Kip Fulks - Professional Athlete & Co-Founder of Under Armour | Keep Hammering | Episode 019

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[Music] that is a part of my mind I've been blessed with giving my blood so I am relentless all right keep hammering Collective with Kip J folks Jay is his middle name j-a-y how you doing good man this is sweet I've been I mean I'm so punctured here dude I mean we've had we have such a history together and it is uh this is really special for to have you sit across from me at the podcast table thank you so much for coming out to Oregon no you watching you do this to transition from what you were doing before which you hammered for many many years yeah Springfield County Springfield Utility Board yeah shout out yeah and to see this coming alive it's just cool to be here well I mean I don't I don't think it would have happened without you I mean not even just this last journey in this business here but without you believing in me when you were at Under Armor before this and um I guess vouching for me or fighting for me or fighting maybe just not for me but for the hunt community and group um you were the I guess the inspiration and the Brain Trust behind UA hunt and without that who knows if I were made a uh my way in this industry yeah I have to give a lot of credit to some people at Under Armor too that they brought you to the table and they're like we want to sponsor this Bronner from Oregon and I'm like yes so you don't understand um we're doing a hunting division right and they're like no no he's he's badass bow hunter too and that was Brian boring who originally introduced that idea so I got to give Brian some props for that and uh man what a good run oh it was amazing I mean when Under Armor hunt was at its Pinnacle that was it was so fun you were making Kick-Ass [ __ ] I was doing what I do being sponsored by a giant athletic brand which didn't even seem real for for decades in hunting until it happened at Under Armor and uh we made the most of it didn't we it was funny because I I kind of quit to get that job at Under Armor so Kevin and I started the company together many many years traveling all over the world to make stuff and I was like I can't do this anymore I want a Division I can believe in you know football basketball lacrosse some of the core sports I loved them but I wasn't passionate about them anymore so I actually quit to start that Division I said I want that or I'm I'm out right and we himdon Hall we argued like you know boys do and we were young at the time and uh we hadn't gone public yet as a company and I'll get Kevin gave me the chance to do it and I mean we made a we made a splash man that was I mean what was it at like Addis Pinnacle at Under Armor well I know the industry noticed because you're there's always a first person out there but then you've got these companies who then okay it's a competition now they stepped up and that that kind of brought in kuyu and and some of these other Sitka yeah but think about what was happening when we first came on the scene it was printed camouflage on cotton and that was you know there was some jackets and some rainware that you know some of the guides were some rubber and you remember all the stuff the Alaskan guys wear but when you think about what the modern hunting kit today and then what we were doing and like 98 99 2000 2001 we took performance Fabrics to hunting just like we took performance Fabrics to football and baseball and hockey and Lacrosse and before that they were wearing real tree on a long sleeve cotton right or a cotton jacket and if you if it was going to be bad weather you put on a bunch of layers yeah or you hope that someone gave you a rain jacket from Gore-Tex that wasn't hunting yeah and now it's the standard issue I know it's uh you know there was a brand way back I think before Under Armor rivers west they were good enough they were good other than they were just hot they just didn't breathe you know I mean yeah you'd stay it would keep the rain off kind of it absorbed a little bit but you wouldn't die it was a head kind of a heavy yeah like almost uh fleecy fabric that was like you would sweat your you know right off in it yeah I remember those guys from the SHOT show many years ago I was always looking at like wow if their product got a little bit better we changed the whole game and then you know hey competition breeds come you know better products right yeah so people I got to give a lot of companies a lot of credit right I mean that's where kuyu Sitka and those guys they they're like okay well I guess it's on and now we have a whole all this high-end oh the material the amount of money people spend for hunting and on clothes specifically it it blows my mind we used to have arguments that Under Armor back in the day if we were going to be able to sell a jacket for 189 right and we that Ridge Reaper jacket that we came out with it I love that first one with the orange yeah the Kobe and Mark Estrada made and uh We've argued over 189 versus 200 and I was like no it's got to be 200 they'll be like nobody's gonna buy it yeah and now you think about all the products out there today and and then that kind of led us to origin I know and now after all that now with we're both with origin and it's an American-made really I mean it's American Dream but it's American-made company that's trying to compete with because let's face it under armor kuyu Sitka they're all made overseas I mean there's really no other way to do it unless you're just gonna take this path of like that's just a beat down I mean you can get a sample you can turn a sample you can get a cost you can get uh you know a bunch of athlete samples you can get it easy in Asia they have whole teams that are designed to deliver what you need and here in the states it's just not like that you you really have to what Pete and Jocko have done own the factories or you have to have a partner who's willing to invest and like build this slowly right and so you can't grow overnight because you can't make that much product so for companies growth is important and so they just go where they can get the volume right and you know I've been to factories all over the world and I was telling you earlier antenna like I remember going to factories in Cambodia and you know there's thousands and thousands and thousands of people working in those factories I go to some factories here in the states and I love seeing those factories let's be honest it's a couple hundred people right and that's a big Factory right and so you see like origin will come out with I know I just know because my name's on it but that that Cameron Haynes line or whatever it is that signature hoodie sells out yeah we can't make them fast enough right and it's because of that it's just it's just Workforce that's Texas cotton milled in South Carolina died and finished in South Carolina shipped to North Carolina made by the origin blockchain shipped to people in America I mean all your money stays right here I mean it's beautiful it's it's beautiful it I mean and I think it's you know it's a slow it's a slow burn basically to get that production up but man hats off to Jocko and Pete for having this Vision about bringing manufacturing back to America I mean they're just Patriots and I think they saw something you know Pete's been doing this 10 years so this is not like a hey you know after code yeah you know a lot of people are looking at the U.S supply chain going we need to re-share it up he's been doing this for 10 years and he started with it you know Jiu Jitsu and it's pretty impressive he also you know double mortgage this house sold everything he had borrowed money from his buddy to Deco he used to drive to Boston and get cash from a guy to help him pay his employees like people don't know The Strife that goes behind the scenes to try to like build back America and it's you know I'm a small part in it you're a small part in it but hopefully we play a big enough part to tell everybody like hey let's let's let's move this needle a Direction that's in favor of the country yeah kind of not hard to get behind no hey Kip do you want to join I'm like yeah man I'm not that bright let's that sounds cool I was actually part of the problem because I moved all the production overseas right so it feels good to me to be on the other side of the coin I bet yeah I mean and I've heard you talk on other podcasts too about this the difference between I mean the the not the restrictions but the challenges in manufacturing in America just because you have the EPA comes in and maybe over in in China you know who knows what the rivers look like over there compared to the restrictions that we have here and and doing it right and and uh following all the laws and all the safety restrictions that are here not restrictions I want to say I keep saying that but guidelines um and it's it's just a different set of challenges that they don't face overseas it's literally they're playing by different rule books it's like literally you go to a college in Idaho and I go to a college in Maryland and we both take math but one is using a math book from first grade and one is using a math book from like college professors right it's totally different math right but yet you're both going to college for Math and in both and essentially competing for the same Market correct when you're talking about manufacturing it so it I think it's changing but we do have to you know I think anybody that's listening to this whether it's your food whether it's your clothes whether it's your car you know just take a hard look at America first you know what if they don't offer something that's right for you that's I get it I understand it but I think when you need to pause and look first and not just run around and take the easy Choice the easy choice in life and I think this is keephammering collective 101 the easy choice in life generally is the wrong choice right and so I think if Americans anybody listen to your podcast just pause when you're using your dollars yeah Hey where's it going who's it supporting so I think it's important I'm behind it 110 I know you are I know Jocko and Peter it's easy to get behind yeah it's uh I mean I love to see it I love to see people talking about it and uh you know being sold out there are worse things that could be you know I mean it could be like if there was no demand and we had a big inventory so um it could be worse but I'm just I'm honored to be involved and I my hat's off to Pete Roberts for the sacrifices he's made you mentioned them over these years and and all the personal sacrifices and chasing this dream and then Jocko for just being the badass American that he is it's an honor to be involved with those guys and you and uh you know Rogan's involved and it's how how incredible is it we we have some meetings we get on the phone we have some face times you know I'm I'm 100 miles an hour as you know I'm spitting out a bunch of stuff trying to get the business figured out Pete's asking questions spitting out things then Jocko just comes in with one liner yeah so we need to we need to keep this simple we need to go forward go and I'm like yeah yeah he kind of actually just said what I said but I took 20 minutes you say it yeah he said it in five words just go forward go and everybody's just like let's [ __ ] go I mean he's what Jocko said yeah yeah whatever it is if he says it and he says it like calm cool and collect and then he ends it with a little gristle [ __ ] let's take the hill I'd run through that wall if he said too like yes and you feel like you're kind of like in the principal's office I know yeah I don't get in trouble I'm like I'm kind of a jackass something do you know me I can run my mouth I'm like I want to push hard in business and I'm like I think I know a lot because I've I've been around the block so I'm like let's [ __ ] do this and he's like I'm like [ __ ] I'm going to the principal's office yeah it's all good when he's not looking at you then when he you know you guys eye contact and it's like oh God and of course you know with his Echelon front he's doing a lot of leadership coaching for some of the best businesses in the world right and so then he's he's on the phone with us and I'm like Jesus he's probably going this guy yeah what is wrong with this is his goofball I know yeah I mean it's a good group and it's oh yeah definitely the right it's the right place for us to be and you know Rogan and Jocko and Pete I think everybody has the same Mission let's just turn this thing around yeah yeah let's make an impact yeah I mean but what a journey I mean I just you know when I think of where we started and where we are now and then all we've been through together as friends um you know I'll just go through the highlights I mean we've hunted together many times um we were hunting together when I found out that that Roy had fallen and died we were both in Colorado hunting Whitetail or just deer um you've you know when Tanner graduated from rasp you flew back I mean you're here with my family um we went back there 10 around the half marathon we went back to you know Baltimore and it's just went back to Alaska went to Alaska for you know my first time back uh since Roy died