Truett Hanes | Keep Hammering Collective | Episode 045

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every step I take I move my truth every time they tell me stop I use every comment hate that makes my feel GA up my energy and boom I he them talking saying the way that I move is so reckless that is a part of my mind I've been blessed with giving my blood so I am [Music] Relentless all right do the thing what three two one boom boom and we're live and we're live this is a keep hammering Collective with TR it Connor H is it Connor or Jonathan no it's Connor okay it's Tanner Jonathan true Connor gotcha I always get you guys mixed up we know so this is interesting let's make this interesting um that's an inside joke but yeah I know I've never done a podcast before so you should feel pretty lucky I feel honored what's uh so what's your deepest darkest secret let's just start the podcast off with that that's that's a really good one if anybody knew about you'd be banned from society yeah no that's good and I'm glad you asked it um I think probably what it is is I've actually uh I've never revealed how strong I actually am like in in uh all events like running um lifting and whatnot just cuz I just don't want to reveal all my cards show off yeah I don't want to show off so that's why yeah no I mean if people knew that geez yeah game over yeah smart thank you very smart you got to be humble yeah and that's one thing that I'm really good at being is humble I'm probably the most humble person you've ever met yeah so this is uh man first of all I never thought I'd have a podcast and then I never thought there'd be any reason to talk talk to one of my kids on it if I did have one yeah no kidding no truthfully I I wanted to have you in Tanner on at the same time he made some excuse he's like likes to hide in the shadows laryngitis right exactly so it' be best to have you and he he and I and me and you yeah and him it's all right yeah um so we'll start off with you and man been busy lately so it wasn't yesterday day before you killed a buck yep prior to that you set the world record in pull-ups most pull-ups in 24 hours prior to that you failed yep failed back in April six months ago and that's what makes a compelling story The Struggle the sto the uh the experience the self-doubt so a lot of that let's talk about the hunt how'd the hunt go uh hunt was good mhm we had a lot of action on the first day um saw quite a few bucks and then I just couldn't get a shot off on any of them and then like I said in my Instagram post but um you told us right before we headed down the ridge when I did kill my buck that we were going to see a buck then like not five minutes later uh we saw Buck you spotted him and then um got set up on a tree stump uh 230 yards he closed in 30 yards and at 200 was just right on him uh quartered a little and then was able to make a good shot on the old uh Sig cross yeah that was a nice gun Kevin Acres let us borrow yeah yeah thank you Kevin shout out yeah and then um and then as we all well know it's a it's an inside Family secret which we have video of but we're not going to release to the public um but was packing it out as we do and for some reason my dad likes to do it uh full so like after you gut it put it on your back tire deer and then you uh you head up the ridge to the truck and um you know it's it's pretty dang Steep and wet in Oregon and uh I made it would you say halfway would you give me that sure okay halfway made it up halfway and then um you know this is my fault but I was in Vans uh they're like they're like trail shoes kind of not the best grip definitely not crispy boots and um is this excuses or what is this no no this this is facts and then got to a part where the the ground was pretty loose and you know you got the weight on you so take a step slip fall down with it get back up put it on take a couple steps slip all the way back down to where you were and every step you know it counts it's like a rep it's lunging basically yeah and with 10 and some pounds on the back of your head yeah yeah one false move and and it's uh you're going down but I had finally had enough I I fell down and it went it went over my head on the ground and then um I proceeded to slip down I don't even know like 5T and then have you seen the movie Cliffhanger was Sylvester Stallone no he's hanging on Ice Cliffs like by that's what it reminded me of yeah I know I had the death grip into the mud mhm um trying to hang on because I just kept slipping down and I couldn't believe I couldn't not believe how frustrating that was MH but I had a Breaking Point grabb my hat through threw it on the ground screamed uh exploitive and then um I I want to say screamed I I yelled screamed just a little bit dramatic it was yeah it was similar to uh like a like a a thriller horror Thriller scream yeah yeah yeah yeah um by a female lead yeah but no and then even when I was getting angry and upset throwing my hat and whatnot I kept slipping down and then kept slipping kept slipping finally grabbed a log threw it slipped after that and uh yeah so what we kind of talked about on the way back was how I can be what I would be considered pretty tough on that 8100 um overcame a lot obviously CU that's a reference to the 8100 pull-ups in under 24 hours 8100 pull-ups in 24 hours mhm that was just October 14th so like 2 weeks ago from that day day yeah and how you're tough on that day but it doesn't mean you're going to be tough on another day which I wasn't for some reason you can't rest on your laurels for the rest of your life now no no and that's I mean yeah that's one thing that you don't even think about you're just like okay yeah I accomplish this so I can accomplish um basically anything that's in my way but uh things are just different and you don't know what's going to like cause you to stumble and you just you need to get that edge ever single day there's like that corny saying something about like rent is due every day mhm and whatnot but uh Do's paid or something like that rents to every day yeah yeah I think the rock made that up you're like the rock yeahh I don't know about that yeah so uh no it was that is a challenge carrying uh a buck over your shoulders out but there's something rewarding about it I think you you know it's an animal you've killed you may made a perfect shot um you know deer died quickly he a nice 3x3 Buck good Blacktail um you only had a couple days to hunt essentially you know you got a full-time job coming back and forth traveling from Utah so we got it done um but perfect shot I was I was impressed you were composed I'm glad the B gave us a little time to get set up and get that rest I was a little worried because you had a good rest uh there's a bipod On It Kevin has this gun set up really well but then the back of the stock was free so that was you had that in your shoulder but it's always best to have even a rest for that or for your elbow and you were kind of I was watching you you were you know good on the front of the rifle kind of had to hold it on your own on the back and I was like well some people can screw that up but you did a great job I mean made an absolutely perfect shot went through the top of the heart and uh blew out the lungs also so the deer he was down in seconds and that's what what you know that's always the goal a quick merciful kill yep and there're just something to the rewarding about uh getting a clean kill getting uh the animal cleaned out gutted um keeping that meat just pristine and and no dirt on it no hair on it and then packing it up up to the truck that's one reason why I like to do that is because you leave the hide on the meats protected whereas if you skin in quarter down there it's uh you're opening the meat up to getting debris and dir different things on it but 100% clean packed it up you know 90 lbs hang in at the at the um meat processor that's Gates family tradition Meats in Cottage Grove they do a great job shout out Tanner shout out Tanner Gates yeah he's been man he's been pumping out the the deer there I mean I think he God they had 70 some hanging is that right they had 77 on one day did 33 and then the next day they were up to 79 again and then so he had to had 80 deer that he had to go through I know and I didn't realize they even gut him for some people like I think he had 18 come in that he had to gut for the hunter which I didn't realize that was a thing which I didn't realize like how would you even get an entire deer to to them yeah I mean they must be killing bu a road or something yeah um but yeah so he brought in he charged what did he say he charged 50 bucks or 75 bucks to gut or 10 and some 75 to gut and then to skin is 50 so it's like 125 to but yeah I mean that's that's that's not even cutting up the meat no then you got the whole cutting up the Meat part but yeah those guys working their bus off during rifle season in Oregon a lot of Blacktail Hunters um but yeah they always take really good care of us we we take it in there we don't we're not expecting anybody to gut it or skin it for us no um but they're professionals at processing and um I like keeping money local uh keeping uh they just do a great job with the pepperoni and the hamburger and all everything they offer for Wild game the bear that they do the pepperoni stick out of bear some of my favorite but anyway so we've got that done but yeah the hunt couldn't have went really any better had a great time me you Tanner Ka Ron and Bubba the yeah the Dream Team yeah that was fun yeah um yeah so what do you I mean hunting has been kind of off and on for you I mean I got you guys exposed to it pretty young I just wanted to get you familiar with the process of hunting what is entailed and then you guys are both pretty busy you know we hunted when we could but you know with school and everything else so what does hunting mean to you what is it is it a is it yeah I mean is it something that you just want to do or do you feel like a desire like a a urge to do a more or is it just you like getting out there and having meat for the freezer what is hunting to you yeah I mean I definitely like having a full freezer not having to go to the store and and uh just buy beef from from the store it's there's like there's Pride obviously when you're able to kill it yourself and then bring it home um but no I mean like growing up we would go out every single year um not by choice by us because I mean what I always tell people is when we were kids we'd go out hunting with you didn't have a choice and then um it would be like the hardest thing we did all year so I mean like when you're always doing something that's that's really hard every time and I don't know if you know this about yourself but you can be pretty intense me yeah yeah well at least while hunting um and then so for me I just kind of I didn't want to deal with it anymore I was just like yeah honestly it's pretty hard get yelled at I don't think I want to do it so the last hunt that we did for like a long time was Blacktail at that place that we just killed this last year I think I was 13 mhm back in 2010 then I didn't hunt again until I was I think like 2018 so that's 5 years ago so 21 so I took like a 8year break from hunting and it wasn't even that I was busy I just I I don't know I just didn't want to do it and then um we actually when I got reintroduced to it in 2018 killed a Blacktail and then I was just just like honestly like that that felt really good to do and then so I just kind of I got that fire back a little um and then from there