsu you can have in the whole entire world like and they have a thousand kids at the highest level like the best Grapplers in the country today and I don't grapple like I grapple weekly I go there I go to I do private sessions with them yeah and then I just like to I just like to scrap yeah yeah I know cuz I was thinking you know after talking you know against with that om Ali fight I was like man if you could have just like taken him down just change that up a little bit I even thought about it the threat of taking taking him down but you I mean that's true and that's also part of growing yeah the thing with those things like people go from like okay I'm going to I'm a super good strikker one fight didn't go well and then you go full on wrestling yeah that's in my opinion also like not the best Rad but mixing it up is what will make you great so I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to work on that to mix it up because I Spar like high level guys and most of my sparing are like wrestlers so they shoot a lot and we grapple a lot in the ground mhm but once the fight gets on I just want to Elbow you in the forehead well I know you've had some crazy awesome Knockouts you know the front kicks the I mean all sorts that's a problem too because now you fell in love with that yeah you I don't see people falling in love with a r naked joke no no you kick someone head to another dimension you're like you know what let's stick to this yeah it's it's so exciting to watch but um yeah I I think there's a fine line too because if we think about youf c 300 which which we were both there um you have to mix it up because it's like if you look at Alain Sterling's fight he just took the back or or held uh cater down basically didn't really do much striking and then I mean you you win but it's not going to be a highlight reel and you don't get the push from the UFC yeah you don't get the big fight cuz they like they like making the crowd yell they I know that's what UFC wants and it it's part of the show so that's what I'm saying you got to mix it up but at the end of the day you have to give him some you have to give them something in order to get I mean because we all want more I want to get paid more I want more bonuses I want more of better contracts but in order to get those you have to make someone believe well I guess you know you could go the wrong way on that too because uh what was that fight because they had that big bonus right for knock out of the night to 300,000 uh what was that fight where a gosh a big tall black guy landed like thought it was a walkoff and j turn Jaylen Turner that was crazy yeah when I saw like when I went one two guy fell down almost cold one followup punch one yeah you woke out with a win and then you kind of like and then you went like referee what the [ __ ] what do you mean what the [ __ ] you got to kill the guy I know but he wanted that walkoff hopefully to get to 300,000 maybe do you think he was thinking that yeah but if you punch the guy the guy fall to the ground and you you Superman punch from the top to the bottom yeah that's a I give you 300 for that too like a Dan Henderson yeah he should my boy oh my boy yeah yeah yeah he should a go for if you hurt someone don't don't be cool fighting is not for the cool right you heard someone you get the job done because look what happened m recovery next round came on know took him down and stopped him I know that's and and how much money was lost because because he didn't get his win bonus probably I don't know what his contract is he I mean I don't know either but you're losing pretty much half every check and I get it if the guys better than you and you you get bat that's cool yeah losing like that most hurt I would have been messed up in the head if I would lose like that right like if I have like an armar and I feel like oh I don't want to break his arm and then the guy knocked me out I wouldn't be waking up sweating at night yeah that's not I mean you heard the guy yeah stopping his head finish him like go for it I know it's uh yeah it's such a crazy crazy business um what do you think you know it's crazy like you you lost against sugar sugar right yeah not sugar I don't know that's a good question but people seem to like like you more you know like the the crowd pop is more for you and it's like what what makes people love you or love a fighter I will say authen being being authentic I mean you got to be yourself you got to like you got to keep a good head on your shoulders and you have to have the good attitude like if you don't like someone like [ __ ] you like in MMA you you can't be friends with everybody you can't be like just because you hang out in one event or one signing you guys are not that doesn't mean you guys are friends like my friends are my friends and fans like that like fans like when you're authentic when you fight hard and I said before he's like a Conor McGregor ban but met in China so that's what comes to it like I'm not trying to be like corner like I have a few suits but I'm not corner right I'm not trying to be any like I admire USP I admire Max Holloway everybody like Alan I'm not trying to be like them I'm trying to be like me yeah it's a you know there is only one Connor he's really good at but yeah the the mimicking somebody like that is just not going to work and a guy like that I I heard him before saying like oh I want to be like Conor he's the biggest superstar and I also heard him saying I want to fight Conor that would be a massive fight and then we goes back to like oh Conor is the best I'm like I mean you got to choose you got to choose one of your narrative you can be yeah how much how much of it is like these beefs cuz I get the feeling that you really don't like him that much because of maybe you feel like he's not authentic but how much is it like for the show like you create this rivalry to sell or how much is real on usually I I feel like some Fighters really like play the game and like they just they just do it for the show but that doesn't means they don't want to knock you out yeah for me I just like to keep it real in the way like I'm like you're my opponent [ __ ] you I'm not your friend I'm not going to be shaking your hand and hugging you and wishing you the best and telling your team God bless because we want exactly the same right and one guy got to walk out of there sad family is going to be sad I don't want my kids to watch me lose like that right I don't want my kids to watch me hurt I don't want my family to watch me like that so you have to say [ __ ] you it's I get it some people call it sportmanship but this is not a sport fighting is not a sport fighting fighting is fighting you fight you get paid to get a some job and you only get ahead when you win yeah it's a like that's people have that it's not fighting but people don't like when people who compete against each other are buddies like I hear people talk about the