we did that Grizzly hunt together um it's just been an incredible I just I appreciate your friendship so much and you've been here for my family and for me personally and I just I love you guys like you know like I love my family and you know what's funny is I think back at all those years you know you rewind and you play these little moments and and I think it's interesting for people to know this is like I was kind of hard on you as your sponsor you know you were like you know like you guys need to pay me more money I should be your number one athlete you know you're doing what you should do you're selling yourself and I'm like you gotta believe in yourself and I'm like nope no no and then you just keep grinding it out and you know one of the things I got to give you a ton of credit for and I don't think people know this is like for a long time you did some writing you did some shows and you just been hammering the hunting and bow hunting but you were one of the early adopters of social media and you like figured it out you started it yourself you didn't have a company behind you there wasn't a bunch of investors and if you look at what your social media has done over the last 10 years versus other people that are in the hunting industry it's not it's it's not even close I mean obviously what you do is not even close but just I remember thinking wow Cam's kind of an innovator and it wasn't necessarily about lift run shoot it was more like wow he's kind of attaching himself to the social media back before this thing was even people understood what Instagram could be Facebook could be obviously YouTube so I got to give you a lot of credit over those years for kind of stepping where other people weren't going yeah um thank you it was at the beginning um you know what I'm talking about yeah I mean I it caused me problems too I mean because I was working for people who didn't see the value that I thought it was going to have and I ended up having to walk away from the relationship and it's like that was hard because you work for me I worked so hard so many years just to get to play some place where I had a platform because at that time you had to have a magazine or you had to have a TV show or something you gotta have a megaphone you got to have somebody to put your work out and uh you know so I didn't want to screw that up you know and I was already just a pain in the ass to work with as a hunter because I grew up hunting on my own and you know as well as anybody because we've hunted together so I don't like anybody telling me what to do I don't like anybody slowing me down and it's just like that's kind of what I was starting to feel like in this you had to conform to the way the hunting industry was going and you're like no that's not how I hunt it was hard yeah it's this is working in the industry is a love-hate relationship I mean I love the people that I work with I love reaching more people with the message I hate the strings attached to it like when you're working for a company or you're writing for a magazine or you're working you know doing TV um so yeah social media for me was like a godsend because it's like finally I'm in charge I can say what I want to say I can write what I want to write I can do what I want to do whatever the impetus or whatever the reason or motivation was behind it it ended up playing in your favor in a huge way over time and I think that's the definition of innovation is seeing things that other people don't see and willing to stick with it you know because a lot of times Innovation happens short in Sweden people God didn't work you know like I tried Instagram it didn't work I'm like no you gotta actually do it for like 10 years and then come back and tell me it didn't work right so I I remember that because we used to have some conversations behind the scenes about you well you know he's trying to grow his own account and yeah he's not really posting about Under Armor yeah you know but I got to give you a lot of credit it's um it's changed kind of the face of the whole industry well I mean that was because I did you know sometimes I felt like some of these companies signed me just so they could control me so it's like then they'd be like well he's not working for the competition because we got him locked up and then they didn't really have to use me and I felt like that's sort of what Under Armor was doing and some sometimes because I would see some of these other athletes being promoted and I'm like I want that I want what I do to be uh coveted I want that platform too yeah I'm working my ass off I've been working my ass off for decades and uh I I want it and it's like you guys as a business you know the Western Market is was Tiny you know maybe five percent compared to 95 percent for the East and the southeast Whitetail Hunters and so I had this small market now I wanted all this love I guess or support essentially and uh yes it was frustrating for me because I'm like I'm busting my ass over here yeah I was the douchebag executive going no no we're not doing that with him no he's [ __ ] crazy nope not gonna do that yeah but over time I think you did a good job of explaining and continuing the partnership and I will say because you're loyal you stick through with companies and because you're authentic you're not really pulling any punches so I think the companies that did and you have a lot of great sponsors that have stuck with you for a long time and I know you were with Under Armor now you're with origen um and you were with them a long time and I'm I'm assuming you're going to be you know a lifer with origin so because you're loyal I think once companies figure that out then it starts to open them up but you know you got Executives you got advertising guys marketing guys creative guys and they're in and out yeah they work someplace for two years they go for another place for four years and they're just trying to you know come up the corporate ladder and it's a real problem in Corporate America and so that's it works against people like you sometimes sometimes it's like for me I finally got to a place you know it's like this has been so many ups and downs but it was eventually for a while I was like hey I would hunt for free and you're gonna pay me 10 grand a year what I would be doing this for nothing so yeah that's great sure and then you kind of get to where like wait a second I have value to you now before I wanted to be used for this and then it's like okay now they're using me and then it's like well wait you're the one benefiting off all this I'm getting a little bit of play but this company's making bank off me and so then it got to this place we're like wait a second how how many how much did you with my name on it did you sell how much was that again this many units hmm that many units times this much and I got this percentage wait a second puts it in a different perspective wait a second so before I was like just happy to get scraps and then all of a sudden I was like I actually think I deserve a little bit more a little bit more and that was so that's a whole different part of the journey where now all of a sudden I'm looking at it as a business and I'm like yes I love I I hunt because I love it but I can't be stupid I have a family that relies on me to make good decisions I was talking about this in my method and mindset class where it's really hard for certain people to self-promote because it feels like you're letting your ego talk but you know in this world you gotta self-promote you got to be okay talking about your skills what you're good at what you're great at and what value that brings people obviously from a sponsorship standpoint but I I'm not comfortable with it I'm just getting more and more comfortable with it I'm getting a little bit better in front of the camera I'd like to talk about some of the things I learned over the years at Under Armor but yeah man self-promotion is not comfortable for a lot of people but you know if you have a small business if you're starting or if you've taken over your family business or even if you're working at a big Corporation and you're trying to like make that next big move up the ladder you got a effing self-promote yourself yeah in a way that's humble and authentic you don't come off like that jerk right but in this space you really gotta sell promote yourself yeah you know because Who's Gonna To Your Horn if you don't I don't have an agent I don't have any but it's just me and and you I mean I'll mention it we did the lift run shoot today you see what I do I mean it's like I bust my ass right I don't think anybody has a really good understanding unless they're with you for weeks and weeks at a time I'm just saying that I work really hard yeah and it's like when when you so when I work like I do and I'm not saying anybody else doesn't work hard but I just know what I put my body through and then it's like this company is getting this much off of my work I'm like I'm feeling like it's a little bit this these scales aren't balanced I'm the one busting my ass we're yeah we're building this brand but let's make this a little more even I think Hunter's fishermen outdoorsmen in general and women I think it's five and a half billion dollars spent on hunting and fishing products a year it's a year we go two years that's 10 billion we go three that's 15. right this is a big business yeah don't anybody that's listening to this don't let anybody fool you these companies are making bank are they doing the right things are they investing in conservation are they getting behind the right athletes are they making their products in the right places you know you know Corporate America is lined with a lot of really really rich executives what's changed the [ __ ] tune yeah let's make the real people get the real money you know that's that's how I I know that some of the deals that I've you know maybe I'm thinking of uh not even hunting but just like some other deals that I have I'm more like I don't really need the money up front give me that royalty if I sell your if I sell the units I want a good cut and it's like it was a pretty good uh we just went and saw the new movie I think it's called air and it's about the Michael Jordan story and he was the first athlete that actually said first athlete anyway that the movie how they how they wrote the movie was first athlete that said he wanted to cut of to sales you know and he didn't just want I think they're offering 250 000 he got a poor Show when he signed but he also won a percentage of sales first time first athlete to do it and all that's turned into for Jordan the Air Jordan Brandon for Michael Jordan in particular still I don't know how long he's been retired probably 30 years but he's making 480 million dollars a year off of his problem same deal yeah that same deal and uh I think it's like a weird belief in himself yeah but to your point is like yeah the executives were they're always going to make their money they're they're always going to get it but how about the athlete the one who's actually you know making it happen yeah I think there's uh definitely now that college athletes can also sell their name and likeness I think that times are changing yeah I think it's back on the American Consumer to put their money in places they believe in I think you just you can't believe all the hype you can't be over marketed to you gotta like really get behind Brands and people yeah that you believe in and I think if that happens then you're just like you feel that partnership and you're just so then you're even more loyal all anybody wants to know is that they're valued right yeah I think consumers want they want more information today they that you know they want more information about where what how who and I think that's because they care more than they they have in the past I also think that they've been so marketed to over the last 20 years they're like raw right like another effing marketing campaign selling me another product so I think it's almost like they want more information and they want to go with the people they believe in and then you look at some of the products out there that are doing well and they're like overnight successes because they believe in the people right and that's where I think that authentic type sports or spokesperson makes a big difference you know because it's like yeah they I think it's because social media there's so much information out there and these companies they put out you know they have their marketing campaigns but also there's that story now people want to know okay I want a Little Gnome a little more of the story which is kind of what you mentioned where's it made and then the athletes it's like okay pull the curtain back on the athlete I want to know a little bit more about this athlete now and so I think the the market has changed and um the athletes can benefit now more than ever well anybody can come out here and pick the rock up come up the mountain you'll show them a piece of it hey speaking of that I saw true and made a comment and he said there's no way old man Kip beat my time dude I will I'm gonna fly to Utah fight him [ __ ] it he said old man Kip oh that that isn't fair statement I'm an old man my name is Kim so there's no way you