yeah we've been going just about every year since then went to Texas yeah I went to Texas um and then um Utah elk hunt that we do every year which I I don't HT but I just go with you so it's nice to get out but yeah I mean I I just love getting out at this point and and being able to just see anything is exciting like when you see something and you actually have a chance of killing it it's like whoa yeah that's cool yeah we did some hard HTS when you guys were young so that was I understand that that would have been like most kids hard is not really what draws them to hunting or to doing anything right kids like to have a good time you know I mean um so yeah we did some hard ones we did a a bear [ __ ] a bear hunt in Hell's Canyon which was hard uh Tanner did an elk hunt in the same country which is hard we went to Alaska which that with Roy hunting black bear those were very challenging long trips No Sleep um Africa was hard because long plane rides over there uh yeah I had I had you um after you killed I had you we went out hunting I said you need to help the guys in the skin and shed so all the pH is over there and The Trackers you helped them how was that I was a liability for sure how old were you then 13 13 yeah so I was 13 in um that would have been May of 2010 then my last hunt that I did for aot a while was October 2010 MH when I killed my first Blacktail mhm my first and biggest um yeah that was a nice buck yeah yeah so how was the working with the in the skinny shed how long were you out there honestly it I'm pretty sure like I couldn't really understand what he was saying and maybe I just like held the leg and whatnot out of the way for him I I definitely didn't use a knife I was just like you don't speak Swahili no no actually I don't yeah um but no I mean I I pretty much just stood there mhm yeah so but I did have you gut them gut the animals right the Impala anyway the Impala and then um I got some we hit the guts so it was coming out a little we did I guess I did yeah and then uh you and Anton our guide were like oh um it's tradition that you eat the guts at least a little bit of it MH and then uh I was you know 13 MH so I didn't really know any better and then uh got some on my finger and was I was going for it I was like shoot I guess this is what they do I want to be respectful of traditions and then at the last second it was like just kidding yeah yeah then I had already eating all the guts it was too late so that was probably that probably caused you to not want to hunt that was traumatic I bet I have a lot of trauma you've been sorting through yeah yeah now I know what so you said you weren't excited because I was pretty too intense couldn't you have just said Hey Dad I just I'm going to don't feel like hunting no I I might have said that honestly did you I don't know like for whatever reason you didn't force me to hunt anymore I think yeah you could just maybe tell that yeah I mean I I do remember you got then you got into track and cross country and yeah you know you were a good runner so I wanted you to that's true I mean yeah cuz I was 14 freshman year and and cross country is uh in the fall mhm so I mean yeah it was probably something like that then I I cared more about uh being jacked than anything yeah like even more so than running I was talented as a runner uh my coach Chase Wells said that like I'd be winning the district meet by the time I was a senior but literally couldn't care less about that all I wanted to be was jacked and you got you were faster as a fresh were you faster as a freshman sophomore or sophomore yeah sophomore was my fastest year and I was 5 40 lb and then when you're senior what were you 510 150 mhm and I thought I was stupid jacked then and it didn't look like I lifted oh a little bit I mean it did but you used to you ran it totally changed your running form because I don't I don't know I mean you ran like you were pretty fluid yeah when you were skinnier he started lifting and yeah but I mean kids you know teenagers who knows what the hell teenagers think I mean it's no of course yeah if you would have dedicated yourself to running I told you I said you know you could you could be you know really good at running you could get a scholarship and I remember all you said was I don't want to run for four more years after this yeah like I mean I yeah I wasn't thinking ahead at all like you know what what could actually help me like the long term yeah the only thing that I cared about was just looking good not even like being strong just looking good mhm and then obviously yeah I mean my priorities have shifted but I don't know when when you get uh the positive reinforcement I mean cuz I was skinny my entire life MH skinny and the smallest guy in the room and now you're on steroids and now I'm on steroids and get paid to do pull-ups if you ask people on the internet yeah um but but no I mean always the smallest guy in the room um and then every kid wants to be strong and like look strong to other people so once I got a little bit of that like people were like dang have you been lifting when I was like 15 and then like that just felt really good for me and I was like okay I was like I I think I could work with with this and so priority getting jacked and then uh everything else took the back seat yeah well hey kids make there's worst decisions kids make that's true I mean that's not that bad one to want to be in shape so I mean yeah the running kind of took the back seat and you you know you had some skill for it and some talent but you know you still wanted to train you know you still were doing good in school you weren't doing anything technically stupid like teenagers do so it's like whatever it's that's just part of life you know you uh sometimes you know what your dad wants you to do just any teenage boy especially can be pretty rebellious so if your dad wants you to do it like if I wanted you to hunt it's pretty natural for a teenage boy to say no you want me to hunt I don't want to hunt yeah because it's just but butting heads it's just like that's how that's how teenagers kind of you know they mature and that's just you want to make your own decisions that's just part of being a young man yep no I think it was a lot of that for sure just like I don't know you start to feel a little bit more like an adult and you're like I don't have to listen to you anymore even though I lived at home until I was 23 and I had to abide by your rules the entire time for sure yeah yeah no it's uh yeah I mean I know I'm you know hunting I'm not the I'm probably better now I'm old as hell but uh yeah and also was like when I was working full-time then I was hunting then I mean it was always like time was trying to to to stack a lot of stuff in a short amount of time so it makes it pretty intense and that's my personality I know I mean it definitely gives me a different perspective being cuz now I'm 26 and what you were 25 when you first had Tanner mhm yeah I mean I don't have any kids so I can imagine like the the stress you were under to I mean following your dream being a bow hunter and then uh writing and then sub full-time job and trying to do everything in between and be a dad but people always I think they assume they give you a hard time they're like oh you're weren around for your kids cuz you're too busy going on these hunts and whatnot but uh almost every single basketball game for Tanner and I you would be there I mean you would be there and a lot of the times we would wish that you weren't there cuz you were you would always have something to say after the game if it didn't go well like good job well no just I don't know a lot of the times we struggle both with uh you would always tell us that we need to hustle more and then obviously like looking back at it now we're like what the hell were we doing we were being lazy MH just like not being that intense on defense and whatnot not doubting for loose balls and uh but yeah I mean practice too you'd be there and then so if I did something stupid then you'd be like oh I could just you know yeah so yeah you were you were definitely there that's for sure maybe maybe too often yeah uh man I'll tell you there is no there's no uh outline or no rules to follow for being a dad that I knew of so yeah I I learned on the Fly and made a lot of mistakes but uh um you guys have man I mean you guys and Taran pretty proud uh I don't know that that's from I think Tracy's influence more than mine she's like like offset the damage I did by whatever I mean she's pretty dang tough we got to give her credit basically the best mom you could ever ask for but uh best mom you ever had the best mom I've ever had for sure but yeah I mean even you know you would always push us and then Mom would uh you know tell us you know you don't have to do that if you don't want to and you know which she just loves us no matter what she doesn't care if we accomplish anything if we push ourselves hard she's just like you guys are perfect the way you are MH not saying you don't you don't think that but I know that you think that we have you know if we're not giving our our all then uh you'll have something to say about it yeah I think if I made if I could go back maybe I would you know because I always like put a lot of emphasis on physical uh effort and ability and like all about performance and performance can it's one part part of life but you know the the education of course I'd want you guys to get good grades but it's always so focused on sports sports and physical attributes and physical performance and so it's like you know I know that there's more to life than that yeah no I know I mean yeah just kind of it's all about how you uh determine success because yeah I mean our our whole thing was if you're the fastest if you're the strongest if you're like the best basketball player then uh that's basically like where your self worth is going to come from MH and so that's just that's what we did as kids we just and I mean it it did pay off in in some aspects like uh in elementary school for me I was a kid that ran and was fast and like people you know like amongst the other kids they really respected that and Tanner and I both actually since we were like the only kids that would be out out on a weekend running with our dads not dads with our dad um yeah we would be running on the weekends and and we would just get better and better obviously a lot more than the other kids because like you're not going to get better at running unless you're you're doing it consistently Tanner uh broke the school record for the mile I think it was 638 and then elementary school elementary school Yolanda Elementary School uh mile and then years later when I got to the fifth grade I did 628 and then I had the school record so just like right there like being able to win at something as a kid it feels pretty dang good yeah so I mean I I can't you know I can't complain and then um the jogon to runaround laps I set the school record and then at the assembly they uh printed me off this huge uh piece of paper with a big star on it 32 laps School record and then like everyone just applauded all the kids and you feel like a rock star so yeah as we all know I've been putting all my guests through a pretty good cardio session on Mount Pisa g rock is a welcome new addition to the podcast and lift run shoot series I love the 80 lb sandbags but I'm not sure how my guests feel about it but what do they say pain is weakness leaving the body all the people at go rock are beasts and I'm thrilled to