NBA right now that everybody's like likes each other when it was my Michael Jordan Larry Bird those guys they they hated each other they wanted to hurt each other you know what I mean and people like that more because it's how can you be buddies and and somebody's going to win somebody's going to lose and that's not even fighting yeah and the but the crowd like the people from Boston the people from Chicago they're like they want their team to win but I mean if the players are likey buddy because I mean they're making millions right they lose a game they still fil in a commercial they have crazy endorsements deals for us is like you didn't win a fight you're left behind right doesn't matter if that was for the title if you're number one contender in fighting you're only as good as your last fight right people forget about all the great things you did I mean that's what you have to be mean it's not a it's not a sporting the one that you can be like shaking hands and be like [ __ ] yeah like you have to be mean yeah I I saw even you kind of had words with even Al's trainer what's or his coach is it Tim somebody yeah Ed guy yeah was he talking [ __ ] or what I mean he said it before like you know part of the war part of the game he he took [ __ ] in between rounds like he goes like come on you suck come on budy quit and I literally they were cleaning the blood of my nose and I Lally just grabbed my cup I'm like [ __ ] you suck my dick but I'm like they they take like oh yeah he's just jealous or Em I'm like jealous of what one I don't want to be like you two you're a [ __ ] cook I mean yes fair and square you won the fight I'm making EXC like a little fight for a great fight yeah and I'm not a [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] in the first fight you make every excuse possible mhm yeah we won five rounds I mean we'll get to the end of the fight now we're one and one right but when the coach was like oh yeah if you want to get down I'm like I'm not talking to you you're the one talking to me but don't get me wrong you can be a bigger guy and I know you might have the advantage and most likely you will beat me in a in in a real fight but also guess what I don't give a [ __ ] you talk [ __ ] I'm fighting you right and if he not a fighting with rules I'm not fighting by the book so [ __ ] you simple as that yeah and then they're the ones talking about me and they felt the people how the people go more toward me than them I mean I guess they're the ones that are jealous not me I don't I don't even think about them they're the ones been about me for years yeah they come [ __ ] I don't care I would like to see I mean cuz you guys are one in one I mean he can say whatever he wants and he looked great in the last fight I can't take anything away he won the belt great great fight against Sterling um you know defended against you whatever but you're still oneon-one one of the most common questions I get is how do I start hunting my answer I actually really wish there was something like gohunt available to me when I was younger it would have saved me lot of time hunting areas that game was scarce go hunt is just like Zillow but for hunting you can see every hunting opportunity in the west and easily sort by game you're looking to chase along with draw odds over-the-counter opportunities Harvest stats and even trophy size you can expect even if you've been hunting your 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put the knee and the body shot the body shot was more damag than the knee yeah I mean like it thank God I took it I mean if I might be not the most talented guy but pretty tough I got I got his Tren so I take that because I can work on the rest how how did it feel did it hurt like [ __ ] it really it was when I saw the picture at the beginning I was like oh he got to hit me with the muscle with the tight but when I saw the video I was like no that was a bone to my nose yeah that felt like a slap it was weird really I honestly I like to believe like you know you got to believe in miracles I mean maybe maybe God just put the hand on my shoulder and be like not today I got you this time but it was it was weird like in a way kind of like wob me back and I was like w that was a hard shot mhm but then what what actually Hur was that one punch on the fifth round it was like literally a clean punch right like on the eye coming down so that one that was I was blinking my eye if I close my eye I look normal but if I open my eye I have two dogs in front of me so I was like oh you [ __ ] and then the the thought comes to your mind you like okay it's time you should quit just make yourself a ball let him do like pet p you and the referee stuff MH I went [ __ ] you I'm not going to do that do fight do Fighters do that you think 99.9 they feel they feel every sometimes they get a slap and they just go yeah yeah they're just like ready to be out I'm done they take take me home [ __ ] no you sent me the cofin I'm not doing that I'm not made for I'm not going to quit yeah that's why and that's why people love you I mean honestly that's why I take care of myself the way I do because I want to fight like that I don't some a lot of people just just take a knee and they go like yeah it's all it's all that's what it's all mental because you're like oh I'm a little tired yeah let's let just let's just have him pass your guard gr power you you make it seem like you're fighting it off a little bit but you're not really but they they are literally you I've been on fights and I'm like are you just giving me your back like that mhm but because the anxiety and you're like oh let's [ __ ] get out of here right you're like you also get tired too but them guys just they just roll over mhm yeah I can do that I lost fights in the past but not because I gave up like right yeah I don't I can't I understand that I can't speak to it because I haven't done it so I don't want to be critical of anybody I don't know what it feels like just to get knad in the face or a head kick or so but I know I get what you're saying and I think that's like again that's why people love you is because you will go out on your Shield I mean it's like you know there are some amazing fights at 300 what people are talking about is hallway and gatei that was that was the best fight of the night that was I think they should have be the many B because they still fighting for a bell yeah yeah and the amount of times that Marx defend his 45 Bell and Gage is being the B like I mean 12 five 12 bonuses mhm oh crazy he always brings it doesn't he if you go back everybody was like yeah Max too small Max lost to DUS the power blah blah blah yeah me personally just out of a fun perspective I was rooting for Max M and then it's crazy how sometimes you're so laser focus on that one night he make it look easy even the first round that at the end of the buzer that he broke his nose and then after that he was just downhill