beat his time what do you have to say about that um I'll put a wager on it yeah well small bat what a great day I mean I can't I had I had you know I'm always still feel like I get credit for a few things because I I didn't put the rock down like you're peeing like a girl a few times with the rock cradled in your that was rest then we don't have to talk about that oh but that's not I didn't touch the ground I was trying to have you I was selling like man wouldn't it be nice to set that rock down and you can just stand up straight and stretch out and I was trying to trying to get that rock to hit the ground but Tanner didn't say a word the whole time and then he throws something out three quarters of the way up and he goes we'll see how that plays out oh no he said bold move cotton plays out that was when you were like cradling it in in between your knees but I was telling him my theory of not putting it down is good and he's like yeah I don't know but I mean today we're in the rain all day I mean it was just one of those classic uh I guess late spring Pacific Northwest maybe just pissing rain brutal we got soaked a couple times we got soaked on the mountain we got soaked shooting bows yeah but I can't you know anytime I have a day like this I can't sleep you know it's like I just I'm thinking about all the things we can do I'm thinking about how it's gonna go I'm thinking about okay let's make a good film I'm doing all this I can't sleep so I like woke up this morning going oh my God I didn't sleep at all I just hope today's and today couldn't have went better and then what's the name of your cold bath Morocco marazco yeah Morosco big difference than the ice tub I know that circulating water is a mammoth I wanted to I wanted you to get in there to see because I want to know I've never done the the trough with the ice like you do so I wanted to know how it compared you said it's much colder yeah the minute you you get in it you can tell that it's a big difference he did a good job I mean I after you got out you couldn't really talk though your mouth wasn't working that was so cold I was mumbling yeah we gave you some mud water and had you sit by the fire and it was all all good and then we uh we came in here and God had a great lift you're a [ __ ] beast dude oh trying to keep up with you steroids yeah just like Truitt everybody says truth on steroids and like people are such dip [ __ ] so anybody who's jacked who's bigger than me must be sterile always steroids always steroids no but men what a day um I just wanna uh I don't know I just think about what what was our first hunt together was that Wyoming with Roy no we went Caribou no Caribou yeah 2001 2002 maybe 2004. yeah four we went public in November of 05 and it was before that okay was that the winner hunt with Cabela's yeah and Gabrielle won yeah yeah win a hunt with Kip and cam yeah we went up Caribou hunting and uh that's when I had the arrow that bounced off the Caribou yeah and you looked over at me and you said are you shooting Nerf yeah no suction cup arrows I said no so we stocked in and uh this bowl was out there nice bull we used I think some big boulders on the tundra got in about 35 yards that Bull's quartering away and I think you hit a little low but that Arrow went and like hit the back back leg but like back of the knee and bounced off and he looked over at us like a mosquito bite right bit him and I was like are you what is this bow is this suction cup arrows but you're shooting a typical Whitetail setup light arrows expandable broadheads probably 25 pound draw something like that and then I got that uh one that died in the water and had to swim out into the water yeah you had your shirt off just like you started this podcast that was our first hunt I think we've been on some on some good ones you know can't the Roy the Roy ones tough you know when he passed away but I think also the bull that you know any anytime you can get a bull elk with a bow with a buddy is a good one yeah we've done that a few times and then we did the Wyoming home where my old my old man came yeah the colonel cut his hand in the first hour of the trip that was that was the one oh no don't say that don't nobody hunts up in there anymore [ __ ] oh God people back there are gonna hate that but anyway so that was the one I had killed a bull in New Mexico and Roy was going to meet me there and you and I was a day late because I hit this bull at the LA on the last night right at a fading light I hit this bull went and got it the next morning and it died but I was supposed to be to Wyoming so I was late so I got there a day late and uh the cameraman who was with me in New Mexico New Mexico was you know compared to Wyoming was flat like Golf Course flat and this guy was struggling and I'm just like I said dude I said you're you are never gonna make it in Wyoming you're never gonna make it I said you can't if you can't keep up with me here with we're Biv whacking out for 10 days how could how do you think you're going to keep up with me he's like I have to it's my job I'm like okay so anyway we got to Wyoming a day late and uh um your dad saw Roy at the store right getting Gatorades and peanut butter and uh probably I don't even know no he bought like a loaf of bread a jar of honey a thing of peanut butter and ketchup and meanwhile we I have like freeze-dried meal yeah all my whisper light stove and he's just packing in like but Roy could pack you know 200 pounds and uh so he he packed up to this burn and had a camp there wind killed this bull and so he um came out with a load and called me and I was on my way and he said hey I got a bowl down uh and so I told the cameraman I said we're gonna go help him get that bull out he killed a nice five by five and he hadn't really hunted Wyoming or I mean hadn't hunted elk much and uh so that was you know he'd killed a few Bulls when he lived here in Marcola but that had been quite a while because he'd been up in Alaska for 20 years so he killed this nice bull nice five by five we ended up ended up going four miles in helped him pack the last Loadout then he was going to take the meat into the to the butcher there in town and um I told the cameraman I'm like okay well we got that bull out now we gotta head up to meet Kip because you'd already been there a day and I said I don't want him waking up the next morning without me back at Camp a whole another day so I said we got to get it was dark when we got there by the time we got Roy's bull out and uh it was dark and I said I want I don't want them waking up in the morning without us at camp so he's like okay so up to get to up to the you know to the saddle it's a few miles you know pretty good climb and uh we started at night and I said I got to get up there and you know he goes okay I'm coming so he whatever I mean I didn't even know what happened I went back I said are you coming he's like oh uh I forgot my water pills and I'm like what do you I got iodine pills I got you just you know you're not going back to the car we're about a mile up the trail and uh he says no I need to get my I need to get my water pills and I'm like okay I'm gonna I'll be up at Camp you come up just be there sometime tomorrow anyway so I go up to Camp um lay there it's you uh your dad the colonel and Brian boring filming you your dad wanted to be the cook so next day uh Roy gets up there and I'd went off Hunting and you'd win off Hunting and uh and I said hey did you see the the cameraman and he's like yeah I saw him I go where is he he goes well I was walking up the trail and I saw this guy hiding in the trees and so he goes he actually scared me because I'm walking up the trail and here's this guy hiding in the trees and he goes kind of startled me so I said you know what are you doing and he's like said he was filming me but he had to go back to his car and uh and I said oh so what's he doing now and Roy's like you're not going to see him again he's gone so anyway he went cameraman left me and Roy hunted together you you and Brian hunting together and um I got out from that hunt and uh we ran you guys ran out of food we left you some food yeah we I mean we were my God that was that was an awesome hunt but that was me and Roy you know we love that kind of stuff but uh and you you had a Snickers bar in your bag I found a king-size Snickers I didn't know about in the bottom of your bag they saved us dude we were 100 out of food thunderstorms lightning striking and I was just like sitting there feeling sorry for myself hungry and I you know feeling around in my bag just for something a peanut who knows what off a trail mix found this king-sized Snicker and we were just jumping around we were so excited we actually had calories I had to argue with my dad for like 20 minutes he's like I'm gonna put this rock here Cam's gonna know it was moved and then he's gonna see that there's a freeze-dried meal I was like they don't need any food Dad I need the food he's like we gotta leave him something yeah that was a good one it was good except I got out and um Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation had called me and they said you abandoned the cameraman yeah and I said um you bet in the cameraman in Bear Country and I'm like what are you talking about he goes he could have been killed and I'm like it's not Grizzly country I said they're not there's black bear said he's not he he quit he left what are you talking about I abandoned him he went to the car they said Outdoor Channel said you had one more chance and if you if you if you screw up again you're never going to be on Outdoor Channel so that was like outdoor industry right there especially making TV so I mean I don't know like remember remember I love hate remember how uh Shredded boring's feet were he tough the countries that country's hot oh and I had uh wait did I no I didn't have did I have Adam Moffett that wasn't no no different hunt cameraman man you got a good one now with Tanner yeah Tanner does great I mean he had you know I can't really I mean he I can't fire him for being my son and he can't fire me for being his dad so we're kind of stuck so we have to kind of make it work but he's definitely tough I was telling him like when I need some motivation I watch his old graduation video when they're singing uh the ranger the ranger Creed I know oh my God these guys are bees such a [ __ ] I know those guys are studs beasts um yeah man it's been a long time yeah that one that one was special uh just because it was with Roy and then we went and I think what would have been the next hunt deer or yeah we started no Utah yeah we started going to Utah and then we started going to Eastern Colorado and we had that's when uh we had the guide had a heart attack remember oh my God yeah so that was the same same week that Roy died first first day of that hunt we're sitting there and uh we're in the kitchen breakfast yeah we're having coffee in the kitchen Old Farm House Eastern Plains of Eastern Colorado out in the middle of nowhere Aaron's sitting in the living room and he's like Cam Cameron and I go in there and I'm like what's up and he's like I feel like somebody's sitting on my chest and I'm like I mean he looked white why does it go white is a ghost and I was just like I knew what that meant I said can you get to the truck so we got into the truck and I was just like flying into that there's some Nursing Home in some little town and they kind of have a doctor there and uh I was flying and you did you guys follow me yeah we followed you and then they tried they couldn't get the helicopter in so they had to drive him to Colorado Springs right because the cloud cover was so bad yeah and he had multiple heart attacks yeah he had like had to get three stints put in and so that was the first day of the hunt you know flying in he's having a heart attack the he's laying on the on the bed they got the blood pressure thing on him and they're like um oh your heart rate is what are you are you a marathon runner and I'm like he's not in that good I mean are you kidding me that's the lowest heart rate I've ever seen it was like 30 and uh I mean he's in good shape but I was asking him where the big bucks were yeah yeah there was in that in that country uh Aaron Nelson yeah [ __ ] I didn't say his last name but thank God he made it through that um he actually came back to Camp after that like towards the tail end of the hunt didn't he yeah and then that's when we heard uh bad news about Roy yeah I mean [ __ ] yeah that that one sucks um yeah just a terrible week but uh you know I hit that buck and then we got the call about Roy and then the next morning [ __ ] we pounded that place just walking through the sagebrush and man I I couldn't even you're trying to focus on finishing the task because you I hit a buck I hit a buck that we had to find then yeah you're just your mind is thinking about something else who who found that buck who was that um we had about five of us out there yeah and I hit this Buck a little low a little back caught us liver in a big Whitetail like a 166 white tail oh gosh I'm so Sean no it was Sean and uh he's still he still guides there with the Whitaker Brothers I'm I apologize man I'm drawing a blank on it not Ty no no it's going to come to me but