partner with them we use the rocks and sandbags on almost every episode and now you can take your training to the next level as they are offering listeners 10% off when you use code cam cam see you guys on the mountain you better not forget that we Cabellas and Bass Pro Shops is a sponsor of the podcast and that's especially powerful for me because I remember when Cabellas came to town came to Springfield Oregon and I actually played a role in the opening of that store in instead of cutting the grand opening ribbon with scissors I shot it with an arrow and it was just a Monumental thing I mean everybody here in town was talking about hey are going to go to Cabellas can you believe Cabellas is coming here to Springfield Oregon so I know what a staple those giants in the industry are and it's actually it's one of the first places people go and they're looking to get geared up to be to become a hunter is they go to Cabellas and buy everything they need so I'm very excited that we've partnered together and we can help open up those outdoor and hunting opportunities to listeners of this podcast now those moments are they're important and they're powerful for for a kid because it is it's hard to get positive attention or reinforcement so um you guys you guys had the physical ability to do that because you definitely weren't doing it in grades no I I actually got decent grades I know you both did I think I got like 31 32 I was never a I was never a genius yes you were never teing no no my sister is she's really good at school and uh I've never been that great yeah you guys you guys did good though I mean you guys were both smart kids I mean it's not every every kid isn't going to be obsessed with grades like you know maybe we were with the physical part of running or or even basketball you know points wins whatever it is um but yeah it's a balancing act and it's hard it's you know I remember what it's like growing up and just you know as a boy uh you you're always it feels like you're always searching for something it's like you never really know what it means to be I don't remember what it means to be happy so I was like what what what feels good you know and it's like it's hard it's hard because other young boys are feeling the same way and so tough on each other and you know it's uh yeah freaking tough to be to grow up yeah I mean what I forget the exact details of the story but you would run a mile before school every day yeah now I but I was five five I didn't even know you were in school when you were five yeah no I started when I was five for some reason like I said I think my mom just wanted to get rid of me so she's like can this little [ __ ] start school now yeah so what she dropped you off at like 6:00 a.m. or what no I walked to school ah yeah that was back when yeah parents didn't really care about their kids um but yeah didn't you end up getting a School record of some kind like good job cam you ran a 100 miles in a month I got the school record for getting in trouble I wrote fuk on the chalkboard my teacher was out so that was a record dang um no I ran like it was a month of something like October I think but it was however many miles you could run on your your own time so it was before school I'd go and I'd run a mile every day when I was five I was five in the first grade so like the first two years I would go and I don't know I can't remember it's a school record probably probably world record but uh I think I ran 20 some miles so like there's 20 school days in the year in the in the month of October which I think is when it was and so I'd run a mile every day which you know for my I was also small yeah pretty good for being five yeah um but yeah so it was like but that whole that stemmed back from my dad too my dad was a track star you know everybody in Eugene knew him and uh he was he worked at Eugene athletic which is down on the mall here in town and so I would go to Eugene athletic and my dad was like shoe guy and he'd get people set up with shoes because he's been a track Co or a track athlete than a track coach but in between he he worked there so was was always like shoes and performance and running and track track meets at Hayward Field and so that was I was like okay if I to get my dad's approval I need to you know run and U my mom and dad were divorced at this time but yeah so it's always I know like I said I just know how it feels I remember how I felt and it just like you're trying to get you know attention for something and U for me running gave it to me and so that's kind of what I tried to pass on to you guys I guess whether whether you wanted to or not yeah I mean yeah running's always been a big part of our lives for sure I forget the time at a Hayward you were just able to go there and run as long as you wanted um before they just remodeled it and whatnot but uh when I wore that all gold um outfit and then we did like we did like 20 laps yeah I think I can't remember how old you were but we went over there one night it was dark yeah and uh uh you just kept running yeah I don't I don't I don't remember how old you were I don't know tenner do you remember no how had to have been like five or six yeah pretty young but ran so what you ran four or five miles yeah I think it was like 20 laps and I just remember like getting up like to 10 11 12 and then you're like I I can't believe you're still going and I was like yeah well you haven't seen nothing yet I want to keep going and then that felt that felt really good and then um the first time I broke an 8 minute mile too was a big deal for me cuz I mean I think I was I think that was a first grade um you know we would always run and try to break it and then I would hyperventilate which I don't even know I've never done that since like being a kid like when you're a kid you just I don't know get too uh like you start to panic maybe cuz it it hurts or you're you're breathing like your uh heart rate gets up too high maybe and you don't know how to handle it yeah I think you kind of are being dramatic yeah maybe that's what it is like that's your way out yeah you're like obviously he's not going to keep going if he's going yeah cuz cuz I don't know about all kids but all you kids kind of I don't remember Tanner doing it but I know T Taran has done it um so yeah I think it's just tan didn't do it I don't think I don't remember I can't remember tougher than me yeah he's always been pretty tough um but yeah you guys you know what other kids were going and running Pisco and they were young not I don't see too many kids these days running Pisa and you guys had to do it all the time or did you want to or did you have to no we had to we had to for sure but yeah that was I mean we just talked about this earlier today but when uh Tanner and I raced up Pisa and I was I had to have been like seven and so that means Tanner was 10 and then we were just talking trash up until pis gun just saying how oh man I'm GNA smoke you and and then I mean as a seven-year-old I can't imagine my comebacks were too great and I couldn't really talk couldn't say my RS and s's yeah but uh yeah and then we got there I had been training like actually pretty decently just running with you on the weekends I don't think Tanner had been maybe he was doing sports so he wasn't running as much and then so we take off off sprinting in the beginning do you remember that yeah and then we got to like up the first Hill and then Tanner he bowed out he sat off on the side of the trail and uh just hands on his lap and just like watched me just keep go keep going going and then um I got all the way up I don't even know how far ahead but uh I looked back right before I turned the corner where he was still in View and I saw him and him and you now heading up starting to run and I was like oh shoot I was like looks like my dad has forced him and then uh I get all the way almost to the end and then uh here comes stanner and he's going strong and I'm starting to feel it at this point lactic acid build up and then uh grab my calves and I fall down to the ground like wiggle just cuz like it hurts so bad and I'd been running so hard what I thought and then uh Here Comes Tanner stronger than ever and then I fall down down and then now you have to help me and I think you picked me up and then we we started to go and then I almost ended up catching Tanner it was like a Sprint to uh towards the monument at the end and then he actually he beat me in the end so and that's another thing I've never actually beat Tanner in anything which is crazy yeah yeah cuz I mean I've been a better Runner like fastest marathon 257 um I don't even know I think Tanner is 3:30 no oh is it 3:40 yeah 3:40 something yeah well anyway I've been faster but in every single head-to-head race never beat him mhm not once it's like the classic big brother thing yeah and then uh basketball never beat him in a game of one-on-one like the last time we played was I don't know a while ago but I was an adult full grown and still couldn't get it done like growing up it makes sense you're smaller but no I just couldn't and then I don't know we probably has Tanner beat you in one-on-one now yeah yeah but like as kids that was impossible I don't think so not not did you ever as a kid no I don't think so yeah but yeah we quit once he what's that it got pretty brutal out there yeah we there were some pretty intense games yeah I mean and I think Tanner was I don't even know how old maybe 13 13 14 you guys would have some pretty it's like uh what's that movie oh with Denzel Denzel He Got Game He Got Game Tanner was Jesus Charles yeah I okay if I I I don't really want to get into all my vices but one big one is very competitive and also not nice so yeah we yeah we had some epic one-on ones but yeah once I think once Tanner got in high maybe older in high school yeah I couldn't beat him he got he's really good at basketball um but up until whatever yeah I mean but we would go you guys are tough you guys are [ __ ] tough kids as all there do it yeah um you came up doing hard things a lot of hard things a lot of digging de you mentioned the the race up Pisa and it sound sounds like kind of silly but man you guys developed an edge you know because pushing that hard and racing and hurting that bad and still getting it done that's to me that's valuable life lessons and that carries over because you still remember it you know and uh you remember what that feels like and you remember what it how it feels to dig deep well I mean you would yeah it's like you learned if you train hard for something and you really want it you're going to get it done like you get better and that's I mean that's like we practice would run a mile um on the weekends at the track just training um for the school record and then was able to get it done but yeah it's like if you uh if you set side of time make time for something to get better at it then uh it's going to show and that's that's one thing that we learned yeah I mean what what I I can't remember I mean I think I said it many times but I know I talked to Tanner about it but it was like and because I'm in the same boat um you guys are way more talented than me but I just said that if you guys do what everybody else does you're going to be pretty much about everybody else cuz you're pretty average as far as you know you didn't have a 40inch vertical weren't the biggest so it's like if you just do the average effort just do like go to practice just like everybody else okay you're just going to be whatever you're going to kind of just middle