LEGENDARY School Stories! (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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what's the most legendary thing that happened in your school my middle school was on a hill and the tallest building in the area during Fleet Week the Blue Angels flew what must have been one hundred two hundred feet above it the shattered like 30 windows on the top floor of the school I attended a high school called rampart that despite being a Blue Ribbon School had serious budget issues the budget problems got so bad that the principal started renting out the school gym to anyone willing to pay up to use it some guy rented the gym out for a Saturday night saying he was going to hold a church dance instead he held a rave that got so out of hand he'd destroyed the gym the incident quickly grew into legend amongst the students many claimed to have been there or to have known the guy who threw the rave we weren't able to use the gym for the rest of the year they kept the doors locked but there were constant attempts to force then open so we could see the damage it didn't take long for the students to start referring to the school as rather pert and whenever we had to sing the national anthem would finish it in the home of the rave the next year we had a new principal too but we never knew if the old principal was fired because of the rave incident to teachers having s in an empty class they thought they had locked the door a student caught them they were both fired my high school had the basketball coach getting caught having s with the girls Dean and the senior rec room a student locked his teacher and classmates in a room after setting it on fire it wasn't a very good school death the ultimate prank we have a school news channel that sometimes did live segments about new stuff going on this was every morning in homeroom one morning they are doing a walkthrough of the new part of the school just built they walk into a staircase and some girl is sitting in some kids face on the floor this is at 8 a.m. and the entire school saw it some dude in English class sat next to the electrical outlet so he decided to grab the kid next to him and stick a piece of metal into the outlet that shocked the heck out of both of them they were both fairly okay but almost scared the teacher to death also there was the time a girl had s with two dudes in the auditorium during a basketball game and it was caught on the school camera her family ended up sending her somewhere else after that this happened at my school in the UK around 2002 we had an indoor swimming pool at my shul that was always really cold and one particularly freezing December day a bunch of us decided that we really didn't fancy having to do swimming for pay so we dared this kid called Todd who was pretty crazy to crap in the pool he said he would do it for 10 pounds we had a quick whip round and managed to get the money pretty quick between us to avoid getting caught he decided to crap into the pool from the roof through a skylight a lot of the buildings in our school had staircases on the outside so it didn't take much effort for a couple of us to give him a leg up onto the roof once he was up there he ran back down to the pool and looked through the windows sure enough after a couple of minutes we saw two or three of Todd's arse apples drop into the perfectly still pool causing a gentle disgusting but oddly beautiful Ripple there was no pay for us that day my favorite due to the visuals there was a huge esting scandal where a handful of girls images were being sent around well when the school caught wind of it they did the only thing a school could do they held an assembly girls in the auditorium and boys in the gym after an hour or so of you shouldn't do that they had the district attorney come in to talk about the legality of underage esting one of the seniors stood up and asked him if it was legal if they were over 18 he said yes and the entire place went nuts everyone was cheering clapping and laughing the principal walked over to the mic and said who asked that the guy stood up again and triumphantly said Zen master Steve the audience once again the wrapped it into chairs as he got called into the principal's office good on the attorney for being straightforward and honest with them I watched a friend sneeze and hit their head off a desk so hard they gave themself a concussion there is a tradition here in Australia that the year 12s final year of high school usually have a day called muck up day where they play pranks or whatever in the school well one year the year 12s decided to Frick with the whole school and placed road work signs and cones on one of the main roads next to the school they diverted all that traffic through the school essentially freaking up a lot of people's day it's the best thing anyone has done a muck up day at our school dang nice our school cracked down on it so since we had an assembly that day we set all our phone alarms to go off simultaneously during it pretty tame I had a relative Gilder ages ago they painted the religious statues as clowns and tp'ed the disciplinarians car at the school where I used to teach the students told me that years ago someone swapped the sign stiches Bill Nye video with a hard copy tape according to legend the teacher didn't notice for quite a while and the students watched several minutes of smut that day I told my class that it was a stupid rumor and I'm sure that never happened when class was over one of my students walked up and said mister hi fellow class it's true my brother was the one who switched the tape frick went to a boarding school so several s tapes and photos got leaks this was 2004 to 2006 so before iPhones and whatnot this mainly happened due to a program called my tunes where you could share your iTunes and movie libraries on the network so people would accidentally drop their videos photos into folder that were shared without realizing it and people bored looking for new music or whatever would stumble upon it once the administration found out about a video and the student was a teen allegedly he had to watch the video with the president of the school in his office in order to determine that it didn't happen on campus and that both participants were of age didn't get in trouble at all my junior year the seniors put hay everywhere inside the frickin English building where it basically looked like a farm one of the admins wasn't even letting people look at the mess inside also when I was in second grade my school was supposed to have a fire drill so for some reason the alarm wasn't going off the lunch ladies decided it would be a good idea to set something in the kitchen on far to make the alarm go off if they burned a good majority of the lunch that was supposed to be served that day my high school was a bit on the sketchy side one during my sophomore year there was a fire and despite all the fire drills we'd being doing since