yeah we found him and then my dad was there you were there but I mean thou with hours and hours of Grid in that place out in that buck we covered some miles and I I'll be honest I was out of it crying the whole time yeah we found him Roy's buck and he was stud it's a nice deer yeah that was a you know spawn stock Whitetail uh Mark Womack was there filming yep and uh yeah I mean it's it's uh you know all that is on film it was just like I think people can watch that one on YouTube it's still out there yeah just I don't I don't want to watch it but I guess if somebody wanted to it was just like a [ __ ] shitty day and shitty week but we closed it out and uh you know we got that got it done and stuff that buck and uh some rental car I mean that car was thrashed dude remember driving through the sagebrush and that almost caught the thing on fire [ __ ] rental car I don't even we put the buck in the back I think it was a white Chevy Suburban I think we're asking like you know per it's like how much is does this car cost because it's done we're gonna be we're being charged for whatever this car is worth there's some benefits when you work at a bigger company I was like yeah yeah under Armor's got it they just cover it I was like I was thinking worst case it's probably 30 grand yeah I mean are we gonna pay for this because it driving through that Sagebrush it was demolished oh my god dude that stuff is like thorns and we didn't give a [ __ ] then we threw the back no Roy had fallen and died he's like who gives a [ __ ] about this car yeah we threw the buck in the back and man that was oh man I'm that was a crazy I don't know that was good to be there with you yeah I'm not sure you've been uh yeah it's always good to be there for people when they can't predict those moments so if anybody's out there struggling he's better to go go don't go alone yeah you know and it and it took me so this kind of brings me to you know obviously we've had some a lot of deer hunts and Elk hunts together and um just a years of friendship but it took me years before I ever wanted to go back to Alaska because that was what me and Roy did and so then finally you know a year before last you would you talked me into let's get back up let's chase some grizzly with our bows and uh you know finally made the decision had this film made for a while but I didn't want to release it because I didn't really you know I have my own personal approach to bow hunting and to me bow hunting is uh that's it there is no other hunting it's just bow hunting and if I'm going out on a hunt and I'm going to either kill the animal with my bow or it's not gonna die that's just the way it goes and if I'm hunting Dangerous Game same thing applies I'm gonna kill that animal or it's gonna kill me there is no other option I don't care about another option I'm not looking for a safety net I'm not looking for backup or anything like that but on a Grizzly hunt like we did year before last there's other people involved and because there has to be it's the law you have to have a guide for hunting grizzly in Alaska and when other people are are involved they're faced with making choices too it's not just your reality you now have other people's realities involved in your hunt so yeah Kobe you had Johnny radin you had branlin Shockey you had me and you had you so you got a crew and everybody you know we're here to support each other but at the end of the day when the [ __ ] hits the fan people got to make decisions right yeah and we made a hell of a stock on a gorgeous bear you know [ __ ] got a little Western yeah um you know I hit the bear a little bit to the left kind of quartering to a little bit a little a couple inches to the left and um you know the bear was hurt we had good blood and got down in the brush and it got crazy and I just was saying let me you know at first we thought the bear was dead we thought it was done yeah I mean Johnny said Dead bear Dead bear so I'm going down through these Alders and it was thick as hell and uh I get down in there and the grizzly lifted its head and I said let me finish it don't shoot don't shoot that's all I didn't want any guns involved in my hunt because as I said I'm a bow hunter and that's it and uh you know they're charged I was you know whatever 10 feet away it was happening it was happening so it wasn't just me and my reactions and my reality it was you got an error you you got it yeah I mean you better hit it you hit it bear can't was coming hard I hit in the chest kind of faltered boom shot I think Johnny may have missed your brother hit in the hit the bear in the hip and spun it which kind of got got the bear off of it was kind of on track right to me correct in that kind of um you know whatever so Bear died there was a gun involved in the in my bow hunt and uh I was so you you had a hard time thinking about is this is this something that you want to release out there and you've thought about it for a while I didn't want people thinking that bow hunt and arrow isn't won't isn't deadly enough to hunt Grizzly because it is because I've killed Big Bear I've killed I don't even know how many animals with no guns involved merciful quick deaths and then this one that happened to be on film that was the return to Alaska for me kind of in honor of Roy we wanted an adventure that Roy would be proud of and then to me it got tainted with the gun but maybe because I didn't want to reflect on bow hunting in a negative way because to me archery is the most merciful way to hunt um because many times animals don't know they've been shot and they you know lose blood pressure and die and it's when a gun goes off there's a loud report there's shock there's breaking bones there's torn up muscle there's you know overconfident Hunters that take shots they probably shouldn't have with rifles sometimes sometimes but as I just didn't want people to look at my hunt and be like well why don't you just use a gun and so I had to to me I'm like I didn't I don't want bow hunting um perceived you know like an inferior weapon so I'm like yeah it's the only time this ever happened and 35 years of bow hunting but it's happened to be on this incredible hunt and then you got to kind of reflect and think well this isn't all my other bohons are you know not like this this is one where other people are involved and so maybe it wasn't how I envisioned the perfect hunt but it's reality it's what happened and hunting is imperfect anyway look at it you know when when I don't care what's your honey life isn't perfect I don't care if you're hunting rifle bow it doesn't even matter there's going to be times where it doesn't work out as you planned and I think it's okay to be authentic yeah you know what I mean so I'm glad you're going to release the film I think it's a badass film I think people are going to see it for what it is and uh it's hardcore hunt and uh you know it's authentic it's what we did it's what happened it was captured on film yeah and you know I guess to that point that probably has happened many times a lot of hunters bow Hunters who are more concerned about uh preserving I guess how they're I'm more concerned about how bow hunting's reflected not me personally but people could edit that film and not even show the rifle shot oh yeah the bow shot the Bear's dead great hunt no harm no foul nobody knows anything but you know to us it's more about being authentic and just being honest about what happened here's what happened it wasn't perfect I'm not perfect but there's no rifle Hunter out there perfect either you know and hunting in general isn't perfect and I think the keephammering collective is this idea that you're gonna just grind it try to be as best as you can to get as close to perfect and you'll never reach it and there's going to be other factors involved but I need to eliminate the factors that I can control and if you're out there in the mountain all day long if you're lifting weights or you're shooting your bow or you're doing whatever in life and I know a lot of people's situations are different but you just gotta control what you can control and get after it and that that's what this is all about and so I think people need to understand because I I know you really well you put a lot of time and effort probably the most time and effort into being ready all the time and even you can make mistakes and that's authentic and that's just going to happen and but we you got to put the time in yeah I I don't you know if I look back you always look back and think could I have done more [ __ ] and I I don't think I could have done any more I was giving I I prepared with everything I could on that hunt I gave everything I had Jocko said it the other day he's like hey you learn a lot when you fail I don't know if we could call this failure but I do think that bear was going to expire I think we in life are trying to figure out timing and is it a minute is it 10 minutes is it 30 minutes is it 30 seconds but I think it was a great shot I think that bear was going to expire and it just happened the way it happened I don't know if we were 30 seconds away from a different ending right it was a it was a hell of a shot there was a lot of blood we made the best decision we thought we gave it time we filed the tracks we did what we were supposed to do with Hunters but Bears have a will to live too they do and it's that's a wild place that makes very tough animals you get an animal that without will to live and I think Grizzlies have just a little bit even extra because they're predators and uh so and that I went back the year after you and and I got a good a good bear and we ended up watching a bear down a moose calf in our spotting scope and the will to survive and feed themselves and their cubs is Relentless and I've never seen anything like that in that hunt in that unit that we're at is a conservation hunt they want five to eight Bears taken out of there a year because they're hammering the Moose hammered the Moose yeah they're yeah that's what Grizzlies do it's like you can't just people say well let mother nature nature take her course and it'll work out Bears don't care about quotas they don't care about oh the Moose population's struggling maybe we'll just go look for a caribou or a deer somewhere no they're just gonna kill and kill and kill until there is no nothing else to kill is what they do you Can't Blame A Bear for being a bear so you know conversely we have to help manage those moves by taking out some Grizzlies that's the way it goes and it's the experts right it's the state of Alaska it's the wildlife biologist it's the you know all of the rules and regulations they put on hunting and they study it and they manage it and they make changes when it's not right and maybe next year they'll do away with those and say hey we think it's the right amount of numbers we're going to not do this anymore they change tags all the time right I think you have to let the experts manage it with science and I think the US is a standing head above the rest of the world when it comes to Wildlife man the North America Wildlife model is you know best success um I'm excited for people to watch it it's gonna be badass it's real I mean besides me with all my extra pillows and it's as real as it gets I mean it was an Epicon um you know and I and me being weird about bow hunting or about weapons non-withstanding you know I've just I've been I go on a lot of hunts that it's any weapon and I can think of a number of them where there's another one I didn't make a great shot on a deer and totally legal to use a a rifle and it was you know it was with an Outfitter and they were wanting to get out of there it's the last hunt of the of the Fall and they're wanting to get out of there and I'm sitting here stocked in on this buck and I'm waiting for it to stand up so I can shoot it again because I had wounded it and um you know they're like do you want to bring the rifle down and I'm like no I no I'll do this I don't it's just me it's just me anyway I did end up killing that buck that was like three years ago a nice four by four but I just can't again it's just either it dies by my arrow or it doesn't die but in that case that's the great thing about this country man you get a you get to pick the way you want to live it so you you pick the line you're sticking to your line and that's your line yeah I mean I think it's great you you know if everybody's like well I don't do that or I do this or hey everybody gets to live their life they choose yeah everybody is we all we're just a bunch of decisions stacked on top of each other right you can't cookie clutter them no it's just everybody's making we're we're humans with our own Tendencies and our own thought process just get a little bit better every day hopefully try not to make the bad ones more than once yeah um another hunt that we were kind of talking about today but you know we've hunted San Carlos how many years now it was six for me five for you I did one more when uh Steve invited me the first time yeah Steve Johnson yeah special special place oh my God unbelievable but this bowl right here um that bull no right there that one the big back end bull Gods but we were you know that one came into the call 10 yards away or we had to get