downhill for Gage I'm Pro to Gage yeah broken nose beat up got wobble a few times he don't give a [ __ ] and towards the end when Max invited him to fight know he said you know what I give it to you and what a KO I know forehead to the ground dead Co yeah it's a you know it's crazy how the narrative goes because I remember I was sitting there kage slide when when Max fought vul and vul lit him up and people were wondering oh he took so much damage and because he' also lost to Dustin took a lot of damage and like you're wondering like man he's not old but has he been fighting so much that he's just it's too much so they were like maybe he's on his way out back then when he lost to bulk the third one and he lost to berter he was done M he was done it was that was it the Crowd Goes yeah he's not he was never that good he went and he beat J Rodriguez which is about badass and he beat uh the guy from London was his name of the he TR at Canada with tar arnor arnor Allen yeah he beat arnor Allen which was another Prospect was coming of amazing wins oh he's back oh wow he's Unstoppable I know after he's just done now he's back and then from those two fights he went to fight Gage yeah too small he already lost a 55 not too much power he goes and put on a clinic yeah and finish with a KO of the century right now or he will beat the [ __ ] out of Islam you go like two weeks ago he couldn't beat gatei right yeah but that tells you about like how important is like stay away from the crowd stay away from the noise because he just go left and right and the media also not just the people but the outlets go yeah no oh [ __ ] he's the best oh he like if he goes and be uh Islam oh man best of all time yeah he goes and get and gets man handled yeah we knew it I'm like you [ __ ] bide yeah I know it's uh they're always trying to make the story which is I think I read that you grew up living in a box with no shoes right I mean I I saw that too they were saying like I was like the I was homeless walking to a yuju gim in the in the farm but yeah it's just making the making a better story I was curious about um so you uh so you went you started Jiu-Jitsu then striking and then somehow how did you get on UFC is that was it USC Ecuador or what was it no so South America I was fighting already in South America I was booking my own fights I was like just calling everybody like come on give me a fight I fight for free just give me a poster that says I'm fighting this guy and I can go on knock doors for sponsors for you did that SP that poster that said Cheeto Maron Cheto Vera and then use that as leverage and then I go with that I go I I was literally going to offices and just asking people like would you sponsor me for this fight like and I would take a 100 bucks here 100 bucks there get flight tickets but I would literally tell them I fight for free so they would pay me like 200 bucks 300 bucks per fight and I was just my thing was like become well known and the UFC will call you so I was like five and0 and this uh uh UFC for The Ultimate Fighter South America come out so this guy was like Hey guys send me your profile to this send your profile to this email age record country City and I will send the same mail like 50 to 60 times a day so I can be on top of the mail and one day this guy replac like dude stop [ __ ] sending me emails I already know who the [ __ ] you are yeah quit I'm like dude I that's just my dream I do like I would do anything like I will wake up back then and just wake up and SE please God I want to be in the UFC please God I want to be the UFC I did that for like since I was 16 till like they called me at 19 really like I would like every day you be like y y y hey you have to go to the bank and do a deposit [ __ ] that I got a trend hey like I will get in fights with my family because I didn't want to work I didn't want to go to college it was just train itat Sleep Train itat sleep and I was like just hold on guys just just keep supporting me because they will call me just just wait just wait just keep just just give me enough to feed my kid and pay rent I don't need clothes I don't need parties I don't need cars just give me enough so I can just survive is and then I can make it and my family was uh good like that because he was like my sister my dad my wife family they were like pitching like 100 each helping you and I would like just cover the basics because think about it back then sounds like a lot of money but rent was only 300 bucks mhm like the monthly rent yeah and then that was a lot if you don't have a job back then and especially back then that was like [ __ ] like a 600 month uh rent was like if you were Rich mhm but looking back if everybody have a regular salary 100 each is is more is easier now looking back MH but it's like they give me time and there was one time my dad told me look dude I'm going to give you till December like this was 20 20 2013 or 24 2014 remember to UFC 2013 so look D I'm going to give you till December if by December this UFC or whatever the [ __ ] you call it is not giving you a chance you have two options you keep doing your journey I love you but there's no one penny from me to you like and I know my dad he wouldn't give me a dollar right or just quit your [ __ ] and can work for me because you with the work ethic you have you will make any Farm look good mhm with Shake Hands Say Okay [ __ ] November 19 something like that I get the email Mr bar you have been selected for the ultimate fighter you got to go to Alber kerk in New Mexico to Jackson's MMA they're going to get Tred outs blah blah blah how how'd that make you feel I crashed a car crashed a car yeah I was so excited I was like oh my God and poop hit the C flat four tires oh I don't even give a [ __ ] yeah I literally called the a friend I'm like yo pick up the [ __ ] car I got I took a c went home and said like telling my wife like yeah we were Mar and I was like they [ __ ] call me they [ __ ] call me she was like what are you talking about they [ __ ] called me I'm going to aluer I got to leave for six months they [ __ ] called and she's like what are you talking about and then we show her the EMA and she was like I mean she was just as happy as it was and then I went home and I told my dad they called me he went okay good for you you you won the BET yeah and then few weeks later they flew me to Albuquerque I literally took Boxing Club shoting girls five shorts two jeans 10 t-shirts and just left and then we train for a few months then they sent us to Vegas to do like Medicals who were you who are you training with back then was like it was like J Rodriguez like the Mexicans you guys from South America but back then Jackson what like Golden Era right Jon Jones was there Prime Time Cowboys around Prime Time holy home prime time uh Diego Sanchez Prime Tim Kennedy Prime like it was a [ __ ] it was like when I got there I was so Star truck that I couldn't even I was like what