kindergarten no one really knew what to do some students made their way ten blocks away to a Wendy's and a wall bombs where they proceeded to rob both two at the end of my junior year this sophomore through his freshman girlfriend threw a display case she ended up with 13 stitches and he got a lovely pair of handcuffs comma some students made their way ten blocks away to a Wendy's and a wall bombs where they proceeded to rob both well that took a tenner I wasn't expecting when I was in grade 9 I was sitting in the computer lab working in during the communications class all of the sudden we hear this loud revving getting louder and louder something passing by very quickly then fading away our teacher ran out of the room after it and crike I had no idea the man could move that quickly I was in crutches due to a sports injury so I had to hobble out behind the rest of the class as we tried to find out what was going on but apparently one of seniors brought an ATV to school and drove through the halls what was legendary was that he somehow was never caught a guy from my high school thought it would be a great idea to streak through the halls on the last day of school after running around black ass naked people who witnessed it began whispering about some guy streaking pretty soon the entire school was talking about this unknown mystery guy who ran around with his dong out biology teacher witnessed it and said maybe it's just chilly today but he isn't very well endowed soon after he went to the front office and turned himself in he apparently walked into a room full of administrators all women and just said it was me they all busted out laughing and said just don't do it again kay when I did that I ended up bodychecking a girl that didn't get out of my way and getting yelled at by the RCMP still totally worth it my school was featured on tosh.o at one point it was the video where the teacher broke up a fight between two girls by bodychecking her into the ground Jeff jumped off the roof of the chapel into a dumpster filled with empty cardboard boxes two 50-foot drop 8x8 dumpster welcome to jackass our school has a huge statue of the Mustang at the front because our mascot is a Mustang it's about 40 feet up above the entryway so everyone sees it when they come in one morning there was a bright pink dildo on it because Mustangs are male and our huge statue was neutered it took them a while to get it off of there because they didn't want to ruin the statue will leave any piece of the evidence behind and it was too heavy to remove from its place so there it stayed with a banner hung across the entryway blocking the statue nobody knows who did it except for the masterminds of the crime ha - came a while to get it off my first day of high school I was starting at a whole new neighborhood from moving and knew no one so I kept to myself I didn't handle crowds all too well but I mustered the courage to get out of bed and get ready for school I ran downstairs and talked to my dad about what I expected to get out of the day and ate breakfast I walked out to the corner to catch the school bus and that was awful nowhere to sit as everyone felt the age had their own dang seat story short I made it to school as soon as we made it to the school I started walking to my locker there were so many people I was about to lose my mind and I asked myself if it could get any worse it did a girl bumped me from behind to get ahead to catch up with someone in one swift action she ripped off her backpack and unzipped it to pull out a kitchen knife to stab the girl directly in front of me right in the back I froze I couldn't breathe I felt dizzy I turned around and walked straight home I lived about 10 miles away I just kept walking I never looked back I just wanted to make it crawl upstairs and sleep in one hot day in June when I was in sixth seventh grade there was basically a riot at our school pretty much every kid in the school at lunch recess gathered at the office entrance to the school and started chanting it's too hot we want to go home it was pretty incredible a teacher at one point came out and said we're calling the police to no avail finally the bell rang and everyone cheered and went inside no one I've talked to remembers this event should have turned the hose against them a student accidentally brought dialed his mother while the class was watching platoon the SWAT team showed up I wish my school got to watch platoon I had to watch it on my own time seems like every couple months you practice fire drills and one day the alarm goes off we start making our way down the stairwell and there is smoke I get outside and say to somebody Wow they make these fire drills so realistic smoke and everything the reply I got back was the school really is on fire so yeah my school caught on fire that was legendary I'm not the brightest tool in the shed well I guess that's what the random drills are for if you don't know the school is actually on fire you'll leave in an orderly fashion kid gets yelled at runs out off school into the woods helicopters come and search for hours for the kid school goes on lockdown SWAT team finds him a mile away eating Snickers in the woods comes back next week like nothing happened I saw the whole thing out the window very crazy happened last month for five consecutive Halloween's in a row someone managed to set off a smoke bomb in one of the stairwells causing the school to have to be let out early they do it just off to lunch after most everyone had just entered their first afternoon class it was amazing like freakier getting to go home two hours early on Halloween a massive roman candle fight involving about 50 kids in the middle of the field on Halloween night they filmed parts of Ferris Bueller's Day Off there we used to have school sports on a Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon and all of them required people to change into their sport uniform all except one ten pin bowling because of this ten pin bowling was very popular among people who couldn't be bothered getting changed one day when I was in year eight a guy in my year bet another kid $10 that he wouldn't take a crap on the bathroom floor of the bowling alley so naturally the kid who is pretty stupid agrees with the bet and promptly shoots on the bathroom floor pretty soon after that it becomes obvious who took a crap on the floor and both the guy who offered the money and the guy who took the crap both get into a lot of trouble the saddest part about this story is that he never even got the $10 wait I'm confused about how not having a uniform for ten pin bowling has anything to do with pooping on the floor these dogs are hugging and they want a huge you to comment hug me if you want some dog hugs if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Id: 9KN59TDF1lo
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Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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