aggressive on him because remember he he we bumped we bumped we bumped no that was a different Bowl so we we were chasing that bowl up the hill and this bolt came in right that's right no so I was trying to catch up with that other Bull and we had Randy with us and uh Randy and I wasn't a rental now I can't remember who else was there but I know Randy was there oh he had to go um remember he had to go back to town yeah that's right um anyway so we uh pushing this herd trying to catch up with this bull who is pushing his herd up the hill and this bull came in from the side and he came in finally came in on a string and came into about 10 yards spooked and I had you know his way I thought he was going to go parallel to us and I was gonna right when he walked behind the trees I was going to draw back it's going to be perfect 20 yards pinwheel well instead he turned and came right to us right to us 10 yards away saw something and stopped him staring and you're filming with my phone I think or your phone somebody's phone and uh the bull spooked and took off and stopped behind like I had a little window about 35 yards away he did the moment didn't have time to range or whatever it was like less than three seconds it was fast fast it spooked and then stopped and it all went down quick went down quick and before I knew it I had shot and I'm like I thought I had a good line about 35 yards I held I knew what my I had a um two pins on the single post and so I knew what my second one was about 35 yards so I held that one and it felt pretty good but then what would you say I was like bad shot not good no shoulder shoulder it was like shoulder you're like what though you're like shoulder no penetration I'm like [ __ ] what what are you talking about I was like I don't know man you go Arrow was hanging out of his shoulder when it ran off and I was just like any bow hunter knows that's not a good sign oh my God and then a 400 inch Bowl feet in the moment oh no you made the shot I was wrong it was about two inches in and uh just missed his shoulder and it was a good shot yeah I mean and I said let's see let me see your phone so I went through we went back and forth and you can see that Arrow disappear behind his shoulder then back all the way out it got kicked out by the other leg Yeah got I think it was the it's let's see left back leg so right front shoulder or leg was forward went behind the shoulder blade kind of quartering too so it came out and I think the back leg coming forward push Arrow back out because it kind of went it caught one long liver and what I saw was the yellow Fletching coming back coming back out yeah so you you saw in that and split I mean split seconds that all happened in less than a second so that Arrow disappeared came back you saw it hanging out and said what you said then we went back and looked and turns out that bull went what 150 yards maybe not even he went over that little bench and sat down we found him God monster crazy hunt and what bull did you kill that year that uh it was like a 370 nice frame nothing nothing to write something about it yeah yeah but so you can say a 370 it is nothing to write home about that's what kind of special place this is yeah I know because the 370 is giant yeah it's a giant any in anything with archery is a giant to me but yeah I mean it's all about where you're at San Carlos is different right it also costs different than other hunts and it is what it is but it's a special place and the Bulls are enormous there's a lot of pressure because of that because it's such a special hunt to me and we're the only time and we're the only people bow hunting it yeah that's another thing they don't have you know that's another Choose Your Weapon because some of these these premium hunts they're pretty much Choose Your Weapon we always you know as I said I only Bohan we go there you we both only bow hunt and they hadn't had a bow hunter up there since I said 20 years I think the 90s because it's so much pressure so expensive the Bulls are so big who wants to risk that other than if you're just a passionate die in the wool bow hunter so we're just like you know it's gonna die by an arrow or nothing and we've had some amazing success there I mean Giants yeah I mean I I love that Apache reservation and that those magical Mounds are for anybody that doesn't know it's like comes out of the desert and it just comes into this Shangri-La when it starts getting up into elevation and it totally changes and you'd be driving for 40 minutes in the desert that looks like there's not even a horny toad that lives in this area it just looks desolate and there's elk just thriving up into these mountains and it's not a place you would you would drive by a hundred times with your family on a trip to somewhere in Arizona and you would never look at those mountains and go I bet you there's monster Bulls up there because it looks nasty and dry but once you get up there it's like a it's like a magical place and it is I mean the two most famous places to elk hunt are the White Mountain Apache reservation on one side of the river San Carlos on the other yeah and they are they kind of have a little competition going against each other and as a competition nobody loses because it's just like incredible Bulls on both sides of the river and I mean the people I I have a lot of respect for that land in the people just because it it's it's elk hunting heaven and it means so much to me and it's a tough life though that the reservation you know it's it's good brings in good income for the reservation yeah the hunting does yeah I mean yeah anybody that hasn't been on a reservation you know sometimes you know they they need the money they need the support and when they have wildlife and they can sell a good tag I think it's win-win yeah yeah and I know you know there's always the must be nice people who's who of course I would be jealous myself if anybody who could hunt yeah it's expensive yeah it is and it's like hey get your ass to work I worked four jobs when we started Under Armor yeah so when people are like oh you know how'd you do I was like I work my [ __ ] ass off yeah what do you mean I was like I had four jobs I slept an hour and a half I kept a log at my front door because I was deciding whether I wanted to buy my house I said well why would I buy a house if I'm never here so I'll keep a log at the front door in and out and I spent like two and a half hours a day including sleep oh really at the house and Kobe and I were like yeah we're not we don't spend any time here we're not buying this house and uh you know if you want more in life you need to do more if you want something you're going to have to give up something right it's not a plus plus so just just to put I give give Credence to your story so you say you would be at home for two and a half hours a day because you were working four jobs how so that sacrifice paid off you were one of the original founders of Under Armor when Under Armor went public how did that change your life it didn't at first it changed over time I mean you know when you go from being a private company to a public company you're now can sell your shares on the open market but as an executive you're kind of locked up during these blackout periods so you don't you know sell what this term Insider knowledge so you kind of have to like you have a lot of money on paper because now you want some stock and over time that paper can be converted into Cash because now you can sell it on the open market so it changed my life but I didn't change working that was that was you were Rich weren't you rich if some if somebody would say yeah I was really rich yeah is it 32 years old right like what a lot of money 50 million yeah probably a little bit more than that oh God but I wanted to mention this because you're still one of the hardest working people I know yeah it doesn't I don't think money makes you interesting no it makes you kind of in my book if someone if I ever met anything what do I say about you the T-shirt I'm gonna sell yeah yeah and it's just all on fun because it's just like as I just said Kip is the hardest one of the hardest working people I know if not the hardest but I would just poke fun of them say yeah you're [ __ ] soft and Rich [Laughter] trying to be pouring hard yeah trying to be everyone should be pouring hard that's when you have a chore choice but we were pouring hard for most Our Lives I didn't grow up with any money I graduated college I put myself through college I got a scholarship to University of Maryland finally after playing at Community College and then walking on at University of Maryland those things pager dues I paid my dues and then I worked at Under Armor for 21 years I didn't work there two years I didn't work there five years it wasn't a tech stock we ran up and sold there wasn't a bunch of Rich daddies behind the scenes we just grinded it out yeah and we got lucky but we also worked really hard and and got to give a lot of credit to a lot of other people at Under Armor I'm never gonna say it was you know all me or all this or all that it was a group of people that just wanted to crush it yeah but over time over time it adds up well so yeah soft and Rich and you kill still carry that [ __ ] rock up the hill so I mean nobody can doubt and I think people who follow you online now you got this method and mindset kind of Business course and uh I mean you're still you could easily just go away and [ __ ] chill but you're not yeah you're not only grinding yourself you're helping to teach other people how to do it I saw a bunch of people out there promoting like how to like help people run businesses and and they don't have a [ __ ] resume like what what business did you build they're all academics right you know I'm like no we built a five billion dollar business from seventeen thousand dollars every step of the way you're sharing I'm sharing methods and mindsets that I learned over that 21 years I'm applying it to my own beer brand big truck I'm applying it to origin and Jocko feel and sharing knowledge with those guys and I was like you know what I think people could benefit from this and you know it's a course it's 12 weeks it's pretty intensive I wrote a workbook I I do online classes I'm serious about it because you know me I don't want to do anything then people be like yeah that thing I did with Kip it was stupid like I'm always worried about being judged right so I wanted to put some real thinking into I spent a year to develop the class and I've gotten some good feedback we're only in week five so it is still pretty new but people are digging it and there's a lot of people I'm sure that um were excited for me to come on the podcast because they definitely follow you a lot of my followers came from uu over the years and um I just wanted to do something that was like authentic and I really thought about are the these things going to help people are you selling them [ __ ] so you can cash something in or is it going to change and I literally will put my class against anything in the world if you follow my method you're gonna [ __ ] make things happen if you don't do it that's on your ass right yeah that's I mean that's powerful because you don't have to do it you don't but you're you're worried about um your reputation is everything so people sign up they're gonna learn but I I don't I'm not even worried about that because I've heard you talk to I don't know how many people but on different podcasts and obviously just personally I've seen you discuss people and all you uh all you are ever is a hundred percent in you're authentic you're real and you just tell like it is and you're not trying to get out of conversations you're like you love to talk and love to share what you've learned and love to try to help people and give advice and it's like it's a superpower really in I mean you're one of the best teachers I know in regard to business I like it because I'm trying to get to the end case which is let's grow and let's be better I don't make it about the people like I'm not here to judge people how are you doing how are you not what's going on I'm just telling you these are the things you need to do yeah let's do them let's not judge people if they are or aren't doing them let's find ways to get people on the right kind of path to take a little bit out of Jocko's book you know being on the path and so there's it's a six week pretty intensive class and then there's six weeks of uh q a and then I'm gonna launch a bunch of videos that people can launch or watch at their free time I believe in it I have a hard time following it myself so I'm not going to sit here and tell people and that are listening that I'm like spectacularly great at listening to my own goddamn advice sometimes I fail like we all fail but I've actually started to go back to my own methodology and be like Kip are you doing this you're trying to tell people to do it are you doing it and I'm like kind of checking myself rightly and I find it pretty interesting yeah getting back to some of the core Basics well that's everybody you've heard a lot of people who love giving advice like people have given me advice and I'm like [ __ ] clean up your own backyard why you looking in my backyard you