a pack yep but if we outwork everybody else then who knows yeah you know and I I was very proud that Tanner took that we shot threes after his practice like every night ended up getting First Team all league in basketball and uh you know that was to me that I love seeing him have that success because that that showed okay this does work right you work your ass off there are rewards and um that's the only that's all I tried to really um just just I I just wanted you guys to understand that part of it and it seems like you both did because you both have been very hard worker well one thing you would always say to us is um like you'll thank me eventually all parents say that though you'll thank me later yeah I know but I mean I guess I guess that's actually true though like looking back at I'm like geez I could have been so soft as a kid mhm and then like the fact that like I you just wouldn't really ow it or like you want to entertain the idea of us just being able to do whatever we wanted to do and like I just be lazy play video games it's carried over to my adult life yeah I made quite the impression so so don't you have something to say to me thank you I guess just kidding yeah um so I mean let's talk about you know everybody watched in as senior journey in the pull-ups and I think that started you can you can explain but where did the journey with pull-ups start for you yeah pullups specifically mhm um well I I will I will say um when I was lifting consistently in high school one thing that I was always good at was pull-ups I'd be able to bust out like 20 in a row and that was a lot back then like in high school and then um we met goggin back in 2018 and we did U that 50k then we went to the gym worked out for an hour and then after after the workout gogins um did a hundred after every single like that's how he would finish that was like his finisher and then so he would do five walk to the other side of the gym walk back do five and then so he just kept doing that until 100 and then I was like I was like dang that's actually that that looks pretty cool and then so I started to do that and that was back in 2018 so you did 100 with him that night too didn't you or did you not actually I don't think I did oh you didn't no I was pretty G we're pretty SM that was a hard workout yeah a lot of people see the video and they see 25s they see the 25s on the incline they're like oh these guys are whatever you know how people on the internet are just [ __ ] complete dumb [ __ ] but they talk about the 95 but uh they talk about the 95 pounds but God we had done so many reps of everything before I mean the 50k alone R 30 some miles out morning and that was your first 50k right yeah yeah first 50k did it in 5 hours and 56 minutes yeah and that's not the easiest 50k that's on Pisa so you're doing pretty much four Summits yep in in 32 miles or whatever it was on a cold rainy maybe snowy day it was cold yeah yeah it was cold and muddy so we started off with that then we did this Goggins likes to say animalistic workout out yeah which was hard I don't know how many reps who did but probably 600 I think if we counted everything out yeah and then uh then yeah then he did the 100 pull-ups I didn't I didn't know if you did I was like pretending like I had to go do something yeah um you had a business meeting or something yeah um but no so I saw that then I was like well I think I can do that like every day MH and just whatever I didn't even have any goals in mine I was just like oh 100 pullups today that's what goggin does that's what I'll do and so I did that and then um I got the idea in like 2020 early 2020 well because actually now that I think about it on Christmas no on uh New Year's Eve 2019 so like just about to be um 2020 mhm I did a thousand out here in this gym and then you came out and took pictures do you remember that yeah um pictures sucked yeah the picture sucked I remember that too we wanted you to look all jacked or we were hoping but yeah I don't know the light sucked or you weren't jacked or something well and I had a bunch of back KN so that doesn't look cool no um cuz of the roids mhm um but no um did a thousand in like five hours first of all I just want to say anybody who says TRS on steroids doesn't really know how obsessed you are about your hair and skin because oh yeah like I I want to jeopardize that I don't think so I mean the way you carry on about everything and I and your complexion I if because that kind of goes hand inand with steroid use apparently people say so I think that alone would well definitely the hair well I mean acne was a big thing for me too growing up like uh in high school that was that was tough to deal with mhm so I I don't see you doing taking anything that could no could uh Kickstart any of those issues so yeah I mean for for people like to talk [ __ ] you have no idea what goes on in this kid's head about his hair and complexion but anyway go ahead um so yeah I did a thousand um so this was it went into 2020 January 1 MH and then Tanner this was when uh he was a ranger he went to his gym um after I did the Thousand because whatever like we like to compete physical competitions um he ended up doing 1,200 I think that was in January or February he did 12200 in a 12h hour window and then uh I wanted to see how much I could get in a 12h hour window then I ended up doing 21100 out here in this gym and then um yeah I just kind of wanted to see how far I could take it um gogin record was in my mind cuz he said in 2013 did 4030 pull-ups and I was like jeez I over H halfway there and um in 12 hours in 12 hours like I could definitely if I just kept training I could definitely do this and so in April 20120 I did 41007 hours my hands all torn up everyone in their mom has seen that video and everyone and their mom thought that I had the world record after that mhm and uh I didn't the world record at that time was uh 7,715 so I wasn't even close was that the ranger who had that Brandon Tucker yeah yeah yep he had the record um and yeah just like in 19 and a half hours too so he was that's so much more than 4,000 I mean you're getting close to double and your 4,000 kicked your ass kicked my ass and my hands were just absolutely fried and yeah I mean I I think when you kind of tell yourself like what's possible and whatnot like you kind of set limitations like I was done at 4100 there was no hope of going more like I was just so done and I think physically your body kind of gives up when you like set a limit but then I mean people kept saying like man congratulations on the world record and I didn't have it and then so I kind of felt like a fraud even though like I did something that was hard but people thought I did something that was even more spectacular and then I was like wouldn't it be cool if I actually did have the world record so that I wouldn't have to feel like this and people always coming up to me and saying well dude did you sell the record it's like no I never did so then whatever did Pull-Ups for like a few years every single day just like I went up to like 200 reps and I figured that was enough cuz I had the idea of okay I'm going to break the 70 or uh 7715 and then um that record got broken 808 by Jackson Italiano from Australia and then um I was telling my wife that I I needed something uh to like work towards this was earlier this year 2023 and I was like I I I need to like I need to push myself in something because like just lifting and whatnot not having a goal is it's just like kind of getting old and then she was like well yeah apply for the record on Guinness and uh go for that break that cuz you know that you can do that easily and then in my easily in my mind yeah in my mind this is how delusional I was it was going to be easy I remember dinner the dinner the night before me you and Tanner and I think Alicia was there obviously but Candace and Candace yeah went out to dinner and you said yeah I don't think it's going to be that hard yeah I said I'm actually worried it's not going to be hard enough and that was a stupid thing to say that that's a stupid way of thinking about it going into the hardest day of your life physically at least um but yeah I did I was doing 200 every day and I thought I was really doing something and then um went for the record April 22nd did uh 4,100 again and in 12 hours but the last thousand were pretty iffy reps cuz I was so gassed mhm um definitely didn't train hard enough and I found that out on game day when I got the cameras got the cameraman to come out flew people out everyone was there and then um live stream going and then obviously I failed in front of like by half I I got half of what I was supposed to do and I was absolutely done and then I remember driving to a restaurant we went and ate after and I told myself I didn't say it out loud I was like I am never doing that again cuz it just you know was miserable yeah you fail and uh physically I was like I probably just can't do it um but then I I didn't realize like how much training actually pays off like I just had to find a different uh level of dedication mhm I mean on that day specifically so I went April 22nd I failed and then trained for like 3 weeks um doing like a thousand and uh wasn't getting any easier just like every single rep was hard and it's hours going by like that's how I'm spending my free time is just doing a bunch of pull-ups yeah and so it it like I got to kind of a breaking point cuz on a day that I was supposed to do um 3,000 I did 800 and then I called my wife and I was like I don't even know why I'm doing this I was like this is stupid I was like it doesn't even make sense like why I think I could do this do something that never has been done before which is over 8,8 pull-ups and I was like I don't even think I'm physically built for it um the other guys are lighter than I am so like I'm at a disadvantage and it's not getting any easier and I've been training for a long time and and then so I built up all the excuses and then um well I I basically allowed myself to quit and I told my wife that it was over and then uh was driving then I I texted you and I was like do you think I'm a failure if I don't try for the pull-up record again and then that's when he said no I think you just need to take a break and as long as you're working towards something like that's all that matters you know that's a good answer um obviously you don't want to be like yeah you're going to be a failure but yeah and then so I was pretty content for like a few hours of being like ah yeah I'm just go going to go back to lifting try to get jacked and uh whatever not going to do the pull-ups I actually went through uh my captions on Instagram and I deleted like another training week in the books uh for the world record cuz I was just like screw this I'm I'm totally bowing out and I don't want anyone to know that like I was going to try to go for it again yeah so I was covering my tracks and then um I was sitting on the couch later that day and I was like shoot I might as well just see this thing through I need to I need to see if I can actually do this it's like what's the worst that can happen I I train harder this time around I I'll at least get closer and then I can be done mhm give it one more good effort yeah one more good effort just because I already laid it out there after I failed I was like oh yeah I'll come back better than ever so I already kind of screwed myself by saying like I'm going to try again and then um yeah so that was a month later when that happened when I did the 