the [ __ ] I'm doing here MH I would have get my ass kick you don't you don't understand I would have get toss around in wrestling I would get kick I get my ass kick every Tuesday in sparring like they were really going like dude these guys suck but they didn't understand I was coming from Ecuador turning on a living room with two [ __ ] lawyers right like I would like hit Ms with like let's see you're a big Runner and all like you who you are I would have go to a GU like you be like can you hold it for me yeah and you literally will be doing this for me right and that was a training I had it was just a bunch of friends pushing me and helping me who didn't know anything nothing so how could you be good yeah so when I got there they were they I mean one of the UFC people I won't say his name because I don't know if he want me to say his name he told me that the people from Jackson call him like Hey dude send him back he's he's [ __ ] awful yeah and they and this guy were like no give him time yeah just give him time he's been training in Ecuador there's no one out of the [ __ ] country fighting so just give him time MH and I mean that guy served my career because if that guy would have sent me home back then that was it it's over there wasn't a second chance chance for that no you had your chance you weren't good enough that's it and that was but it was crazy because I would Carlos Condit mhm John doson like it was like when I go to the gym the first day I was like holy [ __ ] two weeks ago I was watching you guys on TV thinking I will never be here right was when you're in Nar back then you're like are going to call you it's like a different world probably it feels like you're so far away it's you don't even know how the us how the US looks like how they feels to be there like beat on at Walmart back then was like Wow Walmart there was [ __ ] crackheads and steing and you see like whoa there's a McDonald's inside Walmart that's [ __ ] crazy yeah right so it was it was a crazy experience yeah yeah and uh so you trained there for how long like few months and then they sent us to Vegas to do like try out what were you like when you so you f you're getting your ass kicked there when you'd call home what would you say oh I would tell my friends like dude I'm like white bu and they're like they're like how it feels I'm like dude I I just get punched in the face like 40 times before I can even react and then they were talk me like but what they faster I'm like dude they know how to fight I don't like like if it's a real fight like if we go like okay get in the cage and smoke gloves and no shers I might do better because I was say [ __ ] you it's you under the light it's not just not just straight technique but it's it's like technique for technique I was just getting tossed around it was like they would make fun of me they would be like oh you [ __ ] like they would like when we leave because we leave at the gym at the dorms so they would literally make fun of me like your [ __ ] fight I was like [ __ ] you let's go right now that that was one thing every time they were talking sh I was like let's go right now yeah that a street fight is a different animal right so you had heart the whole time that was that's been there forever right right so okay so you trained there for a few months and then when did you start to actually have some success the second time around I came back so I went I did The Ultimate Fighter I won my fight then I got sick I couldn't compete so they not give me a chance in the finale and then I came do my camp for that fighter and then was like confident I want my Ultimate Fighter fight I came back so I started getting success I started like actually kicking some ass feeling better I will pay the coaches separately so they can train me more private and then I feel like holy [ __ ] I'm on top of the world they feel cool starting to come around then yeah yeah but the first time in it was it was rough yeah and then so when you won your first one you got sick then you went back to train and then how' that next fight go I lost my UFC debut which I thought I won the decision but they they give it to my opponent was it where was that at was that it was in Mexico City okay it was the first time they went there oh big card then big card it was it was Kane against Mark uh it was berdun against Mark hun it was a big win mhm and that one you thought you won I thought I won the fight that one I thought I won mhm I have few decisions like I look back and I'm like they could have turned those around but yeah like that that Jose Aldo fight I think in my whole career the Jose Aldo fight the Sona Don fight on my UFC debut they could easily be turned around yeah yeah okay so you lost that one in Mexico City then what happened I went back home trained back home did you make money for that fight eight grand eight grand all right so back home you're [ __ ] bowling with that [ __ ] that's a lot of money back home I mean when you were 19 and you have eight grand it feels like yeah feels good I mean I I had a few months of rent when you go home were they thinking you were like King [ __ ] no that didn't change until like four years ago oh okay my first 10 fights in the UFC I was nobody yeah you go back home and yeah that's a UFC guy he win one lose one yeah yeah like my I even when I won my first UFC fight like nothing happened like I went back home and it was like what you make for that one at a night oh 16,000 then 16,000 nice that's good yeah life start getting better yeah yeah and then my lost my my third UFC fight so I was one and two mhm and that was in London and then I just was like I need to Fig this I can train at home this is makes no sense being at this level train it at home like it was the lowest of the lowest level so I need to get out of it and figure it out right and then I went to I moved to K I live with my manager and we look around and we find few places that might work or not and then after that I used to stay I say I'm not going back and then I stay here for a year and I was teaching classes cleaning the gym just just making enough money so I can survive MH and my family Network I don't took money from my sponsors so they can keep it so they can be good too mhm so I do that for one year no family nothing for one year and then go a fight pretty much they told me you don't want this when you're out which a little bit of pressure right yeah so I went to Australia all ODS against me one that decision flew back home pack everything say goodbye to to my family and never never get back just just bring my wife and gets back yeah with me so so you want so what were you two and two at that time or I was two and two back then so and I brought my family without a plan I didn't have a place I didn't have nothing I just flew back and flew them back with me did they were they like good with that or did they think are you sure this is a good decision well the kids were too