know so I mean that's just human nature and I've made a lot of bad mistakes I also think that being at Under Armor for a long time wasn't good for me I think my my ego got big you're a corporate executive you start believing your own [ __ ] oh my God it's a growth story oh my God this and you know I don't think that's healthy I think you need to wake up every day and [ __ ] earn it yeah like what did you do like what have you done for me lately right yeah 19 years ago 18 years ago oh I was a founder of Under Armor didn't you know [ __ ] cares yeah it's a conversation off by telling me their resume yeah I don't man you what you'd say is like what you said to me when I said you need to hold for a hundred and you said I'm gonna hold for 95. suck my D and then you pop the balloon so you know my dad's a Vietnam vet and my parents got divorced and he left when we were when I was about 12 13. yeah and I think I've been trying to find that for a long time find what [ __ ] am I good enough oh right okay dad left right am I good enough to have a dad I understand I [ __ ] proved to you and so along the way I have this like Edge and people that know me well they they I some of them know where it's from I have no problem saying it today I love my dad he's a great man um he did what he did it's all good I love him but it created me yeah I wanted to [ __ ] prove to people that I wasn't somebody's son that could be left right and God damn it if it was Sports if it was business but I wasn't the brightest guy kid I mean I was kind of a numbnut like not smart like getting into trouble doing stupid [ __ ] but then did you outwork I mean did you just work harder or what'd you do you know what I think because you wanted to be validated and you wanted people to give you praise you followed where the positive reinforcement was so like going to jail hey that's negative reinforcement yeah getting an award because you did something in sports hey that's positive reinforcement so I just learned really quickly because I'm a pretty hardcore ADHD follow the positive reinforcement if you're getting more of that follow that right if you're not hey why are you keep doing things that you're getting negative reinforcement on and I think people need to look at their own lives and be like hey there's a lot of areas here where I'm getting signals it's like a traffic light and I keep running red [ __ ] lights yeah maybe you should stop right wait for it to turn [ __ ] green you know does that make sense yeah I mean because I feel like I'm in that same category same thing my dad left also um and it's like to me I just was thinking about it as you were saying that and all to say you know money is immeasurable I I like measurables I like success failure money is just an easy one so I don't actually give a [ __ ] about money but you send I mean you're in charge of my business for what this you send out the the piano yeah last month and it's like made eighty seven thousand dollars in March and I'm like I don't give a [ __ ] that is that much money but I care that that was a win okay that's a good measure that's a really good measurable yeah it's a great so it's just like it's not money it's just I just want to win I think it's good when you have those better rules yeah I think people that avoid drawing a Line in the Sand they're just not they're just avoiding their avoidance is massive in society right when you put something up oh I'm gonna run a marathon okay when yeah all right I'm gonna have a million dollars in my bank account I'm gonna have fifty thousand dollars in my bank account I'm gonna take my kid fishing I don't give a [ __ ] what the measurable is you can turn it into a metric yeah and it either you did it or you didn't and then you know be smart enough not to stack 30 things on your plate yeah because then you none of them are going to get done I stack three lift run shoot we did all three we did yeah I do think people kind of Chase shiny objects yeah and get distracted you got to stay focused and you got to commit to whatever that thing is you commit to yeah I think that's keep hammering 101 baby definitely I mean it's you know I don't have all the answers either but I love I I there's two things that I thought of in this discussion already one of them was years ago you told me cam you can't keep doing you can't keep putting your body through this and make money for your whole life you need a product to sell so you made you you had a designer that you knew designed me six shirts and you're like here's these designs put these on t-shirts and sell them because that's just you're making money and not you don't have to do anything yeah and because you can't do this forever and uh so that was like that was a lesson that that you taught me 20 years ago so now we're still just you know on this merchandising thing and still trying to do it but I did learn that I was so used to like oh dig this trench I'll give you ten dollars pick this flat of strawberries I'll give you a dollar fifty per flat pick these beans deliver these papers I was just like getting paid on doing these tasks so you said you need to make money without doing a task yeah the trick is to set it up right and let it run right and so that's I mean that was a huge thing I learned from you decades ago and I think that's a lesson many people can learn how can you make money without having to break your back yeah and can you put some insight into thought into it at the beginning to set it up the right way so it can go and go and go I give it the analogy of like if you take a toy sailboat and you push it off in off the dock at the local pond that first push of the sailboat yeah can you get going it's gonna go that Direction yeah if it's a shitty push it kind of Curves around and comes back to the dock and you look like a dumbass like oh your sailboat just came back to the dock but if it's a good push that thing might go all the way across the goddamn Pond right and you only touched it once right that so so get it right make it a good push make it a good push do the things you need to do to make that sure that first push off the dock has the most momentum and I think people under invest at the beginning part of businesses and I think you need to over invest in the beginning of well that's what we did with this even because you remember the first month I was like [ __ ] pissed because I'm like I'm busting my ass for this and I'm you know I'm going in the hole I'm going in the [ __ ] hole I'm I'm what did I say you saw how hard today was it's not easy right so it's like I keep doing this and I'm like holy [ __ ] what's what's going on and then I want results you know I want those measurables but anyway yeah you said I think you said you know starting off with any business this is the way it goes you get kind of dialed in you get things streamlined you get things tuned up and we'll see where we are in six months I think the product's amazing I love the meth the the the Mind Set and the method that you you preach and these outliers that you got you're bringing in I mean the people you're bringing into this it's just freaking cool people oh I know and that you know like because Shine a spotlight on these interesting very successful in their own way all of them different but they all have like a lot of commonalities too when you start peeling back some work ethic something like they work their ass off innovators Risk Takers believe in themselves believe in themselves a little bit of self-promotion even though that can be an odd thing yeah do you see a lot of commonalities they're just all going about it in a really different way yeah most of them are just they have this whether it's quiet or loud but this belief in themselves because if you don't believe in yourself as a cliche goes how could anybody else believe in you right so they believe in themselves whether they say it or not um you know you know Courtney kind of undersells herself but I know she believes in her heart what she can do yeah she is a very new humble demeanor some people very loud it's great they believe in themselves and they're going to shout it from the rooftop but the point is is like they're working their ass off to earn this belief in themselves and then they're just putting it out there and what I've learned is from these outliers and you included is like you surround yourself with people like that you can't help a [ __ ] win you can't help but win there's not not a lot of people in my circle I've learned from all these people you know I I make it seem like um you know they're coming on here and uh I've been needing coffee for a [ __ ] hour anyway but um and it's like uh it kind of selfishly it's so I can spend time around winners and and help myself you know I love being around people who have are at the top of their game high quality relationships matter it was just a topic we talked about in my class really I I literally wanted to stop it wasn't about business it was literally just what I believe is a mindset that you have to have in life is high quality relationships matter you need to look at every single relationship with a critical eye because the one that drags you down is the one that's holding you down yeah and like you're playing down to other people's level I don't like doing that if someone is not maybe at your level I'd like to try to help them get up not come down to where they're at right like what so someone wants to like drink hang out party they want to do this they want to do that or they don't want to lift or they I don't know maybe they're struggling in some other part of their life what do you want to go down to that level and spend time in their misery and then convince them to go up the ladder no you stay high and help them go up yeah don't come down and I find people are playing down to these relationships they have it could be kids it could be parents it could be business partners and you just high quality relationships matter so all these people you're surroundings yourself you're kind of doing that in like this like really condensed way with all these outliers and you're getting little pieces of it high quality relationships matter the more you touch it's like criminal justice uh 454 at University of Maryland Dr mariello when two objects touch each other they always transfer something hmm and so like when you go to doing a crime investigation and you look at tool marks on a door whatever was used there's something left from that right when two objects touch they always leave something yeah well that makes a lot of sense and that's you know I sit here and I talk to these outliers but I think the people listening in or watching in they're touching that in their own you know in some way they're going to pick up something from that of course I am because I'm like three feet away but everybody listening in if they have that mindset they're gonna gain something from that also these podcasts are amazing like that I mean you might be on a run you might be driving two hours to go to work like yeah you could listen to Rand Duran or you could pop on a podcast listen to you listen to Jocko Listen to huberman I mean you get some serious novel definitely I mean you want to better yourself in life podcasts are a hell of a way to get a jump on it the trick that I find that most people don't is they don't know how to apply what they heard right so what do you do how do you you got to have a good uh yeah what's your advice there take risk hmm change your structure change your behavior change your surroundings you're gonna have to change something in order to gain something you must stop something so people don't like change right and so I think when you hear these podcasts they're like oh well cool great I'm gonna listen to another podcast okay well you just listened to a really [ __ ] good one what have you applied what did you write changes I'm almost the other way I'm like I'll [ __ ] change every second and people are like dude slow down you didn't even stick with this two seconds right right I'm like no I already heard there's something better so I can go a little overboard on change because I grew up with a lot of change it doesn't bother me as much I think that that taking risk in change is an important part of like asking yourself are you taking enough risk and are you willing to change well you know we've talked about you mentioned huberman and I think that's one of the it sounds so simple but the ice bath so start your day is like so easy well it's hard but it's easy because it's like you said you're willing to change getting this [ __ ] cold water it's only two to four minutes and but it proves to yourself that I said I was gonna do something I said I was going to change here I did it and then it's like it's really easy to look at other things and say I did that and I was miserable I can do this too so I heard once that uh Goggins did uh Everest on the Versa climber and I'm a big fan of the Versa climbers right I have one in my home gym okay so I was like I can [ __ ] do that I couldn't I tried but I did ten thousand a couple times that's pretty good yeah so I felt good about myself ten thousand feet climb yeah on the Versa climber without getting off and the only way I could do it is I had to break it down into 