800 on the day of the 3000 and then um next day or so started doing pull-ups again stuck with it for the next uh five months and then just trained really hard and um yeah got to a point to where I could do 5,012 hours and um and then yeah I was I was pretty um ready for the next attempt for sure mhm and so that went just perfect no issues on the day mhm no I wouldn't say that yeah I mean it's crazy because train my ass off I mean like the dedication was pretty crazy you know like three times a week is what I would do uh 2,000 reps and that would take usually four hours I saw on social media that that's not possible to do 2,000 oh yeah no i' I've I've seen that too I've actually seen that after the fact now that I've done 8,100 pull-ups people will say um on a video where I say like thousand before work thousand after because that's what I would do they would say haha 2,000 in one day that's impossible and then I would reply which feels pretty good but I would say do me a favor and look up on Google most pull-ups in 24 hours let me know what name you see then come back yeah and then so you know obviously up Pops my name um and that feels that feels pretty good and then it's like well maybe 2,000 is believable if I did four times that amount yeah but yeah on actual game day I you know everything was going well um and I got to like um I think it was like around 5,000 is when I started to slow down I was just getting gassed and uh i' had been going for like 13 hours so like when you're doing something for that long it's you know fatigue is going to kick in well it was interesting too because you had done 5,000 and 12 hours and you said you felt good in training yeah and so you kind of had in your head that you should be able to get to 5,000 and 12 hours and then but then on Game Day MH you were feeling more fatigued than on that one training day and this just a hard thing about you know I I relate it to like people who have to run the the Olympics they get one day they got to be at their best and you had this date picked you had people flew in you had you know Guinness the application for that day you had the live stream so it's like you have to perform whether you feel good or not y this is the day yeah and I mean just like NBA players like Steph Curry can hit 13 threes one day then the next day he's 1 14 15 yeah just like you never really know like how it's going to go so I mean I was you know I I went for it um was still making you know do 5,000 13 hours you're still on Pace for sure um but yeah I mean my stomach was absolutely on the fritz um I just had so much candy and I thought that was a way to go and then it was bubbling and whatnot and I spent probably like an hour total on the toilet just diarrhea just gassing it up um and yeah so I was my stomach was just like all over the place that kind of took me out of it took me out of the groove I never had that issue in training so that was a new thing and then um I just had to find a way to just keep going and then um you know as you know like when you do the 200 mile races you run 20 miles and that's a long run mhm but you're not even close to being there yeah it's like you did 240 Mi so you still have 220 left and if you think about it like that every mile that you do literally doesn't mean anything mhm but like you're getting closer yeah so I mean when I got to 5,000 I still had 3,000 left and every rep now I had to earn it wasn't getting any easier and then it's it can be hard to see like the light at the end of the tunnel when you're like that cuz then you start saying to yourself how many am I do in a minute um and then how many more hours am I going to have to go and then how many reps is I going to be and it hurts now so it's going to hurt just continue to get worse and worse as time goes on and it's like geez I I do five reps I got 3,000 left I'm not even getting closer to the goal but then it's like just like the the 200 mile races every step ends up counting because you just get closer and closer to the end goal and then before you know it like after 3 days go by you're there yeah and you never thought it would be possible but it's like as long as you just keep going you're going to get there mhm so I mean that was that was a big mental barrier to cross yeah cuz I remember you were saying that I mean you were talk you kept thinking about numbers and time and doing the math and trying to do math in your brain's just fried because you've been doing pull-ups for 15 hours or whatever it is it'd be pretty you know you were just like it's I can't remember what you said but you know something like it's not it's not going to happen yeah yeah I know I mean I well at that point that was 6600 I was doing about 3 a minute which is 180 an hour yeah it's not a lot no I I wouldn't have been on Pace like I would have come up short if I kept that up mhm so I was that 6 600 and you did the I forget what the the look is but you kind of went like like looked back at Tanner like I don't think this is going to happen and then uh I could tell that like the energy in the room was like o like this isn't going well he's slowing down I went to the live stream saw the comments are like you know it's really rooting for trua but doesn't look like he's going to get it he's like with this pace and people saying that like yeah no he's not going to be able to get it and whatnot and then so he's really slowing down really slowing down yeah and then I told my wife I was like yeah we need to face reality I was like this isn't going to happen I was like there's not enough time I wasted too much time on the toilet just like things weren't going my way so like I that I was pretty much like looking for a way out of people being like yeah no I mean I get it like you had diarrhea so you can you can quit and feel good about it um and then so I was looking for that and then I I never got it from her I mean she was pretty upset because well I it's like you train to be in that exact position I was 17 hours in mhm 6,600 reps down I just have 1,400 left it's like and then you told me um the story about Courtney MH about how her first 100 mile race she got to like 60 Mi and then she didn't realize that was part of 100 mile races is how bad it hurts the pain yeah the pain she was like oh that's just like part of it and then so like the next time that she did uh go out she was like yeah no this is just like part of the equation and then like you got to push past that pain mhm so you told me that like um what separates like winners and losers is Winners like when it hurts they're able to push past it and that's what makes them great um whereas like other people they feel pain then they they quit and then you're like I mean did you think that this was going to be easy and uh like you're the one who brought this upon yourself and I was like you know you never really know what's going to get through to someone when they're just going through hell but like those words stuck with me and then um my wife Felicia crying too just like seeing your wife cry you're just like geez I I need to get myself together and then so I was doing three a minute like I said and uh and then just you know kind of gave it a go I mean Eric he said it best Eric McCormick our friend um he was like every time you've touched that bar you've been successful so like I I never had any failed reps I was still going strong it's just mentally I wasn't there mentally I didn't have the edge but physically I was still going strong you just had to get on that bar I just had to get on the bar yeah and you were like looking at the bar a lot but once you grabbed it yeah you did a pullup yep every time you tried yep yeah and then so you know I felt I was still like battling with myself I was like am I actually am I actually going to do this like well I remember the first time or the the in April I just said your body was it's just not going to happen no and I I Wasing took Alicia around the corner I said it's not happening today and she started crying then too but I was just like it's just you know your body just couldn't do it this time your body could do it it was your mind yeah and so never said that it's not going to happen because I could see your body was fine it was just that but it's so so mental too because it hurts so bad and you're you know you're fatigued but your body's still performing I mean at midnight is when I really started to feel it and I was just like I was really like this isn't going to happen at that point you're um for me I was 17 hours in 17 hours of standing in that spot doing pull-ups for 17 straight hours yeah like naturally you're just going to lose your mind and so I kind of did and I remember I went to the bathroom and I looked myself in the mirror at like 66 6700 and I was like I was like you have more in you I was like you can do this you just you need to find a different gear went back out and um then I kind of decided like yeah you know what I'm going to go ahead and and try to do this instead of just feeling sorry for myself and scared of how bad it's going to hurt I'm just going to try and worst that's going to happen is I'm going to end up failing but at least I gave it my all so I asked for some shades sunglasses so I could just zone out ask my brother to play some suicide boys as loud as possible um chug some caffeine and then uh just went to town started doing this is like 17 18 hours in started doing um three every 30 seconds so 6 a minute when I was doing three a minute just prior and the only thing that changed was mentally I was like I I I got to just I got to go and then um yeah and then before I knew it I was up to uh 7,000 and then I was just like nodding my head listening to the music and pointing at like the live stream just saying to myself like you guys have seen nothing yet like you guys thought that I was done no no I'm just warming up and then so I got to 7,000 had 1 th left and at that point like I I passed that mental barrier and I was like shoot I can do this thing mhm 3 3:00 a.m. rolls around um been going for at this point 20 hours and then feeling stronger than ever get to like 7500 still feeling strong and but then I kind of realized at that point I was like shoot I still have 500 reps left and I got to earn every single one yeah um and 500 is still lot 500 is still a lot yeah um but no I mean just kept going kept going and like I said just you keep chipping away don't focus on anything other than chipping away and then you're going to get there eventually and um that's what I was able to do and able to set the world record and I mean I was completely done mentally like I I was going to announce it to everyone say hey by the way this isn't going to happen again you guys can leave but then I got to 7,000 and I was like geez I'm part of the 7,000 club and I was like okay let's keep going let's see how far we can take this and I got to 7,900 and I remember going over to you I was at like 79 like 93 and then I just like tapped you on the shoulder and I was like can you believe that like I'm I'm going to get it and then so like once that moment kicked in it was pretty impactful for me just like I don't know I don't think people make themselves proud that often but like in myself I I was actually proud mhm and you didn't quit cuz I didn't quit and then um I know people are like yeah well that was a stupid goal anyway people have been saying that like cuz I explain like the context um videos of my hands and they're like that's a stupid thing to even do to yourself and it's like yeah but not all of our