small to say anything right my wife you say sure wherever you I trust you yeah but when we got here it was rough because I mean it's what six seven Grand in the count get a small apartment in Sant Ana in the worst part and just be like we have two options we make it or we don't right we figured it out mhm and back then just to get the overhead I was teaching 19 classes a week 19 just teach teach train teach teach train teach and clean the gym at the end of the day how much would you make for all that 1,000 bucks okay and with that plus what I I have from the last fight yeah survive until the next one right right but then I went through surgery oh happened my elbow was just a bunch of bone chips bugging me I went to surgy but I was like almost negative with money yeah and some fight fell off in London again oh and I went to F Brad pet in 10 days noce m i my my arm is still bent over mhm one of my therapist just literally push it back on place to kind of like I can pass the Medicals in London mhm and I was like if this fight don't go my way I have like two months to get a n nurse and get the money and survive if this fight goes well I can actually take a break cuz he he was actually pretty good wasn't he [ __ ] yeah yeah I mean one of the hardest figh I have till today really yeah cuz I remember he had a good name he and he punched hard it was this was his retirement fight I catch him at the end but it's still my my experience level and what it was in life was like I wasn't supposed to win this fight right even I heard from the UFC is like don't worry if you lose this one we we won't cut you I was like okay yeah thank you guys but like back then he was like take it or leave it right yeah because I used move a family mhm you had to take it pretty much from K from E to Kali most expensive place yeah no plan no sponsors and I was just like um red pick it 10 days and what were they going to pay you for that [ __ ] it was like 16 and 16 it was like 30 something I make yeah but I kick him in the head so I make I get the bonus oh you did that was the first time I was like okay so you got knocked out of the night yes so I had to rent for six months and I was like okay I kind of forg a float I put 50,000 bonus yeah oo man so I put my head out of the world leag because before that I was I wasn't training I I didn't train for like I would say two months I was coming up serly I was of course I was fat for being a 35 because I I haven't touched the gym mhm you start thinking your career is over and when they offer you a fight like that for me was like this is a street fight like someone want to hurt my family I got to defend them right yeah there was no time for Camp there was no time for Preparation cut 20 lbs in 10 days like they pretty much told me they just made it to the cage and take your bonus your your show bonus right yeah you're probably going to lose we just we just need a fight and somehow I had one of the best nights of my life Wow but also is because your back was against the wall he was extremely against the wall I was like that was it what was a head kick what just a left kick to the head at the the third round did you set it up at all I just throw a hay maker I was losing the whole fight really yeah well kind of I lost I definitely lost the first round second round I kind of come I started making more damage yeah on on third round but they were giving the fight to him no matter what yeah yeah his last fight 100% yeah if that kick would have land that it would be would be took about a different story wow so that but that kick so you got that kick gave you $66,000 more do cuz you got 16 to show then the 16 to win plus a 50 yeah man that's a big head head kick at that time of your life that was that saved my life for a few years yeah and then so did you get healthy after that I took my time and I went back to therapy in my elbow because I was still [ __ ] up like my arm hurt the whole time M it wasn't a big Ser they just remove bone chips but it's still yeah you get swollen andain not at all yeah yeah huh and uh what then what happened after that I went on a nice wi streak I beat I beat uh two more guys and I kind of like got a gotten a good feeling oh I can I can make it I can become a world champion that was that was when I started believing on myself okay because I was always underlook guy coming from Nar yeah always fighting just to survive for the next fight I didn't have the time to be like okay I can do this so I got into a rhythm but then again they went they offer me another short fight against young liner so I won three in a row and now it's like instead of giving me another guy like me yeah to go four or five in a row hey you want to fight young liner in Brazil was he ranked number three ooh that you know when I look back I'm like I took the fight out of excitement [ __ ] yeah number three yeah you had a little confidence cuz you'd Won Won some I wish some like my maner told me like hey do you want this I would think maybe wait M I say [ __ ] it that's a big reward but then you go in there I get in there I lost the decision and it was kind of like a close decision it wasn't like as kick for three runs actually he I amend kicking his ass in the third round because he just he just gased out he couldn't find me and he got gas but then he's like now you lost a fight and again you go back home and it's like [ __ ] I had a nice win streak going on and I mean because it wasn't a big drawback then my next fight they offered me was like you want to fight again in Brazil again this guy like four feet tall joke like that guy I don't think they can even test him why the needle even go through what he's a block oh oh yeah the need would just so hard he was muscular he was a rock that guy touched me and I have never felt that in my life until today he could punch huh I mean no with technique he was like literally just throwing a slaps like that yeah when he touched me the first time he broke my orbital jeez caught my eyebrow in one punch oh I and you're like holy [ __ ] I said I told myself like what is this shile is a big puncher yeah not even close R fun is a big puncher not even close young liner felt like a little [ __ ] next to this guy wow I was like I was like what's going on in here yeah and then first I mean I was trying I was like punching him hard and everything and I was like I couldn't get it and then we get to the third round I was like I'm losing this whole fight I just started swinging and scrapping with him and of course like everybody they all get tired against me yeah so he start getting tired but he he's already ahead MH and then fight over now I'm two in a row he won the decision he won the decision yeah Rock ball my f lo my face looked like a mess my forehead I had bumps in my forehead I have never had that before caught shot eye broken orbital jeez and then I was like it's a war now what yeah like I'm done yeah every body you're done you're done