10 feet just do 10 more feet right just do 10 more feet right so I think sometimes people need to break these things down into small little increments like that self-belief you were talking about earlier that all these guests kind of have right well how do you get that if you don't have it maybe you're a little timid and you're not good at self-promoting well how do you build self-belief the ice bath is the single easiest thing two and a half minutes a day you literally can do it for weeks on the end and your self-belief will change right because it's miserable and you did it anyway yeah you literally found a way to hack self-belief right you know and I think that's a good point because I've heard people struggle they're struggling with with drugs or alcohol and they'll reach out to me even though I'm just a bow hunter but because they follow me and they follow the journey they want advice and so what I'll say is one day at a time you know stay sober for one day and then deal with tomorrow tomorrow but one day can seem daunting one day break it down to an hour a million different decisions so to your point of you getting an ice bath for even if it's 30 seconds that's 30 seconds but that's a big decision because it sucks and but if you can do it then you're like it gives you confidence like okay okay maybe I can now maybe if I don't drink you know I'm not going to drink till noon you know if somebody's really really struggling because they did the ice bath in the morning noon Nobody Drinks before noon anyway really so that's that's right then you get to noon you're like okay I'm not going to drink with dinner and then you're till six and then you're like okay I'm not gonna have my after dinner drink you know and then it's like then you made it through the day but it's that increments that you talked about and maybe an ice bath is it the first win of the day and I know Rogan talks about this I know I did it today General mcraven talked about making your bed in the morning right so it's just like the very first thing can you get a win right out of bed first thing and that just sets you on that path I was pretty nervous about coming out here because I know you're gonna put me through the ringer so I was training pretty hard you know I'm getting up at 4am and I was getting in the ice bath and it is not peachy keen no no you're getting in the ice bath and it's not even a light out right it's miserable it's rough and I I was feeling amazing about myself and about me coming to here you know like you know what I'm not isn't shape is in cam but I feel good I'm going to show up it was like a self-belief am I you no can I run like you no can I lift like you know it doesn't matter but I had like I'm like a hey I built like a little bit of like kind of good momentum in a short period of time I was doing ice baths but I said they're not enough I'm now going to do them at 4am and so that little change from 7 00 a.m to 4 a.m was even a bigger like momentum boost so I I know people are listening to everybody laughs about like all these people including me posting on Instagram with their [ __ ] eyes pass yeah and people like uh you can do it but stop showing us about it I hear you we hear you maybe I'll stop maybe I won't I really don't give a [ __ ] what you think about me so um I'll probably keep posting just to piss you off but try it yeah um get your first win of the day yeah all I know is uh you know we do live on opposite coasts but you do push me because I see what you're doing you see what I'm doing it's really easy to be like God especially knowing we're gonna hunt together you know every year and I see you you know with your [ __ ] small waist and huge arms I'm like God I gotta [ __ ] get on my bench again get that bench in and carry that rock so you just beat me on the push-up challenge so smoked me I will say one of the best things that I've learned from you when it comes to bow hunting this is bow hunting specific for all those bow Hunters out there which I know a lot of people listen is uh the distance thing I mean I was pretty like hey I'm shooting my bow I shoot a lot but I wasn't shooting far enough and when I started shooting 100 yards I started killing a lot of [ __ ] yeah well you've always killed they might have taken a few arrows sometimes but you you have killed I mean you've killed some amazing animals dude Kobe always says if you want to have fun follow Kip into the woods because something's gonna happen it's always going to be some crazy story why is it that Kobe my brother who's a former Marine and works at big truck and worked at Under Armor uh he's he gives me [ __ ] all the time but he says it in a good way I love Kobe by the way the quiet assassin yeah he's he's a beast he's a beast uh with his uh his forever beard yeah um he just says like he's like I don't know what it is he's like man when you go into the woods he's like something [ __ ] up is going to happen he's like if you want to film a TV show just get a camera with Kim oh I know it is it's entertaining but that's hunting I mean it's hunting and you uh you immerse yourself in it and you're all in you're not just out there just kind of blending in I mean yeah hunting is blending in but you're TR you're aggressive you're trying to make things happen I think give a lot of credit to I think there's some recent research come out about uh attention deficit disorder and for many many years it's been labeled kind of as this negative thing my son a writer has it and you know we try to help him through school and it's been labeled over the years as like hey you know people with this they're kind of like not as good and they need special classes and this it's it's a [ __ ] positive it gives you a lot of things that other people don't have right when I like something I focus deep on it right when I don't like something I can't look at it for two effing seconds because it doesn't I cannot pay attention did you have to take did they put you on medication for it or just never been diagnosed diagnosed until I was older yeah I have now but yeah so no never medicated because I think the medication can [ __ ] up people yeah I'm not a big fan of it we use a tiny bit for my son but it's really really small small dosage is it what is what is that again that they there's all kinds of different ones on the one called Focalin and it was really it's a really small dose but I think for years it does but it's a short period just for school just to get them through it I mean I was a train wreck in school throwing chairs yelling at teachers fighting never doing homework the dog ate my homework was standard I had 104 absences my ninth grade class wow I was smoking weed and surfing in Hawaii anything to avoid school right but if for hunting man I like all of that stimulus out hunting I love it yeah I absolutely like it's I need it I mean you've killed you've had a lot of success with the bow and giant a couple good ones with the rifle I mean I remember like a two is a 42 Buck 245 yeah just a giant Buck uh that was a good pick on the back of the tailgate I know I I mean we look so happy yeah and we should I mean I was happy for you because you killed a 245 inch Buck it's just ridiculous but you know you were the first one I mean I'll just say it you got me on to pretty much the best elk hunting in Utah you got me on there the best elk hunting in the world San Carlos you got me on there I mean I just want to hunt with you I should be I I don't know if I can't I'm not gonna spend time with you if I can't figure out an elk hunt right no I mean it's I don't it's not gonna be vacations yeah it's not vacations hey Kip let's go to Hawaii no I don't I forgot one story I want to tell about your dad you know we were deer hunting and he said he wanted to go with me one day and uh we're Switching gears but we're talking about hunting so [ __ ] it and we're talking about dads it's your podcast it's my podcast I want to tell it and uh I was talking this buck and it was like this big mule deer we had been trying to kill this deer I think I saw it on trail camera it was like a do you remember that box like a big five by four you hunted multiple multiple days yeah I was trying to kill this deer for a week I think and I ended up killing that Whitetail the one that I hit but uh your dad wanted to go and so we're stalking spot crawling across this stubble I don't know what it was it already been harvested but the Bucks were out there and he had some does and you know I looked back and your dad's crawling way back there and I just kind of like looked back and I get my hand like you know stay down because kind of how the hill was kind of rolling over and kind of crawling up getting within sort of close to not maybe like 100 yards still but I look back again I could see it and I just one more time just wouldn't like make sure we're staying down that was the last time I saw him it was just like I had that buck blew up the deer took off I could not find your dad I'm like where I mean this is a wide open field where did he go it was like the colonel definitely took you know staying down I don't know I thought he had like a little shovel dug a trench I didn't know what happened but he was gone and it's like man he got down trust me he's told the story more than you really yeah he's like I hunted with Cam one time he told me to get down and I got down oh my God he reminds me and that was brutal too because those Burrs yeah oh my God you shred you'd ruin your hunting clothes and how he was how old was he at that time close to 70 right 71 72 just a tough he reminds me of if the colonel in Rambo first Blood um what was his what was his name Tanner do you know yes you do last he's told me I've asked him questions before and he said he knew but he didn't want to say because he he doesn't want to be on the show but it was a colonel Decker is it that what it is God I can't I can't remember someone's gonna give us [ __ ] for it I know you should know that Colonel uh someone post about it anyway who Troutman Troutman Troutman your dad reminds me of Colonel Troutman I mean I don't know why I don't know if I just turned him into that or not have you yeah well that's good have you seen the movie The Great Santini no all right well there's a good one for some older people if they want to go watch it but yeah it's like living with my dad you know he's a Marine yeah he grew up with a marine dad you're going to get a little bit of a marine attitude I think he made a stand in line and had a steak knife in front of our face asking us who opened the LL Bean package for Christmas early yeah and we had to stand there for like 30 minutes as he marched back and forth with a shitty that sounds toxic that sounds toxic I think he needs to be more loving and supportive how many hugs did he give you not a lot but yeah it's all good yeah I know I mean I might I got a few headlocks I don't know about hugs yeah I mean thank God you know really thank God for our hard childhoods really because it shapes you it does so you now now I have kids and I'm on this fine balance of like support them and grind them and it's hard I struggle with it I'm trying to do both I'm I'm I think I'm doing an okay job I know I need to get better at it but I know everybody out there with kids is like where's the line I could probably say the line is further towards grinding than you think it is because the resilience is important I think I went too far on the grinding with my kids so I was like probably back the other way for me well you are Kim so yeah I mean but man I got there all three of them are are amazing and tough and better better than me at pretty much everything so I don't know if I mean I feels like I [ __ ] up but luckily their mom was involved so that probably helped but yeah it's like you know being a parent is [ __ ] hard dude it is hard you want your kids especially boys you want them to be capable tough um uh I don't know you want them to be prepared respectful yeah but you know I always thought that no life is hard life is competition so if you're not gonna win that means you're getting beat I mean you got to prepare them for competition because I always looked at it and like I think I went too much sometimes but man it's hard known how much is too much yeah and then there's this thing like they get to make some decisions along the way it was in a [ __ ] decision I I was allowed to make no hey hey Dad I think I'm gonna skip uh soccer practice well now you can decide if you want to be a boy or a girl they're like oh that's up to the kid yeah I think that the decisions that my dad gave us were like do you want broccoli or beans yeah that was it no and I know I couldn't if it was creamy green beans I would just like they sit in my mouth and be like and then I was like I gotta just like get some milk and go I can't remember if it was my brother or my sister I have uh there's nothing worse than creamy green beans you remember that remember lima beans yeah those big ugly lima beans my I think my dad stuffed like 20 in Kobe's mouth and made him eat them that would pretty much be child abuse today all right yeah I'd take that over creamy green beans but anyway you're talking about your brother and your sister I think no they just we went through some hard