goals are the same your goals are probably stupid um but like to other people yeah to other people but um this is what I wanted to do and I was able to do it and I was proud of myself and that felt pretty dang good yeah to to do the most pull-ups in 24 hours in the history of man that's kind of cool yeah you can people can discount it all they want um but it's never been done before no it's a workout that people do all the time yeah and then so like to be able to say like oh and 10 is hard for a normal Man 10 pull-ups is freaking hard I know I mean yeah I started out doing sets of 10 all the way into like 3,000 and then drop down to like sets of five and whatnot but yeah it's just you know the training obviously it pays off like we were saying on our run today I didn't become the best in the world on that day October 14th I did it in training and then I just proved it on that day like I built myself up to where I was the best um during training when no one else was there just me myself the bar and um and music and then just cranking away and then that's how I got to be able to do 8100 so training what so what do you think motivated you to to do the most in history what was what was your number one motivation there probably is multiple things but what what stands out well this sounds kind of funny but um you know rational redneck uh Super Fan um but no he when I said the day before like I'm going to go for the record he commented and said that he has um he can guarantee 100% that I'm going to fail and then he'll reveal his identity if I do accomplish it and then so when I was feeling sorry for myself at 6600 I was like damn like I really don't want this guy to be right and cuz he was 100% certain that I wasn't going to do it so I was like I I honestly thought about that and I know he's a he's just like kidding or maybe I think it's satire it's just he's a Troll he's just having fun he's just having fun I think he's hilarious yes but some of the things kind of kind of burn away at you and then also people saying that like um I failed miserably the first time um 2000's impossible I wouldn't have the U the fuel or the the fire like the truth of it to be like yeah what by the way I have the world record so I had a lot of motivation just proving people wrong just to prove people wrong for sure um cuz I don't know people people when you um claim to do something that's like physically challenging I I don't know what it is but people just want to discount it like immediately like they didn't they don't want to give you that satisfaction it's like oh if I can't do it then he definitely can mhm and then so I mean that's I just been dealing with that the last few months and then so I just I really wanted to prove those people wrong wanted to make my wife proud and then um make everyone there proud that like they came out to support me they believed in me they they believe that I could do it and um I I just wanted to to make everyone proud so yeah I just buckled down do you you know it's weird now because social media is such a big part of our lives these days you know almost everybody's everybody's on social media at some point either looking at things or posting things and but a big part of that that is we judge each other you know so um do you think about like who's going to see what you're doing and who's either proving them wrong or proving them right because there's people who believe in you like Goggins has believed in you you know people like even like Joe has would believe in you but how much does that weigh in like yeah you want to prove rational redneck wrong even though he's kind of a joking around but also there's a lot of people who they just hate on winners I mean that's just people who succeed you're going to get hate you're going to get hate from people who haven't achieved what they wanted to so they feel bad about where they are in life so they want to make you feel bad have you ever dealt with that yeah I mean I feel I mean it's you know some people are better at it than others but yeah of course it affects any we're humans we're not we're not designed to deal with um acceptance or or or criticism from millions of people and right now millions of people can weigh in on your life yeah I mean social media just such a new thing to where like if you're doing 2,000 pull-ups a day and then um or I mean and again I wasn't doing 2,000 pull-ups a day that would be 14,000 a week I was doing 6,000 a week typically but see you're lying again yeah so I I am a liar um but no like if someone before social media you said that you did that then someone said no you didn't you're a liar you would probably fight that person but since it's social media they can say whatever and not have any consequences mhm and like they can call you a liar and then they don't have to deal with it at all like what you might do um so yeah I mean I would think about that stuff all the time during training and that you know that just motivated me even more um but no social media is just so weird I mean I used to give you a hard time about like why do you even respond to these people mhm um like it doesn't even make sense like why entertain it but now I get it it's like yeah it it just pisses you off sometimes especially to me it's different when or it's not different but because everybody's affected in different ways but when you work work your ass off for something right and you've like dedicated so much time and effort and mental energy and physical energy and then somebody wants to critique that because you've worked so you worked your ass off to what to do whatever you're doing that impacts you cuz you're like I've been [ __ ] busting my ass and you can just you know discount it with I mean say whatever yeah you know and you know as uh you know I keep talking about I talked about you guys as young men but men in general in this day and age it's a weird time you know because uh you know as a hunter like not everybody hunts or not everybody hunts the same way or so it's like men love to judge each other in that realm or if it's physical every man sees himself and Compares himself to other men or not every man but most men and then they feel like it's a reflection on them so it's just like in this in this scope of hunting physical ability and attributes and all the stuff it's like men are you know it's it's hardly ever women weighing in with negativity or talking [ __ ] it's never women no it's [ __ ] other guys I don't have any Woman Haters yeah and it's just like it's fine because that's just the way it goes and that's just that's life but yeah I mean it there's times where you're like God damn these guys suck yeah I mean you're you're drawn to the negative too yeah uh negativity bias um you can have a hundred positive comments and then that one is just like oh you idiot yeah yeah I know it's U that's just the way it goes I mean as everybody likes to to claim is oh just ignore the comments or don't read them it's like okay everybody looks at them and it's just I know whatever I guess the more success you have it's uh I I think even the most successful people in the world still hear the negative you still LeBron how much [ __ ] does he get and he he reacts to it sometimes I've contributed to that I know it's just it's just the way it goes but yeah I'm I mean I have I get a I get more motivation of weak men being pathetic than I do off supporters yeah I mean that's just and that's hey whatever fuels you great but uh yeah I mean at the end of the day in in in truth it's like you look around and you're like how could we how could we be impacted negatively by anything because been blessed by so much yeah you know so we have you know our family's healthy loves each other it's just like and you're going to let some stranger impact you it's it's pretty crazy but uh so at the end of the day I look around and I'm like God I got I got so much I've you know me personally I've outdone my ability or what I deserved by 10 times and so I can't you know there there's nothing I could say that that would change that I don't deserve to be where I'm at you boys you guys have worked your asses off your pretty much your whole life so you've earned whatever you have you have the world record you earned it people can say whatever [ __ ] them yeah and I will say this about it like you know people give me a lot of props because the the pull-ups and whatnot but and Tanner's not on this podcast but he's uh he's recording um I can be tough for like one day M you know like one day that's that's what I have My Mind Set On is like yeah I can be tough and I can I can bust this thing out but you know tner he's had to be tough for four years straight um just being a ranger and whatnot so it's like you got to give credit he's tough and then sometimes I am but I mean definitely it's like I don't know you got to earn it um and that's that's what I was able to do on that day so yeah it's perspective you you yeah for one day you're really good um there's people like you know and I look at this too like people I can be pretty tough for certain stretches but I look at Roy he was always tougher than me always more of a badass in the mountains and so yeah we to me it's it's like we can learn and grow from people like that so I would look at Roy he would help me be better I wouldn't look at him and go you know think negatively and think that oh I'm better than this just like you you don't look at Tanner and say that you know you're tougher you're better you look at him and and you're like you know he's done this for longer than me I can I can push through one day yeah you know so it's all how you look at it where I feel bad for the people who do are the [ __ ] talkers on social media it's like they're using they're using it for the wrong reason it's like how why don't you use it to better yourself mhm or to be inspired and you know it sounds coche and sounds like oh pie in the sky but it's true you know you can look at the same circumstance two different people one's inspired and they get better and they're they grow one is negative and it impacts them and they're miserable yeah I mean what do you what do you want to what do you want to do I don't think people realize how mental a lot of their life is yeah you know just like it's it really comes down to perspective and mindset um just like someone close to me um they're like clinically depressed is what some people would call it like oh we want to put you on um is that anxiety medication like lexipro or whatever MH or depression medication to to make you uh feel happier and what not um and then wasn't happy on that felt terrible and uh and then ask him like how they are every week how you doing oh um I'm okay but life sucks like there's no point in living it's just whatever it's just every days I'm not working towards anything and and then so it's doing terrible and then um and now I ask and I'm not sure what changed I think it was just a mental but uh now I ask like how's it going it's like oh you know I'm doing good you know just like Life's good and and and I'm kind of like changing things around my just the way that I think about things and um so the circumstance didn't change no circumstance didn't change just perspective mindset and mindset mhm and then completely uh cured himself mhm just because he was like you know I want to quit saying cuz I told him before I was like you know you think you're probably depressed because you always say oh life is it's not worth living it's like do you think that has a effect on you and he's like yeah you