usually how it goes like if you lose two yeah it's not good if you lose three they'll cut you right back then yeah yeah if you have a if you're a big name today no but back then that was it mhm so I took my time off I started healing I didn't took a fight didn't ask for a fight I went like three months it's like I'm just going to get better and focus on getting better and being again being that low in life mhm just make me shoot for the stars I went I went in a five win streak five I went and stopping everybody stop all finish boom boom boom boom boom and then I go to fight son Don MH which was that was during the pandemic that was that was probably one of my biggest [ __ ] decisions like the whole War went [ __ ] you yeah yeah but you out struck him and I can't remember that fight he throw the bigger shots yeah but I grind him out I took him down I mean the fight when the When when when when Bruce B was reading the cards yeah he had his head down knew he lost God style and that was like celebrating and then they raised his hand and he went like this oh yeah [ __ ] yeah oh God and they went like what the [ __ ] that has to hurt that hurts yeah and because that happened they reward us with fight of the night which I was like fight of the night yeah I don't take the fight of the night bonus away and over make it cont make it right they didn't need that I mean there's not underpower to do it yeah so because of that they give you the Shan Miley fight as a reward oh I see well and then you beat him I beat him and that's why pretty much I fight for the title so he came on I guess it worked out all right life life circles in a good way I guess so why not yeah so your your durability and like that you're now it's like you're because you're in better shape generally than everybody that's is that your biggest asset do you think yeah because I know I just know like I'm like I know I'm on the last in the Maron I'm I'm going the last I'm to last and you've been through so much I mean all those examples are like this is it I got a win and my back's against the wall that gives you so much strength I mean that gives you a different push like different mindset like once you get to once you red light yourself you're like I still have like three or more Strokes they still have like a little window to span and that that just goes along in life that just help you overall yeah yeah no it's I I get that too I mean there's all sorts of famous quotes about that like Tyson says Everybody's Got A Plan till they get punched in the mouth just like so it seems like you you know you can deal with adversity as well as anybody and yeah I mean it's uh I love how hard you train I I do think that we talked about that yesterday that um just your diet eating so much meats and fats it's protecting your brain so you're not getting knocked out you're not taking that brain damage which is huge staying away from drinking and staying away from clubs and like just just watching everything I eat year around like I'm like is this going to help me win a fight yes but also don't mind [ __ ] yourself like sometimes have some fun sometimes eat a little bit of the good of of the fun stuff just like okay I try it oh [ __ ] I feel like [ __ ] now and you like I don't really need that right so like keeping that that good balance of like heal balance being really good but also sometimes give it a try and that pays off yeah I wonder uh you know your dedication to training like that it it reminds me a little bit of khabib you know how he'd say he would just you know train Eat Sleep Train Non-Stop and I mean you can out outwork I don't know I mean skill yeah you got to train your skill but there's something about there hard work there's something there's something that goes with that and guys like that that they' been he was training at a age that I wasn't training he might be older than me but when he started doing [ __ ] I was probably playing soccer on the street yeah he's like a little kid which I I'm like I have that disadvantage because I didn't grew up doing something like this I'm just tough yeah but they have most guys have six to 10 years of more work than me even if they're younger yeah so it's like that's one thing that I also take proud of because I'm like okay I wasn't supposed to get this far right no true and I'm going to go farther now well it might be maybe it's an advantage now because you started later so you're still getting better you know what I mean some of those guys that start early they get to their ceiling at maybe 28 and they've you know it's hard to improve but you're still you started late you're still getting better that's exactly what coach told me though look how look how much you did M with what you have right so now that you're looking to get better just wait to see what you're going to do and I was like I take that I want that let's do it yeah I love it it's uh I don't know um what's so for right now I mean we know your last fight what would you like to see coming up um perfect world I want to fight November M cour garden and I would like to fight Peter youngan so that's a I think that's a no brainer for the fans for the UFC and right there you have a former champ against a tle challenger yeah the winner can sit right there waiting for the T sh it's a fight that we will fight our asses off because this is a big one there's a lot of Stak there's a lot of aist yeah is uh and you like your matchup against him oh yeah yeah I love it yeah he I mean for a while there he he did look really good he he he did look like I was surprised uh who did he fight was it was that om Ali fight could have went the other way it could yeah yeah it could yeah cuz they had a pretty good fight right yeah when you watch the fight I watch it a few times just like to take the bias away and be like who don't who I want I wish he one who I don't like or whatever just like just watch it as a human like I don't I don't care about either one and there's a point you can give it to either one yeah but you can definitely give it to Jan yeah with no questions asked right because that would have changed a lot MH of might's career too yeah yeah because no one went oh yeah that was a fair decision everybody went like that was a [ __ ] decision right so that's kind of like one of those because he went from not contest against Pedro mun which is rank 87 yeah to number one Contender for the bill mhm so that path yeah he would been went backwards help the confidence for sure I don't have to fight these [ __ ] guys like I had to fight Rod fun Cruz Edgar San haogen I mean Aldo Sona dong even I fought him before yeah so like when I look back I'm like ho sh res I've been in front of some [ __ ] yeah you have and that also helps that's why even if you beat me I can take those punches because I'm like I've been in front of guys that hit double harder than you right but he didn't had to go through the line yeah they just went like boom would