Highschool Parties Were The Best! (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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read it what's the craziest thing that happened in a party during your high school college years I saw a 140 pound french-canadian terror sink out of a wall run outside and smash it into pieces against a tree by the time we'd woken up the next morning he'd already gone to Home Depot bought a new sink and installed it in the bathroom French at night Canadian by day one of my friends and I were at a house party she drank eight shots of tequila one right after the other and then proceeded to have bareback anal intercourse on the front lawn while everyone watched not one of her finest moments she's a Mormon now apparently I got pee drunk and wandered off to McDonald's which was like a mile off campus I don't remember even leaving but I got to call a week later from the McDonald's saying I didn't get the job because I didn't go to the interview I guess in my drunken state I got there and realized I had no money so I must have sat there and applied for a job didn't remember a thing that's probably how most people started working at McDonald's got busted by a police helicopter while drinking at the lake spotlight innocent and yelled at us over a bullhorn to stay still while six offices complete with two k-9 units came down to where we were gathered everybody up walked us to where we parked our cars searched us cited one kid for having weed and then let us all go it was pretty surreal last year a few of my friends hosted a party at their house the toilet got clogged and everyone just kept using it and layering toilet paper up eventually rendering the toilet useless so now everyone who had to pee did so in the bathtub same thing happened and now the bathtub is clogged by the time any of the guys who lived there heard about it and walked towards the bathroom to investigate you have to walk past the laundry room to get there they see a girl sitting on the dryer taking a pee in it she claimed multiple girls did it right before her so she thought it was okay I had a friend who lucked into a very well-paying job right out of high school he would pay for hotel rooms to party in as we all still lived with our parents and it was a cool thing to do I guess we had a party one night when Nickelback was playing in our city and the opening band was the troops we didn't really care about the show we just happened to want a party that night around 2:00 a.m. I left the room for some reason and there was a super drunk dude carrying a bus bin full of booze he insisted I was the guy from the truth and followed me back to the room and got us all extra drunk we kept saying we weren't the truths but he really thought we were and at the end of the night well early morning he left and said he was a huge fan and it was an honor to party with his favorite band and he drove all the way from Ontario to see us so somewhere in Ontario there's a guy who tells all his buddies and he partied with the truth I was issued a citation for illegally selling hotdogs during which I was tripping on acid one of my best friends was thrown out of a window naked while hooking up with a girl that's like the Holy Grail for people with a defenestration fetish the host of the party decided to get into his unregistered car without license plates without insurance and without a license and as drunk as the day is long he drove the wrong way through a roundabout and ran into a road sign his best friend then screamed his name across the road and neighbor called the cops told them his name etc he was taken in and blood tested with 2.2 mil he was let go but he can't apply for a licence until 2018 - girls screwed each other simultaneously with a banana one on each end at a party while a bunch of guys stood around and cheered the next morning some hungover guy actually ate that Brown bruised sticky banana invite a friend over to drink late night ten minutes later he calls us saying he's in the living room he's nowhere to be found look outside to see two cop cars and his car in the neighbor's driveway turns out he walked into my friend's neighbor's house pee drunk asking well we were at like 2:00 a.m. a girl got drunk and passed out some guys pooped on her face and took pictures this happened two three years ago she has a lot of Twitter followers now HS my house party guy asks me if he can shoot some other kid and shows me 0.45 I tell him not on my property and not at my party he apparently respected that later he gets drunk and cuts his own stomach open about 1 inch deep 8 inches wide you can clearly see each layer of skin and fat he then goes around talking with it like it's Jim Carrey's rectum we eventually convinced him much later to go to the hospital as he previously refused because he was afraid they were going to commit him to the psych ward but by then they told him it had been too long and they could only Deb ride and dress it he has a massive scar there now although he's much more sane and stable these days two guys fought over a homely girl one later pulled a knife one the other while he was asleep and stabbed him through the neck guy walked into the party no one knew him he walked around for a few minutes then cooled out a gun shot the refridgerator two times and then calmly walked out this one drunk girl had a fetish of getting peed on there was a circle of guys just peeing on her I kinda notes right out of the party dude you missed a golden