know what probably he's like if if you're always telling yourself that then yeah and then so as long as soon as you stop saying that and then you're you're just like you know I have a lot to be thankful for and a lot to be grateful for and I still have my health and Able Body it's like gez I I should really stop complaining mhm and it makes a huge difference yeah just like me being able to do the pull-ups I was completely done mentally and then physically I wasn't and then I completely switched mentally and I was able to do it yeah which just like the only thing that changed was mental yeah it's a you know it's again a cliche but that selft talk is so important you know what what you're telling yourself matters yeah and you know it's uh yeah I mean I I've been I haven't been immune to it either and I what helps me is when I get out if I get out run the mountain do something shoot my bow get outside do something if people are just staying inside all the time and just thinking about how miserable they are it's going to be really tough to to change that yeah that's the other thing is I don't think people get outside enough um I'm not giving advice on how to live your life but like it it can actually be hard um getting outside for for an hour MH if you're not just going out going out on a walk like if you work in an office it can be hard to set aside time cuz you get to work at 9:00 get off at 5:00 and then you have kids and you want to see your wife and whatnot and then it's like oh now it's night time I'm not going to go well I'm going to watch TV and it's like you never get outside yeah I know that's a huberman likes to say that too get your face in the sun in the morning sunlight yeah we're going to put we're going to put huberman to the test this week so we'll see if he's legit or if that's just see if the sunlight's been paying off no I'm a big hubman fan I can't wait for him to come but uh yeah he's got some great advice some of it seems so simp but you know you don't have to overthink this [ __ ] get outside get in the Sun get some fresh air and man it changes everything yeah work out eat healthy drink water drink water and then um I mean ice bath like it's freaking hard actually doing the ice bath like that's one thing like being cold it's like damn that hurts yeah it's just one of those I think it's it's helped a lot of people too because it's a little mental it's a it's a mental test and it's not physically hard other than just getting in cold water but it's not like you're running a marathon but if you can do it it's a it's a little win for the day and it helps um well I mean we don't want to go on too long but I did want to hear about uh what's your next goal after the world record in pull-ups now what he's retired fat and happy just you know fat and happy yep and I'm going to ride on the coattails of that for the rest of my life that's good no I think um we just went on a run today did like seven miles and um the idea which I already told people about is uh you're not going to go back and delete it all now no is qualifying for Boston again yeah in uh hopefully run it with you in uh 2025 mhm and then I'll I'll just uh use the time that I was doing for the pull-ups to get better at running MH and hopefully still maintain some muscle because last time when I qualified for Boston I was so skinny I just wasn't eating enough yeah I was no you you were like 160 yeah that's not that skinny yeah that's true but uh no I mean I I want to be able to qualify for Boston again just being able to run feels good it's a good excuse to get outside anyway and um there's something to work towards you always need something to work towards mhm that's a good one it' be a nice little book into to the world record pull-ups run Boston well yeah because goals when I qualified for Boston in 2019 we were going to run it in 2020 yeah already paid registration and then there was a little cold that went around and it got cancelled yeah did uh but that was pretty easy to qualify wasn't it the first time yeah that was again it it's different than the pull-ups but um just so hard just hard in its own way mhm um but yeah like I got to the half marathon on that one and I was just redlining like my heart rate was so fast and I was so tired then I held that pace for another 13 miles and felt absolutely just miserable after I was like I couldn't believe that I did it 257 646 is average pace and um then I went to work got off at 1100 p.m. and I thought that was pretty cool CU I was like yeah yeah yeah not only did I go to work do a full shift but I um qualified for Boston this morning so I was like telling the customers when they would come in cuz I worked at the me apartment I like yeah by the way I ran a marathon this morning they're like wow good job yeah you're like check out my meat no I didn't say that oh good cuz you got you would have got fired that'd be ass salt brother no that's a good goal that'll be fun I mean yeah [ __ ] running running under sevens for 26 is it's doing something it's hard to do once yeah yeah let alone 26 times but yeah you you have the ability you can do it you're [ __ ] I hadn't even run my first marathon when I was your age so I think you got some time yeah actually what changed for you why did you start running marathons um God I don't know uh yeah I mean it just it felt good to be in shape to have something to focus on you know at that time I didn't have I had you know what people not a great job I had a f I had trying to to support a family trying to make good decisions not go out drinking and be a loser and so it just gave me you know as we talked about like the you know the mental challenges of just just navigating life can be hard but getting outside and running was a positive so just kind of Switched and then I was like well I want to you know every every dad wants our sons to be be be and to be better than them so I'm like well if I do this and you know have my kids involved it's uh you know it feels good felt like I was doing what I was supposed to do as a as a dad and a leader of a family even though I was kind of a [ __ ] up um but so yeah just kind of built from there and just you know as just as you have you know goals that come in and and change and you achieve them and set new ones that the same thing for me so it's was a marathon then a 50k then a 50 mile then 100 mile and then a 200 mile and it's just that's how it goes you don't just jump out and run a 200 mile it's a it's a pro process so um yeah it was just wanting to be better and then that was cuz you were 32 32 and I ran my first one yeah dang yeah so yeah you got time you get your your endurance you know you're probably not Stronger Faster generally but your endurance you're mentally tougher the older you get because you know life has kicked you in the balls a lot and so either you get tough or you quit MH and if you keep doing things and keep overcoming things yeah by the time you're in your 30s and even 40s and now I mean I'm I'm in my 50s and I feel as capable and as I ever have so you got lots of time yeah and then I was also going to ask you no I'm the podcaster and you're on my show with uh you were writing your first book full-time job bow hunting and all that and then you had Tanner and I what was uh what were you working towards or like what was keeping you motivated at at that time because that's that's pretty that's a lot going on and then writing a book that's that's quite the task and you had the uh the laptop in the living room and then we were running around and doing whatnot but uh yeah I mean you had a lot going on just like what kept you I don't know just like focused um I God I don't even know I just wanted to uh I wanted to be something I want to be something I want to be not just a guy in town that had a job and I wanted to be like you know I wanted to stand out I wanted to be somebody's people talked about and you're not sure why no I just is probably just you know as I said growing up and then my dad wasn't around and I wasn't big so I got you know whatever you talked about bullied or picked on or whatever but it's just like it felt like life was hard and it it's didn't get a lot of positive anything and so I thought well I want to I want to be I want to be some somebody people like talked about and and noticed and either liked or didn't like didn't matter but just wanted to make an impact and so I thought well nobody's ever written a a Banting book on Blacktail deer which is what we have here which is what you killed you know two days ago so I'm like well I'll do it I don't have any money I don't know what makes me qualified to do it but I'm going to do it so that's what I did and did my first one then in uh first book in 1999 second one in 2006 and then if it didn't work out you were going to file for bankruptcy yeah we were not I wasn't good on I've never been good on with money I mean I I yeah I always spend what I got and actually a little more than I got that's good and I just hoping like I always had in my head that yeah it's going to work out somehow I'm going to I'm going to write this book and I'm I'm going to get get a bunch of orders and I'm going to have a bunch of money coming in it never really happened but uh you know it it it worked out and um yeah I mean I thought we were going to have to file bankruptcy and I was putting these these bow hunting goals ahead of what I should be making good decisions as a as a as a dad and a husband but yeah I was not super smart and kind of selfish and just my my dreams took precedence over everything for a while and then pretty soon you're like either I got to quit doing this [ __ ] or I got to work harder and make it happen so I was just like I got to I got to work harder and just make it happen yeah and that's actually I just watched a documentary on MM and uh when he got his wife or his girlfriend pregnant um he was like geez I really need a buckle he he was like messing around in the music scene like trying to just make M mixtapes and whatnot and people buy him at like the gas station mhm and then um he was like man I really need to buckle down I need to support my family now and uh instead of just completely giving like going and getting a real job as you would call it somewhere he went like just full bore into um the music and just like focusing on that dream and then believed in himself and uh obviously now he is who he is but it's just like instead of giving like it would have been really to give up on the dream like yeah by the way that's not going to happen so you need to go ahead and get a real job and then then we wouldn't have Eminem and that happens to a lot of people they give up on their dreams you know because it it doesn't look realistic and you're like man what if you just would have stuck with it so I didn't want to be that guy who gave up so I just stuck with it well and that's the other thing too is I don't know how people accomplish anything if they don't have like a supportive spouse like if you're constantly being fought on what you're able to do like my wife she was super supportive and she was the one that didn't want me to quit when I wanted to quit back in May mhm um but if you don't have that it it really it probably affects you because I mean that's the person you spend the most time with and they're just constantly like [ __ ] on your goals and it's probably not going to happen right if you have to fight them and also the adversity of just trying to accomplish your dreams it's like no way yeah you need somebody who believes in you for sure