you have that no he poke Pedro in the eyes yeah why is that no contest that should be a Pedro's one right but I don't make the rules but you know what I mean I don't I don't know what his mindset is he seems very confident but you know how it goes when you're laying in bed at night and you're thinking and you're like did I really did I really fight the all the best guys to get here because you can say you fought all the best guys you you know in your heart you're like no I I've went through the gauntlet and I survived and yeah beat me that night but you know he could say just like like what you said man did I benefit from that IE poke and then I kind of got a pass on some of these going through the fire right you know he might have doubts in his own head who knows I mean we all humans I mean there's there's nothing different about all of us he I mean the work ethic the mindset all that but yeah real life you're still going back home you have to think about it yeah you're you're always honest with yourself at some point and deep down in your heart you know yeah the world tells you one thing but you know but yeah I mean I don't know I I don't know I like uh I like that you want to fight Yan cuz I think a lot of guys might say God maybe I'll could I get an easier matchup get a couple more wins but you're like no I want to fight the former Champion go straight to the fire line that's awesome why not yeah that's awesome yeah I I would love to see that fight too um yeah I mean that would be and he said he wanted too did he he declined before because we we met we saw each other at at my last fight because he fought too and it's like hey I want you next yeah and I say what are you talking about you declin twice yeah don't be acting tough right now he's like no it wasn't good time for me well then shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] off do you do you guys always know when the other fighter declines because you always see like the UFC tells you do do they okay they like hey he he said he couldn't make it okay I mean if people will say I've never turned down a fight and then you hear the other side it's like no he's turned down three fights yeah so you still let you know he's like hey he he don't want it what else will you want or we have this other option because when I fought Cruz MH the original fight was me and Jan in Boston oh because he declined they call Cruz and they make it in San Diego so it can be bigger for both of us I see so I was I say yes to both guys have you had to turn down a fight before the only time I turned down a fight was the UFC called me to fight son Jong in China when they were trying to push him because he was this new guy coming out of China they're probably yeah to grow that market but the month before that fight they were going to Argentina and I say my whole career my these 12 fights I've been fighting London against UK guys I've been fighting in Brazil against all these Brazilians I've been going to everybody's [ __ ] backyard yeah can you please give me a fight in Argentina against a guy from the US so I come for the first in my life be like [ __ ] yeah Cheo let's go mhm because the UFC don't like when you decline because it was a great match for the time and we end fighting anyways like few fights later but I was like come on give it to me yeah so I stand I stand up for me like I don't [ __ ] want it I I take a fight in Argentina and I told them who I want right I say I W Frankie SS in Argentina Frankie SS was coming of beating this Mexican guy in Chile so it makes just sense bring Frankie again to South America he already won in South America CU I'm a nerd I know this things that makes sense or not and I was like this fight makes sense they went oh you want to fight artina back then I had one friend in Argentina this guy that was with me The Ultimate Fighter yeah that I didn't ask for and they went he already accept the fight I'm like oh you guys call him first yeah so they called him first tell I put the pressure on you so I say I mean my daughter was my third daughter was just born so again I need the money yeah so I lose a friend he went right away when the fight got announced like [ __ ] you you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] traitor I say oh so he didn't accept no he accepted oh but but not first well they they called me yeah they said you want to find artina right I said yes this is the only op option you have and he was my friend because back then we were friends H and I say you guys call him yeah we did mhm so I was like I have a just born daughter M I'm living in California if I decline this fight now it's two declines your [ __ ] it's not good I say okay cool mhm this guy went online [ __ ] you piece of [ __ ] I'm gonna knock the [ __ ] out of you you [ __ ] weak [ __ ] I want to go because he talks a lot yeah I said dude [ __ ] I love you but whatever so I lose a friend that's the only friend I have lost in years so all F just talking M [ __ ] because he talks he's a guy from Argentina that's what they are they're cocking [ __ ] who's that on your shirt oh Maradona this is [ __ ] funny I didn't realize that wa I should say no drugs yeah okay so he all come I'm going to kick your ass you're a [ __ ] I used to kick your ass at Jackson which is true he's he's an older guy strong he used to toss me around especially like full contact SP like and he punch hard yeah he have that corner sty like big left hand but the only problem with him he goes like this everything up CH exactly so we get to the fight first round he started going crazy what did he talk [ __ ] like when you guys were in the cage not really no so he went he just started the fight like he went hands down crazy body kick he started swinging like a madman [ __ ] I just put my hands up I let him just go crazy kind of like started just going like I'm seeing everything but it looks like he's [ __ ] kicking my ass right first round is over I was like holy [ __ ] that was crazy he went he went like bananas yeah second round we start again he throw a kick I took him down he got up pretty quick and then how I hurt him oh I I clinched him and I said throwing knees boom boom and one knee went through he F to the Ground start punishing him yeah took his back choke him out he was Bed full caught on the eyebrow caught on the cheek bleeding a lot when the fight's over I went I'm like brother I never asked for this fight yeah you used to be my friend I love you and he on there he was cool mhm somewhere on the car I think was his family went like [ __ ] you piece of [ __ ] I'm like what it did but whatever and then fights over he started going crazy like go right oh you [ __ ] couldn't knock me out you're a [ __ ] you have to Chu me out I was like dude I [ __ ] beat the [ __ ] out of you but whatever yeah so since then we haven't we don't even talk anymore really yeah oh we actually got close yeah but I mean it is what it is yeah that's a rough