times we did you know just typical stuff yeah typical stuff that you don't see as much today right but I know there's pockets of it out there you know there's people are living some tough lives I'm not gonna well I'm not gonna say we're all soft but no I mean there are people that are struggling but I think Society is making a lot of weak [ __ ] kids right now I mean the Next Generation yeah and that's that's scary but it goes to the same say you know um every generation Good Times make make weak men make yeah yeah Hard Times Hard Times make whatever whatever so anyway just it happened I did see a good one that I thought maybe hey like Kip like stay balanced approach which was every generation has talked about how soft the new generation is probably yeah so like hey you're back in the 1900s and then this new group comes along they're saying how soft they are yeah when the people that you know participated in World War II they're talking about how soft yeah the baby boomer I mean like every generation seems to [ __ ] on the other one it was mostly like the previous generations music sucked you know and uh our music is the best but yeah I think it is hard you know it's like oh yeah well when I was a kid you know everybody's got these stories about when they were a kid how much harder it was so yeah I think that's just human nature a little bit but it'll be interesting to see what our kids say yeah I don't know um my kids are younger so they are and I got a little bit more time to grind no but you're doing a good job I mean I you know I know you're having fun with big truck so they can see because Under Armor was a corporation so now at big truck we have a farm we grow our own products we use those products in in the beer they're going to learn how to brew beer whether they like it or not they're going to learn how to run the canning line like it or not they're going to work in stores they're going to work in the tap room so to me actually people are like oh you know you're trying to build a you know a beer brand this I'm like no actually I'm building a little test center for my kids to work at right because I didn't want them to be working you know it's a trade school yeah it is for your kids yeah I mean I think it's important too that as parents that we're like showing our kids what's possible with hard work you know if nothing else it's just like you know that's you know with my kids that's all I wanted to to do is like okay I'm gonna work my ass off and here's what can happen and you can learn from it or not but I'm just gonna and I think a lot of guys raise their kids or like they know they're making they know their [ __ ] ups and they expect their kid to be something different it's a tough one yeah you need to model the behavior you expect your kids to have I'm not perfect I've made some really shitty choices in life but when it comes to you know like putting myself in front of my kids you're just never gonna see it they're never going to see me drunk they're not gonna see me impaired they're never going to see that version I know there's that version I've been there before in my life I'm not saying the perfect biggest [ __ ] up ever too but I'm I will never let my kids see me like that that is an absolute [ __ ] loss in my book and you know it's funny my kids talk about other parents and you can say whatever you want you can say words are so easy words are [ __ ] cheap actions speak so yeah as you say don't drink you show up stagger around looking like a dumb [ __ ] what do you think is going to have more impact being an ass at the local soccer game because your sippy cups got more than sippy in it right my son I give my kids credit they they've said it a few times they're like yeah that dad seems like he's drunk and my kids are pretty young yeah I'm like I don't know what he is but we don't act like that right I don't know what he is it's not it's not important to us this is what we do I'm sure they're going to be successful I mean just because I I know you as a man and yes nobody's perfect everybody makes mistakes I make mistakes you have but you know we know how important um being a strong male role model is to our kids being a hey it's not always a loving dad sometimes it's a it's a tough dad you gotta hold them accountable and I think you are and I know I know they're going to be yeah if there's people out there listening and you've made mistakes you're not defined by your mistakes no [ __ ] it move on I know chalk it up definitely chalk it up yeah I mean I don't know I mean I feel like we could talk forever not only about business but kind of lessons we've learned and and a lot of it is from the mistakes you know tons of it's friends I mean mistakes that's really the only way you learn and you get better and then when you're my age and your age 55 and 50 [ __ ] you better have learned something so all we're trying to do is pass that on to the listeners to our kids to whoever we come in contact with and I'm sensitive about it too because we've all made those mistakes and so when you come on a podcast you're talking about this and the other you you talk about you know like hey like you got to do this you got to be better at this don't and we I've done some ugly [ __ ] you know but I think I learned somehow to like compartmentalize that and not be defined by it well just move on what what do you think has I think the mistakes I've made mostly have been maybe ego related what do you think what is it it's about it's a bastard child the ego because your ego is what drives you and it also is what [ __ ] sticks a dagger in you I think there's a title of a book Ryan holiday ego is enemy right yeah I mean I think that how do you manage that I've looked back and I'm just like that was [ __ ] me just I just my ego and it's like man I don't know being being cognizant of that and being able to reflect and learn that's hard to do but I'm trying I've talked about it recently uh you know with some of the businesses I've been involved in definitely with Pete him and Pete and I have a great relationship we talk owner of origin we're talking a lot we we multiple times a day and he he agrees I agree we have this thing like people without self-awareness are dangerous and if you become that person with a lack of self-awareness you become dangerous right to yourself and to others so if you're doing something outside of your capability if you're pretending to be someone you're not if you're unable to see how your actions affect other people and if you're just the list of things of someone who's not self-aware and I'll go back to high quality relationships matter you can look around in your life and you can look at people and go yeah that person's dangerous because they have low self-awareness so I have to admit who I am I just got to call the ball on some things that I know I need to improve I struggle with it every day like I'm on meetings with Pete and the team in origin and I probably say a few things I shouldn't or push too hard and I I Circle back with people hey sorry I shouldn't have said it that way like I'll try next time better like yeah yeah [ __ ] ego and it's that but I have a self-awareness that I'm doing it right to me that if you have self-awareness then you have to have compassion to Circle back and to just call the ball on yourself yeah okay that wasn't cool I shouldn't have done that I'm aware of it I'm trying to work on it and move on don't be defined by your mistakes but when people don't have self-awareness dude they terrify me right I don't like that and I find it dangerous just knowing that you explain that it'd be easy for me to respect somebody who who just said what you said you know maybe you said maybe delivered it a little harshly but you come back and say you know what I should have said it this way I'm going to respect that person you know because it's like they're thinking they're like the worst I hate being around people who know everything you know the know it all you can tell them anything and that yeah they knew that or they had a better story about it but like you with that awareness and coming back and saying you know what I realized that came out wrong I should have said it like this that I'm going to respect that guy and I'll probably I'll probably be the first to admit for many years I I was you know I could be a little bit of a know-it-all I didn't want to be wrong I didn't want people to be smarter than me because I had my whole life where people were saying I'm smarter than Kip for all these variety of reasons yeah so I actually went overboard a little bit where I wouldn't want to lose an argument or I had to be right or I wanted to prove a point or this that and the other and I think I had a low self-awareness I had a uh one of these like 360 feedbacks at Under Armor one time where did you get a bunch of other employees peers people that work with me and for me and they give you feedback anonymously about your behavior oh boy whole [ __ ] train wreck dude I thought I was the [ __ ] oh I'm this I'm that I got my knees cut out yeah and I remember it like it was yesterday and Edith Matthews who is a absolute Saint worked for me for many many years she was uh in our sourcing and product development um she she I thought she loved me and she did but she let me have it really and she was an older woman uh and kind of had been around the block a little bit and I was a young gun right and she didn't she thought I was disrespectful and not respectful enough in the way I was treating people and kind of running people over and man I remember it was 20 years ago almost you know what she said yeah yeah as well it made an impact on you right but but back to the point on we learned from our failures yeah I mean but also to get I need to give you credit there because a lot of guys would have said oh [ __ ] she's what does she know you know I'm running this [ __ ] I don't know what she was she was she wasn't I mean she was great but she wasn't running the show right yeah so people would write that off and saying well you don't know the pressure I'm under you don't know the decisions I have to make so that's why you say that because you don't you don't know what I have to deal with where in turn you took her advice and like wow and you know you took it for what it was and tried to grow from it that's not most a lot of people don't do that especially successful CEOs no you get you get a little bit of binders on hmm you you know classic you smell your own farts so you think they don't stink yeah do you smell your own farts I don't mind I don't know somebody today in the truck I said did you [ __ ] your pants no Tanner did you shoot your pants no [ __ ] it oh [ __ ] their pants but he did I said it was this it was this the town we were in Spring Tucky well um it's [ __ ] good man god dude I I mean I could sit here and talk all night you have an early flight in the morning I've monopolized your whole day put you through misery in the rain you kicked ass you're such a badass you're one of my best friends I'm so thankful that you're in my life dude I can't I can't I mean there's nothing no words I can say um how much of an impact you've had on me personally and I just want you to know that I love you I respect you I'm um I owe you a lot for my success and uh thank you I had a girlfriend that said the same thing two one long long time ago what I just said and she said ditto and I was like oh [ __ ] that's not the same it's not this you can't just say ditto to something heartfelt God so cam I I just want to say like 100 ditto yeah yeah or cool cool yeah that's that's great no but how I end up these shows is we got you a brand new kick ass I say I give these to outliers and you are the original outlier and so there's your brand new Hoyt vtm 34 that you set the record with today and uh yeah you got to call Wayne and pay for that but uh here's my credit card I'm giving it to you with your own money so you shot it awesome today it's an absolute privilege dude I was a little nervous coming out here and oh God you kicked ass no nervous just because I you know I want to show up for you man it's important to me oh I mean you're you're dude you've always showed up you're a badass that bow you shot I mean I I was shocked how well you're shooting all day is just like and it's so [ __ ] quiet this is the quietest bro I've ever had you're gonna kill a lot of [ __ ] with that thing let's do it all right thank you for coming love you keep hammering every step I take I move [Music] [Music] change the feeling like campaigns I'll give you that unbreakable [Music] courageable courage give me that right give me that last question [Music]
Channel: Cameron Hanes
Views: 73,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cameron hanes, keep hammering, cam hanes podcast, keep hammering collective, khc podcast, cam hanes bow hunting, kip fulks, under armour, under armour founder, cameron hanes motivation, cameron hanes keep hammering podcast, keep hammering podcat, hall-of-fame lacrosse player, Kip Fulks, Kip Fulks interview, Co-Founder of Under Armour
Id: 8lkNjg_XixQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 48sec (6948 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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