yeah yeah well life's funny yeah I mean I will say it's it's one thing to say that you want to be someone and then another thing to actually be someone MH you know like everyone wants to be whatever everybody thinks are special everyone thinks they're special and they want to be successful but then it's one thing to actually like buckle down and and and do it like make time you had your you're a full-time job you would still lift run shoot bow hunt write a book it's like that's a lot so I mean it's probably just discipline right I don't know I don't know what it is it's just uh yeah I'm I'm not sure but uh yeah I mean I just kind of just feeling like a loser most of my life yeah just didn't like that feeling yeah well to be able to change on a dime like that pretty impressive yeah I mean I never felt like even when I you know my job at sub turned in I I was you know the buyer for a long time didn't really know if I was qualified for that then I was superintendent didn't really know if I was qualified for that either but just kept like you know they they call it um outrunning your coverage like on a punt it's just like I just kept like outrunning my coverage and just like well I probably don't deserve to be here but I am and I'm going to make the most of it so it's just just you know probably being a little delusional like people like we say people everybody thinks they special yeah and so maybe I thought I was more uh more T more I don't know what than I actually was but eventually you just earn some opportunities because you just can't be ignored what was that race didn't you drop out of a race before when you were like 25 you were like supposed to run a 10K and then you just oh the be to be it was the be yeah I quit and then you quit and then you yeah I like it five miles you have a mile left a mile couldn't walk it no I could have but I just stepped off the course and took my number off and I was just I was had been drinking I was fat for me and just like you know I was used to knowing what good times were yeah and you know you get to five miles you see the time and you're just like holy [ __ ] do I actually want want this time in the to be counted and I just felt yeah I just felt pathetic how old I don't know but probably around probably around 25 yeah I mean and then obviously people know you now you would never do such a thing no you would never quit like that on pretty much any race no so like I I I don't know how you go from that to just being like it's kind of like a a goggin's uh switch mental switch of like how he was what 300 lb MH and couldn't he was just what he his own words that like he was pathetic couldn't work out could hardly even run and then to be able to switch into what he is now and what you're now it's like I don't even know how that happens yeah um I don't either but I just know people just get tired of feeling pathetic you know if if he said that then yeah it's just it's a miserable feeling especially for a man you know you're supposed to be a lead leader you're supposed to be strong you and when you don't feel that way either you cave into that feeling and you know go further down or you're just like holy [ __ ] I got to I got to buckle down I got to do something and so yeah it was just like you get you get as they there's a saying sick and tired of being sick and tired and then you just change so that was it I just changed luckily I mean Tanner came along and then I felt obligation to to be a d a good dad not just a dad who was a [ __ ] up but actually a good dad cuz you guys I didn't know you know you weren't around yet but I knew Tanner was going to be watching me and yep how I carried myself was going to impact how he carried himself and his development so it's just like [ __ ] this is bigger than me yeah no I know and and that's true I mean people are watching you MH and like my wife when I would be training for for the pull-ups I'm like I would tell myself like she's watching me right now mhm and like it it matters if I actually show up and if I'm actually able to do this like it actually matters because people it's like they don't want to be you don't want to let them down mhm people believe in you yeah and you want to give them something to be proud of like that's one thing they were talking about earlier I want my kids to be proud of what I accomplished not that I was a quitter like oh it got hard then I quit it's like that's not a good lesson no and you know you said it it feels good when people believe in you but people don't believe in you forever no you start letting people down a few times they're like this guy's not going to do [ __ ] then nobody's believing in you yeah you know and that's not a good place to be because you've just let people down for so long they're just like H here he goes again yeah just a [ __ ] up yeah I can't imagine that's a good feeling no so it's just like it you know you have to when people believe in you that means something you got to cherish that you're like I'm gonna I'm GNA prove you right yeah I'm G to get this done I'm going to prove you right I'm not going to waste this um you know you caring and and your love and support I'm not going to waste it going to make it pay off no and you need people like that I mean I was filling out this questionnaire for Guinness after the fact and um it was just like how did you feel after accomplishing this and then I was like I I've just obviously like I said I've never been more proud of myself but then also like seeing how proud like you and Tanner uh Taran and and Mom were like that what I said was I hope everyone gets to experience that feeling CU like making those closest to you feel proud in you of you it's like yeah that's a pretty life-changing feeling yeah yeah so I mean I I hope everyone gets to feel that it's like uh Israel uhia yeah yeah style Bender yeah when he knocked out Alex Pereira and he said that he hopes everyone can experience like how happy he feels right now it's like yeah no I mean I kind of get that now yeah no it's it's special I mean and yeah your whole family was proud of you because um and I think you know Tanner would attested this everybody here would but you've always been pretty obsessed with training I mean I don't know how old you were when you had the little Ab Roller and you'd be hours on the TV like rolling out your abs or not rolling out your abs but on that Ab Roller and just extending out the side side side side how many hours did you do that a night um probably about like an hour than I go to the gym as well yeah yeah so yeah I mean it feels good with you know that's always been like one of your core tenants of you is like you want to be what it's it's always that physical conditioning or attributes or um performance and you know so it felt good for you to achieve that goal and yeah we were all very proud of you and it would be nice it would be uh extremely powerful if everybody could feel that way but that has to be earned I know you earned it yeah yeah I mean that's what makes it that much sweeter it's just how hard it was it's like I didn't want to mask the pain because it's like just knowing how hard that feeling was and overcoming it it's like oof that's the best feeling in the world when it's said and done cuz now it's two weeks later and my body's 100% feel totally fine and it's like gez it's just temporary yeah definitely feels overwhelming at the time yeah but that feeling of being proud it's like that sticks with you for a long time yeah you didn't let yourself down and and that's huge yeah definitely no well it's been a been a great couple weeks you got through a world record you got a buck killed pretty sweet what else you got you ran the mountain today ran the mountain didn't walk didn't walk um able to just lift like normal now pulled my bow back back pulled your bow back that's actually the number one thing which actually people love to see other people struggle so they they love to see people fail they love to see people fail for sure well struggle really bad and then fail yeah I don't know it just makes people feel better about themselves I think but yeah no it's all right yeah we've we've had a lot of positives in the last couple weeks so I can't complain no it'd be silly to complain we've been blessed with a lot and uh you know I'm thankful for the for the sons and daughter I have and my family and you guys all make me proud um right now is your time in the sun you got you know you got achieved your goal and um Tanner and Taran are going to have their time in the sun too and that's how it that's what we like yep yep proud of you guys yeah and I hope they do and and I know that they will so yeah when one of us wins all of us win that's for sure that's how I feel yep um but yeah all right well we got a film coming out at some point about your with your deer hunt maybe we'll show your meltdown yeah um about the deer hunt coming out yeah and then um also for the the pull-ups Luke DeBerry is making that for me so that'll be sweet yeah that should be good maybe you can pull some of this audio yeah yeah that'd be good all right well uh good work you have anything else you want to close with um I love my wife um I love Jesus and Ducks football are the Ducks gonna go to the play to the BCS or not BCS National Championship that's been gone for a while now the BCS I know but no yeah they're they're probably going to make it I would have to say I mean we always end up losing a a stupid game to like an unranked opponent but no I'm feeling good this year I think uh we're better than Washington if we play them again in a neutral site yeah then we got it I know we're playing really good right now it's pretty fun yeah we love the Ducks yeah no we always have but no I mean I think that's it all right well we'll get you to the airport you can get home to your wife sweet all right love you love you too keep hammering guys it's Cameron Haynes here I'm going to be giving away this brand new Ford Raptor 2023 full fully loaded badass truck got 20-in wheels 35 in tires the tax man loves coming for that money right I'm giving away 10,000 cash to offset that for the winner you get a truck and 10,000 in cash I want you to win this brand new 2023 Ford Raptor enter to win Cameron keep [Music] hammering every step I take I move my truth every time they tell me stop I every comment hate that makes my f gather up my energy and boom I hear them talking saying the way that I move is so reckless that is a part of my mind I've been blessed with give my blood so I am Relentless my fault they want someone to blame they s their hate it fuels my Pace I am Roy tough I am the change the F in dir feeling like cam HS that I just die did I am dirt give me them odds nobody wants I'll give you my heart I carry the work give me that impossible task I'll give you that unbreakable courage give me that right up and that hurt I'll give you that mindset that I ear give me that last question on Earth did I just die did I end
Channel: Cameron Hanes
Views: 48,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cameron hanes, keep hammering, cam hanes podcast, keep hammering collective, khc podcast, cam hanes bow hunting, cameron hanes workout, cameron hanes motivation, podcast, pull up world record, truett hanes, truett hanes pull ups, world record, joe rogan cam hanes, andrew huberman, bow hunting, keep hammering podcast
Id: j36JJjMqpGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 3sec (6303 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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