one I mean you were in a tough position though because they got like that was when the UFC started going to South America they went to uru they went to Chile they went to Argentina outside Mexico yeah so I was like I want to be cheer on I went in there for the local guy everybody's like booing me I'm like [ __ ] but I did I going back to if I declined the P that was the only time because I was like why want to go to China right in not even in business class just [ __ ] like this according to 135 I'm like nah sometimes you have that's the only time I actually stand up for myself besides that I've been a good company man yeah well I I I mean I it seems like they like you now you the fans like you you're a fan favorite you put on a show yeah no I've been they us been good to me I mean they be I would say because of my situ and never being a prospect yeah and even that they keep me around I'm I'm all good with them yeah and yes we all want to make more right but I feel we have to earn that yeah and yeah I get it what what are you ranked right now number four four it's a pretty good number yeah so who's like so Sean then who Sean MRA Cory myself and Peter yet okay yeah I mean if you and you and Yan fought perfect then you're right there it is perfect so right there come on Hunter let's get it done come on Hunter baby where you at we both love Hunter Campbell such a good guy he's a man I'm try I'm trying to get him here to do because everybody sees Dana I want to have Hunter here you know what's crazy he's a real run yeah yeah we talk about running I run with him in Vegas once and you know I myself was like I was sizing him up I'm like you he's a big [ __ ] he's pretty big so when he's like going short and he's actually you don't realize how big he is and I did thought for a second like there's no way he can keep up with me yeah he actually start like beating me I was like holy [ __ ] on Vegas hit and I was like oh you're a [ __ ] real Runner yeah like I told him I'm like dude I was doubting you a little bit right because he's a you know he's a business man you don't expect him to be right full on hmer he was going crazy I was like dude we need to run more often yeah yeah no I know I talk to him at all the fights he's always so good and I always I've been trying to get him to come on the podcast I said hey you got a lot he's got some probably so many good stories about working with Fighters and trying to set stuff up to me when I was younger Dana was handling with all the fighters right like doing the meetings now that I be I go to the top now the guy that deal with the fight is Hunter so he's my day now so that's gu call me hey you want this fight hey uh this is your new deal so like to me like I remember when I was a kid I was like [ __ ] one day I want to get there like when you're like dealing with straight to the bus you don't you're not going through much maker like Mana you talk like the the boss is go like yo let's meet up tomorrow there's a big fight for you I'm like it feels so [ __ ] good I bet feel it's been a long road it's been I mean 23 fights in the UFC man not many people get that far no it's been a long road you've been kicking ass I I'd love to see it well uh god dude we had such a fun day yesterday so so thankful you came all the way up here to Oregon and we got I love it out here lift run shoot yeah the the woods were cool those [ __ ] climbing those mountains no joke like I was talking to my friends I'm like is it like a nice cute B you have to actually crawl at some point yeah there that one a couple of steep hills it's cool it was amazing it was a thanks for having me great experience and uh and it's fun having Ben run with us too an Olympian that guy when he when he say yeah you know 350 mile I'm like [ __ ] you're a bullet yeah that's another level of of running yeah for sure well it's uh man I can't it's such a fun day uh busy day but we got it all in it was a great day man yeah and like how how I like to always in this show is this is your new bow right here I I I want to shoot it again that you shot so well yesterday but it's like such an honor to to share my life with you to give you a bow and you know we talked about hunting because you know I I know you said you like getting on horses and being in nature and just being out there like no worries no cares and the same thing with shooting a bow is like when you're shooting that bow you're not distracted by anything else you're laser focus on people will be surprised I don't care how strong you are bringing that thing back you feel your shoulder is going to give up and then Focus look through the little hole I'm going to become a shooter now because it's really fun and when I like something and it's challenging like that yeah and my goal one day is to go to a real hunt so yeah well we we need to make it happen but yeah in the meantime just shooting arrows down range like it's it's a just a good uh it's like a release but it's also just a distraction from normal everyday pressures of life and you can get out there and just kind of reset I love it I mean yesterday I was extremely tired for the run and just getting on that Focus era it was it was great I I really appreciate you for that thank you oh yeah no no brother I I'm so thankful you came it's been an honor spending the day with you and then doing the podcast here so I appreciate you likewise man thank you so much all right keep hammering guys yes sir all right guys welcome to the brand new Cameron truck [Music] giveaway this truck used to be red but we got this sick badass wrap on it to go with the theme of this giveaway what you do in the dark matters that means we got to train at night we got to get better we got to earn that edge at night so what you do in the Dark Matters out there getting in those miles maybe shooting in the driveway and the headlights of a of a truck or maybe just pushing weight in the gym we got to do something to set ourselves apart so that's where hey the night shift comes in and this brand new 2023 Ram TRX 702 horsepower killer looking ride is going to go to somebody who enters to win at whoever that is I'm going to fly them out here they're going to get this ride I'll hand them the keys and 10,000 in cash and I hope it's you so again head to my website figure out how to enter and win good luck keep haming
Channel: Cameron Hanes
Views: 36,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cameron hanes, keep hammering, cam hanes podcast, keep hammering collective, khc podcast, cam hanes bow hunting, cam hanes podcast sponsors, cameron hanes collective, Chito Vera, ufc, Max Holloway's Epic Knockout, ufc 300, ufc 299, Hunter Campbell, mma chito vera, keep hammering podcat, keep hammering podcast, cam hanes giveaway, mma, mma news
Id: OESOXvzmx6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 26sec (5006 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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