opportunity college guy goes upstairs to pass out girl is already in the bed of his choosing amazing Frick sounds morning-after horrible screaming guy and girl turn out to be siblings was at a Halloween party and passed out on top of a cooler I was awakened by my friends saying the cops were there and we had to run sir my friends and I were dressed up as a geisha girl Cinderella Abbi CAD will be in Tinkerbell all running down the road trying to avoid an myth we make it to a 7-eleven and call my friend's boyfriend to take us home he shows up dressed as Batman and drunk he drives us home and on his way home gets pulled over and flees on foot he then goes home and reports that someone in a Batman costume stole his Jeep and got away with it for a break from college my friends all got together for a small party one of my best friends brought her new boyfriend that none of us had met I guess he was really nervous and trying to show off because he challenged all the guys there to a shot contest in which he claimed he could take three shots for everyone when they took and still not get drunk well you can imagine how that ended up he got obliterated long story short he ended up breaking a marble table how choking out his girlfriend our friend right in front of us and ultimately pulling a gun on the guys that tried to drive him home essentially creating a small-scale hostage situation in front of the house scariest night of my life not knowing if my friends were going to get shot as we were hiding inside the locked house luckily the cops came with no problems and he spent a week or two in jail I saw a dude on drugs eat some guy's ear we were having the good old parties back in college when a guy outside went crazy he literally ripped the dude's Iravan started munching on that little sucker the foreign exchange student from Sweden took too much MDMA and ended up dancing in the living room with his pants and briefs pulled down there he was in the living room of a massive party with his tiny little Gong swaying back and forth he was kicked out and kept coming back dancing with his pants at his ankles he came back the next day to apologize it was his first week being a foreign exchange student at our school yes Amin was made the images literally engrained into my psyche his dome was so small pill dong buddy if you take MD you will have a baby dong for the remainder of the evening I was invited artha pond a friend of mine thought it would be hilarious to take a crap from a tree so he climbed up about 25 feet dangled by his legs around a branch then proceeded to drop a huge fudge dragon right into the back of his white t-shirt that he was wearing rave party in a church some half brown dreadlocks dude in a Jesus costume flicked a girl in the priests booth above the DJ stage so anyway one time I went down to visit my friends in Cork two of them were twins and were throwing 1/18 it was a great night and everyone got very drunk around four everyone started to look for a place to sleep unfortunately one of the rooms containing three beds and a few sleeping bags had been occupied by one of the twins and his girlfriend so 14 of us had to all pile into one double bed I was sleeping in between one of the twins and another friend of mine he was talking non-stop with some girl but I didn't mind because I had somewhere to sleep about half for I'm talking to my friend when his face suddenly turns white from behind me I hear a slow creaking sound it slowly gets louder I was in shock after a minute he stops and I hear a sigh I hold up my hand and he high-five s me and that is how my friend lost his virginity in high school after our track team won the county title which we weren't supposed to win we all wanted to get smashed but had nowhere to do so that's when one of the seniors suggested that we drink at the abandoned house across the street from his it wasn't really abandoned it was fully furnished just didn't have the electricity on him the owners had been here for a few months according to him the party itself was pretty cool a majority of the people brought lanterns flashlights along with booze it started getting out of hand and at its peak about 150 people were there which isn't really huge but for our high school was quite large that's about when the cops showed up which was standard practice for our parties we all booked it and since most of us were in peak physical condition the cops pretty much gave up chasing us after a block all of us got away except my best friend in his escape he jumped out a first storey window and landed on a cop he pretty much just gave up at that point entire party of nine or ten people gradually got naked and then flicked a lot a guy peeing out the window of the door accidentally playing sprinkle the pig with a police officer in the process then hidden the women's shower room until the cot left okay that guy was me some guy I had never met tagged along with his friends I barely knew to a party at my house got drunk took ketamine apparently ate as any bar and disappeared the next morning we bumped into my neighbor who told me she scared off a homeless man jumping on her kids trampoline in her fenced-in yard he tried to steal her cat and then scaled the fence and booked it same guy apparently a couple of friends and myself ripped up a stop sign and used it as a battering ram to open a door to her party a friend's girlfriend lived in a house with a bunch of people they had pretty big Halloween parties that I attended with my roommates one year myself my bf and roommate decided to stay the night because we were not in the position to drive home there were a lot of other guests who spent the night as well at about 3 a.m. I was woken up to some loud pounding downstairs the house was all hardwood floor so even walking made loud noises but this was really loud but sounded like some of the guys downstairs were running and wrestling all of a sudden the pounding stopped and not too long afterward there were sirens within minutes the house was surrounding by police fire trucks and ambulances the police evacuated everyone from the house about 20 of us and we all sat outside in our PJs while the police investigated inside they then told us that one of our friends went into cardiac arrest in that another friend was arrested for assault they then brought us in one by one to get statements it was around 6 a.m. at this time that all emergency personnel left the house and we were stuck cleaning up the blood and mess in the kitchen last time I checked in the guy was still in a coma my theory is that the guys were super drunk and were charging at each other one guy got hit too hard and it stopped his heart the guy who hit him must have panicked and got physical once the cops showed up so he got arrested for assault I was at a party at my buddy's house it was about 2:00 a.m. and we were just chilling on the couch smoking weed there's a cute drunk chick we didn't know passed out on the couch in the midst of our smoke session this chick stands up in the middle of the living room her eyes were closed and she was wobbling all over the place we start telling her to lay back down but in our state none of us was about to get the couch then out of frickin nowhere she starts taking off her pants there's like six office dudes and were all high as Frick watching this attractive drunk girls draped she pulls her panties down to her ankles and proceeds to crap on the frickin floor at first we didn't know what she was doing till we saw poop hit the deck at that point the six of us nearly died laughing I couldn't frickin breath watching this girl wobble and crap I was laughing so hard once she finished we helped her pull her pants back up also freaking hysterical we put her back on the couch and she was gone in the morning we told our buddy that lived there his dog crap in the living room he picked it up in the morning and to this day we still laugh about it College is awesome a bunch of fraternity brothers went to a concert where everyone was pee drunk at some point during the madness one of my friends got arrested and hauled off to the drunk tank after having already lost both his phone and wallet he couldn't be found so we headed back to the house having assumed he made his way back separately evidently when it came time for his one phone call he was too hammered to remember any numbers besides Jimmy John's which we all order constantly he called Jimmy John's and had them to deliver a sandwich to the house with a note saying he had been arrested and needed us to bring some identification and pick him up from jail my buddy who fled America to Canada came to a house party once everyone was downstairs he needed to pee but the bathroom downstairs was locked he ran upstairs while we stayed down I start to notice this liquid dripping down from event plopping on this superhot chicks hair I think nor it can't be then I see Jeremy come downstairs with this huge grin and giggling like a schoolgirl guess what he asked what I peed in the air vent of course I was super high and my friend and I were waiting to cross the street to go back to the house where the party was at we decided to jaywalk but of course we didn't look both ways so as I'm running across the street in the horn honks and I jump up to the sidewalk and I barely missed the car sir my friend asked if I was hit and I started to cry saying I just died I just died man this continued for five minutes and my friend called the police saying I died sir the cops all show up looking for a dead kid but I left the party about five minutes before the police showed up she got in a crap ton of trouble but I didn't even know until someone explained it to me a week later friend of mine was at a party the cops busted it was Halloween so everyone was in costume this one dude was dressed as Jack Sparrow cops come in and the guy who was super hammered at this point stands right next to an open window and says you'll always remember this as the day you almost caught Jack Sparrow proceeds to jump out the second-story window and break his leg funny as crap in 2008 I had a buddy that was at a party in Tuscaloosa Island woke up in Meridian Mississippi 90 miles away in some old lady's front yard and only his underwear and cellphone stuff's in his crotch I had to drive down from Huntsville AL about 200 miles to get him when I got to the sweet old lady's house he was on the front porch with a glass of sweet tea wearing her late husband's bathrobe to this day he still has no idea what happened and he still has the bathrobe you have been visited by the healthy spirit of exercise boy you will burn all calories today if you comment blessed be the health hound if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 110,074
Rating: 4.8916349 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, story, stories, tz reddit, toadfilms, best of
Id: gvyoa4hErzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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